Commercial Repayment Center Portal

Commercial Repayment Center Portal

Commercial Repayment Center Portal

The Commercial Repayment Center Portal (CRCP) is a web-based tool designed to provide Employers, Insurers, and Third Party Administrators with a way to manage their Group Health Plan (GHP) recovery activities electronically.

CMS has made available a curriculum of computer-based training (CBT) courses for the CRCP. These courses provide in-depth training on use of the CRCP. You can access or download these CBTs from the Downloads section near the bottom of this page. Please see the CRCP Curriculum document for a complete listing of the courses and their descriptions. If you have any questions or feedback on this material, please click the Training Feedback link.

CRCP Features & Benefits:

The CRCP provides you with the following features and related benefits:

  • Search for open Demand Letters and view beneficiaries/cases associated to a particular demand
  • Associate/add beneficiaries/cases to a defense
  • Upload and submit defense documentation
  • Make an Electronic Payment via using ACH (banking information), debit card, and PayPal
  • Track case information, including financial status, defense status and correspondence history
  • Submit correspondence for any case that has not been referred to Treasury
  • Option to sign in using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to view unmasked data
  • Ability to view letters
  • The option to “Go Paperless”

The nature of the portal allows for faster processing of submissions and gives users the ability to manage and track cases nearly in real time. Any data collected through the portal is then sent to the Commercial Repayment Center (CRC) to aid in the resolution of GHP recovery efforts.

How to Access the CRCP

The CRCP can be accessed using the following CRCP Application link However, registration must occur before access to the CRCP is permitted.

CRCP User Guide

The CRCP User Guide was written to help you understand how to use the CRCP. The User Manual is available under the ‘Reference Material’ menu option of the CRCP application.

Assistance with CRCP Issues

For questions related to a Case, including TIN and Letter ID values are not a valid combination, case status updates and current balance information, please contact the CRC at 1-855-798-2627 (TTY/TDD: 1-855-797-2627 for the hearing and speech impaired).

For problems related to registration or other technical issues, please contact the Benefits Coordination & Recovery Center (BCRC) EDI Department at 1-646-458-6740.

ID Title Type Description
CRCP Curriculum
A listing of CRCP courses and their descriptions.
Submitting Defenses
This course explains how to Submit Defenses, Upload Defense Documentation, and View Submitted Defenses.
Benefits of Using the CRCP
This course explains the benefits and basic functions of the CRCP.
Application Overview
This course provides a brief overview on how the CRCP can be used to view demand and case/beneficiary information, respond to demands and respond to Primary Payment Notices (PPNs). It includes summary level information on how to get started using the appl...
New Registration (PIN Request)
The CRCP requires a two-step process to register and setup a new account: Step 1: Personal Identification Number (PIN) Request and Step 2: Account Setup. This module reviews the PIN Request process, including the CRCP User Roles and next steps after PIN ...
Account Setup
This module explains what is required to complete Account Setup and the steps to follow once the Account Setup has been completed.
Account Designee Maintenance
This course explains how the Account Manager can invite/add individuals (Account Designees) to assist with a CRCP account. It describes how to update Account Designee information and how to re-generate the invitation e-mail. It also explains how to delete...
Account Designee Access
This course explains the basic registration process a new user will follow to become an Account Designee, (i.e., how you will set up your Login ID and Password) and the basic CRCP functions accessed once registered.
User and Account Information
This course explains how an Account Manager or Account Designee can update their personal information, change their Password, retrieve a forgotten Login ID/Password and view account activity and associated Tax Identification Numbers (TINs). It also expla...
This course explains how to provide a response to a demand by submitting defense documents on the CRCP. It also shows how to view information on previously submitted defenses.
Case Information
This course explains how to view case specific information for a beneficiary included in a demand. It describes how to use the Case Information page to see the following case-related information: beneficiary, demand, employer and insurer, financial, lett...
Request Letter Access
This course explains how to use the Request Letter Access process to associate data related to a letter to your CRCP account. It also explains how to remove letter information that was incorrectly associated to your CRCP account.
Electronic Payment
This course will explain how CRCP users can initiate payment. Users will be directed to with the payment amounts that can be paid using ACH (banking account information), debit card, and PayPal. This course also informs users that credit card pay...
Multi-Factor Authentication Process
Multi-Factor Authentication Process
Page Last Modified:
09/06/2023 04:57 PM