Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) Experience of Care

Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) Experience of Care

Development of the IRF Experience of Care Survey


The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) developed an experience of care survey for Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs). Under contract with Research Triangle Institute International (RTI International), the survey was developed according to the Blueprint for the CMS Measures Management System and Getting the CAHPS® Trademark: A Guide for Survey Developers (note: this survey does not have the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems [CAHPS] trademark). While CMS is not including this survey in the IRF Quality Reporting Program at this time, CMS is providing this survey and accompanying materials for public use. CMS cannot assist facilities on the use of this survey, answer technical questions about the use of this survey, or provide analysis support. Facilities and vendors should not send survey data to CMS; survey data submitted to CMS will be deleted. CMS can answer basic questions about the survey. Email questions to

Mode Experiment Executive Summary (PDF): This document provides an executive summary of the mode experiment. The mode experiment follows the field test and aims to:

  • Assess the mode of survey delivery (mail only, telephone only, and mail with telephone follow-up)
  • Test reliability, validity, and consistency
  • Develop risk adjustment models

Mode and Patient Mix Adjustment (PDF): This document explains the process for developing adjustments for mode and patient risk factors on the survey. Mode and patient risk adjustment, also known as patient mix or case mix adjustment, is a statistical process that adjusts facility performance scores up or down to account for significant sources of bias in facilities’ data that are beyond their control.

English Survey (PDF): This is the English version of the survey.

Spanish Survey (PDF): This is the Spanish version of the survey.

Generic Cover Letter (PDF): This is a generic version of cover letters (English and Spanish) to accompany the survey. It is recommended that these be tailored prior to use.

English CATI Script (PDF): This is the Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) script in English.

Spanish CATI Script (PDF): This is the CATI script in Spanish.

IRF Quality Reporting Program Archives 

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04/10/2024 11:37 AM