Trend Reports

Trend Reports

This page was added due to popular request at the Sep 2004 Enrollment conference. It contains several useful trend and competition indicators. Certain files will be updated monthly while others will be updated quarterly. This page Contains links to the following 4 Excel files:

13 Month Trend Report 

(Zipped Excel and cvs files 127K) Updated 11-02-2005

Note: The typically 1% difference among CMS reports on monthly plan enrollment is due to different run times. Despite these differences, growth indicators tend to be very stable. Therefore, the data is reliable and can be used for projections. Effective September 2005 the 13-month report will contain snapshots from two components of the CMS data system.

  • This file contains all Medicare Advantage Plans.
  • This file contains 13 Months of enrollments for each plan.
  • The file contains two trend indicators:
    • Current Month Growth and
    • Month Growth over year
  • (Eff 9-05) This file contains 13-month snapshots from two components of the CMS data system
    The file also contains for each plan: Regional Office, Effective Date Organization Type, Geographic Region

Trends By State By Quarter Report 

(Zipped Excel file 30K) Updated 10-17-2005

The file contains trends for all 50 states and some protectorates.
For each state and each quarter the file contains:

  • total state eligibles
  • total state Medicare Advantage Enrollment
  • Penetration

The file contains excel bar charts showing trends in Penetration for the year.
The file is organized by the 10, Center For Medicare And Medicaid Services, Regional Offices. Each Regional Office oversees several states.

Competition Macro by Plan / Counties

The Competition Macro may be found in the Geographic Service Area file which is linked to the HealthPlans/ReportFilesData page. The competition macro enables one to review:

  • Enrollment, eligibles and penetration
    • for all plans
    • and/or for all relevant counties
    • In a given area of counties

By RO Type Report 

(Zipped Excel and csv files 87K) Updated 11-02-2005

Note: The 1% difference among CMS reports in July 2005 total plan enrollment is due to different run times. These run time differences will be corrected in the future. The By RO Type report presents:

  • Both the Number and Percent of
  • Both Medicare Advantage Organizations and Enrollees
  • By Regional Office and Organization Type
Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:04 PM