

An acronym is a term formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the major parts of a compound term. This list explains acronyms found on the web site and other acronyms that are commonly used. This list is not a legal document. Select one of the following letters to view the list of acronyms that begins with that letter.

11-20 of 4420
Glossary and Acronyms
Acronym Term Sort descending
ACE (Carrier) Automated Claims Examination
CLOE (Carrier) Claims Only Entry System
CDB (Carrier) Correspondence Database System
CCU (Carrier) Cost Containment Unit
MPR (carrier) Master Procedure Record
NAV (Carrier) Name & Address Verification
PCRS (Carrier) Performance Control Reporting System
QAHB (Carrier) Quality Assurance Program Handbook
RE (Carrier) Reasonable Expectancies (or Expectations)
SOR (Carrier) Section Operating Report