Data Tools for Researchers

Data Tools for Researchers




MMCO Data Tools

The CMS Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office (MMCO) developed special tools to help you study health care utilization, expenditures, health status, and other characteristics of people who are enrolled in both Medicare and Medicaid.

  • MMLEADS PUF - Medicare-Medicaid Linked Enrollee Analytic Data Source, version 2.0 Public Use File (MMLEADS PUF V2.0 (XLSX)) (2006-2012):
    • Free Public Use File (PUF) Excel document
    • Makes the data within the CCW-hosted MMLEADS-v2.0 accessible to everyone, irrespective of technical readiness to analyze the files
    • Has summary information for full and partial benefit Medicare-Medicaid enrollees as well as Medicare-only and Medicaid-only with disability
    • Has information on eligibility, enrollment, cost, use, and broad array of health, mental health, and disability-related conditions
    • Is available for all states and the nation as a whole, for years 2006 through 2012
  • MMLEADS - Medicare-Medicaid Linked Enrollee Analytic Data Source, version 2.0 (MMLEADS-v2.0):
  • Chronic Condition Data Warehouse (CCW) Condition Flags (CCW Condition Flags)
    • CMS' database of multiple chronic condition indicators or variables (i.e., "flags") on all beneficiaries in the Medicare, Medicaid and Medicare-Medicaid dually enrolled populations
    • All flags are available for calendar years 2000 through 2012
    • Medicare-only flags are also available for more recent data
    • Condition indicators built from Medicare and Medicaid claims data across the following two sets:
      • Set 1: CCW Chronic Conditions (original set)
      • Set 2: Other Chronic or Potentially Disabling Conditions (developed by MMCO), including:
        • New! (as of September, 2018) Opioid Use Disorder (OUD), Utilization of Medication-Assisted Therapy (MAT) for OUD, and Opioid-related Hospitalizations/Emergency Department (ED) visits
        • 8 Mental health conditions
        • 14 disability-related conditions (intellectual, developmental, and physical)
        • Alcohol use disorder, Drug use disorder, and Tobacco use disorder
        • Pain-related conditions (Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain and Chronic Fatigue, Migraine and Other Chronic Headache)
        • HIV/AIDS*
        • 8 Viral Hepatitis conditions
        • Other conditions (e.g., Leukemia and Lymphoma, Liver-related conditions (excluding Hepatitis), Obesity, Pressure Ulcers and Chronic Ulcer, Peripheral Vascular Disease)

*In addition to the HIV/AIDS flag, there are six additional HIV/AIDS-related flags: HIV Screening; Antiretroviral Medication Use; HIV/AIDS Health Care Services Contact; HIV/AIDS program participation; SSA Disability-Qualifying Primary and Secondary Diagnoses.*

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Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:08 PM