LCD Reference Article Response To Comments Article

Response to Comments: Plastic Surgery


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Draft Article
Draft Articles are works in progress and not necessarily a reflection of the current billing and coding practices. Revisions to codes are carefully and thoroughly reviewed and are not intended to change the original intent of the LCD.

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Response to Comments: Plastic Surgery
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Response to Comments
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CMS National Coverage Policy


Article Guidance

Article Text

Noridian’s response to provider recommendations (for comment period ending 04/10/2017)

Response To Comments

Number Comment Response

Page 10, #6 outlines the criteria for medically indicated dermabrasion, including traumatic injury, surgery and disease, (in addition to burns).

1. Dermabrasion

Coverage will be provided when correcting defects resulting from traumatic injury, surgery, burns or disease.  Dermabrasion following burn scarring is usually accomplished in 3-4 treatments.  If the results are not optimum, other treatments may be undertaken.  Dermabrasion performed for postacne scarring is classified as cosmetic and is not covered for payment. 

However, on pages 19-34 all but only three of the covered ICD-10 codes are for burns or corrosion.

Group 1: Paragraph

Providers are to use the ICD-10-CM® Code that most correctly describes the condition for which any procedure is performed.

These are the only covered ICD-10-CM® codes that support medical necessity:

Dermabrasion (CPT Codes 15780-15783)

Group 1: Codes

There are no covered ICD-10® codes listed for traumatic injury, surgery or disease (other than rhinophyma, perioral dermatitis and rosacea).

Additional ICD-10® codes for correcting defects resulting from traumatic injury, surgery and other disease need to be added.




Dermabrasion is infrequently used in places other than the head and neck (including face). Other trauma generally does not require dermabrasion.  In those rare occasions Noridian will gladly review a redetermination request with clinical records and where necessary, peer reviewed scientific literature, that support the need for dermabrasion in the treatment of the traumatic injury.


We would like to submit the following comments on Proposed/Draft Plastic Surgery LCD DL37020.  Thank-you for the opportunity to comment on the draft LCD.

Group 2: Abdominal Lipectomy/Panniculectomy

1. The Indications of Coverage section for Abdominal Lipectomy/Panniculectomy, includes the following indications: When surgery is performed to alleviate such complicating factors as inability to walk normally, chronic pain, ulceration created by the abdominal skin fold, or intertrigal dermatitis, such surgery is considered reconstructive.

Please consider adding the following diagnosis codes to Group 2 of the policy for the above mentioned indications:




Panniculitis, unspecified


Other specified erythematous conditions


Erythematous condition, unspecified


Cellulitis of other Sites


Cellulitis of abdominal wall


Difficulty in walking, not elsewhere classified


Other abnormalities of gait and mobility


Other chronic pain


Dermatitis, unspecified


Other specified dermatitis


Group 3: Reconstructive Breast Surgery

  1. Unable to locate any Indications of Coverage for this section, however; given the nature of the procedures, please consider adding the following diagnosis codes to Group 3 of the policy.




Encounter for breast reconstruction following mastectomy


Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site of right female breast


Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site of left female breast


Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site of right male breast


Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site of left male breast


Unspecified type of carcinoma in situ of right breast


Unspecified type of carcinoma in situ of left breast


Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of breast


Deformity of reconstructed breast


Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other internal prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter


Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other internal prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, subsequent encounter


Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other internal prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, sequela


Group 4 & 5: Reduction Mammoplasty

  1. Please clarify the wording in Group 4 & 5, there appears to be conflicting requirements in the underlined parts of this section.

               Group 4 Paragraph: Reduction Mammoplasty (CPT Code 19318)

               Three diagnoses are required for payment (One primary and two secondary).

               Primary ICD-10-CM:

               Group 4 Codes:

               ICD-10 Codes Description

               N62* Hypertrophy of breast

               N65.1* Disproportion of reconstructed breast


              Group 4 Medical Necessity ICD-10 Codes Asterisk Explanation: *Primary diagnosis N62 or N65.1 must be

              billed with one of the secondary diagnoses: listed in Group 5 Secondary Codes for Reduction Mammaplasty


              Group 5 Paragraph: Secondary ICD-10-CMs to be used when billing one of the reduction mammaplasty primary codes.

              Correct coding for this procedure requires two secondary ICD-10-CM codes from Group 5 (this section) and

              one of the primary ICD-10-CM codes from Group 4.

         2. Per the Reduction Mammaplasty Indications included on the policy:

               1. Reduction mammaplasty is coved by Medicare when it is performed:

                     i. 2. To reduce the size of a normal breast to bring it into symmetry with a breast reconstructed after breast cancer


                      Diagnosis code N65.1-disproportion of reconstructed breast is already a covered diagnosis code on the policy. However; 

               currently how the policy is written, my understanding is that in addition to the N65.1 we would need two secondary

               diagnosis codes in order to be considered medically necessary.

               Request: When Mammaplasty is done to reduce the size of a normal breast to bring it into symmetry with a breast

               reconstructed after breast cancer surgery: Please consider allowing N65.1 to be the only diagnosis code needed for

               medical necessity. Please also consider adding an asterisks notation to N65.1 to clarify that use N65.1 should be used to

               indicate a mammaplasty to reduce the size of a normal breast to bring it into symmetry with a breast reconstructed after

               cancer surgery.

3. The Indications of Coverage section for Reduction Mammaplasty, includes the following indications:

  1. Muscle strain such as backache, neck pain, shoulder pain and less often upper extremity peripheral neuropathy and/or headache;
  2. Problems associated with excess breast weight and brassiere support such as clavicular bra strap grooves;

Please consider adding the following diagnosis codes to Group 4 & 5 of the policy for the above mentioned indications.





Fat necrosis of breast


Ptosis of breast


Disproportion of reconstructed breast


Rash and other nonspecific skin eruption


Pain in unspecified shoulder


Tension-type headache, unspecified, not intractable


Chronic tension-type headache, not intractable


Group 6 Paragraph: Rhinoplasty

  1. The Indications of Coverage section for Rhinoplasty and Reconstructive Nasal Surgery, includes the following indications: Reconstructive nasal surgery is generally directed to improve nasal respiratory function (e.g., airway obstruction or stricture, synechia formation); repair defects caused by trauma (e.g., nasoseptal deviation, intranasal cicatrix, dislocated nasal bone fractures, turbinate hypertrophy); treat congenital anatomic abnormalities (e.g., cleft lip nasal deformities, choanal atresia, oronasal or oromaxillary fistula); treat nasal cutaneous disease (e.g., rhinophyma, dermoid cyst); or to replace nasal tissue lost after tumor ablative surgery.

Please consider adding the following diagnosis codes to Group 6 of the policy for the above mentioned indications.





Unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin of nose


Unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin of other parts of face


Chronic maxillary sinusitis


Chronic frontal sinusitis


Chronic ethmoidal sinusitis


Chronic sphenoidal sinusitis


Chronic pansinusitis


Deviated nasal septum



Noridian appreciates the following comments. Each area is addressed below.

Group 2: Abdominal Lipectomy/Panniculectomy

  • M79.3 does not meet the requirements for surgical intervention.

  • L53.8, L53.9 and L03.818, L30.8, and L30.9 are non-specific and other specific codes exist

  • L03.311 will be added.

  • R26.2, R26.89 and G89.29 each describe findings that Noridian expect to be rare and therein will require a redetermination with supporting clinical records.

Group 3: Reconstructive Breast Surgery

  • Z42.1, N65.0 and T85.79Xx will be added

  • C50.9xx codes are unspecified and not acceptable for this policy.

  • D05.9x codes are unspecified and not acceptable for this policy. Noridian expects the surgeon to known what type of CIS is present and use the respective code.

Group 4 & 5: Reduction Mammaplasty

      4. Three diagnoses are required for payment (One primary and two secondary)

      5. The coding section has been amended to indicate that N65.1 may be used alone when surgery on the unaffected

           breast is being performed to restore symmetry following breast cancer surgery.       

        6. Noridian will not be adding the codes requested at this time as the current ICD-10 codes set is sufficient.

Group 6 Paragraph: Rhinoplasty

         2. The requested codes are either unspecified ( or do not of themselves demonstrate a covered reason for a




Coding Information

Bill Type Codes

Code Description

Please accept the License to see the codes.


Revenue Codes

Code Description

Please accept the License to see the codes.



Please accept the License to see the codes.


CPT/HCPCS Modifiers

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



ICD-10-CM Codes that Support Medical Necessity

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



ICD-10-CM Codes that DO NOT Support Medical Necessity

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



ICD-10-PCS Codes

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



Additional ICD-10 Information

Bill Type Codes

Code Description

Please accept the License to see the codes.


Revenue Codes

Code Description

Please accept the License to see the codes.


Other Coding Information

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



Coding Table Information

Excluded CPT/HCPCS Codes - Table Format
Code Descriptor Generic Name Descriptor Brand Name Exclusion Effective Date Exclusion End Date Reason for Exclusion
Non-Excluded CPT/HCPCS Ended Codes - Table Format
Code Descriptor Generic Name Descriptor Brand Name Exclusion Effective Date Exclusion End Date Reason for Exclusion

Revision History Information

Revision History Date Revision History Number Revision History Explanation

Associated Documents

Medicare BPM Ch 15.50.2 SAD Determinations
Medicare BPM Ch 15.50.2
Related Local Coverage Documents
DL35163 - Plastic Surgery (MCD Archive Site)
Related National Coverage Documents
SAD Process URL 1
SAD Process URL 2
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Rules and Regulations URLs
CMS Manual Explanations URLs
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Public Versions
Updated On Effective Dates Status
08/11/2017 10/10/2017 - N/A Currently in Effect You are here


  • Plastic
  • Surgery
  • 15780
  • 15781
  • 15782
  • 15783
  • 15830
  • 15832
  • 15833
  • 15834
  • 15835
  • 15836
  • 15837
  • 15838
  • 15839
  • 15847
  • 15876
  • 15877
  • 15878
  • 15879
  • 19316
  • 19318
  • 19324
  • 19325
  • 19328
  • 19330
  • 19340
  • 19342
  • 19350
  • 19355
  • 19357
  • 19361
  • 19364
  • 19366
  • 19367
  • 19368
  • 19369
  • 19370
  • 19371
  • 19380
  • 19396
  • 30400
  • 30410
  • 30420
  • 30430
  • 30435
  • 30450