Example of MS-DRG Grouper CC/MCC Review Methodology Using the Impact On Resource Use Data SDX DESCRIPTION Level CNT 1 C1 CNT 2 C2 CNT 3 C3 TOTAL J441 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with (acute) exacerbation CC "272,101" 1.59 "865,004" 2.29 "369,345" 3.00 "1,506,450" => Non-CC Subclass : cases with no other sdx codes on the CC or MCC list => CC Subclass : cases with additional sdx codes on the CC list and no other codes on the MCC list => MCC Subclass : cases with additional sdx codes on the MCC list => X is the estimated subclass value from the data => Y is an interpolation of the value of the actual average cost for the subclass between the estimated subclass value and the next higher subclass value X Low High 0 0 "2E(3,s)" Significantly above expected value for the MCC subclass SDX J441 : Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with (acute) exacerbation Non-CC Subclass X Low High Actual Avg. Cost non-CC Subclass "$18,265" 0 0 "< $15,072" "X = 1 since $18,265 is between $15,072 and $20,505" 1 "$15,072 " "< $20,505" Y = 0.59 "$20,505 - $15,072 = $5,433" 2 "$20,505 " "< $39,211" "$18,265 - $15,072 = $3,193" 3 "$39,211 " "< $78,422" "$3,193 / $5,433 = 0.59" 4 "> $78,422" CC Subclass X Low High Actual Avg. Cost CC Subclass "$26,002" 0 0 "< $15,072" "X = 2 since $28,002 is between $20,505 and $39,211" 1 "$15,072 " "< $20,505" Y = 0.29 "$39,211 - $20,505 = $18,706" 2 "$20,505 " "< $39,211" "$26,002 - $20,505 = $5,497" 3 "$39,211 " "< $78,422" "$5,497/ $18,706 = 0.29" 4 "> $78,422" MCC Subclass X Low High Actual Avg. Cost MCC Subclass "$39,222" 0 0 "< $15,072" "X = 3 since $39,222 is between $39,211 and $78,422" 1 "$15,072 " "< $20,505" Y = 0.00 "$78,422 - $39,211 = $39,211" 2 "$20,505 " "< $39,211" "$39,222 - $39,211 = $22" 3 "$39,211 " "< $78,422" "$22 / $39,211 = 0.00" 4 "> $78,422"