CMS RIF REPORT AS OF: 10/31/2019 NAME LENGTH BEG END CONTENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** HCPCS Contractor Record - 2020 320 1 320 REC 2020 Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Contractor record description. STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_CNTRCTR_20_REC SYSTEM ALIAS : HCPCS20C 1. Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System Code 5 1 5 CHAR The Healthcare Common Prodecure Coding System (HCPCS) is a collection of codes that represent procedures, supplies, products and services which may be provided to Medicare beneficiaries and to individuals enrolled in private health insurance programs. The codes are divided into two levels, or groups, as described Below: Level I Codes and descriptors copyrighted by the American Medical Association's current procedural terminology, fourth edition (CPT-4). These are 5 position numeric codes representing physician and nonphysician services. **** NOTE: **** CPT-4 codes including both long and short descriptions shall be used in accordance with the CMS/AMA agreement. Any other use violates the AMA copyright. Level II Includes codes and descriptors copyrighted by the American Dental Association's current dental terminology, (CDT-2020). These are 5 position alpha-numeric codes comprising the d series. All level II codes and descriptors are approved and maintained jointly by the alpha-numeric editorial panel (consisting of CMS, the Health Insurance Association of America, and the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association). These are 5 position alpha- numeric codes representing primarily items and nonphysician services that are not represented in the level I codes. DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED SAS ALIAS : HCPCS_CD STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_CD TITLE ALIAS : HCPCS_CD LENGTH : 5 2. HCPCS Code Redefinition Group 5 1 5 GRP REDEFINE : HCPCS_CD 3. FILLER CHAR 3 1 3 DB2 ALIAS : FILLER LENGTH : 3 4. HCPCS Modifier Code 2 4 5 CHAR A modifier provides the means by which the reporting physician or provider can indicate that a service or procedure that has been performed has been altered by some specific circumstance but not changed in its definition or code. The judicious application of modifiers obviates the necessity for separate procedure listings that may describe the modifying circumstance. Modifiers may be used to indicate to the recipient of a report that: > A service or procedure has both a professional and technical component. > A service or procedure was performed by more than one physician and/or in more than one location. > A service or procedure has been increased or reduced. > Only part of a service was performed. > An adjunctive service was performed. > A bilateral procedure was performed. > A service or procedure was provided more than once. > Unusual events occurred. HCPCS modifier codes are divided into two levels, or groups, as described below: Level I Codes and descriptors copyrighted by the American Medical Association's current procedural terminology, fourth edition (CPT-4). These are 2 position numeric codes. **** NOTE: **** CPT-4 codes including long, short and consumer friendly descriptions shall be used in accordance with the CMS/AMA agreement. Any other use violates the AMA copyright. Level II Codes and descriptors approved and maintained jointly by the alpha-numeric editorial panel (consisting of CMS, the Health Insurance Association of America, and the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association). These are 2 position alpha-numeric codes. DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED SAS ALIAS : MDFR STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_MDFR_CD LENGTH : 2 SOURCE : CMS 5. HCPCS Sequence Number 5 6 10 NUM Sequence number by 100s. Used to group procedure or modifier codes together. DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_SQNC_NUM LENGTH : 5 SIGNED : N 6. HCPCS Record Identification Code 1 11 11 CHAR Code to identify record type DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED SAS ALIAS : RIC STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_REC_IDENT_CD LENGTH : 1 CODES : 3 = First line of procedure record also contains detail information in positions 92-275 4 = Second, third, fourth, etc., Description of procedure record. No detail information in positions 92-275 7 = First line of modifier record also contains detail information in positions 92-275 8 = Second, third, fourth, etc., Description of modifier record. No detail information in positions 92-275 7. HCPCS Long Description 80 12 91 CHAR Contains all text of procedure or modifier long descriptions. As of 2013, this field contains the consumer friendly descriptions for the AMA CPT codes. The AMA owns the copyright on the CPT codes and descriptions; CPT codes and descriptions are not public property and must always be used in compliance with copyright law. DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED SAS ALIAS : DESC_TXT STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_LONG_DESC_TXT LENGTH : 80 8. HCPCS Short Description 28 92 119 CHAR Short descriptive text of procedure or modifier code (28 characters or less). The AMA owns the copyright on the CPT codes and descriptions; CPT codes and descriptions are not public property and must always be used in compliance with copyright law. DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED SAS ALIAS : SHRTDESC STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_SHRT_DESC_TXT TITLE ALIAS : HCPCS_SHORT_DESC_TEXT LENGTH : 28 9. HCPCS Pricing Indicator Code 2 120 121 CHAR Code used to identify the appropriate methodology for developing unique pricing amounts under part B. A procedure may have one to four pricing codes. DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED SAS ALIAS : PRCNGCD STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_PRCNG_IND_CD LENGTH : 2 CODES : 00 = Service not separately priced by part B (e.G., services not covered, bundled, used by part a only, etc.) Physician Fee Schedule And Non-Physician Practitioners ------------------------------------------------------ Linked To The Physician Fee Schedule ------------------------------------ 11 = Price established using national rvu's 12 = Price established using national anesthesia base units 13 = Price established by carriers (e.G., not otherwise classified, individual determination, carrier discretion) Clinical Lab Fee Schedule ------------------------- 21 = Price subject to national limitation amount 22 = Price established by carriers (e.G., gap-fills, carrier established panels) Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, -------------------------------------------------- Supplies And Surgical Dressings ------------------------------- 31 = Frequently serviced DME (price subject to floors and ceilings) 32 = Inexpensive & routinely purchased DME (price subject to floors and ceilings) 33 = Oxygen and oxygen equipment (price subject to floors and ceilings) 34 = DME supplies (price subject to floors and ceilings) 35 = Surgical dressings (price subject to floors and ceilings) 36 = Capped rental DME (price subject to floors and ceilings) 37 = Ostomy, tracheostomy and urological supplies (price subject to floors and ceilings) 38 = Orthotics, prosthetics, prosthetic devices & vision services (price subject to floors and ceilings) 39 = Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 45 = Customized DME items 46 = Carrier priced (e.g., not otherwise classified, individual determination, carrier discretion, gap-filled amounts) Other ----- 51 = Drugs 52 = Reasonable charge 53 = Statute 54 = Vaccinations 55 = Splints and Casts (effec 10/1/2014) 56 = IOL's inserted in a physician's office (eff 10/1/2014) 57 = Other carrier priced 99 = Value not established OCCURS MIN: 1 OCCURS MAX: 4 10. HCPCS Multiple Pricing Indicator Code 1 128 128 CHAR Code used to identify instances where a procedure could be priced under multiple methodologies. DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED SAS ALIAS : MULTCD STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_MLTPL_PRCNG_IND_CD LENGTH : 1 CODES : 9 = Not applicable as HCPCS not priced separately by part B (pricing indicator is 00) or value is not established (pricing indicator is '99') A = Not applicable as HCPCS priced under one methodology B = Professional component of HCPCS priced using RVU's, while technical component and global service priced by Medicare part B carriers C = Physician interpretation of clinical lab service is priced under physician fee schedule using RVU's, while pricing of lab service is paid under clinical lab fee schedule D = Service performed by physician is priced under physician fee schedule using RVU's, while service performed by clinical psychologist is priced under clinical psychologist fee schedule (not applicable as of January 1, 1998) E = Service performed by physician is priced under physician fee schedule using RVU's, service performed by clinical psychologist is priced under clinical psychologist's fee schedule and service performed by clinical social worker is priced under clinical social worker fee schedule (not applicable as of January 1, 1998) F = Service performed by physician is priced under physician fee schedule by carriers, service performed by clinical psychologist is priced under clinical psychologist's fee schedule and service performed by clinical social worker is priced under clinical social worker fee schedule (not applicable as of January 1, 1998) G = Clinical lab service priced under reasonable charge when service is submitted on claim with blood products, while service is priced under clinical lab fee schedule when there are no blood products on claim. 11. HCPCS Coverage Issues Manual Reference Section Number 6 129 134 CHAR Number identifying the reference section of the coverage issues manual. DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED SAS ALIAS : CIM STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_CIM_RFRNC_SECT_NUM LENGTH : 6 OCCURS MIN: 0 OCCURS MAX: 3 12. HCPCS Medicare Carriers Manual Reference Section Number 8 147 154 CHAR Number identifying a section of the Medicare carriers manual. DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED SAS ALIAS : MCM STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_MCM_RFRNC_SECT_NUM LENGTH : 8 OCCURS MIN: 0 OCCURS MAX: 3 13. HCPCS Statute Number 10 171 180 CHAR Number identifying statute reference for coverage or noncoverage of procedure or service. DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED SAS ALIAS : STATUTE STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_STATUTE_NUM LENGTH : 10 14. HCPCS Lab Certification Code 3 181 183 CHAR Code used to classify laboratory procedures according to the specialty certification categories listed by CMS. Any generally certified laboratory (e.g., 100) may perform any of the tests in its subgroups (e.g., 110, 120, etc.). DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED SAS ALIAS : LABCERT STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_LAB_CRTFCTN_CD LENGTH : 3 CODES : 010 = Histocompatibility testing 100 = Microbiology 110 = Bacteriology 115 = Mycobacteriology 120 = Mycology 130 = Parasitology 140 = Virology 150 = Other microbiology 200 = Diagnostic immunology 210 = Syphilis serology 220 = General immunology 300 = Chemistry 310 = Routine chemistry 320 = Urinalysis 330 = Endocrinology 340 = Toxicology 350 = Other chemistry 400 = Hematology 500 = Immunohematology 510 = Abo group & RH type 520 = Antibody detection (transfusion) 530 = Antibody detection (nontransfusion) 540 = Antibody identification 550 = Compatibility testing 560 = Other immunohematology 600 = Pathology 610 = Histopathology 620 = Oral pathology 630 = Cytology 800 = Radiobioassay 900 = Clinical cytogenetics OCCURS MIN: 0 OCCURS MAX: 8 15. HCPCS Cross Reference Code 5 205 209 CHAR An explicit reference crosswalking a deleted code or a code that is not valid for Medicare to a valid current code (or range of codes). DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED SAS ALIAS : XREF STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_XREF_CD LENGTH : 5 OCCURS MIN: 0 OCCURS MAX: 5 16. HCPCS Coverage Code 1 230 230 CHAR A code denoting Medicare coverage status. DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED SAS ALIAS : CVRG_CD STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_CVRG_CD LENGTH : 1 CODES : C = Carrier judgment D = Special coverage instructions apply I = Not payable by Medicare M = Non-covered by Medicare S = Non-covered by Medicare statute 17. HCPCS ASC Payment Group Code 2 231 232 CHAR The 'YY' indicator represents that this procedure is approved to be performed in an ambulatory surgical center. You must access the ASC tables on the mainframe or CMS website to get the dollar amounts. DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED SAS ALIAS : ASCIND STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_ASC_PMT_GRP_CD LENGTH : 2 EDIT RULES : CODE: YY BLANK = Not Approved For ASC 18. HCPCS ASC Payment Group Effective Date 8 233 240 NUM The date the procedure is assigned to the ASC payment group. DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED SAS ALIAS : ASCGRP STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_ASC_PMT_GRP_EFCTV_DT TITLE ALIAS : HCPCS_ASC_PMT_GROUP_EFCTV_DT LENGTH : 8 SIGNED : N EDIT RULES : YYYYMMDD 19. HCPCS MOG Payment Group Code 3 241 243 CHAR Medicare outpatient groups (MOG) payment group code DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED SAS ALIAS : MOGGRP STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_MOG_PMT_GRP_CD LENGTH : 3 COMMENTS : 1St digit indicates the body system 2nd digit is sequential numbering within the body system 3rd digit is the level of intensity where: '1', '2', '3' or '4' represents levels for a given group type '0' and '9' represent single level for a given group type CODES : No MOG applies 000 = No MOG applies Integumentary 102 = Level II needle biopsy/aspiration 112 = Level II incision and drainage 132 = Level II debridement/destruction 142 = Level II excision/biopsy 143 = Level III excision/biopsy 151 = Level I skin repair 152 = Level II skin repair 153 = Level III skin repair 160 = Incision/excision breast 169 = Breast reconstruction/mastectomy Musculoskeletal 201 = Level I skull and facial bone procedures 202 = Level II skull and facial bone procedures 211 = Level I hand musculoskeletal procedures 212 = Level II hand musculoskeletal procedures 221 = Level I foot musculoskeletal procedures 222 = Level II foot musculoskeletal procedures 231 = Level I musculoskeletal procedures 232 = Level II musculoskeletal procedures 233 = Level III musculoskeletal procedures 241 = Level I arthroscopy 242 = Level II arthroscopy 260 = Closed treatment fracture finger/toe/trunk 269 = Closed treatment fracture/dislocation/except finger/toe/trunk 270 = Open/percutaneous treatment fracture or dislocation 279 = Bone/joint manipulation under anesthesia 280 = Bunion procedures 289 = Arthroplasty 290 = Arthroplasty with prosthesis ENT/Respiratory/Cardiovascular/Lymphatic/Endocrine 302 = Level II ENT procedures 303 = Level III ENT procedures 304 = Level IV ENT procedures 309 = Implantation of cochlear device (ASC rate does not include cost of implant) 310 = Nasal cauterization/packing 319 = Tonsil/adenoid procedures 322 = Level II endoscopy upper airway 323 = Level III endoscopy upper airway 329 = Endoscopy lower airway 330 = Thoracentesis/lavage procedures 350 = Placement transvenous caths/cutdown 359 = Removal/revision, pacemaker/vascular device 360 = Vascular ligation 369 = Vascular repair/fistula construction 370 = Lymph node excisions 379 = Thyroid/lymphadenectomy procedures Digestive 400 = Esophageal dilation without endoscopy 410 = Esophagoscopy 421 = Level I upper GI endoscopy/intubation 422 = Level II upper GI endoscopy/intubation 429 = Lower GI endoscopy 430 = Anoscopy and diagnostic sigmoidoscopy 439 = Therapeutic proctosigmoidoscopy 440 = Small intestine endoscopy 449 = Percutaneous biliary endoscopic procedures 450 = Endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP) 460 = Hernia/hydrocele procedures 472 = Level II anal/rectal procedures 473 = Level III anal/rectal procedures 480 = Peritoneal and abdominal procedures 490 = Tube procedures Urinary/Genital 501 = Level I laparoscopy 502 = Level II laparoscopy 509 = Lithotripsy 511 = Level I cystourethroscopy and other genitourinary procedures 512 = Level II cystourethroscopy and other genitourinary procedures 513 = Level III cystourethroscopy and other genitourinary procedures 521 = Level I urethral procedures 522 = Level II urethral procedures 530 = Circumcision 539 = Penile procedures 540 = Insertion of penile prosthesis (ASC rate does include cost of implant) 549 = Testes/epididymis procedures 550 = Prostrate biopsy 562 = Level II female reproductive procedures 563 = Level III female reproductive procedures 570 = Surgical hysteroscopy 579 = D & C 580 = Spontaneous abortion 589 = Therapeutic abortion Nervous/Eye 602 = Level II nervous system injections 609 = Revision/removal neurological device 610 = Implantation of neurostimulator electrodes (ASC rate does not include cost of implant) 619 = Implantation of neurological devices (asc rate does not include cost of implant) 621 = Level I nerve procedures 622 = Level II nerve procedures 629 = Spinal tap 639 = Laser eye procedures except retinal 640 = Cataract procedures 649 = Cataract procedures with IOL insert (includes $150 insert) 651 = Level I anterior segment eye procedures 652 = Level II anterior segment eye procedures 659 = Corneal transplant (ASC rate includes price of transplant) 660 = Posterior segment eye procedures 669 = Strabismus/muscle procedures 673 = Level III eye procedure 674 = Level IV eye procedure 680 = Vitrectomy 689 = Implantation/replacement of intraitreal drug 20. HCPCS MOG Payment Policy Indicator 1 244 244 CHAR Indicator identifying whether a HCPCS code is subject to payment of an ASC facility fee, to a separate fee under another provision of Medicare, or to no fee at all. DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED SAS ALIAS : MOGIND STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_MOG_PMT_PLCY_IND_CD LENGTH : 1 CODES : 1 = ASC covered procedure 2 = Bundled service/no separate payment 3 = Excluded from ASC list 4 = Invalid code/90 day grace period 6 = Separate payment when furnished in an ASC 7 = ASC restricted coverage procedure 9 = ASC payment not applicable 21. HCPCS MOG Effective Date 8 245 252 NUM The date the procedure is assigned to the Medicare outpatient group (MOG) payment group. DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED SAS ALIAS : MOGDTE STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_MOG_PMT_GRP_EFCTV_DT LENGTH : 8 SIGNED : N EDIT RULES : YYYYMMDD 22. HCPCS Processing Note Number 4 253 256 CHAR Number identifying the processing note contained in Appendix A of the HCPCS manual. DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED SAS ALIAS : PROCNOTE STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_PRCSG_NOTE_NUM LENGTH : 4 23. HCPCS Berenson-Eggers Type Of Service Code 3 257 259 CHAR This field is valid beginning with 2003 data. The Berenson-Eggers Type of Service (BETOS) for the procedure code based on generally agreed upon clinically meaningful groupings of procedures and services. DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED SAS ALIAS : BETOS STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_BETOS_CD TITLE ALIAS : BETOS_CD LENGTH : 3 CODE TABLE : BETOS_TB 24. FILLER CHAR 1 260 260 DB2 ALIAS : FILLER LENGTH : 1 25. HCPCS Type Of Service Code 1 261 261 CHAR The carrier assigned CMS type of service which describes the particular kind(s) of service represented by the procedure code. DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED SAS ALIAS : TYPESRVC STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_TYPE_SRVC_CD LENGTH : 1 CODE TABLE : CMS_TYPE_SRVC_TB OCCURS MIN: 1 OCCURS MAX: 5 26. HCPCS Anesthesia Base Unit Quantity 3 266 268 NUM The base unit represents the level of intensity for anesthesia procedure services that reflects all activities except time. These activities include usual preoperative and post-operative visits, the administration of fluids and/or blood incident to anesthesia care, and monitering procedures. (Note: the payment amount for anesthesia services is based on a calculation using base unit, time units, and the conversion factor.) DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED SAS ALIAS : BASEUNIT STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_ANSTHSA_BASE_UNIT_QTY TITLE ALIAS : HCPCS_ANESTHESIA_BASE_UNIT_QTY LENGTH : 3 SIGNED : N 27. HCPCS Code Added Date 8 269 276 NUM The year the HCPCS code was added to the Healthcare common procedure coding system. DB2 ALIAS : HCPCS_CD_ADD_DT SAS ALIAS : ADD_DT STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_CD_ADD_DT LENGTH : 8 SIGNED : N EDIT RULES : YYYYMMDD 28. HCPCS Action Effective Date 8 277 284 NUM Effective date of action to a procedure or modifier code DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED SAS ALIAS : EFCTV_DT STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_ACTN_EFCTV_DT LENGTH : 8 SIGNED : N EDIT RULES : YYYYMMDD 29. HCPCS Termination Date 8 285 292 NUM Last date for which a procedure or modifier code may be used by Medicare providers. DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED SAS ALIAS : TERM_DT STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_TRMNTN_DT TITLE ALIAS : HCPCS_TERMINATION_DT LENGTH : 8 SIGNED : N EDIT RULES : YYYYMMDD 30. HCPCS Action Code 1 293 293 CHAR A code denoting the change made to a procedure or modifier code within the HCPCS system. DB2 ALIAS : UNDEFINED SAS ALIAS : ACTN_CD STANDARD ALIAS : HCPCS_ACTN_CD LENGTH : 1 CODES : A = Add procedure or modifier code B = Change in both administrative data field and long description of procedure or modifier code C = Change in long description of procedure or modifier code D = Discontinue procedure or modifier code F = Change in administrative data field of procedure or modifier code N = No maintenance for this code P = Payment change (MOG, pricing indicator codes, anesthesia base units,Ambulatory Surgical Centers) R = Re-activate discontinued/deleted procedure or modifier code S = Change in short description of procedure code T = Miscellaneous change (BETOS, type of service) 31. FILLER CHAR 27 294 320 DB2 ALIAS : FILLER LENGTH : 27 ******************************************************* TABLE OF CODES APPENDIX HCPCS_CTRTR_20_REC BETOS_TB BETOS Table M1A = Office visits - new M1B = Office visits - established M2A = Hospital visit - initial M2B = Hospital visit - subsequent M2C = Hospital visit - critical care M3 = Emergency room visit M4A = Home visit M4B = Nursing home visit M5A = Specialist - pathology M5B = Specialist - psychiatry M5C = Specialist - opthamology M5D = Specialist - other M6 = Consultations P0 = Anesthesia P1A = Major procedure - breast P1B = Major procedure - colectomy P1C = Major procedure - cholecystectomy P1D = Major procedure - turp P1E = Major procedure - hysterectomy P1F = Major procedure - explor/decompr/excisdisc P1G = Major procedure - Other P2A = Major procedure, cardiovascular-CABG P2B = Major procedure, cardiovascular-Aneurysm repair P2C = Major Procedure, cardiovascular-Thromboendarterectomy P2D = Major procedure, cardiovascualr-Coronary angioplasty (PTCA) P2E = Major procedure, cardiovascular-Pacemaker insertion P2F = Major procedure, cardiovascular-Other P3A = Major procedure, orthopedic - Hip fracture repair P3B = Major procedure, orthopedic - Hip replacement P3C = Major procedure, orthopedic - Knee replacement P3D = Major procedure, orthopedic - other P4A = Eye procedure - corneal transplant P4B = Eye procedure - cataract removal/lens insertion P4C = Eye procedure - retinal detachment P4D = Eye procedure - treatment of retinal lesions P4E = Eye procedure - other P5A = Ambulatory procedures - skin P5B = Ambulatory procedures - musculoskeletal P5C = Ambulatory procedures - inguinal hernia repair P5D = Ambulatory procedures - lithotripsy P5E = Ambulatory procedures - other P6A = Minor procedures - skin P6B = Minor procedures - musculoskeletal P6C = Minor procedures - other (Medicare fee schedule) P6D = Minor procedures - other (non-Medicare fee schedule) P7A = Oncology - radiation therapy P7B = Oncology - other P8A = Endoscopy - arthroscopy P8B = Endoscopy - upper gastrointestinal P8C = Endoscopy - sigmoidoscopy P8D = Endoscopy - colonoscopy P8E = Endoscopy - cystoscopy P8F = Endoscopy - bronchoscopy P8G = Endoscopy - laparoscopic cholecystectomy P8H = Endoscopy - laryngoscopy P8I = Endoscopy - other P9A = Dialysis services (medicare fee schedule) P9B = Dialysis services (non-medicare fee schedule) I1A = Standard imaging - chest I1B = Standard imaging - musculoskeletal I1C = Standard imaging - breast I1D = Standard imaging - contrast gastrointestinal I1E = Standard imaging - nuclear medicine I1F = Standard imaging - other I2A = Advanced imaging - CAT/CT/CTA: brain/head/neck I2B = Advanced imaging - CAT/CT/CTA: other I2C = Advanced imaging - MRI/MRA: brain/head/neck I2D = Advanced imaging - MRI/MRA: other I3A = Echography/ultrasonography - eye I3B = Echography/ultrasonography - abdomen/pelvis I3C = Echography/ultrasonography - heart I3D = Echography/ultrasonography - carotid arteries I3E = Echography/ultrasonography - prostate, transrectal I3F = Echography/ultrasonography - other I4A = Imaging/procedure - heart including cardiac catheterization I4B = Imaging/procedure - other T1A = Lab tests - routine venipuncture (non Medicare fee schedule) T1B = Lab tests - automated general profiles T1C = Lab tests - urinalysis T1D = Lab tests - blood counts T1E = Lab tests - glucose T1F = Lab tests - bacterial cultures T1G = Lab tests - other (Medicare fee schedule) T1H = Lab tests - other (non-Medicare fee schedule) T2A = Other tests - electrocardiograms T2B = Other tests - cardiovascular stress tests T2C = Other tests - EKG monitoring T2D = Other tests - other D1A = Medical/surgical supplies D1B = Hospital beds D1C = Oxygen and supplies D1D = Wheelchairs D1E = Other DME D1F = Prosthetic/Orthotic devices D1G = Drugs Administered through DME O1A = Ambulance O1B = Chiropractic O1C = Enteral and parenteral O1D = Chemotherapy O1E = Other drugs O1F = Hearing and speech services O1G = Immunizations/Vaccinations Y1 = Other - Medicare fee schedule Y2 = Other - non-Medicare fee schedule Z1 = Local codes Z2 = Undefined codes CMS_TYPE_SRVC_TB CMS Type of Service Table 1 = Medical care 2 = Surgery 3 = Consultation 4 = Diagnostic radiology 5 = Diagnostic laboratory 6 = Therapeutic radiology 7 = Anesthesia 8 = Assistant at surgery 9 = Other medical items or services 0 = Whole blood only eff 01/96, whole blood or packed red cells before 01/96 A = Used durable medical equipment (DME) B = High risk screening mammography (obsolete 1/1/98) C = Low risk screening mammography (obsolete 1/1/98) D = Ambulance (eff 04/95) E = Enteral/parenteral nutrients/supplies (eff 04/95) F = Ambulatory surgical center (facility usage for surgical services) G = Immunosuppressive drugs H = Hospice services (discontinued 01/95) I = Purchase of DME (installment basis) (discontinued 04/95) J = Diabetic shoes (eff 04/95) K = Hearing items and services (eff 04/95) L = ESRD supplies (eff 04/95) (renal supplier in the home before 04/95) M = Monthly capitation payment for dialysis N = Kidney donor P = Lump sum purchase of DME, prosthetics, orthotics Q = Vision items or services R = Rental of DME S = Surgical dressings or other medical supplies (eff 04/95) T = Psychological therapy (term. 12/31/97) outpatient mental health limitation (eff. 1/1/98) U = Occupational therapy V = Pneumococcal/flu vaccine (eff 01/96), Pneumococcal/flu/hepatitis B vaccine (eff 04/95-12/95), Pneumococcal only before 04/95 W = Physical therapy Y = Second opinion on elective surgery (obsoleted 1/97) Z = Third opinion on elective surgery (obsoleted 1/97)