Introduction: Research and discovery are an iterative process. This process of testing and refinement is important for understanding how the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (Innovation Center) implements its statutory
Listing of blog posts tagged with Leadership
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Strengthening Behavioral Health Care for People with Medicare
Note: This blog is an updated version from the July 7, 2022 blog . This updated blog reflects the new behavioral health policies in CMS’ finalized CY 2023 Physician Fee Schedule and Outpatient Prospective Payment System rules. COVID-19 has exacerbated the nation’s struggle with mental health and substance use disorders (collectively called “behavioral health conditions”), fueling a full-blown crisis. For some Americans during the pandemic, this has meant feeling depressed and hopeless, making it challenging for them to perform everyday tasks. For older Americans and people with disabilities Read more about Strengthening Behavioral Health Care for People with Medicare - Blog
Establishing the Framework for Health Equity at CMS
The CMS Framework for Health Equity depicts how CMS will operationalize efforts to achieve health equity across CMS programs in the next decade. Read more about Establishing the Framework for Health Equity at CMS - Blog
Building on the CMS Strategic Vision: Working Together for a Stronger Medicare
Excerpt: Since its inception in 1965, Medicare has been leading the way in providing affordable, quality coverage and care, playing a key role in the health and financial security of more than 63 million Americans. As the largest single purchaser of health care—with one in every five health care dollars paid by the program—Medicare serves as a transformative force in the United States. It plays a central role in the Biden Administration’s vision for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS): to serve the public as a trusted partner and steward, dedicated to advancing health equity Read more about Building on the CMS Strategic Vision: Working Together for a Stronger Medicare - Blog
My First 100 Days and Where We Go From Here: A Strategic Vision for CMS
We’ve learned a lot during the COVID-19 pandemic on the ways access to comprehensive health care affects our lives and well-being. The availability of COVID-19 tests, vaccines, and treatments have saved millions of Americans from sickness and death ̶ because the federal government stepped up to make sure that every person who needs COVID-related care has access to the care they need. But the challenge of the past 19 months has also put an incredible strain on our country’s health care infrastructure and highlighted weaknesses and disparities that cry out for smart and innovative solutions. I Read more about My First 100 Days and Where We Go From Here: A Strategic Vision for CMS