Clinical Background
Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is an epidermal keratinocyte-derived malignancy that is the second most common skin cancer.1,2 Incidence is increasing and varies with latitude in the United States, with higher incidence in areas of greater sun exposure.3 Each year, over 700,000 new cases are diagnosed, 5600 to 12,600 patients develop nodal metastasis, and there are 4000-8800 deaths.2,4-7 Incidence is highest in non-Hispanic white populations, greater in males compared to females, and increases with age for a mean age at diagnosis of approximately 71 years.3 Ultraviolet (UV) radiation due to cumulative and chronic sun exposure is the most important environmental risk factor, occurring more frequently in those with less pigmented skin types.8-10 In individuals with highly pigmented skin, cSCC is more frequently found on non-sun exposed areas and is often associated with chronic inflammation, chronic wounds, or scarring.4-7 cSCC of this etiology is more difficult to treat and exhibits a higher recurrence risk.11-13
The overall prognosis is favorable with a 5-year survival of approximately 98%.2,8,14 While most tumors are easily cured with surgical excision, a subset result in recurrence, metastasis, and disease-specific death.14,15 The risk of nodal metastasis ranges from 1.2-5.8% in cohort and tumor registry studies and risk of death is approximately 2%.14,16,17 In a cohort of patients treated with Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS), the rate of local recurrence was 2.5%, metastatic disease 1.9% and of disease-specific death 0.57%,18 underscoring the importance of adequate surgical treatment.
Approaches to Risk-Stratification and Staging
Significant effort has been placed on identifying tumors likely to result in poor outcomes (high-risk cSCC) through development of risk stratification or staging systems that lead to a more individualized, risk-based treatment approach and follow-up schedule.19-25 However, this has not been defined consistently and currently available approaches have limited positive predictive value (PPV).14,16,26 The most utilized staging systems and guidelines include the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Guidelines, the American Joint Committee on Cancer 8th Edition (AJCC 8) staging system for Head and Neck Tumors, and the Brigham and Women’s Hospital staging system (BWH).16,27 Each will be discussed in brief.
As of 2021, the NCCN guidelines risk stratify cutaneous squamous cell cancer into low, high and very high-risk groups based on outcomes.8 The high-risk group is at increased risk of local recurrence and the very high-risk group is at increased risk of both local recurrence and metastasis.8 This stratification was validated by a large retrospective dual-center cohort, comparing outcomes of each group in patients treated with MMS or wide local excision (WLE). The cohort included 12,684 primary tumors from 8727 patients, which were subsequently stratified by NCCN guidelines into low, high, and very high-risk groups.28
Patients with NCCN very high-risk cSCC tumors experienced worse outcomes compared to patients with high-risk and low risk tumors in terms of local recurrence (LR) (11.2% vs 2.0% and 0.7%, p< 0.001), nodal metastasis (NM) (8.9% vs 0.7% and 0.1%, p< 0.001), in transit metastasis (ITM) (4.1% vs 0.3% and 0.0%, p< 0.001), distant metastasis (DM) (5.4% vs 0.3% and 0.0%, p< 0.001), disease specific death (DSD) (10.2% vs 0.7% and 0.3%, p< 0.001), and any poor outcome (17.7% vs 1.8% and 0.3%, P< 0.001).28 The study also demonstrated that MMS results in better local recurrence and distant metastasis outcomes compared to WLE after adjusting for NCCN risk groups, age and sex.28
The AJCC 8 came into clinical use in January 2018 with an updated four T stage (T1-T4) cSCC tumor classification for cases located on the head and neck; it was validated by multiple studies.16,26,29,30 Tumors are considered high-risk when staged as T3 or T4, and most high-risk tumors are staged as T3 due to relative rarity of T4 cases.31 More recently, in order to further reduce the prognostic heterogeneity of AJCC 8, the Salamanca refinement of the T3 classification was proposed, with significant difference in outcomes across three groups within T3.32 The BWH staging system was developed in 2013 to provide superior prognostic value compared to an earlier version of AJCC Staging (AJCC 7).26,32,33 In AJCC7, higher tumor classes (T3 and T4) required the rare finding of bone invasion, and thus most poor outcomes occurred in stage T2.26,34 BWH staging consists of four T stages (T1, T2a, T2b, and T3) and categorizes tumors by number of observed high-risk features.26,35
AJCC 8 and BWH classification systems have been validated in studies conducted at single-center academic institutions26,30,33 and in population-based studies.16,29 In 2002, the American Joint Committee on Cancer defined the objectives of cancer staging systems such that they should aim to classify patients into groups that differ according to outcome (distinctiveness), have similar outcome within each group (homogeneity), and worsening outcome with increasing stage (monotonousness).1,19,29,36 Harrell’s concordance index (c-index or c-statistic) is often calculated and represents the probability that a patient who will develop metastasis will be assigned a higher risk score of this event by the model/staging system compared with a patient who will remain event free. The c-index is equal to the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve for binary outcomes in logistic regression models.1,29 Additionally, the sensitivity and specificity of high tumor classes (such as AJCC 8 T3/T4 and BWH T2b/T3) to predict poor outcomes, as well as PPV and negative predictive value (NPV) are of importance in assessing the prognostic value of each staging system.26
Ruiz et al26 compared the performance of AJCC 8 and BWH tumor classification systems with respect to distinctiveness, homogeneity, monotonicity, and c-statistic in a single-center academic cohort. The two classification systems showed similar homogeneity (proportion of poor outcomes occurring in low tumor classes) and monotonicity (proportion of poor outcomes occurring in high tumor classes). High tumor classes AJCC8 T3/T4 and BWH T2b/T3 accounted for 18% and 9% of total cSCC cases, respectively, as well as 71% and 70% metastases, and 85% and 92% of deaths. AJCC8 T2 and T3 represented 23% of total cases, with statistically indistinguishable outcomes.26 Sensitivity, Specificity, PPV, and NPV of AJCC8 and BHW higher stages to detect NM/DSD were as follows: Sensitivity: 0.73 vs 0.78, Specificity: 0.93 vs 0.85, PPV: 0.30 vs 0.17, NPV: 0.99 vs 0.99.26 C-statistic for LR demonstrated similar discriminative ability by BWH and AJCC8 for LR with a BWH c-statistic of 0.86 (95% CI, 0.79-0.92) and an AJCC8 c-statistic of 0.81 (95% CI, 0.73-0.88) (p = .09). BWH showed superior discriminative ability for NM and DSD with a BWH c-statistic for NM of 0.91 (95% confidence interval (CI), 0.85-0.96) vs an AJCC8 c-statistic of 0.84 (95% CI, 0.76-0.91) (p = .01). For DSD, the BWH c-statistic was 0.97 (95% CI, 0.94-0.99) and the AJCC8 c-statistic was 0.91; (95% CI, 0.88-0.94) (p= .005).26
AJCC8 and BWH stratification performance was recently evaluated in a population-based nested case control study examining 887 metastatic cSCC cases and 887 non-metastatic controls, factoring in the Salamanca T3 sub-classification.29 The highest specificity was demonstrated for BWH, being 92.8% (95% (CI 90.8–94.3%), with a PPV of 13.2 (95% CI 10.6–16.2), NPV of 99.0 (95% CI 98.9–99.1) and c-index of 0.84 (95% CI 0.82–0.86). AJCC8 specificity was 80.5 (95% CI 77.7–83.1), PPV was 6.8 (95% CI 6.0–7.7), NPV was 99.2 (95% CI 99.2-99.3) and c-index was 0.78 (95% CI 0.76–0.80). The AJCC8 T3 Salamanca refinement did not show any improvement in AJCC8 T3 cSCC staging, although the number of T3 tumors was small with 37 eligible cases and 37 controls.29 Of note, the odds ratio (OR) for metastasis for ACJJ8 T2 was 3.9 (95% CI 2.6-5.8) and for T3, the OR was 11.6 (95% CI 8.3-16.0). The odds ratio for metastasis of BWH T2a was 6.8 (95% CI 4.6-10.1) and for T2b it was 33.3 (95% CI 20.8-53.2), demonstrating significantly higher odds of metastasis with increased stage.29 These data also suggest that AJCC8 tends to upstage low-risk disease, whereas BWH is superior in identification of low risk patients.37
Surveillance and Treatment Intensity are Influenced by Risk-Stratification Group
The American Academy of Dermatology currently recommends tumor stratification of localized cSCC using NCCN guidelines to provide practical clinical guidance for management and follow up and demonstrates preference for BWH in terms of the most accurate prognostication tool in localized cSCC.38 Current NCCN management guidelines for local cSCC recommend MMS or other forms of peripheral and deep en face margin assessment (PDEMA) for very high-risk tumors, with consideration of adjuvant radiation therapy (RT) in cases with poor prognostic features. Suggested follow up frequency and intensity vary according to risk group. Patients with very high-risk cSCC that are recurrent or have multiple risk factors that place them in the very high-risk group warrant consideration of sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) prior to PDEMA. At this time, studies assessing the role of SLNB in cSCC have been heterogeneous and small and while there may be prognostic value8,39-49 it is not evident that SLNB with subsequent completion lymph node dissection or adjuvant radiation therapy result in improved patient outcomes.8,40,42,44
A recent survey of 156 physicians aimed to assess how physicians across fields of dermatology and other cancer specialists from head and neck surgery/surgical oncology, radiation oncology, and medical oncology define high-risk cSCC and approach patient management.27 Results revealed that most dermatologists (89%) and other cancer specialists (93%) apply staging criteria to cSCC, with dermatologists more often staging only high-risk tumors and other cancer specialists preferring to stage all tumors. 71% of the surveyed dermatologists used the BWH staging system along or in conjunction with AJCC8, whereas 71% of other cancer specialists used only AJCC8. A contributing factor to this preference is that BWH staging has been developed by dermatologists, published in dermatology journals, and discussed at dermatology conferences. There was consensus that AJCC T3 and BWH T2b or higher constitute a high enough risk threshold to merit increased management intensity, including radiologic imaging, SLNB, adjuvant radiation therapy, and increased follow up; as such, they would also fall into the ‘very high-risk’ NCCN category. This is aligned with Clinical Practice Guidelines from the American Society for Radiation Oncology that provide a strong recommendation for postoperative radiation therapy (PORT) in patients with T3 and T4 tumors and for patients with desmoplastic or infiltrative tumors in the setting of chronic immunosuppression.50 Of note, this survey did not query participating physicians regarding use of NCCN guidelines for clinical management, although it did assess risk perception of various clinicopathologic factors. The recently added “very high- risk” category in NCCN guidelines represents an effort at unification of management across staging systems and clinicopathologic risk factors.27
Predictive Biomarkers and Gene Expression Profiling
Tumor biomarkers have been used to improve risk prognostication and clinical decision-making in other cancer types51 and several are in development to improve risk stratification of cSCC with the goal of bolstering the information provided by the various staging systems. The AJCC8 and BWH staging systems both stand to benefit from a stronger c-index and from improved PPV, as lower PPV may lead to over-treatment and unduly intense follow up.51 Oh et al15 constructed a nomogram using protein markers, Axin2 and p53, and clinical variables such as tumor size, organ transplantation history, poor differentiation, and invasion into subcutaneous fat to estimate individualized risk for recurrence in a retrospective study with 145 cSCC patients, to reveal a c-index of 0.809. Additional investigational biomarkers demonstrating association with poor outcomes in patients with cSCC include PD-L1,52-55 inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase (INPP5a),56,57 p300,58 telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) promoter mutations,59 CD133,60 long non-coding RNAs,61 and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) overexpression.62,63 Further studies are required to determine clinical validity and utility.
DecisionDx-SCC (40-GEP)
Castle Biosciences devised the DecisionDx-SCC (40-GEP) test which harnesses changes in gene expression of 34 metastasis-associated genes and 6 control genes to identify patients with high-risk of metastasis.35,64-66 The 40-GEP is intended to be used in patients with localized, invasive and the presence of one or more risk factors (i.e., high-risk) to guide treatment plans within established management pathways. Risk factors that confer eligibility for testing include: Tumors ≥ 2cm anywhere on the body, tumors located on head, neck, hands, feet, pretibial, genitalia, tumors with poorly defined borders, rapidly growing tumors, neurological symptoms in tumor region, tumor at site of prior radiation therapy or chronic inflammation, immunosuppression, perineural invasion of large or small caliber nerves, poorly differentiated histology, deep invasion and aggressive histologic subtypes, aligning with NCCN high-risk and very high-risk categories. The test is not intended to be used in patients with localized low-risk cSCC, cSCC with the presence of lymphovascular invasion; OR bone invasion; OR all four of the following risk factors: diameter of at least 2 cm, AND poorly differentiated, AND perineural invasion of at least 0.1 mm, AND invasion beyond the subcutaneous fat, cSCC that has evidence of regional or distant metastasis, or on locally recurrent cSCC. As a result, these criteria exclude patients who are in the NCCN low risk category and many tumors that are staged as AJCC8 T1 and BWH T1. The exclusion criteria also exclude tumors staged as BWH T3 and AJCC8 T4 (and possibly some AJCC8 T3 tumors with minor bone invasion). However, it is important to note that some patients (for example patients who are immunosuppressed) may be classified as “high-risk” according to NCCN criteria (making them eligible for 40-GEP testing) though they have a stage T1 tumor by AJCC8 or BWH. In all, patients whose risk is either too low or too high to benefit from the 40-GEP are excluded from testing. Thereby, the intended use is focused on improving risk stratification within BWH T2a/2b and AJCC8 stages T2/T3, allowing for testing of some T1 patients who have other ‘high-risk’ factors.
The 40-GEP stratifies patients with one or more risk factors into a low metastatic risk (Class 1), moderate metastatic risk (Class 2A) or high metastatic risk (Class 2B) groups. The test was developed using a discovery and development cohort consisting of 202 archival cSCC cases for gene selection and further validated using archival tissue from a separate cohort of 321 high-risk primary cSCC patients with known 3-year outcomes and an overall metastatic rate of 16.2%.35 cSCC tissue and clinical data were obtained from 23 independent centers and enrollment targeted patients with at least one high-risk feature as defined by NCCN guidelines, or AJCC or BWH stage greater than T1, either at the patient or tumor level.35 The 40-GEP signature demonstrated statistically significant capability of stratifying metastatic risk with different 3-year metastatic rates observed for patients with Class 1 (n=203; 8.9%), Class 2A (n=93; 20.4%) and Class 2B (n=25; 60.0%) results.35 The 40-GEP signature maintained predictive value when analyzed in bivariable models with AJCC and BWH staging. Of note, AJCC and BWH also maintained statistical significance in their respective bivariable models with the 40-GEP. A multivariate Cox regression analysis was conducted for 295 patients with clinical features captured prior to definitive surgery including male sex, tumor diameter assessed as a continuous variable per unit increase, immune deficient status, location on head and neck and GEP Class 2A or 2B, to reveal statistical significance for tumor diameter, head, and neck location, as well as 40-GEP Class 2A or 2B (p<0.05). In a separate multivariate Cox regression analysis with histopathological features captured after definitive surgery for 321 cases, statistical significance was achieved for tumor thickness >6mm, poor histological grade, invasion into fat, and a Class 2B result. Of note, a Class 2A result was not statistically significant in this model that included histopathological features only. Clarks Level IV/V and perineural invasion were not significant predictors of metastasis on univariate analysis and were not included in the multivariate model.35
It is important to note that 168 cases were missing clinicopathologic data (mostly tumor thickness) and were staged with assumption of null values for missing data which may have resulted in under-staging by BWH and AJCC, inserting an element of bias.35 Post hoc sensitivity analyses showed robustness of the primary bivariable analyses in spite of possible under-staging. All specimens underwent central pathology review and restaging according to contemporary staging criteria with medical records reviewed for additional high-risk features. However, cases excised via Mohs had no tissue available for review other than the shave biopsy, therefore there is possibility for underreporting of high-stage features and resultant under-staging.35 This is reflected in the higher percentage of metastasis occurring in low T stages than previously reported in the literature and lower sensitivities of AJCC and BWH staging than reported for other cohorts (39% and 25% vs 78% and 73%, respectively).26,35 Accuracy metrics for risk prediction are found in Table 1 below, adapted from Wysong et al.35 The PPV of a Class 2B result was 60%, whereas the PPV of any Class 2 result was similar to AJCC8 and BWH high stage/low stage categories.
Table 1. Accuracy of risk prediction of the 40-GEP and risk assessment methods (n=321)
Metric |
40-GEP (Class 2B vs 1/2A) |
40-GEP (Class 2 vs 1) |
AJCC8 (T3/T4 vs T1/T2) |
BWH (T2b/T3 vs T1/T2a) |
NCCN (high vs low) |
Sensitivity, % |
28.8 |
65.4 |
38.5 |
25 |
96.2 |
Specificity, % |
96.3 |
68.8 |
84.8 |
91.1 |
7.1 |
PPV, % |
60 |
28.8 |
32.8 |
35.1 |
16.7 |
NPV, % |
87.5 |
91.1 |
87.7 |
86.3 |
90.5 |
Ibrahim et al subsequently reported on data from expansion of the previous cohort to 420 patients with high-risk factors, 63 of whom developed regional and/or distant metastases.65 The median time to metastasis was 0.9 years.65 Of the 420 cases, 212 were classified as Class 1 with a metastatic rate of 6.6%, 185 were classified as Class 2A with a metastatic rate of 20.0%, and 23 were classified as Class 2B with a metastatic risk of 52.2%. When stratified by NCCN high-risk vs very high-risk criteria, Class 1 was associated with a 4.1% metastatic rate in the high-risk cohort vs 11.9% in the very high-risk cohort; Class 2 was associated with a 15.7% metastatic rate in the high-risk vs 25.3% in the very high-risk cohort, and Class 2B was associated with a 37.5% metastatic rate in the high-risk vs 60% in the very high-risk cohort. The overall metastatic rate in the NCCN high-risk cohort was 9.8% vs 23.0% for the very high-risk cohort.65 In multivariate Cox regression analysis with clinicopathologic risk factors that included 40-GEP results along with poor differentiation, perineural invasion, deep invasion, and tumor diameter, the 40-GEP was statistically significant along with poor differentiation and deep invasion. 40-GEP results were also significant in bivariable analysis along with either NCCN risk group, BWH, and AJCC 8 stage, which also remained significant contributors to each respective bivariable model. Sensitivity of the 40-GEP 2B vs 1/2A result was 19%, specificity 96.9%, PPV was 52.2% and NPV was 87.2%, all of which are similar to that reported in Wysong et al.35,65
Arron et al64 evaluated a subset (n=278, 66%) of this cohort from patients with cSCC of the head and neck with an overall metastatic rate of 19.4%. 126 of these patients had Class 1 results (metastatic rate: 8.7%), 134 had Class 2A results (metastatic rate: 24.6%), and 18 had Class 2B results (metastatic rate: 55.6%). In this subset of patients, the PPV of a 40-GEP Class 2B result was 55.6% compared to 37.0% for high stage AJCC8 and 40.0% for high stage BWH, and the difference between the three was not statistically significant. As in the larger cohort, the 40-GEP remained significant in bivariable analyses with AJCC8 and BWH criteria, which were also significant contributors to each respective model. In multivariate analysis with clinicopathologic risk factors, the HR of Class 2A result was 2.28 (95% CI 1.08-4.81) and the HR of a Class 2B result was 4.05 (95% CI 1.34-12.26). Clinicopathologic factors significant along with 40-GEP results in a multivariate Cox regression analysis included tumor diameter, poor differentiation, deep invasion, and male sex.64 Sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV of a 2B vs 1/2A result were similar to that reported in Wysong et al and Ibrahim et al.35,65
The potential clinical utility of the 40-GEP lies in its incorporation into existing risk-assessment frameworks in order to improve prognostic value and facilitate individualized risk assessment, treatment, and follow up. Farberg et al aimed to refine risk-directed patient management using the 40-GEP along with NCCN guidelines and T stage criteria by examining 300 patients who met NCCN high-risk criteria from the validation cohort presented in Wysong et al.67 Of note, this work was performed prior to introduction of the NCCN very high-risk category in 2021, and thereby only includes the former categorization of “high-risk.” As a result, this is not reflective of the most up-to-date classification.
The proposed algorithm, which is not currently part of clinical guidelines, starts with NCCN high-risk cSCC patients who subsequently undergo 40-GEP testing and staging by BWH/AJCC8 with the following proposed management strategy67:
Table 2: Proposed Risk-Aligned Management Plans within the NCCN Guidelines Framework
(adapted from 67):
Low intensity |
Moderate intensity |
High Intensity |
40-GEP Class 1 & BWH T1-T2a (8.1% metastatic rate) |
- 40-GEP Class 1 & BWH T2b-T3 (18.8% metastatic rate)
- 40-GEP Class 2A & BWH T1-T2a (17.8% metastatic rate)
- 40-GEP Class 2A & BWH T2b-T3 (35.7% metastatic rate)
- 40-GEP Class 2B & BWH T1-T2a (58.5% metastatic rate)
- 40-GEP Class 2B & BWH T2b-T3 (71.4% metastatic rate)
Management |
Management |
Management |
Minimal clinical follow up every 6-12 months for 2 years, then annually |
Moderate clinical follow up every 3-6 months for 3-5 years, then annually |
Increased clinical follow up every 3 months for 2 years, then every 6 months for 3 years, then annually |
Nodal assessment by palpation only |
Nodal assessment by palpation with consideration for imaging, nodal biopsy, and/or nodal dissection when warranted |
Nodal assessment by palpation with recommended imaging, nodal biopsy, and/or neck dissection when warranted |
Avoidance of adjuvant radiation, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy |
Consideration of adjuvant radiation, chemotherapy and/or immunotherapy |
Recommendation of adjuvant radiation, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and/or clinical trials |
Current NCCN Guidelines have not incorporated use of the 40-GEP and recommend follow up for high-risk patients to occur every 3-6 months for two years, then 6-12 months for 3 years, then annually for life. This includes complete skin and regional lymph node exam and imaging can be considered if clinical exam is insufficient for following the disease. Adjuvant radiation and systemic therapy would not be recommended, unless the patient has positive post-surgical margins and further surgery is not feasible.8 NCCN recommendations for very high-risk patients include follow up every 3-6 months for 2 years, then every 6 months for 3 years, then every 6-12 months for life, along with imaging if clinical exam is insufficient for following disease. SNLB is recommended for very high-risk patients who have multiple risk factors placing them in the very high-risk group with a normal exam of the draining nodal basin. Systemic therapy with or without radiation therapy is recommended in cases of positive margins after MMS or other PDEMA, residual disease after definitive therapy, and for non-surgical candidates. Adjuvant radiation therapy is recommended for cases with positive-post surgical margins if further surgery is not feasible and with negative margins in the setting of extensive perineural, large, or named nerve involvement or other poor prognostic features.8
Arron et al68 convened an expert panel of Mohs surgeons, surgical oncologists, and radiation oncologists from academic medical centers and community practices and discussed rationales and scenarios where the 40-GEP test result may have clinical utility. The panel stated that the 40-GEP should not be used as surrogate for standard of care treatment but as an additional data point when determining individualized management plans for high-risk patients.68 Possible uses of the GEP are explored in relation to nodal evaluation, adjuvant radiation therapy, and follow-up frequency as presented in Table 3 (adapted from 68).
Table 3. GEP Test Results That May Impact Decisions on Follow-up and Surveillance Intensity During the First Two Years after Diagnosis (Adapted from Arron et al68).
Decision Point |
Staging |
GEP Test Result |
Clinical follow-up |
<20% metastatic risk |
Class 1 |
Clinical follow up + Nodal ultrasound/CT scan 1X/year |
20% to <50% metastatic risk |
Class 2A
Class 2B
Clinical follow up + Nodal ultrasound/CT scan 2X/year |
>50% metastatic risk |
Class 2B |
To further illustrate potential clinical utility, Au et al69 described two retrospective analyses of NCCN very high-risk cases, one with a Class 1 result and the other with Class 2B result. Case 1 was a 65-year-old male with history of renal and liver transplantation and a 1.3 cm poorly differentiated cSCC on his left temple (BWH T2a and AJCC8 T1, NCCN very high-risk). He underwent MMS with possible residual disease. The patient declined further treatment and was disease free at 4 years. He was retrospectively found to have a 40-GEP Class 1 result. Patient 2 was a 69-year-old male with history of liver transplant and 1.5 cm poorly differentiated cSCC on his left temple (BWH T2a, AJCC8 T1, NCCN very high-risk) with subsequent clearing following MMS. The patient developed metastatic cSCC within three months of MMS and was retrospectively found to have a 40-GEP Class 2B result. Au et al69 state that Case 1 highlighted a biologically less aggressive tumor that did not recur despite incomplete surgical clearance whereas Case 2 highlighted a more aggressive tumor in spite of clear surgical margins with MMS. The authors state that adjuvant treatment may have been appropriate for Case 2 earlier in the disease course.69
The potential clinical impact of the 40-GEP has been assessed through presentation of clinical vignettes and clinician surveys at conferences showing that clinicians would alter their decisions to perform a SLNB and recommendations for adjuvant radiation therapy and chemotherapy/immunotherapy given 40-GEP results.70,71 However, outcomes data from prospective studies with documented specific changes in management are lacking at this time.
Saleeby et al72 report on preliminary results from the prospective Clinical Utility and Health Outcomes Study (UTILISE), which aimed to demonstrate patterns of test utilization, distribution of results across clinicopathologic variables, and impact on clinician recommendations for management in Medicare-eligible high-risk patients. The study was conducted at 5 clinical sites and involved 11 unique clinicians (8 dermatologists and 3 dermatology-based physician assistants). The study consisted of two sequential phases, the Lead-in Phase and Clinical Utility Phase. During the Lead-in Phase, clinicians recorded a treatment plan assessment before receiving 40-GEP results for at least five patients. After completion of treatment plan assessment for five patients, clinicians were able to enroll new patients into the clinical utility phase. The Lead-in Phase included a second (post-test) treatment assessment completed after 40-GEP results receipt.72
At time of publication, the Lead-in Phase consisted of 31 patients, with 81% having two or more risk factors. 68% (n=21) received a Class 1 result, 25% (n=~8) received a Class 2A result, and 6% (n=1-2) received a Class 2B result, with a median follow up of 41.7 weeks. At time of analysis, one patient with a Class 2A result experienced regional metastasis. The Clinical Utility Cohort included 59 patients, 60.3% of whom had more than one risk factor. This cohort was comprised of 88% Class 1 (n=52) results, and 12% Class 2A results. There were no Class 2B results and no cases of metastasis with a median follow up of 22.5 weeks. The impact on clinician perception of metastatic risk is depicted in Table 4 adapted from Saleeby et al and the impact of the 40-GEP on intensity of management is depicted in Table 5.72 The majority of queried clinicians reported reassurance in the management plan they developed prior to use of the 40-GEP and 24% stated that they made changes based on GEP results. The precise changes to management outside of the broad categories “low, moderate, high intensity” management were not published. Clinical patient outcomes are not available at time of publication, with the exception of the one Class 2A patient who developed metastasis. Therefore, it is not possible to ascertain the effect of the 40-GEP informed change in patient management on patient outcomes at this time.
Table 4. 40-GEP Impact on Clinician Perception of Metastatic Risk
Clinician Perception of Risk: What is the patient’s risk of developing nodal or distant metastasis? |
40-GEP Class 1 |
40-GEP Class 2A |
Pre-GEP |
Post-GEP |
N |
% of Class 1 |
Pre-GEP |
Post-GEP |
N |
% of Class 2A |
<5% |
<5% |
37 |
72.5% |
<5% |
10-30% |
3 |
42.8% |
5-10% |
<5% |
12 |
23.5% |
5-10% |
5-10% |
2 |
28.6% |
5-10% |
5-10% |
1 |
2.0% |
5-10% |
10-30% |
2 |
28.6% |
10-30% |
<5% |
1 |
2.0% |
Table 5. 40-GEP Impact on Intensity of Management
Intensity of Management: What is the overall management recommendation for this patient? |
40-GEP Class 1 |
40-GEP Class 2A |
Pre-GEP |
Post-GEP |
N |
% of Class 1 |
Pre-GEP |
Post-GEP |
N |
% of Class 2A |
Low |
Low |
36 |
70.6% |
Low |
Low |
1 |
14.3% |
Low |
Moderate |
1 |
2.0% |
Low |
Moderate |
3 |
42.8% |
Moderate |
Low |
8 |
15.7% |
Moderate |
Moderate |
1 |
14.3% |
Moderate |
Moderate |
6 |
11.8% |
Moderate |
High |
1 |
14.3% |
High |
High |
1 |
14.3% |
Hooper et al73 reviewed 2455 samples submitted during the first year of clinical testing (August 31, 202-August 31, 2021) and found that 68.8% (n=1687) had a Class 1 result, 28.3% (n=696) had a Class 2A result, and 2.9% (n=72) had a Class 2B result. The majority of Class 1 results were identified in samples with 1–2 risk factors, confirmative of a low-risk of metastasis. Class 2A and 2B results were more likely to be found in samples from patients with a greater number of risk factors when compared with Class 1, demonstrating consistency with the increased risk associated with Class 2A and 2B results.73