/******************************************************************************** SAS User File for: Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) 2018 Cost Supplement Public Use File (CS PUF) This file contains information and sample SAS programs to create a permanent SAS dataset for users who want to use SAS in processing the CSPUF2019 transport data file provided in this PUF release. Section A provides a sample SAS program to convert the SAS transport data file into a regular SAS dataset using the SAS procedure: CIMPORT. Section B creates a format library. Section C creates and applies labels to the datasets, which it saves as a permanent datasets (CSPUF2018) in the specified location (library PUFLIB) ******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* A. This code converts the XPT files into temporary SAS datasets in library location given by LIBNAME. The XPT files have been downloaded from the CMS website, and will be in a folder of your choosing. Please change the following 2 file extensions so that they match the location of the files on your computer or network. *******************************************************************************/ *LIBNAME PUFLIB "C:\MCBS\SASDATA"; *FILENAME F_CSPUF "C:\MCBS\SASDATA\DOWNLOAD\CSPUF2019.XPT"; PROC CIMPORT LIBRARY=WORK INFILE=F_CSPUF; RUN; /******************************************************************************* The LIBNAME PUFLIB statement tells SAS the location (directory name) to store the permanent SAS dataset which is output by PROC CIMPORT. The FILENAME F statement tells SAS the location (complete directory and file name) of the input SAS transport data file. *******************************************************************************/ /********************************************************************************* B. Creates format library *******************************************************************************/ proc format library=PUFLIB; VALUE puffmt LOW-HIGH = "PUF_ID Count" ; value svyrfmt 2018="2018"; value versfmt 1="Version 1" 2="Version 2" 3="Version 3" 4="Version 4" 5="Version 5" 6="Version 6" 7="Version 7" 8="Version 8" 9="Version 9" 10="Version 10"; value age2grp 1="1:Age Group <65" 2="2:Age Group [65,75)" 3="3:Age Group >=75" .="Inapplicable/Missing" .R=".R:Refused" .D=".D:Don't know" .N=".N:Not ascertained"; value sex .="Inapplicable/Missing" 1="1:Male" 2="2:Female" .R=".R:Refused" .D=".D:Don't know" .N=".N:Not ascertained"; value race .="Inapplicable/Missing" 1="1:Non-Hispanic white" 2="2:Non-Hispanic black" 3="3:Hispanic" 4="4:Other" .R=".R:Refused" .D=".D:Don't know" .N=".N:Not ascertained"; value incom25f 1="1:<$25,000" 2="2:>=$25,000" .="Inapplicable/Missing" .R=".R:Refused" .D=".D:Don't know" .N=".N:Not ascertained"; VALUE NCHRN .="Inapplicable/Missing" 1="0-1 chronic conditions" 2="2-3 chronic conditions" 3="4+ chronic conditions" .R=".R:Refused" .D=".D:Don't know" .N=".N:Not ascertained"; VALUE MONYFMT . = "Inapplicable/Missing" .R = "Refused" .D = "Don't know" .N = "Not ascertained" LOW-HIGH = "Amount as $$$$$$.CC" ; VALUE NUM4FMT . = "Inapplicable/Missing" .R = "Refused" .D = "Don't know" .N = "Not ascertained" LOW-HIGH = "Number"; VALUE CONTIN . = "Inapplicable/Missing" .R = "Refused" .D = "Don't know" .N = "Not ascertained" LOW-HIGH = "Range of Values"; run; /******************************************************************************************************* C. Applies labels and formats. Creates new permanent dataset for the MCBS CS PUF. Permanent dataset is stored in whichever folder you designated as "PUFLIB" *******************************************************************************************************/ OPTIONS FMTSEARCH=(PUFLIB PUFLIB.FORMATS); /*********************************** C1. CS PUF ************************************/ DATA puflib.CSPUF2018; SET CSPUF2018; FORMAT PUF_ID PUFFMT. SURVEYYR SVYRFMT. VERSION VERSFMT. CSP_AGE AGE2GRP. CSP_SEX SEX. CSP_RACE RACE. CSP_INCOME INCOM25F. CSP_NCHRNCND NCHRN. PAMTDU MONYFMT. PAMTHH MONYFMT. PAMTIP MONYFMT. PAMTMP MONYFMT. PAMTOP MONYFMT. PAMTPM MONYFMT. DUAEVNTS NUM4FMT. IPAEVNTS NUM4FMT. MPAEVNTS NUM4FMT. OPAEVNTS NUM4FMT. PMAEVNTS NUM4FMT. PAMTTOT MONYFMT. PAMTCARE MONYFMT. PAMTCAID MONYFMT. PAMTMADV MONYFMT. PAMTALPR MONYFMT. PAMTOOP MONYFMT. PAMTDISC MONYFMT. PAMTOTH MONYFMT. PEVENTS NUM4FMT. CSPUFWGT--CSPUF100 CONTIN.; LABEL PUF_ID="Unique PUF Identification Number" SURVEYYR = 'Survey Year' VERSION = 'Version Number' CSP_RACE = 'Race' CSP_AGE = 'Age Group' CSP_SEX = 'Gender' CSP_INCOME = 'Household income' CSP_NCHRNCND = 'Number of chronic conditions' PAMTDU = 'Adj. sum for dental events' PAMTHH = 'Adj. sum for home health agency events' PAMTIP = 'Adj. sum for inpatient events' PAMTMP = 'Adj. sum for medical provider events' PAMTOP = 'Adj. sum for outpatient events' PAMTPM = 'Adj. sum for prescribed medicine events' DUAEVNTS = 'Adj. number of dental events' HHAEVNTS = 'Adj. number of home health agency events' IPAEVNTS = 'Adj. number of inpatient events' MPAEVNTS = 'Adj. number of medical provider events' OPAEVNTS = 'Adj. number of outpatient events' PMAEVNTS = 'Adj. number of prescribed medicine events' PAMTTOT = 'Adj. sum: total payments, all sources' PAMTCARE = 'Adj. sum: Medicare payments' PAMTCAID = 'Adj. sum: Medicaid payments' PAMTMADV = 'Adj. sum: Medicare MCO/HMO payments' PAMTALPR = 'Adj. sum: all priv ins. payments' PAMTOOP = 'Adj. sum: out-of-pocket payments' PAMTDISC = 'Adj. sum: uncollected liability' PAMTOTH = 'Adj. sum: other payments (includes VA)' PEVENTS = 'Adjusted count of events' CSPUFWGT = 'CS PUF full sample weight' CSPUF001 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 1' CSPUF002 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 2' CSPUF003 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 3' CSPUF004 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 4' CSPUF005 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 5' CSPUF006 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 6' CSPUF007 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 7' CSPUF008 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 8' CSPUF009 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 9' CSPUF010 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 10' CSPUF011 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 11' CSPUF012 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 12' CSPUF013 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 13' CSPUF014 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 14' CSPUF015 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 15' CSPUF016 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 16' CSPUF017 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 17' CSPUF018 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 18' CSPUF019 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 19' CSPUF020 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 20' CSPUF021 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 21' CSPUF022 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 22' CSPUF023 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 23' CSPUF024 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 24' CSPUF025 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 25' CSPUF026 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 26' CSPUF027 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 27' CSPUF028 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 28' CSPUF029 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 29' CSPUF030 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 30' CSPUF031 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 31' CSPUF032 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 32' CSPUF033 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 33' CSPUF034 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 34' CSPUF035 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 35' CSPUF036 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 36' CSPUF037 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 37' CSPUF038 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 38' CSPUF039 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 39' CSPUF040 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 40' CSPUF041 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 41' CSPUF042 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 42' CSPUF043 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 43' CSPUF044 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 44' CSPUF045 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 45' CSPUF046 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 46' CSPUF047 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 47' CSPUF048 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 48' CSPUF049 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 49' CSPUF050 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 50' CSPUF051 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 51' CSPUF052 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 52' CSPUF053 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 53' CSPUF054 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 54' CSPUF055 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 55' CSPUF056 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 56' CSPUF057 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 57' CSPUF058 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 58' CSPUF059 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 59' CSPUF060 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 60' CSPUF061 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 61' CSPUF062 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 62' CSPUF063 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 63' CSPUF064 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 64' CSPUF065 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 65' CSPUF066 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 66' CSPUF067 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 67' CSPUF068 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 68' CSPUF069 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 69' CSPUF070 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 70' CSPUF071 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 71' CSPUF072 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 72' CSPUF073 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 73' CSPUF074 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 74' CSPUF075 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 75' CSPUF076 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 76' CSPUF077 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 77' CSPUF078 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 78' CSPUF079 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 79' CSPUF080 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 80' CSPUF081 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 81' CSPUF082 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 82' CSPUF083 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 83' CSPUF084 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 84' CSPUF085 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 85' CSPUF086 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 86' CSPUF087 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 87' CSPUF088 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 88' CSPUF089 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 89' CSPUF090 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 90' CSPUF091 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 91' CSPUF092 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 92' CSPUF093 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 93' CSPUF094 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 94' CSPUF095 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 95' CSPUF096 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 96' CSPUF097 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 97' CSPUF098 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 98' CSPUF099 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 99' CSPUF100 = 'CS PUF replicate weight 100'; RUN; PROC SORT data=puflib.CSPUF2018; BY PUF_ID; QUIT;