Managed Care Marketing

Managed Care Marketing

This section includes useful information to help Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plans, Prescription Drug Plans, and 1876 Cost Plans with marketing efforts.

Marketing questions should be directed to Account Managers, Marketing Reviewers, or the Marketing Mailbox at

CMS-State Collaboration Activities

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) as a part of our agreement to share information and collaborate on oversight issues with the State Departments of Insurance (DOIs), has strengthened protections for particularly vulnerable beneficiaries. CMS and participating State DOIs have signed a joint letter to educate and protect residents of low income senior and Independent Care for the Mentally Retarded and the Mentally Retarded and Developmentally Disabled (ICF/MR) housing facilities concerning inappropriate behavior of agents. In this letter, we urge facility administrators to be vigilant in reporting suspect Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug plan marketing. We also describe Medicare and Medicaid patient rights and protections relative to agent behaviors as afforded under MIPPA. CMS continues to work collaboratively with the States where the sharing of information will not only strengthen State and Federal oversight efforts, but provide more protection for Medicare beneficiaries.

Online Provider Directory Review

[UPDATE: These documents revised as of 2/2/18]

Below, CMS has released a report and supporting data from the second round of the Agency’s review of Medicare Advantage plans’ online provider directory accuracy.  CMS reviewed the online provider directories for 64 Parent Organizations.  The report provides both aggregate and individual Medicare Advantage Organization (MAO)-level results. The MAO-level results include the number of provider locations reviewed, as well as the number of provider locations with errors along with a breakdown of the occurrence of deficiency types (i.e. “provider not at location”, “address needs to be updated”, etc.) that contributed to each MAO’s final result. Please send questions regarding the report and data to

Page Last Modified:
09/06/2023 04:51 PM