Creating a guide to help people navigate issues with mental health, drugs, or alcohol. 


Project Timeline: May 2022 - May 2023

Team Members: Amy Behrens, Meg Peters, Melissa Eggleston, Mathias Rechtzigel, Dave Methvin, Aayat Ali, Chizobam Nwagwu, Michelle Polyak, Cass Olson, Aryeh Jacobsohn, Andrea Fletcher

Agency partners: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration, Department of Health and Human Services

“Finding the right care or provider can be a frustrating experience. We need to make it easier for Americans to both find help, and receive it.” 

—  Fact Sheet: President Biden to Announce Strategy to Address Our National Mental Health, 2022



Empower the 3 out of 10 people in the United States who have  issues with mental health, drugs, or alcohol to get the behavioral health services they need. When members of the general public don’t find the information they need, they rely on sources of questionable credibility, which can increase their feelings of frustration and hopelessness.


The Digital Service at CMS (DSAC) conducted six rounds of trauma-informed, qualitative research with over 60 participants from across the U.S., with a mix of online and in-person sessions. We interviewed people using Medicaid, who are uninsured, with no/low vision, who have experience with mental health or substance use issues, and/or who identify as LGBTQI+. 

In user research, we found that people lacked a reliable, trustworthy place for information about how to navigate the behavioral health care system. We then created a website to address the needs of people looking for support and treatment. 

Through an iterative process, the team incorporated feedback from user research as well as over 50 subject matter experts across the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the White House Domestic Policy Council, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the U.S. Department of Defense, and non-profit partners to build is a plain language, accessible resources that: 

  • Guides people through common questions when they are at the start of their journey.
  • Navigates people to find a health care professional or program that meets their needs, particularly around insurance.
  • Helps people ask better questions of their health care professionals so that they can feel confident going into treatment.
  • Is structured to answer top behavioral health questions of search engines, so that SAMHSA is positioned to provide trusted content to people in the U.S. 


A website and smart phone mockup displaying in english


Impact launched in May 2023 during Mental Health Awareness Month. Post-launch feedback indicates that this tool addresses a gap in available resources. 

The site received over 111,000 views in its first four months with over one third of all visitors continuing to another page. One of the core pages of has resources for people in crisis. That page is now linked to from every page on and has received over 15,000 views in 4 months.

As of September 2023, the site is also available in Spanish at

The White House posting on social media "The Biden-Harris Administration is providing Americans struggling with mental health, with the support they need to heal, recover, and thrive. To find help 24/7, call 1-800-622-HELP or visit
A website and smart phone mockup displaying in spanish

“CMS is committed to ensuring everyone can take care of their mental health just as easily as they get treated for a broken bone. will help us achieve that goal so that every American can find the right provider. A problem this significant requires everyone to get involved, and I’m proud to join with my colleagues from across HHS in support of the millions of people who need our support.” 

- CMS Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, May 5, 2023 press release

“Will you let me know when this is done? I’d like to have it.” 

- Member of the public from Moorhead, Minnesota

“This is awesome. Really useful. Keep it up. I wish I had this 8 yrs ago.” 

- Member of the Public from Arizona

“Improving access to mental health and substance use services for the public remains central to SAMHSA’s mission and vision.By launching this new web resource, we are improving the customer experience of government programs and services by making often confusing but important information easy to understand and act on for all Americans. At SAMHSA, we are thrilled to host this resource that will help people find the support they need.” 

– SAMHSA Administrator Miriam E. Delphin-Rittmon, Ph.D. May 5, 2023 press release 

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02/20/2024 10:03 AM