What is the Medicare COVID-19 Hospitalization Trends Report?
Our Medicare COVID-19 Hospitalization Trends Report gives you aggregate data and visuals from Medicare Fee-for-Service claims data, Medicare Advantage encounter data, and Medicare enrollment information. Additionally, a data file provides deeper levels of insight around the groups of beneficiaries that were hospitalized at different points during the pandemic.
All data in this report and accompanying data file are preliminary.
Where can I learn more about the data?
Methodology (PDF)
This methodology document (PDF) gives more details about the metrics included in the Medicare COVID-19 Hospitalization Trends Report and data file.
The information contained here includes the data used to produce the Medicare COVID-19 Hospitalization Trends Report. The data file also includes more detailed information than what is presented in the report, allowing users to perform their own analyses with the data.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs) (PDF)
Here are FAQs (PDF) about the Medicare COVID-19 Hospitalization Trends Report and data file.