Press Releases Mar 08, 2018

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Administrator Seema Verma Statement on Enforcement Letter to Idaho

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Administrator Seema Verma Statement on Enforcement Letter to Idaho    

Today, CMS issued a letter to Idaho regarding its Bulletin No. 18-01, Provisions for Health Carriers Submitting State-Based Health Benefit Plans.

“CMS is committed to working with states to give them as much flexibility as permissible under the law to provide their citizens the best possible access to healthcare. However, the Affordable Care Act remains the law, and based on our review of Idaho Bulletin No. 18-01, CMS has reason to believe that Idaho would be failing to substantially enforce the provisions in Part A of title XXVII of the Public Health Service Act (the Part A market requirements) as amended by the ACA.

CMS appreciates the Governor’s concern for his citizens and his efforts to address their increasing premiums, an increase of 91.4% over the last four years alone. CMS looks forward to continuing to work with Idaho on their 1332 and 1115 waiver applications.”

The letter to Idaho can be found here: 
