SUPERSEDED LCD Reference Article Billing and Coding Article

Billing and Coding: Wound and Ulcer Care


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Draft Article
Draft Articles are works in progress and not necessarily a reflection of the current billing and coding practices. Revisions to codes are carefully and thoroughly reviewed and are not intended to change the original intent of the LCD.
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Billing and Coding: Wound and Ulcer Care
Article Type
Billing and Coding
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CPT codes, descriptions, and other data only are copyright 2024 American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved. Applicable FARS/HHSARS apply.

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Current Dental Terminology © 2024 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2024, the American Hospital Association, Chicago, Illinois. Reproduced with permission. No portion of the AHA copyrighted materials contained within this publication may be copied without the express written consent of the AHA. AHA copyrighted materials including the UB‐04 codes and descriptions may not be removed, copied, or utilized within any software, product, service, solution, or derivative work without the written consent of the AHA. If an entity wishes to utilize any AHA materials, please contact the AHA at 312‐893‐6816.

Making copies or utilizing the content of the UB‐04 Manual, including the codes and/or descriptions, for internal purposes, resale and/or to be used in any product or publication; creating any modified or derivative work of the UB‐04 Manual and/or codes and descriptions; and/or making any commercial use of UB‐04 Manual or any portion thereof, including the codes and/or descriptions, is only authorized with an express license from the American Hospital Association. The American Hospital Association (the "AHA") has not reviewed, and is not responsible for, the completeness or accuracy of any information contained in this material, nor was the AHA or any of its affiliates, involved in the preparation of this material, or the analysis of information provided in the material. The views and/or positions presented in the material do not necessarily represent the views of the AHA. CMS and its products and services are not endorsed by the AHA or any of its affiliates.

CMS National Coverage Policy


Article Guidance

Article Text

Refer to Local Coverage Determination (LCD) L38902, Wound and Ulcer Care, for reasonable and necessary requirements.

The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)/Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) code(s) may be subject to National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) edits. This information does not take precedence over NCCI edits. Please refer to NCCI for correct coding guidelines and specific applicable code combinations prior to billing Medicare.

Coding Guidelines

Claims must be submitted with an ICD-10-CM code that represents the reason the procedure was done. The ICD-10-CM code must be billed to the highest level of specificity for that code set. The ICD-10-CM code must be linked to the appropriate procedure code.

When the only service provided is the non-surgical cleansing of the ulcer site with or without the applications of a surgical dressing, the provider should bill this service with the appropriate evaluation and management (E/M) code and not bill a debridement code(s).

The debridement codes listed below are appropriate for treatment of skin ulcers, circumscribed dermal infections, conditions affecting contiguous deeper structures, and debridement of ground-in dirt such as from road abrasions. 

Active Wound Care Management – CPT codes 97597, 97598, 97602, 97605, 97606, 97607, and 97608

  • Currently, code 97602 is a status B (bundled) code for physician’s services; therefore, separate payment is not allowed for this service.
  • A therapist acting within their scope of practice and licensure performing active wound care management services must add the appropriate therapy modifier to the CPT code billed. In addition, the therapy Revenue Code must be submitted for that service when performed in a Part A outpatient facility setting. If a non-therapist performs the service, no therapy modifiers are used, and a non-therapy Revenue Code must be submitted for the service if performed in a Part A outpatient facility setting. Please see MM10176 for more information.
  • For debridement codes 97597, 97598, or 97602:
    • Debridement should be coded with either selective or non-selective CPT codes (97597, 97598, or 97602) unless the medical record supports a surgical debridement has been performed.
    • Dressings applied to the wound are part of the services for CPT codes 97597, 97598 and 97602 and they may not be billed separately.
    • It is not appropriate to report CPT code 97602 in addition to CPT code 97597 and/or 97598 for wound care performed on the same wound on the same date of service.
    • Code(s) 97597, 97598 and 97602 should not be reported in conjunction with code(s) 11042-11047 for the same wound. The wound depth debrided determines the appropriate code.
      • For example, when only biofilm on the surface of a muscular ulceration is debrided, then codes 97597-97598 would be appropriate. If muscle substance was debrided, then the 11043-11046 series would be appropriate, depending on the area.
  • Codes 97602, 97605, 97606, 97607 and 97608 include the application of and the removal of any protective or bulk dressings. However, if only a dressing change is performed without any active wound procedure as described by these debridement codes, these debridement codes should not be reported.
  • CPT 97597 and 97598 may be used for the medically reasonable and necessary debridement with utilization consistent with this LCD and within scope of practice of the performing provider.
  • Generally, whirlpool is a component of CPT codes 97597/97598 and should not be reported separately during the same encounter. Only when there is a separately identifiable service being treated by the therapist, and the documentation supports this treatment, would the service be considered for payment utilizing modifier -59 or a more specific modifier as appropriate (e.g., LT, RT, -XS, etc.).

Surgical Debridement – CPT codes 11000-11012, and 11042-11047

  • Dressings applied to the wound are part of the service for CPT codes 11000-11012 and 11042-11047 and may not be billed separately.
  • Medicare does not separately reimburse for dressing changes or patient/caregiver training in the care of the wound. It is only appropriate to provide an Advance Beneficiary Notice of Non-coverage (ABN) for services that are anticipated to be denied due to the absence of medical necessity. Based on this information, an ABN for a dressing change is not appropriate since the costs of the dressing change are packaged into other procedures billed.
  • Debridement of Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections (CPT codes 11004-11006, and 11008) are inpatient only procedure codes.
  • CPT codes 11042-11047 do not refer solely to ulcer size, but also to levels of actual tissue debridement levels (based on tissue type, e.g., partial skin, full thickness skin, subcutaneous tissue, etc.) of independent (noncontiguous) skin and other deeper tissue structures.
  • When performing debridement of a single wound, report depth using the deepest level of tissue removed. In multiple wounds, sum the surface area of wounds that are the same depth, but do not combine wounds from different depths. This A/B MAC allows payment for an aggregate total of one independent tissue debridement on a given day of service. Any number greater than the aggregate total of four for one or both feet per date of service will result in a denial which may be appealed with documentation justifying the additional services. Once debridement is properly done repeat debridement is not expected for several days afterward.
  • CPT codes 11042, 11043, 11044, 11045, 11046, and 11047 are used to report surgical removal (debridement) of devitalized tissue from wounds.
    • Use appropriate modifiers when more than one wound is debrided on the same day.
      • Per CMS Change Request (CR) 8863, CMS will continue to recognize the -59 modifier, a modifier used to define a “Distinct Procedural Service,” but notes that Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) instructions state that the -59 modifier should not be used when a more descriptive modifier is available. Please see CMS CR 8863 for more information.
  • The use of CPT codes 11042-11047 is not appropriate for the following services: washing bacterial or fungal debris from feet, paring or cutting of corns or calluses, incision and drainage of abscess including paronychia, trimming or debridement of nails, avulsion of nail plates, acne surgery, or destruction of warts. Report these procedures, when they represent covered reasonable and necessary services using the CPT/HCPCS code that most closely describes the service supplied.
  • The CPT code selected should reflect the level of debrided tissue (e.g., skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle and/or bone), not the extent, depth, or grade of the ulcer or wound.
    • For example, CPT code 11042 defined as “debridement, subcutaneous tissue” should be used if only necrotic subcutaneous tissue is debrided, even though the ulcer or wound might extend to the bone. In addition, if only fibrin is removed, this code would not be billed.
  • Debridement of tissue in the surgical field of another musculoskeletal procedure is not separately reportable. However, debridement of tissue at the site of an open fracture or dislocation may be reported separately with CPT codes 11010-11012.
    • For example, debridement of muscle and/or bone (CPT codes 11043-11044, 11046-11047) associated with excision of a tumor of bone is not separately reportable. Similarly, debridement of tissue (e.g., CPT codes 11042, 11045, 11720-11721, 97597, 97598) superficial to, but in the surgical field, of a musculoskeletal procedure is not separately reportable.
  • The debridement code submitted should reflect the type and amount of tissue removed during the procedure as well as the depth, size, or other characteristics of the wound. Submitting documentation substantiating depth of debridement when billing the debridement procedure described by CPT code 11044 is encouraged.
    • For example, if a wound involves exposed bone but the debridement procedure did not remove bone, CPT code 11044 cannot be billed.

Paring and Cutting for the Management of a Symptomatic Hyperkeratosis - 11055-11057

  • Codes 11055-11057 represent paring. The medical record must reflect the symptomatic nature of the lesion that makes this a coverable service, as the treatment of asymptomatic hyperkeratotic lesions are within the scope of Routine Foot Care. Please refer to Groups 2 and 3 in the ICD 10 Codes That Support Medical Necessity section for further information.

Use of Evaluation and Management (E/M) Codes in Conjunction with Surgical Debridements

E/M codes are not usually billed in conjunction with a debridement procedure. When providing and billing surgical debridement, the surgical debridement service is to include: the pre-debridement wound assessment, the debridement, and the post-procedure instructions provided to the patient on the date of the service. When a "reasonable and necessary" E/M service is provided and documented on the same day as a debridement service, it is payable by Medicare when the documentation clearly establishes the service as a "separately identifiable service" that was reasonable and necessary, as well as distinct, from the debridement service(s) provided. 

Consultation services rendered by a podiatrist in a skilled nursing facility are covered if the services are reasonable and necessary and do not come within any of the specific statutory exclusions (NCD 70.2).

Low frequency, non-contact, non-thermal ultrasound (MIST Therapy) – CPT code 97610 

One 97610 service per day is allowable for a qualifying wound. CPT Code 97610 is not separately reportable for treatment of the same wound on the same day as other active wound care management CPT codes (97597-97606) or wound debridement CPT codes (e.g., CPT codes 11042-11047, 97597, 97598).

Debridement, Total Contact Casting and Unna boot

All supply items related to the Unna boot and Total Contact Casting (TCC) are inclusive in the reimbursement for CPT code 29580 and 29445 respectively. When both a debridement is performed and an Unna boot or TCC is applied, only the debridement may be reimbursed. If only an Unna boot or TCC is applied and the wound is not debrided, then only the Unna boot or TCC application may be eligible for reimbursement. The National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) Policy Manual for Medicare Services Chapter 4, section G states that casting/splinting/strapping shall not be reported separately if a service from the Musculoskeletal System section of CPT (20100-28899 and 29800-29999) is also performed for the same anatomic area. It may be appropriate to use modifier 59 with these strapping codes if performed in a separate anatomical area.

Debridement including removal of foreign material at the site of an open fracture or open dislocation may be reported with CPT codes 11010-11012. Since these codes would be reported with a CPT code for treatment of the open fracture or dislocation, a casting/splinting/strapping code should not be reported separately.

Documentation Requirements

  1. All documentation must be maintained in the patient's medical record and made available to the contractor upon request.
  2. Every page of the record must be legible and include appropriate patient identification information (e.g., complete name, dates of service[s]). The documentation must include the legible signature of the physician or non-physician practitioner responsible for and providing the care to the patient.
  3. The patient's medical record should indicate the specific signs/symptoms and other clinical data supporting the wound care provided. It is expected that the physician will document the current status of the wound in the patient's medical record and the patient's response to the current treatment.
  4. The patient's medical record must contain clearly documented evidence of the progress of the wound's response to treatment at each physician visit. This documentation must include, at a minimum:
    • Current wound volume (surface dimensions and depth).
    • Presence (and extent of) or absence of obvious signs of infection.
    • Presence (and extent of) or absence of necrotic, devitalized, or non-viable tissue.
    • Other material in the wound that is expected to inhibit healing or promote adjacent tissue breakdown.
  5. Identification of the wound location, size, depth, and stage by description must be documented and may be supported by a drawing or photograph of the wound. Photographic documentation of wounds at initiation of treatment as well as either immediately before or immediately after debridement is recommended. This may be of particular benefit for documentation as an adjunct to written documentation of reasonable and necessary services, which require prolonged or repetitive debridement.
  6. Medical record documentation for debridement services must include the type of tissue removed during the procedure as well as the depth, size, or other characteristics of the wound and must correspond to the debridement service submitted. A pathology report substantiating depth of debridement is encouraged when billing for the debridement procedures involving deep tissue or bone.
  7. In addition, except for patients with compromised healing due to severe underlying debility or other factors, documentation in the medical record must show:
    • There is an expectation that the treatment will substantially affect tissue healing and viability, reduce or control tissue infection, remove necrotic tissue, or prepare the tissue for surgical management.
    • The extent and duration of wound care treatment must correlate with the patient’s expected restoration potential. If wound closure is not a reasonable goal, then the expectation is to optimize recovery and establish an appropriate non-skilled maintenance program. Alternatively, palliative care of the patient and wound may be provided to diminish the probability of prolonged hospitalization, etc. If it is determined that the goal of care is not wound closure, the patient should be managed following appropriate covered palliative care standards.
  8. Service(s) must include an operative note or procedure note for the debridement service(s). This note should include the following:
    • Medical diagnosis.
    • Indication(s) and medical necessity for the debridement.
    • Type of anesthesia used, if and when used.
    • Wound characteristics such as diameter, depth, undermining or tunneling, color, presence of exudates or necrotic tissue.
    • Level/depth of tissue debrided and a description of the types(s) of tissue involved and the tissue(s) removed.
    • Vascular status, infection, or evidence of reduced circulation.
    • Narrative of the procedure to include the instruments used. When debridements are reported, the debridement procedure notes must demonstrate tissue removal (i.e., skin, full or partial thickness; subcutaneous tissue; muscle and/or bone), the method used to debride (i.e., hydrostatic, sharp, abrasion, etc.) and the character of the wound (including dimensions, description of necrotic material present, description of tissue removed, degree of epithelialization, etc.) before and after debridement.
    • Patient specific goals and/or response to treatment.
    • Immediate post-op care and follow-up instructions.
    • The presence or absence of necrotic, devitalized, fibrotic, or other tissue or foreign matter must be documented in the medical record when wound debridement is performed.
  9. The medical record must include treatment goals and physician follow-up. The record must document complicating factors for wound healing as well as measures taken to control complicating factors when debridement is part of the plan. Appropriate modification of treatment plans, when necessitated by failure of wounds to heal, must be demonstrated. A wound that shows no improvement after 30 days may require a new approach. Documentation of such cases may include a physician reassessment of underlying infection, metabolic, nutritional, or vascular problems inhibiting wound healing, or a new treatment approach.
  10. Appropriate evaluation and management of contributory medical conditions or other factors affecting the course of wound healing (such as nutritional status or other predisposing conditions) should be addressed in the medical record at intervals consistent with the nature of the condition or factor.
  11. Documentation must support the use of skilled personnel with the use of jet therapy and wound irrigation for wound debridement.
  12. Documentation for low frequency, non-contact, non-thermal ultrasound services (Mist Therapy) should include documented improvements of pain reduction, reduction in wound size, improved and increased granulation tissue, or reduction in necrotic tissue. The services should be medically necessary based on the provider’s documentation of a medical evaluation of the patient's condition, diagnosis, and plan.
  13. When the documentation, or lack thereof, does not meet the criteria for the service rendered or the documentation does not establish the medical necessity for the services, such services will be denied as not reasonable and necessary under Section 1862(a)(1) of the Social Security Act.

Utilization Guidelines:

In accordance with CMS Ruling 95-1 (V), utilization of these services should be consistent with locally acceptable standards of practice.

Wound care must be performed in accordance with accepted standards for medical and surgical treatment of wounds. The appropriate interval and frequency of debridement depends on the individual clinical characteristics of the patient and the extent of the wound. The extent and number of services provided should be medically necessary and reasonable based on the documented medical evaluation of the patient's condition, diagnosis, and plan.

With the above in mind, only a minority of beneficiaries who undergo debridements for wound care appear to require more than twelve total surgical excisional debridement services involving subcutaneous tissue, muscle/fascia, or bone in a 360 day period (five debridements of which involve removal of muscle/fascia, and/or bone), in order to accomplish the desired objective of the treatment plan of the wound. When medical necessity continues to be met and there is documented evidence of clear benefit from the debridements already provided, debridement services may be continued beyond this frequency or time frame. It is similarly unlikely that more than four debridements are needed in a month, i.e. 30 days, and again, continuance of care would depend on evidence of benefit to the patient.


Response To Comments

Number Comment Response

Coding Information

Bill Type Codes

Code Description

Please accept the License to see the codes.


Revenue Codes

Code Description

Please accept the License to see the codes.



Please accept the License to see the codes.


CPT/HCPCS Modifiers

Group 1

(27 Codes)
Group 1 Paragraph

When addressing a specific toe(s) or finger(s) use the respective CPT® HCPCS Level II modifier to identify them on the claim. Other modifiers listed below may include (but are not to be used alone when a more specific modifier is needed to clarify the procedure).

Group 1 Codes
Code Description

ICD-10-CM Codes that Support Medical Necessity

Group 1

(1,164 Codes)
Group 1 Paragraph

Note: Diagnosis codes are based on the current ICD-10-CM codes that are effective at the time of LCD publication. Any updates to ICD-10-CM codes will be reviewed by Noridian, and coverage should not be presumed until the results of such review have been published/posted.

These are the only covered ICD-10-CM codes that support medical necessity:

For CPT codes 11042-11047, 97597 and 97598, 97602, 97605, 97606, 97607, and 97608, the claim must have at least one of the following diagnosis codes:

Group 1 Codes
Code Description
E10.620* Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic dermatitis
E10.621* Type 1 diabetes mellitus with foot ulcer
E10.622* Type 1 diabetes mellitus with other skin ulcer
E10.628* Type 1 diabetes mellitus with other skin complications
E10.65* Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia
E10.69* Type 1 diabetes mellitus with other specified complication
E11.620* Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic dermatitis
E11.621* Type 2 diabetes mellitus with foot ulcer
E11.622* Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other skin ulcer
E11.628* Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other skin complications
E11.65* Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia
E11.69* Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other specified complication
I70.231 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of right leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.232 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of right leg with ulceration of calf
I70.233 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of right leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.234 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of right leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.235 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of right leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.238 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of right leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.239 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of right leg with ulceration of unspecified site
I70.241 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of left leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.242 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of left leg with ulceration of calf
I70.243 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of left leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.244 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of left leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.245 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of left leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.248 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of left leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.249 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of left leg with ulceration of unspecified site
I70.25 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of other extremities with ulceration
I70.261 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of extremities with gangrene, right leg
I70.262 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of extremities with gangrene, left leg
I70.263 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of extremities with gangrene, bilateral legs
I70.268 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of extremities with gangrene, other extremity
I70.269 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of extremities with gangrene, unspecified extremity
I83.011 Varicose veins of right lower extremity with ulcer of thigh
I83.012 Varicose veins of right lower extremity with ulcer of calf
I83.013 Varicose veins of right lower extremity with ulcer of ankle
I83.014 Varicose veins of right lower extremity with ulcer of heel and midfoot
I83.015 Varicose veins of right lower extremity with ulcer other part of foot
I83.018 Varicose veins of right lower extremity with ulcer other part of lower leg
I83.021 Varicose veins of left lower extremity with ulcer of thigh
I83.022 Varicose veins of left lower extremity with ulcer of calf
I83.023 Varicose veins of left lower extremity with ulcer of ankle
I83.024 Varicose veins of left lower extremity with ulcer of heel and midfoot
I83.025 Varicose veins of left lower extremity with ulcer other part of foot
I83.028 Varicose veins of left lower extremity with ulcer other part of lower leg
I83.211 Varicose veins of right lower extremity with both ulcer of thigh and inflammation
I83.212 Varicose veins of right lower extremity with both ulcer of calf and inflammation
I83.213 Varicose veins of right lower extremity with both ulcer of ankle and inflammation
I83.214 Varicose veins of right lower extremity with both ulcer of heel and midfoot and inflammation
I83.215 Varicose veins of right lower extremity with both ulcer other part of foot and inflammation
I83.218 Varicose veins of right lower extremity with both ulcer of other part of lower extremity and inflammation
I83.221 Varicose veins of left lower extremity with both ulcer of thigh and inflammation
I83.222 Varicose veins of left lower extremity with both ulcer of calf and inflammation
I83.223 Varicose veins of left lower extremity with both ulcer of ankle and inflammation
I83.224 Varicose veins of left lower extremity with both ulcer of heel and midfoot and inflammation
I83.225 Varicose veins of left lower extremity with both ulcer other part of foot and inflammation
I83.228 Varicose veins of left lower extremity with both ulcer of other part of lower extremity and inflammation
I87.011 Postthrombotic syndrome with ulcer of right lower extremity
I87.012 Postthrombotic syndrome with ulcer of left lower extremity
I87.013 Postthrombotic syndrome with ulcer of bilateral lower extremity
I87.031 Postthrombotic syndrome with ulcer and inflammation of right lower extremity
I87.032 Postthrombotic syndrome with ulcer and inflammation of left lower extremity
I87.033 Postthrombotic syndrome with ulcer and inflammation of bilateral lower extremity
I87.311 Chronic venous hypertension (idiopathic) with ulcer of right lower extremity
I87.312 Chronic venous hypertension (idiopathic) with ulcer of left lower extremity
I87.313 Chronic venous hypertension (idiopathic) with ulcer of bilateral lower extremity
I87.331 Chronic venous hypertension (idiopathic) with ulcer and inflammation of right lower extremity
I87.332 Chronic venous hypertension (idiopathic) with ulcer and inflammation of left lower extremity
I87.333 Chronic venous hypertension (idiopathic) with ulcer and inflammation of bilateral lower extremity
I96* Gangrene, not elsewhere classified
K12.2 Cellulitis and abscess of mouth
K62.6 Ulcer of anus and rectum
L03.011 Cellulitis of right finger
L03.012 Cellulitis of left finger
L03.031 Cellulitis of right toe
L03.032 Cellulitis of left toe
L03.111 Cellulitis of right axilla
L03.112 Cellulitis of left axilla
L03.113 Cellulitis of right upper limb
L03.114 Cellulitis of left upper limb
L03.115 Cellulitis of right lower limb
L03.116 Cellulitis of left lower limb
L03.211 Cellulitis of face
L03.221 Cellulitis of neck
L03.222 Acute lymphangitis of neck
L03.311 Cellulitis of abdominal wall
L03.312 Cellulitis of back [any part except buttock]
L03.313 Cellulitis of chest wall
L03.314 Cellulitis of groin
L03.315 Cellulitis of perineum
L03.316 Cellulitis of umbilicus
L03.317 Cellulitis of buttock
L03.811 Cellulitis of head [any part, except face]
L05.01 Pilonidal cyst with abscess
L08.0 Pyoderma
L08.89 Other specified local infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
L12.0 Bullous pemphigoid
L59.8 Other specified disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissue related to radiation
L73.8 Other specified follicular disorders
L89.012 Pressure ulcer of right elbow, stage 2
L89.013 Pressure ulcer of right elbow, stage 3
L89.014 Pressure ulcer of right elbow, stage 4
L89.016 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of right elbow
L89.022 Pressure ulcer of left elbow, stage 2
L89.023 Pressure ulcer of left elbow, stage 3
L89.024 Pressure ulcer of left elbow, stage 4
L89.026 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of left elbow
L89.112 Pressure ulcer of right upper back, stage 2
L89.113 Pressure ulcer of right upper back, stage 3
L89.114 Pressure ulcer of right upper back, stage 4
L89.116 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of right upper back
L89.122 Pressure ulcer of left upper back, stage 2
L89.123 Pressure ulcer of left upper back, stage 3
L89.124 Pressure ulcer of left upper back, stage 4
L89.126 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of left upper back
L89.132 Pressure ulcer of right lower back, stage 2
L89.133 Pressure ulcer of right lower back, stage 3
L89.134 Pressure ulcer of right lower back, stage 4
L89.136 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of right lower back
L89.142 Pressure ulcer of left lower back, stage 2
L89.143 Pressure ulcer of left lower back, stage 3
L89.144 Pressure ulcer of left lower back, stage 4
L89.146 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of left lower back
L89.152 Pressure ulcer of sacral region, stage 2
L89.153 Pressure ulcer of sacral region, stage 3
L89.154 Pressure ulcer of sacral region, stage 4
L89.156 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of sacral region
L89.212 Pressure ulcer of right hip, stage 2
L89.213 Pressure ulcer of right hip, stage 3
L89.214 Pressure ulcer of right hip, stage 4
L89.216 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of right hip
L89.222 Pressure ulcer of left hip, stage 2
L89.223 Pressure ulcer of left hip, stage 3
L89.224 Pressure ulcer of left hip, stage 4
L89.226 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of left hip
L89.312 Pressure ulcer of right buttock, stage 2
L89.313 Pressure ulcer of right buttock, stage 3
L89.314 Pressure ulcer of right buttock, stage 4
L89.316 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of right buttock
L89.322 Pressure ulcer of left buttock, stage 2
L89.323 Pressure ulcer of left buttock, stage 3
L89.324 Pressure ulcer of left buttock, stage 4
L89.326 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of left buttock
L89.42 Pressure ulcer of contiguous site of back, buttock and hip, stage 2
L89.43 Pressure ulcer of contiguous site of back, buttock and hip, stage 3
L89.44 Pressure ulcer of contiguous site of back, buttock and hip, stage 4
L89.46 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of contiguous site of back, buttock and hip
L89.512 Pressure ulcer of right ankle, stage 2
L89.513 Pressure ulcer of right ankle, stage 3
L89.514 Pressure ulcer of right ankle, stage 4
L89.516 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of right ankle
L89.522 Pressure ulcer of left ankle, stage 2
L89.523 Pressure ulcer of left ankle, stage 3
L89.524 Pressure ulcer of left ankle, stage 4
L89.526 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of left ankle
L89.612 Pressure ulcer of right heel, stage 2
L89.613 Pressure ulcer of right heel, stage 3
L89.614 Pressure ulcer of right heel, stage 4
L89.616 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of right heel
L89.622 Pressure ulcer of left heel, stage 2
L89.623 Pressure ulcer of left heel, stage 3
L89.624 Pressure ulcer of left heel, stage 4
L89.626 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of left heel
L89.812 Pressure ulcer of head, stage 2
L89.813 Pressure ulcer of head, stage 3
L89.814 Pressure ulcer of head, stage 4
L89.816 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of head
L89.892 Pressure ulcer of other site, stage 2
L89.893 Pressure ulcer of other site, stage 3
L89.894 Pressure ulcer of other site, stage 4
L89.896 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of other site
L97.111* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right thigh limited to breakdown of skin
L97.112* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right thigh with fat layer exposed
L97.113* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right thigh with necrosis of muscle
L97.114* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right thigh with necrosis of bone
L97.115* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right thigh with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.116* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right thigh with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.118* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right thigh with other specified severity
L97.121* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left thigh limited to breakdown of skin
L97.122* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left thigh with fat layer exposed
L97.123* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left thigh with necrosis of muscle
L97.124* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left thigh with necrosis of bone
L97.125* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left thigh with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.126* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left thigh with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.128* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left thigh with other specified severity
L97.211* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right calf limited to breakdown of skin
L97.212* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right calf with fat layer exposed
L97.213* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right calf with necrosis of muscle
L97.214* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right calf with necrosis of bone
L97.215* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right calf with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.216* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right calf with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.218* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right calf with other specified severity
L97.221* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left calf limited to breakdown of skin
L97.222* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left calf with fat layer exposed
L97.223* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left calf with necrosis of muscle
L97.224* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left calf with necrosis of bone
L97.225* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left calf with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.226* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left calf with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.228* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left calf with other specified severity
L97.311* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right ankle limited to breakdown of skin
L97.312* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right ankle with fat layer exposed
L97.313* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right ankle with necrosis of muscle
L97.314* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right ankle with necrosis of bone
L97.315* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right ankle with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.316* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right ankle with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.318* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right ankle with other specified severity
L97.321* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left ankle limited to breakdown of skin
L97.322* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left ankle with fat layer exposed
L97.323* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left ankle with necrosis of muscle
L97.324* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left ankle with necrosis of bone
L97.325* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left ankle with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.326* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left ankle with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.328* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left ankle with other specified severity
L97.411* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right heel and midfoot limited to breakdown of skin
L97.412* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right heel and midfoot with fat layer exposed
L97.413* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right heel and midfoot with necrosis of muscle
L97.414* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right heel and midfoot with necrosis of bone
L97.415* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right heel and midfoot with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.416* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right heel and midfoot with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.418* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right heel and midfoot with other specified severity
L97.421* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left heel and midfoot limited to breakdown of skin
L97.422* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left heel and midfoot with fat layer exposed
L97.423* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left heel and midfoot with necrosis of muscle
L97.424* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left heel and midfoot with necrosis of bone
L97.425* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left heel and midfoot with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.426* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left heel and midfoot with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.428* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left heel and midfoot with other specified severity
L97.511* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right foot limited to breakdown of skin
L97.512* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right foot with fat layer exposed
L97.513* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right foot with necrosis of muscle
L97.514* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right foot with necrosis of bone
L97.515* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right foot with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.516* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right foot with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.518* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right foot with other specified severity
L97.521* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left foot limited to breakdown of skin
L97.522* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left foot with fat layer exposed
L97.523* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left foot with necrosis of muscle
L97.524* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left foot with necrosis of bone
L97.525* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left foot with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.526* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left foot with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.528* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left foot with other specified severity
L97.811* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right lower leg limited to breakdown of skin
L97.812* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right lower leg with fat layer exposed
L97.813* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right lower leg with necrosis of muscle
L97.814* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right lower leg with necrosis of bone
L97.815* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right lower leg with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.816* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right lower leg with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.818* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right lower leg with other specified severity
L97.821* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left lower leg limited to breakdown of skin
L97.822* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left lower leg with fat layer exposed
L97.823* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left lower leg with necrosis of muscle
L97.824* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left lower leg with necrosis of bone
L97.825* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left lower leg with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.826* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left lower leg with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.828* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left lower leg with other specified severity
L97.911* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of right lower leg limited to breakdown of skin
L97.912* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of right lower leg with fat layer exposed
L97.913* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of right lower leg with necrosis of muscle
L97.914* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of right lower leg with necrosis of bone
L97.915* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of right lower leg with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.916* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of right lower leg with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.918* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of right lower leg with other specified severity
L97.921* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of left lower leg limited to breakdown of skin
L97.922* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of left lower leg with fat layer exposed
L97.923* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of left lower leg with necrosis of muscle
L97.924* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of left lower leg with necrosis of bone
L97.925* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of left lower leg with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.926* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of left lower leg with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.928* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of left lower leg with other specified severity
L98.411* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of buttock limited to breakdown of skin
L98.412* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of buttock with fat layer exposed
L98.413* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of buttock with necrosis of muscle
L98.414* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of buttock with necrosis of bone
L98.415* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of buttock with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L98.416* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of buttock with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L98.418* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of buttock with other specified severity
L98.421* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of back limited to breakdown of skin
L98.422* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of back with fat layer exposed
L98.423* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of back with necrosis of muscle
L98.424* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of back with necrosis of bone
L98.425* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of back with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L98.426* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of back with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L98.428* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of back with other specified severity
L98.491* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin of other sites limited to breakdown of skin
L98.492* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin of other sites with fat layer exposed
L98.493* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin of other sites with necrosis of muscle
L98.494* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin of other sites with necrosis of bone
L98.495* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin of other sites with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L98.496* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin of other sites with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L98.498* Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin of other sites with other specified severity
S01.00XA Unspecified open wound of scalp, initial encounter
S01.00XD Unspecified open wound of scalp, subsequent encounter
S01.00XS Unspecified open wound of scalp, sequela
S01.01XA Laceration without foreign body of scalp, initial encounter
S01.01XD Laceration without foreign body of scalp, subsequent encounter
S01.01XS Laceration without foreign body of scalp, sequela
S01.20XA Unspecified open wound of nose, initial encounter
S01.20XD Unspecified open wound of nose, subsequent encounter
S01.20XS Unspecified open wound of nose, sequela
S01.21XA Laceration without foreign body of nose, initial encounter
S01.21XD Laceration without foreign body of nose, subsequent encounter
S01.21XS Laceration without foreign body of nose, sequela
S01.22XA Laceration with foreign body of nose, initial encounter
S01.22XD Laceration with foreign body of nose, subsequent encounter
S01.22XS Laceration with foreign body of nose, sequela
S01.23XA Puncture wound without foreign body of nose, initial encounter
S01.23XD Puncture wound without foreign body of nose, subsequent encounter
S01.23XS Puncture wound without foreign body of nose, sequela
S01.24XA Puncture wound with foreign body of nose, initial encounter
S01.24XD Puncture wound with foreign body of nose, subsequent encounter
S01.24XS Puncture wound with foreign body of nose, sequela
S01.25XA Open bite of nose, initial encounter
S01.25XD Open bite of nose, subsequent encounter
S01.25XS Open bite of nose, sequela
S01.301A Unspecified open wound of right ear, initial encounter
S01.301D Unspecified open wound of right ear, subsequent encounter
S01.301S Unspecified open wound of right ear, sequela
S01.302A Unspecified open wound of left ear, initial encounter
S01.302D Unspecified open wound of left ear, subsequent encounter
S01.302S Unspecified open wound of left ear, sequela
S01.311A Laceration without foreign body of right ear, initial encounter
S01.311D Laceration without foreign body of right ear, subsequent encounter
S01.311S Laceration without foreign body of right ear, sequela
S01.312A Laceration without foreign body of left ear, initial encounter
S01.312D Laceration without foreign body of left ear, subsequent encounter
S01.312S Laceration without foreign body of left ear, sequela
S01.321A Laceration with foreign body of right ear, initial encounter
S01.321D Laceration with foreign body of right ear, subsequent encounter
S01.321S Laceration with foreign body of right ear, sequela
S01.322A Laceration with foreign body of left ear, initial encounter
S01.322D Laceration with foreign body of left ear, subsequent encounter
S01.322S Laceration with foreign body of left ear, sequela
S01.351A Open bite of right ear, initial encounter
S01.351D Open bite of right ear, subsequent encounter
S01.351S Open bite of right ear, sequela
S01.352A Open bite of left ear, initial encounter
S01.352D Open bite of left ear, subsequent encounter
S01.352S Open bite of left ear, sequela
S01.411A Laceration without foreign body of right cheek and temporomandibular area, initial encounter
S01.411D Laceration without foreign body of right cheek and temporomandibular area, subsequent encounter
S01.411S Laceration without foreign body of right cheek and temporomandibular area, sequela
S01.412A Laceration without foreign body of left cheek and temporomandibular area, initial encounter
S01.412D Laceration without foreign body of left cheek and temporomandibular area, subsequent encounter
S01.412S Laceration without foreign body of left cheek and temporomandibular area, sequela
S01.451A Open bite of right cheek and temporomandibular area, initial encounter
S01.451D Open bite of right cheek and temporomandibular area, subsequent encounter
S01.451S Open bite of right cheek and temporomandibular area, sequela
S01.452A Open bite of left cheek and temporomandibular area, initial encounter
S01.452D Open bite of left cheek and temporomandibular area, subsequent encounter
S01.452S Open bite of left cheek and temporomandibular area, sequela
S01.501A Unspecified open wound of lip, initial encounter
S01.501D Unspecified open wound of lip, subsequent encounter
S01.501S Unspecified open wound of lip, sequela
S01.502A Unspecified open wound of oral cavity, initial encounter
S01.502D Unspecified open wound of oral cavity, subsequent encounter
S01.502S Unspecified open wound of oral cavity, sequela
S01.80XA Unspecified open wound of other part of head, initial encounter
S01.80XD Unspecified open wound of other part of head, subsequent encounter
S01.80XS Unspecified open wound of other part of head, sequela
S01.81XA Laceration without foreign body of other part of head, initial encounter
S01.81XD Laceration without foreign body of other part of head, subsequent encounter
S01.81XS Laceration without foreign body of other part of head, sequela
S01.82XA Laceration with foreign body of other part of head, initial encounter
S01.82XD Laceration with foreign body of other part of head, subsequent encounter
S01.82XS Laceration with foreign body of other part of head, sequela
S01.83XA Puncture wound without foreign body of other part of head, initial encounter
S01.83XD Puncture wound without foreign body of other part of head, subsequent encounter
S01.83XS Puncture wound without foreign body of other part of head, sequela
S01.84XA Puncture wound with foreign body of other part of head, initial encounter
S01.84XD Puncture wound with foreign body of other part of head, subsequent encounter
S01.84XS Puncture wound with foreign body of other part of head, sequela
S01.85XA Open bite of other part of head, initial encounter
S01.85XD Open bite of other part of head, subsequent encounter
S01.85XS Open bite of other part of head, sequela
S21.001A Unspecified open wound of right breast, initial encounter
S21.001D Unspecified open wound of right breast, subsequent encounter
S21.001S Unspecified open wound of right breast, sequela
S21.002A Unspecified open wound of left breast, initial encounter
S21.002D Unspecified open wound of left breast, subsequent encounter
S21.002S Unspecified open wound of left breast, sequela
S21.011A Laceration without foreign body of right breast, initial encounter
S21.011D Laceration without foreign body of right breast, subsequent encounter
S21.011S Laceration without foreign body of right breast, sequela
S21.012A Laceration without foreign body of left breast, initial encounter
S21.012D Laceration without foreign body of left breast, subsequent encounter
S21.012S Laceration without foreign body of left breast, sequela
S21.021A Laceration with foreign body of right breast, initial encounter
S21.021D Laceration with foreign body of right breast, subsequent encounter
S21.021S Laceration with foreign body of right breast, sequela
S21.022A Laceration with foreign body of left breast, initial encounter
S21.022D Laceration with foreign body of left breast, subsequent encounter
S21.022S Laceration with foreign body of left breast, sequela
S21.051A Open bite of right breast, initial encounter
S21.051D Open bite of right breast, subsequent encounter
S21.051S Open bite of right breast, sequela
S21.052A Open bite of left breast, initial encounter
S21.052D Open bite of left breast, subsequent encounter
S21.052S Open bite of left breast, sequela
S21.101A Unspecified open wound of right front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.101D Unspecified open wound of right front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, subsequent encounter
S21.101S Unspecified open wound of right front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, sequela
S21.102A Unspecified open wound of left front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.102D Unspecified open wound of left front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, subsequent encounter
S21.102S Unspecified open wound of left front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, sequela
S21.111A Laceration without foreign body of right front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.111D Laceration without foreign body of right front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, subsequent encounter
S21.111S Laceration without foreign body of right front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, sequela
S21.112A Laceration without foreign body of left front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.112D Laceration without foreign body of left front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, subsequent encounter
S21.112S Laceration without foreign body of left front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, sequela
S21.121A Laceration with foreign body of right front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.121D Laceration with foreign body of right front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, subsequent encounter
S21.121S Laceration with foreign body of right front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, sequela
S21.122A Laceration with foreign body of left front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.122D Laceration with foreign body of left front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, subsequent encounter
S21.122S Laceration with foreign body of left front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, sequela
S21.151A Open bite of right front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.151D Open bite of right front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, subsequent encounter
S21.151S Open bite of right front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, sequela
S21.152A Open bite of left front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.152D Open bite of left front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, subsequent encounter
S21.152S Open bite of left front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, sequela
S21.201A Unspecified open wound of right back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.201D Unspecified open wound of right back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, subsequent encounter
S21.201S Unspecified open wound of right back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, sequela
S21.202A Unspecified open wound of left back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.202D Unspecified open wound of left back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, subsequent encounter
S21.202S Unspecified open wound of left back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, sequela
S21.211A Laceration without foreign body of right back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.211D Laceration without foreign body of right back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, subsequent encounter
S21.211S Laceration without foreign body of right back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, sequela
S21.212A Laceration without foreign body of left back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.212D Laceration without foreign body of left back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, subsequent encounter
S21.212S Laceration without foreign body of left back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, sequela
S21.221A Laceration with foreign body of right back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.221D Laceration with foreign body of right back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, subsequent encounter
S21.221S Laceration with foreign body of right back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, sequela
S21.222A Laceration with foreign body of left back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.222D Laceration with foreign body of left back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, subsequent encounter
S21.222S Laceration with foreign body of left back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, sequela
S21.241A Puncture wound with foreign body of right back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.241D Puncture wound with foreign body of right back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, subsequent encounter
S21.241S Puncture wound with foreign body of right back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, sequela
S21.242A Puncture wound with foreign body of left back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, initial encounter
S21.242D Puncture wound with foreign body of left back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, subsequent encounter
S21.242S Puncture wound with foreign body of left back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity, sequela
S31.000A Unspecified open wound of lower back and pelvis without penetration into retroperitoneum, initial encounter
S31.000D Unspecified open wound of lower back and pelvis without penetration into retroperitoneum, subsequent encounter
S31.000S Unspecified open wound of lower back and pelvis without penetration into retroperitoneum, sequela
S31.010A Laceration without foreign body of lower back and pelvis without penetration into retroperitoneum, initial encounter
S31.010D Laceration without foreign body of lower back and pelvis without penetration into retroperitoneum, subsequent encounter
S31.010S Laceration without foreign body of lower back and pelvis without penetration into retroperitoneum, sequela
S31.011A Laceration without foreign body of lower back and pelvis with penetration into retroperitoneum, initial encounter
S31.011D Laceration without foreign body of lower back and pelvis with penetration into retroperitoneum, subsequent encounter
S31.011S Laceration without foreign body of lower back and pelvis with penetration into retroperitoneum, sequela
S31.020A Laceration with foreign body of lower back and pelvis without penetration into retroperitoneum, initial encounter
S31.020D Laceration with foreign body of lower back and pelvis without penetration into retroperitoneum, subsequent encounter
S31.020S Laceration with foreign body of lower back and pelvis without penetration into retroperitoneum, sequela
S31.050A Open bite of lower back and pelvis without penetration into retroperitoneum, initial encounter
S31.050D Open bite of lower back and pelvis without penetration into retroperitoneum, subsequent encounter
S31.050S Open bite of lower back and pelvis without penetration into retroperitoneum, sequela
S31.100A Unspecified open wound of abdominal wall, right upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.100D Unspecified open wound of abdominal wall, right upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, subsequent encounter
S31.100S Unspecified open wound of abdominal wall, right upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, sequela
S31.101A Unspecified open wound of abdominal wall, left upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.101D Unspecified open wound of abdominal wall, left upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, subsequent encounter
S31.101S Unspecified open wound of abdominal wall, left upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, sequela
S31.102A Unspecified open wound of abdominal wall, epigastric region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.102D Unspecified open wound of abdominal wall, epigastric region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, subsequent encounter
S31.102S Unspecified open wound of abdominal wall, epigastric region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, sequela
S31.103A Unspecified open wound of abdominal wall, right lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.103D Unspecified open wound of abdominal wall, right lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, subsequent encounter
S31.103S Unspecified open wound of abdominal wall, right lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, sequela
S31.104A Unspecified open wound of abdominal wall, left lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.104D Unspecified open wound of abdominal wall, left lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, subsequent encounter
S31.104S Unspecified open wound of abdominal wall, left lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, sequela
S31.105A Unspecified open wound of abdominal wall, periumbilic region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.105D Unspecified open wound of abdominal wall, periumbilic region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, subsequent encounter
S31.105S Unspecified open wound of abdominal wall, periumbilic region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, sequela
S31.110A Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, right upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.110D Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, right upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, subsequent encounter
S31.110S Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, right upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, sequela
S31.111A Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, left upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.111D Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, left upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, subsequent encounter
S31.111S Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, left upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, sequela
S31.112A Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, epigastric region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.112D Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, epigastric region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, subsequent encounter
S31.112S Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, epigastric region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, sequela
S31.113A Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, right lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.113D Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, right lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, subsequent encounter
S31.113S Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, right lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, sequela
S31.114A Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, left lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.114D Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, left lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, subsequent encounter
S31.114S Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, left lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, sequela
S31.115A Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, periumbilic region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.115D Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, periumbilic region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, subsequent encounter
S31.115S Laceration without foreign body of abdominal wall, periumbilic region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, sequela
S31.120A Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, right upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.120D Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, right upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, subsequent encounter
S31.120S Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, right upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, sequela
S31.121A Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, left upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.121D Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, left upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, subsequent encounter
S31.121S Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, left upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, sequela
S31.122A Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, epigastric region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.122D Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, epigastric region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, subsequent encounter
S31.122S Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, epigastric region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, sequela
S31.123A Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, right lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.123D Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, right lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, subsequent encounter
S31.123S Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, right lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, sequela
S31.124A Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, left lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.124D Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, left lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, subsequent encounter
S31.124S Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, left lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, sequela
S31.125A Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, periumbilic region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.125D Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, periumbilic region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, subsequent encounter
S31.125S Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, periumbilic region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, sequela
S31.129A Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, unspecified quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.129D Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, unspecified quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, subsequent encounter
S31.129S Laceration of abdominal wall with foreign body, unspecified quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, sequela
S31.150A Open bite of abdominal wall, right upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.150D Open bite of abdominal wall, right upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, subsequent encounter
S31.150S Open bite of abdominal wall, right upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, sequela
S31.151A Open bite of abdominal wall, left upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.151D Open bite of abdominal wall, left upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, subsequent encounter
S31.151S Open bite of abdominal wall, left upper quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, sequela
S31.152A Open bite of abdominal wall, epigastric region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.152D Open bite of abdominal wall, epigastric region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, subsequent encounter
S31.152S Open bite of abdominal wall, epigastric region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, sequela
S31.153A Open bite of abdominal wall, right lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.153D Open bite of abdominal wall, right lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, subsequent encounter
S31.153S Open bite of abdominal wall, right lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, sequela
S31.154A Open bite of abdominal wall, left lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.154D Open bite of abdominal wall, left lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, subsequent encounter
S31.154S Open bite of abdominal wall, left lower quadrant without penetration into peritoneal cavity, sequela
S31.155A Open bite of abdominal wall, periumbilic region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, initial encounter
S31.155D Open bite of abdominal wall, periumbilic region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, subsequent encounter
S31.155S Open bite of abdominal wall, periumbilic region without penetration into peritoneal cavity, sequela
S31.20XA Unspecified open wound of penis, initial encounter
S31.20XD Unspecified open wound of penis, subsequent encounter
S31.20XS Unspecified open wound of penis, sequela
S31.21XA Laceration without foreign body of penis, initial encounter
S31.21XD Laceration without foreign body of penis, subsequent encounter
S31.21XS Laceration without foreign body of penis, sequela
S31.22XA Laceration with foreign body of penis, initial encounter
S31.22XD Laceration with foreign body of penis, subsequent encounter
S31.22XS Laceration with foreign body of penis, sequela
S31.25XA Open bite of penis, initial encounter
S31.25XD Open bite of penis, subsequent encounter
S31.25XS Open bite of penis, sequela
S31.31XA Laceration without foreign body of scrotum and testes, initial encounter
S31.31XD Laceration without foreign body of scrotum and testes, subsequent encounter
S31.31XS Laceration without foreign body of scrotum and testes, sequela
S31.32XA Laceration with foreign body of scrotum and testes, initial encounter
S31.32XD Laceration with foreign body of scrotum and testes, subsequent encounter
S31.32XS Laceration with foreign body of scrotum and testes, sequela
S31.35XA Open bite of scrotum and testes, initial encounter
S31.35XD Open bite of scrotum and testes, subsequent encounter
S31.35XS Open bite of scrotum and testes, sequela
S31.40XA Unspecified open wound of vagina and vulva, initial encounter
S31.40XD Unspecified open wound of vagina and vulva, subsequent encounter
S31.40XS Unspecified open wound of vagina and vulva, sequela
S31.41XA Laceration without foreign body of vagina and vulva, initial encounter
S31.41XD Laceration without foreign body of vagina and vulva, subsequent encounter
S31.41XS Laceration without foreign body of vagina and vulva, sequela
S31.42XA Laceration with foreign body of vagina and vulva, initial encounter
S31.42XD Laceration with foreign body of vagina and vulva, subsequent encounter
S31.42XS Laceration with foreign body of vagina and vulva, sequela
S31.45XA Open bite of vagina and vulva, initial encounter
S31.45XD Open bite of vagina and vulva, subsequent encounter
S31.45XS Open bite of vagina and vulva, sequela
S31.811A Laceration without foreign body of right buttock, initial encounter
S31.811D Laceration without foreign body of right buttock, subsequent encounter
S31.811S Laceration without foreign body of right buttock, sequela
S31.812A Laceration with foreign body of right buttock, initial encounter
S31.812D Laceration with foreign body of right buttock, subsequent encounter
S31.812S Laceration with foreign body of right buttock, sequela
S31.815A Open bite of right buttock, initial encounter
S31.815D Open bite of right buttock, subsequent encounter
S31.815S Open bite of right buttock, sequela
S31.819A Unspecified open wound of right buttock, initial encounter
S31.819D Unspecified open wound of right buttock, subsequent encounter
S31.819S Unspecified open wound of right buttock, sequela
S31.821A Laceration without foreign body of left buttock, initial encounter
S31.821D Laceration without foreign body of left buttock, subsequent encounter
S31.821S Laceration without foreign body of left buttock, sequela
S31.822A Laceration with foreign body of left buttock, initial encounter
S31.822D Laceration with foreign body of left buttock, subsequent encounter
S31.822S Laceration with foreign body of left buttock, sequela
S31.825A Open bite of left buttock, initial encounter
S31.825D Open bite of left buttock, subsequent encounter
S31.825S Open bite of left buttock, sequela
S31.829A Unspecified open wound of left buttock, initial encounter
S31.829D Unspecified open wound of left buttock, subsequent encounter
S31.829S Unspecified open wound of left buttock, sequela
S41.001A Unspecified open wound of right shoulder, initial encounter
S41.001D Unspecified open wound of right shoulder, subsequent encounter
S41.001S Unspecified open wound of right shoulder, sequela
S41.002A Unspecified open wound of left shoulder, initial encounter
S41.002D Unspecified open wound of left shoulder, subsequent encounter
S41.002S Unspecified open wound of left shoulder, sequela
S41.011A Laceration without foreign body of right shoulder, initial encounter
S41.011D Laceration without foreign body of right shoulder, subsequent encounter
S41.011S Laceration without foreign body of right shoulder, sequela
S41.012A Laceration without foreign body of left shoulder, initial encounter
S41.012D Laceration without foreign body of left shoulder, subsequent encounter
S41.012S Laceration without foreign body of left shoulder, sequela
S41.021A Laceration with foreign body of right shoulder, initial encounter
S41.021D Laceration with foreign body of right shoulder, subsequent encounter
S41.021S Laceration with foreign body of right shoulder, sequela
S41.022A Laceration with foreign body of left shoulder, initial encounter
S41.022D Laceration with foreign body of left shoulder, subsequent encounter
S41.022S Laceration with foreign body of left shoulder, sequela
S41.051A Open bite of right shoulder, initial encounter
S41.051D Open bite of right shoulder, subsequent encounter
S41.051S Open bite of right shoulder, sequela
S41.052A Open bite of left shoulder, initial encounter
S41.052D Open bite of left shoulder, subsequent encounter
S41.052S Open bite of left shoulder, sequela
S41.101A Unspecified open wound of right upper arm, initial encounter
S41.101D Unspecified open wound of right upper arm, subsequent encounter
S41.101S Unspecified open wound of right upper arm, sequela
S41.102A Unspecified open wound of left upper arm, initial encounter
S41.102D Unspecified open wound of left upper arm, subsequent encounter
S41.102S Unspecified open wound of left upper arm, sequela
S41.111A Laceration without foreign body of right upper arm, initial encounter
S41.111D Laceration without foreign body of right upper arm, subsequent encounter
S41.111S Laceration without foreign body of right upper arm, sequela
S41.112A Laceration without foreign body of left upper arm, initial encounter
S41.112D Laceration without foreign body of left upper arm, subsequent encounter
S41.112S Laceration without foreign body of left upper arm, sequela
S41.121A Laceration with foreign body of right upper arm, initial encounter
S41.121D Laceration with foreign body of right upper arm, subsequent encounter
S41.121S Laceration with foreign body of right upper arm, sequela
S41.122A Laceration with foreign body of left upper arm, initial encounter
S41.122D Laceration with foreign body of left upper arm, subsequent encounter
S41.122S Laceration with foreign body of left upper arm, sequela
S41.151A Open bite of right upper arm, initial encounter
S41.151D Open bite of right upper arm, subsequent encounter
S41.151S Open bite of right upper arm, sequela
S41.152A Open bite of left upper arm, initial encounter
S41.152D Open bite of left upper arm, subsequent encounter
S41.152S Open bite of left upper arm, sequela
S51.001A Unspecified open wound of right elbow, initial encounter
S51.001D Unspecified open wound of right elbow, subsequent encounter
S51.001S Unspecified open wound of right elbow, sequela
S51.002A Unspecified open wound of left elbow, initial encounter
S51.002D Unspecified open wound of left elbow, subsequent encounter
S51.002S Unspecified open wound of left elbow, sequela
S51.011A Laceration without foreign body of right elbow, initial encounter
S51.011D Laceration without foreign body of right elbow, subsequent encounter
S51.011S Laceration without foreign body of right elbow, sequela
S51.012A Laceration without foreign body of left elbow, initial encounter
S51.012D Laceration without foreign body of left elbow, subsequent encounter
S51.012S Laceration without foreign body of left elbow, sequela
S51.021A Laceration with foreign body of right elbow, initial encounter
S51.021D Laceration with foreign body of right elbow, subsequent encounter
S51.021S Laceration with foreign body of right elbow, sequela
S51.022A Laceration with foreign body of left elbow, initial encounter
S51.022D Laceration with foreign body of left elbow, subsequent encounter
S51.022S Laceration with foreign body of left elbow, sequela
S51.051A Open bite, right elbow, initial encounter
S51.051D Open bite, right elbow, subsequent encounter
S51.051S Open bite, right elbow, sequela
S51.052A Open bite, left elbow, initial encounter
S51.052D Open bite, left elbow, subsequent encounter
S51.052S Open bite, left elbow, sequela
S51.801A Unspecified open wound of right forearm, initial encounter
S51.801D Unspecified open wound of right forearm, subsequent encounter
S51.801S Unspecified open wound of right forearm, sequela
S51.802A Unspecified open wound of left forearm, initial encounter
S51.802D Unspecified open wound of left forearm, subsequent encounter
S51.802S Unspecified open wound of left forearm, sequela
S51.811A Laceration without foreign body of right forearm, initial encounter
S51.811D Laceration without foreign body of right forearm, subsequent encounter
S51.811S Laceration without foreign body of right forearm, sequela
S51.812A Laceration without foreign body of left forearm, initial encounter
S51.812D Laceration without foreign body of left forearm, subsequent encounter
S51.812S Laceration without foreign body of left forearm, sequela
S51.821A Laceration with foreign body of right forearm, initial encounter
S51.821D Laceration with foreign body of right forearm, subsequent encounter
S51.821S Laceration with foreign body of right forearm, sequela
S51.822A Laceration with foreign body of left forearm, initial encounter
S51.822D Laceration with foreign body of left forearm, subsequent encounter
S51.822S Laceration with foreign body of left forearm, sequela
S51.851A Open bite of right forearm, initial encounter
S51.851D Open bite of right forearm, subsequent encounter
S51.851S Open bite of right forearm, sequela
S51.852A Open bite of left forearm, initial encounter
S51.852D Open bite of left forearm, subsequent encounter
S51.852S Open bite of left forearm, sequela
S58.011A Complete traumatic amputation at elbow level, right arm, initial encounter
S58.011D Complete traumatic amputation at elbow level, right arm, subsequent encounter
S58.011S Complete traumatic amputation at elbow level, right arm, sequela
S58.012A Complete traumatic amputation at elbow level, left arm, initial encounter
S58.012D Complete traumatic amputation at elbow level, left arm, subsequent encounter
S58.012S Complete traumatic amputation at elbow level, left arm, sequela
S58.021A Partial traumatic amputation at elbow level, right arm, initial encounter
S58.021D Partial traumatic amputation at elbow level, right arm, subsequent encounter
S58.021S Partial traumatic amputation at elbow level, right arm, sequela
S58.022A Partial traumatic amputation at elbow level, left arm, initial encounter
S58.022D Partial traumatic amputation at elbow level, left arm, subsequent encounter
S58.022S Partial traumatic amputation at elbow level, left arm, sequela
S58.111A Complete traumatic amputation at level between elbow and wrist, right arm, initial encounter
S58.111D Complete traumatic amputation at level between elbow and wrist, right arm, subsequent encounter
S58.111S Complete traumatic amputation at level between elbow and wrist, right arm, sequela
S58.112A Complete traumatic amputation at level between elbow and wrist, left arm, initial encounter
S58.112D Complete traumatic amputation at level between elbow and wrist, left arm, subsequent encounter
S58.112S Complete traumatic amputation at level between elbow and wrist, left arm, sequela
S58.121A Partial traumatic amputation at level between elbow and wrist, right arm, initial encounter
S58.121D Partial traumatic amputation at level between elbow and wrist, right arm, subsequent encounter
S58.121S Partial traumatic amputation at level between elbow and wrist, right arm, sequela
S58.122A Partial traumatic amputation at level between elbow and wrist, left arm, initial encounter
S58.122D Partial traumatic amputation at level between elbow and wrist, left arm, subsequent encounter
S58.122S Partial traumatic amputation at level between elbow and wrist, left arm, sequela
S61.001A Unspecified open wound of right thumb without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.001D Unspecified open wound of right thumb without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.001S Unspecified open wound of right thumb without damage to nail, sequela
S61.002A Unspecified open wound of left thumb without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.002D Unspecified open wound of left thumb without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.002S Unspecified open wound of left thumb without damage to nail, sequela
S61.011A Laceration without foreign body of right thumb without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.011D Laceration without foreign body of right thumb without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.011S Laceration without foreign body of right thumb without damage to nail, sequela
S61.012A Laceration without foreign body of left thumb without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.012D Laceration without foreign body of left thumb without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.012S Laceration without foreign body of left thumb without damage to nail, sequela
S61.051A Open bite of right thumb without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.051D Open bite of right thumb without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.051S Open bite of right thumb without damage to nail, sequela
S61.052A Open bite of left thumb without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.052D Open bite of left thumb without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.052S Open bite of left thumb without damage to nail, sequela
S61.200A Unspecified open wound of right index finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.200D Unspecified open wound of right index finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.200S Unspecified open wound of right index finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.201A Unspecified open wound of left index finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.201D Unspecified open wound of left index finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.201S Unspecified open wound of left index finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.202A Unspecified open wound of right middle finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.202D Unspecified open wound of right middle finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.202S Unspecified open wound of right middle finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.203A Unspecified open wound of left middle finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.203D Unspecified open wound of left middle finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.203S Unspecified open wound of left middle finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.204A Unspecified open wound of right ring finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.204D Unspecified open wound of right ring finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.204S Unspecified open wound of right ring finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.205A Unspecified open wound of left ring finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.205D Unspecified open wound of left ring finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.205S Unspecified open wound of left ring finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.206A Unspecified open wound of right little finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.206D Unspecified open wound of right little finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.206S Unspecified open wound of right little finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.207A Unspecified open wound of left little finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.207D Unspecified open wound of left little finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.207S Unspecified open wound of left little finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.210A Laceration without foreign body of right index finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.210D Laceration without foreign body of right index finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.210S Laceration without foreign body of right index finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.211A Laceration without foreign body of left index finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.211D Laceration without foreign body of left index finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.211S Laceration without foreign body of left index finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.212A Laceration without foreign body of right middle finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.212D Laceration without foreign body of right middle finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.212S Laceration without foreign body of right middle finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.213A Laceration without foreign body of left middle finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.213D Laceration without foreign body of left middle finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.213S Laceration without foreign body of left middle finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.214A Laceration without foreign body of right ring finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.214D Laceration without foreign body of right ring finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.214S Laceration without foreign body of right ring finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.215A Laceration without foreign body of left ring finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.215D Laceration without foreign body of left ring finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.215S Laceration without foreign body of left ring finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.216A Laceration without foreign body of right little finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.216D Laceration without foreign body of right little finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.216S Laceration without foreign body of right little finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.217A Laceration without foreign body of left little finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.217D Laceration without foreign body of left little finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.217S Laceration without foreign body of left little finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.220A Laceration with foreign body of right index finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.220D Laceration with foreign body of right index finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.220S Laceration with foreign body of right index finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.221A Laceration with foreign body of left index finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.221D Laceration with foreign body of left index finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.221S Laceration with foreign body of left index finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.222A Laceration with foreign body of right middle finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.222D Laceration with foreign body of right middle finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.222S Laceration with foreign body of right middle finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.223A Laceration with foreign body of left middle finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.223D Laceration with foreign body of left middle finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.223S Laceration with foreign body of left middle finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.224A Laceration with foreign body of right ring finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.224D Laceration with foreign body of right ring finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.224S Laceration with foreign body of right ring finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.225A Laceration with foreign body of left ring finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.225D Laceration with foreign body of left ring finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.225S Laceration with foreign body of left ring finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.226A Laceration with foreign body of right little finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.226D Laceration with foreign body of right little finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.226S Laceration with foreign body of right little finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.227A Laceration with foreign body of left little finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.227D Laceration with foreign body of left little finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.227S Laceration with foreign body of left little finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.250A Open bite of right index finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.250D Open bite of right index finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.250S Open bite of right index finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.251A Open bite of left index finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.251D Open bite of left index finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.251S Open bite of left index finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.252A Open bite of right middle finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.252D Open bite of right middle finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.252S Open bite of right middle finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.253A Open bite of left middle finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.253D Open bite of left middle finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.253S Open bite of left middle finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.254A Open bite of right ring finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.254D Open bite of right ring finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.254S Open bite of right ring finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.255A Open bite of left ring finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.255D Open bite of left ring finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.255S Open bite of left ring finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.256A Open bite of right little finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.256D Open bite of right little finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.256S Open bite of right little finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.257A Open bite of left little finger without damage to nail, initial encounter
S61.257D Open bite of left little finger without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S61.257S Open bite of left little finger without damage to nail, sequela
S61.401A Unspecified open wound of right hand, initial encounter
S61.401D Unspecified open wound of right hand, subsequent encounter
S61.401S Unspecified open wound of right hand, sequela
S61.402A Unspecified open wound of left hand, initial encounter
S61.402D Unspecified open wound of left hand, subsequent encounter
S61.402S Unspecified open wound of left hand, sequela
S61.411A Laceration without foreign body of right hand, initial encounter
S61.411D Laceration without foreign body of right hand, subsequent encounter
S61.411S Laceration without foreign body of right hand, sequela
S61.412A Laceration without foreign body of left hand, initial encounter
S61.412D Laceration without foreign body of left hand, subsequent encounter
S61.412S Laceration without foreign body of left hand, sequela
S61.421A Laceration with foreign body of right hand, initial encounter
S61.421D Laceration with foreign body of right hand, subsequent encounter
S61.421S Laceration with foreign body of right hand, sequela
S61.422A Laceration with foreign body of left hand, initial encounter
S61.422D Laceration with foreign body of left hand, subsequent encounter
S61.422S Laceration with foreign body of left hand, sequela
S61.451A Open bite of right hand, initial encounter
S61.451D Open bite of right hand, subsequent encounter
S61.451S Open bite of right hand, sequela
S61.452A Open bite of left hand, initial encounter
S61.452D Open bite of left hand, subsequent encounter
S61.452S Open bite of left hand, sequela
S61.501A Unspecified open wound of right wrist, initial encounter
S61.501D Unspecified open wound of right wrist, subsequent encounter
S61.501S Unspecified open wound of right wrist, sequela
S61.502A Unspecified open wound of left wrist, initial encounter
S61.502D Unspecified open wound of left wrist, subsequent encounter
S61.502S Unspecified open wound of left wrist, sequela
S61.511A Laceration without foreign body of right wrist, initial encounter
S61.511D Laceration without foreign body of right wrist, subsequent encounter
S61.511S Laceration without foreign body of right wrist, sequela
S61.512A Laceration without foreign body of left wrist, initial encounter
S61.512D Laceration without foreign body of left wrist, subsequent encounter
S61.512S Laceration without foreign body of left wrist, sequela
S61.521A Laceration with foreign body of right wrist, initial encounter
S61.521D Laceration with foreign body of right wrist, subsequent encounter
S61.521S Laceration with foreign body of right wrist, sequela
S61.522A Laceration with foreign body of left wrist, initial encounter
S61.522D Laceration with foreign body of left wrist, subsequent encounter
S61.522S Laceration with foreign body of left wrist, sequela
S61.551A Open bite of right wrist, initial encounter
S61.551D Open bite of right wrist, subsequent encounter
S61.551S Open bite of right wrist, sequela
S61.552A Open bite of left wrist, initial encounter
S61.552D Open bite of left wrist, subsequent encounter
S61.552S Open bite of left wrist, sequela
S68.011A Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right thumb, initial encounter
S68.011D Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right thumb, subsequent encounter
S68.011S Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right thumb, sequela
S68.012A Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left thumb, initial encounter
S68.012D Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left thumb, subsequent encounter
S68.012S Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left thumb, sequela
S68.021A Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right thumb, initial encounter
S68.021D Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right thumb, subsequent encounter
S68.021S Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right thumb, sequela
S68.022A Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left thumb, initial encounter
S68.022D Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left thumb, subsequent encounter
S68.022S Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left thumb, sequela
S68.110A Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right index finger, initial encounter
S68.110D Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right index finger, subsequent encounter
S68.110S Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right index finger, sequela
S68.111A Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left index finger, initial encounter
S68.111D Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left index finger, subsequent encounter
S68.111S Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left index finger, sequela
S68.112A Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right middle finger, initial encounter
S68.112D Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right middle finger, subsequent encounter
S68.112S Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right middle finger, sequela
S68.113A Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left middle finger, initial encounter
S68.113D Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left middle finger, subsequent encounter
S68.113S Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left middle finger, sequela
S68.114A Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right ring finger, initial encounter
S68.114D Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right ring finger, subsequent encounter
S68.114S Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right ring finger, sequela
S68.115A Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left ring finger, initial encounter
S68.115D Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left ring finger, subsequent encounter
S68.115S Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left ring finger, sequela
S68.116A Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right little finger, initial encounter
S68.116D Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right little finger, subsequent encounter
S68.116S Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right little finger, sequela
S68.117A Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left little finger, initial encounter
S68.117D Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left little finger, subsequent encounter
S68.117S Complete traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left little finger, sequela
S68.120A Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right index finger, initial encounter
S68.120D Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right index finger, subsequent encounter
S68.120S Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right index finger, sequela
S68.121A Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left index finger, initial encounter
S68.121D Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left index finger, subsequent encounter
S68.121S Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left index finger, sequela
S68.122A Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right middle finger, initial encounter
S68.122D Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right middle finger, subsequent encounter
S68.122S Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right middle finger, sequela
S68.123A Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left middle finger, initial encounter
S68.123D Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left middle finger, subsequent encounter
S68.123S Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left middle finger, sequela
S68.124A Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right ring finger, initial encounter
S68.124D Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right ring finger, subsequent encounter
S68.124S Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right ring finger, sequela
S68.125A Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left ring finger, initial encounter
S68.125D Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left ring finger, subsequent encounter
S68.125S Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left ring finger, sequela
S68.126A Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right little finger, initial encounter
S68.126D Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right little finger, subsequent encounter
S68.126S Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of right little finger, sequela
S68.127A Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left little finger, initial encounter
S68.127D Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left little finger, subsequent encounter
S68.127S Partial traumatic metacarpophalangeal amputation of left little finger, sequela
S71.001A Unspecified open wound, right hip, initial encounter
S71.001D Unspecified open wound, right hip, subsequent encounter
S71.001S Unspecified open wound, right hip, sequela
S71.002A Unspecified open wound, left hip, initial encounter
S71.002D Unspecified open wound, left hip, subsequent encounter
S71.002S Unspecified open wound, left hip, sequela
S71.011A Laceration without foreign body, right hip, initial encounter
S71.011D Laceration without foreign body, right hip, subsequent encounter
S71.011S Laceration without foreign body, right hip, sequela
S71.012A Laceration without foreign body, left hip, initial encounter
S71.012D Laceration without foreign body, left hip, subsequent encounter
S71.012S Laceration without foreign body, left hip, sequela
S71.021A Laceration with foreign body, right hip, initial encounter
S71.021D Laceration with foreign body, right hip, subsequent encounter
S71.021S Laceration with foreign body, right hip, sequela
S71.022A Laceration with foreign body, left hip, initial encounter
S71.022D Laceration with foreign body, left hip, subsequent encounter
S71.022S Laceration with foreign body, left hip, sequela
S71.051A Open bite, right hip, initial encounter
S71.051D Open bite, right hip, subsequent encounter
S71.051S Open bite, right hip, sequela
S71.052A Open bite, left hip, initial encounter
S71.052D Open bite, left hip, subsequent encounter
S71.052S Open bite, left hip, sequela
S71.101A Unspecified open wound, right thigh, initial encounter
S71.101D Unspecified open wound, right thigh, subsequent encounter
S71.101S Unspecified open wound, right thigh, sequela
S71.102A Unspecified open wound, left thigh, initial encounter
S71.102D Unspecified open wound, left thigh, subsequent encounter
S71.102S Unspecified open wound, left thigh, sequela
S71.111A Laceration without foreign body, right thigh, initial encounter
S71.111D Laceration without foreign body, right thigh, subsequent encounter
S71.111S Laceration without foreign body, right thigh, sequela
S71.112A Laceration without foreign body, left thigh, initial encounter
S71.112D Laceration without foreign body, left thigh, subsequent encounter
S71.112S Laceration without foreign body, left thigh, sequela
S71.121A Laceration with foreign body, right thigh, initial encounter
S71.121D Laceration with foreign body, right thigh, subsequent encounter
S71.121S Laceration with foreign body, right thigh, sequela
S71.122A Laceration with foreign body, left thigh, initial encounter
S71.122D Laceration with foreign body, left thigh, subsequent encounter
S71.122S Laceration with foreign body, left thigh, sequela
S71.151A Open bite, right thigh, initial encounter
S71.151D Open bite, right thigh, subsequent encounter
S71.151S Open bite, right thigh, sequela
S71.152A Open bite, left thigh, initial encounter
S71.152D Open bite, left thigh, subsequent encounter
S71.152S Open bite, left thigh, sequela
S81.001A Unspecified open wound, right knee, initial encounter
S81.001D Unspecified open wound, right knee, subsequent encounter
S81.001S Unspecified open wound, right knee, sequela
S81.002A Unspecified open wound, left knee, initial encounter
S81.002D Unspecified open wound, left knee, subsequent encounter
S81.002S Unspecified open wound, left knee, sequela
S81.011A Laceration without foreign body, right knee, initial encounter
S81.011D Laceration without foreign body, right knee, subsequent encounter
S81.011S Laceration without foreign body, right knee, sequela
S81.012A Laceration without foreign body, left knee, initial encounter
S81.012D Laceration without foreign body, left knee, subsequent encounter
S81.012S Laceration without foreign body, left knee, sequela
S81.021A Laceration with foreign body, right knee, initial encounter
S81.021D Laceration with foreign body, right knee, subsequent encounter
S81.021S Laceration with foreign body, right knee, sequela
S81.022A Laceration with foreign body, left knee, initial encounter
S81.022D Laceration with foreign body, left knee, subsequent encounter
S81.022S Laceration with foreign body, left knee, sequela
S81.031A Puncture wound without foreign body, right knee, initial encounter
S81.031D Puncture wound without foreign body, right knee, subsequent encounter
S81.031S Puncture wound without foreign body, right knee, sequela
S81.032A Puncture wound without foreign body, left knee, initial encounter
S81.032D Puncture wound without foreign body, left knee, subsequent encounter
S81.032S Puncture wound without foreign body, left knee, sequela
S81.041A Puncture wound with foreign body, right knee, initial encounter
S81.041D Puncture wound with foreign body, right knee, subsequent encounter
S81.041S Puncture wound with foreign body, right knee, sequela
S81.042A Puncture wound with foreign body, left knee, initial encounter
S81.042D Puncture wound with foreign body, left knee, subsequent encounter
S81.042S Puncture wound with foreign body, left knee, sequela
S81.051A Open bite, right knee, initial encounter
S81.051D Open bite, right knee, subsequent encounter
S81.051S Open bite, right knee, sequela
S81.052A Open bite, left knee, initial encounter
S81.052D Open bite, left knee, subsequent encounter
S81.052S Open bite, left knee, sequela
S81.801A Unspecified open wound, right lower leg, initial encounter
S81.801D Unspecified open wound, right lower leg, subsequent encounter
S81.801S Unspecified open wound, right lower leg, sequela
S81.802A Unspecified open wound, left lower leg, initial encounter
S81.802D Unspecified open wound, left lower leg, subsequent encounter
S81.802S Unspecified open wound, left lower leg, sequela
S81.811A Laceration without foreign body, right lower leg, initial encounter
S81.811D Laceration without foreign body, right lower leg, subsequent encounter
S81.811S Laceration without foreign body, right lower leg, sequela
S81.812A Laceration without foreign body, left lower leg, initial encounter
S81.812D Laceration without foreign body, left lower leg, subsequent encounter
S81.812S Laceration without foreign body, left lower leg, sequela
S81.821A Laceration with foreign body, right lower leg, initial encounter
S81.821D Laceration with foreign body, right lower leg, subsequent encounter
S81.821S Laceration with foreign body, right lower leg, sequela
S81.822A Laceration with foreign body, left lower leg, initial encounter
S81.822D Laceration with foreign body, left lower leg, subsequent encounter
S81.822S Laceration with foreign body, left lower leg, sequela
S81.831A Puncture wound without foreign body, right lower leg, initial encounter
S81.831D Puncture wound without foreign body, right lower leg, subsequent encounter
S81.831S Puncture wound without foreign body, right lower leg, sequela
S81.832A Puncture wound without foreign body, left lower leg, initial encounter
S81.832D Puncture wound without foreign body, left lower leg, subsequent encounter
S81.832S Puncture wound without foreign body, left lower leg, sequela
S81.841A Puncture wound with foreign body, right lower leg, initial encounter
S81.841D Puncture wound with foreign body, right lower leg, subsequent encounter
S81.841S Puncture wound with foreign body, right lower leg, sequela
S81.842A Puncture wound with foreign body, left lower leg, initial encounter
S81.842D Puncture wound with foreign body, left lower leg, subsequent encounter
S81.842S Puncture wound with foreign body, left lower leg, sequela
S81.851A Open bite, right lower leg, initial encounter
S81.851D Open bite, right lower leg, subsequent encounter
S81.851S Open bite, right lower leg, sequela
S81.852A Open bite, left lower leg, initial encounter
S81.852D Open bite, left lower leg, subsequent encounter
S81.852S Open bite, left lower leg, sequela
S91.001A Unspecified open wound, right ankle, initial encounter
S91.001D Unspecified open wound, right ankle, subsequent encounter
S91.001S Unspecified open wound, right ankle, sequela
S91.002A Unspecified open wound, left ankle, initial encounter
S91.002D Unspecified open wound, left ankle, subsequent encounter
S91.002S Unspecified open wound, left ankle, sequela
S91.011A Laceration without foreign body, right ankle, initial encounter
S91.011D Laceration without foreign body, right ankle, subsequent encounter
S91.011S Laceration without foreign body, right ankle, sequela
S91.012A Laceration without foreign body, left ankle, initial encounter
S91.012D Laceration without foreign body, left ankle, subsequent encounter
S91.012S Laceration without foreign body, left ankle, sequela
S91.021A Laceration with foreign body, right ankle, initial encounter
S91.021D Laceration with foreign body, right ankle, subsequent encounter
S91.021S Laceration with foreign body, right ankle, sequela
S91.022A Laceration with foreign body, left ankle, initial encounter
S91.022D Laceration with foreign body, left ankle, subsequent encounter
S91.022S Laceration with foreign body, left ankle, sequela
S91.051A Open bite, right ankle, initial encounter
S91.051D Open bite, right ankle, subsequent encounter
S91.051S Open bite, right ankle, sequela
S91.052A Open bite, left ankle, initial encounter
S91.052D Open bite, left ankle, subsequent encounter
S91.052S Open bite, left ankle, sequela
S91.101A Unspecified open wound of right great toe without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.101D Unspecified open wound of right great toe without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S91.101S Unspecified open wound of right great toe without damage to nail, sequela
S91.102A Unspecified open wound of left great toe without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.102D Unspecified open wound of left great toe without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S91.102S Unspecified open wound of left great toe without damage to nail, sequela
S91.104A Unspecified open wound of right lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.104D Unspecified open wound of right lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S91.104S Unspecified open wound of right lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, sequela
S91.105A Unspecified open wound of left lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.105D Unspecified open wound of left lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S91.105S Unspecified open wound of left lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, sequela
S91.111A Laceration without foreign body of right great toe without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.111D Laceration without foreign body of right great toe without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S91.111S Laceration without foreign body of right great toe without damage to nail, sequela
S91.112A Laceration without foreign body of left great toe without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.112D Laceration without foreign body of left great toe without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S91.112S Laceration without foreign body of left great toe without damage to nail, sequela
S91.114A Laceration without foreign body of right lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.114D Laceration without foreign body of right lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S91.114S Laceration without foreign body of right lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, sequela
S91.115A Laceration without foreign body of left lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.115D Laceration without foreign body of left lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S91.115S Laceration without foreign body of left lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, sequela
S91.121A Laceration with foreign body of right great toe without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.121D Laceration with foreign body of right great toe without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S91.121S Laceration with foreign body of right great toe without damage to nail, sequela
S91.122A Laceration with foreign body of left great toe without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.122D Laceration with foreign body of left great toe without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S91.122S Laceration with foreign body of left great toe without damage to nail, sequela
S91.124A Laceration with foreign body of right lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.124D Laceration with foreign body of right lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S91.124S Laceration with foreign body of right lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, sequela
S91.125A Laceration with foreign body of left lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.125D Laceration with foreign body of left lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S91.125S Laceration with foreign body of left lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, sequela
S91.151A Open bite of right great toe without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.151D Open bite of right great toe without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S91.151S Open bite of right great toe without damage to nail, sequela
S91.152A Open bite of left great toe without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.152D Open bite of left great toe without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S91.152S Open bite of left great toe without damage to nail, sequela
S91.154A Open bite of right lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, initial encounter
S91.154D Open bite of right lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, subsequent encounter
S91.154S Open bite of right lesser toe(s) without damage to nail, sequela
S91.301A Unspecified open wound, right foot, initial encounter
S91.301D Unspecified open wound, right foot, subsequent encounter
S91.301S Unspecified open wound, right foot, sequela
S91.302A Unspecified open wound, left foot, initial encounter
S91.302D Unspecified open wound, left foot, subsequent encounter
S91.302S Unspecified open wound, left foot, sequela
S91.311A Laceration without foreign body, right foot, initial encounter
S91.311D Laceration without foreign body, right foot, subsequent encounter
S91.311S Laceration without foreign body, right foot, sequela
S91.312A Laceration without foreign body, left foot, initial encounter
S91.312D Laceration without foreign body, left foot, subsequent encounter
S91.312S Laceration without foreign body, left foot, sequela
S91.321A Laceration with foreign body, right foot, initial encounter
S91.321D Laceration with foreign body, right foot, subsequent encounter
S91.321S Laceration with foreign body, right foot, sequela
S91.322A Laceration with foreign body, left foot, initial encounter
S91.322D Laceration with foreign body, left foot, subsequent encounter
S91.322S Laceration with foreign body, left foot, sequela
S91.351A Open bite, right foot, initial encounter
S91.351D Open bite, right foot, subsequent encounter
S91.351S Open bite, right foot, sequela
S91.352A Open bite, left foot, initial encounter
S91.352D Open bite, left foot, subsequent encounter
S91.352S Open bite, left foot, sequela
T81.31XA Disruption of external operation (surgical) wound, not elsewhere classified, initial encounter
T81.31XD Disruption of external operation (surgical) wound, not elsewhere classified, subsequent encounter
T81.31XS Disruption of external operation (surgical) wound, not elsewhere classified, sequela
T81.32XA Disruption of internal operation (surgical) wound, not elsewhere classified, initial encounter
T81.32XD Disruption of internal operation (surgical) wound, not elsewhere classified, subsequent encounter
T81.32XS Disruption of internal operation (surgical) wound, not elsewhere classified, sequela
T81.89XA Other complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified, initial encounter
T81.89XD Other complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified, subsequent encounter
T81.89XS Other complications of procedures, not elsewhere classified, sequela
T87.41 Infection of amputation stump, right upper extremity
T87.42 Infection of amputation stump, left upper extremity
T87.43 Infection of amputation stump, right lower extremity
T87.44 Infection of amputation stump, left lower extremity
T87.51 Necrosis of amputation stump, right upper extremity
T87.52 Necrosis of amputation stump, left upper extremity
T87.53 Necrosis of amputation stump, right lower extremity
T87.54 Necrosis of amputation stump, left lower extremity
Group 1 Medical Necessity ICD-10-CM Codes Asterisk Explanation

*For ICD-10-CM codes E10.620, E10.621, E10.622, E10.628, E10.65, E10.69, E11.620, E11.621, E11.622, E11.628, E11.65, E11.69, the "specified manifestation" is skin ulcer. For clarity one should consider adding a 2nd ICD-10 code (L97.1XX - L98.4XX ICD-10 codes asterisked above) to define the ulcer.

*For ICD-10-CM code I96 - When a traumatic injury leads to appreciable amounts of devitalized or contaminated tissue that requires extensive debridement, a reasonable (but not ideal) diagnosis is "traumatic gangrene," defined by Dorland's as "gangrene that occurs as a consequence of accidental injury." "Gangrene" means "devitalized tissue," not necessarily "contaminated." ICD-10-CM code I96 should be used when billing for this "extensive debridement."

Group 2

(19 Codes)
Group 2 Paragraph

Note: If the coverage conditions for the treatment of Symptomatic Hyperkeratoses are not met, the claims will be adjudicated based off Noridian’s JEAB Billing & Coding: Routine Foot Care A57954 Local Coverage Article (LCA).

For CPT codes 11055-11057, the claim must have at least one of the following nineteen diagnosis codes and at least one of the diagnosis codes listed in Group 3.

Group 2 Codes
Code Description
E10.621 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with foot ulcer
E11.621 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with foot ulcer
E75.21 Fabry (-Anderson) disease
G60.0 Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy
G60.1 Refsum's disease
G60.2 Neuropathy in association with hereditary ataxia
G60.3 Idiopathic progressive neuropathy
G60.8 Other hereditary and idiopathic neuropathies
L11.0 Acquired keratosis follicularis
L84 Corns and callosities
L85.0 Acquired ichthyosis
L85.1 Acquired keratosis [keratoderma] palmaris et plantaris
L85.2 Keratosis punctata (palmaris et plantaris)
L85.8 Other specified epidermal thickening
L86 Keratoderma in diseases classified elsewhere
L87.0 Keratosis follicularis et parafollicularis in cutem penetrans
L87.2 Elastosis perforans serpiginosa
Q81.9* Epidermolysis bullosa, unspecified
Q82.8* Other specified congenital malformations of skin
Group 2 Medical Necessity ICD-10-CM Codes Asterisk Explanation

*Use ICD-10-CM code Q81.9 and Q82.8 only for those hyperkeratotic, symptomatic lesions referable to this diagnosis such as painful porokeratosis or keratoderma.

Group 3

(6 Codes)
Group 3 Paragraph

For CPT codes 11055-11057, the claim must have at least one of the diagnosis codes from Group 2 above and at least one of the following diagnosis codes:

Group 3 Codes
Code Description
L03.031 Cellulitis of right toe
L03.032 Cellulitis of left toe
M79.671 Pain in right foot
M79.672 Pain in left foot
M79.674 Pain in right toe(s)
M79.675 Pain in left toe(s)

ICD-10-CM Codes that DO NOT Support Medical Necessity

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph

All ICD-10 codes that are not listed in the ICD-10 Codes That Support Medical Necessity section of this policy.

Group 1 Codes



ICD-10-PCS Codes

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



Additional ICD-10 Information


Bill Type Codes

Contractors may specify Bill Types to help providers identify those Bill Types typically used to report this service. Absence of a Bill Type does not guarantee that the article does not apply to that Bill Type. Complete absence of all Bill Types indicates that coverage is not influenced by Bill Type and the article should be assumed to apply equally to all claims.

Code Description

Please accept the License to see the codes.


Revenue Codes

Contractors may specify Revenue Codes to help providers identify those Revenue Codes typically used to report this service. In most instances Revenue Codes are purely advisory. Unless specified in the article, services reported under other Revenue Codes are equally subject to this coverage determination. Complete absence of all Revenue Codes indicates that coverage is not influenced by Revenue Code and the article should be assumed to apply equally to all Revenue Codes.

Note: The contractor has identified the Bill Type and Revenue Codes applicable for use with the CPT/HCPCS codes included in this Article. Providers are reminded that not all CPT/HCPCS codes listed can be billed with all Bill Type and/or Revenue Codes listed. CPT/HCPCS codes are required to be billed with specific Bill Type and Revenue Codes when services are performed in a Part A outpatient facility setting. Providers are encouraged to refer to the CMS Internet-Only Manual (IOM) Pub. 100-04, Medicare Claims Processing Manual, for further guidance.

Code Description

Please accept the License to see the codes.


Other Coding Information

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



Coding Table Information

Excluded CPT/HCPCS Codes - Table Format
Code Descriptor Generic Name Descriptor Brand Name Exclusion Effective Date Exclusion End Date Reason for Exclusion
Non-Excluded CPT/HCPCS Ended Codes - Table Format
Code Descriptor Generic Name Descriptor Brand Name Exclusion Effective Date Exclusion End Date Reason for Exclusion

Revision History Information

Revision History Date Revision History Number Revision History Explanation
01/01/2024 R5

Per 2024 CPT/HCPCS Updates:

Either the short and/or long code description was changed for the following code(s). Please Note: Depending on which descriptor was used, there may not be any changes to the code display in this document: 11000, 11001, 11004, 11005, 11006, 11008, 11042, 11043, 11044, 11045, 11046, 11047, 11055, 11056, 11057, 97597, 97598, 97605, 97606, 97607, 97608.

This update is effective 01/01/2024.

02/03/2022 R4

Updated to indicate this article is an LCD Reference Article.

02/03/2022 R3

Under Revision History Number 2: Correcting the sentence, "This section of the NCCI Manual was updated 01/01/2021" to "This section of the NCCI Manual was updated 01/01/2022."

02/03/2022 R2

Effective 11/28/2021 under Debridement, Total Contact Casting and Unna boot, the statement “The National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) Policy Manual for Medicare Services Chapter 4, section G states that debridement codes (11042-11047, 97597) should not be reported with codes 29445, 29580, 29581 for the same anatomic area” was replaced with “The National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) Policy Manual for Medicare Services Chapter 4, section G states that casting/splinting/strapping shall not be reported separately if a service from the Musculoskeletal System section of CPT (20100-28899 and 29800-29999) is also performed for the same anatomic area." This section of the NCCI Manual was updated 01/01/2021. The following was also added, "It may be appropriate to use modifier 59 with these strapping codes if performed in a separate anatomical area.” 

02/03/2022 R1

In the Article Text under Surgical Debridement - CPT codes 11000-11012, and 11042-11047, changed the wording of the sub-bullet under the sixth bullet to read "Per CMS Change Request (CR) 8863, CMS will continue to recognize the -59 modifier, a modifier used to define a "Distinct Procedural Service,"but notes that Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) instructions state that the -59 modifier should not be used when a more descriptive modifier is available. Please see CMS CR 8863for more information."

Under Other below, changed the link from MM8863 to CR 8863 as the link to the Medlearns Matters® MM8863 is no longer available.


Associated Documents

Medicare BPM Ch 15.50.2 SAD Determinations
Medicare BPM Ch 15.50.2
Related National Coverage Documents
SAD Process URL 1
SAD Process URL 2
Statutory Requirements URLs
NCD 70.2 - Consultation Services Rendered by a Podiatrist in a Skilled Nursing Facility
Description: Coverage Determinations, Part 1 Section 70.2(PDF)
Rules and Regulations URLs
CMS Manual Explanations URLs
Other URLs
CR 8863
Description: CR 8863 – Specific Modifiers for Distinct Procedural Services
Description: Medicare Learning Network MM10176 – Updated Editing of Always Therapy Services - MCS
Public Versions
Updated On Effective Dates Status
09/25/2024 10/01/2024 - N/A Currently in Effect View
04/12/2024 04/01/2024 - 09/30/2024 Superseded View
12/20/2023 01/01/2024 - 03/31/2024 Superseded You are here
Some older versions have been archived. Please visit the MCD Archive Site to retrieve them.
