For any item to be covered by Medicare, it must 1) be eligible for a defined Medicare benefit category, 2) be reasonable and necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of illness or injury or to improve the functioning of a malformed body member, and 3) meet all other applicable Medicare statutory and regulatory requirements. Information provided in this policy article relates to determinations other than those based on Social Security Act §1862(a)(1)(A) provisions (i.e. “reasonable and necessary”).
Positive airway pressure devices are covered under the Durable Medical Equipment benefit [Social Security Act §1861(s)(6)]. In order for a beneficiary’s DME to be eligible for reimbursement, the reasonable and necessary (R&N) requirements set out in the related Local Coverage Determination must be met. In addition, there are specific statutory payment policy requirements, discussed below, that also must be met.
Accessories are separately reimbursable at the time of initial issue and when replaced.
No aspect of a home sleep test, including but not limited to delivery and/or pickup of the device, may be performed by a DME supplier. This prohibition does not extend to the results of studies conducted by hospitals certified to do such tests or to tests conducted in facility-based sleep laboratories.
A liner used in conjunction with a PAP mask is considered comfort/convenience item. There is no additional payment for liners used with a PAP mask. These products should be coded A9270 (Noncovered item or service) in accordance with the Medicare Benefit Policy Manual (CMS Pub. 100-02) Chapter 15, Section 110.1.
Final Rule 1713 (84 Fed. Reg Vol 217) requires a face-to-face encounter and a Written Order Prior to Delivery (WOPD) for specified HCPCS codes. CMS and the DME MACs provides a list of the specified codes, which is periodically updated. The link will be located here once it is available.
Claims for the specified items subject to Final Rule 1713 (84 Fed. Reg Vol 217) that do not meet the face-to-face encounter and WOPD requirements specified in the LCD- related Standard Documentation Requirements Article (A55426) will be denied as not reasonable and necessary.
If a supplier delivers an item prior to receipt of a WOPD, it will be denied as not reasonable and necessary. If the WOPD is not obtained prior to delivery, payment will not be made for that item even if a WOPD is subsequently obtained by the supplier. If a similar item is subsequently provided by an unrelated supplier who has obtained a WOPD prior to delivery, it will be eligible for coverage.
In addition to policy specific documentation requirements, there are general documentation requirements that are applicable to all DMEPOS policies. These general requirements are located in the DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS section of the LCD.
Refer to the LCD-related Standard Documentation Requirements article, located at the bottom of this Policy Article under the Related Local Coverage Documents section for additional information regarding GENERAL DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS and the POLICY SPECIFIC DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS discussed below.
For the initial in-person evaluation, the report would commonly document pertinent information about the following elements, but may include other details. Each element would not have to be addressed in every evaluation.
Signs and symptoms of sleep disordered breathing including snoring, daytime sleepiness, observed apneas, choking or gasping during sleep, morning headaches
Duration of symptoms
Validated sleep hygiene inventory such as the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (see Appendices of related LCD)
Physical Exam
Suppliers are reminded that all Medicare coverage and documentation requirements for DMEPOS also apply. There must be sufficient information included in the medical record to demonstrate that all of the applicable coverage criteria are met. This information must be available upon request.
For beneficiaries changing from an E0601 to E0470 due to ineffective therapy while on E0601 (either during a facility-based titration or in the home setting), the treating practitioner must document that both of the following issues were addressed prior to changing to an E0470 device:
Interface fit and comfort. An appropriate interface has been properly fit and the beneficiary is using it without difficulty. This properly fit interface will be used with the E0470 device; and,
E0601 pressure settings. The current pressure setting of the E0601 prevents the beneficiary from tolerating the therapy and lower pressure settings of the E0601 were tried but failed to:
Adequately control the symptoms of OSA; or,
Improve sleep quality; or,
Reduce the AHI/RDI to acceptable levels.
The re-evaluation must take place within the first 3 months of treatment; however, formal assessment of improvement cannot be documented before the 31st day. The re-evaluation must document both improvement in subjective symptoms of OSA and objective data related to adherence to PAP therapy.
Documentation of adherence to PAP therapy shall be accomplished through direct download or visual inspection of usage data with documentation provided in a written report format to be reviewed by the treating practitioner and included in the beneficiary’s medical record. This information does not have to be submitted with the claim but must be available upon request.
Many suppliers have created forms which have not been approved by CMS which they send to practitioners and ask them to complete. Even if the practitioner completes this type of form and puts it in his/her chart, this supplier-generated form is not a substitute for the comprehensive medical record as noted above. Suppliers are encouraged to help educate practitioners on the type of information that is needed to document a beneficiary’s need for PAP therapy.
Proper use of modifiers is discussed below. Specific modifiers must be used and differ depending on whether or not the requirements outlined in the documentation section have been met.
On claims for the first through third months, suppliers must add a KX modifier to codes for PAP equipment (E0470 or E0601) and accessories only if all of the criteria in the “Coverage Indications, Limitations, and/or Medical Necessity” section of the related LCD ("Initial Coverage") have been met.
On the fourth month’s claim (and any month thereafter), the supplier must add a KX modifier to codes for PAP equipment (E0470 or E0601) and accessories only if both the "Initial Coverage" criteria and the "Continued Coverage" criteria in the “Coverage Indications, Limitations, and/or Medical Necessity” section of the related LCD have been met.
If the supplier does not obtain information from the treating practitioner that the beneficiary has demonstrated improvement in their OSA symptoms and is adhering to PAP therapy in time for submission of the fourth or succeeding months’ claims, the supplier may still submit the claims, but a KX modifier must not be added.
If the supplier chooses to hold claims for the fourth and succeeding months pending receipt of information from the treating practitioner that the beneficiary received a clinical re-evaluation between the 31st and 91st day, had documented improvement in OSA symptoms and is adhering to PAP therapy, those claims may then be submitted with the KX modifier.
If the supplier chooses to hold claims for the fourth and succeeding month pending receipt of information from the treating practitioner but learns that the beneficiary did not receive a clinical re-evaluation between the 31st and 91st day but rather was re-evaluated at a later date and had documented improvement in OSA symptoms and is adhering to PAP therapy, those claims may then be submitted with the KX modifier but only for dates of service following the date of the clinical re-evaluation.
For a PAP device dispensed prior to November 1, 2008, if the initial coverage criteria in effect at the time were met and the criteria for coverage after the first 3 months that were in effect at the time were met, the KX modifier may be added to claim with dates of service on or after November 1, 2008 as long as the beneficiary continues to use the device.
For claims for replacement accessories (e.g., interfaces, tubing, filters, humidifier chambers), if Medicare paid for the base PAP device initially (i.e., for 13 months of continuous use), the medical necessity for the beneficiary-owned base PAP device is assumed to have been established. Therefore, to make a payment determination, there must only be documentation that the base DME item continues to meet medical need; and (2) The replacement of specific accessories or furnishing of new accessories remain medically necessary and are essential for the effective use of the base DME.
Documentation of continued medical need for the base item must come from the treating practitioner’s records. The supplier's documentation records must support the need to replace the accessory to maintain the equipment's functionality and meet the beneficiary's medical need.
This guidance does not apply to PAP devices when Medicare did not originally provide payment for the base item. In cases where Medicare did not originally pay for the DME item, all coverage, coding and documentation requirements in effect for the date of service (DOS) on the claim under review must be met (see below for beneficiary-owned devices entering Medicare).
For beneficiaries who received a PAP device prior to enrollment in fee for service (FFS) Medicare and are seeking Medicare coverage of either rental of the device, a replacement device or accessories, the supplier may add the KX modifier only if both of the criteria listed in the Coverage Indications, Limitations, and/or Medical Necessity for Beneficiaries Entering Medicare section of the related LCD have been met.
The supplier may hold claims, pending confirmation that the above requirements are met, and then submit claims with the KX modifier beginning with the date of FFS Medicare enrollment.
In the rare instance where beneficiaries require the simultaneous use of home oxygen therapy and a PAP device, documentation by the treating practitioner in the beneficiary’s medical record must clearly demonstrate that the requirements for coverage outlined in the PAP LCD Coverage Indications, Limitations, and/or Medical Necessity have been met. In addition, the beneficiary’s medical record must also clearly demonstrate that the requirements for coverage outlined in the Oxygen and Oxygen Equipment LCD Coverage Indications, Limitations, and/or Medical Necessity have been met. This information does not have to be submitted with the claim but must be available upon request.
Suppliers should refer to the Oxygen and Oxygen Equipment LCD and related Policy Article for additional coverage, coding and documentation requirements.
In all of the situations above describing use of the KX modifier, if all of the coverage criteria have not been met, the GA or GZ modifier must be added to a claim line for the PAP equipment and accessories. When there is an expectation of a reasonable and necessary denial, suppliers must enter the GA modifier on the claim line if they have obtained a properly executed Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) or the GZ modifier if they have not obtained a valid ABN.
Claim lines billed without a GA, GZ or KX modifier will be rejected as missing information.
Items billed before a signed and dated order has been received by the supplier must be submitted with an EY modifier added to each affected HCPCS code.
The order must include the type(s) of supplies ordered and the approximate quantity to be used per unit of time. A new order is required if there is an increase in the quantity of the supply used per month and/or the type of supply used.
The supplier must enter the diagnosis code for the PAP device on each claim submitted for PAP supplies.
Refer to the Supplier Manual for additional information on documentation requirements.
A respiratory cycle is defined as an inspiration, followed by an expiration.
A single-level continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device (E0601) delivers a constant level of positive air pressure (within a single respiratory cycle) by way of tubing and a noninvasive interface (such as a nasal, oral, or facial mask) to assist spontaneous respiratory efforts and supplement the volume of inspired air into the lungs.
For auto-titrating single-level CPAP devices use HCPCS code E0601.
A bi-level respiratory assist device without backup rate (E0470) allows independent setting of inspiratory and expiratory pressures to deliver positive airway pressure within a single respiratory cycle by way of tubing and a noninvasive interface (such as a nasal, oral, or facial mask) to assist spontaneous respiratory efforts and supplement the volume of inspired air into the lungs.
A bi-level respiratory assist device with backup rate (E0471) allows independent setting of inspiratory and expiratory pressures to deliver positive airway pressure within a single respiratory cycle by way of tubing and a noninvasive interface (such as a nasal or oral facial mask) to assist spontaneous respiratory efforts and supplement the volume of inspired air into the lungs. In addition, E0471 devices have a timed backup feature to deliver this air pressure whenever sufficient spontaneous inspiratory efforts fail to occur.
Code A4604 describes tubing used with a heated humidifier and has a heated wire running the length of the tubing. It is designed for use with a positive airway pressure device and a non-invasive interface – i.e., nasal or face mask, nasal cannula, or oral interface.
Code A7032 is used for a replacement nasal mask interface that goes around the nose, but not into the nostrils. The unit of service for this code is “each”.
Code A7033 is used for a replacement nasal cannula-type interface. This interface extends a short distance into the nostrils. The unit of service for this code is “pair”. For some products, there are two physically separate cushions or “pillows” – one for each nostril. Two cushions/pillows equals one unit of service of A7033. For other products, the interface is a single piece with two protrusions that extend into the nostrils. One of these interfaces equals one unit of service of A7033.
Code A7027 (Combination oral/nasal mask, used with continuous positive airway pressure device, each) is a two piece system with separate elements for oral and nasal use. One unit of service for A7027 includes both the oral and the nasal components.
A liner is soft, flexible material which is placed between the patient’s skin and the PAP mask interface. Liners used with a PAP mask are made of cloth, silicone or other materials.
Liners are not interfaces for use with a PAP mask. Consequently, liners should not be billed as replacement features of a PAP mask such as A7031 (Face mask interface, replacement for full face mask, each) or A7032 (Cushion for use on nasal mask interface, replacement only, each).
Monitoring devices (integrated or modular) are capable of tracking data generated by a RAD or PAP device, which can be subsequently downloaded for further analysis by a healthcare provider, DME supplier, or beneficiary. Such technologies include, but are not limited to:
Code A9279 (MONITORING FEATURE/DEVICE, STAND-ALONE OR INTEGRATED, ANY TYPE, INCLUDES ALL ACCESSORIES, COMPONENTS AND ELECTRONICS, NOT OTHERWISE CLASSIFIED) describes any type of monitoring technology. Code A9279 is all-inclusive, and is to be used whether the monitoring technology is incorporated as part of a base item, supplied as an add-on module or is a stand-alone item.
Use of multiple instances of A9279 to bill separately for individual monitoring features is incorrect coding.
There is no Medicare benefit or payment to DMEPOS suppliers for remote monitoring services. Suppliers must not bill A9279 for remote monitoring services.
Claims billed for monitoring technologies using other NOC codes such as E1399 (DURABLE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT, MISCELLANEOUS) will be denied as incorrect coding.
Code E0467 (HOME VENTILATOR, MULTI-FUNCTION RESPIRATORY DEVICE, ALSO PERFORMS ANY OR ALL OF THE ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS OF OXYGEN CONCENTRATION, DRUG NEBULIZATION, ASPIRATION, AND COUGH STIMULATION, INCLUDES ALL ACCESSORIES, COMPONENTS AND SUPPLIES FOR ALL FUNCTIONS) describes a ventilator that integrates the function of multiple types of equipment into a single device. Code E0467 combines the function of a ventilator with those of any combination of or all of the following:
Oxygen equipment
Nebulizer and compressor
Aspirator (suction device)
Cough stimulator (multiple products)
Positive airway pressure devices (PAP and RAD)
Custom fabricated oral appliances
The following positive airway pressure devices HCPCS codes for individual items are included in the functionality of code E0467:
- HCPCS codes E0470, E0471, E0472, E0601, A4604, A7027, A7028, A7029, A7030, A7031, A7032, A7033, A7034, A7035, A7036, A7037, A7038, A7039, A7044, A7045, A7046, E0561, E0562
For E0467 claims with dates of service before April 3, 2020:
Claims for any of the HCPCS codes listed above that are submitted on the same claim or that overlap any date(s) of service for E0467 is considered to be unbundling.
In addition, any claim for repair (HCPCS code K0739 for labor and any HCPCS code for replacement items) of beneficiary-owned equipment identified by HCPCS codes listed above is considered as unbundling if the date(s) of service for the repair overlaps any date(s) of service for code E0467.
Claims for code E0467 with a date(s) of service that overlaps date(s) of service for any of the following scenarios are considered as a claim for same or similar equipment when the beneficiary:
- Is currently in a rental month for any of the items listed above
- Owns any of the equipment listed above that has not reached the end of its reasonable useful lifetime
For E0467 claims with dates of service on or after April 3, 2020:
Any claim for repair (HCPCS code K0739 for labor and any HCPCS code for replacement items) of beneficiary-owned equipment identified by HCPCS codes listed above is considered as unbundling if the date(s) of service for the repair overlaps any date(s) of service for code E0467.
Claims for code E0467 with a date(s) of service that overlaps date(s) of service in a rental month for any of the items listed above are considered as a claim for same or similar equipment.
Suppliers should contact the Pricing, Data Analysis and Coding (PDAC) contractor for guidance on the correct coding of these items.