FUTURE LCD Reference Article Billing and Coding Article

Billing and Coding: CT of the Head


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Draft Article
Draft Articles are works in progress and not necessarily a reflection of the current billing and coding practices. Revisions to codes are carefully and thoroughly reviewed and are not intended to change the original intent of the LCD.
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Original ICD-9 Article ID
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Article Title
Billing and Coding: CT of the Head
Article Type
Billing and Coding
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Retirement Date

CPT codes, descriptions, and other data only are copyright 2023 American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved. Applicable FARS/HHSARS apply.

Fee schedules, relative value units, conversion factors and/or related components are not assigned by the AMA, are not part of CPT, and the AMA is not recommending their use. The AMA does not directly or indirectly practice medicine or dispense medical services. The AMA assumes no liability for data contained or not contained herein.

Current Dental Terminology © 2023 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2024, the American Hospital Association, Chicago, Illinois. Reproduced with permission. No portion of the AHA copyrighted materials contained within this publication may be copied without the express written consent of the AHA. AHA copyrighted materials including the UB‐04 codes and descriptions may not be removed, copied, or utilized within any software, product, service, solution, or derivative work without the written consent of the AHA. If an entity wishes to utilize any AHA materials, please contact the AHA at 312‐893‐6816.

Making copies or utilizing the content of the UB‐04 Manual, including the codes and/or descriptions, for internal purposes, resale and/or to be used in any product or publication; creating any modified or derivative work of the UB‐04 Manual and/or codes and descriptions; and/or making any commercial use of UB‐04 Manual or any portion thereof, including the codes and/or descriptions, is only authorized with an express license from the American Hospital Association. The American Hospital Association (the "AHA") has not reviewed, and is not responsible for, the completeness or accuracy of any information contained in this material, nor was the AHA or any of its affiliates, involved in the preparation of this material, or the analysis of information provided in the material. The views and/or positions presented in the material do not necessarily represent the views of the AHA. CMS and its products and services are not endorsed by the AHA or any of its affiliates.

CMS National Coverage Policy

Title XVIII of the Social Security Act, §1833(e) states that no payment shall be made to any provider for any claim which lacks the necessary information to process the claim.

Article Guidance

Article Text

The information in this article contains billing, coding or other guidelines that complement the Local Coverage Determination (LCD) for CT of the Head L34417.

1. The ICD-10 codes R51.9 (Headache, unspecified) and G44.1 (Vascular headache, not elsewhere classified) will only be covered in the following situations:

a. The patient is suffering from headaches and a head injury. Head computed tomography (CT) is performed to rule out the possibility of an intracranial bleed.

b. The patient is suffering from headaches unusual in duration (greater than 2 weeks) not responding to medical therapy. Head CT is performed to rule out the possibility of a tumor.

c. The patient is suffering from new onset headache (less than 2 weeks) suggestive of intracranial bleeding as evidenced by signs (e.g., weakness or paralysis), symptoms (e.g., blurred vision, nausea and vomiting), or clinical history.

2. Any claim billed with ICD-10 code R51.9 (Headache, unspecified) or G44.1 (Vascular headache, not elsewhere classified) may be subject to manual review.

3. Claims billed with ICD-10 codes S09.19XA (Other specified injury of muscle and tendon of head, initial encounter), S09.19XD (Other specified injury of muscle and tendon of head, subsequent encounter) , S09.19XS (Other specified injury of muscle and tendon of head, sequela), S09.8XXA (Other specified injuries of head, initial encounter), S09.8XXD (Other specified injuries of head, subsequent encounter), S09.8XXS (Other specified injuries of head, sequela), S09.90XA (Unspecified injury of head, initial encounter), S09.90XD (Unspecified injury of head, subsequent encounter), or S09.90XS (Unspecified injury of head, sequela) should have documented associated signs and symptoms to support the need for CT scan of the head and may be subject to manual review.

Response To Comments

Number Comment Response

Coding Information

Bill Type Codes

Code Description

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Revenue Codes

Code Description

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CPT/HCPCS Modifiers

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



ICD-10-CM Codes that Support Medical Necessity

Group 1

(7,548 Codes)
Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes
Code Description
A06.6 Amebic brain abscess
A17.0 Tuberculous meningitis
A17.1 Meningeal tuberculoma
A17.81 Tuberculoma of brain and spinal cord
A17.82 Tuberculous meningoencephalitis
A17.83 Tuberculous neuritis
A17.89 Other tuberculosis of nervous system
A17.9 Tuberculosis of nervous system, unspecified
A27.81 Aseptic meningitis in leptospirosis
A39.0 Meningococcal meningitis
A39.1 Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
A39.2 Acute meningococcemia
A39.3 Chronic meningococcemia
A39.4 Meningococcemia, unspecified
A39.81 Meningococcal encephalitis
A41.9 Sepsis, unspecified organism
A81.00 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, unspecified
A81.01 Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
A81.09 Other Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
A81.1 Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
A81.2 Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
A81.81 Kuru
A81.83 Fatal familial insomnia
A81.89 Other atypical virus infections of central nervous system
A81.9 Atypical virus infection of central nervous system, unspecified
A82.0 Sylvatic rabies
A82.1 Urban rabies
A82.9 Rabies, unspecified
A83.0 Japanese encephalitis
A83.1 Western equine encephalitis
A83.2 Eastern equine encephalitis
A83.3 St Louis encephalitis
A83.4 Australian encephalitis
A83.5 California encephalitis
A83.6 Rocio virus disease
A83.8 Other mosquito-borne viral encephalitis
A83.9 Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified
A84.0 Far Eastern tick-borne encephalitis [Russian spring-summer encephalitis]
A84.1 Central European tick-borne encephalitis
A84.9 Tick-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified
A85.0 Enteroviral encephalitis
A85.1 Adenoviral encephalitis
A85.2 Arthropod-borne viral encephalitis, unspecified
A85.8 Other specified viral encephalitis
A86 Unspecified viral encephalitis
A87.0 Enteroviral meningitis
A87.1 Adenoviral meningitis
A87.2 Lymphocytic choriomeningitis
A87.8 Other viral meningitis
A87.9 Viral meningitis, unspecified
A88.0 Enteroviral exanthematous fever [Boston exanthem]
A88.8 Other specified viral infections of central nervous system
A89 Unspecified viral infection of central nervous system
B00.3 Herpesviral meningitis
B00.4 Herpesviral encephalitis
B01.11 Varicella encephalitis and encephalomyelitis
B02.0 Zoster encephalitis
B02.1 Zoster meningitis
B02.21 Postherpetic geniculate ganglionitis
B02.22 Postherpetic trigeminal neuralgia
B02.23 Postherpetic polyneuropathy
B02.29 Other postherpetic nervous system involvement
B05.0 Measles complicated by encephalitis
B06.01 Rubella encephalitis
B20 Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease
B25.0 Cytomegaloviral pneumonitis
B25.1 Cytomegaloviral hepatitis
B25.2 Cytomegaloviral pancreatitis
B25.8 Other cytomegaloviral diseases
B25.9 Cytomegaloviral disease, unspecified
B26.1 Mumps meningitis
B26.2 Mumps encephalitis
B37.5 Candidal meningitis
B38.4 Coccidioidomycosis meningitis
B39.4 Histoplasmosis capsulati, unspecified
B44.0 Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis
B44.1 Other pulmonary aspergillosis
B44.2 Tonsillar aspergillosis
B44.7 Disseminated aspergillosis
B44.89 Other forms of aspergillosis
B44.9 Aspergillosis, unspecified
B45.0 Pulmonary cryptococcosis
B45.1 Cerebral cryptococcosis
B45.2 Cutaneous cryptococcosis
B45.3 Osseous cryptococcosis
B45.7 Disseminated cryptococcosis
B45.8 Other forms of cryptococcosis
B45.9 Cryptococcosis, unspecified
B48.4 Penicillosis
B58.2 Toxoplasma meningoencephalitis
B90.0 Sequelae of central nervous system tuberculosis
B94.1 Sequelae of viral encephalitis
C14.2 Malignant neoplasm of Waldeyer's ring
C18.9 Malignant neoplasm of colon, unspecified
C30.0 Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavity
C30.1 Malignant neoplasm of middle ear
C31.0 Malignant neoplasm of maxillary sinus
C31.1 Malignant neoplasm of ethmoidal sinus
C31.2 Malignant neoplasm of frontal sinus
C31.3 Malignant neoplasm of sphenoid sinus
C31.8 Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of accessory sinuses
C31.9 Malignant neoplasm of accessory sinus, unspecified
C33 Malignant neoplasm of trachea
C34.01 Malignant neoplasm of right main bronchus
C34.02 Malignant neoplasm of left main bronchus
C34.11 Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe, right bronchus or lung
C34.12 Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe, left bronchus or lung
C34.2 Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe, bronchus or lung
C34.31 Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe, right bronchus or lung
C34.32 Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe, left bronchus or lung
C34.80 Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of unspecified bronchus and lung
C34.81 Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of right bronchus and lung
C34.82 Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of left bronchus and lung
C34.91 Malignant neoplasm of unspecified part of right bronchus or lung
C34.92 Malignant neoplasm of unspecified part of left bronchus or lung
C41.0 Malignant neoplasm of bones of skull and face
C43.111 Malignant melanoma of right upper eyelid, including canthus
C43.112 Malignant melanoma of right lower eyelid, including canthus
C43.121 Malignant melanoma of left upper eyelid, including canthus
C43.122 Malignant melanoma of left lower eyelid, including canthus
C4A.111 Merkel cell carcinoma of right upper eyelid, including canthus
C4A.112 Merkel cell carcinoma of right lower eyelid, including canthus
C4A.121 Merkel cell carcinoma of left upper eyelid, including canthus
C4A.122 Merkel cell carcinoma of left lower eyelid, including canthus
C4A.4 Merkel cell carcinoma of scalp and neck
C44.00 Unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin of lip
C44.02 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of lip
C44.09 Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of lip
C44.1021 Unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin of right upper eyelid, including canthus
C44.1022 Unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin of right lower eyelid, including canthus
C44.1091 Unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin of left upper eyelid, including canthus
C44.1092 Unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin of left lower eyelid, including canthus
C44.1121 Basal cell carcinoma of skin of right upper eyelid, including canthus
C44.1122 Basal cell carcinoma of skin of right lower eyelid, including canthus
C44.1191 Basal cell carcinoma of skin of left upper eyelid, including canthus
C44.1192 Basal cell carcinoma of skin of left lower eyelid, including canthus
C44.1221 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of right upper eyelid, including canthus
C44.1222 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of right lower eyelid, including canthus
C44.1291 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of left upper eyelid, including canthus
C44.1292 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of left lower eyelid, including canthus
C44.1321 Sebaceous cell carcinoma of skin of right upper eyelid, including canthus
C44.1322 Sebaceous cell carcinoma of skin of right lower eyelid, including canthus
C44.1391 Sebaceous cell carcinoma of skin of left upper eyelid, including canthus
C44.1392 Sebaceous cell carcinoma of skin of left lower eyelid, including canthus
C44.1921 Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of right upper eyelid, including canthus
C44.1922 Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of right lower eyelid, including canthus
C44.1991 Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of left upper eyelid, including canthus
C44.1992 Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of left lower eyelid, including canthus
C44.202 Unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin of right ear and external auricular canal
C44.209 Unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin of left ear and external auricular canal
C44.222 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of right ear and external auricular canal
C44.229 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of left ear and external auricular canal
C44.292 Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of right ear and external auricular canal
C44.299 Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of left ear and external auricular canal
C44.300 Unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin of unspecified part of face
C44.301 Unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin of nose
C44.309 Unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin of other parts of face
C44.320 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of unspecified parts of face
C44.321 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of nose
C44.329 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of other parts of face
C44.390 Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of unspecified parts of face
C44.391 Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of nose
C44.399 Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of other parts of face
C44.40 Unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin of scalp and neck
C44.42 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of scalp and neck
C44.49 Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of scalp and neck
C44.500 Unspecified malignant neoplasm of anal skin
C44.501 Unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin of breast
C44.509 Unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin of other part of trunk
C44.520 Squamous cell carcinoma of anal skin
C44.521 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of breast
C44.529 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of other part of trunk
C44.590 Other specified malignant neoplasm of anal skin
C44.591 Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of breast
C44.599 Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of other part of trunk
C44.602 Unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin of right upper limb, including shoulder
C44.609 Unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin of left upper limb, including shoulder
C44.622 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of right upper limb, including shoulder
C44.629 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of left upper limb, including shoulder
C44.692 Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of right upper limb, including shoulder
C44.699 Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of left upper limb, including shoulder
C44.702 Unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin of right lower limb, including hip
C44.709 Unspecified malignant neoplasm of skin of left lower limb, including hip
C44.722 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of right lower limb, including hip
C44.729 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of left lower limb, including hip
C44.792 Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of right lower limb, including hip
C44.799 Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of left lower limb, including hip
C44.80 Unspecified malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of skin
C44.82 Squamous cell carcinoma of overlapping sites of skin
C44.89 Other specified malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of skin
C44.92 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin, unspecified
C44.99 Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin, unspecified
C45.9 Mesothelioma, unspecified
C47.0 Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of head, face and neck
C49.0 Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of head, face and neck
C49.A0 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, unspecified site
C49.A1 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor of esophagus
C49.A2 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor of stomach
C49.A3 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor of small intestine
C49.A4 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor of large intestine
C49.A5 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor of rectum
C49.A9 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor of other sites
C50.011 Malignant neoplasm of nipple and areola, right female breast
C50.012 Malignant neoplasm of nipple and areola, left female breast
C50.021 Malignant neoplasm of nipple and areola, right male breast
C50.022 Malignant neoplasm of nipple and areola, left male breast
C50.111 Malignant neoplasm of central portion of right female breast
C50.112 Malignant neoplasm of central portion of left female breast
C50.121 Malignant neoplasm of central portion of right male breast
C50.122 Malignant neoplasm of central portion of left male breast
C50.211 Malignant neoplasm of upper-inner quadrant of right female breast
C50.212 Malignant neoplasm of upper-inner quadrant of left female breast
C50.221 Malignant neoplasm of upper-inner quadrant of right male breast
C50.222 Malignant neoplasm of upper-inner quadrant of left male breast
C50.311 Malignant neoplasm of lower-inner quadrant of right female breast
C50.312 Malignant neoplasm of lower-inner quadrant of left female breast
C50.321 Malignant neoplasm of lower-inner quadrant of right male breast
C50.322 Malignant neoplasm of lower-inner quadrant of left male breast
C50.411 Malignant neoplasm of upper-outer quadrant of right female breast
C50.412 Malignant neoplasm of upper-outer quadrant of left female breast
C50.421 Malignant neoplasm of upper-outer quadrant of right male breast
C50.422 Malignant neoplasm of upper-outer quadrant of left male breast
C50.511 Malignant neoplasm of lower-outer quadrant of right female breast
C50.512 Malignant neoplasm of lower-outer quadrant of left female breast
C50.521 Malignant neoplasm of lower-outer quadrant of right male breast
C50.522 Malignant neoplasm of lower-outer quadrant of left male breast
C50.611 Malignant neoplasm of axillary tail of right female breast
C50.612 Malignant neoplasm of axillary tail of left female breast
C50.621 Malignant neoplasm of axillary tail of right male breast
C50.622 Malignant neoplasm of axillary tail of left male breast
C50.811 Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of right female breast
C50.812 Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of left female breast
C50.821 Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of right male breast
C50.822 Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of left male breast
C50.911 Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site of right female breast
C50.912 Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site of left female breast
C50.921 Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site of right male breast
C50.922 Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site of left male breast
C64.1 Malignant neoplasm of right kidney, except renal pelvis
C64.2 Malignant neoplasm of left kidney, except renal pelvis
C69.01 Malignant neoplasm of right conjunctiva
C69.02 Malignant neoplasm of left conjunctiva
C69.11 Malignant neoplasm of right cornea
C69.12 Malignant neoplasm of left cornea
C69.21 Malignant neoplasm of right retina
C69.22 Malignant neoplasm of left retina
C69.31 Malignant neoplasm of right choroid
C69.32 Malignant neoplasm of left choroid
C69.41 Malignant neoplasm of right ciliary body
C69.42 Malignant neoplasm of left ciliary body
C69.51 Malignant neoplasm of right lacrimal gland and duct
C69.52 Malignant neoplasm of left lacrimal gland and duct
C69.61 Malignant neoplasm of right orbit
C69.62 Malignant neoplasm of left orbit
C69.81 Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of right eye and adnexa
C69.82 Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of left eye and adnexa
C69.91 Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site of right eye
C69.92 Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site of left eye
C70.0 Malignant neoplasm of cerebral meninges
C70.9 Malignant neoplasm of meninges, unspecified
C71.0 Malignant neoplasm of cerebrum, except lobes and ventricles
C71.1 Malignant neoplasm of frontal lobe
C71.2 Malignant neoplasm of temporal lobe
C71.3 Malignant neoplasm of parietal lobe
C71.4 Malignant neoplasm of occipital lobe
C71.5 Malignant neoplasm of cerebral ventricle
C71.6 Malignant neoplasm of cerebellum
C71.7 Malignant neoplasm of brain stem
C71.8 Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of brain
C71.9 Malignant neoplasm of brain, unspecified
C72.21 Malignant neoplasm of right olfactory nerve
C72.22 Malignant neoplasm of left olfactory nerve
C72.31 Malignant neoplasm of right optic nerve
C72.32 Malignant neoplasm of left optic nerve
C72.41 Malignant neoplasm of right acoustic nerve
C72.42 Malignant neoplasm of left acoustic nerve
C72.59 Malignant neoplasm of other cranial nerves
C73 Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland
C75.1 Malignant neoplasm of pituitary gland
C75.2 Malignant neoplasm of craniopharyngeal duct
C75.3 Malignant neoplasm of pineal gland
C7A.00 Malignant carcinoid tumor of unspecified site
C7A.010 Malignant carcinoid tumor of the duodenum
C7A.011 Malignant carcinoid tumor of the jejunum
C7A.012 Malignant carcinoid tumor of the ileum
C7A.019 Malignant carcinoid tumor of the small intestine, unspecified portion
C7A.020 Malignant carcinoid tumor of the appendix
C7A.021 Malignant carcinoid tumor of the cecum
C7A.022 Malignant carcinoid tumor of the ascending colon
C7A.023 Malignant carcinoid tumor of the transverse colon
C7A.024 Malignant carcinoid tumor of the descending colon
C7A.025 Malignant carcinoid tumor of the sigmoid colon
C7A.026 Malignant carcinoid tumor of the rectum
C7A.029 Malignant carcinoid tumor of the large intestine, unspecified portion
C7A.090 Malignant carcinoid tumor of the bronchus and lung
C7A.091 Malignant carcinoid tumor of the thymus
C7A.092 Malignant carcinoid tumor of the stomach
C7A.093 Malignant carcinoid tumor of the kidney
C7A.094 Malignant carcinoid tumor of the foregut, unspecified
C7A.095 Malignant carcinoid tumor of the midgut, unspecified
C7A.096 Malignant carcinoid tumor of the hindgut, unspecified
C7A.098 Malignant carcinoid tumors of other sites
C7A.1 Malignant poorly differentiated neuroendocrine tumors
C7A.8 Other malignant neuroendocrine tumors
C7B.1 Secondary Merkel cell carcinoma
C76.0 Malignant neoplasm of head, face and neck
C77.0 Secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes of head, face and neck
C79.31 Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain
C79.32 Secondary malignant neoplasm of cerebral meninges
C79.40 Secondary malignant neoplasm of unspecified part of nervous system
C79.49 Secondary malignant neoplasm of other parts of nervous system
C79.51 Secondary malignant neoplasm of bone
C79.52 Secondary malignant neoplasm of bone marrow
C80.0 Disseminated malignant neoplasm, unspecified
C80.1 Malignant (primary) neoplasm, unspecified
C80.2 Malignant neoplasm associated with transplanted organ
C81.00 Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified site
C81.01 Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C81.02 Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C81.03 Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C81.04 Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C81.05 Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C81.06 Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C81.07 Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma, spleen
C81.08 Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C81.09 Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C81.0A Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma, in remission
C81.10 Nodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified site
C81.11 Nodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C81.12 Nodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphoma, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C81.13 Nodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphoma, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C81.14 Nodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C81.15 Nodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C81.16 Nodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphoma, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C81.17 Nodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphoma, spleen
C81.18 Nodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C81.19 Nodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C81.1A Nodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphoma, in remission
C81.20 Mixed cellularity Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified site
C81.21 Mixed cellularity Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C81.22 Mixed cellularity Hodgkin lymphoma, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C81.23 Mixed cellularity Hodgkin lymphoma, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C81.24 Mixed cellularity Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C81.25 Mixed cellularity Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C81.26 Mixed cellularity Hodgkin lymphoma, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C81.27 Mixed cellularity Hodgkin lymphoma, spleen
C81.28 Mixed cellularity Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C81.29 Mixed cellularity Hodgkin lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C81.2A Mixed cellularity Hodgkin lymphoma, in remission
C81.30 Lymphocyte depleted Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified site
C81.31 Lymphocyte depleted Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C81.32 Lymphocyte depleted Hodgkin lymphoma, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C81.33 Lymphocyte depleted Hodgkin lymphoma, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C81.34 Lymphocyte depleted Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C81.35 Lymphocyte depleted Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C81.36 Lymphocyte depleted Hodgkin lymphoma, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C81.37 Lymphocyte depleted Hodgkin lymphoma, spleen
C81.38 Lymphocyte depleted Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C81.39 Lymphocyte depleted Hodgkin lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C81.3A Lymphocyte depleted Hodgkin lymphoma, in remission
C81.40 Lymphocyte-rich Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified site
C81.41 Lymphocyte-rich Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C81.42 Lymphocyte-rich Hodgkin lymphoma, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C81.43 Lymphocyte-rich Hodgkin lymphoma, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C81.44 Lymphocyte-rich Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C81.45 Lymphocyte-rich Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C81.46 Lymphocyte-rich Hodgkin lymphoma, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C81.47 Lymphocyte-rich Hodgkin lymphoma, spleen
C81.48 Lymphocyte-rich Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C81.49 Lymphocyte-rich Hodgkin lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C81.4A Lymphocyte-rich Hodgkin lymphoma, in remission
C81.70 Other Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified site
C81.71 Other Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C81.72 Other Hodgkin lymphoma, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C81.73 Other Hodgkin lymphoma, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C81.74 Other Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C81.75 Other Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C81.76 Other Hodgkin lymphoma, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C81.77 Other Hodgkin lymphoma, spleen
C81.78 Other Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C81.79 Other Hodgkin lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C81.7A Other Hodgkin lymphoma, in remission
C81.90 Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, unspecified site
C81.91 Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C81.92 Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C81.93 Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C81.94 Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C81.95 Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C81.96 Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C81.97 Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, spleen
C81.98 Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C81.99 Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, extranodal and solid organ sites
C81.9A Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, in remission
C82.00 Follicular lymphoma grade I, unspecified site
C82.01 Follicular lymphoma grade I, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C82.02 Follicular lymphoma grade I, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C82.03 Follicular lymphoma grade I, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C82.04 Follicular lymphoma grade I, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C82.05 Follicular lymphoma grade I, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C82.06 Follicular lymphoma grade I, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C82.07 Follicular lymphoma grade I, spleen
C82.08 Follicular lymphoma grade I, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C82.09 Follicular lymphoma grade I, extranodal and solid organ sites
C82.0A Follicular lymphoma grade I, in remission
C82.10 Follicular lymphoma grade II, unspecified site
C82.11 Follicular lymphoma grade II, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C82.12 Follicular lymphoma grade II, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C82.13 Follicular lymphoma grade II, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C82.14 Follicular lymphoma grade II, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C82.15 Follicular lymphoma grade II, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C82.16 Follicular lymphoma grade II, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C82.17 Follicular lymphoma grade II, spleen
C82.18 Follicular lymphoma grade II, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C82.19 Follicular lymphoma grade II, extranodal and solid organ sites
C82.1A Follicular lymphoma grade II, in remission
C82.20 Follicular lymphoma grade III, unspecified, unspecified site
C82.21 Follicular lymphoma grade III, unspecified, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C82.22 Follicular lymphoma grade III, unspecified, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C82.23 Follicular lymphoma grade III, unspecified, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C82.24 Follicular lymphoma grade III, unspecified, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C82.25 Follicular lymphoma grade III, unspecified, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C82.26 Follicular lymphoma grade III, unspecified, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C82.27 Follicular lymphoma grade III, unspecified, spleen
C82.28 Follicular lymphoma grade III, unspecified, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C82.29 Follicular lymphoma grade III, unspecified, extranodal and solid organ sites
C82.2A Follicular lymphoma grade III, unspecified, in remission
C82.30 Follicular lymphoma grade IIIa, unspecified site
C82.31 Follicular lymphoma grade IIIa, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C82.32 Follicular lymphoma grade IIIa, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C82.33 Follicular lymphoma grade IIIa, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C82.34 Follicular lymphoma grade IIIa, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C82.35 Follicular lymphoma grade IIIa, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C82.36 Follicular lymphoma grade IIIa, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C82.37 Follicular lymphoma grade IIIa, spleen
C82.38 Follicular lymphoma grade IIIa, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C82.39 Follicular lymphoma grade IIIa, extranodal and solid organ sites
C82.3A Follicular lymphoma grade IIIa, in remission
C82.40 Follicular lymphoma grade IIIb, unspecified site
C82.41 Follicular lymphoma grade IIIb, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C82.42 Follicular lymphoma grade IIIb, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C82.43 Follicular lymphoma grade IIIb, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C82.44 Follicular lymphoma grade IIIb, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C82.45 Follicular lymphoma grade IIIb, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C82.46 Follicular lymphoma grade IIIb, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C82.47 Follicular lymphoma grade IIIb, spleen
C82.48 Follicular lymphoma grade IIIb, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C82.49 Follicular lymphoma grade IIIb, extranodal and solid organ sites
C82.4A Follicular lymphoma grade IIIb, in remission
C82.50 Diffuse follicle center lymphoma, unspecified site
C82.51 Diffuse follicle center lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C82.52 Diffuse follicle center lymphoma, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C82.53 Diffuse follicle center lymphoma, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C82.54 Diffuse follicle center lymphoma, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C82.55 Diffuse follicle center lymphoma, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C82.56 Diffuse follicle center lymphoma, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C82.57 Diffuse follicle center lymphoma, spleen
C82.58 Diffuse follicle center lymphoma, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C82.59 Diffuse follicle center lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C82.5A Diffuse follicle center lymphoma, in remission
C82.60 Cutaneous follicle center lymphoma, unspecified site
C82.61 Cutaneous follicle center lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C82.62 Cutaneous follicle center lymphoma, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C82.63 Cutaneous follicle center lymphoma, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C82.64 Cutaneous follicle center lymphoma, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C82.65 Cutaneous follicle center lymphoma, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C82.66 Cutaneous follicle center lymphoma, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C82.67 Cutaneous follicle center lymphoma, spleen
C82.68 Cutaneous follicle center lymphoma, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C82.69 Cutaneous follicle center lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C82.6A Cutaneous follicle center lymphoma, in remission
C82.80 Other types of follicular lymphoma, unspecified site
C82.81 Other types of follicular lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C82.82 Other types of follicular lymphoma, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C82.83 Other types of follicular lymphoma, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C82.84 Other types of follicular lymphoma, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C82.85 Other types of follicular lymphoma, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C82.86 Other types of follicular lymphoma, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C82.87 Other types of follicular lymphoma, spleen
C82.88 Other types of follicular lymphoma, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C82.89 Other types of follicular lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C82.8A Other types of follicular lymphoma, in remission
C82.90 Follicular lymphoma, unspecified, unspecified site
C82.91 Follicular lymphoma, unspecified, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C82.92 Follicular lymphoma, unspecified, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C82.93 Follicular lymphoma, unspecified, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C82.94 Follicular lymphoma, unspecified, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C82.95 Follicular lymphoma, unspecified, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C82.96 Follicular lymphoma, unspecified, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C82.97 Follicular lymphoma, unspecified, spleen
C82.98 Follicular lymphoma, unspecified, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C82.99 Follicular lymphoma, unspecified, extranodal and solid organ sites
C82.9A Follicular lymphoma, unspecified, in remission
C83.00 Small cell B-cell lymphoma, unspecified site
C83.01 Small cell B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C83.02 Small cell B-cell lymphoma, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C83.03 Small cell B-cell lymphoma, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C83.04 Small cell B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C83.05 Small cell B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C83.06 Small cell B-cell lymphoma, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C83.07 Small cell B-cell lymphoma, spleen
C83.08 Small cell B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C83.09 Small cell B-cell lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C83.0A Small cell B-cell lymphoma, in remission
C83.10 Mantle cell lymphoma, unspecified site
C83.11 Mantle cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C83.12 Mantle cell lymphoma, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C83.13 Mantle cell lymphoma, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C83.14 Mantle cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C83.15 Mantle cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C83.16 Mantle cell lymphoma, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C83.17 Mantle cell lymphoma, spleen
C83.18 Mantle cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C83.19 Mantle cell lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C83.1A Mantle cell lymphoma, in remission
C83.30 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, unspecified site
C83.31 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C83.32 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C83.33 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C83.34 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C83.35 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C83.36 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C83.37 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, spleen
C83.38 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C83.390 Primary central nervous system lymphoma
C83.398 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of other extranodal and solid organ sites
C83.3A Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, in remission
C83.50 Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma, unspecified site
C83.51 Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C83.52 Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C83.53 Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C83.54 Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C83.55 Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C83.56 Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C83.57 Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma, spleen
C83.58 Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C83.59 Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C83.5A Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma, in remission
C83.70 Burkitt lymphoma, unspecified site
C83.71 Burkitt lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C83.72 Burkitt lymphoma, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C83.73 Burkitt lymphoma, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C83.74 Burkitt lymphoma, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C83.75 Burkitt lymphoma, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C83.76 Burkitt lymphoma, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C83.77 Burkitt lymphoma, spleen
C83.78 Burkitt lymphoma, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C83.79 Burkitt lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C83.7A Burkitt lymphoma, in remission
C83.80 Other non-follicular lymphoma, unspecified site
C83.81 Other non-follicular lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C83.82 Other non-follicular lymphoma, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C83.83 Other non-follicular lymphoma, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C83.84 Other non-follicular lymphoma, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C83.85 Other non-follicular lymphoma, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C83.86 Other non-follicular lymphoma, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C83.87 Other non-follicular lymphoma, spleen
C83.88 Other non-follicular lymphoma, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C83.89 Other non-follicular lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C83.8A Other non-follicular lymphoma, in remission
C83.90 Non-follicular (diffuse) lymphoma, unspecified, unspecified site
C83.91 Non-follicular (diffuse) lymphoma, unspecified, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C83.92 Non-follicular (diffuse) lymphoma, unspecified, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C83.93 Non-follicular (diffuse) lymphoma, unspecified, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C83.94 Non-follicular (diffuse) lymphoma, unspecified, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C83.95 Non-follicular (diffuse) lymphoma, unspecified, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C83.96 Non-follicular (diffuse) lymphoma, unspecified, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C83.97 Non-follicular (diffuse) lymphoma, unspecified, spleen
C83.98 Non-follicular (diffuse) lymphoma, unspecified, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C83.99 Non-follicular (diffuse) lymphoma, unspecified, extranodal and solid organ sites
C83.9A Non-follicular (diffuse) lymphoma, unspecified, in remission
C84.00 Mycosis fungoides, unspecified site
C84.01 Mycosis fungoides, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C84.02 Mycosis fungoides, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C84.03 Mycosis fungoides, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C84.04 Mycosis fungoides, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C84.05 Mycosis fungoides, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C84.06 Mycosis fungoides, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C84.07 Mycosis fungoides, spleen
C84.08 Mycosis fungoides, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C84.09 Mycosis fungoides, extranodal and solid organ sites
C84.0A Mycosis fungoides, in remission
C84.10 Sezary disease, unspecified site
C84.11 Sezary disease, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C84.12 Sezary disease, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C84.13 Sezary disease, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C84.14 Sezary disease, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C84.15 Sezary disease, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C84.16 Sezary disease, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C84.17 Sezary disease, spleen
C84.18 Sezary disease, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C84.19 Sezary disease, extranodal and solid organ sites
C84.1A Sezary disease, in remission
C84.40 Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not elsewhere classified, unspecified site
C84.41 Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not elsewhere classified, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C84.42 Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not elsewhere classified, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C84.43 Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not elsewhere classified, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C84.44 Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not elsewhere classified, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C84.45 Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not elsewhere classified, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C84.46 Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not elsewhere classified, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C84.47 Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not elsewhere classified, spleen
C84.48 Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not elsewhere classified, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C84.49 Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not elsewhere classified, extranodal and solid organ sites
C84.4A Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not elsewhere classified, in remission
C84.60 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-positive, unspecified site
C84.61 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-positive, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C84.62 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-positive, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C84.63 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-positive, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C84.64 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-positive, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C84.65 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-positive, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C84.66 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-positive, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C84.67 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-positive, spleen
C84.68 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-positive, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C84.69 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-positive, extranodal and solid organ sites
C84.6A Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-positive, in remission
C84.70 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-negative, unspecified site
C84.71 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-negative, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C84.72 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-negative, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C84.73 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-negative, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C84.74 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-negative, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C84.75 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-negative, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C84.76 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-negative, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C84.77 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-negative, spleen
C84.78 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-negative, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C84.79 Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-negative, extranodal and solid organ sites
C84.7A Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-negative, breast
C84.7B Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-negative, in remission
C84.A0 Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, unspecified, unspecified site
C84.A1 Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, unspecified lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C84.A2 Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, unspecified, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C84.A3 Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, unspecified, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C84.A4 Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, unspecified, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C84.A5 Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, unspecified, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C84.A6 Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, unspecified, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C84.A7 Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, unspecified, spleen
C84.A8 Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, unspecified, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C84.A9 Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, unspecified, extranodal and solid organ sites
C84.AA Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, unspecified, in remission
C84.Z0 Other mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, unspecified site
C84.Z1 Other mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C84.Z2 Other mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C84.Z3 Other mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C84.Z4 Other mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C84.Z5 Other mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C84.Z6 Other mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C84.Z7 Other mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, spleen
C84.Z8 Other mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C84.Z9 Other mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, extranodal and solid organ sites
C84.ZA Other mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, in remission
C84.90 Mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, unspecified, unspecified site
C84.91 Mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, unspecified, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C84.92 Mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, unspecified, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C84.93 Mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, unspecified, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C84.94 Mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, unspecified, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C84.95 Mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, unspecified, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C84.96 Mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, unspecified, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C84.97 Mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, unspecified, spleen
C84.98 Mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, unspecified, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C84.99 Mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, unspecified, extranodal and solid organ sites
C84.9A Mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, unspecified, in remission
C85.10 Unspecified B-cell lymphoma, unspecified site
C85.11 Unspecified B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C85.12 Unspecified B-cell lymphoma, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C85.13 Unspecified B-cell lymphoma, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C85.14 Unspecified B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C85.15 Unspecified B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C85.16 Unspecified B-cell lymphoma, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C85.17 Unspecified B-cell lymphoma, spleen
C85.18 Unspecified B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C85.19 Unspecified B-cell lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C85.1A Unspecified B-cell lymphoma, in remission
C85.20 Mediastinal (thymic) large B-cell lymphoma, unspecified site
C85.21 Mediastinal (thymic) large B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C85.22 Mediastinal (thymic) large B-cell lymphoma, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C85.23 Mediastinal (thymic) large B-cell lymphoma, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C85.24 Mediastinal (thymic) large B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C85.25 Mediastinal (thymic) large B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C85.26 Mediastinal (thymic) large B-cell lymphoma, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C85.27 Mediastinal (thymic) large B-cell lymphoma, spleen
C85.28 Mediastinal (thymic) large B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C85.29 Mediastinal (thymic) large B-cell lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C85.2A Mediastinal (thymic) large B-cell lymphoma, in remission
C85.80 Other specified types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified site
C85.81 Other specified types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C85.82 Other specified types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C85.83 Other specified types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C85.84 Other specified types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C85.85 Other specified types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C85.86 Other specified types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C85.87 Other specified types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, spleen
C85.88 Other specified types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C85.89 Other specified types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C85.8A Other specified types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, in remission
C85.90 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, unspecified site
C85.91 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
C85.92 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, intrathoracic lymph nodes
C85.93 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, intra-abdominal lymph nodes
C85.94 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb
C85.95 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb
C85.96 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, intrapelvic lymph nodes
C85.97 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, spleen
C85.98 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, lymph nodes of multiple sites
C85.99 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, extranodal and solid organ sites
C85.9A Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, in remission
C86.00 Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type not having achieved remission
C86.01 Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type, in remission
C86.10 Hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma not having achieved remission
C86.11 Hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma, in remission
C86.20 Enteropathy-type (intestinal) T-cell lymphoma not having achieved remission
C86.21 Enteropathy-type (intestinal) T-cell lymphoma, in remission
C86.30 Subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma not having achieved remission
C86.31 Subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma, in remission
C86.40 Blastic NK-cell lymphoma not having achieved remission
C86.41 Blastic NK-cell lymphoma, in remission
C86.50 Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma not having achieved remission
C86.51 Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma, in remission
C86.60 Primary cutaneous CD30-positive T-cell proliferations not having achieved remission
C86.61 Primary cutaneous CD30-positive T-cell proliferations, in remission
C88.40 Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue [MALT-lymphoma] not having achieved remission
C88.41 Extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue [MALT-lymphoma], in remission
C88.80 Other malignant immunoproliferative diseases not having achieved remission
C88.81 Other malignant immunoproliferative diseases, in remission
C88.90 Malignant immunoproliferative disease, unspecified not having achieved remission
C88.91 Malignant immunoproliferative disease, unspecified, in remission
C90.00 Multiple myeloma not having achieved remission
C90.01 Multiple myeloma in remission
C90.02 Multiple myeloma in relapse
C90.10 Plasma cell leukemia not having achieved remission
C90.11 Plasma cell leukemia in remission
C90.12 Plasma cell leukemia in relapse
C90.20 Extramedullary plasmacytoma not having achieved remission
C90.21 Extramedullary plasmacytoma in remission
C90.22 Extramedullary plasmacytoma in relapse
C90.30 Solitary plasmacytoma not having achieved remission
C90.31 Solitary plasmacytoma in remission
C90.32 Solitary plasmacytoma in relapse
C91.00 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia not having achieved remission
C91.01 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, in remission
C91.02 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, in relapse
C91.10 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia of B-cell type not having achieved remission
C91.11 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia of B-cell type in remission
C91.12 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia of B-cell type in relapse
C91.30 Prolymphocytic leukemia of B-cell type not having achieved remission
C91.31 Prolymphocytic leukemia of B-cell type, in remission
C91.32 Prolymphocytic leukemia of B-cell type, in relapse
C91.40 Hairy cell leukemia not having achieved remission
C91.41 Hairy cell leukemia, in remission
C91.42 Hairy cell leukemia, in relapse
C91.50 Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia (HTLV-1-associated) not having achieved remission
C91.51 Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia (HTLV-1-associated), in remission
C91.52 Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia (HTLV-1-associated), in relapse
C91.60 Prolymphocytic leukemia of T-cell type not having achieved remission
C91.61 Prolymphocytic leukemia of T-cell type, in remission
C91.62 Prolymphocytic leukemia of T-cell type, in relapse
C91.A0 Mature B-cell leukemia Burkitt-type not having achieved remission
C91.A1 Mature B-cell leukemia Burkitt-type, in remission
C91.A2 Mature B-cell leukemia Burkitt-type, in relapse
C91.Z0 Other lymphoid leukemia not having achieved remission
C91.Z1 Other lymphoid leukemia, in remission
C91.Z2 Other lymphoid leukemia, in relapse
C91.90 Lymphoid leukemia, unspecified not having achieved remission
C91.91 Lymphoid leukemia, unspecified, in remission
C91.92 Lymphoid leukemia, unspecified, in relapse
C92.00 Acute myeloblastic leukemia, not having achieved remission
C92.01 Acute myeloblastic leukemia, in remission
C92.02 Acute myeloblastic leukemia, in relapse
C92.10 Chronic myeloid leukemia, BCR/ABL-positive, not having achieved remission
C92.11 Chronic myeloid leukemia, BCR/ABL-positive, in remission
C92.12 Chronic myeloid leukemia, BCR/ABL-positive, in relapse
C92.20 Atypical chronic myeloid leukemia, BCR/ABL-negative, not having achieved remission
C92.21 Atypical chronic myeloid leukemia, BCR/ABL-negative, in remission
C92.22 Atypical chronic myeloid leukemia, BCR/ABL-negative, in relapse
C92.30 Myeloid sarcoma, not having achieved remission
C92.31 Myeloid sarcoma, in remission
C92.32 Myeloid sarcoma, in relapse
C92.40 Acute promyelocytic leukemia, not having achieved remission
C92.41 Acute promyelocytic leukemia, in remission
C92.42 Acute promyelocytic leukemia, in relapse
C92.50 Acute myelomonocytic leukemia, not having achieved remission
C92.51 Acute myelomonocytic leukemia, in remission
C92.52 Acute myelomonocytic leukemia, in relapse
C92.60 Acute myeloid leukemia with 11q23-abnormality not having achieved remission
C92.61 Acute myeloid leukemia with 11q23-abnormality in remission
C92.62 Acute myeloid leukemia with 11q23-abnormality in relapse
C92.A0 Acute myeloid leukemia with multilineage dysplasia, not having achieved remission
C92.A1 Acute myeloid leukemia with multilineage dysplasia, in remission
C92.A2 Acute myeloid leukemia with multilineage dysplasia, in relapse
C92.Z0 Other myeloid leukemia not having achieved remission
C92.Z1 Other myeloid leukemia, in remission
C92.Z2 Other myeloid leukemia, in relapse
C92.90 Myeloid leukemia, unspecified, not having achieved remission
C92.91 Myeloid leukemia, unspecified in remission
C92.92 Myeloid leukemia, unspecified in relapse
C93.00 Acute monoblastic/monocytic leukemia, not having achieved remission
C93.01 Acute monoblastic/monocytic leukemia, in remission
C93.02 Acute monoblastic/monocytic leukemia, in relapse
C93.10 Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia not having achieved remission
C93.11 Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, in remission
C93.12 Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, in relapse
C93.30 Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia, not having achieved remission
C93.31 Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia, in remission
C93.32 Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia, in relapse
C93.Z0 Other monocytic leukemia, not having achieved remission
C93.Z1 Other monocytic leukemia, in remission
C93.Z2 Other monocytic leukemia, in relapse
C93.90 Monocytic leukemia, unspecified, not having achieved remission
C93.91 Monocytic leukemia, unspecified in remission
C93.92 Monocytic leukemia, unspecified in relapse
C94.00 Acute erythroid leukemia, not having achieved remission
C94.01 Acute erythroid leukemia, in remission
C94.02 Acute erythroid leukemia, in relapse
C94.20 Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia not having achieved remission
C94.21 Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia, in remission
C94.22 Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia, in relapse
C94.30 Mast cell leukemia not having achieved remission
C94.31 Mast cell leukemia, in remission
C94.32 Mast cell leukemia, in relapse
C94.80 Other specified leukemias not having achieved remission
C94.81 Other specified leukemias, in remission
C94.82 Other specified leukemias, in relapse
C95.00 Acute leukemia of unspecified cell type not having achieved remission
C95.01 Acute leukemia of unspecified cell type, in remission
C95.02 Acute leukemia of unspecified cell type, in relapse
C95.10 Chronic leukemia of unspecified cell type not having achieved remission
C95.11 Chronic leukemia of unspecified cell type, in remission
C95.12 Chronic leukemia of unspecified cell type, in relapse
C95.90 Leukemia, unspecified not having achieved remission
C95.91 Leukemia, unspecified, in remission
C95.92 Leukemia, unspecified, in relapse
C96.0 Multifocal and multisystemic (disseminated) Langerhans-cell histiocytosis
C96.4 Sarcoma of dendritic cells (accessory cells)
C96.A Histiocytic sarcoma
C96.Z Other specified malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissue
C96.9 Malignant neoplasm of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissue, unspecified
D14.0 Benign neoplasm of middle ear, nasal cavity and accessory sinuses
D16.4 Benign neoplasm of bones of skull and face
D18.02 Hemangioma of intracranial structures
D21.0 Benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of head, face and neck
D31.60 Benign neoplasm of unspecified site of unspecified orbit
D31.61 Benign neoplasm of unspecified site of right orbit
D31.62 Benign neoplasm of unspecified site of left orbit
D32.0 Benign neoplasm of cerebral meninges
D32.9 Benign neoplasm of meninges, unspecified
D33.0 Benign neoplasm of brain, supratentorial
D33.1 Benign neoplasm of brain, infratentorial
D33.2 Benign neoplasm of brain, unspecified
D33.3 Benign neoplasm of cranial nerves
D35.2 Benign neoplasm of pituitary gland
D35.3 Benign neoplasm of craniopharyngeal duct
D35.4 Benign neoplasm of pineal gland
D3A.00 Benign carcinoid tumor of unspecified site
D3A.010 Benign carcinoid tumor of the duodenum
D3A.011 Benign carcinoid tumor of the jejunum
D3A.012 Benign carcinoid tumor of the ileum
D3A.019 Benign carcinoid tumor of the small intestine, unspecified portion
D3A.020 Benign carcinoid tumor of the appendix
D3A.021 Benign carcinoid tumor of the cecum
D3A.022 Benign carcinoid tumor of the ascending colon
D3A.023 Benign carcinoid tumor of the transverse colon
D3A.024 Benign carcinoid tumor of the descending colon
D3A.025 Benign carcinoid tumor of the sigmoid colon
D3A.026 Benign carcinoid tumor of the rectum
D3A.029 Benign carcinoid tumor of the large intestine, unspecified portion
D3A.090 Benign carcinoid tumor of the bronchus and lung
D3A.091 Benign carcinoid tumor of the thymus
D3A.092 Benign carcinoid tumor of the stomach
D3A.093 Benign carcinoid tumor of the kidney
D3A.094 Benign carcinoid tumor of the foregut, unspecified
D3A.095 Benign carcinoid tumor of the midgut, unspecified
D3A.096 Benign carcinoid tumor of the hindgut, unspecified
D3A.098 Benign carcinoid tumors of other sites
D3A.8 Other benign neuroendocrine tumors
D42.0 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of cerebral meninges
D42.1 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of spinal meninges
D42.9 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of meninges, unspecified
D43.0 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of brain, supratentorial
D43.1 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of brain, infratentorial
D43.2 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of brain, unspecified
D43.3 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of cranial nerves
D43.4 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of spinal cord
D43.8 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of other specified parts of central nervous system
D43.9 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of central nervous system, unspecified
D44.0 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of thyroid gland
D44.10 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of unspecified adrenal gland
D44.11 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of right adrenal gland
D44.12 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of left adrenal gland
D44.2 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of parathyroid gland
D44.3 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of pituitary gland
D44.4 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of craniopharyngeal duct
D44.5 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of pineal gland
D44.6 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of carotid body
D44.7 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of aortic body and other paraganglia
D45 Polycythemia vera
D47.Z1 Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD)
D47.Z2 Castleman disease
D49.511 Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of right kidney
D49.512 Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of left kidney
D49.519 Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of unspecified kidney
D49.59 Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of other genitourinary organ
D49.6 Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of brain
D69.59 Other secondary thrombocytopenia
D86.0 Sarcoidosis of lung
D86.1 Sarcoidosis of lymph nodes
D86.2 Sarcoidosis of lung with sarcoidosis of lymph nodes
D86.3 Sarcoidosis of skin
D86.81 Sarcoid meningitis
D86.82 Multiple cranial nerve palsies in sarcoidosis
D86.83 Sarcoid iridocyclitis
D86.84 Sarcoid pyelonephritis
D86.85 Sarcoid myocarditis
D86.86 Sarcoid arthropathy
D86.87 Sarcoid myositis
D86.89 Sarcoidosis of other sites
D86.9 Sarcoidosis, unspecified
E03.5 Myxedema coma
E15 Nondiabetic hypoglycemic coma
E22.0 Acromegaly and pituitary gigantism
E22.1 Hyperprolactinemia
E22.2 Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone
E22.8 Other hyperfunction of pituitary gland
E22.9 Hyperfunction of pituitary gland, unspecified
E23.0 Hypopituitarism
E23.1 Drug-induced hypopituitarism
E23.2 Diabetes insipidus
E23.3 Hypothalamic dysfunction, not elsewhere classified
E23.6 Other disorders of pituitary gland
E23.7 Disorder of pituitary gland, unspecified
E24.0 Pituitary-dependent Cushing's disease
E24.1 Nelson's syndrome
E24.2 Drug-induced Cushing's syndrome
E24.3 Ectopic ACTH syndrome
E24.4 Alcohol-induced pseudo-Cushing's syndrome
E24.8 Other Cushing's syndrome
E24.9 Cushing's syndrome, unspecified
E31.21 Multiple endocrine neoplasia [MEN] type I
E34.4 Constitutional tall stature
E36.01 Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of an endocrine system organ or structure complicating an endocrine system procedure
E36.02 Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of an endocrine system organ or structure complicating other procedure
E75.00 GM2 gangliosidosis, unspecified
E75.01 Sandhoff disease
E75.02 Tay-Sachs disease
E75.09 Other GM2 gangliosidosis
E75.10 Unspecified gangliosidosis
E75.11 Mucolipidosis IV
E75.19 Other gangliosidosis
E75.23 Krabbe disease
E75.244 Niemann-Pick disease type A/B
E75.25 Metachromatic leukodystrophy
E75.27 Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease
E75.28 Canavan disease
E75.29 Other sphingolipidosis
E75.4 Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
E85.1 Neuropathic heredofamilial amyloidosis
E85.2 Heredofamilial amyloidosis, unspecified
E85.3 Secondary systemic amyloidosis
E85.4 Organ-limited amyloidosis
E85.81 Light chain (AL) amyloidosis
E85.82 Wild-type transthyretin-related (ATTR) amyloidosis
E85.89 Other amyloidosis
E85.9 Amyloidosis, unspecified
E89.3 Postprocedural hypopituitarism
E89.820 Postprocedural hematoma of an endocrine system organ or structure following an endocrine system procedure
E89.821 Postprocedural hematoma of an endocrine system organ or structure following other procedure
E89.822 Postprocedural seroma of an endocrine system organ or structure following an endocrine system procedure
E89.823 Postprocedural seroma of an endocrine system organ or structure following other procedure
F01.50 Vascular dementia, unspecified severity, without behavioral disturbance, psychotic disturbance, mood disturbance, and anxiety
F01.511 Vascular dementia, unspecified severity, with agitation
F01.518 Vascular dementia, unspecified severity, with other behavioral disturbance
F01.52 Vascular dementia, unspecified severity, with psychotic disturbance
F01.53 Vascular dementia, unspecified severity, with mood disturbance
F01.54 Vascular dementia, unspecified severity, with anxiety
F01.A0 Vascular dementia, mild, without behavioral disturbance, psychotic disturbance, mood disturbance, and anxiety
F01.A11 Vascular dementia, mild, with agitation
F01.A18 Vascular dementia, mild, with other behavioral disturbance
F01.A2 Vascular dementia, mild, with psychotic disturbance
F01.A3 Vascular dementia, mild, with mood disturbance
F01.A4 Vascular dementia, mild, with anxiety
F01.B0 Vascular dementia, moderate, without behavioral disturbance, psychotic disturbance, mood disturbance, and anxiety
F01.B11 Vascular dementia, moderate, with agitation
F01.B18 Vascular dementia, moderate, with other behavioral disturbance
F01.B2 Vascular dementia, moderate, with psychotic disturbance
F01.B3 Vascular dementia, moderate, with mood disturbance
F01.B4 Vascular dementia, moderate, with anxiety
F01.C0 Vascular dementia, severe, without behavioral disturbance, psychotic disturbance, mood disturbance, and anxiety
F01.C11 Vascular dementia, severe, with agitation
F01.C18 Vascular dementia, severe, with other behavioral disturbance
F01.C2 Vascular dementia, severe, with psychotic disturbance
F01.C3 Vascular dementia, severe, with mood disturbance
F01.C4 Vascular dementia, severe, with anxiety
F02.80 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, unspecified severity, without behavioral disturbance, psychotic disturbance, mood disturbance, and anxiety
F02.811 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, unspecified severity, with agitation
F02.818 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, unspecified severity, with other behavioral disturbance
F02.82 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, unspecified severity, with psychotic disturbance
F02.83 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, unspecified severity, with mood disturbance
F02.84 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, unspecified severity, with anxiety
F02.A0 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, mild, without behavioral disturbance, psychotic disturbance, mood disturbance, and anxiety
F02.A11 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, mild, with agitation
F02.A18 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, mild, with other behavioral disturbance
F02.A2 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, mild, with psychotic disturbance
F02.A3 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, mild, with mood disturbance
F02.A4 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, mild, with anxiety
F02.B0 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, moderate, without behavioral disturbance, psychotic disturbance, mood disturbance, and anxiety
F02.B11 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, moderate, with agitation
F02.B18 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, moderate, with other behavioral disturbance
F02.B2 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, moderate, with psychotic disturbance
F02.B3 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, moderate, with mood disturbance
F02.B4 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, moderate, with anxiety
F02.C0 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, severe, without behavioral disturbance, psychotic disturbance, mood disturbance, and anxiety
F02.C11 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, severe, with agitation
F02.C18 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, severe, with other behavioral disturbance
F02.C2 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, severe, with psychotic disturbance
F02.C3 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, severe, with mood disturbance
F02.C4 Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere, severe, with anxiety
F03.90 Unspecified dementia, unspecified severity, without behavioral disturbance, psychotic disturbance, mood disturbance, and anxiety
F05 Delirium due to known physiological condition
F06.0 Psychotic disorder with hallucinations due to known physiological condition
F06.1 Catatonic disorder due to known physiological condition
F06.2 Psychotic disorder with delusions due to known physiological condition
F06.30 Mood disorder due to known physiological condition, unspecified
F06.31 Mood disorder due to known physiological condition with depressive features
F06.32 Mood disorder due to known physiological condition with major depressive-like episode
F06.33 Mood disorder due to known physiological condition with manic features
F06.34 Mood disorder due to known physiological condition with mixed features
F06.4 Anxiety disorder due to known physiological condition
F06.8 Other specified mental disorders due to known physiological condition
F07.0 Personality change due to known physiological condition
F07.81 Postconcussional syndrome
F07.89 Other personality and behavioral disorders due to known physiological condition
F07.9 Unspecified personality and behavioral disorder due to known physiological condition
F09 Unspecified mental disorder due to known physiological condition
F10.11 Alcohol abuse, in remission
F10.121 Alcohol abuse with intoxication delirium
F10.130 Alcohol abuse with withdrawal, uncomplicated
F10.131 Alcohol abuse with withdrawal delirium
F10.132 Alcohol abuse with withdrawal with perceptual disturbance
F10.139 Alcohol abuse with withdrawal, unspecified
F10.221 Alcohol dependence with intoxication delirium
F10.231 Alcohol dependence with withdrawal delirium
F10.26 Alcohol dependence with alcohol-induced persisting amnestic disorder
F10.27 Alcohol dependence with alcohol-induced persisting dementia
F10.921 Alcohol use, unspecified with intoxication delirium
F10.930 Alcohol use, unspecified with withdrawal, uncomplicated
F10.931 Alcohol use, unspecified with withdrawal delirium
F10.932 Alcohol use, unspecified with withdrawal with perceptual disturbance
F10.939 Alcohol use, unspecified with withdrawal, unspecified
F10.96 Alcohol use, unspecified with alcohol-induced persisting amnestic disorder
F10.97 Alcohol use, unspecified with alcohol-induced persisting dementia
F20.81 Schizophreniform disorder
F28 Other psychotic disorder not due to a substance or known physiological condition
F29 Unspecified psychosis not due to a substance or known physiological condition
F44.89 Other dissociative and conversion disorders
F48.2 Pseudobulbar affect
F51.04 Psychophysiologic insomnia
F51.05 Insomnia due to other mental disorder
F51.13 Hypersomnia due to other mental disorder
F51.19 Other hypersomnia not due to a substance or known physiological condition
F53.0 Postpartum depression
F53.1 Puerperal psychosis
F63.81 Intermittent explosive disorder
F84.2 Rett's syndrome
G02 Meningitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere
G03.2 Benign recurrent meningitis [Mollaret]
G04.1 Tropical spastic paraplegia
G10 Huntington's disease
G11.0 Congenital nonprogressive ataxia
G11.10 Early-onset cerebellar ataxia, unspecified
G11.11 Friedreich ataxia
G11.2 Late-onset cerebellar ataxia
G11.3 Cerebellar ataxia with defective DNA repair
G11.4 Hereditary spastic paraplegia
G11.8 Other hereditary ataxias
G11.9 Hereditary ataxia, unspecified
G12.0 Infantile spinal muscular atrophy, type I [Werdnig-Hoffman]
G12.1 Other inherited spinal muscular atrophy
G12.20 Motor neuron disease, unspecified
G12.21 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
G12.22 Progressive bulbar palsy
G12.24 Familial motor neuron disease
G12.29 Other motor neuron disease
G12.8 Other spinal muscular atrophies and related syndromes
G12.9 Spinal muscular atrophy, unspecified
G13.2 Systemic atrophy primarily affecting the central nervous system in myxedema
G13.8 Systemic atrophy primarily affecting central nervous system in other diseases classified elsewhere
G20.A1 Parkinson's disease without dyskinesia, without mention of fluctuations
G20.A2 Parkinson's disease without dyskinesia, with fluctuations
G20.B1 Parkinson's disease with dyskinesia, without mention of fluctuations
G20.B2 Parkinson's disease with dyskinesia, with fluctuations
G20.C Parkinsonism, unspecified
G21.0 Malignant neuroleptic syndrome
G21.11 Neuroleptic induced parkinsonism
G21.19 Other drug induced secondary parkinsonism
G21.2 Secondary parkinsonism due to other external agents
G21.3 Postencephalitic parkinsonism
G21.4 Vascular parkinsonism
G21.8 Other secondary parkinsonism
G21.9 Secondary parkinsonism, unspecified
G23.0 Hallervorden-Spatz disease
G23.1 Progressive supranuclear ophthalmoplegia [Steele-Richardson-Olszewski]
G23.2 Striatonigral degeneration
G23.8 Other specified degenerative diseases of basal ganglia
G23.9 Degenerative disease of basal ganglia, unspecified
G24.01 Drug induced subacute dyskinesia
G24.02 Drug induced acute dystonia
G24.09 Other drug induced dystonia
G24.1 Genetic torsion dystonia
G24.2 Idiopathic nonfamilial dystonia
G24.3 Spasmodic torticollis
G24.4 Idiopathic orofacial dystonia
G24.5 Blepharospasm
G24.8 Other dystonia
G24.9 Dystonia, unspecified
G25.0 Essential tremor
G25.1 Drug-induced tremor
G25.2 Other specified forms of tremor
G25.3 Myoclonus
G25.4 Drug-induced chorea
G25.5 Other chorea
G25.61 Drug induced tics
G25.69 Other tics of organic origin
G25.70 Drug induced movement disorder, unspecified
G25.71 Drug induced akathisia
G25.79 Other drug induced movement disorders
G25.81 Restless legs syndrome
G25.82 Stiff-man syndrome
G25.83 Benign shuddering attacks
G25.89 Other specified extrapyramidal and movement disorders
G25.9 Extrapyramidal and movement disorder, unspecified
G26 Extrapyramidal and movement disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
G30.0 Alzheimer's disease with early onset
G30.1 Alzheimer's disease with late onset
G30.8 Other Alzheimer's disease
G30.9 Alzheimer's disease, unspecified
G31.01 Pick's disease
G31.09 Other frontotemporal neurocognitive disorder
G31.1 Senile degeneration of brain, not elsewhere classified
G31.2 Degeneration of nervous system due to alcohol
G31.80 Leukodystrophy, unspecified
G31.81 Alpers disease
G31.82 Leigh's disease
G31.85 Corticobasal degeneration
G31.86 Alexander disease
G32.0 Subacute combined degeneration of spinal cord in diseases classified elsewhere
G32.81 Cerebellar ataxia in diseases classified elsewhere
G35 Multiple sclerosis
G36.0 Neuromyelitis optica [Devic]
G36.1 Acute and subacute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis [Hurst]
G36.8 Other specified acute disseminated demyelination
G36.9 Acute disseminated demyelination, unspecified
G37.0 Diffuse sclerosis of central nervous system
G37.1 Central demyelination of corpus callosum
G37.2 Central pontine myelinolysis
G37.3 Acute transverse myelitis in demyelinating disease of central nervous system
G37.5 Concentric sclerosis [Balo] of central nervous system
G37.81 Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody disease
G37.89 Other specified demyelinating diseases of central nervous system
G37.9 Demyelinating disease of central nervous system, unspecified
G40.001 Localization-related (focal) (partial) idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with seizures of localized onset, not intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.009 Localization-related (focal) (partial) idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with seizures of localized onset, not intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.011 Localization-related (focal) (partial) idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with seizures of localized onset, intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.019 Localization-related (focal) (partial) idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with seizures of localized onset, intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.101 Localization-related (focal) (partial) symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with simple partial seizures, not intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.109 Localization-related (focal) (partial) symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with simple partial seizures, not intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.111 Localization-related (focal) (partial) symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with simple partial seizures, intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.119 Localization-related (focal) (partial) symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with simple partial seizures, intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.201 Localization-related (focal) (partial) symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with complex partial seizures, not intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.209 Localization-related (focal) (partial) symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with complex partial seizures, not intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.211 Localization-related (focal) (partial) symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with complex partial seizures, intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.219 Localization-related (focal) (partial) symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with complex partial seizures, intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.301 Generalized idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes, not intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.309 Generalized idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes, not intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.311 Generalized idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes, intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.319 Generalized idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes, intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.A01 Absence epileptic syndrome, not intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.A09 Absence epileptic syndrome, not intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.A11 Absence epileptic syndrome, intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.A19 Absence epileptic syndrome, intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.B01 Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, not intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.B09 Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, not intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.B11 Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.B19 Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.401 Other generalized epilepsy and epileptic syndromes, not intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.409 Other generalized epilepsy and epileptic syndromes, not intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.411 Other generalized epilepsy and epileptic syndromes, intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.419 Other generalized epilepsy and epileptic syndromes, intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.42 Cyclin-Dependent Kinase-Like 5 Deficiency Disorder
G40.501 Epileptic seizures related to external causes, not intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.509 Epileptic seizures related to external causes, not intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.801 Other epilepsy, not intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.802 Other epilepsy, not intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.803 Other epilepsy, intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.804 Other epilepsy, intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.811 Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, not intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.812 Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, not intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.813 Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.814 Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.821 Epileptic spasms, not intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.822 Epileptic spasms, not intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.823 Epileptic spasms, intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.824 Epileptic spasms, intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.833 Dravet syndrome, intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.834 Dravet syndrome, intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.841 KCNQ2-related epilepsy, not intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.842 KCNQ2-related epilepsy, not intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.843 KCNQ2-related epilepsy, intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.844 KCNQ2-related epilepsy, intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.89 Other seizures
G40.901 Epilepsy, unspecified, not intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.909 Epilepsy, unspecified, not intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.911 Epilepsy, unspecified, intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.919 Epilepsy, unspecified, intractable, without status epilepticus
G43.001 Migraine without aura, not intractable, with status migrainosus
G43.009 Migraine without aura, not intractable, without status migrainosus
G43.011 Migraine without aura, intractable, with status migrainosus
G43.019 Migraine without aura, intractable, without status migrainosus
G43.101 Migraine with aura, not intractable, with status migrainosus
G43.109 Migraine with aura, not intractable, without status migrainosus
G43.111 Migraine with aura, intractable, with status migrainosus
G43.119 Migraine with aura, intractable, without status migrainosus
G43.401 Hemiplegic migraine, not intractable, with status migrainosus
G43.409 Hemiplegic migraine, not intractable, without status migrainosus
G43.411 Hemiplegic migraine, intractable, with status migrainosus
G43.419 Hemiplegic migraine, intractable, without status migrainosus
G43.501 Persistent migraine aura without cerebral infarction, not intractable, with status migrainosus
G43.509 Persistent migraine aura without cerebral infarction, not intractable, without status migrainosus
G43.511 Persistent migraine aura without cerebral infarction, intractable, with status migrainosus
G43.519 Persistent migraine aura without cerebral infarction, intractable, without status migrainosus
G43.601 Persistent migraine aura with cerebral infarction, not intractable, with status migrainosus
G43.609 Persistent migraine aura with cerebral infarction, not intractable, without status migrainosus
G43.611 Persistent migraine aura with cerebral infarction, intractable, with status migrainosus
G43.619 Persistent migraine aura with cerebral infarction, intractable, without status migrainosus
G43.701 Chronic migraine without aura, not intractable, with status migrainosus
G43.709 Chronic migraine without aura, not intractable, without status migrainosus
G43.711 Chronic migraine without aura, intractable, with status migrainosus
G43.719 Chronic migraine without aura, intractable, without status migrainosus
G43.A0 Cyclical vomiting, in migraine, not intractable
G43.A1 Cyclical vomiting, in migraine, intractable
G43.B0 Ophthalmoplegic migraine, not intractable
G43.B1 Ophthalmoplegic migraine, intractable
G43.C0 Periodic headache syndromes in child or adult, not intractable
G43.C1 Periodic headache syndromes in child or adult, intractable
G43.D0 Abdominal migraine, not intractable
G43.D1 Abdominal migraine, intractable
G43.801 Other migraine, not intractable, with status migrainosus
G43.809 Other migraine, not intractable, without status migrainosus
G43.811 Other migraine, intractable, with status migrainosus
G43.819 Other migraine, intractable, without status migrainosus
G43.821 Menstrual migraine, not intractable, with status migrainosus
G43.829 Menstrual migraine, not intractable, without status migrainosus
G43.831 Menstrual migraine, intractable, with status migrainosus
G43.839 Menstrual migraine, intractable, without status migrainosus
G43.901 Migraine, unspecified, not intractable, with status migrainosus
G43.909 Migraine, unspecified, not intractable, without status migrainosus
G43.911 Migraine, unspecified, intractable, with status migrainosus
G43.919 Migraine, unspecified, intractable, without status migrainosus
G44.001 Cluster headache syndrome, unspecified, intractable
G44.009 Cluster headache syndrome, unspecified, not intractable
G44.011 Episodic cluster headache, intractable
G44.019 Episodic cluster headache, not intractable
G44.021 Chronic cluster headache, intractable
G44.029 Chronic cluster headache, not intractable
G44.031 Episodic paroxysmal hemicrania, intractable
G44.039 Episodic paroxysmal hemicrania, not intractable
G44.041 Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania, intractable
G44.049 Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania, not intractable
G44.051 Short lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache with conjunctival injection and tearing (SUNCT), intractable
G44.059 Short lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache with conjunctival injection and tearing (SUNCT), not intractable
G44.091 Other trigeminal autonomic cephalgias (TAC), intractable
G44.099 Other trigeminal autonomic cephalgias (TAC), not intractable
G44.1 Vascular headache, not elsewhere classified
G44.201 Tension-type headache, unspecified, intractable
G44.209 Tension-type headache, unspecified, not intractable
G44.211 Episodic tension-type headache, intractable
G44.219 Episodic tension-type headache, not intractable
G44.221 Chronic tension-type headache, intractable
G44.229 Chronic tension-type headache, not intractable
G44.301 Post-traumatic headache, unspecified, intractable
G44.309 Post-traumatic headache, unspecified, not intractable
G44.311 Acute post-traumatic headache, intractable
G44.319 Acute post-traumatic headache, not intractable
G44.321 Chronic post-traumatic headache, intractable
G44.329 Chronic post-traumatic headache, not intractable
G44.40 Drug-induced headache, not elsewhere classified, not intractable
G44.41 Drug-induced headache, not elsewhere classified, intractable
G44.51 Hemicrania continua
G44.52 New daily persistent headache (NDPH)
G44.53 Primary thunderclap headache
G44.59 Other complicated headache syndrome
G44.81 Hypnic headache
G44.82 Headache associated with sexual activity
G44.83 Primary cough headache
G44.84 Primary exertional headache
G44.85 Primary stabbing headache
G44.86 Cervicogenic headache
G44.89 Other headache syndrome
G45.0 Vertebro-basilar artery syndrome
G45.1 Carotid artery syndrome (hemispheric)
G45.2 Multiple and bilateral precerebral artery syndromes
G45.4 Transient global amnesia
G45.8 Other transient cerebral ischemic attacks and related syndromes
G45.9 Transient cerebral ischemic attack, unspecified
G46.0 Middle cerebral artery syndrome
G46.1 Anterior cerebral artery syndrome
G46.2 Posterior cerebral artery syndrome
G46.3 Brain stem stroke syndrome
G46.4 Cerebellar stroke syndrome
G46.5 Pure motor lacunar syndrome
G46.6 Pure sensory lacunar syndrome
G46.7 Other lacunar syndromes
G46.8 Other vascular syndromes of brain in cerebrovascular diseases
G47.01 Insomnia due to medical condition
G47.09 Other insomnia
G47.10 Hypersomnia, unspecified
G47.11 Idiopathic hypersomnia with long sleep time
G47.12 Idiopathic hypersomnia without long sleep time
G47.13 Recurrent hypersomnia
G47.14 Hypersomnia due to medical condition
G47.19 Other hypersomnia
G47.30 Sleep apnea, unspecified
G47.31 Primary central sleep apnea
G47.34 Idiopathic sleep related nonobstructive alveolar hypoventilation
G47.35 Congenital central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome
G47.36 Sleep related hypoventilation in conditions classified elsewhere
G47.37 Central sleep apnea in conditions classified elsewhere
G47.39 Other sleep apnea
G47.411 Narcolepsy with cataplexy
G47.419 Narcolepsy without cataplexy
G47.421 Narcolepsy in conditions classified elsewhere with cataplexy
G47.429 Narcolepsy in conditions classified elsewhere without cataplexy
G47.50 Parasomnia, unspecified
G47.51 Confusional arousals
G47.54 Parasomnia in conditions classified elsewhere
G47.59 Other parasomnia
G47.8 Other sleep disorders
G50.0 Trigeminal neuralgia
G50.1 Atypical facial pain
G50.8 Other disorders of trigeminal nerve
G50.9 Disorder of trigeminal nerve, unspecified
G51.0 Bell's palsy
G51.1 Geniculate ganglionitis
G51.2 Melkersson's syndrome
G51.31 Clonic hemifacial spasm, right
G51.32 Clonic hemifacial spasm, left
G51.33 Clonic hemifacial spasm, bilateral
G51.39 Clonic hemifacial spasm, unspecified
G51.4 Facial myokymia
G51.8 Other disorders of facial nerve
G51.9 Disorder of facial nerve, unspecified
G52.0 Disorders of olfactory nerve
G52.1 Disorders of glossopharyngeal nerve
G52.2 Disorders of vagus nerve
G52.3 Disorders of hypoglossal nerve
G52.7 Disorders of multiple cranial nerves
G52.8 Disorders of other specified cranial nerves
G52.9 Cranial nerve disorder, unspecified
G53 Cranial nerve disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
G80.0 Spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy
G80.1 Spastic diplegic cerebral palsy
G80.2 Spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy
G80.3 Athetoid cerebral palsy
G80.4 Ataxic cerebral palsy
G80.8 Other cerebral palsy
G80.9 Cerebral palsy, unspecified
G81.01 Flaccid hemiplegia affecting right dominant side
G81.02 Flaccid hemiplegia affecting left dominant side
G81.03 Flaccid hemiplegia affecting right nondominant side
G81.04 Flaccid hemiplegia affecting left nondominant side
G81.11 Spastic hemiplegia affecting right dominant side
G81.12 Spastic hemiplegia affecting left dominant side
G81.13 Spastic hemiplegia affecting right nondominant side
G81.14 Spastic hemiplegia affecting left nondominant side
G81.91 Hemiplegia, unspecified affecting right dominant side
G81.92 Hemiplegia, unspecified affecting left dominant side
G81.93 Hemiplegia, unspecified affecting right nondominant side
G81.94 Hemiplegia, unspecified affecting left nondominant side
G82.21 Paraplegia, complete
G82.22 Paraplegia, incomplete
G82.51 Quadriplegia, C1-C4 complete
G82.52 Quadriplegia, C1-C4 incomplete
G82.53 Quadriplegia, C5-C7 complete
G82.54 Quadriplegia, C5-C7 incomplete
G83.0 Diplegia of upper limbs
G83.11 Monoplegia of lower limb affecting right dominant side
G83.12 Monoplegia of lower limb affecting left dominant side
G83.13 Monoplegia of lower limb affecting right nondominant side
G83.14 Monoplegia of lower limb affecting left nondominant side
G83.21 Monoplegia of upper limb affecting right dominant side
G83.22 Monoplegia of upper limb affecting left dominant side
G83.24 Monoplegia of upper limb affecting left nondominant side
G83.31 Monoplegia, unspecified affecting right dominant side
G83.32 Monoplegia, unspecified affecting left dominant side
G83.33 Monoplegia, unspecified affecting right nondominant side
G83.34 Monoplegia, unspecified affecting left nondominant side
G83.5 Locked-in state
G83.81 Brown-Sequard syndrome
G83.84 Todd's paralysis (postepileptic)
G83.89 Other specified paralytic syndromes
G89.0 Central pain syndrome
G89.11 Acute pain due to trauma
G89.12 Acute post-thoracotomy pain
G89.18 Other acute postprocedural pain
G89.21 Chronic pain due to trauma
G89.22 Chronic post-thoracotomy pain
G89.28 Other chronic postprocedural pain
G89.29 Other chronic pain
G89.3 Neoplasm related pain (acute) (chronic)
G89.4 Chronic pain syndrome
G90.01 Carotid sinus syncope
G90.09 Other idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy
G90.1 Familial dysautonomia [Riley-Day]
G90.2 Horner's syndrome
G90.3 Multi-system degeneration of the autonomic nervous system
G90.4 Autonomic dysreflexia
G90.59 Complex regional pain syndrome I of other specified site
G90.81 Serotonin syndrome
G90.89 Other disorders of autonomic nervous system
G90.9 Disorder of the autonomic nervous system, unspecified
G91.0 Communicating hydrocephalus
G91.1 Obstructive hydrocephalus
G91.2 (Idiopathic) normal pressure hydrocephalus
G91.3 Post-traumatic hydrocephalus, unspecified
G91.4 Hydrocephalus in diseases classified elsewhere
G91.8 Other hydrocephalus
G91.9 Hydrocephalus, unspecified
G92.8 Other toxic encephalopathy
G93.0 Cerebral cysts
G93.1 Anoxic brain damage, not elsewhere classified
G93.2 Benign intracranial hypertension
G93.40 Encephalopathy, unspecified
G93.41 Metabolic encephalopathy
G93.42 Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts
G93.43 Leukoencephalopathy with calcifications and cysts
G93.44 Adult-onset leukodystrophy with axonal spheroids
G93.45 Developmental and epileptic encephalopathy
G93.49 Other encephalopathy
G93.5 Compression of brain
G93.6 Cerebral edema
G93.81 Temporal sclerosis
G93.89 Other specified disorders of brain
G94 Other disorders of brain in diseases classified elsewhere
G95.0 Syringomyelia and syringobulbia
G95.11 Acute infarction of spinal cord (embolic) (nonembolic)
G95.19 Other vascular myelopathies
G95.81 Conus medullaris syndrome
G95.89 Other specified diseases of spinal cord
G96.00 Cerebrospinal fluid leak, unspecified
G96.01 Cranial cerebrospinal fluid leak, spontaneous
G96.02 Spinal cerebrospinal fluid leak, spontaneous
G96.08 Other cranial cerebrospinal fluid leak
G96.09 Other spinal cerebrospinal fluid leak
G96.11 Dural tear
G96.12 Meningeal adhesions (cerebral) (spinal)
G96.191 Perineural cyst
G96.198 Other disorders of meninges, not elsewhere classified
G96.810 Intracranial hypotension, unspecified
G96.819 Other intracranial hypotension
G96.9 Disorder of central nervous system, unspecified
G97.1 Other reaction to spinal and lumbar puncture
G97.31 Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of a nervous system organ or structure complicating a nervous system procedure
G97.32 Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of a nervous system organ or structure complicating other procedure
G97.41 Accidental puncture or laceration of dura during a procedure
G97.51 Postprocedural hemorrhage of a nervous system organ or structure following a nervous system procedure
G97.52 Postprocedural hemorrhage of a nervous system organ or structure following other procedure
G97.61 Postprocedural hematoma of a nervous system organ or structure following a nervous system procedure
G97.62 Postprocedural hematoma of a nervous system organ or structure following other procedure
G97.63 Postprocedural seroma of a nervous system organ or structure following a nervous system procedure
G97.64 Postprocedural seroma of a nervous system organ or structure following other procedure
G97.82 Other postprocedural complications and disorders of nervous system
G97.83 Intracranial hypotension following lumbar cerebrospinal fluid shunting
G97.84 Intracranial hypotension following other procedure
G98.8 Other disorders of nervous system
G99.0 Autonomic neuropathy in diseases classified elsewhere
G99.2 Myelopathy in diseases classified elsewhere
H02.23A Paralytic lagophthalmos right eye, upper and lower eyelids
H02.23B Paralytic lagophthalmos left eye, upper and lower eyelids
H02.23C Paralytic lagophthalmos, bilateral, upper and lower eyelids
H05.011 Cellulitis of right orbit
H05.012 Cellulitis of left orbit
H05.013 Cellulitis of bilateral orbits
H05.261 Pulsating exophthalmos, right eye
H05.262 Pulsating exophthalmos, left eye
H05.263 Pulsating exophthalmos, bilateral
H34.8110 Central retinal vein occlusion, right eye, with macular edema
H34.8111 Central retinal vein occlusion, right eye, with retinal neovascularization
H34.8112 Central retinal vein occlusion, right eye, stable
H34.8120 Central retinal vein occlusion, left eye, with macular edema
H34.8121 Central retinal vein occlusion, left eye, with retinal neovascularization
H34.8122 Central retinal vein occlusion, left eye, stable
H34.8130 Central retinal vein occlusion, bilateral, with macular edema
H34.8131 Central retinal vein occlusion, bilateral, with retinal neovascularization
H34.8132 Central retinal vein occlusion, bilateral, stable
H34.8310 Tributary (branch) retinal vein occlusion, right eye, with macular edema
H34.8311 Tributary (branch) retinal vein occlusion, right eye, with retinal neovascularization
H34.8312 Tributary (branch) retinal vein occlusion, right eye, stable
H34.8320 Tributary (branch) retinal vein occlusion, left eye, with macular edema
H34.8321 Tributary (branch) retinal vein occlusion, left eye, with retinal neovascularization
H34.8322 Tributary (branch) retinal vein occlusion, left eye, stable
H34.8330 Tributary (branch) retinal vein occlusion, bilateral, with macular edema
H34.8331 Tributary (branch) retinal vein occlusion, bilateral, with retinal neovascularization
H34.8332 Tributary (branch) retinal vein occlusion, bilateral, stable
H46.01 Optic papillitis, right eye
H46.02 Optic papillitis, left eye
H46.03 Optic papillitis, bilateral
H46.11 Retrobulbar neuritis, right eye
H46.12 Retrobulbar neuritis, left eye
H46.13 Retrobulbar neuritis, bilateral
H47.10 Unspecified papilledema
H47.11 Papilledema associated with increased intracranial pressure
H47.211 Primary optic atrophy, right eye
H47.212 Primary optic atrophy, left eye
H47.213 Primary optic atrophy, bilateral
H47.291 Other optic atrophy, right eye
H47.292 Other optic atrophy, left eye
H47.293 Other optic atrophy, bilateral
H47.43 Disorders of optic chiasm in (due to) vascular disorders
H47.49 Disorders of optic chiasm in (due to) other disorders
H47.531 Disorders of visual pathways in (due to) vascular disorders, right side
H47.532 Disorders of visual pathways in (due to) vascular disorders, left side
H47.611 Cortical blindness, right side of brain
H47.612 Cortical blindness, left side of brain
H47.631 Disorders of visual cortex in (due to) neoplasm, right side of brain
H47.632 Disorders of visual cortex in (due to) neoplasm, left side of brain
H47.641 Disorders of visual cortex in (due to) vascular disorders, right side of brain
H47.642 Disorders of visual cortex in (due to) vascular disorders, left side of brain
H47.9 Unspecified disorder of visual pathways
H49.01 Third [oculomotor] nerve palsy, right eye
H49.02 Third [oculomotor] nerve palsy, left eye
H49.03 Third [oculomotor] nerve palsy, bilateral
H49.11 Fourth [trochlear] nerve palsy, right eye
H49.12 Fourth [trochlear] nerve palsy, left eye
H49.13 Fourth [trochlear] nerve palsy, bilateral
H49.21 Sixth [abducent] nerve palsy, right eye
H49.22 Sixth [abducent] nerve palsy, left eye
H49.23 Sixth [abducent] nerve palsy, bilateral
H49.31 Total (external) ophthalmoplegia, right eye
H49.32 Total (external) ophthalmoplegia, left eye
H49.33 Total (external) ophthalmoplegia, bilateral
H49.41 Progressive external ophthalmoplegia, right eye
H49.42 Progressive external ophthalmoplegia, left eye
H49.43 Progressive external ophthalmoplegia, bilateral
H49.881 Other paralytic strabismus, right eye
H49.882 Other paralytic strabismus, left eye
H49.883 Other paralytic strabismus, bilateral
H49.9 Unspecified paralytic strabismus
H51.0 Palsy (spasm) of conjugate gaze
H51.21 Internuclear ophthalmoplegia, right eye
H51.22 Internuclear ophthalmoplegia, left eye
H51.23 Internuclear ophthalmoplegia, bilateral
H53.121 Transient visual loss, right eye
H53.122 Transient visual loss, left eye
H53.123 Transient visual loss, bilateral
H53.131 Sudden visual loss, right eye
H53.132 Sudden visual loss, left eye
H53.133 Sudden visual loss, bilateral
H53.2 Diplopia
H53.30 Unspecified disorder of binocular vision
H53.31 Abnormal retinal correspondence
H53.32 Fusion with defective stereopsis
H53.33 Simultaneous visual perception without fusion
H53.34 Suppression of binocular vision
H53.40 Unspecified visual field defects
H53.411 Scotoma involving central area, right eye
H53.412 Scotoma involving central area, left eye
H53.413 Scotoma involving central area, bilateral
H53.421 Scotoma of blind spot area, right eye
H53.422 Scotoma of blind spot area, left eye
H53.423 Scotoma of blind spot area, bilateral
H53.431 Sector or arcuate defects, right eye
H53.432 Sector or arcuate defects, left eye
H53.433 Sector or arcuate defects, bilateral
H53.451 Other localized visual field defect, right eye
H53.452 Other localized visual field defect, left eye
H53.453 Other localized visual field defect, bilateral
H53.461 Homonymous bilateral field defects, right side
H53.462 Homonymous bilateral field defects, left side
H53.47 Heteronymous bilateral field defects
H53.481 Generalized contraction of visual field, right eye
H53.482 Generalized contraction of visual field, left eye
H53.483 Generalized contraction of visual field, bilateral
H53.50 Unspecified color vision deficiencies
H53.51 Achromatopsia
H53.52 Acquired color vision deficiency
H53.55 Tritanomaly
H53.59 Other color vision deficiencies
H53.71 Glare sensitivity
H53.72 Impaired contrast sensitivity
H53.8 Other visual disturbances
H55.09 Other forms of nystagmus
H55.81 Deficient saccadic eye movements
H55.82 Deficient smooth pursuit eye movements
H55.89 Other irregular eye movements
H59.111 Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of right eye and adnexa complicating an ophthalmic procedure
H59.112 Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of left eye and adnexa complicating an ophthalmic procedure
H59.113 Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of eye and adnexa complicating an ophthalmic procedure, bilateral
H59.121 Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of right eye and adnexa complicating other procedure
H59.122 Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of left eye and adnexa complicating other procedure
H59.123 Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of eye and adnexa complicating other procedure, bilateral
H59.311 Postprocedural hemorrhage of right eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure
H59.312 Postprocedural hemorrhage of left eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure
H59.313 Postprocedural hemorrhage of eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure, bilateral
H59.321 Postprocedural hemorrhage of right eye and adnexa following other procedure
H59.322 Postprocedural hemorrhage of left eye and adnexa following other procedure
H59.323 Postprocedural hemorrhage of eye and adnexa following other procedure, bilateral
H59.331 Postprocedural hematoma of right eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure
H59.332 Postprocedural hematoma of left eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure
H59.333 Postprocedural hematoma of eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure, bilateral
H59.341 Postprocedural hematoma of right eye and adnexa following other procedure
H59.342 Postprocedural hematoma of left eye and adnexa following other procedure
H59.343 Postprocedural hematoma of eye and adnexa following other procedure, bilateral
H59.351 Postprocedural seroma of right eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure
H59.352 Postprocedural seroma of left eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure
H59.353 Postprocedural seroma of eye and adnexa following an ophthalmic procedure, bilateral
H59.361 Postprocedural seroma of right eye and adnexa following other procedure
H59.362 Postprocedural seroma of left eye and adnexa following other procedure
H59.363 Postprocedural seroma of eye and adnexa following other procedure, bilateral
H81.11 Benign paroxysmal vertigo, right ear
H81.12 Benign paroxysmal vertigo, left ear
H81.13 Benign paroxysmal vertigo, bilateral
H83.2X1 Labyrinthine dysfunction, right ear
H83.2X2 Labyrinthine dysfunction, left ear
H83.2X3 Labyrinthine dysfunction, bilateral
H90.0 Conductive hearing loss, bilateral
H90.11 Conductive hearing loss, unilateral, right ear, with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side
H90.12 Conductive hearing loss, unilateral, left ear, with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side
H90.3 Sensorineural hearing loss, bilateral
H90.41 Sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, right ear, with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side
H90.42 Sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, left ear, with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side
H90.6 Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, bilateral
H90.71 Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, right ear, with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side
H90.72 Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, left ear, with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side
H90.A11 Conductive hearing loss, unilateral, right ear with restricted hearing on the contralateral side
H90.A12 Conductive hearing loss, unilateral, left ear with restricted hearing on the contralateral side
H90.A31 Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, right ear with restricted hearing on the contralateral side
H90.A32 Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, left ear with restricted hearing on the contralateral side
H93.A1 Pulsatile tinnitus, right ear
H93.A2 Pulsatile tinnitus, left ear
H93.A3 Pulsatile tinnitus, bilateral
H93.3X1 Disorders of right acoustic nerve
H93.3X2 Disorders of left acoustic nerve
H93.3X3 Disorders of bilateral acoustic nerves
H94.01 Acoustic neuritis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, right ear
H94.02 Acoustic neuritis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, left ear
H94.03 Acoustic neuritis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, bilateral
H95.21 Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of ear and mastoid process complicating a procedure on the ear and mastoid process
H95.22 Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of ear and mastoid process complicating other procedure
H95.41 Postprocedural hemorrhage of ear and mastoid process following a procedure on the ear and mastoid process
H95.42 Postprocedural hemorrhage of ear and mastoid process following other procedure
H95.51 Postprocedural hematoma of ear and mastoid process following a procedure on the ear and mastoid process
H95.52 Postprocedural hematoma of ear and mastoid process following other procedure
H95.53 Postprocedural seroma of ear and mastoid process following a procedure on the ear and mastoid process
H95.54 Postprocedural seroma of ear and mastoid process following other procedure
I46.9 Cardiac arrest, cause unspecified
I60.01 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from right carotid siphon and bifurcation
I60.02 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from left carotid siphon and bifurcation
I60.11 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from right middle cerebral artery
I60.12 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from left middle cerebral artery
I60.2 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from anterior communicating artery
I60.31 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from right posterior communicating artery
I60.32 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from left posterior communicating artery
I60.4 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from basilar artery
I60.51 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from right vertebral artery
I60.52 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from left vertebral artery
I60.6 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from other intracranial arteries
I60.8 Other nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage
I60.9 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage, unspecified
I61.0 Nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage in hemisphere, subcortical
I61.1 Nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage in hemisphere, cortical
I61.2 Nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage in hemisphere, unspecified
I61.3 Nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage in brain stem
I61.4 Nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage in cerebellum
I61.5 Nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage, intraventricular
I61.6 Nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage, multiple localized
I61.8 Other nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage
I61.9 Nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage, unspecified
I62.00 Nontraumatic subdural hemorrhage, unspecified
I62.01 Nontraumatic acute subdural hemorrhage
I62.02 Nontraumatic subacute subdural hemorrhage
I62.03 Nontraumatic chronic subdural hemorrhage
I62.1 Nontraumatic extradural hemorrhage
I62.9 Nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage, unspecified
I63.00 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of unspecified precerebral artery
I63.011 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of right vertebral artery
I63.012 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of left vertebral artery
I63.013 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of bilateral vertebral arteries
I63.02 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of basilar artery
I63.031 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of right carotid artery
I63.032 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of left carotid artery
I63.033 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of bilateral carotid arteries
I63.09 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of other precerebral artery
I63.10 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of unspecified precerebral artery
I63.111 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of right vertebral artery
I63.112 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of left vertebral artery
I63.113 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of bilateral vertebral arteries
I63.12 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of basilar artery
I63.131 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of right carotid artery
I63.132 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of left carotid artery
I63.133 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of bilateral carotid arteries
I63.19 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of other precerebral artery
I63.20 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of unspecified precerebral arteries
I63.211 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of right vertebral artery
I63.212 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of left vertebral artery
I63.213 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of bilateral vertebral arteries
I63.22 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of basilar artery
I63.231 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of right carotid arteries
I63.232 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of left carotid arteries
I63.233 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of bilateral carotid arteries
I63.29 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of other precerebral arteries
I63.30 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of unspecified cerebral artery
I63.311 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of right middle cerebral artery
I63.312 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of left middle cerebral artery
I63.313 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of bilateral middle cerebral arteries
I63.321 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of right anterior cerebral artery
I63.322 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of left anterior cerebral artery
I63.323 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of bilateral anterior cerebral arteries
I63.331 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of right posterior cerebral artery
I63.332 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of left posterior cerebral artery
I63.333 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of bilateral posterior cerebral arteries
I63.341 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of right cerebellar artery
I63.342 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of left cerebellar artery
I63.343 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of bilateral cerebellar arteries
I63.39 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of other cerebral artery
I63.411 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of right middle cerebral artery
I63.412 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of left middle cerebral artery
I63.413 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of bilateral middle cerebral arteries
I63.421 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of right anterior cerebral artery
I63.422 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of left anterior cerebral artery
I63.423 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of bilateral anterior cerebral arteries
I63.431 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of right posterior cerebral artery
I63.432 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of left posterior cerebral artery
I63.433 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of bilateral posterior cerebral arteries
I63.441 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of right cerebellar artery
I63.442 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of left cerebellar artery
I63.443 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of bilateral cerebellar arteries
I63.49 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of other cerebral artery
I63.511 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of right middle cerebral artery
I63.512 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of left middle cerebral artery
I63.513 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of bilateral middle cerebral arteries
I63.521 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of right anterior cerebral artery
I63.522 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of left anterior cerebral artery
I63.523 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of bilateral anterior cerebral arteries
I63.531 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of right posterior cerebral artery
I63.532 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of left posterior cerebral artery
I63.533 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of bilateral posterior cerebral arteries
I63.541 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of right cerebellar artery
I63.542 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of left cerebellar artery
I63.543 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of bilateral cerebellar arteries
I63.59 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of other cerebral artery
I63.6 Cerebral infarction due to cerebral venous thrombosis, nonpyogenic
I63.81 Other cerebral infarction due to occlusion or stenosis of small artery
I63.89 Other cerebral infarction
I63.9 Cerebral infarction, unspecified
I65.01 Occlusion and stenosis of right vertebral artery
I65.02 Occlusion and stenosis of left vertebral artery
I65.03 Occlusion and stenosis of bilateral vertebral arteries
I65.1 Occlusion and stenosis of basilar artery
I65.21 Occlusion and stenosis of right carotid artery
I65.22 Occlusion and stenosis of left carotid artery
I65.23 Occlusion and stenosis of bilateral carotid arteries
I65.8 Occlusion and stenosis of other precerebral arteries
I66.01 Occlusion and stenosis of right middle cerebral artery
I66.02 Occlusion and stenosis of left middle cerebral artery
I66.03 Occlusion and stenosis of bilateral middle cerebral arteries
I66.11 Occlusion and stenosis of right anterior cerebral artery
I66.12 Occlusion and stenosis of left anterior cerebral artery
I66.13 Occlusion and stenosis of bilateral anterior cerebral arteries
I66.21 Occlusion and stenosis of right posterior cerebral artery
I66.22 Occlusion and stenosis of left posterior cerebral artery
I66.23 Occlusion and stenosis of bilateral posterior cerebral arteries
I66.3 Occlusion and stenosis of cerebellar arteries
I66.8 Occlusion and stenosis of other cerebral arteries
I67.1 Cerebral aneurysm, nonruptured
I67.2 Cerebral atherosclerosis
I67.3 Progressive vascular leukoencephalopathy
I67.4 Hypertensive encephalopathy
I67.5 Moyamoya disease
I67.6 Nonpyogenic thrombosis of intracranial venous system
I67.7 Cerebral arteritis, not elsewhere classified
I67.81 Acute cerebrovascular insufficiency
I67.82 Cerebral ischemia
I67.83 Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome
I67.841 Reversible cerebrovascular vasoconstriction syndrome
I67.848 Other cerebrovascular vasospasm and vasoconstriction
I67.850 Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy
I67.858 Other hereditary cerebrovascular disease
I67.89 Other cerebrovascular disease
I67.9 Cerebrovascular disease, unspecified
I68.0 Cerebral amyloid angiopathy
I68.2 Cerebral arteritis in other diseases classified elsewhere
I68.8 Other cerebrovascular disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
I69.010 Attention and concentration deficit following nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage
I69.011 Memory deficit following nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage
I69.012 Visuospatial deficit and spatial neglect following nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage
I69.013 Psychomotor deficit following nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage
I69.014 Frontal lobe and executive function deficit following nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage
I69.015 Cognitive social or emotional deficit following nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage
I69.018 Other symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions following nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage
I69.019 Unspecified symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions following nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage
I69.022 Dysarthria following nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage
I69.023 Fluency disorder following nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage
I69.110 Attention and concentration deficit following nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage
I69.111 Memory deficit following nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage
I69.112 Visuospatial deficit and spatial neglect following nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage
I69.113 Psychomotor deficit following nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage
I69.114 Frontal lobe and executive function deficit following nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage
I69.115 Cognitive social or emotional deficit following nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage
I69.118 Other symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions following nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage
I69.119 Unspecified symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions following nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage
I69.122 Dysarthria following nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage
I69.123 Fluency disorder following nontraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage
I69.210 Attention and concentration deficit following other nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage
I69.211 Memory deficit following other nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage
I69.212 Visuospatial deficit and spatial neglect following other nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage
I69.213 Psychomotor deficit following other nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage
I69.214 Frontal lobe and executive function deficit following other nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage
I69.215 Cognitive social or emotional deficit following other nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage
I69.218 Other symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions following other nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage
I69.219 Unspecified symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions following other nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage
I69.222 Dysarthria following other nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage
I69.223 Fluency disorder following other nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage
I69.310 Attention and concentration deficit following cerebral infarction
I69.311 Memory deficit following cerebral infarction
I69.312 Visuospatial deficit and spatial neglect following cerebral infarction
I69.313 Psychomotor deficit following cerebral infarction
I69.314 Frontal lobe and executive function deficit following cerebral infarction
I69.315 Cognitive social or emotional deficit following cerebral infarction
I69.318 Other symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions following cerebral infarction
I69.319 Unspecified symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions following cerebral infarction
I69.322 Dysarthria following cerebral infarction
I69.323 Fluency disorder following cerebral infarction
I69.810 Attention and concentration deficit following other cerebrovascular disease
I69.811 Memory deficit following other cerebrovascular disease
I69.812 Visuospatial deficit and spatial neglect following other cerebrovascular disease
I69.813 Psychomotor deficit following other cerebrovascular disease
I69.814 Frontal lobe and executive function deficit following other cerebrovascular disease
I69.815 Cognitive social or emotional deficit following other cerebrovascular disease
I69.818 Other symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions following other cerebrovascular disease
I69.819 Unspecified symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions following other cerebrovascular disease
I69.822 Dysarthria following other cerebrovascular disease
I69.823 Fluency disorder following other cerebrovascular disease
I69.910 Attention and concentration deficit following unspecified cerebrovascular disease
I69.911 Memory deficit following unspecified cerebrovascular disease
I69.912 Visuospatial deficit and spatial neglect following unspecified cerebrovascular disease
I69.913 Psychomotor deficit following unspecified cerebrovascular disease
I69.914 Frontal lobe and executive function deficit following unspecified cerebrovascular disease
I69.915 Cognitive social or emotional deficit following unspecified cerebrovascular disease
I69.918 Other symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions following unspecified cerebrovascular disease
I69.919 Unspecified symptoms and signs involving cognitive functions following unspecified cerebrovascular disease
I69.922 Dysarthria following unspecified cerebrovascular disease
I69.923 Fluency disorder following unspecified cerebrovascular disease
I72.5 Aneurysm of other precerebral arteries
I72.6 Aneurysm of vertebral artery
I77.75 Dissection of other precerebral arteries
I77.76 Dissection of artery of upper extremity
I97.410 Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of a circulatory system organ or structure complicating a cardiac catheterization
I97.411 Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of a circulatory system organ or structure complicating a cardiac bypass
I97.418 Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of a circulatory system organ or structure complicating other circulatory system procedure
I97.42 Intraoperative hemorrhage and hematoma of a circulatory system organ or structure complicating other procedure
I97.610 Postprocedural hemorrhage of a circulatory system organ or structure following a cardiac catheterization
I97.611 Postprocedural hemorrhage of a circulatory system organ or structure following cardiac bypass
I97.618 Postprocedural hemorrhage of a circulatory system organ or structure following other circulatory system procedure
J10.81 Influenza due to other identified influenza virus with encephalopathy
J10.83 Influenza due to other identified influenza virus with otitis media
J10.89 Influenza due to other identified influenza virus with other manifestations
J11.81 Influenza due to unidentified influenza virus with encephalopathy
J11.83 Influenza due to unidentified influenza virus with otitis media
J11.89 Influenza due to unidentified influenza virus with other manifestations
K70.41 Alcoholic hepatic failure with coma
K71.11 Toxic liver disease with hepatic necrosis, with coma
K72.01 Acute and subacute hepatic failure with coma
K72.11 Chronic hepatic failure with coma
K72.91 Hepatic failure, unspecified with coma
L03.213 Periorbital cellulitis
O14.04 Mild to moderate pre-eclampsia, complicating childbirth
O14.05 Mild to moderate pre-eclampsia, complicating the puerperium
O14.14 Severe pre-eclampsia complicating childbirth
O14.15 Severe pre-eclampsia, complicating the puerperium
O14.24 HELLP syndrome, complicating childbirth
O14.25 HELLP syndrome, complicating the puerperium
O14.94 Unspecified pre-eclampsia, complicating childbirth
O14.95 Unspecified pre-eclampsia, complicating the puerperium
O74.3 Central nervous system complications of anesthesia during labor and delivery
P10.0 Subdural hemorrhage due to birth injury
P10.1 Cerebral hemorrhage due to birth injury
P10.2 Intraventricular hemorrhage due to birth injury
P10.4 Tentorial tear due to birth injury
P10.8 Other intracranial lacerations and hemorrhages due to birth injury
P10.9 Unspecified intracranial laceration and hemorrhage due to birth injury
P11.0 Cerebral edema due to birth injury
P11.2 Unspecified brain damage due to birth injury
P11.9 Birth injury to central nervous system, unspecified
P12.2 Epicranial subaponeurotic hemorrhage due to birth injury
P13.0 Fracture of skull due to birth injury
P13.1 Other birth injuries to skull
P52.0 Intraventricular (nontraumatic) hemorrhage, grade 1, of newborn
P52.1 Intraventricular (nontraumatic) hemorrhage, grade 2, of newborn
P52.21 Intraventricular (nontraumatic) hemorrhage, grade 3, of newborn
P52.22 Intraventricular (nontraumatic) hemorrhage, grade 4, of newborn
P52.3 Unspecified intraventricular (nontraumatic) hemorrhage of newborn
P52.4 Intracerebral (nontraumatic) hemorrhage of newborn
P52.6 Cerebellar (nontraumatic) and posterior fossa hemorrhage of newborn
P52.8 Other intracranial (nontraumatic) hemorrhages of newborn
P52.9 Intracranial (nontraumatic) hemorrhage of newborn, unspecified
Q01.0 Frontal encephalocele
Q01.1 Nasofrontal encephalocele
Q01.2 Occipital encephalocele
Q01.8 Encephalocele of other sites
Q01.9 Encephalocele, unspecified
Q02 Microcephaly
Q03.0 Malformations of aqueduct of Sylvius
Q03.1 Atresia of foramina of Magendie and Luschka
Q03.8 Other congenital hydrocephalus
Q03.9 Congenital hydrocephalus, unspecified
Q04.0 Congenital malformations of corpus callosum
Q04.1 Arhinencephaly
Q04.2 Holoprosencephaly
Q04.3 Other reduction deformities of brain
Q04.4 Septo-optic dysplasia of brain
Q04.5 Megalencephaly
Q04.6 Congenital cerebral cysts
Q04.8 Other specified congenital malformations of brain
Q04.9 Congenital malformation of brain, unspecified
Q06.0 Amyelia
Q06.1 Hypoplasia and dysplasia of spinal cord
Q06.2 Diastematomyelia
Q06.3 Other congenital cauda equina malformations
Q06.4 Hydromyelia
Q06.8 Other specified congenital malformations of spinal cord
Q07.8 Other specified congenital malformations of nervous system
Q28.2 Arteriovenous malformation of cerebral vessels
Q28.3 Other malformations of cerebral vessels
Q75.001 Craniosynostosis unspecified, unilateral
Q75.002 Craniosynostosis unspecified, bilateral
Q75.009 Craniosynostosis unspecified
Q75.01 Sagittal craniosynostosis
Q75.021 Coronal craniosynostosis unilateral
Q75.022 Coronal craniosynostosis bilateral
Q75.029 Coronal craniosynostosis unspecified
Q75.1 Craniofacial dysostosis
Q75.2 Hypertelorism
Q75.3 Macrocephaly
Q75.4 Mandibulofacial dysostosis
Q75.5 Oculomandibular dysostosis
Q75.8 Other specified congenital malformations of skull and face bones
Q75.9 Congenital malformation of skull and face bones, unspecified
Q85.00 Neurofibromatosis, unspecified
Q85.01 Neurofibromatosis, type 1
Q85.02 Neurofibromatosis, type 2
Q85.03 Schwannomatosis
Q85.09 Other neurofibromatosis
Q87.0 Congenital malformation syndromes predominantly affecting facial appearance
Q87.82 Arterial tortuosity syndrome
Q87.83 Bardet-Biedl syndrome
Q87.84 Laurence-Moon syndrome
Q87.85 MED13L syndrome
Q87.86 Kleefstra syndrome
R13.10 Dysphagia, unspecified
R20.0 Anesthesia of skin
R20.1 Hypoesthesia of skin
R20.2 Paresthesia of skin
R20.3 Hyperesthesia
R20.8 Other disturbances of skin sensation
R20.9 Unspecified disturbances of skin sensation
R22.0 Localized swelling, mass and lump, head
R22.1 Localized swelling, mass and lump, neck
R25.0 Abnormal head movements
R25.1 Tremor, unspecified
R25.2 Cramp and spasm
R25.3 Fasciculation
R25.8 Other abnormal involuntary movements
R25.9 Unspecified abnormal involuntary movements
R26.0 Ataxic gait
R26.1 Paralytic gait
R26.2 Difficulty in walking, not elsewhere classified
R26.81 Unsteadiness on feet
R26.89 Other abnormalities of gait and mobility
R26.9 Unspecified abnormalities of gait and mobility
R27.0 Ataxia, unspecified
R27.8 Other lack of coordination
R27.9 Unspecified lack of coordination
R29.5 Transient paralysis
R29.6 Repeated falls
R29.700 NIHSS score 0
R29.701 NIHSS score 1
R29.702 NIHSS score 2
R29.703 NIHSS score 3
R29.704 NIHSS score 4
R29.705 NIHSS score 5
R29.706 NIHSS score 6
R29.707 NIHSS score 7
R29.708 NIHSS score 8
R29.709 NIHSS score 9
R29.710 NIHSS score 10
R29.711 NIHSS score 11
R29.712 NIHSS score 12
R29.713 NIHSS score 13
R29.714 NIHSS score 14
R29.715 NIHSS score 15
R29.716 NIHSS score 16
R29.717 NIHSS score 17
R29.718 NIHSS score 18
R29.719 NIHSS score 19
R29.720 NIHSS score 20
R29.721 NIHSS score 21
R29.722 NIHSS score 22
R29.723 NIHSS score 23
R29.724 NIHSS score 24
R29.725 NIHSS score 25
R29.726 NIHSS score 26
R29.727 NIHSS score 27
R29.728 NIHSS score 28
R29.729 NIHSS score 29
R29.730 NIHSS score 30
R29.731 NIHSS score 31
R29.732 NIHSS score 32
R29.733 NIHSS score 33
R29.734 NIHSS score 34
R29.735 NIHSS score 35
R29.736 NIHSS score 36
R29.737 NIHSS score 37
R29.738 NIHSS score 38
R29.739 NIHSS score 39
R29.740 NIHSS score 40
R29.741 NIHSS score 41
R29.742 NIHSS score 42
R29.810 Facial weakness
R29.818 Other symptoms and signs involving the nervous system
R29.898 Other symptoms and signs involving the musculoskeletal system
R40.0 Somnolence
R40.1 Stupor
R40.20 Unspecified coma
R40.2110 Coma scale, eyes open, never, unspecified time
R40.2111 Coma scale, eyes open, never, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2112 Coma scale, eyes open, never, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2113 Coma scale, eyes open, never, at hospital admission
R40.2114 Coma scale, eyes open, never, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2120 Coma scale, eyes open, to pain, unspecified time
R40.2121 Coma scale, eyes open, to pain, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2122 Coma scale, eyes open, to pain, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2123 Coma scale, eyes open, to pain, at hospital admission
R40.2124 Coma scale, eyes open, to pain, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2210 Coma scale, best verbal response, none, unspecified time
R40.2211 Coma scale, best verbal response, none, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2212 Coma scale, best verbal response, none, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2213 Coma scale, best verbal response, none, at hospital admission
R40.2214 Coma scale, best verbal response, none, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2220 Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words, unspecified time
R40.2221 Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2222 Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2223 Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words, at hospital admission
R40.2224 Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2310 Coma scale, best motor response, none, unspecified time
R40.2311 Coma scale, best motor response, none, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2312 Coma scale, best motor response, none, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2313 Coma scale, best motor response, none, at hospital admission
R40.2314 Coma scale, best motor response, none, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2320 Coma scale, best motor response, extension, unspecified time
R40.2321 Coma scale, best motor response, extension, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2322 Coma scale, best motor response, extension, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2323 Coma scale, best motor response, extension, at hospital admission
R40.2324 Coma scale, best motor response, extension, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2340 Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal, unspecified time
R40.2341 Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2342 Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2343 Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal, at hospital admission
R40.2344 Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2410 Glasgow coma scale score 13-15, unspecified time
R40.2411 Glasgow coma scale score 13-15, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2412 Glasgow coma scale score 13-15, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2413 Glasgow coma scale score 13-15, at hospital admission
R40.2414 Glasgow coma scale score 13-15, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2420 Glasgow coma scale score 9-12, unspecified time
R40.2421 Glasgow coma scale score 9-12, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2422 Glasgow coma scale score 9-12, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2423 Glasgow coma scale score 9-12, at hospital admission
R40.2424 Glasgow coma scale score 9-12, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2430 Glasgow coma scale score 3-8, unspecified time
R40.2431 Glasgow coma scale score 3-8, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2432 Glasgow coma scale score 3-8, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2433 Glasgow coma scale score 3-8, at hospital admission
R40.2434 Glasgow coma scale score 3-8, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2440 Other coma, without documented Glasgow coma scale score, or with partial score reported, unspecified time
R40.2441 Other coma, without documented Glasgow coma scale score, or with partial score reported, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2442 Other coma, without documented Glasgow coma scale score, or with partial score reported, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2443 Other coma, without documented Glasgow coma scale score, or with partial score reported, at hospital admission
R40.2444 Other coma, without documented Glasgow coma scale score, or with partial score reported, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2A Nontraumatic coma due to underlying condition
R40.3 Persistent vegetative state
R40.4 Transient alteration of awareness
R41.0 Disorientation, unspecified
R41.1 Anterograde amnesia
R41.2 Retrograde amnesia
R41.3 Other amnesia
R41.82 Altered mental status, unspecified
R41.844 Frontal lobe and executive function deficit
R41.85 Anosognosia
R42 Dizziness and giddiness
R43.0 Anosmia
R43.1 Parosmia
R43.2 Parageusia
R43.8 Other disturbances of smell and taste
R43.9 Unspecified disturbances of smell and taste
R44.0 Auditory hallucinations
R44.2 Other hallucinations
R44.3 Hallucinations, unspecified
R47.01 Aphasia
R47.02 Dysphasia
R47.1 Dysarthria and anarthria
R47.81 Slurred speech
R47.82 Fluency disorder in conditions classified elsewhere
R47.89 Other speech disturbances
R47.9 Unspecified speech disturbances
R49.0 Dysphonia
R51.9 Headache, unspecified
R53.1 Weakness
R55 Syncope and collapse
R56.00 Simple febrile convulsions
R56.01 Complex febrile convulsions
R56.1 Post traumatic seizures
R56.9 Unspecified convulsions
R65.21 Severe sepsis with septic shock
R90.0 Intracranial space-occupying lesion found on diagnostic imaging of central nervous system
R90.82 White matter disease, unspecified
R91.1 Solitary pulmonary nodule
R91.8 Other nonspecific abnormal finding of lung field
R93.0 Abnormal findings on diagnostic imaging of skull and head, not elsewhere classified
R94.01 Abnormal electroencephalogram [EEG]
S00.02XA Blister (nonthermal) of scalp, initial encounter
S00.03XA Contusion of scalp, initial encounter
S00.83XA Contusion of other part of head, initial encounter
S00.93XA Contusion of unspecified part of head, initial encounter
S00.93XD Contusion of unspecified part of head, subsequent encounter
S00.93XS Contusion of unspecified part of head, sequela
S01.01XA Laceration without foreign body of scalp, initial encounter
S01.03XA Puncture wound without foreign body of scalp, initial encounter
S01.04XA Puncture wound with foreign body of scalp, initial encounter
S01.81XA Laceration without foreign body of other part of head, initial encounter
S01.81XD Laceration without foreign body of other part of head, subsequent encounter
S01.81XS Laceration without foreign body of other part of head, sequela
S01.82XA Laceration with foreign body of other part of head, initial encounter
S01.82XD Laceration with foreign body of other part of head, subsequent encounter
S01.82XS Laceration with foreign body of other part of head, sequela
S02.0XXA Fracture of vault of skull, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.0XXB Fracture of vault of skull, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.0XXD Fracture of vault of skull, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.0XXG Fracture of vault of skull, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.0XXK Fracture of vault of skull, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.0XXS Fracture of vault of skull, sequela
S02.101A Fracture of base of skull, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.101B Fracture of base of skull, right side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.101D Fracture of base of skull, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.101G Fracture of base of skull, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.101K Fracture of base of skull, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.101S Fracture of base of skull, right side, sequela
S02.102A Fracture of base of skull, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.102B Fracture of base of skull, left side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.102D Fracture of base of skull, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.102G Fracture of base of skull, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.102K Fracture of base of skull, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.102S Fracture of base of skull, left side, sequela
S02.109A Fracture of base of skull, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.109B Fracture of base of skull, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.109D Fracture of base of skull, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.109G Fracture of base of skull, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.109K Fracture of base of skull, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.109S Fracture of base of skull, unspecified side, sequela
S02.110A Type I occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.110B Type I occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.110D Type I occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.110G Type I occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.110K Type I occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.110S Type I occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, sequela
S02.111A Type II occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.111B Type II occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.111D Type II occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.111G Type II occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.111K Type II occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.111S Type II occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, sequela
S02.112A Type III occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.112B Type III occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.112D Type III occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.112G Type III occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.112K Type III occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.112S Type III occipital condyle fracture, unspecified side, sequela
S02.113A Unspecified occipital condyle fracture, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.113B Unspecified occipital condyle fracture, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.113D Unspecified occipital condyle fracture, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.113G Unspecified occipital condyle fracture, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.113K Unspecified occipital condyle fracture, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.113S Unspecified occipital condyle fracture, sequela
S02.118A Other fracture of occiput, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.118B Other fracture of occiput, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.118D Other fracture of occiput, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.118G Other fracture of occiput, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.118K Other fracture of occiput, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.118S Other fracture of occiput, unspecified side, sequela
S02.119A Unspecified fracture of occiput, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.119B Unspecified fracture of occiput, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.119D Unspecified fracture of occiput, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.119G Unspecified fracture of occiput, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.119K Unspecified fracture of occiput, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.119S Unspecified fracture of occiput, sequela
S02.11AA Type I occipital condyle fracture, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.11AB Type I occipital condyle fracture, right side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.11AD Type I occipital condyle fracture, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.11AG Type I occipital condyle fracture, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.11AK Type I occipital condyle fracture, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.11AS Type I occipital condyle fracture, right side, sequela
S02.11BA Type I occipital condyle fracture, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.11BB Type I occipital condyle fracture, left side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.11BD Type I occipital condyle fracture, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.11BG Type I occipital condyle fracture, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.11BK Type I occipital condyle fracture, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.11BS Type I occipital condyle fracture, left side, sequela
S02.11CA Type II occipital condyle fracture, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.11CB Type II occipital condyle fracture, right side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.11CD Type II occipital condyle fracture, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.11CG Type II occipital condyle fracture, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.11CK Type II occipital condyle fracture, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.11CS Type II occipital condyle fracture, right side, sequela
S02.11DA Type II occipital condyle fracture, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.11DB Type II occipital condyle fracture, left side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.11DD Type II occipital condyle fracture, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.11DG Type II occipital condyle fracture, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.11DK Type II occipital condyle fracture, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.11DS Type II occipital condyle fracture, left side, sequela
S02.11EA Type III occipital condyle fracture, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.11EB Type III occipital condyle fracture, right side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.11ED Type III occipital condyle fracture, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.11EG Type III occipital condyle fracture, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.11EK Type III occipital condyle fracture, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.11ES Type III occipital condyle fracture, right side, sequela
S02.11FA Type III occipital condyle fracture, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.11FB Type III occipital condyle fracture, left side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.11FD Type III occipital condyle fracture, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.11FG Type III occipital condyle fracture, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.11FK Type III occipital condyle fracture, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.11FS Type III occipital condyle fracture, left side, sequela
S02.11GA Other fracture of occiput, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.11GB Other fracture of occiput, right side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.11GD Other fracture of occiput, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.11GG Other fracture of occiput, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.11GK Other fracture of occiput, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.11GS Other fracture of occiput, right side, sequela
S02.11HA Other fracture of occiput, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.11HB Other fracture of occiput, left side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.11HD Other fracture of occiput, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.11HG Other fracture of occiput, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.11HK Other fracture of occiput, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.11HS Other fracture of occiput, left side, sequela
S02.19XA Other fracture of base of skull, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.19XB Other fracture of base of skull, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.19XD Other fracture of base of skull, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.19XG Other fracture of base of skull, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.19XK Other fracture of base of skull, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.19XS Other fracture of base of skull, sequela
S02.2XXA Fracture of nasal bones, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.2XXB Fracture of nasal bones, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.2XXD Fracture of nasal bones, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.2XXG Fracture of nasal bones, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.2XXK Fracture of nasal bones, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.2XXS Fracture of nasal bones, sequela
S02.30XA Fracture of orbital floor, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.30XB Fracture of orbital floor, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.30XD Fracture of orbital floor, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.30XG Fracture of orbital floor, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.30XK Fracture of orbital floor, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.30XS Fracture of orbital floor, unspecified side, sequela
S02.31XA Fracture of orbital floor, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.31XB Fracture of orbital floor, right side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.32XA Fracture of orbital floor, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.32XB Fracture of orbital floor, left side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.32XD Fracture of orbital floor, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.32XG Fracture of orbital floor, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.32XK Fracture of orbital floor, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.32XS Fracture of orbital floor, left side, sequela
S02.400A Malar fracture, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.400B Malar fracture, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.400D Malar fracture, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.400G Malar fracture, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.400K Malar fracture, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.400S Malar fracture, unspecified side, sequela
S02.401A Maxillary fracture, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.401B Maxillary fracture, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.401D Maxillary fracture, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.401G Maxillary fracture, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.401K Maxillary fracture, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.401S Maxillary fracture, unspecified side, sequela
S02.402A Zygomatic fracture, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.402B Zygomatic fracture, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.402D Zygomatic fracture, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.402G Zygomatic fracture, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.402K Zygomatic fracture, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.402S Zygomatic fracture, unspecified side, sequela
S02.40AA Malar fracture, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.40AB Malar fracture, right side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.40AD Malar fracture, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.40AG Malar fracture, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.40AK Malar fracture, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.40AS Malar fracture, right side, sequela
S02.40BA Malar fracture, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.40BB Malar fracture, left side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.40BD Malar fracture, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.40BG Malar fracture, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.40BK Malar fracture, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.40BS Malar fracture, left side, sequela
S02.40CA Maxillary fracture, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.40CB Maxillary fracture, right side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.40CD Maxillary fracture, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.40CG Maxillary fracture, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.40CK Maxillary fracture, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.40CS Maxillary fracture, right side, sequela
S02.40DA Maxillary fracture, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.40DB Maxillary fracture, left side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.40DD Maxillary fracture, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.40DG Maxillary fracture, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.40DK Maxillary fracture, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.40DS Maxillary fracture, left side, sequela
S02.40EA Zygomatic fracture, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.40EB Zygomatic fracture, right side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.40ED Zygomatic fracture, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.40EG Zygomatic fracture, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.40EK Zygomatic fracture, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.40ES Zygomatic fracture, right side, sequela
S02.40FA Zygomatic fracture, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.40FB Zygomatic fracture, left side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.40FD Zygomatic fracture, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.40FG Zygomatic fracture, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.40FK Zygomatic fracture, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.40FS Zygomatic fracture, left side, sequela
S02.411A LeFort I fracture, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.411B LeFort I fracture, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.411D LeFort I fracture, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.411G LeFort I fracture, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.411K LeFort I fracture, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.411S LeFort I fracture, sequela
S02.412A LeFort II fracture, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.412B LeFort II fracture, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.412D LeFort II fracture, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.412G LeFort II fracture, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.412K LeFort II fracture, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.412S LeFort II fracture, sequela
S02.413A LeFort III fracture, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.413B LeFort III fracture, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.413D LeFort III fracture, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.413G LeFort III fracture, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.413K LeFort III fracture, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.413S LeFort III fracture, sequela
S02.42XA Fracture of alveolus of maxilla, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.42XB Fracture of alveolus of maxilla, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.42XD Fracture of alveolus of maxilla, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.42XG Fracture of alveolus of maxilla, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.42XK Fracture of alveolus of maxilla, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.42XS Fracture of alveolus of maxilla, sequela
S02.600A Fracture of unspecified part of body of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.600B Fracture of unspecified part of body of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.600D Fracture of unspecified part of body of mandible, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.600G Fracture of unspecified part of body of mandible, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.600K Fracture of unspecified part of body of mandible, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.600S Fracture of unspecified part of body of mandible, unspecified side, sequela
S02.601A Fracture of unspecified part of body of right mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.601B Fracture of unspecified part of body of right mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.601D Fracture of unspecified part of body of right mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.601G Fracture of unspecified part of body of right mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.601K Fracture of unspecified part of body of right mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.601S Fracture of unspecified part of body of right mandible, sequela
S02.602A Fracture of unspecified part of body of left mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.602B Fracture of unspecified part of body of left mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.602D Fracture of unspecified part of body of left mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.602G Fracture of unspecified part of body of left mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.602K Fracture of unspecified part of body of left mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.602S Fracture of unspecified part of body of left mandible, sequela
S02.609A Fracture of mandible, unspecified, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.609B Fracture of mandible, unspecified, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.609D Fracture of mandible, unspecified, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.609G Fracture of mandible, unspecified, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.609K Fracture of mandible, unspecified, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.609S Fracture of mandible, unspecified, sequela
S02.610A Fracture of condylar process of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.610B Fracture of condylar process of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.610D Fracture of condylar process of mandible, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.610G Fracture of condylar process of mandible, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.610K Fracture of condylar process of mandible, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.610S Fracture of condylar process of mandible, unspecified side, sequela
S02.611A Fracture of condylar process of right mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.611B Fracture of condylar process of right mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.611D Fracture of condylar process of right mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.611G Fracture of condylar process of right mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.611K Fracture of condylar process of right mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.611S Fracture of condylar process of right mandible, sequela
S02.612A Fracture of condylar process of left mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.612B Fracture of condylar process of left mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.612D Fracture of condylar process of left mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.612G Fracture of condylar process of left mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.612K Fracture of condylar process of left mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.612S Fracture of condylar process of left mandible, sequela
S02.620A Fracture of subcondylar process of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.620B Fracture of subcondylar process of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.620D Fracture of subcondylar process of mandible, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.620G Fracture of subcondylar process of mandible, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.620K Fracture of subcondylar process of mandible, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.620S Fracture of subcondylar process of mandible, unspecified side, sequela
S02.621A Fracture of subcondylar process of right mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.621B Fracture of subcondylar process of right mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.621D Fracture of subcondylar process of right mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.621G Fracture of subcondylar process of right mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.621K Fracture of subcondylar process of right mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.621S Fracture of subcondylar process of right mandible, sequela
S02.622A Fracture of subcondylar process of left mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.622B Fracture of subcondylar process of left mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.622D Fracture of subcondylar process of left mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.622G Fracture of subcondylar process of left mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.622K Fracture of subcondylar process of left mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.622S Fracture of subcondylar process of left mandible, sequela
S02.630A Fracture of coronoid process of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.630B Fracture of coronoid process of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.630D Fracture of coronoid process of mandible, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.630G Fracture of coronoid process of mandible, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.630K Fracture of coronoid process of mandible, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.630S Fracture of coronoid process of mandible, unspecified side, sequela
S02.631A Fracture of coronoid process of right mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.631B Fracture of coronoid process of right mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.631D Fracture of coronoid process of right mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.631G Fracture of coronoid process of right mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.631K Fracture of coronoid process of right mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.631S Fracture of coronoid process of right mandible, sequela
S02.632A Fracture of coronoid process of left mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.632B Fracture of coronoid process of left mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.632D Fracture of coronoid process of left mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.632G Fracture of coronoid process of left mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.632K Fracture of coronoid process of left mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.632S Fracture of coronoid process of left mandible, sequela
S02.640A Fracture of ramus of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.640B Fracture of ramus of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.640D Fracture of ramus of mandible, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.640G Fracture of ramus of mandible, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.640K Fracture of ramus of mandible, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.640S Fracture of ramus of mandible, unspecified side, sequela
S02.641A Fracture of ramus of right mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.641B Fracture of ramus of right mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.641D Fracture of ramus of right mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.641G Fracture of ramus of right mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.641K Fracture of ramus of right mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.641S Fracture of ramus of right mandible, sequela
S02.642A Fracture of ramus of left mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.642B Fracture of ramus of left mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.642D Fracture of ramus of left mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.642G Fracture of ramus of left mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.642K Fracture of ramus of left mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.642S Fracture of ramus of left mandible, sequela
S02.650A Fracture of angle of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.650B Fracture of angle of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.650D Fracture of angle of mandible, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.650G Fracture of angle of mandible, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.650K Fracture of angle of mandible, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.650S Fracture of angle of mandible, unspecified side, sequela
S02.651A Fracture of angle of right mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.651B Fracture of angle of right mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.651D Fracture of angle of right mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.651G Fracture of angle of right mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.651K Fracture of angle of right mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.651S Fracture of angle of right mandible, sequela
S02.652A Fracture of angle of left mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.652B Fracture of angle of left mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.652D Fracture of angle of left mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.652G Fracture of angle of left mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.652K Fracture of angle of left mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.652S Fracture of angle of left mandible, sequela
S02.66XA Fracture of symphysis of mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.66XB Fracture of symphysis of mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.66XD Fracture of symphysis of mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.66XG Fracture of symphysis of mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.66XK Fracture of symphysis of mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.66XS Fracture of symphysis of mandible, sequela
S02.670A Fracture of alveolus of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.670B Fracture of alveolus of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.670D Fracture of alveolus of mandible, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.670G Fracture of alveolus of mandible, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.670K Fracture of alveolus of mandible, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.670S Fracture of alveolus of mandible, unspecified side, sequela
S02.671A Fracture of alveolus of right mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.671B Fracture of alveolus of right mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.671D Fracture of alveolus of right mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.671G Fracture of alveolus of right mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.671K Fracture of alveolus of right mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.671S Fracture of alveolus of right mandible, sequela
S02.672A Fracture of alveolus of left mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.672B Fracture of alveolus of left mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.672D Fracture of alveolus of left mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.672G Fracture of alveolus of left mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.672K Fracture of alveolus of left mandible, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.672S Fracture of alveolus of left mandible, sequela
S02.69XA Fracture of mandible of other specified site, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.69XB Fracture of mandible of other specified site, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.69XD Fracture of mandible of other specified site, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.69XG Fracture of mandible of other specified site, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.69XK Fracture of mandible of other specified site, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.69XS Fracture of mandible of other specified site, sequela
S02.80XA Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.80XB Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.80XD Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.80XG Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.80XK Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.80XS Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, unspecified side, sequela
S02.81XA Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.81XB Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, right side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.81XD Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.81XG Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.81XK Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.81XS Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, right side, sequela
S02.82XA Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.82XB Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, left side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.82XD Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.82XG Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.82XK Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.82XS Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, left side, sequela
S02.831S Fracture of medial orbital wall, right side, sequela
S02.832A Fracture of medial orbital wall, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.832B Fracture of medial orbital wall, left side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.832D Fracture of medial orbital wall, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.832G Fracture of medial orbital wall, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.832K Fracture of medial orbital wall, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.832S Fracture of medial orbital wall, left side, sequela
S02.839A Fracture of medial orbital wall, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.839B Fracture of medial orbital wall, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.839D Fracture of medial orbital wall, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.839G Fracture of medial orbital wall, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.839K Fracture of medial orbital wall, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.839S Fracture of medial orbital wall, unspecified side, sequela
S02.841A Fracture of lateral orbital wall, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.841B Fracture of lateral orbital wall, right side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.841D Fracture of lateral orbital wall, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.841G Fracture of lateral orbital wall, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.841K Fracture of lateral orbital wall, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.841S Fracture of lateral orbital wall, right side, sequela
S02.842A Fracture of lateral orbital wall, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.842B Fracture of lateral orbital wall, left side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.842D Fracture of lateral orbital wall, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.842G Fracture of lateral orbital wall, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.842K Fracture of lateral orbital wall, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.842S Fracture of lateral orbital wall, left side, sequela
S02.849A Fracture of lateral orbital wall, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.849B Fracture of lateral orbital wall, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.849D Fracture of lateral orbital wall, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.849G Fracture of lateral orbital wall, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.849K Fracture of lateral orbital wall, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.849S Fracture of lateral orbital wall, unspecified side, sequela
S02.85XA Fracture of orbit, unspecified, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.85XB Fracture of orbit, unspecified, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.85XD Fracture of orbit, unspecified, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.85XG Fracture of orbit, unspecified, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.85XK Fracture of orbit, unspecified, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.85XS Fracture of orbit, unspecified, sequela
S02.91XA Unspecified fracture of skull, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.91XB Unspecified fracture of skull, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.91XD Unspecified fracture of skull, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.91XG Unspecified fracture of skull, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.91XK Unspecified fracture of skull, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.91XS Unspecified fracture of skull, sequela
S02.92XA Unspecified fracture of facial bones, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.92XB Unspecified fracture of facial bones, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.92XD Unspecified fracture of facial bones, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.92XG Unspecified fracture of facial bones, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.92XK Unspecified fracture of facial bones, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.92XS Unspecified fracture of facial bones, sequela
S04.011A Injury of optic nerve, right eye, initial encounter
S04.011D Injury of optic nerve, right eye, subsequent encounter
S04.011S Injury of optic nerve, right eye, sequela
S04.012A Injury of optic nerve, left eye, initial encounter
S04.012D Injury of optic nerve, left eye, subsequent encounter
S04.012S Injury of optic nerve, left eye, sequela
S04.02XA Injury of optic chiasm, initial encounter
S04.02XD Injury of optic chiasm, subsequent encounter
S04.02XS Injury of optic chiasm, sequela
S04.031A Injury of optic tract and pathways, right side, initial encounter
S04.031D Injury of optic tract and pathways, right side, subsequent encounter
S04.031S Injury of optic tract and pathways, right side, sequela
S04.032A Injury of optic tract and pathways, left side, initial encounter
S04.032D Injury of optic tract and pathways, left side, subsequent encounter
S04.032S Injury of optic tract and pathways, left side, sequela
S04.041A Injury of visual cortex, right side, initial encounter
S04.041D Injury of visual cortex, right side, subsequent encounter
S04.041S Injury of visual cortex, right side, sequela
S04.042A Injury of visual cortex, left side, initial encounter
S04.042D Injury of visual cortex, left side, subsequent encounter
S04.042S Injury of visual cortex, left side, sequela
S04.11XA Injury of oculomotor nerve, right side, initial encounter
S04.11XD Injury of oculomotor nerve, right side, subsequent encounter
S04.11XS Injury of oculomotor nerve, right side, sequela
S04.12XA Injury of oculomotor nerve, left side, initial encounter
S04.12XD Injury of oculomotor nerve, left side, subsequent encounter
S04.12XS Injury of oculomotor nerve, left side, sequela
S04.21XA Injury of trochlear nerve, right side, initial encounter
S04.21XD Injury of trochlear nerve, right side, subsequent encounter
S04.21XS Injury of trochlear nerve, right side, sequela
S04.22XA Injury of trochlear nerve, left side, initial encounter
S04.22XD Injury of trochlear nerve, left side, subsequent encounter
S04.22XS Injury of trochlear nerve, left side, sequela
S04.31XA Injury of trigeminal nerve, right side, initial encounter
S04.31XD Injury of trigeminal nerve, right side, subsequent encounter
S04.31XS Injury of trigeminal nerve, right side, sequela
S04.32XA Injury of trigeminal nerve, left side, initial encounter
S04.32XD Injury of trigeminal nerve, left side, subsequent encounter
S04.32XS Injury of trigeminal nerve, left side, sequela
S04.41XA Injury of abducent nerve, right side, initial encounter
S04.41XD Injury of abducent nerve, right side, subsequent encounter
S04.41XS Injury of abducent nerve, right side, sequela
S04.42XA Injury of abducent nerve, left side, initial encounter
S04.42XD Injury of abducent nerve, left side, subsequent encounter
S04.42XS Injury of abducent nerve, left side, sequela
S04.51XA Injury of facial nerve, right side, initial encounter
S04.51XD Injury of facial nerve, right side, subsequent encounter
S04.51XS Injury of facial nerve, right side, sequela
S04.52XA Injury of facial nerve, left side, initial encounter
S04.52XD Injury of facial nerve, left side, subsequent encounter
S04.52XS Injury of facial nerve, left side, sequela
S04.61XA Injury of acoustic nerve, right side, initial encounter
S04.61XD Injury of acoustic nerve, right side, subsequent encounter
S04.61XS Injury of acoustic nerve, right side, sequela
S04.62XA Injury of acoustic nerve, left side, initial encounter
S04.62XD Injury of acoustic nerve, left side, subsequent encounter
S04.62XS Injury of acoustic nerve, left side, sequela
S04.71XA Injury of accessory nerve, right side, initial encounter
S04.71XD Injury of accessory nerve, right side, subsequent encounter
S04.71XS Injury of accessory nerve, right side, sequela
S04.72XA Injury of accessory nerve, left side, initial encounter
S04.72XD Injury of accessory nerve, left side, subsequent encounter
S04.72XS Injury of accessory nerve, left side, sequela
S04.811A Injury of olfactory [1st ] nerve, right side, initial encounter
S04.811D Injury of olfactory [1st ] nerve, right side, subsequent encounter
S04.811S Injury of olfactory [1st ] nerve, right side, sequela
S04.812A Injury of olfactory [1st ] nerve, left side, initial encounter
S04.812D Injury of olfactory [1st ] nerve, left side, subsequent encounter
S04.812S Injury of olfactory [1st ] nerve, left side, sequela
S04.891A Injury of other cranial nerves, right side, initial encounter
S04.891D Injury of other cranial nerves, right side, subsequent encounter
S04.891S Injury of other cranial nerves, right side, sequela
S04.892A Injury of other cranial nerves, left side, initial encounter
S04.892D Injury of other cranial nerves, left side, subsequent encounter
S04.892S Injury of other cranial nerves, left side, sequela
S06.0X0A Concussion without loss of consciousness, initial encounter
S06.0X0D Concussion without loss of consciousness, subsequent encounter
S06.0X0S Concussion without loss of consciousness, sequela
S06.0X1A Concussion with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter
S06.0X1D Concussion with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, subsequent encounter
S06.0X1S Concussion with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, sequela
S06.0XAA Concussion with loss of consciousness status unknown, initial encounter
S06.0XAD Concussion with loss of consciousness status unknown, subsequent encounter
S06.0XAS Concussion with loss of consciousness status unknown, sequela
S06.0X9A Concussion with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter
S06.0X9D Concussion with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, subsequent encounter
S06.0X9S Concussion with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, sequela
S06.1X0A Traumatic cerebral edema without loss of consciousness, initial encounter
S06.1X0D Traumatic cerebral edema without loss of consciousness, subsequent encounter
S06.1X0S Traumatic cerebral edema without loss of consciousness, sequela
S06.1X1A Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter
S06.1X1D Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, subsequent encounter
S06.1X1S Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, sequela
S06.1X2A Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.1X2D Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.1X2S Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, sequela
S06.1X3A Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.1X3D Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.1X3S Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, sequela
S06.1X4A Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter
S06.1X4D Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, subsequent encounter
S06.1X4S Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, sequela
S06.1X5A Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter
S06.1X5D Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, subsequent encounter
S06.1X5S Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, sequela
S06.1X6A Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter
S06.1X6D Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, subsequent encounter
S06.1X6S Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, sequela
S06.1XAA Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness status unknown, initial encounter
S06.1XAD Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness status unknown, subsequent encounter
S06.1XAS Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness status unknown, sequela
S06.1X9A Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter
S06.1X9D Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, subsequent encounter
S06.1X9S Traumatic cerebral edema with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, sequela
S06.2X0A Diffuse traumatic brain injury without loss of consciousness, initial encounter
S06.2X0D Diffuse traumatic brain injury without loss of consciousness, subsequent encounter
S06.2X0S Diffuse traumatic brain injury without loss of consciousness, sequela
S06.2X1A Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter
S06.2X1D Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, subsequent encounter
S06.2X1S Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, sequela
S06.2X2A Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.2X2D Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.2X2S Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, sequela
S06.2X3A Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.2X3D Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.2X3S Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, sequela
S06.2X4A Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter
S06.2X4D Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, subsequent encounter
S06.2X4S Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, sequela
S06.2X5A Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious levels, initial encounter
S06.2X5D Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious levels, subsequent encounter
S06.2X5S Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious levels, sequela
S06.2X6A Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter
S06.2X6D Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, subsequent encounter
S06.2X6S Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, sequela
S06.2XAA Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness status unknown, initial encounter
S06.2XAD Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness status unknown, subsequent encounter
S06.2XAS Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness status unknown, sequela
S06.2X9A Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter
S06.2X9D Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, subsequent encounter
S06.2X9S Diffuse traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, sequela
S06.300A Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury without loss of consciousness, initial encounter
S06.300D Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury without loss of consciousness, subsequent encounter
S06.300S Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury without loss of consciousness, sequela
S06.301A Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter
S06.301D Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, subsequent encounter
S06.301S Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, sequela
S06.302A Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.302D Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.302S Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, sequela
S06.303A Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.303D Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.303S Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, sequela
S06.304A Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter
S06.304D Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, subsequent encounter
S06.304S Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, sequela
S06.305A Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter
S06.305D Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, subsequent encounter
S06.305S Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, sequela
S06.306A Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter
S06.306D Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, subsequent encounter
S06.306S Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, sequela
S06.309A Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter
S06.309D Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, subsequent encounter
S06.309S Unspecified focal traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, sequela
S06.310A Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum without loss of consciousness, initial encounter
S06.310D Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum without loss of consciousness, subsequent encounter
S06.310S Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum without loss of consciousness, sequela
S06.311A Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter
S06.311D Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, subsequent encounter
S06.311S Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, sequela
S06.312A Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.312D Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.312S Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, sequela
S06.313A Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.313D Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.313S Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, sequela
S06.314A Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter
S06.314D Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, subsequent encounter
S06.314S Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, sequela
S06.315A Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter
S06.315D Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, subsequent encounter
S06.315S Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, sequela
S06.316A Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter
S06.316D Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, subsequent encounter
S06.316S Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, sequela
S06.31AA Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness status unknown, initial encounter
S06.31AD Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness status unknown, subsequent encounter
S06.31AS Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness status unknown, sequela
S06.319A Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter
S06.319D Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, subsequent encounter
S06.319S Contusion and laceration of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, sequela
S06.320A Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum without loss of consciousness, initial encounter
S06.320D Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum without loss of consciousness, subsequent encounter
S06.320S Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum without loss of consciousness, sequela
S06.321A Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter
S06.321D Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, subsequent encounter
S06.321S Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, sequela
S06.322A Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.322D Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.322S Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, sequela
S06.323A Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.323D Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.323S Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, sequela
S06.324A Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter
S06.324D Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, subsequent encounter
S06.324S Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, sequela
S06.325A Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter
S06.325D Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, subsequent encounter
S06.325S Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, sequela
S06.326A Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter
S06.326D Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, subsequent encounter
S06.326S Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, sequela
S06.32AA Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness status unknown, initial encounter
S06.32AD Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness status unknown, subsequent encounter
S06.32AS Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness status unknown, sequela
S06.329A Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter
S06.329D Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, subsequent encounter
S06.329S Contusion and laceration of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, sequela
S06.330A Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, without loss of consciousness, initial encounter
S06.330D Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, without loss of consciousness, subsequent encounter
S06.330S Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, without loss of consciousness, sequela
S06.331A Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter
S06.331D Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, subsequent encounter
S06.331S Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, sequela
S06.332A Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.332D Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.332S Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, sequela
S06.333A Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.333D Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.333S Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, sequela
S06.334A Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter
S06.334D Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, subsequent encounter
S06.334S Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, sequela
S06.335A Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter
S06.335D Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, subsequent encounter
S06.335S Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, sequela
S06.336A Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter
S06.336D Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, subsequent encounter
S06.336S Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, sequela
S06.33AA Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness status unknown, initial encounter
S06.33AD Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness status unknown, subsequent encounter
S06.33AS Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness status unknown, sequela
S06.339A Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter
S06.339D Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, subsequent encounter
S06.339S Contusion and laceration of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, sequela
S06.340A Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum without loss of consciousness, initial encounter
S06.340D Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum without loss of consciousness, subsequent encounter
S06.340S Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum without loss of consciousness, sequela
S06.341A Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter
S06.341D Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, subsequent encounter
S06.341S Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, sequela
S06.342A Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.342D Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.342S Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, sequela
S06.343A Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 1 hours to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.343D Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 1 hours to 5 hours 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.343S Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 1 hours to 5 hours 59 minutes, sequela
S06.344A Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter
S06.344D Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, subsequent encounter
S06.344S Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, sequela
S06.345A Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter
S06.345D Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, subsequent encounter
S06.345S Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, sequela
S06.346A Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter
S06.346D Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, subsequent encounter
S06.346S Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, sequela
S06.34AA Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness status unknown, initial encounter
S06.34AD Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness status unknown, subsequent encounter
S06.34AS Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness status unknown, sequela
S06.349A Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter
S06.349D Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, subsequent encounter
S06.349S Traumatic hemorrhage of right cerebrum with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, sequela
S06.350A Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum without loss of consciousness, initial encounter
S06.350D Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum without loss of consciousness, subsequent encounter
S06.350S Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum without loss of consciousness, sequela
S06.351A Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter
S06.351D Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, subsequent encounter
S06.351S Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, sequela
S06.352A Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.352D Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.352S Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, sequela
S06.353A Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 1 hours to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.353D Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 1 hours to 5 hours 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.353S Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 1 hours to 5 hours 59 minutes, sequela
S06.354A Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter
S06.354D Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, subsequent encounter
S06.354S Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, sequela
S06.355A Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter
S06.355D Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, subsequent encounter
S06.355S Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, sequela
S06.356A Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter
S06.356D Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, subsequent encounter
S06.356S Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, sequela
S06.35AA Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness status unknown, initial encounter
S06.35AD Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness status unknown, subsequent encounter
S06.35AS Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness status unknown, sequela
S06.359A Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter
S06.359D Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, subsequent encounter
S06.359S Traumatic hemorrhage of left cerebrum with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, sequela
S06.360A Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, without loss of consciousness, initial encounter
S06.360D Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, without loss of consciousness, subsequent encounter
S06.360S Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, without loss of consciousness, sequela
S06.361A Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter
S06.361D Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, subsequent encounter
S06.361S Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, sequela
S06.362A Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.362D Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.362S Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, sequela
S06.363A Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 1 hours to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.363D Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 1 hours to 5 hours 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.363S Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 1 hours to 5 hours 59 minutes, sequela
S06.364A Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter
S06.364D Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, subsequent encounter
S06.364S Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, sequela
S06.365A Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter
S06.365D Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, subsequent encounter
S06.365S Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, sequela
S06.366A Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter
S06.366D Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, subsequent encounter
S06.366S Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, sequela
S06.36AA Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness status unknown, initial encounter
S06.36AD Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness status unknown, subsequent encounter
S06.36AS Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness status unknown, sequela
S06.369A Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter
S06.369D Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, subsequent encounter
S06.369S Traumatic hemorrhage of cerebrum, unspecified, with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, sequela
S06.370A Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum without loss of consciousness, initial encounter
S06.370D Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum without loss of consciousness, subsequent encounter
S06.370S Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum without loss of consciousness, sequela
S06.371A Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter
S06.371D Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, subsequent encounter
S06.371S Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, sequela
S06.372A Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.372D Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.372S Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, sequela
S06.373A Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.373D Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.373S Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, sequela
S06.374A Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter
S06.374D Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, subsequent encounter
S06.374S Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, sequela
S06.375A Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter
S06.375D Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, subsequent encounter
S06.375S Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, sequela
S06.376A Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter
S06.376D Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, subsequent encounter
S06.376S Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, sequela
S06.37AA Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness status unknown, initial encounter
S06.37AD Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness status unknown, subsequent encounter
S06.37AS Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness status unknown, sequela
S06.379A Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter
S06.379D Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, subsequent encounter
S06.379S Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of cerebellum with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, sequela
S06.380A Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem without loss of consciousness, initial encounter
S06.380D Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem without loss of consciousness, subsequent encounter
S06.380S Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem without loss of consciousness, sequela
S06.381A Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter
S06.381D Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, subsequent encounter
S06.381S Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, sequela
S06.382A Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.382D Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.382S Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, sequela
S06.383A Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.383D Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.383S Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, sequela
S06.384A Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter
S06.384D Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, subsequent encounter
S06.384S Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, sequela
S06.385A Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter
S06.385D Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, subsequent encounter
S06.385S Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, sequela
S06.386A Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter
S06.386D Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, subsequent encounter
S06.386S Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, sequela
S06.38AA Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness status unknown, initial encounter
S06.38AD Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness status unknown, subsequent encounter
S06.38AS Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness status unknown, sequela
S06.389A Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter
S06.389D Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, subsequent encounter
S06.389S Contusion, laceration, and hemorrhage of brainstem with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, sequela
S06.4X0A Epidural hemorrhage without loss of consciousness, initial encounter
S06.4X0D Epidural hemorrhage without loss of consciousness, subsequent encounter
S06.4X0S Epidural hemorrhage without loss of consciousness, sequela
S06.4X1A Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter
S06.4X1D Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, subsequent encounter
S06.4X1S Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, sequela
S06.4X2A Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.4X2D Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.4X2S Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, sequela
S06.4X3A Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.4X3D Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.4X3S Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, sequela
S06.4X4A Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter
S06.4X4D Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, subsequent encounter
S06.4X4S Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, sequela
S06.4X5A Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter
S06.4X5D Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, subsequent encounter
S06.4X5S Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, sequela
S06.4X6A Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter
S06.4X6D Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, subsequent encounter
S06.4X6S Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, sequela
S06.4XAA Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness status unknown, initial encounter
S06.4XAD Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness status unknown, subsequent encounter
S06.4XAS Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness status unknown, sequela
S06.4X9A Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter
S06.4X9D Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, subsequent encounter
S06.4X9S Epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, sequela
S06.5X0A Traumatic subdural hemorrhage without loss of consciousness, initial encounter
S06.5X0D Traumatic subdural hemorrhage without loss of consciousness, subsequent encounter
S06.5X0S Traumatic subdural hemorrhage without loss of consciousness, sequela
S06.5X1A Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter
S06.5X1D Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, subsequent encounter
S06.5X1S Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, sequela
S06.5X2A Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.5X2D Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.5X2S Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, sequela
S06.5X3A Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.5X3D Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.5X3S Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, sequela
S06.5X4A Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter
S06.5X4D Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, subsequent encounter
S06.5X4S Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, sequela
S06.5X5A Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter
S06.5X5D Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, subsequent encounter
S06.5X5S Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, sequela
S06.5X6A Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter
S06.5X6D Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, subsequent encounter
S06.5X6S Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, sequela
S06.5XAA Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness status unknown, initial encounter
S06.5XAD Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness status unknown, subsequent encounter
S06.5XAS Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness status unknown, sequela
S06.5X9A Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter
S06.5X9D Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, subsequent encounter
S06.5X9S Traumatic subdural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, sequela
S06.6X0A Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage without loss of consciousness, initial encounter
S06.6X0D Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage without loss of consciousness, subsequent encounter
S06.6X0S Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage without loss of consciousness, sequela
S06.6X1A Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter
S06.6X1D Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, subsequent encounter
S06.6X1S Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, sequela
S06.6X2A Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.6X2D Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.6X2S Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, sequela
S06.6X3A Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.6X3D Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.6X3S Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, sequela
S06.6X4A Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter
S06.6X4D Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, subsequent encounter
S06.6X4S Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, sequela
S06.6X5A Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter
S06.6X5D Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, subsequent encounter
S06.6X5S Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, sequela
S06.6X6A Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter
S06.6X6D Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, subsequent encounter
S06.6X6S Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, sequela
S06.6XAA Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness status unknown, initial encounter
S06.6XAD Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness status unknown, subsequent encounter
S06.6XAS Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness status unknown, sequela
S06.6X9A Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter
S06.6X9D Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, subsequent encounter
S06.6X9S Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, sequela
S06.810A Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified without loss of consciousness, initial encounter
S06.810D Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified without loss of consciousness, subsequent encounter
S06.810S Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified without loss of consciousness, sequela
S06.811A Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter
S06.811D Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, subsequent encounter
S06.811S Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, sequela
S06.812A Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.812D Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.812S Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, sequela
S06.813A Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.813D Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.813S Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, sequela
S06.814A Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter
S06.814D Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, subsequent encounter
S06.814S Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, sequela
S06.815A Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter
S06.815D Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, subsequent encounter
S06.815S Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, sequela
S06.816A Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter
S06.816D Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, subsequent encounter
S06.816S Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, sequela
S06.81AA Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness status unknown, initial encounter
S06.81AD Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness status unknown, subsequent encounter
S06.81AS Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness status unknown, sequela
S06.819A Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter
S06.819D Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, subsequent encounter
S06.819S Injury of right internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, sequela
S06.820A Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified without loss of consciousness, initial encounter
S06.820D Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified without loss of consciousness, subsequent encounter
S06.820S Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified without loss of consciousness, sequela
S06.821A Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter
S06.821D Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, subsequent encounter
S06.821S Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, sequela
S06.822A Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.822D Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.822S Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, sequela
S06.823A Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.823D Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.823S Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, sequela
S06.824A Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter
S06.824D Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, subsequent encounter
S06.824S Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, sequela
S06.825A Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter
S06.825D Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, subsequent encounter
S06.825S Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, sequela
S06.826A Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter
S06.826D Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, subsequent encounter
S06.826S Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, sequela
S06.82AA Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness status unknown, initial encounter
S06.82AD Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness status unknown, subsequent encounter
S06.82AS Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness status unknown, sequela
S06.829A Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter
S06.829D Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, subsequent encounter
S06.829S Injury of left internal carotid artery, intracranial portion, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, sequela
S06.8A0A Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified without loss of consciousness, initial encounter
S06.8A0D Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified without loss of consciousness, subsequent encounter
S06.8A0S Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified without loss of consciousness, sequela
S06.8A1A Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter
S06.8A1D Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, subsequent encounter
S06.8A1S Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, sequela
S06.8A2A Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.8A2D Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.8A2S Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, sequela
S06.8A3A Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.8A3D Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.8A3S Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, sequela
S06.8A4A Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter
S06.8A4D Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, subsequent encounter
S06.8A4S Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, sequela
S06.8A5A Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter
S06.8A5D Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, subsequent encounter
S06.8A5S Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, sequela
S06.8A6A Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter
S06.8A6D Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, subsequent encounter
S06.8A6S Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, sequela
S06.8A7A Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to brain injury prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter
S06.8A8A Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of any duration with death due to other cause prior to regaining consciousness, initial encounter
S06.8AAA Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness status unknown, initial encounter
S06.8AAD Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness status unknown, subsequent encounter
S06.8AAS Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness status unknown, sequela
S06.8A9A Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter
S06.8A9D Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, subsequent encounter
S06.8A9S Primary blast injury of brain, not elsewhere classified with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, sequela
S06.890A Other specified intracranial injury without loss of consciousness, initial encounter
S06.890D Other specified intracranial injury without loss of consciousness, subsequent encounter
S06.890S Other specified intracranial injury without loss of consciousness, sequela
S06.891A Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter
S06.891D Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, subsequent encounter
S06.891S Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, sequela
S06.892A Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.892D Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.892S Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, sequela
S06.893A Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.893D Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.893S Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, sequela
S06.894A Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter
S06.894D Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, subsequent encounter
S06.894S Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, sequela
S06.895A Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter
S06.895D Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, subsequent encounter
S06.895S Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, sequela
S06.896A Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter
S06.896D Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, subsequent encounter
S06.896S Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, sequela
S06.89AA Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness status unknown, initial encounter
S06.89AD Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness status unknown, subsequent encounter
S06.89AS Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness status unknown, sequela
S06.899A Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter
S06.899D Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, subsequent encounter
S06.899S Other specified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, sequela
S06.9X0A Unspecified intracranial injury without loss of consciousness, initial encounter
S06.9X0D Unspecified intracranial injury without loss of consciousness, subsequent encounter
S06.9X0S Unspecified intracranial injury without loss of consciousness, sequela
S06.9X1A Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, initial encounter
S06.9X1D Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, subsequent encounter
S06.9X1S Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 30 minutes or less, sequela
S06.9X2A Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.9X2D Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.9X2S Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 31 minutes to 59 minutes, sequela
S06.9X3A Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, initial encounter
S06.9X3D Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, subsequent encounter
S06.9X3S Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 1 hour to 5 hours 59 minutes, sequela
S06.9X4A Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, initial encounter
S06.9X4D Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, subsequent encounter
S06.9X4S Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of 6 hours to 24 hours, sequela
S06.9X5A Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, initial encounter
S06.9X5D Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, subsequent encounter
S06.9X5S Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours with return to pre-existing conscious level, sequela
S06.9X6A Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, initial encounter
S06.9X6D Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, subsequent encounter
S06.9X6S Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness greater than 24 hours without return to pre-existing conscious level with patient surviving, sequela
S06.9X9A Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, initial encounter
S06.9X9D Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, subsequent encounter
S06.9X9S Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration, sequela
S06.A0XA Traumatic brain compression without herniation, initial encounter
S06.A0XD Traumatic brain compression without herniation, subsequent encounter
S06.A0XS Traumatic brain compression without herniation, sequela
S06.A1XA Traumatic brain compression with herniation, initial encounter
S06.A1XD Traumatic brain compression with herniation, subsequent encounter
S06.A1XS Traumatic brain compression with herniation, sequela
S09.19XA Other specified injury of muscle and tendon of head, initial encounter
S09.19XD Other specified injury of muscle and tendon of head, subsequent encounter
S09.19XS Other specified injury of muscle and tendon of head, sequela
S09.8XXA Other specified injuries of head, initial encounter
S09.8XXD Other specified injuries of head, subsequent encounter
S09.8XXS Other specified injuries of head, sequela
S09.90XA Unspecified injury of head, initial encounter
S09.90XD Unspecified injury of head, subsequent encounter
S09.90XS Unspecified injury of head, sequela
T40.0X1A Poisoning by opium, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T40.0X1D Poisoning by opium, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T40.0X1S Poisoning by opium, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T40.0X2A Poisoning by opium, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T40.0X2D Poisoning by opium, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T40.0X2S Poisoning by opium, intentional self-harm, sequela
T40.0X3A Poisoning by opium, assault, initial encounter
T40.0X3D Poisoning by opium, assault, subsequent encounter
T40.0X3S Poisoning by opium, assault, sequela
T40.0X4A Poisoning by opium, undetermined, initial encounter
T40.0X4D Poisoning by opium, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T40.0X4S Poisoning by opium, undetermined, sequela
T40.0X5A Adverse effect of opium, initial encounter
T40.0X5D Adverse effect of opium, subsequent encounter
T40.0X5S Adverse effect of opium, sequela
T40.1X1A Poisoning by heroin, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T40.1X1D Poisoning by heroin, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T40.1X1S Poisoning by heroin, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T40.1X2A Poisoning by heroin, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T40.1X2D Poisoning by heroin, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T40.1X2S Poisoning by heroin, intentional self-harm, sequela
T40.1X3A Poisoning by heroin, assault, initial encounter
T40.1X3D Poisoning by heroin, assault, subsequent encounter
T40.1X3S Poisoning by heroin, assault, sequela
T40.1X4A Poisoning by heroin, undetermined, initial encounter
T40.1X4D Poisoning by heroin, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T40.1X4S Poisoning by heroin, undetermined, sequela
T40.2X1A Poisoning by other opioids, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T40.2X1D Poisoning by other opioids, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T40.2X1S Poisoning by other opioids, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T40.2X2A Poisoning by other opioids, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T40.2X2D Poisoning by other opioids, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T40.2X2S Poisoning by other opioids, intentional self-harm, sequela
T40.2X3A Poisoning by other opioids, assault, initial encounter
T40.2X3D Poisoning by other opioids, assault, subsequent encounter
T40.2X3S Poisoning by other opioids, assault, sequela
T40.2X4A Poisoning by other opioids, undetermined, initial encounter
T40.2X4D Poisoning by other opioids, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T40.2X4S Poisoning by other opioids, undetermined, sequela
T40.2X5A Adverse effect of other opioids, initial encounter
T40.2X5D Adverse effect of other opioids, subsequent encounter
T40.2X5S Adverse effect of other opioids, sequela
T40.3X1A Poisoning by methadone, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T40.3X1D Poisoning by methadone, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T40.3X1S Poisoning by methadone, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T40.3X2A Poisoning by methadone, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T40.3X2D Poisoning by methadone, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T40.3X2S Poisoning by methadone, intentional self-harm, sequela
T40.3X3A Poisoning by methadone, assault, initial encounter
T40.3X3D Poisoning by methadone, assault, subsequent encounter
T40.3X3S Poisoning by methadone, assault, sequela
T40.3X4A Poisoning by methadone, undetermined, initial encounter
T40.3X4D Poisoning by methadone, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T40.3X4S Poisoning by methadone, undetermined, sequela
T40.3X5A Adverse effect of methadone, initial encounter
T40.3X5D Adverse effect of methadone, subsequent encounter
T40.3X5S Adverse effect of methadone, sequela
T40.491A Poisoning by other synthetic narcotics, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T40.491D Poisoning by other synthetic narcotics, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T40.491S Poisoning by other synthetic narcotics, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T40.492A Poisoning by other synthetic narcotics, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T40.492D Poisoning by other synthetic narcotics, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T40.492S Poisoning by other synthetic narcotics, intentional self-harm, sequela
T40.493A Poisoning by other synthetic narcotics, assault, initial encounter
T40.493D Poisoning by other synthetic narcotics, assault, subsequent encounter
T40.493S Poisoning by other synthetic narcotics, assault, sequela
T40.494A Poisoning by other synthetic narcotics, undetermined, initial encounter
T40.494D Poisoning by other synthetic narcotics, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T40.494S Poisoning by other synthetic narcotics, undetermined, sequela
T40.495A Adverse effect of other synthetic narcotics, initial encounter
T40.495D Adverse effect of other synthetic narcotics, subsequent encounter
T40.495S Adverse effect of other synthetic narcotics, sequela
T40.5X1A Poisoning by cocaine, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T40.5X1D Poisoning by cocaine, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T40.5X1S Poisoning by cocaine, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T40.5X2A Poisoning by cocaine, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T40.5X2D Poisoning by cocaine, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T40.5X2S Poisoning by cocaine, intentional self-harm, sequela
T40.5X3A Poisoning by cocaine, assault, initial encounter
T40.5X3D Poisoning by cocaine, assault, subsequent encounter
T40.5X3S Poisoning by cocaine, assault, sequela
T40.5X4A Poisoning by cocaine, undetermined, initial encounter
T40.5X4D Poisoning by cocaine, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T40.5X4S Poisoning by cocaine, undetermined, sequela
T40.5X5A Adverse effect of cocaine, initial encounter
T40.5X5D Adverse effect of cocaine, subsequent encounter
T40.5X5S Adverse effect of cocaine, sequela
T40.601A Poisoning by unspecified narcotics, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T40.601D Poisoning by unspecified narcotics, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T40.601S Poisoning by unspecified narcotics, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T40.602A Poisoning by unspecified narcotics, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T40.602D Poisoning by unspecified narcotics, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T40.602S Poisoning by unspecified narcotics, intentional self-harm, sequela
T40.603A Poisoning by unspecified narcotics, assault, initial encounter
T40.603D Poisoning by unspecified narcotics, assault, subsequent encounter
T40.603S Poisoning by unspecified narcotics, assault, sequela
T40.604A Poisoning by unspecified narcotics, undetermined, initial encounter
T40.604D Poisoning by unspecified narcotics, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T40.604S Poisoning by unspecified narcotics, undetermined, sequela
T40.605A Adverse effect of unspecified narcotics, initial encounter
T40.605D Adverse effect of unspecified narcotics, subsequent encounter
T40.605S Adverse effect of unspecified narcotics, sequela
T40.691A Poisoning by other narcotics, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T40.691D Poisoning by other narcotics, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T40.691S Poisoning by other narcotics, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T40.692A Poisoning by other narcotics, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T40.692D Poisoning by other narcotics, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T40.692S Poisoning by other narcotics, intentional self-harm, sequela
T40.693A Poisoning by other narcotics, assault, initial encounter
T40.693D Poisoning by other narcotics, assault, subsequent encounter
T40.693S Poisoning by other narcotics, assault, sequela
T40.694A Poisoning by other narcotics, undetermined, initial encounter
T40.694D Poisoning by other narcotics, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T40.694S Poisoning by other narcotics, undetermined, sequela
T40.695A Adverse effect of other narcotics, initial encounter
T40.695D Adverse effect of other narcotics, subsequent encounter
T40.695S Adverse effect of other narcotics, sequela
T40.711A Poisoning by cannabis, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T40.711D Poisoning by cannabis, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T40.711S Poisoning by cannabis, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T40.712A Poisoning by cannabis, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T40.712D Poisoning by cannabis, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T40.712S Poisoning by cannabis, intentional self-harm, sequela
T40.713A Poisoning by cannabis, assault, initial encounter
T40.713D Poisoning by cannabis, assault, subsequent encounter
T40.713S Poisoning by cannabis, assault, sequela
T40.715A Adverse effect of cannabis, initial encounter
T40.715D Adverse effect of cannabis, subsequent encounter
T40.715S Adverse effect of cannabis, sequela
T40.721A Poisoning by synthetic cannabinoids, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T40.721D Poisoning by synthetic cannabinoids, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T40.721S Poisoning by synthetic cannabinoids, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T40.722A Poisoning by synthetic cannabinoids, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T40.722D Poisoning by synthetic cannabinoids, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T40.722S Poisoning by synthetic cannabinoids, intentional self-harm, sequela
T40.723A Poisoning by synthetic cannabinoids, assault, initial encounter
T40.723D Poisoning by synthetic cannabinoids, assault, subsequent encounter
T40.723S Poisoning by synthetic cannabinoids, assault, sequela
T40.725A Adverse effect of synthetic cannabinoids, initial encounter
T40.725D Adverse effect of synthetic cannabinoids, subsequent encounter
T40.725S Adverse effect of synthetic cannabinoids, sequela
T40.8X1A Poisoning by lysergide [LSD], accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T40.8X1D Poisoning by lysergide [LSD], accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T40.8X1S Poisoning by lysergide [LSD], accidental (unintentional), sequela
T40.8X2A Poisoning by lysergide [LSD], intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T40.8X2D Poisoning by lysergide [LSD], intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T40.8X2S Poisoning by lysergide [LSD], intentional self-harm, sequela
T40.8X3A Poisoning by lysergide [LSD], assault, initial encounter
T40.8X3D Poisoning by lysergide [LSD], assault, subsequent encounter
T40.8X3S Poisoning by lysergide [LSD], assault, sequela
T40.8X4A Poisoning by lysergide [LSD], undetermined, initial encounter
T40.8X4D Poisoning by lysergide [LSD], undetermined, subsequent encounter
T40.8X4S Poisoning by lysergide [LSD], undetermined, sequela
T40.901A Poisoning by unspecified psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T40.901D Poisoning by unspecified psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T40.901S Poisoning by unspecified psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], accidental (unintentional), sequela
T40.902A Poisoning by unspecified psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T40.902D Poisoning by unspecified psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T40.902S Poisoning by unspecified psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], intentional self-harm, sequela
T40.903A Poisoning by unspecified psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], assault, initial encounter
T40.903D Poisoning by unspecified psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], assault, subsequent encounter
T40.903S Poisoning by unspecified psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], assault, sequela
T40.904A Poisoning by unspecified psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], undetermined, initial encounter
T40.904D Poisoning by unspecified psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], undetermined, subsequent encounter
T40.904S Poisoning by unspecified psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], undetermined, sequela
T40.905A Adverse effect of unspecified psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], initial encounter
T40.905D Adverse effect of unspecified psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], subsequent encounter
T40.905S Adverse effect of unspecified psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], sequela
T40.991A Poisoning by other psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T40.991D Poisoning by other psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T40.991S Poisoning by other psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], accidental (unintentional), sequela
T40.992A Poisoning by other psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T40.992D Poisoning by other psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T40.992S Poisoning by other psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], intentional self-harm, sequela
T40.993A Poisoning by other psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], assault, initial encounter
T40.993D Poisoning by other psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], assault, subsequent encounter
T40.993S Poisoning by other psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], assault, sequela
T40.994A Poisoning by other psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], undetermined, initial encounter
T40.994D Poisoning by other psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], undetermined, subsequent encounter
T40.994S Poisoning by other psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], undetermined, sequela
T40.995A Adverse effect of other psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], initial encounter
T40.995D Adverse effect of other psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], subsequent encounter
T40.995S Adverse effect of other psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], sequela
T41.0X1A Poisoning by inhaled anesthetics, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T41.0X1D Poisoning by inhaled anesthetics, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T41.0X1S Poisoning by inhaled anesthetics, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T41.0X2A Poisoning by inhaled anesthetics, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T41.0X2D Poisoning by inhaled anesthetics, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T41.0X2S Poisoning by inhaled anesthetics, intentional self-harm, sequela
T41.0X3A Poisoning by inhaled anesthetics, assault, initial encounter
T41.0X3D Poisoning by inhaled anesthetics, assault, subsequent encounter
T41.0X3S Poisoning by inhaled anesthetics, assault, sequela
T41.0X4A Poisoning by inhaled anesthetics, undetermined, initial encounter
T41.0X4D Poisoning by inhaled anesthetics, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T41.0X4S Poisoning by inhaled anesthetics, undetermined, sequela
T41.0X5A Adverse effect of inhaled anesthetics, initial encounter
T41.0X5D Adverse effect of inhaled anesthetics, subsequent encounter
T41.0X5S Adverse effect of inhaled anesthetics, sequela
T41.1X1A Poisoning by intravenous anesthetics, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T41.1X1D Poisoning by intravenous anesthetics, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T41.1X1S Poisoning by intravenous anesthetics, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T41.1X2A Poisoning by intravenous anesthetics, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T41.1X2D Poisoning by intravenous anesthetics, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T41.1X2S Poisoning by intravenous anesthetics, intentional self-harm, sequela
T41.1X3A Poisoning by intravenous anesthetics, assault, initial encounter
T41.1X3D Poisoning by intravenous anesthetics, assault, subsequent encounter
T41.1X3S Poisoning by intravenous anesthetics, assault, sequela
T41.1X4A Poisoning by intravenous anesthetics, undetermined, initial encounter
T41.1X4D Poisoning by intravenous anesthetics, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T41.1X4S Poisoning by intravenous anesthetics, undetermined, sequela
T41.1X5A Adverse effect of intravenous anesthetics, initial encounter
T41.1X5D Adverse effect of intravenous anesthetics, subsequent encounter
T41.1X5S Adverse effect of intravenous anesthetics, sequela
T41.201A Poisoning by unspecified general anesthetics, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T41.201D Poisoning by unspecified general anesthetics, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T41.201S Poisoning by unspecified general anesthetics, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T41.202A Poisoning by unspecified general anesthetics, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T41.202D Poisoning by unspecified general anesthetics, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T41.202S Poisoning by unspecified general anesthetics, intentional self-harm, sequela
T41.203A Poisoning by unspecified general anesthetics, assault, initial encounter
T41.203D Poisoning by unspecified general anesthetics, assault, subsequent encounter
T41.203S Poisoning by unspecified general anesthetics, assault, sequela
T41.204A Poisoning by unspecified general anesthetics, undetermined, initial encounter
T41.204D Poisoning by unspecified general anesthetics, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T41.204S Poisoning by unspecified general anesthetics, undetermined, sequela
T41.205A Adverse effect of unspecified general anesthetics, initial encounter
T41.205D Adverse effect of unspecified general anesthetics, subsequent encounter
T41.205S Adverse effect of unspecified general anesthetics, sequela
T41.206A Underdosing of unspecified general anesthetics, initial encounter
T41.206D Underdosing of unspecified general anesthetics, subsequent encounter
T41.206S Underdosing of unspecified general anesthetics, sequela
T41.291A Poisoning by other general anesthetics, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T41.291D Poisoning by other general anesthetics, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T41.291S Poisoning by other general anesthetics, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T41.292A Poisoning by other general anesthetics, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T41.292D Poisoning by other general anesthetics, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T41.292S Poisoning by other general anesthetics, intentional self-harm, sequela
T41.293A Poisoning by other general anesthetics, assault, initial encounter
T41.293D Poisoning by other general anesthetics, assault, subsequent encounter
T41.293S Poisoning by other general anesthetics, assault, sequela
T41.294A Poisoning by other general anesthetics, undetermined, initial encounter
T41.294D Poisoning by other general anesthetics, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T41.294S Poisoning by other general anesthetics, undetermined, sequela
T41.295A Adverse effect of other general anesthetics, initial encounter
T41.295D Adverse effect of other general anesthetics, subsequent encounter
T41.295S Adverse effect of other general anesthetics, sequela
T41.3X1A Poisoning by local anesthetics, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T41.3X1D Poisoning by local anesthetics, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T41.3X1S Poisoning by local anesthetics, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T41.3X2A Poisoning by local anesthetics, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T41.3X2D Poisoning by local anesthetics, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T41.3X2S Poisoning by local anesthetics, intentional self-harm, sequela
T41.3X3A Poisoning by local anesthetics, assault, initial encounter
T41.3X3D Poisoning by local anesthetics, assault, subsequent encounter
T41.3X3S Poisoning by local anesthetics, assault, sequela
T41.3X4A Poisoning by local anesthetics, undetermined, initial encounter
T41.3X4D Poisoning by local anesthetics, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T41.3X4S Poisoning by local anesthetics, undetermined, sequela
T41.3X5A Adverse effect of local anesthetics, initial encounter
T41.3X5D Adverse effect of local anesthetics, subsequent encounter
T41.3X5S Adverse effect of local anesthetics, sequela
T41.41XA Poisoning by unspecified anesthetic, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T41.41XD Poisoning by unspecified anesthetic, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T41.41XS Poisoning by unspecified anesthetic, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T41.42XA Poisoning by unspecified anesthetic, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T41.42XD Poisoning by unspecified anesthetic, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T41.42XS Poisoning by unspecified anesthetic, intentional self-harm, sequela
T41.43XA Poisoning by unspecified anesthetic, assault, initial encounter
T41.43XD Poisoning by unspecified anesthetic, assault, subsequent encounter
T41.43XS Poisoning by unspecified anesthetic, assault, sequela
T41.44XA Poisoning by unspecified anesthetic, undetermined, initial encounter
T41.44XD Poisoning by unspecified anesthetic, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T41.44XS Poisoning by unspecified anesthetic, undetermined, sequela
T41.45XA Adverse effect of unspecified anesthetic, initial encounter
T41.45XD Adverse effect of unspecified anesthetic, subsequent encounter
T41.45XS Adverse effect of unspecified anesthetic, sequela
T41.5X1A Poisoning by therapeutic gases, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T41.5X1D Poisoning by therapeutic gases, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T41.5X1S Poisoning by therapeutic gases, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T41.5X2A Poisoning by therapeutic gases, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T41.5X2D Poisoning by therapeutic gases, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T41.5X2S Poisoning by therapeutic gases, intentional self-harm, sequela
T41.5X3A Poisoning by therapeutic gases, assault, initial encounter
T41.5X3D Poisoning by therapeutic gases, assault, subsequent encounter
T41.5X3S Poisoning by therapeutic gases, assault, sequela
T41.5X4A Poisoning by therapeutic gases, undetermined, initial encounter
T41.5X4D Poisoning by therapeutic gases, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T41.5X4S Poisoning by therapeutic gases, undetermined, sequela
T41.5X5A Adverse effect of therapeutic gases, initial encounter
T41.5X5D Adverse effect of therapeutic gases, subsequent encounter
T41.5X5S Adverse effect of therapeutic gases, sequela
T41.5X6A Underdosing of therapeutic gases, initial encounter
T41.5X6D Underdosing of therapeutic gases, subsequent encounter
T41.5X6S Underdosing of therapeutic gases, sequela
T42.0X1A Poisoning by hydantoin derivatives, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T42.0X1D Poisoning by hydantoin derivatives, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T42.0X1S Poisoning by hydantoin derivatives, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T42.0X2A Poisoning by hydantoin derivatives, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T42.0X2D Poisoning by hydantoin derivatives, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T42.0X2S Poisoning by hydantoin derivatives, intentional self-harm, sequela
T42.0X3A Poisoning by hydantoin derivatives, assault, initial encounter
T42.0X3D Poisoning by hydantoin derivatives, assault, subsequent encounter
T42.0X3S Poisoning by hydantoin derivatives, assault, sequela
T42.0X4A Poisoning by hydantoin derivatives, undetermined, initial encounter
T42.0X4D Poisoning by hydantoin derivatives, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T42.0X4S Poisoning by hydantoin derivatives, undetermined, sequela
T42.0X5A Adverse effect of hydantoin derivatives, initial encounter
T42.0X5D Adverse effect of hydantoin derivatives, subsequent encounter
T42.0X5S Adverse effect of hydantoin derivatives, sequela
T42.0X6A Underdosing of hydantoin derivatives, initial encounter
T42.0X6D Underdosing of hydantoin derivatives, subsequent encounter
T42.0X6S Underdosing of hydantoin derivatives, sequela
T42.1X1A Poisoning by iminostilbenes, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T42.1X1D Poisoning by iminostilbenes, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T42.1X1S Poisoning by iminostilbenes, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T42.1X2A Poisoning by iminostilbenes, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T42.1X2D Poisoning by iminostilbenes, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T42.1X2S Poisoning by iminostilbenes, intentional self-harm, sequela
T42.1X3A Poisoning by iminostilbenes, assault, initial encounter
T42.1X3D Poisoning by iminostilbenes, assault, subsequent encounter
T42.1X3S Poisoning by iminostilbenes, assault, sequela
T42.1X4A Poisoning by iminostilbenes, undetermined, initial encounter
T42.1X4D Poisoning by iminostilbenes, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T42.1X4S Poisoning by iminostilbenes, undetermined, sequela
T42.1X5A Adverse effect of iminostilbenes, initial encounter
T42.1X5D Adverse effect of iminostilbenes, subsequent encounter
T42.1X5S Adverse effect of iminostilbenes, sequela
T42.1X6A Underdosing of iminostilbenes, initial encounter
T42.1X6D Underdosing of iminostilbenes, subsequent encounter
T42.1X6S Underdosing of iminostilbenes, sequela
T42.2X1A Poisoning by succinimides and oxazolidinediones, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T42.2X1D Poisoning by succinimides and oxazolidinediones, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T42.2X1S Poisoning by succinimides and oxazolidinediones, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T42.2X2A Poisoning by succinimides and oxazolidinediones, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T42.2X2D Poisoning by succinimides and oxazolidinediones, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T42.2X2S Poisoning by succinimides and oxazolidinediones, intentional self-harm, sequela
T42.2X3A Poisoning by succinimides and oxazolidinediones, assault, initial encounter
T42.2X3D Poisoning by succinimides and oxazolidinediones, assault, subsequent encounter
T42.2X3S Poisoning by succinimides and oxazolidinediones, assault, sequela
T42.2X4A Poisoning by succinimides and oxazolidinediones, undetermined, initial encounter
T42.2X4D Poisoning by succinimides and oxazolidinediones, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T42.2X4S Poisoning by succinimides and oxazolidinediones, undetermined, sequela
T42.2X5A Adverse effect of succinimides and oxazolidinediones, initial encounter
T42.2X5D Adverse effect of succinimides and oxazolidinediones, subsequent encounter
T42.2X5S Adverse effect of succinimides and oxazolidinediones, sequela
T42.2X6A Underdosing of succinimides and oxazolidinediones, initial encounter
T42.2X6D Underdosing of succinimides and oxazolidinediones, subsequent encounter
T42.2X6S Underdosing of succinimides and oxazolidinediones, sequela
T42.3X1A Poisoning by barbiturates, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T42.3X1D Poisoning by barbiturates, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T42.3X1S Poisoning by barbiturates, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T42.3X2A Poisoning by barbiturates, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T42.3X2D Poisoning by barbiturates, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T42.3X2S Poisoning by barbiturates, intentional self-harm, sequela
T42.3X3A Poisoning by barbiturates, assault, initial encounter
T42.3X3D Poisoning by barbiturates, assault, subsequent encounter
T42.3X3S Poisoning by barbiturates, assault, sequela
T42.3X4A Poisoning by barbiturates, undetermined, initial encounter
T42.3X4D Poisoning by barbiturates, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T42.3X4S Poisoning by barbiturates, undetermined, sequela
T42.3X5A Adverse effect of barbiturates, initial encounter
T42.3X5D Adverse effect of barbiturates, subsequent encounter
T42.3X5S Adverse effect of barbiturates, sequela
T42.3X6A Underdosing of barbiturates, initial encounter
T42.3X6D Underdosing of barbiturates, subsequent encounter
T42.3X6S Underdosing of barbiturates, sequela
T42.4X1A Poisoning by benzodiazepines, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T42.4X1D Poisoning by benzodiazepines, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T42.4X1S Poisoning by benzodiazepines, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T42.4X2A Poisoning by benzodiazepines, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T42.4X2D Poisoning by benzodiazepines, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T42.4X2S Poisoning by benzodiazepines, intentional self-harm, sequela
T42.4X3A Poisoning by benzodiazepines, assault, initial encounter
T42.4X3D Poisoning by benzodiazepines, assault, subsequent encounter
T42.4X3S Poisoning by benzodiazepines, assault, sequela
T42.4X4A Poisoning by benzodiazepines, undetermined, initial encounter
T42.4X4D Poisoning by benzodiazepines, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T42.4X4S Poisoning by benzodiazepines, undetermined, sequela
T42.4X5A Adverse effect of benzodiazepines, initial encounter
T42.4X5D Adverse effect of benzodiazepines, subsequent encounter
T42.4X5S Adverse effect of benzodiazepines, sequela
T42.5X1A Poisoning by mixed antiepileptics, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T42.5X1D Poisoning by mixed antiepileptics, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T42.5X1S Poisoning by mixed antiepileptics, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T42.5X2A Poisoning by mixed antiepileptics, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T42.5X2D Poisoning by mixed antiepileptics, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T42.5X2S Poisoning by mixed antiepileptics, intentional self-harm, sequela
T42.5X3A Poisoning by mixed antiepileptics, assault, initial encounter
T42.5X3D Poisoning by mixed antiepileptics, assault, subsequent encounter
T42.5X3S Poisoning by mixed antiepileptics, assault, sequela
T42.5X4A Poisoning by mixed antiepileptics, undetermined, initial encounter
T42.5X4D Poisoning by mixed antiepileptics, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T42.5X4S Poisoning by mixed antiepileptics, undetermined, sequela
T42.5X5A Adverse effect of mixed antiepileptics, initial encounter
T42.5X5D Adverse effect of mixed antiepileptics, subsequent encounter
T42.5X5S Adverse effect of mixed antiepileptics, sequela
T42.5X6A Underdosing of mixed antiepileptics, initial encounter
T42.5X6D Underdosing of mixed antiepileptics, subsequent encounter
T42.5X6S Underdosing of mixed antiepileptics, sequela
T42.6X1A Poisoning by other antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T42.6X1D Poisoning by other antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T42.6X1S Poisoning by other antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T42.6X2A Poisoning by other antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T42.6X2D Poisoning by other antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T42.6X2S Poisoning by other antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, intentional self-harm, sequela
T42.6X3A Poisoning by other antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, assault, initial encounter
T42.6X3D Poisoning by other antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, assault, subsequent encounter
T42.6X3S Poisoning by other antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, assault, sequela
T42.6X4A Poisoning by other antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, undetermined, initial encounter
T42.6X4D Poisoning by other antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T42.6X4S Poisoning by other antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, undetermined, sequela
T42.6X5A Adverse effect of other antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, initial encounter
T42.6X5D Adverse effect of other antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, subsequent encounter
T42.6X5S Adverse effect of other antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, sequela
T42.6X6A Underdosing of other antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, initial encounter
T42.6X6D Underdosing of other antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, subsequent encounter
T42.6X6S Underdosing of other antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, sequela
T42.71XA Poisoning by unspecified antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T42.71XD Poisoning by unspecified antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T42.71XS Poisoning by unspecified antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T42.72XA Poisoning by unspecified antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T42.72XD Poisoning by unspecified antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T42.72XS Poisoning by unspecified antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, intentional self-harm, sequela
T42.73XA Poisoning by unspecified antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, assault, initial encounter
T42.73XD Poisoning by unspecified antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, assault, subsequent encounter
T42.73XS Poisoning by unspecified antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, assault, sequela
T42.74XA Poisoning by unspecified antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, undetermined, initial encounter
T42.74XD Poisoning by unspecified antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T42.74XS Poisoning by unspecified antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, undetermined, sequela
T42.75XA Adverse effect of unspecified antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, initial encounter
T42.75XD Adverse effect of unspecified antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, subsequent encounter
T42.75XS Adverse effect of unspecified antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, sequela
T42.76XA Underdosing of unspecified antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, initial encounter
T42.76XD Underdosing of unspecified antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, subsequent encounter
T42.76XS Underdosing of unspecified antiepileptic and sedative-hypnotic drugs, sequela
T42.8X1A Poisoning by antiparkinsonism drugs and other central muscle-tone depressants, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T42.8X1D Poisoning by antiparkinsonism drugs and other central muscle-tone depressants, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T42.8X1S Poisoning by antiparkinsonism drugs and other central muscle-tone depressants, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T42.8X2A Poisoning by antiparkinsonism drugs and other central muscle-tone depressants, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T42.8X2D Poisoning by antiparkinsonism drugs and other central muscle-tone depressants, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T42.8X2S Poisoning by antiparkinsonism drugs and other central muscle-tone depressants, intentional self-harm, sequela
T42.8X3A Poisoning by antiparkinsonism drugs and other central muscle-tone depressants, assault, initial encounter
T42.8X3D Poisoning by antiparkinsonism drugs and other central muscle-tone depressants, assault, subsequent encounter
T42.8X3S Poisoning by antiparkinsonism drugs and other central muscle-tone depressants, assault, sequela
T42.8X4A Poisoning by antiparkinsonism drugs and other central muscle-tone depressants, undetermined, initial encounter
T42.8X4D Poisoning by antiparkinsonism drugs and other central muscle-tone depressants, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T42.8X4S Poisoning by antiparkinsonism drugs and other central muscle-tone depressants, undetermined, sequela
T42.8X5A Adverse effect of antiparkinsonism drugs and other central muscle-tone depressants, initial encounter
T42.8X5D Adverse effect of antiparkinsonism drugs and other central muscle-tone depressants, subsequent encounter
T42.8X5S Adverse effect of antiparkinsonism drugs and other central muscle-tone depressants, sequela
T42.8X6A Underdosing of antiparkinsonism drugs and other central muscle-tone depressants, initial encounter
T42.8X6D Underdosing of antiparkinsonism drugs and other central muscle-tone depressants, subsequent encounter
T42.8X6S Underdosing of antiparkinsonism drugs and other central muscle-tone depressants, sequela
T43.011A Poisoning by tricyclic antidepressants, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T43.011D Poisoning by tricyclic antidepressants, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T43.011S Poisoning by tricyclic antidepressants, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T43.012A Poisoning by tricyclic antidepressants, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T43.012D Poisoning by tricyclic antidepressants, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T43.012S Poisoning by tricyclic antidepressants, intentional self-harm, sequela
T43.013A Poisoning by tricyclic antidepressants, assault, initial encounter
T43.013D Poisoning by tricyclic antidepressants, assault, subsequent encounter
T43.013S Poisoning by tricyclic antidepressants, assault, sequela
T43.014A Poisoning by tricyclic antidepressants, undetermined, initial encounter
T43.014D Poisoning by tricyclic antidepressants, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T43.014S Poisoning by tricyclic antidepressants, undetermined, sequela
T43.015A Adverse effect of tricyclic antidepressants, initial encounter
T43.015D Adverse effect of tricyclic antidepressants, subsequent encounter
T43.015S Adverse effect of tricyclic antidepressants, sequela
T43.021A Poisoning by tetracyclic antidepressants, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T43.021D Poisoning by tetracyclic antidepressants, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T43.021S Poisoning by tetracyclic antidepressants, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T43.022A Poisoning by tetracyclic antidepressants, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T43.022D Poisoning by tetracyclic antidepressants, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T43.022S Poisoning by tetracyclic antidepressants, intentional self-harm, sequela
T43.023A Poisoning by tetracyclic antidepressants, assault, initial encounter
T43.023D Poisoning by tetracyclic antidepressants, assault, subsequent encounter
T43.023S Poisoning by tetracyclic antidepressants, assault, sequela
T43.024A Poisoning by tetracyclic antidepressants, undetermined, initial encounter
T43.024D Poisoning by tetracyclic antidepressants, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T43.024S Poisoning by tetracyclic antidepressants, undetermined, sequela
T43.025A Adverse effect of tetracyclic antidepressants, initial encounter
T43.025D Adverse effect of tetracyclic antidepressants, subsequent encounter
T43.025S Adverse effect of tetracyclic antidepressants, sequela
T43.1X1A Poisoning by monoamine-oxidase-inhibitor antidepressants, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T43.1X1D Poisoning by monoamine-oxidase-inhibitor antidepressants, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T43.1X1S Poisoning by monoamine-oxidase-inhibitor antidepressants, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T43.1X2A Poisoning by monoamine-oxidase-inhibitor antidepressants, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T43.1X2D Poisoning by monoamine-oxidase-inhibitor antidepressants, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T43.1X2S Poisoning by monoamine-oxidase-inhibitor antidepressants, intentional self-harm, sequela
T43.1X3A Poisoning by monoamine-oxidase-inhibitor antidepressants, assault, initial encounter
T43.1X3D Poisoning by monoamine-oxidase-inhibitor antidepressants, assault, subsequent encounter
T43.1X3S Poisoning by monoamine-oxidase-inhibitor antidepressants, assault, sequela
T43.1X4A Poisoning by monoamine-oxidase-inhibitor antidepressants, undetermined, initial encounter
T43.1X4D Poisoning by monoamine-oxidase-inhibitor antidepressants, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T43.1X4S Poisoning by monoamine-oxidase-inhibitor antidepressants, undetermined, sequela
T43.1X5A Adverse effect of monoamine-oxidase-inhibitor antidepressants, initial encounter
T43.1X5D Adverse effect of monoamine-oxidase-inhibitor antidepressants, subsequent encounter
T43.1X5S Adverse effect of monoamine-oxidase-inhibitor antidepressants, sequela
T43.1X6A Underdosing of monoamine-oxidase-inhibitor antidepressants, initial encounter
T43.1X6D Underdosing of monoamine-oxidase-inhibitor antidepressants, subsequent encounter
T43.1X6S Underdosing of monoamine-oxidase-inhibitor antidepressants, sequela
T43.201A Poisoning by unspecified antidepressants, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T43.201D Poisoning by unspecified antidepressants, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T43.201S Poisoning by unspecified antidepressants, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T43.202A Poisoning by unspecified antidepressants, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T43.202D Poisoning by unspecified antidepressants, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T43.202S Poisoning by unspecified antidepressants, intentional self-harm, sequela
T43.203A Poisoning by unspecified antidepressants, assault, initial encounter
T43.203D Poisoning by unspecified antidepressants, assault, subsequent encounter
T43.203S Poisoning by unspecified antidepressants, assault, sequela
T43.204A Poisoning by unspecified antidepressants, undetermined, initial encounter
T43.204D Poisoning by unspecified antidepressants, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T43.204S Poisoning by unspecified antidepressants, undetermined, sequela
T43.205A Adverse effect of unspecified antidepressants, initial encounter
T43.205D Adverse effect of unspecified antidepressants, subsequent encounter
T43.205S Adverse effect of unspecified antidepressants, sequela
T43.211A Poisoning by selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T43.211D Poisoning by selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T43.211S Poisoning by selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T43.212A Poisoning by selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T43.212D Poisoning by selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T43.212S Poisoning by selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, intentional self-harm, sequela
T43.213A Poisoning by selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, assault, initial encounter
T43.213D Poisoning by selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, assault, subsequent encounter
T43.213S Poisoning by selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, assault, sequela
T43.214A Poisoning by selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, undetermined, initial encounter
T43.214D Poisoning by selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T43.214S Poisoning by selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, undetermined, sequela
T43.215A Adverse effect of selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, initial encounter
T43.215D Adverse effect of selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, subsequent encounter
T43.215S Adverse effect of selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, sequela
T43.221A Poisoning by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T43.221D Poisoning by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T43.221S Poisoning by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T43.222A Poisoning by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T43.222D Poisoning by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T43.222S Poisoning by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, intentional self-harm, sequela
T43.223A Poisoning by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, assault, initial encounter
T43.223D Poisoning by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, assault, subsequent encounter
T43.223S Poisoning by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, assault, sequela
T43.224A Poisoning by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, undetermined, initial encounter
T43.224D Poisoning by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T43.224S Poisoning by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, undetermined, sequela
T43.225A Adverse effect of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, initial encounter
T43.225D Adverse effect of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, subsequent encounter
T43.225S Adverse effect of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, sequela
T43.226A Underdosing of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, initial encounter
T43.226D Underdosing of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, subsequent encounter
T43.226S Underdosing of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, sequela
T43.291A Poisoning by other antidepressants, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T43.291D Poisoning by other antidepressants, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T43.291S Poisoning by other antidepressants, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T43.292A Poisoning by other antidepressants, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T43.292D Poisoning by other antidepressants, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T43.292S Poisoning by other antidepressants, intentional self-harm, sequela
T43.293A Poisoning by other antidepressants, assault, initial encounter
T43.293D Poisoning by other antidepressants, assault, subsequent encounter
T43.293S Poisoning by other antidepressants, assault, sequela
T43.294A Poisoning by other antidepressants, undetermined, initial encounter
T43.294D Poisoning by other antidepressants, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T43.294S Poisoning by other antidepressants, undetermined, sequela
T43.295A Adverse effect of other antidepressants, initial encounter
T43.295D Adverse effect of other antidepressants, subsequent encounter
T43.295S Adverse effect of other antidepressants, sequela
T43.3X1A Poisoning by phenothiazine antipsychotics and neuroleptics, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T43.3X1D Poisoning by phenothiazine antipsychotics and neuroleptics, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T43.3X1S Poisoning by phenothiazine antipsychotics and neuroleptics, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T43.3X2A Poisoning by phenothiazine antipsychotics and neuroleptics, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T43.3X2D Poisoning by phenothiazine antipsychotics and neuroleptics, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T43.3X2S Poisoning by phenothiazine antipsychotics and neuroleptics, intentional self-harm, sequela
T43.3X3A Poisoning by phenothiazine antipsychotics and neuroleptics, assault, initial encounter
T43.3X3D Poisoning by phenothiazine antipsychotics and neuroleptics, assault, subsequent encounter
T43.3X3S Poisoning by phenothiazine antipsychotics and neuroleptics, assault, sequela
T43.3X4A Poisoning by phenothiazine antipsychotics and neuroleptics, undetermined, initial encounter
T43.3X4D Poisoning by phenothiazine antipsychotics and neuroleptics, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T43.3X4S Poisoning by phenothiazine antipsychotics and neuroleptics, undetermined, sequela
T43.3X5A Adverse effect of phenothiazine antipsychotics and neuroleptics, initial encounter
T43.3X5D Adverse effect of phenothiazine antipsychotics and neuroleptics, subsequent encounter
T43.3X5S Adverse effect of phenothiazine antipsychotics and neuroleptics, sequela
T43.3X6A Underdosing of phenothiazine antipsychotics and neuroleptics, initial encounter
T43.3X6D Underdosing of phenothiazine antipsychotics and neuroleptics, subsequent encounter
T43.3X6S Underdosing of phenothiazine antipsychotics and neuroleptics, sequela
T43.4X1A Poisoning by butyrophenone and thiothixene neuroleptics, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T43.4X1D Poisoning by butyrophenone and thiothixene neuroleptics, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T43.4X1S Poisoning by butyrophenone and thiothixene neuroleptics, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T43.4X2A Poisoning by butyrophenone and thiothixene neuroleptics, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T43.4X2D Poisoning by butyrophenone and thiothixene neuroleptics, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T43.4X2S Poisoning by butyrophenone and thiothixene neuroleptics, intentional self-harm, sequela
T43.4X3A Poisoning by butyrophenone and thiothixene neuroleptics, assault, initial encounter
T43.4X3D Poisoning by butyrophenone and thiothixene neuroleptics, assault, subsequent encounter
T43.4X3S Poisoning by butyrophenone and thiothixene neuroleptics, assault, sequela
T43.4X4A Poisoning by butyrophenone and thiothixene neuroleptics, undetermined, initial encounter
T43.4X4D Poisoning by butyrophenone and thiothixene neuroleptics, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T43.4X4S Poisoning by butyrophenone and thiothixene neuroleptics, undetermined, sequela
T43.4X5A Adverse effect of butyrophenone and thiothixene neuroleptics, initial encounter
T43.4X5D Adverse effect of butyrophenone and thiothixene neuroleptics, subsequent encounter
T43.4X5S Adverse effect of butyrophenone and thiothixene neuroleptics, sequela
T43.4X6A Underdosing of butyrophenone and thiothixene neuroleptics, initial encounter
T43.4X6D Underdosing of butyrophenone and thiothixene neuroleptics, subsequent encounter
T43.4X6S Underdosing of butyrophenone and thiothixene neuroleptics, sequela
T43.501A Poisoning by unspecified antipsychotics and neuroleptics, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T43.501D Poisoning by unspecified antipsychotics and neuroleptics, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T43.501S Poisoning by unspecified antipsychotics and neuroleptics, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T43.502A Poisoning by unspecified antipsychotics and neuroleptics, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T43.502D Poisoning by unspecified antipsychotics and neuroleptics, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T43.502S Poisoning by unspecified antipsychotics and neuroleptics, intentional self-harm, sequela
T43.503A Poisoning by unspecified antipsychotics and neuroleptics, assault, initial encounter
T43.503D Poisoning by unspecified antipsychotics and neuroleptics, assault, subsequent encounter
T43.503S Poisoning by unspecified antipsychotics and neuroleptics, assault, sequela
T43.504A Poisoning by unspecified antipsychotics and neuroleptics, undetermined, initial encounter
T43.504D Poisoning by unspecified antipsychotics and neuroleptics, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T43.504S Poisoning by unspecified antipsychotics and neuroleptics, undetermined, sequela
T43.505A Adverse effect of unspecified antipsychotics and neuroleptics, initial encounter
T43.505D Adverse effect of unspecified antipsychotics and neuroleptics, subsequent encounter
T43.505S Adverse effect of unspecified antipsychotics and neuroleptics, sequela
T43.506A Underdosing of unspecified antipsychotics and neuroleptics, initial encounter
T43.506D Underdosing of unspecified antipsychotics and neuroleptics, subsequent encounter
T43.506S Underdosing of unspecified antipsychotics and neuroleptics, sequela
T43.591A Poisoning by other antipsychotics and neuroleptics, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T43.591D Poisoning by other antipsychotics and neuroleptics, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T43.591S Poisoning by other antipsychotics and neuroleptics, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T43.592A Poisoning by other antipsychotics and neuroleptics, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T43.592D Poisoning by other antipsychotics and neuroleptics, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T43.592S Poisoning by other antipsychotics and neuroleptics, intentional self-harm, sequela
T43.593A Poisoning by other antipsychotics and neuroleptics, assault, initial encounter
T43.593D Poisoning by other antipsychotics and neuroleptics, assault, subsequent encounter
T43.593S Poisoning by other antipsychotics and neuroleptics, assault, sequela
T43.594A Poisoning by other antipsychotics and neuroleptics, undetermined, initial encounter
T43.594D Poisoning by other antipsychotics and neuroleptics, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T43.594S Poisoning by other antipsychotics and neuroleptics, undetermined, sequela
T43.595A Adverse effect of other antipsychotics and neuroleptics, initial encounter
T43.595D Adverse effect of other antipsychotics and neuroleptics, subsequent encounter
T43.595S Adverse effect of other antipsychotics and neuroleptics, sequela
T43.596A Underdosing of other antipsychotics and neuroleptics, initial encounter
T43.596D Underdosing of other antipsychotics and neuroleptics, subsequent encounter
T43.596S Underdosing of other antipsychotics and neuroleptics, sequela
T43.601A Poisoning by unspecified psychostimulants, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T43.601D Poisoning by unspecified psychostimulants, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T43.601S Poisoning by unspecified psychostimulants, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T43.602A Poisoning by unspecified psychostimulants, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T43.602D Poisoning by unspecified psychostimulants, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T43.602S Poisoning by unspecified psychostimulants, intentional self-harm, sequela
T43.603A Poisoning by unspecified psychostimulants, assault, initial encounter
T43.603D Poisoning by unspecified psychostimulants, assault, subsequent encounter
T43.603S Poisoning by unspecified psychostimulants, assault, sequela
T43.604A Poisoning by unspecified psychostimulants, undetermined, initial encounter
T43.604D Poisoning by unspecified psychostimulants, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T43.604S Poisoning by unspecified psychostimulants, undetermined, sequela
T43.605A Adverse effect of unspecified psychostimulants, initial encounter
T43.605D Adverse effect of unspecified psychostimulants, subsequent encounter
T43.605S Adverse effect of unspecified psychostimulants, sequela
T43.606A Underdosing of unspecified psychostimulants, initial encounter
T43.606D Underdosing of unspecified psychostimulants, subsequent encounter
T43.606S Underdosing of unspecified psychostimulants, sequela
T43.611A Poisoning by caffeine, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T43.611D Poisoning by caffeine, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T43.611S Poisoning by caffeine, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T43.612A Poisoning by caffeine, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T43.612D Poisoning by caffeine, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T43.612S Poisoning by caffeine, intentional self-harm, sequela
T43.613A Poisoning by caffeine, assault, initial encounter
T43.613D Poisoning by caffeine, assault, subsequent encounter
T43.613S Poisoning by caffeine, assault, sequela
T43.614A Poisoning by caffeine, undetermined, initial encounter
T43.614D Poisoning by caffeine, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T43.614S Poisoning by caffeine, undetermined, sequela
T43.615A Adverse effect of caffeine, initial encounter
T43.615D Adverse effect of caffeine, subsequent encounter
T43.615S Adverse effect of caffeine, sequela
T43.621A Poisoning by amphetamines, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T43.621D Poisoning by amphetamines, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T43.621S Poisoning by amphetamines, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T43.622A Poisoning by amphetamines, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T43.622D Poisoning by amphetamines, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T43.622S Poisoning by amphetamines, intentional self-harm, sequela
T43.623A Poisoning by amphetamines, assault, initial encounter
T43.623D Poisoning by amphetamines, assault, subsequent encounter
T43.623S Poisoning by amphetamines, assault, sequela
T43.624A Poisoning by amphetamines, undetermined, initial encounter
T43.624D Poisoning by amphetamines, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T43.624S Poisoning by amphetamines, undetermined, sequela
T43.625A Adverse effect of amphetamines, initial encounter
T43.625D Adverse effect of amphetamines, subsequent encounter
T43.625S Adverse effect of amphetamines, sequela
T43.631A Poisoning by methylphenidate, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T43.631D Poisoning by methylphenidate, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T43.631S Poisoning by methylphenidate, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T43.632A Poisoning by methylphenidate, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T43.632D Poisoning by methylphenidate, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T43.632S Poisoning by methylphenidate, intentional self-harm, sequela
T43.633A Poisoning by methylphenidate, assault, initial encounter
T43.633D Poisoning by methylphenidate, assault, subsequent encounter
T43.633S Poisoning by methylphenidate, assault, sequela
T43.634A Poisoning by methylphenidate, undetermined, initial encounter
T43.634D Poisoning by methylphenidate, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T43.634S Poisoning by methylphenidate, undetermined, sequela
T43.635A Adverse effect of methylphenidate, initial encounter
T43.635D Adverse effect of methylphenidate, subsequent encounter
T43.635S Adverse effect of methylphenidate, sequela
T43.691A Poisoning by other psychostimulants, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T43.691D Poisoning by other psychostimulants, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T43.691S Poisoning by other psychostimulants, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T43.692A Poisoning by other psychostimulants, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T43.692D Poisoning by other psychostimulants, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T43.692S Poisoning by other psychostimulants, intentional self-harm, sequela
T43.693A Poisoning by other psychostimulants, assault, initial encounter
T43.693D Poisoning by other psychostimulants, assault, subsequent encounter
T43.693S Poisoning by other psychostimulants, assault, sequela
T43.694A Poisoning by other psychostimulants, undetermined, initial encounter
T43.694D Poisoning by other psychostimulants, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T43.694S Poisoning by other psychostimulants, undetermined, sequela
T43.695A Adverse effect of other psychostimulants, initial encounter
T43.695D Adverse effect of other psychostimulants, subsequent encounter
T43.695S Adverse effect of other psychostimulants, sequela
T43.696A Underdosing of other psychostimulants, initial encounter
T43.696D Underdosing of other psychostimulants, subsequent encounter
T43.696S Underdosing of other psychostimulants, sequela
T43.8X1A Poisoning by other psychotropic drugs, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T43.8X1D Poisoning by other psychotropic drugs, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T43.8X1S Poisoning by other psychotropic drugs, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T43.8X2A Poisoning by other psychotropic drugs, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T43.8X2D Poisoning by other psychotropic drugs, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T43.8X2S Poisoning by other psychotropic drugs, intentional self-harm, sequela
T43.8X3A Poisoning by other psychotropic drugs, assault, initial encounter
T43.8X3D Poisoning by other psychotropic drugs, assault, subsequent encounter
T43.8X3S Poisoning by other psychotropic drugs, assault, sequela
T43.8X4A Poisoning by other psychotropic drugs, undetermined, initial encounter
T43.8X4D Poisoning by other psychotropic drugs, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T43.8X4S Poisoning by other psychotropic drugs, undetermined, sequela
T43.8X5A Adverse effect of other psychotropic drugs, initial encounter
T43.8X5D Adverse effect of other psychotropic drugs, subsequent encounter
T43.8X5S Adverse effect of other psychotropic drugs, sequela
T43.8X6A Underdosing of other psychotropic drugs, initial encounter
T43.8X6D Underdosing of other psychotropic drugs, subsequent encounter
T43.8X6S Underdosing of other psychotropic drugs, sequela
T43.91XA Poisoning by unspecified psychotropic drug, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T43.91XD Poisoning by unspecified psychotropic drug, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T43.91XS Poisoning by unspecified psychotropic drug, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T43.92XA Poisoning by unspecified psychotropic drug, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T43.92XD Poisoning by unspecified psychotropic drug, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T43.92XS Poisoning by unspecified psychotropic drug, intentional self-harm, sequela
T43.93XA Poisoning by unspecified psychotropic drug, assault, initial encounter
T43.93XD Poisoning by unspecified psychotropic drug, assault, subsequent encounter
T43.93XS Poisoning by unspecified psychotropic drug, assault, sequela
T43.94XA Poisoning by unspecified psychotropic drug, undetermined, initial encounter
T43.94XD Poisoning by unspecified psychotropic drug, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T43.94XS Poisoning by unspecified psychotropic drug, undetermined, sequela
T43.95XA Adverse effect of unspecified psychotropic drug, initial encounter
T43.95XD Adverse effect of unspecified psychotropic drug, subsequent encounter
T43.95XS Adverse effect of unspecified psychotropic drug, sequela
T43.96XA Underdosing of unspecified psychotropic drug, initial encounter
T43.96XD Underdosing of unspecified psychotropic drug, subsequent encounter
T43.96XS Underdosing of unspecified psychotropic drug, sequela
T44.0X1A Poisoning by anticholinesterase agents, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T44.0X1D Poisoning by anticholinesterase agents, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T44.0X1S Poisoning by anticholinesterase agents, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T44.0X2A Poisoning by anticholinesterase agents, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T44.0X2D Poisoning by anticholinesterase agents, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T44.0X2S Poisoning by anticholinesterase agents, intentional self-harm, sequela
T44.0X3A Poisoning by anticholinesterase agents, assault, initial encounter
T44.0X3D Poisoning by anticholinesterase agents, assault, subsequent encounter
T44.0X3S Poisoning by anticholinesterase agents, assault, sequela
T44.0X4A Poisoning by anticholinesterase agents, undetermined, initial encounter
T44.0X4D Poisoning by anticholinesterase agents, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T44.0X4S Poisoning by anticholinesterase agents, undetermined, sequela
T44.0X5A Adverse effect of anticholinesterase agents, initial encounter
T44.0X5D Adverse effect of anticholinesterase agents, subsequent encounter
T44.0X5S Adverse effect of anticholinesterase agents, sequela
T44.0X6A Underdosing of anticholinesterase agents, initial encounter
T44.0X6D Underdosing of anticholinesterase agents, subsequent encounter
T44.0X6S Underdosing of anticholinesterase agents, sequela
T44.1X1A Poisoning by other parasympathomimetics [cholinergics], accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T44.1X1D Poisoning by other parasympathomimetics [cholinergics], accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T44.1X1S Poisoning by other parasympathomimetics [cholinergics], accidental (unintentional), sequela
T44.1X2A Poisoning by other parasympathomimetics [cholinergics], intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T44.1X2D Poisoning by other parasympathomimetics [cholinergics], intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T44.1X2S Poisoning by other parasympathomimetics [cholinergics], intentional self-harm, sequela
T44.1X3A Poisoning by other parasympathomimetics [cholinergics], assault, initial encounter
T44.1X3D Poisoning by other parasympathomimetics [cholinergics], assault, subsequent encounter
T44.1X3S Poisoning by other parasympathomimetics [cholinergics], assault, sequela
T44.1X4A Poisoning by other parasympathomimetics [cholinergics], undetermined, initial encounter
T44.1X4D Poisoning by other parasympathomimetics [cholinergics], undetermined, subsequent encounter
T44.1X4S Poisoning by other parasympathomimetics [cholinergics], undetermined, sequela
T44.1X5A Adverse effect of other parasympathomimetics [cholinergics], initial encounter
T44.1X5D Adverse effect of other parasympathomimetics [cholinergics], subsequent encounter
T44.1X5S Adverse effect of other parasympathomimetics [cholinergics], sequela
T44.1X6A Underdosing of other parasympathomimetics [cholinergics], initial encounter
T44.1X6D Underdosing of other parasympathomimetics [cholinergics], subsequent encounter
T44.1X6S Underdosing of other parasympathomimetics [cholinergics], sequela
T44.2X1A Poisoning by ganglionic blocking drugs, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T44.2X1D Poisoning by ganglionic blocking drugs, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T44.2X1S Poisoning by ganglionic blocking drugs, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T44.2X2A Poisoning by ganglionic blocking drugs, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T44.2X2D Poisoning by ganglionic blocking drugs, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T44.2X2S Poisoning by ganglionic blocking drugs, intentional self-harm, sequela
T44.2X3A Poisoning by ganglionic blocking drugs, assault, initial encounter
T44.2X3D Poisoning by ganglionic blocking drugs, assault, subsequent encounter
T44.2X3S Poisoning by ganglionic blocking drugs, assault, sequela
T44.2X4A Poisoning by ganglionic blocking drugs, undetermined, initial encounter
T44.2X4D Poisoning by ganglionic blocking drugs, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T44.2X4S Poisoning by ganglionic blocking drugs, undetermined, sequela
T44.2X5A Adverse effect of ganglionic blocking drugs, initial encounter
T44.2X5D Adverse effect of ganglionic blocking drugs, subsequent encounter
T44.2X5S Adverse effect of ganglionic blocking drugs, sequela
T44.2X6A Underdosing of ganglionic blocking drugs, initial encounter
T44.2X6D Underdosing of ganglionic blocking drugs, subsequent encounter
T44.2X6S Underdosing of ganglionic blocking drugs, sequela
T44.3X1A Poisoning by other parasympatholytics [anticholinergics and antimuscarinics] and spasmolytics, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T44.3X1D Poisoning by other parasympatholytics [anticholinergics and antimuscarinics] and spasmolytics, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T44.3X1S Poisoning by other parasympatholytics [anticholinergics and antimuscarinics] and spasmolytics, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T44.3X2A Poisoning by other parasympatholytics [anticholinergics and antimuscarinics] and spasmolytics, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T44.3X2D Poisoning by other parasympatholytics [anticholinergics and antimuscarinics] and spasmolytics, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T44.3X2S Poisoning by other parasympatholytics [anticholinergics and antimuscarinics] and spasmolytics, intentional self-harm, sequela
T44.3X3A Poisoning by other parasympatholytics [anticholinergics and antimuscarinics] and spasmolytics, assault, initial encounter
T44.3X3D Poisoning by other parasympatholytics [anticholinergics and antimuscarinics] and spasmolytics, assault, subsequent encounter
T44.3X3S Poisoning by other parasympatholytics [anticholinergics and antimuscarinics] and spasmolytics, assault, sequela
T44.3X4A Poisoning by other parasympatholytics [anticholinergics and antimuscarinics] and spasmolytics, undetermined, initial encounter
T44.3X4D Poisoning by other parasympatholytics [anticholinergics and antimuscarinics] and spasmolytics, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T44.3X4S Poisoning by other parasympatholytics [anticholinergics and antimuscarinics] and spasmolytics, undetermined, sequela
T44.3X5A Adverse effect of other parasympatholytics [anticholinergics and antimuscarinics] and spasmolytics, initial encounter
T44.3X5D Adverse effect of other parasympatholytics [anticholinergics and antimuscarinics] and spasmolytics, subsequent encounter
T44.3X5S Adverse effect of other parasympatholytics [anticholinergics and antimuscarinics] and spasmolytics, sequela
T44.3X6A Underdosing of other parasympatholytics [anticholinergics and antimuscarinics] and spasmolytics, initial encounter
T44.3X6D Underdosing of other parasympatholytics [anticholinergics and antimuscarinics] and spasmolytics, subsequent encounter
T44.3X6S Underdosing of other parasympatholytics [anticholinergics and antimuscarinics] and spasmolytics, sequela
T44.4X1A Poisoning by predominantly alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T44.4X1D Poisoning by predominantly alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T44.4X1S Poisoning by predominantly alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T44.4X2A Poisoning by predominantly alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T44.4X2D Poisoning by predominantly alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T44.4X2S Poisoning by predominantly alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists, intentional self-harm, sequela
T44.4X3A Poisoning by predominantly alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists, assault, initial encounter
T44.4X3D Poisoning by predominantly alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists, assault, subsequent encounter
T44.4X3S Poisoning by predominantly alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists, assault, sequela
T44.4X4A Poisoning by predominantly alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists, undetermined, initial encounter
T44.4X4D Poisoning by predominantly alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T44.4X4S Poisoning by predominantly alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists, undetermined, sequela
T44.4X5A Adverse effect of predominantly alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists, initial encounter
T44.4X5D Adverse effect of predominantly alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists, subsequent encounter
T44.4X5S Adverse effect of predominantly alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists, sequela
T44.4X6A Underdosing of predominantly alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists, initial encounter
T44.4X6D Underdosing of predominantly alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists, subsequent encounter
T44.4X6S Underdosing of predominantly alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists, sequela
T44.5X1A Poisoning by predominantly beta-adrenoreceptor agonists, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T44.5X1D Poisoning by predominantly beta-adrenoreceptor agonists, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T44.5X1S Poisoning by predominantly beta-adrenoreceptor agonists, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T44.5X2A Poisoning by predominantly beta-adrenoreceptor agonists, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T44.5X2D Poisoning by predominantly beta-adrenoreceptor agonists, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T44.5X2S Poisoning by predominantly beta-adrenoreceptor agonists, intentional self-harm, sequela
T44.5X3A Poisoning by predominantly beta-adrenoreceptor agonists, assault, initial encounter
T44.5X3D Poisoning by predominantly beta-adrenoreceptor agonists, assault, subsequent encounter
T44.5X3S Poisoning by predominantly beta-adrenoreceptor agonists, assault, sequela
T44.5X4A Poisoning by predominantly beta-adrenoreceptor agonists, undetermined, initial encounter
T44.5X4D Poisoning by predominantly beta-adrenoreceptor agonists, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T44.5X4S Poisoning by predominantly beta-adrenoreceptor agonists, undetermined, sequela
T44.5X5A Adverse effect of predominantly beta-adrenoreceptor agonists, initial encounter
T44.5X5D Adverse effect of predominantly beta-adrenoreceptor agonists, subsequent encounter
T44.5X5S Adverse effect of predominantly beta-adrenoreceptor agonists, sequela
T44.6X1A Poisoning by alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T44.6X1D Poisoning by alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T44.6X1S Poisoning by alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T44.6X2A Poisoning by alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T44.6X2D Poisoning by alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T44.6X2S Poisoning by alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists, intentional self-harm, sequela
T44.6X3A Poisoning by alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists, assault, initial encounter
T44.6X3D Poisoning by alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists, assault, subsequent encounter
T44.6X3S Poisoning by alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists, assault, sequela
T44.6X4A Poisoning by alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists, undetermined, initial encounter
T44.6X4D Poisoning by alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T44.6X4S Poisoning by alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists, undetermined, sequela
T44.6X5A Adverse effect of alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists, initial encounter
T44.6X5D Adverse effect of alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists, subsequent encounter
T44.6X5S Adverse effect of alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists, sequela
T44.6X6A Underdosing of alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists, initial encounter
T44.6X6D Underdosing of alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists, subsequent encounter
T44.6X6S Underdosing of alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists, sequela
T44.7X1A Poisoning by beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T44.7X1D Poisoning by beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T44.7X1S Poisoning by beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T44.7X2A Poisoning by beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T44.7X2D Poisoning by beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T44.7X2S Poisoning by beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists, intentional self-harm, sequela
T44.7X3A Poisoning by beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists, assault, initial encounter
T44.7X3D Poisoning by beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists, assault, subsequent encounter
T44.7X3S Poisoning by beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists, assault, sequela
T44.7X4A Poisoning by beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists, undetermined, initial encounter
T44.7X4D Poisoning by beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T44.7X4S Poisoning by beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists, undetermined, sequela
T44.7X5A Adverse effect of beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists, initial encounter
T44.7X5D Adverse effect of beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists, subsequent encounter
T44.7X5S Adverse effect of beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists, sequela
T44.7X6A Underdosing of beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists, initial encounter
T44.7X6D Underdosing of beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists, subsequent encounter
T44.7X6S Underdosing of beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists, sequela
T44.8X1A Poisoning by centrally-acting and adrenergic-neuron-blocking agents, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T44.8X1D Poisoning by centrally-acting and adrenergic-neuron-blocking agents, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T44.8X1S Poisoning by centrally-acting and adrenergic-neuron-blocking agents, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T44.8X2A Poisoning by centrally-acting and adrenergic-neuron-blocking agents, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T44.8X2D Poisoning by centrally-acting and adrenergic-neuron-blocking agents, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T44.8X2S Poisoning by centrally-acting and adrenergic-neuron-blocking agents, intentional self-harm, sequela
T44.8X3A Poisoning by centrally-acting and adrenergic-neuron-blocking agents, assault, initial encounter
T44.8X3D Poisoning by centrally-acting and adrenergic-neuron-blocking agents, assault, subsequent encounter
T44.8X3S Poisoning by centrally-acting and adrenergic-neuron-blocking agents, assault, sequela
T44.8X4A Poisoning by centrally-acting and adrenergic-neuron-blocking agents, undetermined, initial encounter
T44.8X4D Poisoning by centrally-acting and adrenergic-neuron-blocking agents, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T44.8X4S Poisoning by centrally-acting and adrenergic-neuron-blocking agents, undetermined, sequela
T44.8X5A Adverse effect of centrally-acting and adrenergic-neuron-blocking agents, initial encounter
T44.8X5D Adverse effect of centrally-acting and adrenergic-neuron-blocking agents, subsequent encounter
T44.8X5S Adverse effect of centrally-acting and adrenergic-neuron-blocking agents, sequela
T44.8X6A Underdosing of centrally-acting and adrenergic-neuron-blocking agents, initial encounter
T44.8X6D Underdosing of centrally-acting and adrenergic-neuron-blocking agents, subsequent encounter
T44.8X6S Underdosing of centrally-acting and adrenergic-neuron-blocking agents, sequela
T44.901A Poisoning by unspecified drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T44.901D Poisoning by unspecified drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T44.901S Poisoning by unspecified drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T44.902A Poisoning by unspecified drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T44.902D Poisoning by unspecified drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T44.902S Poisoning by unspecified drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, intentional self-harm, sequela
T44.903A Poisoning by unspecified drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, assault, initial encounter
T44.903D Poisoning by unspecified drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, assault, subsequent encounter
T44.903S Poisoning by unspecified drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, assault, sequela
T44.904A Poisoning by unspecified drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, undetermined, initial encounter
T44.904D Poisoning by unspecified drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T44.904S Poisoning by unspecified drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, undetermined, sequela
T44.905A Adverse effect of unspecified drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, initial encounter
T44.905D Adverse effect of unspecified drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, subsequent encounter
T44.905S Adverse effect of unspecified drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, sequela
T44.906A Underdosing of unspecified drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, initial encounter
T44.906D Underdosing of unspecified drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, subsequent encounter
T44.906S Underdosing of unspecified drugs primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, sequela
T44.991A Poisoning by other drug primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T44.991D Poisoning by other drug primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T44.991S Poisoning by other drug primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T44.992A Poisoning by other drug primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T44.992D Poisoning by other drug primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T44.992S Poisoning by other drug primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, intentional self-harm, sequela
T44.993A Poisoning by other drug primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, assault, initial encounter
T44.993D Poisoning by other drug primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, assault, subsequent encounter
T44.993S Poisoning by other drug primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, assault, sequela
T44.994A Poisoning by other drug primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, undetermined, initial encounter
T44.994D Poisoning by other drug primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T44.994S Poisoning by other drug primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, undetermined, sequela
T44.995A Adverse effect of other drug primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, initial encounter
T44.995D Adverse effect of other drug primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, subsequent encounter
T44.995S Adverse effect of other drug primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, sequela
T44.996A Underdosing of other drug primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, initial encounter
T44.996D Underdosing of other drug primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, subsequent encounter
T44.996S Underdosing of other drug primarily affecting the autonomic nervous system, sequela
T45.0X1A Poisoning by antiallergic and antiemetic drugs, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T45.0X1D Poisoning by antiallergic and antiemetic drugs, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T45.0X1S Poisoning by antiallergic and antiemetic drugs, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T45.0X2A Poisoning by antiallergic and antiemetic drugs, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T45.0X2D Poisoning by antiallergic and antiemetic drugs, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T45.0X2S Poisoning by antiallergic and antiemetic drugs, intentional self-harm, sequela
T45.0X3A Poisoning by antiallergic and antiemetic drugs, assault, initial encounter
T45.0X3D Poisoning by antiallergic and antiemetic drugs, assault, subsequent encounter
T45.0X3S Poisoning by antiallergic and antiemetic drugs, assault, sequela
T45.0X4A Poisoning by antiallergic and antiemetic drugs, undetermined, initial encounter
T45.0X4D Poisoning by antiallergic and antiemetic drugs, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T45.0X4S Poisoning by antiallergic and antiemetic drugs, undetermined, sequela
T45.0X5A Adverse effect of antiallergic and antiemetic drugs, initial encounter
T45.0X5D Adverse effect of antiallergic and antiemetic drugs, subsequent encounter
T45.0X5S Adverse effect of antiallergic and antiemetic drugs, sequela
T45.1X1A Poisoning by antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T45.1X1D Poisoning by antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T45.1X1S Poisoning by antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T45.1X2A Poisoning by antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T45.1X2D Poisoning by antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T45.1X2S Poisoning by antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, intentional self-harm, sequela
T45.1X3A Poisoning by antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, assault, initial encounter
T45.1X3D Poisoning by antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, assault, subsequent encounter
T45.1X3S Poisoning by antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, assault, sequela
T45.1X4A Poisoning by antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, undetermined, initial encounter
T45.1X4D Poisoning by antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T45.1X4S Poisoning by antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, undetermined, sequela
T45.1X5A Adverse effect of antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, initial encounter
T45.1X5D Adverse effect of antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, subsequent encounter
T45.1X5S Adverse effect of antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, sequela
T45.1X6A Underdosing of antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, initial encounter
T45.1X6D Underdosing of antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, subsequent encounter
T45.1X6S Underdosing of antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, sequela
T45.2X1A Poisoning by vitamins, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T45.2X1D Poisoning by vitamins, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T45.2X1S Poisoning by vitamins, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T45.2X2A Poisoning by vitamins, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T45.2X2D Poisoning by vitamins, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T45.2X2S Poisoning by vitamins, intentional self-harm, sequela
T45.2X3A Poisoning by vitamins, assault, initial encounter
T45.2X3D Poisoning by vitamins, assault, subsequent encounter
T45.2X3S Poisoning by vitamins, assault, sequela
T45.2X4A Poisoning by vitamins, undetermined, initial encounter
T45.2X4D Poisoning by vitamins, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T45.2X4S Poisoning by vitamins, undetermined, sequela
T45.2X5A Adverse effect of vitamins, initial encounter
T45.2X5D Adverse effect of vitamins, subsequent encounter
T45.2X5S Adverse effect of vitamins, sequela
T45.3X1A Poisoning by enzymes, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T45.3X1D Poisoning by enzymes, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T45.3X1S Poisoning by enzymes, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T45.3X2A Poisoning by enzymes, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T45.3X2D Poisoning by enzymes, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T45.3X2S Poisoning by enzymes, intentional self-harm, sequela
T45.3X3A Poisoning by enzymes, assault, initial encounter
T45.3X3D Poisoning by enzymes, assault, subsequent encounter
T45.3X3S Poisoning by enzymes, assault, sequela
T45.3X4A Poisoning by enzymes, undetermined, initial encounter
T45.3X4D Poisoning by enzymes, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T45.3X4S Poisoning by enzymes, undetermined, sequela
T45.3X5A Adverse effect of enzymes, initial encounter
T45.3X5D Adverse effect of enzymes, subsequent encounter
T45.3X5S Adverse effect of enzymes, sequela
T45.3X6A Underdosing of enzymes, initial encounter
T45.3X6D Underdosing of enzymes, subsequent encounter
T45.3X6S Underdosing of enzymes, sequela
T45.4X1A Poisoning by iron and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T45.4X1D Poisoning by iron and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T45.4X1S Poisoning by iron and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T45.4X2A Poisoning by iron and its compounds, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T45.4X2D Poisoning by iron and its compounds, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T45.4X2S Poisoning by iron and its compounds, intentional self-harm, sequela
T45.4X3A Poisoning by iron and its compounds, assault, initial encounter
T45.4X3D Poisoning by iron and its compounds, assault, subsequent encounter
T45.4X3S Poisoning by iron and its compounds, assault, sequela
T45.4X4A Poisoning by iron and its compounds, undetermined, initial encounter
T45.4X4D Poisoning by iron and its compounds, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T45.4X4S Poisoning by iron and its compounds, undetermined, sequela
T45.4X5A Adverse effect of iron and its compounds, initial encounter
T45.4X5D Adverse effect of iron and its compounds, subsequent encounter
T45.4X5S Adverse effect of iron and its compounds, sequela
T45.511A Poisoning by anticoagulants, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T45.511D Poisoning by anticoagulants, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T45.511S Poisoning by anticoagulants, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T45.512A Poisoning by anticoagulants, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T45.512D Poisoning by anticoagulants, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T45.512S Poisoning by anticoagulants, intentional self-harm, sequela
T45.513A Poisoning by anticoagulants, assault, initial encounter
T45.513D Poisoning by anticoagulants, assault, subsequent encounter
T45.513S Poisoning by anticoagulants, assault, sequela
T45.514A Poisoning by anticoagulants, undetermined, initial encounter
T45.514D Poisoning by anticoagulants, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T45.514S Poisoning by anticoagulants, undetermined, sequela
T45.515A Adverse effect of anticoagulants, initial encounter
T45.515D Adverse effect of anticoagulants, subsequent encounter
T45.515S Adverse effect of anticoagulants, sequela
T45.516A Underdosing of anticoagulants, initial encounter
T45.516D Underdosing of anticoagulants, subsequent encounter
T45.516S Underdosing of anticoagulants, sequela
T45.521A Poisoning by antithrombotic drugs, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T45.521D Poisoning by antithrombotic drugs, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T45.521S Poisoning by antithrombotic drugs, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T45.522A Poisoning by antithrombotic drugs, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T45.522D Poisoning by antithrombotic drugs, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T45.522S Poisoning by antithrombotic drugs, intentional self-harm, sequela
T45.523A Poisoning by antithrombotic drugs, assault, initial encounter
T45.523D Poisoning by antithrombotic drugs, assault, subsequent encounter
T45.523S Poisoning by antithrombotic drugs, assault, sequela
T45.524A Poisoning by antithrombotic drugs, undetermined, initial encounter
T45.524D Poisoning by antithrombotic drugs, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T45.524S Poisoning by antithrombotic drugs, undetermined, sequela
T45.525A Adverse effect of antithrombotic drugs, initial encounter
T45.525D Adverse effect of antithrombotic drugs, subsequent encounter
T45.525S Adverse effect of antithrombotic drugs, sequela
T45.526A Underdosing of antithrombotic drugs, initial encounter
T45.526D Underdosing of antithrombotic drugs, subsequent encounter
T45.526S Underdosing of antithrombotic drugs, sequela
T45.601A Poisoning by unspecified fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T45.601D Poisoning by unspecified fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T45.601S Poisoning by unspecified fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T45.602A Poisoning by unspecified fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T45.602D Poisoning by unspecified fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T45.602S Poisoning by unspecified fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, intentional self-harm, sequela
T45.603A Poisoning by unspecified fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, assault, initial encounter
T45.603D Poisoning by unspecified fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, assault, subsequent encounter
T45.603S Poisoning by unspecified fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, assault, sequela
T45.604A Poisoning by unspecified fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, undetermined, initial encounter
T45.604D Poisoning by unspecified fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T45.604S Poisoning by unspecified fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, undetermined, sequela
T45.605A Adverse effect of unspecified fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, initial encounter
T45.605D Adverse effect of unspecified fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, subsequent encounter
T45.605S Adverse effect of unspecified fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, sequela
T45.606A Underdosing of unspecified fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, initial encounter
T45.606D Underdosing of unspecified fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, subsequent encounter
T45.606S Underdosing of unspecified fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, sequela
T45.611A Poisoning by thrombolytic drug, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T45.611D Poisoning by thrombolytic drug, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T45.611S Poisoning by thrombolytic drug, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T45.612A Poisoning by thrombolytic drug, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T45.612D Poisoning by thrombolytic drug, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T45.612S Poisoning by thrombolytic drug, intentional self-harm, sequela
T45.613A Poisoning by thrombolytic drug, assault, initial encounter
T45.613D Poisoning by thrombolytic drug, assault, subsequent encounter
T45.613S Poisoning by thrombolytic drug, assault, sequela
T45.614A Poisoning by thrombolytic drug, undetermined, initial encounter
T45.614D Poisoning by thrombolytic drug, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T45.614S Poisoning by thrombolytic drug, undetermined, sequela
T45.615A Adverse effect of thrombolytic drugs, initial encounter
T45.615D Adverse effect of thrombolytic drugs, subsequent encounter
T45.615S Adverse effect of thrombolytic drugs, sequela
T45.616A Underdosing of thrombolytic drugs, initial encounter
T45.616D Underdosing of thrombolytic drugs, subsequent encounter
T45.616S Underdosing of thrombolytic drugs, sequela
T45.621A Poisoning by hemostatic drug, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T45.621D Poisoning by hemostatic drug, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T45.621S Poisoning by hemostatic drug, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T45.622A Poisoning by hemostatic drug, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T45.622D Poisoning by hemostatic drug, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T45.622S Poisoning by hemostatic drug, intentional self-harm, sequela
T45.623A Poisoning by hemostatic drug, assault, initial encounter
T45.623D Poisoning by hemostatic drug, assault, subsequent encounter
T45.623S Poisoning by hemostatic drug, assault, sequela
T45.624A Poisoning by hemostatic drug, undetermined, initial encounter
T45.624D Poisoning by hemostatic drug, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T45.624S Poisoning by hemostatic drug, undetermined, sequela
T45.625A Adverse effect of hemostatic drug, initial encounter
T45.625D Adverse effect of hemostatic drug, subsequent encounter
T45.625S Adverse effect of hemostatic drug, sequela
T45.626A Underdosing of hemostatic drugs, initial encounter
T45.626D Underdosing of hemostatic drugs, subsequent encounter
T45.626S Underdosing of hemostatic drugs, sequela
T45.691A Poisoning by other fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T45.691D Poisoning by other fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T45.691S Poisoning by other fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T45.692A Poisoning by other fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T45.692D Poisoning by other fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T45.692S Poisoning by other fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, intentional self-harm, sequela
T45.693A Poisoning by other fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, assault, initial encounter
T45.693D Poisoning by other fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, assault, subsequent encounter
T45.693S Poisoning by other fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, assault, sequela
T45.694A Poisoning by other fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, undetermined, initial encounter
T45.694D Poisoning by other fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T45.694S Poisoning by other fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, undetermined, sequela
T45.695A Adverse effect of other fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, initial encounter
T45.695D Adverse effect of other fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, subsequent encounter
T45.695S Adverse effect of other fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, sequela
T45.696A Underdosing of other fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, initial encounter
T45.696D Underdosing of other fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, subsequent encounter
T45.696S Underdosing of other fibrinolysis-affecting drugs, sequela
T45.7X1A Poisoning by anticoagulant antagonists, vitamin K and other coagulants, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T45.7X1D Poisoning by anticoagulant antagonists, vitamin K and other coagulants, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T45.7X1S Poisoning by anticoagulant antagonists, vitamin K and other coagulants, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T45.7X2A Poisoning by anticoagulant antagonists, vitamin K and other coagulants, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T45.7X2D Poisoning by anticoagulant antagonists, vitamin K and other coagulants, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T45.7X2S Poisoning by anticoagulant antagonists, vitamin K and other coagulants, intentional self-harm, sequela
T45.7X3A Poisoning by anticoagulant antagonists, vitamin K and other coagulants, assault, initial encounter
T45.7X3D Poisoning by anticoagulant antagonists, vitamin K and other coagulants, assault, subsequent encounter
T45.7X3S Poisoning by anticoagulant antagonists, vitamin K and other coagulants, assault, sequela
T45.7X4A Poisoning by anticoagulant antagonists, vitamin K and other coagulants, undetermined, initial encounter
T45.7X4D Poisoning by anticoagulant antagonists, vitamin K and other coagulants, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T45.7X4S Poisoning by anticoagulant antagonists, vitamin K and other coagulants, undetermined, sequela
T45.7X5A Adverse effect of anticoagulant antagonists, vitamin K and other coagulants, initial encounter
T45.7X5D Adverse effect of anticoagulant antagonists, vitamin K and other coagulants, subsequent encounter
T45.7X5S Adverse effect of anticoagulant antagonists, vitamin K and other coagulants, sequela
T45.7X6A Underdosing of anticoagulant antagonist, vitamin K and other coagulants, initial encounter
T45.7X6D Underdosing of anticoagulant antagonist, vitamin K and other coagulants, subsequent encounter
T45.7X6S Underdosing of anticoagulant antagonist, vitamin K and other coagulants, sequela
T45.8X1A Poisoning by other primarily systemic and hematological agents, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T45.8X1D Poisoning by other primarily systemic and hematological agents, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T45.8X1S Poisoning by other primarily systemic and hematological agents, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T45.8X2A Poisoning by other primarily systemic and hematological agents, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T45.8X2D Poisoning by other primarily systemic and hematological agents, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T45.8X2S Poisoning by other primarily systemic and hematological agents, intentional self-harm, sequela
T45.8X3A Poisoning by other primarily systemic and hematological agents, assault, initial encounter
T45.8X3D Poisoning by other primarily systemic and hematological agents, assault, subsequent encounter
T45.8X3S Poisoning by other primarily systemic and hematological agents, assault, sequela
T45.8X4A Poisoning by other primarily systemic and hematological agents, undetermined, initial encounter
T45.8X4D Poisoning by other primarily systemic and hematological agents, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T45.8X4S Poisoning by other primarily systemic and hematological agents, undetermined, sequela
T45.8X5A Adverse effect of other primarily systemic and hematological agents, initial encounter
T45.8X5D Adverse effect of other primarily systemic and hematological agents, subsequent encounter
T45.8X5S Adverse effect of other primarily systemic and hematological agents, sequela
T45.8X6A Underdosing of other primarily systemic and hematological agents, initial encounter
T45.8X6D Underdosing of other primarily systemic and hematological agents, subsequent encounter
T45.8X6S Underdosing of other primarily systemic and hematological agents, sequela
T45.91XA Poisoning by unspecified primarily systemic and hematological agent, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T45.91XD Poisoning by unspecified primarily systemic and hematological agent, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T45.91XS Poisoning by unspecified primarily systemic and hematological agent, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T45.92XA Poisoning by unspecified primarily systemic and hematological agent, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T45.92XD Poisoning by unspecified primarily systemic and hematological agent, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T45.92XS Poisoning by unspecified primarily systemic and hematological agent, intentional self-harm, sequela
T45.93XA Poisoning by unspecified primarily systemic and hematological agent, assault, initial encounter
T45.93XD Poisoning by unspecified primarily systemic and hematological agent, assault, subsequent encounter
T45.93XS Poisoning by unspecified primarily systemic and hematological agent, assault, sequela
T45.94XA Poisoning by unspecified primarily systemic and hematological agent, undetermined, initial encounter
T45.94XD Poisoning by unspecified primarily systemic and hematological agent, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T45.94XS Poisoning by unspecified primarily systemic and hematological agent, undetermined, sequela
T45.95XA Adverse effect of unspecified primarily systemic and hematological agent, initial encounter
T45.95XD Adverse effect of unspecified primarily systemic and hematological agent, subsequent encounter
T45.95XS Adverse effect of unspecified primarily systemic and hematological agent, sequela
T45.96XA Underdosing of unspecified primarily systemic and hematological agent, initial encounter
T45.96XD Underdosing of unspecified primarily systemic and hematological agent, subsequent encounter
T45.96XS Underdosing of unspecified primarily systemic and hematological agent, sequela
T46.0X1A Poisoning by cardiac-stimulant glycosides and drugs of similar action, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T46.0X1D Poisoning by cardiac-stimulant glycosides and drugs of similar action, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T46.0X1S Poisoning by cardiac-stimulant glycosides and drugs of similar action, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T46.0X2A Poisoning by cardiac-stimulant glycosides and drugs of similar action, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T46.0X2D Poisoning by cardiac-stimulant glycosides and drugs of similar action, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T46.0X2S Poisoning by cardiac-stimulant glycosides and drugs of similar action, intentional self-harm, sequela
T46.0X3A Poisoning by cardiac-stimulant glycosides and drugs of similar action, assault, initial encounter
T46.0X3D Poisoning by cardiac-stimulant glycosides and drugs of similar action, assault, subsequent encounter
T46.0X3S Poisoning by cardiac-stimulant glycosides and drugs of similar action, assault, sequela
T46.0X4A Poisoning by cardiac-stimulant glycosides and drugs of similar action, undetermined, initial encounter
T46.0X4D Poisoning by cardiac-stimulant glycosides and drugs of similar action, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T46.0X4S Poisoning by cardiac-stimulant glycosides and drugs of similar action, undetermined, sequela
T46.0X5A Adverse effect of cardiac-stimulant glycosides and drugs of similar action, initial encounter
T46.0X5D Adverse effect of cardiac-stimulant glycosides and drugs of similar action, subsequent encounter
T46.0X5S Adverse effect of cardiac-stimulant glycosides and drugs of similar action, sequela
T46.0X6A Underdosing of cardiac-stimulant glycosides and drugs of similar action, initial encounter
T46.0X6D Underdosing of cardiac-stimulant glycosides and drugs of similar action, subsequent encounter
T46.0X6S Underdosing of cardiac-stimulant glycosides and drugs of similar action, sequela
T46.1X1A Poisoning by calcium-channel blockers, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T46.1X1D Poisoning by calcium-channel blockers, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T46.1X1S Poisoning by calcium-channel blockers, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T46.1X2A Poisoning by calcium-channel blockers, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T46.1X2D Poisoning by calcium-channel blockers, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T46.1X2S Poisoning by calcium-channel blockers, intentional self-harm, sequela
T46.1X3A Poisoning by calcium-channel blockers, assault, initial encounter
T46.1X3D Poisoning by calcium-channel blockers, assault, subsequent encounter
T46.1X3S Poisoning by calcium-channel blockers, assault, sequela
T46.1X4A Poisoning by calcium-channel blockers, undetermined, initial encounter
T46.1X4D Poisoning by calcium-channel blockers, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T46.1X4S Poisoning by calcium-channel blockers, undetermined, sequela
T46.1X5A Adverse effect of calcium-channel blockers, initial encounter
T46.1X5D Adverse effect of calcium-channel blockers, subsequent encounter
T46.1X5S Adverse effect of calcium-channel blockers, sequela
T46.1X6A Underdosing of calcium-channel blockers, initial encounter
T46.1X6D Underdosing of calcium-channel blockers, subsequent encounter
T46.1X6S Underdosing of calcium-channel blockers, sequela
T46.2X1A Poisoning by other antidysrhythmic drugs, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T46.2X1D Poisoning by other antidysrhythmic drugs, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T46.2X1S Poisoning by other antidysrhythmic drugs, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T46.2X2A Poisoning by other antidysrhythmic drugs, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T46.2X2D Poisoning by other antidysrhythmic drugs, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T46.2X2S Poisoning by other antidysrhythmic drugs, intentional self-harm, sequela
T46.2X3A Poisoning by other antidysrhythmic drugs, assault, initial encounter
T46.2X3D Poisoning by other antidysrhythmic drugs, assault, subsequent encounter
T46.2X3S Poisoning by other antidysrhythmic drugs, assault, sequela
T46.2X4A Poisoning by other antidysrhythmic drugs, undetermined, initial encounter
T46.2X4D Poisoning by other antidysrhythmic drugs, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T46.2X4S Poisoning by other antidysrhythmic drugs, undetermined, sequela
T46.2X5A Adverse effect of other antidysrhythmic drugs, initial encounter
T46.2X5D Adverse effect of other antidysrhythmic drugs, subsequent encounter
T46.2X5S Adverse effect of other antidysrhythmic drugs, sequela
T46.2X6A Underdosing of other antidysrhythmic drugs, initial encounter
T46.2X6D Underdosing of other antidysrhythmic drugs, subsequent encounter
T46.2X6S Underdosing of other antidysrhythmic drugs, sequela
T46.3X1A Poisoning by coronary vasodilators, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T46.3X1D Poisoning by coronary vasodilators, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T46.3X1S Poisoning by coronary vasodilators, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T46.3X2A Poisoning by coronary vasodilators, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T46.3X2D Poisoning by coronary vasodilators, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T46.3X2S Poisoning by coronary vasodilators, intentional self-harm, sequela
T46.3X3A Poisoning by coronary vasodilators, assault, initial encounter
T46.3X3D Poisoning by coronary vasodilators, assault, subsequent encounter
T46.3X3S Poisoning by coronary vasodilators, assault, sequela
T46.3X4A Poisoning by coronary vasodilators, undetermined, initial encounter
T46.3X4D Poisoning by coronary vasodilators, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T46.3X4S Poisoning by coronary vasodilators, undetermined, sequela
T46.3X5A Adverse effect of coronary vasodilators, initial encounter
T46.3X5D Adverse effect of coronary vasodilators, subsequent encounter
T46.3X5S Adverse effect of coronary vasodilators, sequela
T46.3X6A Underdosing of coronary vasodilators, initial encounter
T46.3X6D Underdosing of coronary vasodilators, subsequent encounter
T46.3X6S Underdosing of coronary vasodilators, sequela
T46.4X1A Poisoning by angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T46.4X1D Poisoning by angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T46.4X1S Poisoning by angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T46.4X2A Poisoning by angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T46.4X2D Poisoning by angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T46.4X2S Poisoning by angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, intentional self-harm, sequela
T46.4X3A Poisoning by angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, assault, initial encounter
T46.4X3D Poisoning by angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, assault, subsequent encounter
T46.4X3S Poisoning by angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, assault, sequela
T46.4X4A Poisoning by angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, undetermined, initial encounter
T46.4X4D Poisoning by angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T46.4X4S Poisoning by angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, undetermined, sequela
T46.4X5A Adverse effect of angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, initial encounter
T46.4X5D Adverse effect of angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, subsequent encounter
T46.4X5S Adverse effect of angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, sequela
T46.4X6A Underdosing of angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, initial encounter
T46.4X6D Underdosing of angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, subsequent encounter
T46.4X6S Underdosing of angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors, sequela
T46.5X1A Poisoning by other antihypertensive drugs, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T46.5X1D Poisoning by other antihypertensive drugs, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T46.5X1S Poisoning by other antihypertensive drugs, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T46.5X2A Poisoning by other antihypertensive drugs, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T46.5X2D Poisoning by other antihypertensive drugs, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T46.5X2S Poisoning by other antihypertensive drugs, intentional self-harm, sequela
T46.5X3A Poisoning by other antihypertensive drugs, assault, initial encounter
T46.5X3D Poisoning by other antihypertensive drugs, assault, subsequent encounter
T46.5X3S Poisoning by other antihypertensive drugs, assault, sequela
T46.5X4A Poisoning by other antihypertensive drugs, undetermined, initial encounter
T46.5X4D Poisoning by other antihypertensive drugs, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T46.5X4S Poisoning by other antihypertensive drugs, undetermined, sequela
T46.5X5A Adverse effect of other antihypertensive drugs, initial encounter
T46.5X5D Adverse effect of other antihypertensive drugs, subsequent encounter
T46.5X5S Adverse effect of other antihypertensive drugs, sequela
T46.5X6A Underdosing of other antihypertensive drugs, initial encounter
T46.5X6D Underdosing of other antihypertensive drugs, subsequent encounter
T46.5X6S Underdosing of other antihypertensive drugs, sequela
T46.6X1A Poisoning by antihyperlipidemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T46.6X1D Poisoning by antihyperlipidemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T46.6X1S Poisoning by antihyperlipidemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T46.6X2A Poisoning by antihyperlipidemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T46.6X2D Poisoning by antihyperlipidemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T46.6X2S Poisoning by antihyperlipidemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs, intentional self-harm, sequela
T46.6X3A Poisoning by antihyperlipidemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs, assault, initial encounter
T46.6X3D Poisoning by antihyperlipidemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs, assault, subsequent encounter
T46.6X3S Poisoning by antihyperlipidemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs, assault, sequela
T46.6X4A Poisoning by antihyperlipidemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs, undetermined, initial encounter
T46.6X4D Poisoning by antihyperlipidemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T46.6X4S Poisoning by antihyperlipidemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs, undetermined, sequela
T46.6X5A Adverse effect of antihyperlipidemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs, initial encounter
T46.6X5D Adverse effect of antihyperlipidemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs, subsequent encounter
T46.6X5S Adverse effect of antihyperlipidemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs, sequela
T46.6X6A Underdosing of antihyperlipidemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs, initial encounter
T46.6X6D Underdosing of antihyperlipidemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs, subsequent encounter
T46.6X6S Underdosing of antihyperlipidemic and antiarteriosclerotic drugs, sequela
T46.7X1A Poisoning by peripheral vasodilators, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T46.7X1D Poisoning by peripheral vasodilators, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T46.7X1S Poisoning by peripheral vasodilators, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T46.7X2A Poisoning by peripheral vasodilators, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T46.7X2D Poisoning by peripheral vasodilators, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T46.7X2S Poisoning by peripheral vasodilators, intentional self-harm, sequela
T46.7X3A Poisoning by peripheral vasodilators, assault, initial encounter
T46.7X3D Poisoning by peripheral vasodilators, assault, subsequent encounter
T46.7X3S Poisoning by peripheral vasodilators, assault, sequela
T46.7X4A Poisoning by peripheral vasodilators, undetermined, initial encounter
T46.7X4D Poisoning by peripheral vasodilators, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T46.7X4S Poisoning by peripheral vasodilators, undetermined, sequela
T46.7X5A Adverse effect of peripheral vasodilators, initial encounter
T46.7X5D Adverse effect of peripheral vasodilators, subsequent encounter
T46.7X5S Adverse effect of peripheral vasodilators, sequela
T46.7X6A Underdosing of peripheral vasodilators, initial encounter
T46.7X6D Underdosing of peripheral vasodilators, subsequent encounter
T46.7X6S Underdosing of peripheral vasodilators, sequela
T46.8X1A Poisoning by antivaricose drugs, including sclerosing agents, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T46.8X1D Poisoning by antivaricose drugs, including sclerosing agents, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T46.8X1S Poisoning by antivaricose drugs, including sclerosing agents, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T46.8X2A Poisoning by antivaricose drugs, including sclerosing agents, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T46.8X2D Poisoning by antivaricose drugs, including sclerosing agents, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T46.8X2S Poisoning by antivaricose drugs, including sclerosing agents, intentional self-harm, sequela
T46.8X3A Poisoning by antivaricose drugs, including sclerosing agents, assault, initial encounter
T46.8X3D Poisoning by antivaricose drugs, including sclerosing agents, assault, subsequent encounter
T46.8X3S Poisoning by antivaricose drugs, including sclerosing agents, assault, sequela
T46.8X4A Poisoning by antivaricose drugs, including sclerosing agents, undetermined, initial encounter
T46.8X4D Poisoning by antivaricose drugs, including sclerosing agents, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T46.8X4S Poisoning by antivaricose drugs, including sclerosing agents, undetermined, sequela
T46.8X5A Adverse effect of antivaricose drugs, including sclerosing agents, initial encounter
T46.8X5D Adverse effect of antivaricose drugs, including sclerosing agents, subsequent encounter
T46.8X5S Adverse effect of antivaricose drugs, including sclerosing agents, sequela
T46.901A Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T46.901D Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T46.901S Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T46.902A Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T46.902D Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T46.902S Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, intentional self-harm, sequela
T46.903A Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, assault, initial encounter
T46.903D Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, assault, subsequent encounter
T46.903S Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, assault, sequela
T46.904A Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, undetermined, initial encounter
T46.904D Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T46.904S Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, undetermined, sequela
T46.905A Adverse effect of unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, initial encounter
T46.905D Adverse effect of unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, subsequent encounter
T46.905S Adverse effect of unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, sequela
T46.906A Underdosing of unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, initial encounter
T46.906D Underdosing of unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, subsequent encounter
T46.906S Underdosing of unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, sequela
T46.991A Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T46.991D Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T46.991S Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T46.992A Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T46.992D Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T46.992S Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, intentional self-harm, sequela
T46.993A Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, assault, initial encounter
T46.993D Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, assault, subsequent encounter
T46.993S Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, assault, sequela
T46.994A Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, undetermined, initial encounter
T46.994D Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T46.994S Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, undetermined, sequela
T46.995A Adverse effect of other agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, initial encounter
T46.995D Adverse effect of other agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, subsequent encounter
T46.995S Adverse effect of other agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, sequela
T46.996A Underdosing of other agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, initial encounter
T46.996D Underdosing of other agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, subsequent encounter
T46.996S Underdosing of other agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, sequela
T47.0X1A Poisoning by histamine H2-receptor blockers, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T47.0X1D Poisoning by histamine H2-receptor blockers, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T47.0X1S Poisoning by histamine H2-receptor blockers, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T47.0X2A Poisoning by histamine H2-receptor blockers, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T47.0X2D Poisoning by histamine H2-receptor blockers, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T47.0X2S Poisoning by histamine H2-receptor blockers, intentional self-harm, sequela
T47.0X3A Poisoning by histamine H2-receptor blockers, assault, initial encounter
T47.0X3D Poisoning by histamine H2-receptor blockers, assault, subsequent encounter
T47.0X3S Poisoning by histamine H2-receptor blockers, assault, sequela
T47.0X4A Poisoning by histamine H2-receptor blockers, undetermined, initial encounter
T47.0X4D Poisoning by histamine H2-receptor blockers, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T47.0X4S Poisoning by histamine H2-receptor blockers, undetermined, sequela
T47.0X5A Adverse effect of histamine H2-receptor blockers, initial encounter
T47.0X5D Adverse effect of histamine H2-receptor blockers, subsequent encounter
T47.0X5S Adverse effect of histamine H2-receptor blockers, sequela
T47.1X1A Poisoning by other antacids and anti-gastric-secretion drugs, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T47.1X1D Poisoning by other antacids and anti-gastric-secretion drugs, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T47.1X1S Poisoning by other antacids and anti-gastric-secretion drugs, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T47.1X2A Poisoning by other antacids and anti-gastric-secretion drugs, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T47.1X2D Poisoning by other antacids and anti-gastric-secretion drugs, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T47.1X2S Poisoning by other antacids and anti-gastric-secretion drugs, intentional self-harm, sequela
T47.1X3A Poisoning by other antacids and anti-gastric-secretion drugs, assault, initial encounter
T47.1X3D Poisoning by other antacids and anti-gastric-secretion drugs, assault, subsequent encounter
T47.1X3S Poisoning by other antacids and anti-gastric-secretion drugs, assault, sequela
T47.1X4A Poisoning by other antacids and anti-gastric-secretion drugs, undetermined, initial encounter
T47.1X4D Poisoning by other antacids and anti-gastric-secretion drugs, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T47.1X4S Poisoning by other antacids and anti-gastric-secretion drugs, undetermined, sequela
T47.1X5A Adverse effect of other antacids and anti-gastric-secretion drugs, initial encounter
T47.1X5D Adverse effect of other antacids and anti-gastric-secretion drugs, subsequent encounter
T47.1X5S Adverse effect of other antacids and anti-gastric-secretion drugs, sequela
T47.2X1A Poisoning by stimulant laxatives, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T47.2X1D Poisoning by stimulant laxatives, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T47.2X1S Poisoning by stimulant laxatives, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T47.2X2A Poisoning by stimulant laxatives, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T47.2X2D Poisoning by stimulant laxatives, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T47.2X2S Poisoning by stimulant laxatives, intentional self-harm, sequela
T47.2X3A Poisoning by stimulant laxatives, assault, initial encounter
T47.2X3D Poisoning by stimulant laxatives, assault, subsequent encounter
T47.2X3S Poisoning by stimulant laxatives, assault, sequela
T47.2X4A Poisoning by stimulant laxatives, undetermined, initial encounter
T47.2X4D Poisoning by stimulant laxatives, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T47.2X4S Poisoning by stimulant laxatives, undetermined, sequela
T47.2X5A Adverse effect of stimulant laxatives, initial encounter
T47.2X5D Adverse effect of stimulant laxatives, subsequent encounter
T47.2X5S Adverse effect of stimulant laxatives, sequela
T47.3X1A Poisoning by saline and osmotic laxatives, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T47.3X1D Poisoning by saline and osmotic laxatives, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T47.3X1S Poisoning by saline and osmotic laxatives, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T47.3X2A Poisoning by saline and osmotic laxatives, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T47.3X2D Poisoning by saline and osmotic laxatives, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T47.3X2S Poisoning by saline and osmotic laxatives, intentional self-harm, sequela
T47.3X3A Poisoning by saline and osmotic laxatives, assault, initial encounter
T47.3X3D Poisoning by saline and osmotic laxatives, assault, subsequent encounter
T47.3X3S Poisoning by saline and osmotic laxatives, assault, sequela
T47.3X4A Poisoning by saline and osmotic laxatives, undetermined, initial encounter
T47.3X4D Poisoning by saline and osmotic laxatives, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T47.3X4S Poisoning by saline and osmotic laxatives, undetermined, sequela
T47.3X5A Adverse effect of saline and osmotic laxatives, initial encounter
T47.3X5D Adverse effect of saline and osmotic laxatives, subsequent encounter
T47.3X5S Adverse effect of saline and osmotic laxatives, sequela
T47.4X1A Poisoning by other laxatives, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T47.4X1D Poisoning by other laxatives, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T47.4X1S Poisoning by other laxatives, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T47.4X2A Poisoning by other laxatives, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T47.4X2D Poisoning by other laxatives, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T47.4X2S Poisoning by other laxatives, intentional self-harm, sequela
T47.4X3A Poisoning by other laxatives, assault, initial encounter
T47.4X3D Poisoning by other laxatives, assault, subsequent encounter
T47.4X3S Poisoning by other laxatives, assault, sequela
T47.4X4A Poisoning by other laxatives, undetermined, initial encounter
T47.4X4D Poisoning by other laxatives, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T47.4X4S Poisoning by other laxatives, undetermined, sequela
T47.4X5A Adverse effect of other laxatives, initial encounter
T47.4X5D Adverse effect of other laxatives, subsequent encounter
T47.4X5S Adverse effect of other laxatives, sequela
T47.5X1A Poisoning by digestants, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T47.5X1D Poisoning by digestants, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T47.5X1S Poisoning by digestants, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T47.5X2A Poisoning by digestants, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T47.5X2D Poisoning by digestants, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T47.5X2S Poisoning by digestants, intentional self-harm, sequela
T47.5X3A Poisoning by digestants, assault, initial encounter
T47.5X3D Poisoning by digestants, assault, subsequent encounter
T47.5X3S Poisoning by digestants, assault, sequela
T47.5X4A Poisoning by digestants, undetermined, initial encounter
T47.5X4D Poisoning by digestants, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T47.5X4S Poisoning by digestants, undetermined, sequela
T47.5X5A Adverse effect of digestants, initial encounter
T47.5X5D Adverse effect of digestants, subsequent encounter
T47.5X5S Adverse effect of digestants, sequela
T47.6X1A Poisoning by antidiarrheal drugs, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T47.6X1D Poisoning by antidiarrheal drugs, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T47.6X1S Poisoning by antidiarrheal drugs, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T47.6X2A Poisoning by antidiarrheal drugs, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T47.6X2D Poisoning by antidiarrheal drugs, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T47.6X2S Poisoning by antidiarrheal drugs, intentional self-harm, sequela
T47.6X3A Poisoning by antidiarrheal drugs, assault, initial encounter
T47.6X3D Poisoning by antidiarrheal drugs, assault, subsequent encounter
T47.6X3S Poisoning by antidiarrheal drugs, assault, sequela
T47.6X4A Poisoning by antidiarrheal drugs, undetermined, initial encounter
T47.6X4D Poisoning by antidiarrheal drugs, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T47.6X4S Poisoning by antidiarrheal drugs, undetermined, sequela
T47.6X5A Adverse effect of antidiarrheal drugs, initial encounter
T47.6X5D Adverse effect of antidiarrheal drugs, subsequent encounter
T47.6X5S Adverse effect of antidiarrheal drugs, sequela
T47.7X1A Poisoning by emetics, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T47.7X1D Poisoning by emetics, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T47.7X1S Poisoning by emetics, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T47.7X2A Poisoning by emetics, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T47.7X2D Poisoning by emetics, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T47.7X2S Poisoning by emetics, intentional self-harm, sequela
T47.7X3A Poisoning by emetics, assault, initial encounter
T47.7X3D Poisoning by emetics, assault, subsequent encounter
T47.7X3S Poisoning by emetics, assault, sequela
T47.7X4A Poisoning by emetics, undetermined, initial encounter
T47.7X4D Poisoning by emetics, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T47.7X4S Poisoning by emetics, undetermined, sequela
T47.7X5A Adverse effect of emetics, initial encounter
T47.7X5D Adverse effect of emetics, subsequent encounter
T47.7X5S Adverse effect of emetics, sequela
T47.8X1A Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting gastrointestinal system, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T47.8X1D Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting gastrointestinal system, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T47.8X1S Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting gastrointestinal system, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T47.8X2A Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting gastrointestinal system, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T47.8X2D Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting gastrointestinal system, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T47.8X2S Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting gastrointestinal system, intentional self-harm, sequela
T47.8X3A Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting gastrointestinal system, assault, initial encounter
T47.8X3D Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting gastrointestinal system, assault, subsequent encounter
T47.8X3S Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting gastrointestinal system, assault, sequela
T47.8X4A Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting gastrointestinal system, undetermined, initial encounter
T47.8X4D Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting gastrointestinal system, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T47.8X4S Poisoning by other agents primarily affecting gastrointestinal system, undetermined, sequela
T47.8X5A Adverse effect of other agents primarily affecting gastrointestinal system, initial encounter
T47.8X5D Adverse effect of other agents primarily affecting gastrointestinal system, subsequent encounter
T47.8X5S Adverse effect of other agents primarily affecting gastrointestinal system, sequela
T47.91XA Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T47.91XD Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T47.91XS Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T47.92XA Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T47.92XD Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T47.92XS Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system, intentional self-harm, sequela
T47.93XA Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system, assault, initial encounter
T47.93XD Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system, assault, subsequent encounter
T47.93XS Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system, assault, sequela
T47.94XA Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system, undetermined, initial encounter
T47.94XD Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T47.94XS Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system, undetermined, sequela
T47.95XA Adverse effect of unspecified agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system, initial encounter
T47.95XD Adverse effect of unspecified agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system, subsequent encounter
T47.95XS Adverse effect of unspecified agents primarily affecting the gastrointestinal system, sequela
T48.0X1A Poisoning by oxytocic drugs, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T48.0X1D Poisoning by oxytocic drugs, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T48.0X1S Poisoning by oxytocic drugs, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T48.0X2A Poisoning by oxytocic drugs, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T48.0X2D Poisoning by oxytocic drugs, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T48.0X2S Poisoning by oxytocic drugs, intentional self-harm, sequela
T48.0X3A Poisoning by oxytocic drugs, assault, initial encounter
T48.0X3D Poisoning by oxytocic drugs, assault, subsequent encounter
T48.0X3S Poisoning by oxytocic drugs, assault, sequela
T48.0X4A Poisoning by oxytocic drugs, undetermined, initial encounter
T48.0X4D Poisoning by oxytocic drugs, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T48.0X4S Poisoning by oxytocic drugs, undetermined, sequela
T48.0X5A Adverse effect of oxytocic drugs, initial encounter
T48.0X5D Adverse effect of oxytocic drugs, subsequent encounter
T48.0X5S Adverse effect of oxytocic drugs, sequela
T48.1X1A Poisoning by skeletal muscle relaxants [neuromuscular blocking agents], accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T48.1X1D Poisoning by skeletal muscle relaxants [neuromuscular blocking agents], accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T48.1X1S Poisoning by skeletal muscle relaxants [neuromuscular blocking agents], accidental (unintentional), sequela
T48.1X2A Poisoning by skeletal muscle relaxants [neuromuscular blocking agents], intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T48.1X2D Poisoning by skeletal muscle relaxants [neuromuscular blocking agents], intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T48.1X2S Poisoning by skeletal muscle relaxants [neuromuscular blocking agents], intentional self-harm, sequela
T48.1X3A Poisoning by skeletal muscle relaxants [neuromuscular blocking agents], assault, initial encounter
T48.1X3D Poisoning by skeletal muscle relaxants [neuromuscular blocking agents], assault, subsequent encounter
T48.1X3S Poisoning by skeletal muscle relaxants [neuromuscular blocking agents], assault, sequela
T48.1X4A Poisoning by skeletal muscle relaxants [neuromuscular blocking agents], undetermined, initial encounter
T48.1X4D Poisoning by skeletal muscle relaxants [neuromuscular blocking agents], undetermined, subsequent encounter
T48.1X4S Poisoning by skeletal muscle relaxants [neuromuscular blocking agents], undetermined, sequela
T48.1X5A Adverse effect of skeletal muscle relaxants [neuromuscular blocking agents], initial encounter
T48.1X5D Adverse effect of skeletal muscle relaxants [neuromuscular blocking agents], subsequent encounter
T48.1X5S Adverse effect of skeletal muscle relaxants [neuromuscular blocking agents], sequela
T48.201A Poisoning by unspecified drugs acting on muscles, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T48.201D Poisoning by unspecified drugs acting on muscles, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T48.201S Poisoning by unspecified drugs acting on muscles, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T48.202A Poisoning by unspecified drugs acting on muscles, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T48.202D Poisoning by unspecified drugs acting on muscles, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T48.202S Poisoning by unspecified drugs acting on muscles, intentional self-harm, sequela
T48.203A Poisoning by unspecified drugs acting on muscles, assault, initial encounter
T48.203D Poisoning by unspecified drugs acting on muscles, assault, subsequent encounter
T48.203S Poisoning by unspecified drugs acting on muscles, assault, sequela
T48.204A Poisoning by unspecified drugs acting on muscles, undetermined, initial encounter
T48.204D Poisoning by unspecified drugs acting on muscles, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T48.204S Poisoning by unspecified drugs acting on muscles, undetermined, sequela
T48.205A Adverse effect of unspecified drugs acting on muscles, initial encounter
T48.205D Adverse effect of unspecified drugs acting on muscles, subsequent encounter
T48.205S Adverse effect of unspecified drugs acting on muscles, sequela
T48.291A Poisoning by other drugs acting on muscles, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T48.291D Poisoning by other drugs acting on muscles, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T48.291S Poisoning by other drugs acting on muscles, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T48.292A Poisoning by other drugs acting on muscles, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T48.292D Poisoning by other drugs acting on muscles, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T48.292S Poisoning by other drugs acting on muscles, intentional self-harm, sequela
T48.293A Poisoning by other drugs acting on muscles, assault, initial encounter
T48.293D Poisoning by other drugs acting on muscles, assault, subsequent encounter
T48.293S Poisoning by other drugs acting on muscles, assault, sequela
T48.294A Poisoning by other drugs acting on muscles, undetermined, initial encounter
T48.294D Poisoning by other drugs acting on muscles, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T48.294S Poisoning by other drugs acting on muscles, undetermined, sequela
T48.295A Adverse effect of other drugs acting on muscles, initial encounter
T48.295D Adverse effect of other drugs acting on muscles, subsequent encounter
T48.295S Adverse effect of other drugs acting on muscles, sequela
T48.3X1A Poisoning by antitussives, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T48.3X1D Poisoning by antitussives, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T48.3X1S Poisoning by antitussives, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T48.3X2A Poisoning by antitussives, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T48.3X2D Poisoning by antitussives, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T48.3X2S Poisoning by antitussives, intentional self-harm, sequela
T48.3X3A Poisoning by antitussives, assault, initial encounter
T48.3X3D Poisoning by antitussives, assault, subsequent encounter
T48.3X3S Poisoning by antitussives, assault, sequela
T48.3X4A Poisoning by antitussives, undetermined, initial encounter
T48.3X4D Poisoning by antitussives, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T48.3X4S Poisoning by antitussives, undetermined, sequela
T48.3X5A Adverse effect of antitussives, initial encounter
T48.3X5D Adverse effect of antitussives, subsequent encounter
T48.3X5S Adverse effect of antitussives, sequela
T48.4X1A Poisoning by expectorants, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T48.4X1D Poisoning by expectorants, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T48.4X1S Poisoning by expectorants, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T48.4X2A Poisoning by expectorants, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T48.4X2D Poisoning by expectorants, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T48.4X2S Poisoning by expectorants, intentional self-harm, sequela
T48.4X3A Poisoning by expectorants, assault, initial encounter
T48.4X3D Poisoning by expectorants, assault, subsequent encounter
T48.4X3S Poisoning by expectorants, assault, sequela
T48.4X4A Poisoning by expectorants, undetermined, initial encounter
T48.4X4D Poisoning by expectorants, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T48.4X4S Poisoning by expectorants, undetermined, sequela
T48.4X5A Adverse effect of expectorants, initial encounter
T48.4X5D Adverse effect of expectorants, subsequent encounter
T48.4X5S Adverse effect of expectorants, sequela
T48.5X1A Poisoning by other anti-common-cold drugs, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T48.5X1D Poisoning by other anti-common-cold drugs, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T48.5X1S Poisoning by other anti-common-cold drugs, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T48.5X2A Poisoning by other anti-common-cold drugs, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T48.5X2D Poisoning by other anti-common-cold drugs, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T48.5X2S Poisoning by other anti-common-cold drugs, intentional self-harm, sequela
T48.5X3A Poisoning by other anti-common-cold drugs, assault, initial encounter
T48.5X3D Poisoning by other anti-common-cold drugs, assault, subsequent encounter
T48.5X3S Poisoning by other anti-common-cold drugs, assault, sequela
T48.5X4A Poisoning by other anti-common-cold drugs, undetermined, initial encounter
T48.5X4D Poisoning by other anti-common-cold drugs, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T48.5X4S Poisoning by other anti-common-cold drugs, undetermined, sequela
T48.5X5A Adverse effect of other anti-common-cold drugs, initial encounter
T48.5X5D Adverse effect of other anti-common-cold drugs, subsequent encounter
T48.5X5S Adverse effect of other anti-common-cold drugs, sequela
T48.6X1A Poisoning by antiasthmatics, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T48.6X1D Poisoning by antiasthmatics, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T48.6X1S Poisoning by antiasthmatics, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T48.6X2A Poisoning by antiasthmatics, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T48.6X2D Poisoning by antiasthmatics, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T48.6X2S Poisoning by antiasthmatics, intentional self-harm, sequela
T48.6X3A Poisoning by antiasthmatics, assault, initial encounter
T48.6X3D Poisoning by antiasthmatics, assault, subsequent encounter
T48.6X3S Poisoning by antiasthmatics, assault, sequela
T48.6X4A Poisoning by antiasthmatics, undetermined, initial encounter
T48.6X4D Poisoning by antiasthmatics, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T48.6X4S Poisoning by antiasthmatics, undetermined, sequela
T48.6X5A Adverse effect of antiasthmatics, initial encounter
T48.6X5D Adverse effect of antiasthmatics, subsequent encounter
T48.6X5S Adverse effect of antiasthmatics, sequela
T48.6X6A Underdosing of antiasthmatics, initial encounter
T48.6X6D Underdosing of antiasthmatics, subsequent encounter
T48.6X6S Underdosing of antiasthmatics, sequela
T48.901A Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T48.901D Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T48.901S Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T48.902A Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T48.902D Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T48.902S Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, intentional self-harm, sequela
T48.903A Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, assault, initial encounter
T48.903D Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, assault, subsequent encounter
T48.903S Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, assault, sequela
T48.904A Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, undetermined, initial encounter
T48.904D Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T48.904S Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, undetermined, sequela
T48.905A Adverse effect of unspecified agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, initial encounter
T48.905D Adverse effect of unspecified agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, subsequent encounter
T48.905S Adverse effect of unspecified agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, sequela
T48.906A Underdosing of unspecified agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, initial encounter
T48.906D Underdosing of unspecified agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, subsequent encounter
T48.906S Underdosing of unspecified agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, sequela
T48.991A Poisoning by other agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T48.991D Poisoning by other agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T48.991S Poisoning by other agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T48.992A Poisoning by other agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T48.992D Poisoning by other agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T48.992S Poisoning by other agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, intentional self-harm, sequela
T48.993A Poisoning by other agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, assault, initial encounter
T48.993D Poisoning by other agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, assault, subsequent encounter
T48.993S Poisoning by other agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, assault, sequela
T48.994A Poisoning by other agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, undetermined, initial encounter
T48.994D Poisoning by other agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T48.994S Poisoning by other agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, undetermined, sequela
T48.995A Adverse effect of other agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, initial encounter
T48.995D Adverse effect of other agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, subsequent encounter
T48.995S Adverse effect of other agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, sequela
T48.996A Underdosing of other agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, initial encounter
T48.996D Underdosing of other agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, subsequent encounter
T48.996S Underdosing of other agents primarily acting on the respiratory system, sequela
T49.0X1A Poisoning by local antifungal, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory drugs, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T49.0X1D Poisoning by local antifungal, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory drugs, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T49.0X1S Poisoning by local antifungal, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory drugs, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T49.0X2A Poisoning by local antifungal, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory drugs, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T49.0X2D Poisoning by local antifungal, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory drugs, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T49.0X2S Poisoning by local antifungal, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory drugs, intentional self-harm, sequela
T49.0X3A Poisoning by local antifungal, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory drugs, assault, initial encounter
T49.0X3D Poisoning by local antifungal, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory drugs, assault, subsequent encounter
T49.0X3S Poisoning by local antifungal, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory drugs, assault, sequela
T49.0X4A Poisoning by local antifungal, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory drugs, undetermined, initial encounter
T49.0X4D Poisoning by local antifungal, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory drugs, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T49.0X4S Poisoning by local antifungal, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory drugs, undetermined, sequela
T49.0X5A Adverse effect of local antifungal, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory drugs, initial encounter
T49.0X5D Adverse effect of local antifungal, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory drugs, subsequent encounter
T49.0X5S Adverse effect of local antifungal, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory drugs, sequela
T49.0X6A Underdosing of local antifungal, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory drugs, initial encounter
T49.0X6D Underdosing of local antifungal, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory drugs, subsequent encounter
T49.0X6S Underdosing of local antifungal, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory drugs, sequela
T49.1X1A Poisoning by antipruritics, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T49.1X1D Poisoning by antipruritics, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T49.1X1S Poisoning by antipruritics, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T49.1X2A Poisoning by antipruritics, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T49.1X2D Poisoning by antipruritics, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T49.1X2S Poisoning by antipruritics, intentional self-harm, sequela
T49.1X3A Poisoning by antipruritics, assault, initial encounter
T49.1X3D Poisoning by antipruritics, assault, subsequent encounter
T49.1X3S Poisoning by antipruritics, assault, sequela
T49.1X4A Poisoning by antipruritics, undetermined, initial encounter
T49.1X4D Poisoning by antipruritics, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T49.1X4S Poisoning by antipruritics, undetermined, sequela
T49.1X5A Adverse effect of antipruritics, initial encounter
T49.1X5D Adverse effect of antipruritics, subsequent encounter
T49.1X5S Adverse effect of antipruritics, sequela
T49.2X1A Poisoning by local astringents and local detergents, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T49.2X1D Poisoning by local astringents and local detergents, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T49.2X1S Poisoning by local astringents and local detergents, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T49.2X2A Poisoning by local astringents and local detergents, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T49.2X2D Poisoning by local astringents and local detergents, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T49.2X2S Poisoning by local astringents and local detergents, intentional self-harm, sequela
T49.2X3A Poisoning by local astringents and local detergents, assault, initial encounter
T49.2X3D Poisoning by local astringents and local detergents, assault, subsequent encounter
T49.2X3S Poisoning by local astringents and local detergents, assault, sequela
T49.2X4A Poisoning by local astringents and local detergents, undetermined, initial encounter
T49.2X4D Poisoning by local astringents and local detergents, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T49.2X4S Poisoning by local astringents and local detergents, undetermined, sequela
T49.2X5A Adverse effect of local astringents and local detergents, initial encounter
T49.2X5D Adverse effect of local astringents and local detergents, subsequent encounter
T49.2X5S Adverse effect of local astringents and local detergents, sequela
T49.3X1A Poisoning by emollients, demulcents and protectants, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T49.3X1D Poisoning by emollients, demulcents and protectants, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T49.3X1S Poisoning by emollients, demulcents and protectants, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T49.3X2A Poisoning by emollients, demulcents and protectants, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T49.3X2D Poisoning by emollients, demulcents and protectants, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T49.3X2S Poisoning by emollients, demulcents and protectants, intentional self-harm, sequela
T49.3X3A Poisoning by emollients, demulcents and protectants, assault, initial encounter
T49.3X3D Poisoning by emollients, demulcents and protectants, assault, subsequent encounter
T49.3X3S Poisoning by emollients, demulcents and protectants, assault, sequela
T49.3X4A Poisoning by emollients, demulcents and protectants, undetermined, initial encounter
T49.3X4D Poisoning by emollients, demulcents and protectants, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T49.3X4S Poisoning by emollients, demulcents and protectants, undetermined, sequela
T49.3X5A Adverse effect of emollients, demulcents and protectants, initial encounter
T49.3X5D Adverse effect of emollients, demulcents and protectants, subsequent encounter
T49.3X5S Adverse effect of emollients, demulcents and protectants, sequela
T49.3X6A Underdosing of emollients, demulcents and protectants, initial encounter
T49.3X6D Underdosing of emollients, demulcents and protectants, subsequent encounter
T49.3X6S Underdosing of emollients, demulcents and protectants, sequela
T49.4X1A Poisoning by keratolytics, keratoplastics, and other hair treatment drugs and preparations, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T49.4X1D Poisoning by keratolytics, keratoplastics, and other hair treatment drugs and preparations, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T49.4X1S Poisoning by keratolytics, keratoplastics, and other hair treatment drugs and preparations, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T49.4X2A Poisoning by keratolytics, keratoplastics, and other hair treatment drugs and preparations, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T49.4X2D Poisoning by keratolytics, keratoplastics, and other hair treatment drugs and preparations, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T49.4X2S Poisoning by keratolytics, keratoplastics, and other hair treatment drugs and preparations, intentional self-harm, sequela
T49.4X3A Poisoning by keratolytics, keratoplastics, and other hair treatment drugs and preparations, assault, initial encounter
T49.4X3D Poisoning by keratolytics, keratoplastics, and other hair treatment drugs and preparations, assault, subsequent encounter
T49.4X3S Poisoning by keratolytics, keratoplastics, and other hair treatment drugs and preparations, assault, sequela
T49.4X4A Poisoning by keratolytics, keratoplastics, and other hair treatment drugs and preparations, undetermined, initial encounter
T49.4X4D Poisoning by keratolytics, keratoplastics, and other hair treatment drugs and preparations, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T49.4X4S Poisoning by keratolytics, keratoplastics, and other hair treatment drugs and preparations, undetermined, sequela
T49.4X5A Adverse effect of keratolytics, keratoplastics, and other hair treatment drugs and preparations, initial encounter
T49.4X5D Adverse effect of keratolytics, keratoplastics, and other hair treatment drugs and preparations, subsequent encounter
T49.4X5S Adverse effect of keratolytics, keratoplastics, and other hair treatment drugs and preparations, sequela
T49.5X1A Poisoning by ophthalmological drugs and preparations, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T49.5X1D Poisoning by ophthalmological drugs and preparations, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T49.5X1S Poisoning by ophthalmological drugs and preparations, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T49.5X2A Poisoning by ophthalmological drugs and preparations, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T49.5X2D Poisoning by ophthalmological drugs and preparations, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T49.5X2S Poisoning by ophthalmological drugs and preparations, intentional self-harm, sequela
T49.5X3A Poisoning by ophthalmological drugs and preparations, assault, initial encounter
T49.5X3D Poisoning by ophthalmological drugs and preparations, assault, subsequent encounter
T49.5X3S Poisoning by ophthalmological drugs and preparations, assault, sequela
T49.5X4A Poisoning by ophthalmological drugs and preparations, undetermined, initial encounter
T49.5X4D Poisoning by ophthalmological drugs and preparations, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T49.5X4S Poisoning by ophthalmological drugs and preparations, undetermined, sequela
T49.5X5A Adverse effect of ophthalmological drugs and preparations, initial encounter
T49.5X5D Adverse effect of ophthalmological drugs and preparations, subsequent encounter
T49.5X5S Adverse effect of ophthalmological drugs and preparations, sequela
T49.6X1A Poisoning by otorhinolaryngological drugs and preparations, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T49.6X1D Poisoning by otorhinolaryngological drugs and preparations, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T49.6X1S Poisoning by otorhinolaryngological drugs and preparations, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T49.6X2A Poisoning by otorhinolaryngological drugs and preparations, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T49.6X2D Poisoning by otorhinolaryngological drugs and preparations, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T49.6X2S Poisoning by otorhinolaryngological drugs and preparations, intentional self-harm, sequela
T49.6X3A Poisoning by otorhinolaryngological drugs and preparations, assault, initial encounter
T49.6X3D Poisoning by otorhinolaryngological drugs and preparations, assault, subsequent encounter
T49.6X3S Poisoning by otorhinolaryngological drugs and preparations, assault, sequela
T49.6X4A Poisoning by otorhinolaryngological drugs and preparations, undetermined, initial encounter
T49.6X4D Poisoning by otorhinolaryngological drugs and preparations, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T49.6X4S Poisoning by otorhinolaryngological drugs and preparations, undetermined, sequela
T49.6X5A Adverse effect of otorhinolaryngological drugs and preparations, initial encounter
T49.6X5D Adverse effect of otorhinolaryngological drugs and preparations, subsequent encounter
T49.6X5S Adverse effect of otorhinolaryngological drugs and preparations, sequela
T49.7X1A Poisoning by dental drugs, topically applied, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T49.7X1D Poisoning by dental drugs, topically applied, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T49.7X1S Poisoning by dental drugs, topically applied, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T49.7X2A Poisoning by dental drugs, topically applied, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T49.7X2D Poisoning by dental drugs, topically applied, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T49.7X2S Poisoning by dental drugs, topically applied, intentional self-harm, sequela
T49.7X3A Poisoning by dental drugs, topically applied, assault, initial encounter
T49.7X3D Poisoning by dental drugs, topically applied, assault, subsequent encounter
T49.7X3S Poisoning by dental drugs, topically applied, assault, sequela
T49.7X4A Poisoning by dental drugs, topically applied, undetermined, initial encounter
T49.7X4D Poisoning by dental drugs, topically applied, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T49.7X4S Poisoning by dental drugs, topically applied, undetermined, sequela
T49.7X5A Adverse effect of dental drugs, topically applied, initial encounter
T49.7X5D Adverse effect of dental drugs, topically applied, subsequent encounter
T49.7X5S Adverse effect of dental drugs, topically applied, sequela
T49.8X1A Poisoning by other topical agents, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T49.8X1D Poisoning by other topical agents, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T49.8X1S Poisoning by other topical agents, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T49.8X2A Poisoning by other topical agents, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T49.8X2D Poisoning by other topical agents, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T49.8X2S Poisoning by other topical agents, intentional self-harm, sequela
T49.8X3A Poisoning by other topical agents, assault, initial encounter
T49.8X3D Poisoning by other topical agents, assault, subsequent encounter
T49.8X3S Poisoning by other topical agents, assault, sequela
T49.8X4A Poisoning by other topical agents, undetermined, initial encounter
T49.8X4D Poisoning by other topical agents, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T49.8X4S Poisoning by other topical agents, undetermined, sequela
T49.8X5A Adverse effect of other topical agents, initial encounter
T49.8X5D Adverse effect of other topical agents, subsequent encounter
T49.8X5S Adverse effect of other topical agents, sequela
T49.91XA Poisoning by unspecified topical agent, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T49.91XD Poisoning by unspecified topical agent, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T49.91XS Poisoning by unspecified topical agent, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T49.92XA Poisoning by unspecified topical agent, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T49.92XD Poisoning by unspecified topical agent, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T49.92XS Poisoning by unspecified topical agent, intentional self-harm, sequela
T49.93XA Poisoning by unspecified topical agent, assault, initial encounter
T49.93XD Poisoning by unspecified topical agent, assault, subsequent encounter
T49.93XS Poisoning by unspecified topical agent, assault, sequela
T49.94XA Poisoning by unspecified topical agent, undetermined, initial encounter
T49.94XD Poisoning by unspecified topical agent, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T49.94XS Poisoning by unspecified topical agent, undetermined, sequela
T49.95XA Adverse effect of unspecified topical agent, initial encounter
T49.95XD Adverse effect of unspecified topical agent, subsequent encounter
T49.95XS Adverse effect of unspecified topical agent, sequela
T50.0X1A Poisoning by mineralocorticoids and their antagonists, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T50.0X1D Poisoning by mineralocorticoids and their antagonists, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T50.0X1S Poisoning by mineralocorticoids and their antagonists, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T50.0X2A Poisoning by mineralocorticoids and their antagonists, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T50.0X2D Poisoning by mineralocorticoids and their antagonists, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T50.0X2S Poisoning by mineralocorticoids and their antagonists, intentional self-harm, sequela
T50.0X3A Poisoning by mineralocorticoids and their antagonists, assault, initial encounter
T50.0X3D Poisoning by mineralocorticoids and their antagonists, assault, subsequent encounter
T50.0X3S Poisoning by mineralocorticoids and their antagonists, assault, sequela
T50.0X4A Poisoning by mineralocorticoids and their antagonists, undetermined, initial encounter
T50.0X4D Poisoning by mineralocorticoids and their antagonists, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T50.0X4S Poisoning by mineralocorticoids and their antagonists, undetermined, sequela
T50.0X5A Adverse effect of mineralocorticoids and their antagonists, initial encounter
T50.0X5D Adverse effect of mineralocorticoids and their antagonists, subsequent encounter
T50.0X5S Adverse effect of mineralocorticoids and their antagonists, sequela
T50.0X6A Underdosing of mineralocorticoids and their antagonists, initial encounter
T50.0X6D Underdosing of mineralocorticoids and their antagonists, subsequent encounter
T50.0X6S Underdosing of mineralocorticoids and their antagonists, sequela
T50.1X1A Poisoning by loop [high-ceiling] diuretics, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T50.1X1D Poisoning by loop [high-ceiling] diuretics, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T50.1X1S Poisoning by loop [high-ceiling] diuretics, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T50.1X2A Poisoning by loop [high-ceiling] diuretics, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T50.1X2D Poisoning by loop [high-ceiling] diuretics, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T50.1X2S Poisoning by loop [high-ceiling] diuretics, intentional self-harm, sequela
T50.1X3A Poisoning by loop [high-ceiling] diuretics, assault, initial encounter
T50.1X3D Poisoning by loop [high-ceiling] diuretics, assault, subsequent encounter
T50.1X3S Poisoning by loop [high-ceiling] diuretics, assault, sequela
T50.1X4A Poisoning by loop [high-ceiling] diuretics, undetermined, initial encounter
T50.1X4D Poisoning by loop [high-ceiling] diuretics, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T50.1X4S Poisoning by loop [high-ceiling] diuretics, undetermined, sequela
T50.1X5A Adverse effect of loop [high-ceiling] diuretics, initial encounter
T50.1X5D Adverse effect of loop [high-ceiling] diuretics, subsequent encounter
T50.1X5S Adverse effect of loop [high-ceiling] diuretics, sequela
T50.1X6A Underdosing of loop [high-ceiling] diuretics, initial encounter
T50.1X6D Underdosing of loop [high-ceiling] diuretics, subsequent encounter
T50.1X6S Underdosing of loop [high-ceiling] diuretics, sequela
T50.2X1A Poisoning by carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors, benzothiadiazides and other diuretics, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T50.2X1D Poisoning by carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors, benzothiadiazides and other diuretics, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T50.2X1S Poisoning by carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors, benzothiadiazides and other diuretics, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T50.2X2A Poisoning by carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors, benzothiadiazides and other diuretics, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T50.2X2D Poisoning by carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors, benzothiadiazides and other diuretics, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T50.2X2S Poisoning by carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors, benzothiadiazides and other diuretics, intentional self-harm, sequela
T50.2X3A Poisoning by carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors, benzothiadiazides and other diuretics, assault, initial encounter
T50.2X3D Poisoning by carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors, benzothiadiazides and other diuretics, assault, subsequent encounter
T50.2X3S Poisoning by carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors, benzothiadiazides and other diuretics, assault, sequela
T50.2X4A Poisoning by carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors, benzothiadiazides and other diuretics, undetermined, initial encounter
T50.2X4D Poisoning by carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors, benzothiadiazides and other diuretics, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T50.2X4S Poisoning by carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors, benzothiadiazides and other diuretics, undetermined, sequela
T50.2X5A Adverse effect of carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors, benzothiadiazides and other diuretics, initial encounter
T50.2X5D Adverse effect of carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors, benzothiadiazides and other diuretics, subsequent encounter
T50.2X5S Adverse effect of carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors, benzothiadiazides and other diuretics, sequela
T50.2X6A Underdosing of carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors, benzothiadiazides and other diuretics, initial encounter
T50.2X6D Underdosing of carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors, benzothiadiazides and other diuretics, subsequent encounter
T50.2X6S Underdosing of carbonic-anhydrase inhibitors, benzothiadiazides and other diuretics, sequela
T50.3X1A Poisoning by electrolytic, caloric and water-balance agents, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T50.3X1D Poisoning by electrolytic, caloric and water-balance agents, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T50.3X1S Poisoning by electrolytic, caloric and water-balance agents, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T50.3X2A Poisoning by electrolytic, caloric and water-balance agents, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T50.3X2D Poisoning by electrolytic, caloric and water-balance agents, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T50.3X2S Poisoning by electrolytic, caloric and water-balance agents, intentional self-harm, sequela
T50.3X3A Poisoning by electrolytic, caloric and water-balance agents, assault, initial encounter
T50.3X3D Poisoning by electrolytic, caloric and water-balance agents, assault, subsequent encounter
T50.3X3S Poisoning by electrolytic, caloric and water-balance agents, assault, sequela
T50.3X4A Poisoning by electrolytic, caloric and water-balance agents, undetermined, initial encounter
T50.3X4D Poisoning by electrolytic, caloric and water-balance agents, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T50.3X4S Poisoning by electrolytic, caloric and water-balance agents, undetermined, sequela
T50.3X5A Adverse effect of electrolytic, caloric and water-balance agents, initial encounter
T50.3X5D Adverse effect of electrolytic, caloric and water-balance agents, subsequent encounter
T50.3X5S Adverse effect of electrolytic, caloric and water-balance agents, sequela
T50.3X6A Underdosing of electrolytic, caloric and water-balance agents, initial encounter
T50.3X6D Underdosing of electrolytic, caloric and water-balance agents, subsequent encounter
T50.3X6S Underdosing of electrolytic, caloric and water-balance agents, sequela
T50.4X1A Poisoning by drugs affecting uric acid metabolism, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T50.4X1D Poisoning by drugs affecting uric acid metabolism, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T50.4X1S Poisoning by drugs affecting uric acid metabolism, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T50.4X2A Poisoning by drugs affecting uric acid metabolism, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T50.4X2D Poisoning by drugs affecting uric acid metabolism, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T50.4X2S Poisoning by drugs affecting uric acid metabolism, intentional self-harm, sequela
T50.4X3A Poisoning by drugs affecting uric acid metabolism, assault, initial encounter
T50.4X3D Poisoning by drugs affecting uric acid metabolism, assault, subsequent encounter
T50.4X3S Poisoning by drugs affecting uric acid metabolism, assault, sequela
T50.4X4A Poisoning by drugs affecting uric acid metabolism, undetermined, initial encounter
T50.4X4D Poisoning by drugs affecting uric acid metabolism, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T50.4X4S Poisoning by drugs affecting uric acid metabolism, undetermined, sequela
T50.4X5A Adverse effect of drugs affecting uric acid metabolism, initial encounter
T50.4X5D Adverse effect of drugs affecting uric acid metabolism, subsequent encounter
T50.4X5S Adverse effect of drugs affecting uric acid metabolism, sequela
T50.4X6A Underdosing of drugs affecting uric acid metabolism, initial encounter
T50.4X6D Underdosing of drugs affecting uric acid metabolism, subsequent encounter
T50.4X6S Underdosing of drugs affecting uric acid metabolism, sequela
T50.5X1A Poisoning by appetite depressants, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T50.5X1D Poisoning by appetite depressants, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T50.5X1S Poisoning by appetite depressants, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T50.5X2A Poisoning by appetite depressants, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T50.5X2D Poisoning by appetite depressants, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T50.5X2S Poisoning by appetite depressants, intentional self-harm, sequela
T50.5X3A Poisoning by appetite depressants, assault, initial encounter
T50.5X3D Poisoning by appetite depressants, assault, subsequent encounter
T50.5X3S Poisoning by appetite depressants, assault, sequela
T50.5X4A Poisoning by appetite depressants, undetermined, initial encounter
T50.5X4D Poisoning by appetite depressants, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T50.5X4S Poisoning by appetite depressants, undetermined, sequela
T50.5X5A Adverse effect of appetite depressants, initial encounter
T50.5X5D Adverse effect of appetite depressants, subsequent encounter
T50.5X5S Adverse effect of appetite depressants, sequela
T50.6X1A Poisoning by antidotes and chelating agents, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T50.6X1D Poisoning by antidotes and chelating agents, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T50.6X1S Poisoning by antidotes and chelating agents, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T50.6X2A Poisoning by antidotes and chelating agents, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T50.6X2D Poisoning by antidotes and chelating agents, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T50.6X2S Poisoning by antidotes and chelating agents, intentional self-harm, sequela
T50.6X3A Poisoning by antidotes and chelating agents, assault, initial encounter
T50.6X3D Poisoning by antidotes and chelating agents, assault, subsequent encounter
T50.6X3S Poisoning by antidotes and chelating agents, assault, sequela
T50.6X4A Poisoning by antidotes and chelating agents, undetermined, initial encounter
T50.6X4D Poisoning by antidotes and chelating agents, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T50.6X4S Poisoning by antidotes and chelating agents, undetermined, sequela
T50.6X5A Adverse effect of antidotes and chelating agents, initial encounter
T50.6X5D Adverse effect of antidotes and chelating agents, subsequent encounter
T50.6X5S Adverse effect of antidotes and chelating agents, sequela
T50.6X6A Underdosing of antidotes and chelating agents, initial encounter
T50.6X6D Underdosing of antidotes and chelating agents, subsequent encounter
T50.6X6S Underdosing of antidotes and chelating agents, sequela
T50.7X1A Poisoning by analeptics and opioid receptor antagonists, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T50.7X1D Poisoning by analeptics and opioid receptor antagonists, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T50.7X1S Poisoning by analeptics and opioid receptor antagonists, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T50.7X2A Poisoning by analeptics and opioid receptor antagonists, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T50.7X2D Poisoning by analeptics and opioid receptor antagonists, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T50.7X2S Poisoning by analeptics and opioid receptor antagonists, intentional self-harm, sequela
T50.7X3A Poisoning by analeptics and opioid receptor antagonists, assault, initial encounter
T50.7X3D Poisoning by analeptics and opioid receptor antagonists, assault, subsequent encounter
T50.7X3S Poisoning by analeptics and opioid receptor antagonists, assault, sequela
T50.7X4A Poisoning by analeptics and opioid receptor antagonists, undetermined, initial encounter
T50.7X4D Poisoning by analeptics and opioid receptor antagonists, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T50.7X4S Poisoning by analeptics and opioid receptor antagonists, undetermined, sequela
T50.7X5A Adverse effect of analeptics and opioid receptor antagonists, initial encounter
T50.7X5D Adverse effect of analeptics and opioid receptor antagonists, subsequent encounter
T50.7X5S Adverse effect of analeptics and opioid receptor antagonists, sequela
T50.7X6A Underdosing of analeptics and opioid receptor antagonists, initial encounter
T50.7X6D Underdosing of analeptics and opioid receptor antagonists, subsequent encounter
T50.7X6S Underdosing of analeptics and opioid receptor antagonists, sequela
T50.8X1A Poisoning by diagnostic agents, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T50.8X1D Poisoning by diagnostic agents, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T50.8X1S Poisoning by diagnostic agents, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T50.8X2A Poisoning by diagnostic agents, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T50.8X2D Poisoning by diagnostic agents, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T50.8X2S Poisoning by diagnostic agents, intentional self-harm, sequela
T50.8X3A Poisoning by diagnostic agents, assault, initial encounter
T50.8X3D Poisoning by diagnostic agents, assault, subsequent encounter
T50.8X3S Poisoning by diagnostic agents, assault, sequela
T50.8X4A Poisoning by diagnostic agents, undetermined, initial encounter
T50.8X4D Poisoning by diagnostic agents, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T50.8X4S Poisoning by diagnostic agents, undetermined, sequela
T50.8X5A Adverse effect of diagnostic agents, initial encounter
T50.8X5D Adverse effect of diagnostic agents, subsequent encounter
T50.8X5S Adverse effect of diagnostic agents, sequela
T50.A11A Poisoning by pertussis vaccine, including combinations with a pertussis component, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T50.A11D Poisoning by pertussis vaccine, including combinations with a pertussis component, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T50.A11S Poisoning by pertussis vaccine, including combinations with a pertussis component, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T50.A12A Poisoning by pertussis vaccine, including combinations with a pertussis component, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T50.A12D Poisoning by pertussis vaccine, including combinations with a pertussis component, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T50.A12S Poisoning by pertussis vaccine, including combinations with a pertussis component, intentional self-harm, sequela
T50.A13A Poisoning by pertussis vaccine, including combinations with a pertussis component, assault, initial encounter
T50.A13D Poisoning by pertussis vaccine, including combinations with a pertussis component, assault, subsequent encounter
T50.A13S Poisoning by pertussis vaccine, including combinations with a pertussis component, assault, sequela
T50.A14A Poisoning by pertussis vaccine, including combinations with a pertussis component, undetermined, initial encounter
T50.A14D Poisoning by pertussis vaccine, including combinations with a pertussis component, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T50.A14S Poisoning by pertussis vaccine, including combinations with a pertussis component, undetermined, sequela
T50.A15A Adverse effect of pertussis vaccine, including combinations with a pertussis component, initial encounter
T50.A15D Adverse effect of pertussis vaccine, including combinations with a pertussis component, subsequent encounter
T50.A15S Adverse effect of pertussis vaccine, including combinations with a pertussis component, sequela
T50.A21A Poisoning by mixed bacterial vaccines without a pertussis component, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T50.A21D Poisoning by mixed bacterial vaccines without a pertussis component, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T50.A21S Poisoning by mixed bacterial vaccines without a pertussis component, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T50.A22A Poisoning by mixed bacterial vaccines without a pertussis component, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T50.A22D Poisoning by mixed bacterial vaccines without a pertussis component, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T50.A22S Poisoning by mixed bacterial vaccines without a pertussis component, intentional self-harm, sequela
T50.A23A Poisoning by mixed bacterial vaccines without a pertussis component, assault, initial encounter
T50.A23D Poisoning by mixed bacterial vaccines without a pertussis component, assault, subsequent encounter
T50.A23S Poisoning by mixed bacterial vaccines without a pertussis component, assault, sequela
T50.A24A Poisoning by mixed bacterial vaccines without a pertussis component, undetermined, initial encounter
T50.A24D Poisoning by mixed bacterial vaccines without a pertussis component, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T50.A24S Poisoning by mixed bacterial vaccines without a pertussis component, undetermined, sequela
T50.A25A Adverse effect of mixed bacterial vaccines without a pertussis component, initial encounter
T50.A25D Adverse effect of mixed bacterial vaccines without a pertussis component, subsequent encounter
T50.A25S Adverse effect of mixed bacterial vaccines without a pertussis component, sequela
T50.A91A Poisoning by other bacterial vaccines, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T50.A91D Poisoning by other bacterial vaccines, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T50.A91S Poisoning by other bacterial vaccines, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T50.A92A Poisoning by other bacterial vaccines, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T50.A92D Poisoning by other bacterial vaccines, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T50.A92S Poisoning by other bacterial vaccines, intentional self-harm, sequela
T50.A93A Poisoning by other bacterial vaccines, assault, initial encounter
T50.A93D Poisoning by other bacterial vaccines, assault, subsequent encounter
T50.A93S Poisoning by other bacterial vaccines, assault, sequela
T50.A94A Poisoning by other bacterial vaccines, undetermined, initial encounter
T50.A94D Poisoning by other bacterial vaccines, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T50.A94S Poisoning by other bacterial vaccines, undetermined, sequela
T50.A95A Adverse effect of other bacterial vaccines, initial encounter
T50.A95D Adverse effect of other bacterial vaccines, subsequent encounter
T50.A95S Adverse effect of other bacterial vaccines, sequela
T50.B11A Poisoning by smallpox vaccines, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T50.B11D Poisoning by smallpox vaccines, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T50.B11S Poisoning by smallpox vaccines, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T50.B12A Poisoning by smallpox vaccines, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T50.B12D Poisoning by smallpox vaccines, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T50.B12S Poisoning by smallpox vaccines, intentional self-harm, sequela
T50.B13A Poisoning by smallpox vaccines, assault, initial encounter
T50.B13D Poisoning by smallpox vaccines, assault, subsequent encounter
T50.B13S Poisoning by smallpox vaccines, assault, sequela
T50.B14A Poisoning by smallpox vaccines, undetermined, initial encounter
T50.B14D Poisoning by smallpox vaccines, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T50.B14S Poisoning by smallpox vaccines, undetermined, sequela
T50.B15A Adverse effect of smallpox vaccines, initial encounter
T50.B15D Adverse effect of smallpox vaccines, subsequent encounter
T50.B15S Adverse effect of smallpox vaccines, sequela
T50.B91A Poisoning by other viral vaccines, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T50.B91D Poisoning by other viral vaccines, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T50.B91S Poisoning by other viral vaccines, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T50.B92A Poisoning by other viral vaccines, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T50.B92D Poisoning by other viral vaccines, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T50.B92S Poisoning by other viral vaccines, intentional self-harm, sequela
T50.B93A Poisoning by other viral vaccines, assault, initial encounter
T50.B93D Poisoning by other viral vaccines, assault, subsequent encounter
T50.B93S Poisoning by other viral vaccines, assault, sequela
T50.B94A Poisoning by other viral vaccines, undetermined, initial encounter
T50.B94D Poisoning by other viral vaccines, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T50.B94S Poisoning by other viral vaccines, undetermined, sequela
T50.B95A Adverse effect of other viral vaccines, initial encounter
T50.B95D Adverse effect of other viral vaccines, subsequent encounter
T50.B95S Adverse effect of other viral vaccines, sequela
T50.Z11A Poisoning by immunoglobulin, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T50.Z11D Poisoning by immunoglobulin, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T50.Z11S Poisoning by immunoglobulin, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T50.Z12A Poisoning by immunoglobulin, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T50.Z12D Poisoning by immunoglobulin, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T50.Z12S Poisoning by immunoglobulin, intentional self-harm, sequela
T50.Z13A Poisoning by immunoglobulin, assault, initial encounter
T50.Z13D Poisoning by immunoglobulin, assault, subsequent encounter
T50.Z13S Poisoning by immunoglobulin, assault, sequela
T50.Z14A Poisoning by immunoglobulin, undetermined, initial encounter
T50.Z14D Poisoning by immunoglobulin, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T50.Z14S Poisoning by immunoglobulin, undetermined, sequela
T50.Z15A Adverse effect of immunoglobulin, initial encounter
T50.Z15D Adverse effect of immunoglobulin, subsequent encounter
T50.Z15S Adverse effect of immunoglobulin, sequela
T50.Z16A Underdosing of immunoglobulin, initial encounter
T50.Z16D Underdosing of immunoglobulin, subsequent encounter
T50.Z16S Underdosing of immunoglobulin, sequela
T50.Z91A Poisoning by other vaccines and biological substances, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T50.Z91D Poisoning by other vaccines and biological substances, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T50.Z91S Poisoning by other vaccines and biological substances, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T50.Z92A Poisoning by other vaccines and biological substances, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T50.Z92D Poisoning by other vaccines and biological substances, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T50.Z92S Poisoning by other vaccines and biological substances, intentional self-harm, sequela
T50.Z93A Poisoning by other vaccines and biological substances, assault, initial encounter
T50.Z93D Poisoning by other vaccines and biological substances, assault, subsequent encounter
T50.Z93S Poisoning by other vaccines and biological substances, assault, sequela
T50.Z94A Poisoning by other vaccines and biological substances, undetermined, initial encounter
T50.Z94D Poisoning by other vaccines and biological substances, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T50.Z94S Poisoning by other vaccines and biological substances, undetermined, sequela
T50.Z95A Adverse effect of other vaccines and biological substances, initial encounter
T50.Z95D Adverse effect of other vaccines and biological substances, subsequent encounter
T50.Z95S Adverse effect of other vaccines and biological substances, sequela
T50.901A Poisoning by unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T50.901D Poisoning by unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T50.901S Poisoning by unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T50.902A Poisoning by unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T50.902D Poisoning by unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T50.902S Poisoning by unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, intentional self-harm, sequela
T50.903A Poisoning by unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, assault, initial encounter
T50.903D Poisoning by unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, assault, subsequent encounter
T50.903S Poisoning by unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, assault, sequela
T50.904A Poisoning by unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined, initial encounter
T50.904D Poisoning by unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T50.904S Poisoning by unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined, sequela
T50.905A Adverse effect of unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, initial encounter
T50.905D Adverse effect of unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, subsequent encounter
T50.905S Adverse effect of unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, sequela
T50.911A Poisoning by multiple unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T50.911D Poisoning by multiple unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T50.911S Poisoning by multiple unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T50.912A Poisoning by multiple unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T50.912D Poisoning by multiple unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T50.912S Poisoning by multiple unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, intentional self-harm, sequela
T50.913A Poisoning by multiple unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, assault, initial encounter
T50.913D Poisoning by multiple unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, assault, subsequent encounter
T50.913S Poisoning by multiple unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, assault, sequela
T50.914A Poisoning by multiple unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined, initial encounter
T50.914D Poisoning by multiple unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T50.914S Poisoning by multiple unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined, sequela
T50.915A Adverse effect of multiple unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, initial encounter
T50.915D Adverse effect of multiple unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, subsequent encounter
T50.915S Adverse effect of multiple unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, sequela
T50.916A Underdosing of multiple unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, initial encounter
T50.916D Underdosing of multiple unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, subsequent encounter
T50.916S Underdosing of multiple unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, sequela
T50.991A Poisoning by other drugs, medicaments and biological substances, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T50.991D Poisoning by other drugs, medicaments and biological substances, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T50.991S Poisoning by other drugs, medicaments and biological substances, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T50.992A Poisoning by other drugs, medicaments and biological substances, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T50.992D Poisoning by other drugs, medicaments and biological substances, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T50.992S Poisoning by other drugs, medicaments and biological substances, intentional self-harm, sequela
T50.993A Poisoning by other drugs, medicaments and biological substances, assault, initial encounter
T50.993D Poisoning by other drugs, medicaments and biological substances, assault, subsequent encounter
T50.993S Poisoning by other drugs, medicaments and biological substances, assault, sequela
T50.994A Poisoning by other drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined, initial encounter
T50.994D Poisoning by other drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T50.994S Poisoning by other drugs, medicaments and biological substances, undetermined, sequela
T50.995A Adverse effect of other drugs, medicaments and biological substances, initial encounter
T50.995D Adverse effect of other drugs, medicaments and biological substances, subsequent encounter
T50.995S Adverse effect of other drugs, medicaments and biological substances, sequela
T51.0X1A Toxic effect of ethanol, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T51.0X1D Toxic effect of ethanol, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T51.0X1S Toxic effect of ethanol, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T51.0X2A Toxic effect of ethanol, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T51.0X2D Toxic effect of ethanol, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T51.0X2S Toxic effect of ethanol, intentional self-harm, sequela
T51.0X3A Toxic effect of ethanol, assault, initial encounter
T51.0X3D Toxic effect of ethanol, assault, subsequent encounter
T51.0X3S Toxic effect of ethanol, assault, sequela
T51.0X4A Toxic effect of ethanol, undetermined, initial encounter
T51.0X4D Toxic effect of ethanol, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T51.0X4S Toxic effect of ethanol, undetermined, sequela
T51.1X1A Toxic effect of methanol, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T51.1X1D Toxic effect of methanol, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T51.1X1S Toxic effect of methanol, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T51.1X2A Toxic effect of methanol, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T51.1X2D Toxic effect of methanol, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T51.1X2S Toxic effect of methanol, intentional self-harm, sequela
T51.1X3A Toxic effect of methanol, assault, initial encounter
T51.1X3D Toxic effect of methanol, assault, subsequent encounter
T51.1X3S Toxic effect of methanol, assault, sequela
T51.1X4A Toxic effect of methanol, undetermined, initial encounter
T51.1X4D Toxic effect of methanol, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T51.1X4S Toxic effect of methanol, undetermined, sequela
T51.2X1A Toxic effect of 2-Propanol, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T51.2X1D Toxic effect of 2-Propanol, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T51.2X1S Toxic effect of 2-Propanol, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T51.2X2A Toxic effect of 2-Propanol, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T51.2X2D Toxic effect of 2-Propanol, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T51.2X2S Toxic effect of 2-Propanol, intentional self-harm, sequela
T51.2X3A Toxic effect of 2-Propanol, assault, initial encounter
T51.2X3D Toxic effect of 2-Propanol, assault, subsequent encounter
T51.2X3S Toxic effect of 2-Propanol, assault, sequela
T51.2X4A Toxic effect of 2-Propanol, undetermined, initial encounter
T51.2X4D Toxic effect of 2-Propanol, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T51.2X4S Toxic effect of 2-Propanol, undetermined, sequela
T51.3X1A Toxic effect of fusel oil, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T51.3X1D Toxic effect of fusel oil, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T51.3X1S Toxic effect of fusel oil, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T51.3X2A Toxic effect of fusel oil, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T51.3X2D Toxic effect of fusel oil, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T51.3X2S Toxic effect of fusel oil, intentional self-harm, sequela
T51.3X3A Toxic effect of fusel oil, assault, initial encounter
T51.3X3D Toxic effect of fusel oil, assault, subsequent encounter
T51.3X3S Toxic effect of fusel oil, assault, sequela
T51.3X4A Toxic effect of fusel oil, undetermined, initial encounter
T51.3X4D Toxic effect of fusel oil, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T51.3X4S Toxic effect of fusel oil, undetermined, sequela
T51.8X1A Toxic effect of other alcohols, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T51.8X1D Toxic effect of other alcohols, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T51.8X1S Toxic effect of other alcohols, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T51.8X2A Toxic effect of other alcohols, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T51.8X2D Toxic effect of other alcohols, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T51.8X2S Toxic effect of other alcohols, intentional self-harm, sequela
T51.8X3A Toxic effect of other alcohols, assault, initial encounter
T51.8X3D Toxic effect of other alcohols, assault, subsequent encounter
T51.8X3S Toxic effect of other alcohols, assault, sequela
T51.8X4A Toxic effect of other alcohols, undetermined, initial encounter
T51.8X4D Toxic effect of other alcohols, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T51.8X4S Toxic effect of other alcohols, undetermined, sequela
T51.91XA Toxic effect of unspecified alcohol, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T51.91XD Toxic effect of unspecified alcohol, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T51.91XS Toxic effect of unspecified alcohol, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T51.92XA Toxic effect of unspecified alcohol, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T51.92XD Toxic effect of unspecified alcohol, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T51.92XS Toxic effect of unspecified alcohol, intentional self-harm, sequela
T51.93XA Toxic effect of unspecified alcohol, assault, initial encounter
T51.93XD Toxic effect of unspecified alcohol, assault, subsequent encounter
T51.93XS Toxic effect of unspecified alcohol, assault, sequela
T51.94XA Toxic effect of unspecified alcohol, undetermined, initial encounter
T51.94XD Toxic effect of unspecified alcohol, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T51.94XS Toxic effect of unspecified alcohol, undetermined, sequela
T52.0X1A Toxic effect of petroleum products, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T52.0X1D Toxic effect of petroleum products, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T52.0X1S Toxic effect of petroleum products, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T52.0X2A Toxic effect of petroleum products, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T52.0X2D Toxic effect of petroleum products, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T52.0X2S Toxic effect of petroleum products, intentional self-harm, sequela
T52.0X3A Toxic effect of petroleum products, assault, initial encounter
T52.0X3D Toxic effect of petroleum products, assault, subsequent encounter
T52.0X3S Toxic effect of petroleum products, assault, sequela
T52.0X4A Toxic effect of petroleum products, undetermined, initial encounter
T52.0X4D Toxic effect of petroleum products, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T52.0X4S Toxic effect of petroleum products, undetermined, sequela
T52.1X1A Toxic effect of benzene, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T52.1X1D Toxic effect of benzene, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T52.1X1S Toxic effect of benzene, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T52.1X2A Toxic effect of benzene, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T52.1X2D Toxic effect of benzene, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T52.1X2S Toxic effect of benzene, intentional self-harm, sequela
T52.1X3A Toxic effect of benzene, assault, initial encounter
T52.1X3D Toxic effect of benzene, assault, subsequent encounter
T52.1X3S Toxic effect of benzene, assault, sequela
T52.1X4A Toxic effect of benzene, undetermined, initial encounter
T52.1X4D Toxic effect of benzene, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T52.1X4S Toxic effect of benzene, undetermined, sequela
T52.2X1A Toxic effect of homologues of benzene, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T52.2X1D Toxic effect of homologues of benzene, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T52.2X1S Toxic effect of homologues of benzene, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T52.2X2A Toxic effect of homologues of benzene, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T52.2X2D Toxic effect of homologues of benzene, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T52.2X2S Toxic effect of homologues of benzene, intentional self-harm, sequela
T52.2X3A Toxic effect of homologues of benzene, assault, initial encounter
T52.2X3D Toxic effect of homologues of benzene, assault, subsequent encounter
T52.2X3S Toxic effect of homologues of benzene, assault, sequela
T52.2X4A Toxic effect of homologues of benzene, undetermined, initial encounter
T52.2X4D Toxic effect of homologues of benzene, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T52.2X4S Toxic effect of homologues of benzene, undetermined, sequela
T52.3X1A Toxic effect of glycols, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T52.3X1D Toxic effect of glycols, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T52.3X1S Toxic effect of glycols, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T52.3X2A Toxic effect of glycols, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T52.3X2D Toxic effect of glycols, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T52.3X2S Toxic effect of glycols, intentional self-harm, sequela
T52.3X3A Toxic effect of glycols, assault, initial encounter
T52.3X3D Toxic effect of glycols, assault, subsequent encounter
T52.3X3S Toxic effect of glycols, assault, sequela
T52.3X4A Toxic effect of glycols, undetermined, initial encounter
T52.3X4D Toxic effect of glycols, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T52.3X4S Toxic effect of glycols, undetermined, sequela
T52.4X1A Toxic effect of ketones, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T52.4X1D Toxic effect of ketones, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T52.4X1S Toxic effect of ketones, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T52.4X2A Toxic effect of ketones, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T52.4X2D Toxic effect of ketones, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T52.4X2S Toxic effect of ketones, intentional self-harm, sequela
T52.4X3A Toxic effect of ketones, assault, initial encounter
T52.4X3D Toxic effect of ketones, assault, subsequent encounter
T52.4X3S Toxic effect of ketones, assault, sequela
T52.4X4A Toxic effect of ketones, undetermined, initial encounter
T52.4X4D Toxic effect of ketones, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T52.4X4S Toxic effect of ketones, undetermined, sequela
T52.8X1A Toxic effect of other organic solvents, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T52.8X1D Toxic effect of other organic solvents, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T52.8X1S Toxic effect of other organic solvents, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T52.8X2A Toxic effect of other organic solvents, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T52.8X2D Toxic effect of other organic solvents, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T52.8X2S Toxic effect of other organic solvents, intentional self-harm, sequela
T52.8X3A Toxic effect of other organic solvents, assault, initial encounter
T52.8X3D Toxic effect of other organic solvents, assault, subsequent encounter
T52.8X3S Toxic effect of other organic solvents, assault, sequela
T52.8X4A Toxic effect of other organic solvents, undetermined, initial encounter
T52.8X4D Toxic effect of other organic solvents, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T52.8X4S Toxic effect of other organic solvents, undetermined, sequela
T52.91XA Toxic effect of unspecified organic solvent, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T52.91XD Toxic effect of unspecified organic solvent, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T52.91XS Toxic effect of unspecified organic solvent, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T52.92XA Toxic effect of unspecified organic solvent, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T52.92XD Toxic effect of unspecified organic solvent, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T52.92XS Toxic effect of unspecified organic solvent, intentional self-harm, sequela
T52.93XA Toxic effect of unspecified organic solvent, assault, initial encounter
T52.93XD Toxic effect of unspecified organic solvent, assault, subsequent encounter
T52.93XS Toxic effect of unspecified organic solvent, assault, sequela
T52.94XA Toxic effect of unspecified organic solvent, undetermined, initial encounter
T52.94XD Toxic effect of unspecified organic solvent, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T52.94XS Toxic effect of unspecified organic solvent, undetermined, sequela
T53.0X1A Toxic effect of carbon tetrachloride, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T53.0X1D Toxic effect of carbon tetrachloride, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T53.0X1S Toxic effect of carbon tetrachloride, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T53.0X2A Toxic effect of carbon tetrachloride, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T53.0X2D Toxic effect of carbon tetrachloride, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T53.0X2S Toxic effect of carbon tetrachloride, intentional self-harm, sequela
T53.0X3A Toxic effect of carbon tetrachloride, assault, initial encounter
T53.0X3D Toxic effect of carbon tetrachloride, assault, subsequent encounter
T53.0X3S Toxic effect of carbon tetrachloride, assault, sequela
T53.0X4A Toxic effect of carbon tetrachloride, undetermined, initial encounter
T53.0X4D Toxic effect of carbon tetrachloride, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T53.0X4S Toxic effect of carbon tetrachloride, undetermined, sequela
T53.1X1A Toxic effect of chloroform, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T53.1X1D Toxic effect of chloroform, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T53.1X1S Toxic effect of chloroform, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T53.1X2A Toxic effect of chloroform, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T53.1X2D Toxic effect of chloroform, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T53.1X2S Toxic effect of chloroform, intentional self-harm, sequela
T53.1X3A Toxic effect of chloroform, assault, initial encounter
T53.1X3D Toxic effect of chloroform, assault, subsequent encounter
T53.1X3S Toxic effect of chloroform, assault, sequela
T53.1X4A Toxic effect of chloroform, undetermined, initial encounter
T53.1X4D Toxic effect of chloroform, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T53.1X4S Toxic effect of chloroform, undetermined, sequela
T53.2X1A Toxic effect of trichloroethylene, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T53.2X1D Toxic effect of trichloroethylene, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T53.2X1S Toxic effect of trichloroethylene, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T53.2X2A Toxic effect of trichloroethylene, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T53.2X2D Toxic effect of trichloroethylene, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T53.2X2S Toxic effect of trichloroethylene, intentional self-harm, sequela
T53.2X3A Toxic effect of trichloroethylene, assault, initial encounter
T53.2X3D Toxic effect of trichloroethylene, assault, subsequent encounter
T53.2X3S Toxic effect of trichloroethylene, assault, sequela
T53.2X4A Toxic effect of trichloroethylene, undetermined, initial encounter
T53.2X4D Toxic effect of trichloroethylene, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T53.2X4S Toxic effect of trichloroethylene, undetermined, sequela
T53.3X1A Toxic effect of tetrachloroethylene, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T53.3X1D Toxic effect of tetrachloroethylene, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T53.3X1S Toxic effect of tetrachloroethylene, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T53.3X2A Toxic effect of tetrachloroethylene, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T53.3X2D Toxic effect of tetrachloroethylene, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T53.3X2S Toxic effect of tetrachloroethylene, intentional self-harm, sequela
T53.3X3A Toxic effect of tetrachloroethylene, assault, initial encounter
T53.3X3D Toxic effect of tetrachloroethylene, assault, subsequent encounter
T53.3X3S Toxic effect of tetrachloroethylene, assault, sequela
T53.3X4A Toxic effect of tetrachloroethylene, undetermined, initial encounter
T53.3X4D Toxic effect of tetrachloroethylene, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T53.3X4S Toxic effect of tetrachloroethylene, undetermined, sequela
T53.4X1A Toxic effect of dichloromethane, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T53.4X1D Toxic effect of dichloromethane, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T53.4X1S Toxic effect of dichloromethane, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T53.4X2A Toxic effect of dichloromethane, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T53.4X2D Toxic effect of dichloromethane, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T53.4X2S Toxic effect of dichloromethane, intentional self-harm, sequela
T53.4X3A Toxic effect of dichloromethane, assault, initial encounter
T53.4X3D Toxic effect of dichloromethane, assault, subsequent encounter
T53.4X3S Toxic effect of dichloromethane, assault, sequela
T53.4X4A Toxic effect of dichloromethane, undetermined, initial encounter
T53.4X4D Toxic effect of dichloromethane, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T53.4X4S Toxic effect of dichloromethane, undetermined, sequela
T53.5X1A Toxic effect of chlorofluorocarbons, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T53.5X1D Toxic effect of chlorofluorocarbons, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T53.5X1S Toxic effect of chlorofluorocarbons, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T53.5X2A Toxic effect of chlorofluorocarbons, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T53.5X2D Toxic effect of chlorofluorocarbons, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T53.5X2S Toxic effect of chlorofluorocarbons, intentional self-harm, sequela
T53.5X3A Toxic effect of chlorofluorocarbons, assault, initial encounter
T53.5X3D Toxic effect of chlorofluorocarbons, assault, subsequent encounter
T53.5X3S Toxic effect of chlorofluorocarbons, assault, sequela
T53.5X4A Toxic effect of chlorofluorocarbons, undetermined, initial encounter
T53.5X4D Toxic effect of chlorofluorocarbons, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T53.5X4S Toxic effect of chlorofluorocarbons, undetermined, sequela
T53.6X1A Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aliphatic hydrocarbons, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T53.6X1D Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aliphatic hydrocarbons, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T53.6X1S Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aliphatic hydrocarbons, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T53.6X2A Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aliphatic hydrocarbons, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T53.6X2D Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aliphatic hydrocarbons, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T53.6X2S Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aliphatic hydrocarbons, intentional self-harm, sequela
T53.6X3A Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aliphatic hydrocarbons, assault, initial encounter
T53.6X3D Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aliphatic hydrocarbons, assault, subsequent encounter
T53.6X3S Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aliphatic hydrocarbons, assault, sequela
T53.6X4A Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aliphatic hydrocarbons, undetermined, initial encounter
T53.6X4D Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aliphatic hydrocarbons, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T53.6X4S Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aliphatic hydrocarbons, undetermined, sequela
T53.7X1A Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T53.7X1D Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T53.7X1S Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T53.7X2A Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T53.7X2D Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T53.7X2S Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons, intentional self-harm, sequela
T53.7X3A Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons, assault, initial encounter
T53.7X3D Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons, assault, subsequent encounter
T53.7X3S Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons, assault, sequela
T53.7X4A Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons, undetermined, initial encounter
T53.7X4D Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T53.7X4S Toxic effect of other halogen derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons, undetermined, sequela
T53.91XA Toxic effect of unspecified halogen derivatives of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T53.91XD Toxic effect of unspecified halogen derivatives of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T53.91XS Toxic effect of unspecified halogen derivatives of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T53.92XA Toxic effect of unspecified halogen derivatives of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T53.92XD Toxic effect of unspecified halogen derivatives of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T53.92XS Toxic effect of unspecified halogen derivatives of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, intentional self-harm, sequela
T53.93XA Toxic effect of unspecified halogen derivatives of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, assault, initial encounter
T53.93XD Toxic effect of unspecified halogen derivatives of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, assault, subsequent encounter
T53.93XS Toxic effect of unspecified halogen derivatives of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, assault, sequela
T53.94XA Toxic effect of unspecified halogen derivatives of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, undetermined, initial encounter
T53.94XD Toxic effect of unspecified halogen derivatives of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T53.94XS Toxic effect of unspecified halogen derivatives of aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, undetermined, sequela
T54.0X1A Toxic effect of phenol and phenol homologues, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T54.0X1D Toxic effect of phenol and phenol homologues, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T54.0X1S Toxic effect of phenol and phenol homologues, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T54.0X2A Toxic effect of phenol and phenol homologues, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T54.0X2D Toxic effect of phenol and phenol homologues, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T54.0X2S Toxic effect of phenol and phenol homologues, intentional self-harm, sequela
T54.0X3A Toxic effect of phenol and phenol homologues, assault, initial encounter
T54.0X3D Toxic effect of phenol and phenol homologues, assault, subsequent encounter
T54.0X3S Toxic effect of phenol and phenol homologues, assault, sequela
T54.0X4A Toxic effect of phenol and phenol homologues, undetermined, initial encounter
T54.0X4D Toxic effect of phenol and phenol homologues, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T54.0X4S Toxic effect of phenol and phenol homologues, undetermined, sequela
T54.1X1A Toxic effect of other corrosive organic compounds, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T54.1X1D Toxic effect of other corrosive organic compounds, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T54.1X1S Toxic effect of other corrosive organic compounds, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T54.1X2A Toxic effect of other corrosive organic compounds, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T54.1X2D Toxic effect of other corrosive organic compounds, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T54.1X2S Toxic effect of other corrosive organic compounds, intentional self-harm, sequela
T54.1X3A Toxic effect of other corrosive organic compounds, assault, initial encounter
T54.1X3D Toxic effect of other corrosive organic compounds, assault, subsequent encounter
T54.1X3S Toxic effect of other corrosive organic compounds, assault, sequela
T54.1X4A Toxic effect of other corrosive organic compounds, undetermined, initial encounter
T54.1X4D Toxic effect of other corrosive organic compounds, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T54.1X4S Toxic effect of other corrosive organic compounds, undetermined, sequela
T54.2X1A Toxic effect of corrosive acids and acid-like substances, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T54.2X1D Toxic effect of corrosive acids and acid-like substances, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T54.2X1S Toxic effect of corrosive acids and acid-like substances, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T54.2X2A Toxic effect of corrosive acids and acid-like substances, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T54.2X2D Toxic effect of corrosive acids and acid-like substances, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T54.2X2S Toxic effect of corrosive acids and acid-like substances, intentional self-harm, sequela
T54.2X3A Toxic effect of corrosive acids and acid-like substances, assault, initial encounter
T54.2X3D Toxic effect of corrosive acids and acid-like substances, assault, subsequent encounter
T54.2X3S Toxic effect of corrosive acids and acid-like substances, assault, sequela
T54.2X4A Toxic effect of corrosive acids and acid-like substances, undetermined, initial encounter
T54.2X4D Toxic effect of corrosive acids and acid-like substances, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T54.2X4S Toxic effect of corrosive acids and acid-like substances, undetermined, sequela
T54.3X1A Toxic effect of corrosive alkalis and alkali-like substances, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T54.3X1D Toxic effect of corrosive alkalis and alkali-like substances, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T54.3X1S Toxic effect of corrosive alkalis and alkali-like substances, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T54.3X2A Toxic effect of corrosive alkalis and alkali-like substances, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T54.3X2D Toxic effect of corrosive alkalis and alkali-like substances, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T54.3X2S Toxic effect of corrosive alkalis and alkali-like substances, intentional self-harm, sequela
T54.3X3A Toxic effect of corrosive alkalis and alkali-like substances, assault, initial encounter
T54.3X3D Toxic effect of corrosive alkalis and alkali-like substances, assault, subsequent encounter
T54.3X3S Toxic effect of corrosive alkalis and alkali-like substances, assault, sequela
T54.3X4A Toxic effect of corrosive alkalis and alkali-like substances, undetermined, initial encounter
T54.3X4D Toxic effect of corrosive alkalis and alkali-like substances, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T54.3X4S Toxic effect of corrosive alkalis and alkali-like substances, undetermined, sequela
T54.91XA Toxic effect of unspecified corrosive substance, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T54.91XD Toxic effect of unspecified corrosive substance, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T54.91XS Toxic effect of unspecified corrosive substance, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T54.92XA Toxic effect of unspecified corrosive substance, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T54.92XD Toxic effect of unspecified corrosive substance, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T54.92XS Toxic effect of unspecified corrosive substance, intentional self-harm, sequela
T54.93XA Toxic effect of unspecified corrosive substance, assault, initial encounter
T54.93XD Toxic effect of unspecified corrosive substance, assault, subsequent encounter
T54.93XS Toxic effect of unspecified corrosive substance, assault, sequela
T54.94XA Toxic effect of unspecified corrosive substance, undetermined, initial encounter
T54.94XD Toxic effect of unspecified corrosive substance, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T54.94XS Toxic effect of unspecified corrosive substance, undetermined, sequela
T55.0X1A Toxic effect of soaps, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T55.0X1D Toxic effect of soaps, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T55.0X1S Toxic effect of soaps, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T55.0X2A Toxic effect of soaps, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T55.0X2D Toxic effect of soaps, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T55.0X2S Toxic effect of soaps, intentional self-harm, sequela
T55.0X3A Toxic effect of soaps, assault, initial encounter
T55.0X3D Toxic effect of soaps, assault, subsequent encounter
T55.0X3S Toxic effect of soaps, assault, sequela
T55.0X4A Toxic effect of soaps, undetermined, initial encounter
T55.0X4D Toxic effect of soaps, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T55.0X4S Toxic effect of soaps, undetermined, sequela
T55.1X1A Toxic effect of detergents, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T55.1X1D Toxic effect of detergents, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T55.1X1S Toxic effect of detergents, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T55.1X2A Toxic effect of detergents, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T55.1X2D Toxic effect of detergents, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T55.1X2S Toxic effect of detergents, intentional self-harm, sequela
T55.1X3A Toxic effect of detergents, assault, initial encounter
T55.1X3D Toxic effect of detergents, assault, subsequent encounter
T55.1X3S Toxic effect of detergents, assault, sequela
T55.1X4A Toxic effect of detergents, undetermined, initial encounter
T55.1X4D Toxic effect of detergents, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T55.1X4S Toxic effect of detergents, undetermined, sequela
T56.0X1A Toxic effect of lead and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T56.0X1D Toxic effect of lead and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T56.0X1S Toxic effect of lead and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T56.0X2A Toxic effect of lead and its compounds, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T56.0X2D Toxic effect of lead and its compounds, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T56.0X2S Toxic effect of lead and its compounds, intentional self-harm, sequela
T56.0X3A Toxic effect of lead and its compounds, assault, initial encounter
T56.0X3D Toxic effect of lead and its compounds, assault, subsequent encounter
T56.0X3S Toxic effect of lead and its compounds, assault, sequela
T56.0X4A Toxic effect of lead and its compounds, undetermined, initial encounter
T56.0X4D Toxic effect of lead and its compounds, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T56.0X4S Toxic effect of lead and its compounds, undetermined, sequela
T56.1X1A Toxic effect of mercury and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T56.1X1D Toxic effect of mercury and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T56.1X1S Toxic effect of mercury and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T56.1X2A Toxic effect of mercury and its compounds, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T56.1X2D Toxic effect of mercury and its compounds, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T56.1X2S Toxic effect of mercury and its compounds, intentional self-harm, sequela
T56.1X3A Toxic effect of mercury and its compounds, assault, initial encounter
T56.1X3D Toxic effect of mercury and its compounds, assault, subsequent encounter
T56.1X3S Toxic effect of mercury and its compounds, assault, sequela
T56.1X4A Toxic effect of mercury and its compounds, undetermined, initial encounter
T56.1X4D Toxic effect of mercury and its compounds, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T56.1X4S Toxic effect of mercury and its compounds, undetermined, sequela
T56.2X1A Toxic effect of chromium and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T56.2X1D Toxic effect of chromium and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T56.2X1S Toxic effect of chromium and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T56.2X2A Toxic effect of chromium and its compounds, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T56.2X2D Toxic effect of chromium and its compounds, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T56.2X2S Toxic effect of chromium and its compounds, intentional self-harm, sequela
T56.2X3A Toxic effect of chromium and its compounds, assault, initial encounter
T56.2X3D Toxic effect of chromium and its compounds, assault, subsequent encounter
T56.2X3S Toxic effect of chromium and its compounds, assault, sequela
T56.2X4A Toxic effect of chromium and its compounds, undetermined, initial encounter
T56.2X4D Toxic effect of chromium and its compounds, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T56.2X4S Toxic effect of chromium and its compounds, undetermined, sequela
T56.3X1A Toxic effect of cadmium and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T56.3X1D Toxic effect of cadmium and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T56.3X1S Toxic effect of cadmium and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T56.3X2A Toxic effect of cadmium and its compounds, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T56.3X2D Toxic effect of cadmium and its compounds, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T56.3X2S Toxic effect of cadmium and its compounds, intentional self-harm, sequela
T56.3X3A Toxic effect of cadmium and its compounds, assault, initial encounter
T56.3X3D Toxic effect of cadmium and its compounds, assault, subsequent encounter
T56.3X3S Toxic effect of cadmium and its compounds, assault, sequela
T56.3X4A Toxic effect of cadmium and its compounds, undetermined, initial encounter
T56.3X4D Toxic effect of cadmium and its compounds, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T56.3X4S Toxic effect of cadmium and its compounds, undetermined, sequela
T56.4X1A Toxic effect of copper and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T56.4X1D Toxic effect of copper and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T56.4X1S Toxic effect of copper and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T56.4X2A Toxic effect of copper and its compounds, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T56.4X2D Toxic effect of copper and its compounds, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T56.4X2S Toxic effect of copper and its compounds, intentional self-harm, sequela
T56.4X3A Toxic effect of copper and its compounds, assault, initial encounter
T56.4X3D Toxic effect of copper and its compounds, assault, subsequent encounter
T56.4X3S Toxic effect of copper and its compounds, assault, sequela
T56.4X4A Toxic effect of copper and its compounds, undetermined, initial encounter
T56.4X4D Toxic effect of copper and its compounds, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T56.4X4S Toxic effect of copper and its compounds, undetermined, sequela
T56.5X1A Toxic effect of zinc and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T56.5X1D Toxic effect of zinc and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T56.5X1S Toxic effect of zinc and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T56.5X2A Toxic effect of zinc and its compounds, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T56.5X2D Toxic effect of zinc and its compounds, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T56.5X2S Toxic effect of zinc and its compounds, intentional self-harm, sequela
T56.5X3A Toxic effect of zinc and its compounds, assault, initial encounter
T56.5X3D Toxic effect of zinc and its compounds, assault, subsequent encounter
T56.5X3S Toxic effect of zinc and its compounds, assault, sequela
T56.5X4A Toxic effect of zinc and its compounds, undetermined, initial encounter
T56.5X4D Toxic effect of zinc and its compounds, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T56.5X4S Toxic effect of zinc and its compounds, undetermined, sequela
T56.6X1A Toxic effect of tin and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T56.6X1D Toxic effect of tin and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T56.6X1S Toxic effect of tin and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T56.6X2A Toxic effect of tin and its compounds, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T56.6X2D Toxic effect of tin and its compounds, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T56.6X2S Toxic effect of tin and its compounds, intentional self-harm, sequela
T56.6X3A Toxic effect of tin and its compounds, assault, initial encounter
T56.6X3D Toxic effect of tin and its compounds, assault, subsequent encounter
T56.6X3S Toxic effect of tin and its compounds, assault, sequela
T56.6X4A Toxic effect of tin and its compounds, undetermined, initial encounter
T56.6X4D Toxic effect of tin and its compounds, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T56.6X4S Toxic effect of tin and its compounds, undetermined, sequela
T56.7X1A Toxic effect of beryllium and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T56.7X1D Toxic effect of beryllium and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T56.7X1S Toxic effect of beryllium and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T56.7X2A Toxic effect of beryllium and its compounds, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T56.7X2D Toxic effect of beryllium and its compounds, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T56.7X2S Toxic effect of beryllium and its compounds, intentional self-harm, sequela
T56.7X3A Toxic effect of beryllium and its compounds, assault, initial encounter
T56.7X3D Toxic effect of beryllium and its compounds, assault, subsequent encounter
T56.7X3S Toxic effect of beryllium and its compounds, assault, sequela
T56.7X4A Toxic effect of beryllium and its compounds, undetermined, initial encounter
T56.7X4D Toxic effect of beryllium and its compounds, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T56.7X4S Toxic effect of beryllium and its compounds, undetermined, sequela
T56.811A Toxic effect of thallium, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T56.811D Toxic effect of thallium, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T56.811S Toxic effect of thallium, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T56.812A Toxic effect of thallium, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T56.812D Toxic effect of thallium, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T56.812S Toxic effect of thallium, intentional self-harm, sequela
T56.813A Toxic effect of thallium, assault, initial encounter
T56.813D Toxic effect of thallium, assault, subsequent encounter
T56.813S Toxic effect of thallium, assault, sequela
T56.814A Toxic effect of thallium, undetermined, initial encounter
T56.814D Toxic effect of thallium, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T56.814S Toxic effect of thallium, undetermined, sequela
T56.821A Toxic effect of gadolinium, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T56.821D Toxic effect of gadolinium, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T56.821S Toxic effect of gadolinium, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T56.822A Toxic effect of gadolinium, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T56.822D Toxic effect of gadolinium, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T56.822S Toxic effect of gadolinium, intentional self-harm, sequela
T56.823A Toxic effect of gadolinium, assault, initial encounter
T56.823D Toxic effect of gadolinium, assault, subsequent encounter
T56.823S Toxic effect of gadolinium, assault, sequela
T56.824A Toxic effect of gadolinium, undetermined, initial encounter
T56.824D Toxic effect of gadolinium, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T56.824S Toxic effect of gadolinium, undetermined, sequela
T56.891A Toxic effect of other metals, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T56.891D Toxic effect of other metals, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T56.891S Toxic effect of other metals, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T56.892A Toxic effect of other metals, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T56.892D Toxic effect of other metals, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T56.892S Toxic effect of other metals, intentional self-harm, sequela
T56.893A Toxic effect of other metals, assault, initial encounter
T56.893D Toxic effect of other metals, assault, subsequent encounter
T56.893S Toxic effect of other metals, assault, sequela
T56.894A Toxic effect of other metals, undetermined, initial encounter
T56.894D Toxic effect of other metals, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T56.894S Toxic effect of other metals, undetermined, sequela
T56.91XA Toxic effect of unspecified metal, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T56.91XD Toxic effect of unspecified metal, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T56.91XS Toxic effect of unspecified metal, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T56.92XA Toxic effect of unspecified metal, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T56.92XD Toxic effect of unspecified metal, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T56.92XS Toxic effect of unspecified metal, intentional self-harm, sequela
T56.93XA Toxic effect of unspecified metal, assault, initial encounter
T56.93XD Toxic effect of unspecified metal, assault, subsequent encounter
T56.93XS Toxic effect of unspecified metal, assault, sequela
T56.94XA Toxic effect of unspecified metal, undetermined, initial encounter
T56.94XD Toxic effect of unspecified metal, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T56.94XS Toxic effect of unspecified metal, undetermined, sequela
T57.0X1A Toxic effect of arsenic and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T57.0X1D Toxic effect of arsenic and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T57.0X1S Toxic effect of arsenic and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T57.0X2A Toxic effect of arsenic and its compounds, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T57.0X2D Toxic effect of arsenic and its compounds, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T57.0X2S Toxic effect of arsenic and its compounds, intentional self-harm, sequela
T57.0X3A Toxic effect of arsenic and its compounds, assault, initial encounter
T57.0X3D Toxic effect of arsenic and its compounds, assault, subsequent encounter
T57.0X3S Toxic effect of arsenic and its compounds, assault, sequela
T57.0X4A Toxic effect of arsenic and its compounds, undetermined, initial encounter
T57.0X4D Toxic effect of arsenic and its compounds, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T57.0X4S Toxic effect of arsenic and its compounds, undetermined, sequela
T57.1X1A Toxic effect of phosphorus and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T57.1X1D Toxic effect of phosphorus and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T57.1X1S Toxic effect of phosphorus and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T57.1X2A Toxic effect of phosphorus and its compounds, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T57.1X2D Toxic effect of phosphorus and its compounds, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T57.1X2S Toxic effect of phosphorus and its compounds, intentional self-harm, sequela
T57.1X3A Toxic effect of phosphorus and its compounds, assault, initial encounter
T57.1X3D Toxic effect of phosphorus and its compounds, assault, subsequent encounter
T57.1X3S Toxic effect of phosphorus and its compounds, assault, sequela
T57.1X4A Toxic effect of phosphorus and its compounds, undetermined, initial encounter
T57.1X4D Toxic effect of phosphorus and its compounds, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T57.1X4S Toxic effect of phosphorus and its compounds, undetermined, sequela
T57.2X1A Toxic effect of manganese and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T57.2X1D Toxic effect of manganese and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T57.2X1S Toxic effect of manganese and its compounds, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T57.2X2A Toxic effect of manganese and its compounds, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T57.2X2D Toxic effect of manganese and its compounds, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T57.2X2S Toxic effect of manganese and its compounds, intentional self-harm, sequela
T57.2X3A Toxic effect of manganese and its compounds, assault, initial encounter
T57.2X3D Toxic effect of manganese and its compounds, assault, subsequent encounter
T57.2X3S Toxic effect of manganese and its compounds, assault, sequela
T57.2X4A Toxic effect of manganese and its compounds, undetermined, initial encounter
T57.2X4D Toxic effect of manganese and its compounds, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T57.2X4S Toxic effect of manganese and its compounds, undetermined, sequela
T57.3X1A Toxic effect of hydrogen cyanide, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T57.3X1D Toxic effect of hydrogen cyanide, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T57.3X1S Toxic effect of hydrogen cyanide, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T57.3X2A Toxic effect of hydrogen cyanide, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T57.3X2D Toxic effect of hydrogen cyanide, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T57.3X2S Toxic effect of hydrogen cyanide, intentional self-harm, sequela
T57.3X3A Toxic effect of hydrogen cyanide, assault, initial encounter
T57.3X3D Toxic effect of hydrogen cyanide, assault, subsequent encounter
T57.3X3S Toxic effect of hydrogen cyanide, assault, sequela
T57.3X4A Toxic effect of hydrogen cyanide, undetermined, initial encounter
T57.3X4D Toxic effect of hydrogen cyanide, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T57.3X4S Toxic effect of hydrogen cyanide, undetermined, sequela
T57.8X1A Toxic effect of other specified inorganic substances, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T57.8X1D Toxic effect of other specified inorganic substances, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T57.8X1S Toxic effect of other specified inorganic substances, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T57.8X2A Toxic effect of other specified inorganic substances, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T57.8X2D Toxic effect of other specified inorganic substances, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T57.8X2S Toxic effect of other specified inorganic substances, intentional self-harm, sequela
T57.8X3A Toxic effect of other specified inorganic substances, assault, initial encounter
T57.8X3D Toxic effect of other specified inorganic substances, assault, subsequent encounter
T57.8X3S Toxic effect of other specified inorganic substances, assault, sequela
T57.8X4A Toxic effect of other specified inorganic substances, undetermined, initial encounter
T57.8X4D Toxic effect of other specified inorganic substances, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T57.8X4S Toxic effect of other specified inorganic substances, undetermined, sequela
T57.91XA Toxic effect of unspecified inorganic substance, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T57.91XD Toxic effect of unspecified inorganic substance, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T57.91XS Toxic effect of unspecified inorganic substance, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T57.92XA Toxic effect of unspecified inorganic substance, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T57.92XD Toxic effect of unspecified inorganic substance, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T57.92XS Toxic effect of unspecified inorganic substance, intentional self-harm, sequela
T57.93XA Toxic effect of unspecified inorganic substance, assault, initial encounter
T57.93XD Toxic effect of unspecified inorganic substance, assault, subsequent encounter
T57.93XS Toxic effect of unspecified inorganic substance, assault, sequela
T57.94XA Toxic effect of unspecified inorganic substance, undetermined, initial encounter
T57.94XD Toxic effect of unspecified inorganic substance, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T57.94XS Toxic effect of unspecified inorganic substance, undetermined, sequela
T58.01XA Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from motor vehicle exhaust, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T58.01XD Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from motor vehicle exhaust, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T58.01XS Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from motor vehicle exhaust, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T58.02XA Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from motor vehicle exhaust, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T58.02XD Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from motor vehicle exhaust, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T58.02XS Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from motor vehicle exhaust, intentional self-harm, sequela
T58.03XA Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from motor vehicle exhaust, assault, initial encounter
T58.03XD Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from motor vehicle exhaust, assault, subsequent encounter
T58.03XS Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from motor vehicle exhaust, assault, sequela
T58.04XA Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from motor vehicle exhaust, undetermined, initial encounter
T58.04XD Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from motor vehicle exhaust, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T58.04XS Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from motor vehicle exhaust, undetermined, sequela
T58.11XA Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from utility gas, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T58.11XD Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from utility gas, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T58.11XS Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from utility gas, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T58.12XA Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from utility gas, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T58.12XD Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from utility gas, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T58.12XS Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from utility gas, intentional self-harm, sequela
T58.13XA Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from utility gas, assault, initial encounter
T58.13XD Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from utility gas, assault, subsequent encounter
T58.13XS Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from utility gas, assault, sequela
T58.14XA Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from utility gas, undetermined, initial encounter
T58.14XD Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from utility gas, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T58.14XS Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from utility gas, undetermined, sequela
T58.2X1A Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of other domestic fuels, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T58.2X1D Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of other domestic fuels, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T58.2X1S Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of other domestic fuels, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T58.2X2A Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of other domestic fuels, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T58.2X2D Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of other domestic fuels, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T58.2X2S Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of other domestic fuels, intentional self-harm, sequela
T58.2X3A Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of other domestic fuels, assault, initial encounter
T58.2X3D Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of other domestic fuels, assault, subsequent encounter
T58.2X3S Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of other domestic fuels, assault, sequela
T58.2X4A Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of other domestic fuels, undetermined, initial encounter
T58.2X4D Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of other domestic fuels, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T58.2X4S Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion of other domestic fuels, undetermined, sequela
T58.8X1A Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from other source, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T58.8X1D Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from other source, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T58.8X1S Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from other source, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T58.8X2A Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from other source, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T58.8X2D Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from other source, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T58.8X2S Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from other source, intentional self-harm, sequela
T58.8X3A Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from other source, assault, initial encounter
T58.8X3D Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from other source, assault, subsequent encounter
T58.8X3S Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from other source, assault, sequela
T58.8X4A Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from other source, undetermined, initial encounter
T58.8X4D Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from other source, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T58.8X4S Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from other source, undetermined, sequela
T58.91XA Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from unspecified source, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T58.91XD Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from unspecified source, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T58.91XS Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from unspecified source, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T58.92XA Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from unspecified source, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T58.92XD Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from unspecified source, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T58.92XS Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from unspecified source, intentional self-harm, sequela
T58.93XA Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from unspecified source, assault, initial encounter
T58.93XD Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from unspecified source, assault, subsequent encounter
T58.93XS Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from unspecified source, assault, sequela
T58.94XA Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from unspecified source, undetermined, initial encounter
T58.94XD Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from unspecified source, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T58.94XS Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from unspecified source, undetermined, sequela
T59.0X1A Toxic effect of nitrogen oxides, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T59.0X1D Toxic effect of nitrogen oxides, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T59.0X1S Toxic effect of nitrogen oxides, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T59.0X2A Toxic effect of nitrogen oxides, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T59.0X2D Toxic effect of nitrogen oxides, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T59.0X2S Toxic effect of nitrogen oxides, intentional self-harm, sequela
T59.0X3A Toxic effect of nitrogen oxides, assault, initial encounter
T59.0X3D Toxic effect of nitrogen oxides, assault, subsequent encounter
T59.0X3S Toxic effect of nitrogen oxides, assault, sequela
T59.0X4A Toxic effect of nitrogen oxides, undetermined, initial encounter
T59.0X4D Toxic effect of nitrogen oxides, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T59.0X4S Toxic effect of nitrogen oxides, undetermined, sequela
T59.1X1A Toxic effect of sulfur dioxide, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T59.1X1D Toxic effect of sulfur dioxide, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T59.1X1S Toxic effect of sulfur dioxide, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T59.1X2A Toxic effect of sulfur dioxide, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T59.1X2D Toxic effect of sulfur dioxide, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T59.1X2S Toxic effect of sulfur dioxide, intentional self-harm, sequela
T59.1X3A Toxic effect of sulfur dioxide, assault, initial encounter
T59.1X3D Toxic effect of sulfur dioxide, assault, subsequent encounter
T59.1X3S Toxic effect of sulfur dioxide, assault, sequela
T59.1X4A Toxic effect of sulfur dioxide, undetermined, initial encounter
T59.1X4D Toxic effect of sulfur dioxide, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T59.1X4S Toxic effect of sulfur dioxide, undetermined, sequela
T59.2X1A Toxic effect of formaldehyde, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T59.2X1D Toxic effect of formaldehyde, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T59.2X1S Toxic effect of formaldehyde, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T59.2X2A Toxic effect of formaldehyde, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T59.2X2D Toxic effect of formaldehyde, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T59.2X2S Toxic effect of formaldehyde, intentional self-harm, sequela
T59.2X3A Toxic effect of formaldehyde, assault, initial encounter
T59.2X3D Toxic effect of formaldehyde, assault, subsequent encounter
T59.2X3S Toxic effect of formaldehyde, assault, sequela
T59.2X4A Toxic effect of formaldehyde, undetermined, initial encounter
T59.2X4D Toxic effect of formaldehyde, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T59.2X4S Toxic effect of formaldehyde, undetermined, sequela
T59.3X1A Toxic effect of lacrimogenic gas, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T59.3X1D Toxic effect of lacrimogenic gas, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T59.3X1S Toxic effect of lacrimogenic gas, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T59.3X2A Toxic effect of lacrimogenic gas, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T59.3X2D Toxic effect of lacrimogenic gas, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T59.3X2S Toxic effect of lacrimogenic gas, intentional self-harm, sequela
T59.3X3A Toxic effect of lacrimogenic gas, assault, initial encounter
T59.3X3D Toxic effect of lacrimogenic gas, assault, subsequent encounter
T59.3X3S Toxic effect of lacrimogenic gas, assault, sequela
T59.3X4A Toxic effect of lacrimogenic gas, undetermined, initial encounter
T59.3X4D Toxic effect of lacrimogenic gas, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T59.3X4S Toxic effect of lacrimogenic gas, undetermined, sequela
T59.4X1A Toxic effect of chlorine gas, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T59.4X1D Toxic effect of chlorine gas, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T59.4X1S Toxic effect of chlorine gas, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T59.4X2A Toxic effect of chlorine gas, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T59.4X2D Toxic effect of chlorine gas, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T59.4X2S Toxic effect of chlorine gas, intentional self-harm, sequela
T59.4X3A Toxic effect of chlorine gas, assault, initial encounter
T59.4X3D Toxic effect of chlorine gas, assault, subsequent encounter
T59.4X3S Toxic effect of chlorine gas, assault, sequela
T59.4X4A Toxic effect of chlorine gas, undetermined, initial encounter
T59.4X4D Toxic effect of chlorine gas, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T59.4X4S Toxic effect of chlorine gas, undetermined, sequela
T59.5X1A Toxic effect of fluorine gas and hydrogen fluoride, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T59.5X1D Toxic effect of fluorine gas and hydrogen fluoride, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T59.5X1S Toxic effect of fluorine gas and hydrogen fluoride, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T59.5X2A Toxic effect of fluorine gas and hydrogen fluoride, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T59.5X2D Toxic effect of fluorine gas and hydrogen fluoride, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T59.5X2S Toxic effect of fluorine gas and hydrogen fluoride, intentional self-harm, sequela
T59.5X3A Toxic effect of fluorine gas and hydrogen fluoride, assault, initial encounter
T59.5X3D Toxic effect of fluorine gas and hydrogen fluoride, assault, subsequent encounter
T59.5X3S Toxic effect of fluorine gas and hydrogen fluoride, assault, sequela
T59.5X4A Toxic effect of fluorine gas and hydrogen fluoride, undetermined, initial encounter
T59.5X4D Toxic effect of fluorine gas and hydrogen fluoride, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T59.5X4S Toxic effect of fluorine gas and hydrogen fluoride, undetermined, sequela
T59.6X1A Toxic effect of hydrogen sulfide, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T59.6X1D Toxic effect of hydrogen sulfide, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T59.6X1S Toxic effect of hydrogen sulfide, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T59.6X2A Toxic effect of hydrogen sulfide, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T59.6X2D Toxic effect of hydrogen sulfide, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T59.6X2S Toxic effect of hydrogen sulfide, intentional self-harm, sequela
T59.6X3A Toxic effect of hydrogen sulfide, assault, initial encounter
T59.6X3D Toxic effect of hydrogen sulfide, assault, subsequent encounter
T59.6X3S Toxic effect of hydrogen sulfide, assault, sequela
T59.6X4A Toxic effect of hydrogen sulfide, undetermined, initial encounter
T59.6X4D Toxic effect of hydrogen sulfide, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T59.6X4S Toxic effect of hydrogen sulfide, undetermined, sequela
T59.7X1A Toxic effect of carbon dioxide, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T59.7X1D Toxic effect of carbon dioxide, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T59.7X1S Toxic effect of carbon dioxide, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T59.7X2A Toxic effect of carbon dioxide, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T59.7X2D Toxic effect of carbon dioxide, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T59.7X2S Toxic effect of carbon dioxide, intentional self-harm, sequela
T59.7X3A Toxic effect of carbon dioxide, assault, initial encounter
T59.7X3D Toxic effect of carbon dioxide, assault, subsequent encounter
T59.7X3S Toxic effect of carbon dioxide, assault, sequela
T59.7X4A Toxic effect of carbon dioxide, undetermined, initial encounter
T59.7X4D Toxic effect of carbon dioxide, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T59.7X4S Toxic effect of carbon dioxide, undetermined, sequela
T59.811A Toxic effect of smoke, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T59.811D Toxic effect of smoke, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T59.811S Toxic effect of smoke, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T59.812A Toxic effect of smoke, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T59.812D Toxic effect of smoke, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T59.812S Toxic effect of smoke, intentional self-harm, sequela
T59.813A Toxic effect of smoke, assault, initial encounter
T59.813D Toxic effect of smoke, assault, subsequent encounter
T59.813S Toxic effect of smoke, assault, sequela
T59.814A Toxic effect of smoke, undetermined, initial encounter
T59.814D Toxic effect of smoke, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T59.814S Toxic effect of smoke, undetermined, sequela
T59.891A Toxic effect of other specified gases, fumes and vapors, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T59.891D Toxic effect of other specified gases, fumes and vapors, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T59.891S Toxic effect of other specified gases, fumes and vapors, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T59.892A Toxic effect of other specified gases, fumes and vapors, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T59.892D Toxic effect of other specified gases, fumes and vapors, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T59.892S Toxic effect of other specified gases, fumes and vapors, intentional self-harm, sequela
T59.893A Toxic effect of other specified gases, fumes and vapors, assault, initial encounter
T59.893D Toxic effect of other specified gases, fumes and vapors, assault, subsequent encounter
T59.893S Toxic effect of other specified gases, fumes and vapors, assault, sequela
T59.894A Toxic effect of other specified gases, fumes and vapors, undetermined, initial encounter
T59.894D Toxic effect of other specified gases, fumes and vapors, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T59.894S Toxic effect of other specified gases, fumes and vapors, undetermined, sequela
T59.91XA Toxic effect of unspecified gases, fumes and vapors, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T59.91XD Toxic effect of unspecified gases, fumes and vapors, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T59.91XS Toxic effect of unspecified gases, fumes and vapors, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T59.92XA Toxic effect of unspecified gases, fumes and vapors, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T59.92XD Toxic effect of unspecified gases, fumes and vapors, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T59.92XS Toxic effect of unspecified gases, fumes and vapors, intentional self-harm, sequela
T59.93XA Toxic effect of unspecified gases, fumes and vapors, assault, initial encounter
T59.93XD Toxic effect of unspecified gases, fumes and vapors, assault, subsequent encounter
T59.93XS Toxic effect of unspecified gases, fumes and vapors, assault, sequela
T59.94XA Toxic effect of unspecified gases, fumes and vapors, undetermined, initial encounter
T59.94XD Toxic effect of unspecified gases, fumes and vapors, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T59.94XS Toxic effect of unspecified gases, fumes and vapors, undetermined, sequela
T60.0X1A Toxic effect of organophosphate and carbamate insecticides, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T60.0X1D Toxic effect of organophosphate and carbamate insecticides, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T60.0X1S Toxic effect of organophosphate and carbamate insecticides, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T60.0X2A Toxic effect of organophosphate and carbamate insecticides, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T60.0X2D Toxic effect of organophosphate and carbamate insecticides, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T60.0X2S Toxic effect of organophosphate and carbamate insecticides, intentional self-harm, sequela
T60.0X3A Toxic effect of organophosphate and carbamate insecticides, assault, initial encounter
T60.0X3D Toxic effect of organophosphate and carbamate insecticides, assault, subsequent encounter
T60.0X3S Toxic effect of organophosphate and carbamate insecticides, assault, sequela
T60.0X4A Toxic effect of organophosphate and carbamate insecticides, undetermined, initial encounter
T60.0X4D Toxic effect of organophosphate and carbamate insecticides, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T60.0X4S Toxic effect of organophosphate and carbamate insecticides, undetermined, sequela
T60.1X1A Toxic effect of halogenated insecticides, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T60.1X1D Toxic effect of halogenated insecticides, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T60.1X1S Toxic effect of halogenated insecticides, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T60.1X2A Toxic effect of halogenated insecticides, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T60.1X2D Toxic effect of halogenated insecticides, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T60.1X2S Toxic effect of halogenated insecticides, intentional self-harm, sequela
T60.1X3A Toxic effect of halogenated insecticides, assault, initial encounter
T60.1X3D Toxic effect of halogenated insecticides, assault, subsequent encounter
T60.1X3S Toxic effect of halogenated insecticides, assault, sequela
T60.1X4A Toxic effect of halogenated insecticides, undetermined, initial encounter
T60.1X4D Toxic effect of halogenated insecticides, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T60.1X4S Toxic effect of halogenated insecticides, undetermined, sequela
T60.2X1A Toxic effect of other insecticides, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T60.2X1D Toxic effect of other insecticides, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T60.2X1S Toxic effect of other insecticides, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T60.2X2A Toxic effect of other insecticides, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T60.2X2D Toxic effect of other insecticides, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T60.2X2S Toxic effect of other insecticides, intentional self-harm, sequela
T60.2X3A Toxic effect of other insecticides, assault, initial encounter
T60.2X3D Toxic effect of other insecticides, assault, subsequent encounter
T60.2X3S Toxic effect of other insecticides, assault, sequela
T60.2X4A Toxic effect of other insecticides, undetermined, initial encounter
T60.2X4D Toxic effect of other insecticides, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T60.2X4S Toxic effect of other insecticides, undetermined, sequela
T60.3X1A Toxic effect of herbicides and fungicides, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T60.3X1D Toxic effect of herbicides and fungicides, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T60.3X1S Toxic effect of herbicides and fungicides, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T60.3X2A Toxic effect of herbicides and fungicides, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T60.3X2D Toxic effect of herbicides and fungicides, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T60.3X2S Toxic effect of herbicides and fungicides, intentional self-harm, sequela
T60.3X3A Toxic effect of herbicides and fungicides, assault, initial encounter
T60.3X3D Toxic effect of herbicides and fungicides, assault, subsequent encounter
T60.3X3S Toxic effect of herbicides and fungicides, assault, sequela
T60.3X4A Toxic effect of herbicides and fungicides, undetermined, initial encounter
T60.3X4D Toxic effect of herbicides and fungicides, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T60.3X4S Toxic effect of herbicides and fungicides, undetermined, sequela
T60.4X1A Toxic effect of rodenticides, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T60.4X1D Toxic effect of rodenticides, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T60.4X1S Toxic effect of rodenticides, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T60.4X2A Toxic effect of rodenticides, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T60.4X2D Toxic effect of rodenticides, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T60.4X2S Toxic effect of rodenticides, intentional self-harm, sequela
T60.4X3A Toxic effect of rodenticides, assault, initial encounter
T60.4X3D Toxic effect of rodenticides, assault, subsequent encounter
T60.4X3S Toxic effect of rodenticides, assault, sequela
T60.4X4A Toxic effect of rodenticides, undetermined, initial encounter
T60.4X4D Toxic effect of rodenticides, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T60.4X4S Toxic effect of rodenticides, undetermined, sequela
T60.8X1A Toxic effect of other pesticides, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T60.8X1D Toxic effect of other pesticides, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T60.8X1S Toxic effect of other pesticides, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T60.8X2A Toxic effect of other pesticides, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T60.8X2D Toxic effect of other pesticides, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T60.8X2S Toxic effect of other pesticides, intentional self-harm, sequela
T60.8X3A Toxic effect of other pesticides, assault, initial encounter
T60.8X3D Toxic effect of other pesticides, assault, subsequent encounter
T60.8X3S Toxic effect of other pesticides, assault, sequela
T60.8X4A Toxic effect of other pesticides, undetermined, initial encounter
T60.8X4D Toxic effect of other pesticides, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T60.8X4S Toxic effect of other pesticides, undetermined, sequela
T60.91XA Toxic effect of unspecified pesticide, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T60.91XD Toxic effect of unspecified pesticide, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T60.91XS Toxic effect of unspecified pesticide, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T60.92XA Toxic effect of unspecified pesticide, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T60.92XD Toxic effect of unspecified pesticide, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T60.92XS Toxic effect of unspecified pesticide, intentional self-harm, sequela
T60.93XA Toxic effect of unspecified pesticide, assault, initial encounter
T60.93XD Toxic effect of unspecified pesticide, assault, subsequent encounter
T60.93XS Toxic effect of unspecified pesticide, assault, sequela
T60.94XA Toxic effect of unspecified pesticide, undetermined, initial encounter
T60.94XD Toxic effect of unspecified pesticide, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T60.94XS Toxic effect of unspecified pesticide, undetermined, sequela
T61.01XA Ciguatera fish poisoning, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T61.01XD Ciguatera fish poisoning, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T61.01XS Ciguatera fish poisoning, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T61.02XA Ciguatera fish poisoning, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T61.02XD Ciguatera fish poisoning, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T61.02XS Ciguatera fish poisoning, intentional self-harm, sequela
T61.03XA Ciguatera fish poisoning, assault, initial encounter
T61.03XD Ciguatera fish poisoning, assault, subsequent encounter
T61.03XS Ciguatera fish poisoning, assault, sequela
T61.04XA Ciguatera fish poisoning, undetermined, initial encounter
T61.04XD Ciguatera fish poisoning, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T61.04XS Ciguatera fish poisoning, undetermined, sequela
T61.11XA Scombroid fish poisoning, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T61.11XD Scombroid fish poisoning, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T61.11XS Scombroid fish poisoning, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T61.12XA Scombroid fish poisoning, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T61.12XD Scombroid fish poisoning, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T61.12XS Scombroid fish poisoning, intentional self-harm, sequela
T61.13XA Scombroid fish poisoning, assault, initial encounter
T61.13XD Scombroid fish poisoning, assault, subsequent encounter
T61.13XS Scombroid fish poisoning, assault, sequela
T61.14XA Scombroid fish poisoning, undetermined, initial encounter
T61.14XD Scombroid fish poisoning, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T61.14XS Scombroid fish poisoning, undetermined, sequela
T61.771A Other fish poisoning, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T61.771D Other fish poisoning, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T61.771S Other fish poisoning, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T61.772A Other fish poisoning, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T61.772D Other fish poisoning, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T61.772S Other fish poisoning, intentional self-harm, sequela
T61.773A Other fish poisoning, assault, initial encounter
T61.773D Other fish poisoning, assault, subsequent encounter
T61.773S Other fish poisoning, assault, sequela
T61.774A Other fish poisoning, undetermined, initial encounter
T61.774D Other fish poisoning, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T61.774S Other fish poisoning, undetermined, sequela
T61.781A Other shellfish poisoning, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T61.781D Other shellfish poisoning, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T61.781S Other shellfish poisoning, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T61.782A Other shellfish poisoning, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T61.782D Other shellfish poisoning, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T61.782S Other shellfish poisoning, intentional self-harm, sequela
T61.783A Other shellfish poisoning, assault, initial encounter
T61.783D Other shellfish poisoning, assault, subsequent encounter
T61.783S Other shellfish poisoning, assault, sequela
T61.784A Other shellfish poisoning, undetermined, initial encounter
T61.784D Other shellfish poisoning, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T61.784S Other shellfish poisoning, undetermined, sequela
T61.8X1A Toxic effect of other seafood, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T61.8X1D Toxic effect of other seafood, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T61.8X1S Toxic effect of other seafood, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T61.8X2A Toxic effect of other seafood, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T61.8X2D Toxic effect of other seafood, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T61.8X2S Toxic effect of other seafood, intentional self-harm, sequela
T61.8X3A Toxic effect of other seafood, assault, initial encounter
T61.8X3D Toxic effect of other seafood, assault, subsequent encounter
T61.8X3S Toxic effect of other seafood, assault, sequela
T61.8X4A Toxic effect of other seafood, undetermined, initial encounter
T61.8X4D Toxic effect of other seafood, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T61.8X4S Toxic effect of other seafood, undetermined, sequela
T61.91XA Toxic effect of unspecified seafood, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T61.91XD Toxic effect of unspecified seafood, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T61.91XS Toxic effect of unspecified seafood, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T61.92XA Toxic effect of unspecified seafood, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T61.92XD Toxic effect of unspecified seafood, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T61.92XS Toxic effect of unspecified seafood, intentional self-harm, sequela
T61.93XA Toxic effect of unspecified seafood, assault, initial encounter
T61.93XD Toxic effect of unspecified seafood, assault, subsequent encounter
T61.93XS Toxic effect of unspecified seafood, assault, sequela
T61.94XA Toxic effect of unspecified seafood, undetermined, initial encounter
T61.94XD Toxic effect of unspecified seafood, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T61.94XS Toxic effect of unspecified seafood, undetermined, sequela
T62.0X1A Toxic effect of ingested mushrooms, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T62.0X1D Toxic effect of ingested mushrooms, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T62.0X1S Toxic effect of ingested mushrooms, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T62.0X2A Toxic effect of ingested mushrooms, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T62.0X2D Toxic effect of ingested mushrooms, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T62.0X2S Toxic effect of ingested mushrooms, intentional self-harm, sequela
T62.0X3A Toxic effect of ingested mushrooms, assault, initial encounter
T62.0X3D Toxic effect of ingested mushrooms, assault, subsequent encounter
T62.0X3S Toxic effect of ingested mushrooms, assault, sequela
T62.0X4A Toxic effect of ingested mushrooms, undetermined, initial encounter
T62.0X4D Toxic effect of ingested mushrooms, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T62.0X4S Toxic effect of ingested mushrooms, undetermined, sequela
T62.1X1A Toxic effect of ingested berries, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T62.1X1D Toxic effect of ingested berries, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T62.1X1S Toxic effect of ingested berries, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T62.1X2A Toxic effect of ingested berries, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T62.1X2D Toxic effect of ingested berries, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T62.1X2S Toxic effect of ingested berries, intentional self-harm, sequela
T62.1X3A Toxic effect of ingested berries, assault, initial encounter
T62.1X3D Toxic effect of ingested berries, assault, subsequent encounter
T62.1X3S Toxic effect of ingested berries, assault, sequela
T62.1X4A Toxic effect of ingested berries, undetermined, initial encounter
T62.1X4D Toxic effect of ingested berries, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T62.1X4S Toxic effect of ingested berries, undetermined, sequela
T62.2X1A Toxic effect of other ingested (parts of) plant(s), accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T62.2X1D Toxic effect of other ingested (parts of) plant(s), accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T62.2X1S Toxic effect of other ingested (parts of) plant(s), accidental (unintentional), sequela
T62.2X2A Toxic effect of other ingested (parts of) plant(s), intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T62.2X2D Toxic effect of other ingested (parts of) plant(s), intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T62.2X2S Toxic effect of other ingested (parts of) plant(s), intentional self-harm, sequela
T62.2X3A Toxic effect of other ingested (parts of) plant(s), assault, initial encounter
T62.2X3D Toxic effect of other ingested (parts of) plant(s), assault, subsequent encounter
T62.2X3S Toxic effect of other ingested (parts of) plant(s), assault, sequela
T62.2X4A Toxic effect of other ingested (parts of) plant(s), undetermined, initial encounter
T62.2X4D Toxic effect of other ingested (parts of) plant(s), undetermined, subsequent encounter
T62.2X4S Toxic effect of other ingested (parts of) plant(s), undetermined, sequela
T62.8X1A Toxic effect of other specified noxious substances eaten as food, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T62.8X1D Toxic effect of other specified noxious substances eaten as food, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T62.8X1S Toxic effect of other specified noxious substances eaten as food, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T62.8X2A Toxic effect of other specified noxious substances eaten as food, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T62.8X2D Toxic effect of other specified noxious substances eaten as food, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T62.8X2S Toxic effect of other specified noxious substances eaten as food, intentional self-harm, sequela
T62.8X3A Toxic effect of other specified noxious substances eaten as food, assault, initial encounter
T62.8X3D Toxic effect of other specified noxious substances eaten as food, assault, subsequent encounter
T62.8X3S Toxic effect of other specified noxious substances eaten as food, assault, sequela
T62.8X4A Toxic effect of other specified noxious substances eaten as food, undetermined, initial encounter
T62.8X4D Toxic effect of other specified noxious substances eaten as food, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T62.8X4S Toxic effect of other specified noxious substances eaten as food, undetermined, sequela
T62.91XA Toxic effect of unspecified noxious substance eaten as food, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T62.91XD Toxic effect of unspecified noxious substance eaten as food, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T62.91XS Toxic effect of unspecified noxious substance eaten as food, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T62.92XA Toxic effect of unspecified noxious substance eaten as food, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T62.92XD Toxic effect of unspecified noxious substance eaten as food, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T62.92XS Toxic effect of unspecified noxious substance eaten as food, intentional self-harm, sequela
T62.93XA Toxic effect of unspecified noxious substance eaten as food, assault, initial encounter
T62.93XD Toxic effect of unspecified noxious substance eaten as food, assault, subsequent encounter
T62.93XS Toxic effect of unspecified noxious substance eaten as food, assault, sequela
T62.94XA Toxic effect of unspecified noxious substance eaten as food, undetermined, initial encounter
T62.94XD Toxic effect of unspecified noxious substance eaten as food, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T62.94XS Toxic effect of unspecified noxious substance eaten as food, undetermined, sequela
T63.001A Toxic effect of unspecified snake venom, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.001D Toxic effect of unspecified snake venom, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.001S Toxic effect of unspecified snake venom, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.002A Toxic effect of unspecified snake venom, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.002D Toxic effect of unspecified snake venom, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.002S Toxic effect of unspecified snake venom, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.003A Toxic effect of unspecified snake venom, assault, initial encounter
T63.003D Toxic effect of unspecified snake venom, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.003S Toxic effect of unspecified snake venom, assault, sequela
T63.004A Toxic effect of unspecified snake venom, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.004D Toxic effect of unspecified snake venom, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.004S Toxic effect of unspecified snake venom, undetermined, sequela
T63.011A Toxic effect of rattlesnake venom, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.011D Toxic effect of rattlesnake venom, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.011S Toxic effect of rattlesnake venom, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.012A Toxic effect of rattlesnake venom, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.012D Toxic effect of rattlesnake venom, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.012S Toxic effect of rattlesnake venom, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.013A Toxic effect of rattlesnake venom, assault, initial encounter
T63.013D Toxic effect of rattlesnake venom, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.013S Toxic effect of rattlesnake venom, assault, sequela
T63.014A Toxic effect of rattlesnake venom, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.014D Toxic effect of rattlesnake venom, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.014S Toxic effect of rattlesnake venom, undetermined, sequela
T63.021A Toxic effect of coral snake venom, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.021D Toxic effect of coral snake venom, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.021S Toxic effect of coral snake venom, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.022A Toxic effect of coral snake venom, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.022D Toxic effect of coral snake venom, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.022S Toxic effect of coral snake venom, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.023A Toxic effect of coral snake venom, assault, initial encounter
T63.023D Toxic effect of coral snake venom, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.023S Toxic effect of coral snake venom, assault, sequela
T63.024A Toxic effect of coral snake venom, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.024D Toxic effect of coral snake venom, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.024S Toxic effect of coral snake venom, undetermined, sequela
T63.031A Toxic effect of taipan venom, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.031D Toxic effect of taipan venom, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.031S Toxic effect of taipan venom, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.032A Toxic effect of taipan venom, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.032D Toxic effect of taipan venom, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.032S Toxic effect of taipan venom, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.033A Toxic effect of taipan venom, assault, initial encounter
T63.033D Toxic effect of taipan venom, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.033S Toxic effect of taipan venom, assault, sequela
T63.034A Toxic effect of taipan venom, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.034D Toxic effect of taipan venom, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.034S Toxic effect of taipan venom, undetermined, sequela
T63.041A Toxic effect of cobra venom, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.041D Toxic effect of cobra venom, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.041S Toxic effect of cobra venom, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.042A Toxic effect of cobra venom, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.042D Toxic effect of cobra venom, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.042S Toxic effect of cobra venom, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.043A Toxic effect of cobra venom, assault, initial encounter
T63.043D Toxic effect of cobra venom, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.043S Toxic effect of cobra venom, assault, sequela
T63.044A Toxic effect of cobra venom, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.044D Toxic effect of cobra venom, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.044S Toxic effect of cobra venom, undetermined, sequela
T63.061A Toxic effect of venom of other North and South American snake, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.061D Toxic effect of venom of other North and South American snake, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.061S Toxic effect of venom of other North and South American snake, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.062A Toxic effect of venom of other North and South American snake, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.062D Toxic effect of venom of other North and South American snake, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.062S Toxic effect of venom of other North and South American snake, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.063A Toxic effect of venom of other North and South American snake, assault, initial encounter
T63.063D Toxic effect of venom of other North and South American snake, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.063S Toxic effect of venom of other North and South American snake, assault, sequela
T63.064A Toxic effect of venom of other North and South American snake, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.064D Toxic effect of venom of other North and South American snake, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.064S Toxic effect of venom of other North and South American snake, undetermined, sequela
T63.071A Toxic effect of venom of other Australian snake, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.071D Toxic effect of venom of other Australian snake, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.071S Toxic effect of venom of other Australian snake, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.072A Toxic effect of venom of other Australian snake, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.072D Toxic effect of venom of other Australian snake, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.072S Toxic effect of venom of other Australian snake, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.073A Toxic effect of venom of other Australian snake, assault, initial encounter
T63.073D Toxic effect of venom of other Australian snake, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.073S Toxic effect of venom of other Australian snake, assault, sequela
T63.074A Toxic effect of venom of other Australian snake, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.074D Toxic effect of venom of other Australian snake, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.074S Toxic effect of venom of other Australian snake, undetermined, sequela
T63.081A Toxic effect of venom of other African and Asian snake, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.081D Toxic effect of venom of other African and Asian snake, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.081S Toxic effect of venom of other African and Asian snake, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.082A Toxic effect of venom of other African and Asian snake, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.082D Toxic effect of venom of other African and Asian snake, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.082S Toxic effect of venom of other African and Asian snake, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.083A Toxic effect of venom of other African and Asian snake, assault, initial encounter
T63.083D Toxic effect of venom of other African and Asian snake, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.083S Toxic effect of venom of other African and Asian snake, assault, sequela
T63.084A Toxic effect of venom of other African and Asian snake, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.084D Toxic effect of venom of other African and Asian snake, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.084S Toxic effect of venom of other African and Asian snake, undetermined, sequela
T63.091A Toxic effect of venom of other snake, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.091D Toxic effect of venom of other snake, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.091S Toxic effect of venom of other snake, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.092A Toxic effect of venom of other snake, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.092D Toxic effect of venom of other snake, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.092S Toxic effect of venom of other snake, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.093A Toxic effect of venom of other snake, assault, initial encounter
T63.093D Toxic effect of venom of other snake, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.093S Toxic effect of venom of other snake, assault, sequela
T63.094A Toxic effect of venom of other snake, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.094D Toxic effect of venom of other snake, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.094S Toxic effect of venom of other snake, undetermined, sequela
T63.111A Toxic effect of venom of gila monster, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.111D Toxic effect of venom of gila monster, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.111S Toxic effect of venom of gila monster, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.112A Toxic effect of venom of gila monster, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.112D Toxic effect of venom of gila monster, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.112S Toxic effect of venom of gila monster, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.113A Toxic effect of venom of gila monster, assault, initial encounter
T63.113D Toxic effect of venom of gila monster, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.113S Toxic effect of venom of gila monster, assault, sequela
T63.114A Toxic effect of venom of gila monster, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.114D Toxic effect of venom of gila monster, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.114S Toxic effect of venom of gila monster, undetermined, sequela
T63.121A Toxic effect of venom of other venomous lizard, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.121D Toxic effect of venom of other venomous lizard, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.121S Toxic effect of venom of other venomous lizard, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.122A Toxic effect of venom of other venomous lizard, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.122D Toxic effect of venom of other venomous lizard, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.122S Toxic effect of venom of other venomous lizard, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.123A Toxic effect of venom of other venomous lizard, assault, initial encounter
T63.123D Toxic effect of venom of other venomous lizard, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.123S Toxic effect of venom of other venomous lizard, assault, sequela
T63.124A Toxic effect of venom of other venomous lizard, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.124D Toxic effect of venom of other venomous lizard, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.124S Toxic effect of venom of other venomous lizard, undetermined, sequela
T63.191A Toxic effect of venom of other reptiles, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.191D Toxic effect of venom of other reptiles, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.191S Toxic effect of venom of other reptiles, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.192A Toxic effect of venom of other reptiles, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.192D Toxic effect of venom of other reptiles, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.192S Toxic effect of venom of other reptiles, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.193A Toxic effect of venom of other reptiles, assault, initial encounter
T63.193D Toxic effect of venom of other reptiles, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.193S Toxic effect of venom of other reptiles, assault, sequela
T63.194A Toxic effect of venom of other reptiles, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.194D Toxic effect of venom of other reptiles, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.194S Toxic effect of venom of other reptiles, undetermined, sequela
T63.2X1A Toxic effect of venom of scorpion, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.2X1D Toxic effect of venom of scorpion, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.2X1S Toxic effect of venom of scorpion, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.2X2A Toxic effect of venom of scorpion, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.2X2D Toxic effect of venom of scorpion, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.2X2S Toxic effect of venom of scorpion, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.2X3A Toxic effect of venom of scorpion, assault, initial encounter
T63.2X3D Toxic effect of venom of scorpion, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.2X3S Toxic effect of venom of scorpion, assault, sequela
T63.2X4A Toxic effect of venom of scorpion, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.2X4D Toxic effect of venom of scorpion, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.2X4S Toxic effect of venom of scorpion, undetermined, sequela
T63.301A Toxic effect of unspecified spider venom, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.301D Toxic effect of unspecified spider venom, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.301S Toxic effect of unspecified spider venom, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.302A Toxic effect of unspecified spider venom, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.302D Toxic effect of unspecified spider venom, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.302S Toxic effect of unspecified spider venom, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.303A Toxic effect of unspecified spider venom, assault, initial encounter
T63.303D Toxic effect of unspecified spider venom, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.303S Toxic effect of unspecified spider venom, assault, sequela
T63.304A Toxic effect of unspecified spider venom, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.304D Toxic effect of unspecified spider venom, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.304S Toxic effect of unspecified spider venom, undetermined, sequela
T63.311A Toxic effect of venom of black widow spider, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.311D Toxic effect of venom of black widow spider, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.311S Toxic effect of venom of black widow spider, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.312A Toxic effect of venom of black widow spider, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.312D Toxic effect of venom of black widow spider, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.312S Toxic effect of venom of black widow spider, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.313A Toxic effect of venom of black widow spider, assault, initial encounter
T63.313D Toxic effect of venom of black widow spider, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.313S Toxic effect of venom of black widow spider, assault, sequela
T63.314A Toxic effect of venom of black widow spider, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.314D Toxic effect of venom of black widow spider, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.314S Toxic effect of venom of black widow spider, undetermined, sequela
T63.321A Toxic effect of venom of tarantula, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.321D Toxic effect of venom of tarantula, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.321S Toxic effect of venom of tarantula, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.322A Toxic effect of venom of tarantula, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.322D Toxic effect of venom of tarantula, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.322S Toxic effect of venom of tarantula, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.323A Toxic effect of venom of tarantula, assault, initial encounter
T63.323D Toxic effect of venom of tarantula, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.323S Toxic effect of venom of tarantula, assault, sequela
T63.324A Toxic effect of venom of tarantula, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.324D Toxic effect of venom of tarantula, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.324S Toxic effect of venom of tarantula, undetermined, sequela
T63.331A Toxic effect of venom of brown recluse spider, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.331D Toxic effect of venom of brown recluse spider, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.331S Toxic effect of venom of brown recluse spider, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.332A Toxic effect of venom of brown recluse spider, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.332D Toxic effect of venom of brown recluse spider, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.332S Toxic effect of venom of brown recluse spider, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.333A Toxic effect of venom of brown recluse spider, assault, initial encounter
T63.333D Toxic effect of venom of brown recluse spider, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.333S Toxic effect of venom of brown recluse spider, assault, sequela
T63.334A Toxic effect of venom of brown recluse spider, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.334D Toxic effect of venom of brown recluse spider, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.334S Toxic effect of venom of brown recluse spider, undetermined, sequela
T63.391A Toxic effect of venom of other spider, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.391D Toxic effect of venom of other spider, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.391S Toxic effect of venom of other spider, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.392A Toxic effect of venom of other spider, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.392D Toxic effect of venom of other spider, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.392S Toxic effect of venom of other spider, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.393A Toxic effect of venom of other spider, assault, initial encounter
T63.393D Toxic effect of venom of other spider, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.393S Toxic effect of venom of other spider, assault, sequela
T63.394A Toxic effect of venom of other spider, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.394D Toxic effect of venom of other spider, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.394S Toxic effect of venom of other spider, undetermined, sequela
T63.411A Toxic effect of venom of centipedes and venomous millipedes, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.411D Toxic effect of venom of centipedes and venomous millipedes, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.411S Toxic effect of venom of centipedes and venomous millipedes, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.412A Toxic effect of venom of centipedes and venomous millipedes, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.412D Toxic effect of venom of centipedes and venomous millipedes, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.412S Toxic effect of venom of centipedes and venomous millipedes, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.413A Toxic effect of venom of centipedes and venomous millipedes, assault, initial encounter
T63.413D Toxic effect of venom of centipedes and venomous millipedes, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.413S Toxic effect of venom of centipedes and venomous millipedes, assault, sequela
T63.414A Toxic effect of venom of centipedes and venomous millipedes, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.414D Toxic effect of venom of centipedes and venomous millipedes, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.414S Toxic effect of venom of centipedes and venomous millipedes, undetermined, sequela
T63.421A Toxic effect of venom of ants, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.421D Toxic effect of venom of ants, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.421S Toxic effect of venom of ants, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.422A Toxic effect of venom of ants, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.422D Toxic effect of venom of ants, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.422S Toxic effect of venom of ants, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.423A Toxic effect of venom of ants, assault, initial encounter
T63.423D Toxic effect of venom of ants, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.423S Toxic effect of venom of ants, assault, sequela
T63.424A Toxic effect of venom of ants, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.424D Toxic effect of venom of ants, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.424S Toxic effect of venom of ants, undetermined, sequela
T63.431A Toxic effect of venom of caterpillars, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.431D Toxic effect of venom of caterpillars, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.431S Toxic effect of venom of caterpillars, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.432A Toxic effect of venom of caterpillars, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.432D Toxic effect of venom of caterpillars, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.432S Toxic effect of venom of caterpillars, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.433A Toxic effect of venom of caterpillars, assault, initial encounter
T63.433D Toxic effect of venom of caterpillars, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.433S Toxic effect of venom of caterpillars, assault, sequela
T63.434A Toxic effect of venom of caterpillars, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.434D Toxic effect of venom of caterpillars, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.434S Toxic effect of venom of caterpillars, undetermined, sequela
T63.441A Toxic effect of venom of bees, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.441D Toxic effect of venom of bees, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.441S Toxic effect of venom of bees, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.442A Toxic effect of venom of bees, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.442D Toxic effect of venom of bees, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.442S Toxic effect of venom of bees, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.443A Toxic effect of venom of bees, assault, initial encounter
T63.443D Toxic effect of venom of bees, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.443S Toxic effect of venom of bees, assault, sequela
T63.444A Toxic effect of venom of bees, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.444D Toxic effect of venom of bees, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.444S Toxic effect of venom of bees, undetermined, sequela
T63.451A Toxic effect of venom of hornets, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.451D Toxic effect of venom of hornets, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.451S Toxic effect of venom of hornets, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.452A Toxic effect of venom of hornets, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.452D Toxic effect of venom of hornets, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.452S Toxic effect of venom of hornets, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.453A Toxic effect of venom of hornets, assault, initial encounter
T63.453D Toxic effect of venom of hornets, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.453S Toxic effect of venom of hornets, assault, sequela
T63.454A Toxic effect of venom of hornets, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.454D Toxic effect of venom of hornets, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.454S Toxic effect of venom of hornets, undetermined, sequela
T63.461A Toxic effect of venom of wasps, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.461D Toxic effect of venom of wasps, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.461S Toxic effect of venom of wasps, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.462A Toxic effect of venom of wasps, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.462D Toxic effect of venom of wasps, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.462S Toxic effect of venom of wasps, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.463A Toxic effect of venom of wasps, assault, initial encounter
T63.463D Toxic effect of venom of wasps, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.463S Toxic effect of venom of wasps, assault, sequela
T63.464A Toxic effect of venom of wasps, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.464D Toxic effect of venom of wasps, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.464S Toxic effect of venom of wasps, undetermined, sequela
T63.481A Toxic effect of venom of other arthropod, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.481D Toxic effect of venom of other arthropod, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.481S Toxic effect of venom of other arthropod, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.482A Toxic effect of venom of other arthropod, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.482D Toxic effect of venom of other arthropod, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.482S Toxic effect of venom of other arthropod, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.483A Toxic effect of venom of other arthropod, assault, initial encounter
T63.483D Toxic effect of venom of other arthropod, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.483S Toxic effect of venom of other arthropod, assault, sequela
T63.484A Toxic effect of venom of other arthropod, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.484D Toxic effect of venom of other arthropod, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.484S Toxic effect of venom of other arthropod, undetermined, sequela
T63.511A Toxic effect of contact with stingray, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.511D Toxic effect of contact with stingray, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.511S Toxic effect of contact with stingray, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.512A Toxic effect of contact with stingray, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.512D Toxic effect of contact with stingray, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.512S Toxic effect of contact with stingray, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.513A Toxic effect of contact with stingray, assault, initial encounter
T63.513D Toxic effect of contact with stingray, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.513S Toxic effect of contact with stingray, assault, sequela
T63.514A Toxic effect of contact with stingray, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.514D Toxic effect of contact with stingray, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.514S Toxic effect of contact with stingray, undetermined, sequela
T63.591A Toxic effect of contact with other venomous fish, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.591D Toxic effect of contact with other venomous fish, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.591S Toxic effect of contact with other venomous fish, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.592A Toxic effect of contact with other venomous fish, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.592D Toxic effect of contact with other venomous fish, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.592S Toxic effect of contact with other venomous fish, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.593A Toxic effect of contact with other venomous fish, assault, initial encounter
T63.593D Toxic effect of contact with other venomous fish, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.593S Toxic effect of contact with other venomous fish, assault, sequela
T63.594A Toxic effect of contact with other venomous fish, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.594D Toxic effect of contact with other venomous fish, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.594S Toxic effect of contact with other venomous fish, undetermined, sequela
T63.611A Toxic effect of contact with Portuguese Man-o-war, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.611D Toxic effect of contact with Portuguese Man-o-war, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.611S Toxic effect of contact with Portuguese Man-o-war, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.612A Toxic effect of contact with Portuguese Man-o-war, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.612D Toxic effect of contact with Portuguese Man-o-war, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.612S Toxic effect of contact with Portuguese Man-o-war, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.613A Toxic effect of contact with Portuguese Man-o-war, assault, initial encounter
T63.613D Toxic effect of contact with Portuguese Man-o-war, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.613S Toxic effect of contact with Portuguese Man-o-war, assault, sequela
T63.614A Toxic effect of contact with Portuguese Man-o-war, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.614D Toxic effect of contact with Portuguese Man-o-war, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.614S Toxic effect of contact with Portuguese Man-o-war, undetermined, sequela
T63.621A Toxic effect of contact with other jellyfish, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.621D Toxic effect of contact with other jellyfish, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.621S Toxic effect of contact with other jellyfish, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.622A Toxic effect of contact with other jellyfish, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.622D Toxic effect of contact with other jellyfish, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.622S Toxic effect of contact with other jellyfish, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.623A Toxic effect of contact with other jellyfish, assault, initial encounter
T63.623D Toxic effect of contact with other jellyfish, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.623S Toxic effect of contact with other jellyfish, assault, sequela
T63.624A Toxic effect of contact with other jellyfish, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.624D Toxic effect of contact with other jellyfish, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.624S Toxic effect of contact with other jellyfish, undetermined, sequela
T63.631A Toxic effect of contact with sea anemone, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.631D Toxic effect of contact with sea anemone, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.631S Toxic effect of contact with sea anemone, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.632A Toxic effect of contact with sea anemone, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.632D Toxic effect of contact with sea anemone, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.632S Toxic effect of contact with sea anemone, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.633A Toxic effect of contact with sea anemone, assault, initial encounter
T63.633D Toxic effect of contact with sea anemone, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.633S Toxic effect of contact with sea anemone, assault, sequela
T63.634A Toxic effect of contact with sea anemone, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.634D Toxic effect of contact with sea anemone, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.634S Toxic effect of contact with sea anemone, undetermined, sequela
T63.691A Toxic effect of contact with other venomous marine animals, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.691D Toxic effect of contact with other venomous marine animals, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.691S Toxic effect of contact with other venomous marine animals, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.692A Toxic effect of contact with other venomous marine animals, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.692D Toxic effect of contact with other venomous marine animals, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.692S Toxic effect of contact with other venomous marine animals, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.693A Toxic effect of contact with other venomous marine animals, assault, initial encounter
T63.693D Toxic effect of contact with other venomous marine animals, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.693S Toxic effect of contact with other venomous marine animals, assault, sequela
T63.694A Toxic effect of contact with other venomous marine animals, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.694D Toxic effect of contact with other venomous marine animals, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.694S Toxic effect of contact with other venomous marine animals, undetermined, sequela
T63.711A Toxic effect of contact with venomous marine plant, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.711D Toxic effect of contact with venomous marine plant, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.711S Toxic effect of contact with venomous marine plant, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.712A Toxic effect of contact with venomous marine plant, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.712D Toxic effect of contact with venomous marine plant, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.712S Toxic effect of contact with venomous marine plant, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.713A Toxic effect of contact with venomous marine plant, assault, initial encounter
T63.713D Toxic effect of contact with venomous marine plant, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.713S Toxic effect of contact with venomous marine plant, assault, sequela
T63.714A Toxic effect of contact with venomous marine plant, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.714D Toxic effect of contact with venomous marine plant, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.714S Toxic effect of contact with venomous marine plant, undetermined, sequela
T63.791A Toxic effect of contact with other venomous plant, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.791D Toxic effect of contact with other venomous plant, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.791S Toxic effect of contact with other venomous plant, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.792A Toxic effect of contact with other venomous plant, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.792D Toxic effect of contact with other venomous plant, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.792S Toxic effect of contact with other venomous plant, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.793A Toxic effect of contact with other venomous plant, assault, initial encounter
T63.793D Toxic effect of contact with other venomous plant, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.793S Toxic effect of contact with other venomous plant, assault, sequela
T63.794A Toxic effect of contact with other venomous plant, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.794D Toxic effect of contact with other venomous plant, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.794S Toxic effect of contact with other venomous plant, undetermined, sequela
T63.811A Toxic effect of contact with venomous frog, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.811D Toxic effect of contact with venomous frog, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.811S Toxic effect of contact with venomous frog, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.812A Toxic effect of contact with venomous frog, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.812D Toxic effect of contact with venomous frog, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.812S Toxic effect of contact with venomous frog, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.813A Toxic effect of contact with venomous frog, assault, initial encounter
T63.813D Toxic effect of contact with venomous frog, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.813S Toxic effect of contact with venomous frog, assault, sequela
T63.814A Toxic effect of contact with venomous frog, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.814D Toxic effect of contact with venomous frog, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.814S Toxic effect of contact with venomous frog, undetermined, sequela
T63.821A Toxic effect of contact with venomous toad, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.821D Toxic effect of contact with venomous toad, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.821S Toxic effect of contact with venomous toad, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.822A Toxic effect of contact with venomous toad, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.822D Toxic effect of contact with venomous toad, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.822S Toxic effect of contact with venomous toad, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.823A Toxic effect of contact with venomous toad, assault, initial encounter
T63.823D Toxic effect of contact with venomous toad, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.823S Toxic effect of contact with venomous toad, assault, sequela
T63.824A Toxic effect of contact with venomous toad, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.824D Toxic effect of contact with venomous toad, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.824S Toxic effect of contact with venomous toad, undetermined, sequela
T63.831A Toxic effect of contact with other venomous amphibian, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.831D Toxic effect of contact with other venomous amphibian, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.831S Toxic effect of contact with other venomous amphibian, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.832A Toxic effect of contact with other venomous amphibian, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.832D Toxic effect of contact with other venomous amphibian, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.832S Toxic effect of contact with other venomous amphibian, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.833A Toxic effect of contact with other venomous amphibian, assault, initial encounter
T63.833D Toxic effect of contact with other venomous amphibian, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.833S Toxic effect of contact with other venomous amphibian, assault, sequela
T63.834A Toxic effect of contact with other venomous amphibian, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.834D Toxic effect of contact with other venomous amphibian, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.834S Toxic effect of contact with other venomous amphibian, undetermined, sequela
T63.891A Toxic effect of contact with other venomous animals, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.891D Toxic effect of contact with other venomous animals, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.891S Toxic effect of contact with other venomous animals, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.892A Toxic effect of contact with other venomous animals, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.892D Toxic effect of contact with other venomous animals, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.892S Toxic effect of contact with other venomous animals, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.893A Toxic effect of contact with other venomous animals, assault, initial encounter
T63.893D Toxic effect of contact with other venomous animals, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.893S Toxic effect of contact with other venomous animals, assault, sequela
T63.894A Toxic effect of contact with other venomous animals, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.894D Toxic effect of contact with other venomous animals, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.894S Toxic effect of contact with other venomous animals, undetermined, sequela
T63.91XA Toxic effect of contact with unspecified venomous animal, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T63.91XD Toxic effect of contact with unspecified venomous animal, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T63.91XS Toxic effect of contact with unspecified venomous animal, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T63.92XA Toxic effect of contact with unspecified venomous animal, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T63.92XD Toxic effect of contact with unspecified venomous animal, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T63.92XS Toxic effect of contact with unspecified venomous animal, intentional self-harm, sequela
T63.93XA Toxic effect of contact with unspecified venomous animal, assault, initial encounter
T63.93XD Toxic effect of contact with unspecified venomous animal, assault, subsequent encounter
T63.93XS Toxic effect of contact with unspecified venomous animal, assault, sequela
T63.94XA Toxic effect of contact with unspecified venomous animal, undetermined, initial encounter
T63.94XD Toxic effect of contact with unspecified venomous animal, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T63.94XS Toxic effect of contact with unspecified venomous animal, undetermined, sequela
T64.01XA Toxic effect of aflatoxin, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T64.01XD Toxic effect of aflatoxin, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T64.01XS Toxic effect of aflatoxin, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T64.02XA Toxic effect of aflatoxin, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T64.02XD Toxic effect of aflatoxin, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T64.02XS Toxic effect of aflatoxin, intentional self-harm, sequela
T64.03XA Toxic effect of aflatoxin, assault, initial encounter
T64.03XD Toxic effect of aflatoxin, assault, subsequent encounter
T64.03XS Toxic effect of aflatoxin, assault, sequela
T64.04XA Toxic effect of aflatoxin, undetermined, initial encounter
T64.04XD Toxic effect of aflatoxin, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T64.04XS Toxic effect of aflatoxin, undetermined, sequela
T64.81XA Toxic effect of other mycotoxin food contaminants, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T64.81XD Toxic effect of other mycotoxin food contaminants, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T64.81XS Toxic effect of other mycotoxin food contaminants, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T64.82XA Toxic effect of other mycotoxin food contaminants, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T64.82XD Toxic effect of other mycotoxin food contaminants, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T64.82XS Toxic effect of other mycotoxin food contaminants, intentional self-harm, sequela
T64.83XA Toxic effect of other mycotoxin food contaminants, assault, initial encounter
T64.83XD Toxic effect of other mycotoxin food contaminants, assault, subsequent encounter
T64.83XS Toxic effect of other mycotoxin food contaminants, assault, sequela
T64.84XA Toxic effect of other mycotoxin food contaminants, undetermined, initial encounter
T64.84XD Toxic effect of other mycotoxin food contaminants, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T64.84XS Toxic effect of other mycotoxin food contaminants, undetermined, sequela
T65.0X1A Toxic effect of cyanides, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T65.0X1D Toxic effect of cyanides, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T65.0X1S Toxic effect of cyanides, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T65.0X2A Toxic effect of cyanides, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T65.0X2D Toxic effect of cyanides, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T65.0X2S Toxic effect of cyanides, intentional self-harm, sequela
T65.0X3A Toxic effect of cyanides, assault, initial encounter
T65.0X3D Toxic effect of cyanides, assault, subsequent encounter
T65.0X3S Toxic effect of cyanides, assault, sequela
T65.0X4A Toxic effect of cyanides, undetermined, initial encounter
T65.0X4D Toxic effect of cyanides, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T65.0X4S Toxic effect of cyanides, undetermined, sequela
T65.1X1A Toxic effect of strychnine and its salts, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T65.1X1D Toxic effect of strychnine and its salts, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T65.1X1S Toxic effect of strychnine and its salts, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T65.1X2A Toxic effect of strychnine and its salts, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T65.1X2D Toxic effect of strychnine and its salts, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T65.1X2S Toxic effect of strychnine and its salts, intentional self-harm, sequela
T65.1X3A Toxic effect of strychnine and its salts, assault, initial encounter
T65.1X3D Toxic effect of strychnine and its salts, assault, subsequent encounter
T65.1X3S Toxic effect of strychnine and its salts, assault, sequela
T65.1X4A Toxic effect of strychnine and its salts, undetermined, initial encounter
T65.1X4D Toxic effect of strychnine and its salts, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T65.1X4S Toxic effect of strychnine and its salts, undetermined, sequela
T65.211A Toxic effect of chewing tobacco, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T65.211D Toxic effect of chewing tobacco, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T65.211S Toxic effect of chewing tobacco, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T65.212A Toxic effect of chewing tobacco, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T65.212D Toxic effect of chewing tobacco, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T65.212S Toxic effect of chewing tobacco, intentional self-harm, sequela
T65.213A Toxic effect of chewing tobacco, assault, initial encounter
T65.213D Toxic effect of chewing tobacco, assault, subsequent encounter
T65.213S Toxic effect of chewing tobacco, assault, sequela
T65.214A Toxic effect of chewing tobacco, undetermined, initial encounter
T65.214D Toxic effect of chewing tobacco, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T65.214S Toxic effect of chewing tobacco, undetermined, sequela
T65.221A Toxic effect of tobacco cigarettes, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T65.221D Toxic effect of tobacco cigarettes, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T65.221S Toxic effect of tobacco cigarettes, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T65.222A Toxic effect of tobacco cigarettes, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T65.222D Toxic effect of tobacco cigarettes, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T65.222S Toxic effect of tobacco cigarettes, intentional self-harm, sequela
T65.223A Toxic effect of tobacco cigarettes, assault, initial encounter
T65.223D Toxic effect of tobacco cigarettes, assault, subsequent encounter
T65.223S Toxic effect of tobacco cigarettes, assault, sequela
T65.224A Toxic effect of tobacco cigarettes, undetermined, initial encounter
T65.224D Toxic effect of tobacco cigarettes, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T65.224S Toxic effect of tobacco cigarettes, undetermined, sequela
T65.291A Toxic effect of other tobacco and nicotine, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T65.291D Toxic effect of other tobacco and nicotine, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T65.291S Toxic effect of other tobacco and nicotine, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T65.292A Toxic effect of other tobacco and nicotine, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T65.292D Toxic effect of other tobacco and nicotine, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T65.292S Toxic effect of other tobacco and nicotine, intentional self-harm, sequela
T65.293A Toxic effect of other tobacco and nicotine, assault, initial encounter
T65.293D Toxic effect of other tobacco and nicotine, assault, subsequent encounter
T65.293S Toxic effect of other tobacco and nicotine, assault, sequela
T65.294A Toxic effect of other tobacco and nicotine, undetermined, initial encounter
T65.294D Toxic effect of other tobacco and nicotine, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T65.294S Toxic effect of other tobacco and nicotine, undetermined, sequela
T65.3X1A Toxic effect of nitroderivatives and aminoderivatives of benzene and its homologues, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T65.3X1D Toxic effect of nitroderivatives and aminoderivatives of benzene and its homologues, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T65.3X1S Toxic effect of nitroderivatives and aminoderivatives of benzene and its homologues, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T65.3X2A Toxic effect of nitroderivatives and aminoderivatives of benzene and its homologues, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T65.3X2D Toxic effect of nitroderivatives and aminoderivatives of benzene and its homologues, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T65.3X2S Toxic effect of nitroderivatives and aminoderivatives of benzene and its homologues, intentional self-harm, sequela
T65.3X3A Toxic effect of nitroderivatives and aminoderivatives of benzene and its homologues, assault, initial encounter
T65.3X3D Toxic effect of nitroderivatives and aminoderivatives of benzene and its homologues, assault, subsequent encounter
T65.3X3S Toxic effect of nitroderivatives and aminoderivatives of benzene and its homologues, assault, sequela
T65.3X4A Toxic effect of nitroderivatives and aminoderivatives of benzene and its homologues, undetermined, initial encounter
T65.3X4D Toxic effect of nitroderivatives and aminoderivatives of benzene and its homologues, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T65.3X4S Toxic effect of nitroderivatives and aminoderivatives of benzene and its homologues, undetermined, sequela
T65.4X1A Toxic effect of carbon disulfide, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T65.4X1D Toxic effect of carbon disulfide, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T65.4X1S Toxic effect of carbon disulfide, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T65.4X2A Toxic effect of carbon disulfide, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T65.4X2D Toxic effect of carbon disulfide, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T65.4X2S Toxic effect of carbon disulfide, intentional self-harm, sequela
T65.4X3A Toxic effect of carbon disulfide, assault, initial encounter
T65.4X3D Toxic effect of carbon disulfide, assault, subsequent encounter
T65.4X3S Toxic effect of carbon disulfide, assault, sequela
T65.4X4A Toxic effect of carbon disulfide, undetermined, initial encounter
T65.4X4D Toxic effect of carbon disulfide, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T65.4X4S Toxic effect of carbon disulfide, undetermined, sequela
T65.5X1A Toxic effect of nitroglycerin and other nitric acids and esters, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T65.5X1D Toxic effect of nitroglycerin and other nitric acids and esters, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T65.5X1S Toxic effect of nitroglycerin and other nitric acids and esters, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T65.5X2A Toxic effect of nitroglycerin and other nitric acids and esters, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T65.5X2D Toxic effect of nitroglycerin and other nitric acids and esters, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T65.5X2S Toxic effect of nitroglycerin and other nitric acids and esters, intentional self-harm, sequela
T65.5X3A Toxic effect of nitroglycerin and other nitric acids and esters, assault, initial encounter
T65.5X3D Toxic effect of nitroglycerin and other nitric acids and esters, assault, subsequent encounter
T65.5X3S Toxic effect of nitroglycerin and other nitric acids and esters, assault, sequela
T65.5X4A Toxic effect of nitroglycerin and other nitric acids and esters, undetermined, initial encounter
T65.5X4D Toxic effect of nitroglycerin and other nitric acids and esters, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T65.5X4S Toxic effect of nitroglycerin and other nitric acids and esters, undetermined, sequela
T65.6X1A Toxic effect of paints and dyes, not elsewhere classified, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T65.6X1D Toxic effect of paints and dyes, not elsewhere classified, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T65.6X1S Toxic effect of paints and dyes, not elsewhere classified, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T65.6X2A Toxic effect of paints and dyes, not elsewhere classified, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T65.6X2D Toxic effect of paints and dyes, not elsewhere classified, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T65.6X2S Toxic effect of paints and dyes, not elsewhere classified, intentional self-harm, sequela
T65.6X3A Toxic effect of paints and dyes, not elsewhere classified, assault, initial encounter
T65.6X3D Toxic effect of paints and dyes, not elsewhere classified, assault, subsequent encounter
T65.6X3S Toxic effect of paints and dyes, not elsewhere classified, assault, sequela
T65.6X4A Toxic effect of paints and dyes, not elsewhere classified, undetermined, initial encounter
T65.6X4D Toxic effect of paints and dyes, not elsewhere classified, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T65.6X4S Toxic effect of paints and dyes, not elsewhere classified, undetermined, sequela
T65.811A Toxic effect of latex, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T65.811D Toxic effect of latex, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T65.811S Toxic effect of latex, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T65.812A Toxic effect of latex, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T65.812D Toxic effect of latex, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T65.812S Toxic effect of latex, intentional self-harm, sequela
T65.813A Toxic effect of latex, assault, initial encounter
T65.813D Toxic effect of latex, assault, subsequent encounter
T65.813S Toxic effect of latex, assault, sequela
T65.814A Toxic effect of latex, undetermined, initial encounter
T65.814D Toxic effect of latex, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T65.814S Toxic effect of latex, undetermined, sequela
T65.821A Toxic effect of harmful algae and algae toxins, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T65.821D Toxic effect of harmful algae and algae toxins, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T65.821S Toxic effect of harmful algae and algae toxins, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T65.822A Toxic effect of harmful algae and algae toxins, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T65.822D Toxic effect of harmful algae and algae toxins, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T65.822S Toxic effect of harmful algae and algae toxins, intentional self-harm, sequela
T65.823A Toxic effect of harmful algae and algae toxins, assault, initial encounter
T65.823D Toxic effect of harmful algae and algae toxins, assault, subsequent encounter
T65.823S Toxic effect of harmful algae and algae toxins, assault, sequela
T65.824A Toxic effect of harmful algae and algae toxins, undetermined, initial encounter
T65.824D Toxic effect of harmful algae and algae toxins, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T65.824S Toxic effect of harmful algae and algae toxins, undetermined, sequela
T65.831A Toxic effect of fiberglass, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T65.831D Toxic effect of fiberglass, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T65.831S Toxic effect of fiberglass, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T65.832A Toxic effect of fiberglass, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T65.832D Toxic effect of fiberglass, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T65.832S Toxic effect of fiberglass, intentional self-harm, sequela
T65.833A Toxic effect of fiberglass, assault, initial encounter
T65.833D Toxic effect of fiberglass, assault, subsequent encounter
T65.833S Toxic effect of fiberglass, assault, sequela
T65.834A Toxic effect of fiberglass, undetermined, initial encounter
T65.834D Toxic effect of fiberglass, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T65.834S Toxic effect of fiberglass, undetermined, sequela
T65.891A Toxic effect of other specified substances, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T65.891D Toxic effect of other specified substances, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T65.891S Toxic effect of other specified substances, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T65.892A Toxic effect of other specified substances, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T65.892D Toxic effect of other specified substances, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T65.892S Toxic effect of other specified substances, intentional self-harm, sequela
T65.893A Toxic effect of other specified substances, assault, initial encounter
T65.893D Toxic effect of other specified substances, assault, subsequent encounter
T65.893S Toxic effect of other specified substances, assault, sequela
T65.894A Toxic effect of other specified substances, undetermined, initial encounter
T65.894D Toxic effect of other specified substances, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T65.894S Toxic effect of other specified substances, undetermined, sequela
T65.91XA Toxic effect of unspecified substance, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T65.91XD Toxic effect of unspecified substance, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T65.91XS Toxic effect of unspecified substance, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T65.92XA Toxic effect of unspecified substance, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T65.92XD Toxic effect of unspecified substance, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T65.92XS Toxic effect of unspecified substance, intentional self-harm, sequela
T65.93XA Toxic effect of unspecified substance, assault, initial encounter
T65.93XD Toxic effect of unspecified substance, assault, subsequent encounter
T65.93XS Toxic effect of unspecified substance, assault, sequela
T65.94XA Toxic effect of unspecified substance, undetermined, initial encounter
T65.94XD Toxic effect of unspecified substance, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T65.94XS Toxic effect of unspecified substance, undetermined, sequela
T66.XXXA Radiation sickness, unspecified, initial encounter
T66.XXXD Radiation sickness, unspecified, subsequent encounter
T66.XXXS Radiation sickness, unspecified, sequela
T67.01XA Heatstroke and sunstroke, initial encounter
T67.01XD Heatstroke and sunstroke, subsequent encounter
T67.01XS Heatstroke and sunstroke, sequela
T67.02XA Exertional heatstroke, initial encounter
T67.02XD Exertional heatstroke, subsequent encounter
T67.02XS Exertional heatstroke, sequela
T67.09XA Other heatstroke and sunstroke, initial encounter
T67.09XD Other heatstroke and sunstroke, subsequent encounter
T67.09XS Other heatstroke and sunstroke, sequela
T67.1XXA Heat syncope, initial encounter
T67.1XXD Heat syncope, subsequent encounter
T67.1XXS Heat syncope, sequela
T67.3XXA Heat exhaustion, anhydrotic, initial encounter
T67.3XXD Heat exhaustion, anhydrotic, subsequent encounter
T67.3XXS Heat exhaustion, anhydrotic, sequela
T67.4XXA Heat exhaustion due to salt depletion, initial encounter
T67.4XXD Heat exhaustion due to salt depletion, subsequent encounter
T67.4XXS Heat exhaustion due to salt depletion, sequela
T67.5XXA Heat exhaustion, unspecified, initial encounter
T67.5XXD Heat exhaustion, unspecified, subsequent encounter
T67.5XXS Heat exhaustion, unspecified, sequela
T67.7XXA Heat edema, initial encounter
T67.7XXD Heat edema, subsequent encounter
T67.7XXS Heat edema, sequela
T67.8XXA Other effects of heat and light, initial encounter
T67.8XXD Other effects of heat and light, subsequent encounter
T67.8XXS Other effects of heat and light, sequela
T67.9XXA Effect of heat and light, unspecified, initial encounter
T67.9XXD Effect of heat and light, unspecified, subsequent encounter
T67.9XXS Effect of heat and light, unspecified, sequela
T68.XXXA Hypothermia, initial encounter
T68.XXXD Hypothermia, subsequent encounter
T68.XXXS Hypothermia, sequela
T69.8XXA Other specified effects of reduced temperature, initial encounter
T69.8XXD Other specified effects of reduced temperature, subsequent encounter
T69.8XXS Other specified effects of reduced temperature, sequela
T70.0XXA Otitic barotrauma, initial encounter
T70.0XXD Otitic barotrauma, subsequent encounter
T70.0XXS Otitic barotrauma, sequela
T70.1XXA Sinus barotrauma, initial encounter
T70.1XXD Sinus barotrauma, subsequent encounter
T70.1XXS Sinus barotrauma, sequela
T70.29XA Other effects of high altitude, initial encounter
T70.29XD Other effects of high altitude, subsequent encounter
T70.29XS Other effects of high altitude, sequela
T70.3XXA Caisson disease [decompression sickness], initial encounter
T70.3XXD Caisson disease [decompression sickness], subsequent encounter
T70.3XXS Caisson disease [decompression sickness], sequela
T70.4XXA Effects of high-pressure fluids, initial encounter
T70.4XXD Effects of high-pressure fluids, subsequent encounter
T70.4XXS Effects of high-pressure fluids, sequela
T70.8XXA Other effects of air pressure and water pressure, initial encounter
T70.8XXD Other effects of air pressure and water pressure, subsequent encounter
T70.8XXS Other effects of air pressure and water pressure, sequela
T71.111A Asphyxiation due to smothering under pillow, accidental, initial encounter
T71.111D Asphyxiation due to smothering under pillow, accidental, subsequent encounter
T71.111S Asphyxiation due to smothering under pillow, accidental, sequela
T71.112A Asphyxiation due to smothering under pillow, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T71.112D Asphyxiation due to smothering under pillow, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T71.112S Asphyxiation due to smothering under pillow, intentional self-harm, sequela
T71.113A Asphyxiation due to smothering under pillow, assault, initial encounter
T71.113D Asphyxiation due to smothering under pillow, assault, subsequent encounter
T71.113S Asphyxiation due to smothering under pillow, assault, sequela
T71.114A Asphyxiation due to smothering under pillow, undetermined, initial encounter
T71.114D Asphyxiation due to smothering under pillow, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T71.114S Asphyxiation due to smothering under pillow, undetermined, sequela
T71.121A Asphyxiation due to plastic bag, accidental, initial encounter
T71.121D Asphyxiation due to plastic bag, accidental, subsequent encounter
T71.121S Asphyxiation due to plastic bag, accidental, sequela
T71.122A Asphyxiation due to plastic bag, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T71.122D Asphyxiation due to plastic bag, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T71.122S Asphyxiation due to plastic bag, intentional self-harm, sequela
T71.123A Asphyxiation due to plastic bag, assault, initial encounter
T71.123D Asphyxiation due to plastic bag, assault, subsequent encounter
T71.123S Asphyxiation due to plastic bag, assault, sequela
T71.124A Asphyxiation due to plastic bag, undetermined, initial encounter
T71.124D Asphyxiation due to plastic bag, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T71.124S Asphyxiation due to plastic bag, undetermined, sequela
T71.131A Asphyxiation due to being trapped in bed linens, accidental, initial encounter
T71.131D Asphyxiation due to being trapped in bed linens, accidental, subsequent encounter
T71.131S Asphyxiation due to being trapped in bed linens, accidental, sequela
T71.132A Asphyxiation due to being trapped in bed linens, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T71.132D Asphyxiation due to being trapped in bed linens, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T71.132S Asphyxiation due to being trapped in bed linens, intentional self-harm, sequela
T71.133A Asphyxiation due to being trapped in bed linens, assault, initial encounter
T71.133D Asphyxiation due to being trapped in bed linens, assault, subsequent encounter
T71.133S Asphyxiation due to being trapped in bed linens, assault, sequela
T71.134A Asphyxiation due to being trapped in bed linens, undetermined, initial encounter
T71.134D Asphyxiation due to being trapped in bed linens, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T71.134S Asphyxiation due to being trapped in bed linens, undetermined, sequela
T71.141A Asphyxiation due to smothering under another person's body (in bed), accidental, initial encounter
T71.141D Asphyxiation due to smothering under another person's body (in bed), accidental, subsequent encounter
T71.141S Asphyxiation due to smothering under another person's body (in bed), accidental, sequela
T71.143A Asphyxiation due to smothering under another person's body (in bed), assault, initial encounter
T71.143D Asphyxiation due to smothering under another person's body (in bed), assault, subsequent encounter
T71.143S Asphyxiation due to smothering under another person's body (in bed), assault, sequela
T71.144A Asphyxiation due to smothering under another person's body (in bed), undetermined, initial encounter
T71.144D Asphyxiation due to smothering under another person's body (in bed), undetermined, subsequent encounter
T71.144S Asphyxiation due to smothering under another person's body (in bed), undetermined, sequela
T71.151A Asphyxiation due to smothering in furniture, accidental, initial encounter
T71.151D Asphyxiation due to smothering in furniture, accidental, subsequent encounter
T71.151S Asphyxiation due to smothering in furniture, accidental, sequela
T71.152A Asphyxiation due to smothering in furniture, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T71.152D Asphyxiation due to smothering in furniture, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T71.152S Asphyxiation due to smothering in furniture, intentional self-harm, sequela
T71.153A Asphyxiation due to smothering in furniture, assault, initial encounter
T71.153D Asphyxiation due to smothering in furniture, assault, subsequent encounter
T71.153S Asphyxiation due to smothering in furniture, assault, sequela
T71.154A Asphyxiation due to smothering in furniture, undetermined, initial encounter
T71.154D Asphyxiation due to smothering in furniture, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T71.154S Asphyxiation due to smothering in furniture, undetermined, sequela
T71.161A Asphyxiation due to hanging, accidental, initial encounter
T71.161D Asphyxiation due to hanging, accidental, subsequent encounter
T71.161S Asphyxiation due to hanging, accidental, sequela
T71.162A Asphyxiation due to hanging, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T71.162D Asphyxiation due to hanging, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T71.162S Asphyxiation due to hanging, intentional self-harm, sequela
T71.163A Asphyxiation due to hanging, assault, initial encounter
T71.163D Asphyxiation due to hanging, assault, subsequent encounter
T71.163S Asphyxiation due to hanging, assault, sequela
T71.164A Asphyxiation due to hanging, undetermined, initial encounter
T71.164D Asphyxiation due to hanging, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T71.164S Asphyxiation due to hanging, undetermined, sequela
T71.191A Asphyxiation due to mechanical threat to breathing due to other causes, accidental, initial encounter
T71.191D Asphyxiation due to mechanical threat to breathing due to other causes, accidental, subsequent encounter
T71.191S Asphyxiation due to mechanical threat to breathing due to other causes, accidental, sequela
T71.192A Asphyxiation due to mechanical threat to breathing due to other causes, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T71.192D Asphyxiation due to mechanical threat to breathing due to other causes, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T71.192S Asphyxiation due to mechanical threat to breathing due to other causes, intentional self-harm, sequela
T71.193A Asphyxiation due to mechanical threat to breathing due to other causes, assault, initial encounter
T71.193D Asphyxiation due to mechanical threat to breathing due to other causes, assault, subsequent encounter
T71.193S Asphyxiation due to mechanical threat to breathing due to other causes, assault, sequela
T71.194A Asphyxiation due to mechanical threat to breathing due to other causes, undetermined, initial encounter
T71.194D Asphyxiation due to mechanical threat to breathing due to other causes, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T71.194S Asphyxiation due to mechanical threat to breathing due to other causes, undetermined, sequela
T71.20XA Asphyxiation due to systemic oxygen deficiency due to low oxygen content in ambient air due to unspecified cause, initial encounter
T71.20XD Asphyxiation due to systemic oxygen deficiency due to low oxygen content in ambient air due to unspecified cause, subsequent encounter
T71.20XS Asphyxiation due to systemic oxygen deficiency due to low oxygen content in ambient air due to unspecified cause, sequela
T71.21XA Asphyxiation due to cave-in or falling earth, initial encounter
T71.21XD Asphyxiation due to cave-in or falling earth, subsequent encounter
T71.21XS Asphyxiation due to cave-in or falling earth, sequela
T71.221A Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a car trunk, accidental, initial encounter
T71.221D Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a car trunk, accidental, subsequent encounter
T71.221S Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a car trunk, accidental, sequela
T71.222A Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a car trunk, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T71.222D Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a car trunk, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T71.222S Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a car trunk, intentional self-harm, sequela
T71.223A Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a car trunk, assault, initial encounter
T71.223D Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a car trunk, assault, subsequent encounter
T71.223S Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a car trunk, assault, sequela
T71.224A Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a car trunk, undetermined, initial encounter
T71.224D Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a car trunk, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T71.224S Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a car trunk, undetermined, sequela
T71.231A Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a (discarded) refrigerator, accidental, initial encounter
T71.231D Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a (discarded) refrigerator, accidental, subsequent encounter
T71.231S Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a (discarded) refrigerator, accidental, sequela
T71.232A Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a (discarded) refrigerator, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T71.232D Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a (discarded) refrigerator, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T71.232S Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a (discarded) refrigerator, intentional self-harm, sequela
T71.233A Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a (discarded) refrigerator, assault, initial encounter
T71.233D Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a (discarded) refrigerator, assault, subsequent encounter
T71.233S Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a (discarded) refrigerator, assault, sequela
T71.234A Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a (discarded) refrigerator, undetermined, initial encounter
T71.234D Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a (discarded) refrigerator, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T71.234S Asphyxiation due to being trapped in a (discarded) refrigerator, undetermined, sequela
T71.29XA Asphyxiation due to being trapped in other low oxygen environment, initial encounter
T71.29XD Asphyxiation due to being trapped in other low oxygen environment, subsequent encounter
T71.29XS Asphyxiation due to being trapped in other low oxygen environment, sequela
T71.9XXA Asphyxiation due to unspecified cause, initial encounter
T71.9XXD Asphyxiation due to unspecified cause, subsequent encounter
T71.9XXS Asphyxiation due to unspecified cause, sequela
T73.0XXA Starvation, initial encounter
T73.0XXD Starvation, subsequent encounter
T73.0XXS Starvation, sequela
T73.1XXA Deprivation of water, initial encounter
T73.1XXD Deprivation of water, subsequent encounter
T73.1XXS Deprivation of water, sequela
T73.2XXA Exhaustion due to exposure, initial encounter
T73.2XXD Exhaustion due to exposure, subsequent encounter
T73.2XXS Exhaustion due to exposure, sequela
T73.3XXA Exhaustion due to excessive exertion, initial encounter
T73.3XXD Exhaustion due to excessive exertion, subsequent encounter
T73.3XXS Exhaustion due to excessive exertion, sequela
T74.01XA Adult neglect or abandonment, confirmed, initial encounter
T74.01XD Adult neglect or abandonment, confirmed, subsequent encounter
T74.01XS Adult neglect or abandonment, confirmed, sequela
T74.02XA Child neglect or abandonment, confirmed, initial encounter
T74.02XD Child neglect or abandonment, confirmed, subsequent encounter
T74.02XS Child neglect or abandonment, confirmed, sequela
T74.11XA Adult physical abuse, confirmed, initial encounter
T74.11XD Adult physical abuse, confirmed, subsequent encounter
T74.11XS Adult physical abuse, confirmed, sequela
T74.12XA Child physical abuse, confirmed, initial encounter
T74.12XD Child physical abuse, confirmed, subsequent encounter
T74.12XS Child physical abuse, confirmed, sequela
T74.4XXA Shaken infant syndrome, initial encounter
T74.4XXD Shaken infant syndrome, subsequent encounter
T74.4XXS Shaken infant syndrome, sequela
T75.00XA Unspecified effects of lightning, initial encounter
T75.00XD Unspecified effects of lightning, subsequent encounter
T75.00XS Unspecified effects of lightning, sequela
T75.01XA Shock due to being struck by lightning, initial encounter
T75.01XD Shock due to being struck by lightning, subsequent encounter
T75.01XS Shock due to being struck by lightning, sequela
T75.09XA Other effects of lightning, initial encounter
T75.09XD Other effects of lightning, subsequent encounter
T75.09XS Other effects of lightning, sequela
T75.1XXA Unspecified effects of drowning and nonfatal submersion, initial encounter
T75.1XXD Unspecified effects of drowning and nonfatal submersion, subsequent encounter
T75.1XXS Unspecified effects of drowning and nonfatal submersion, sequela
T75.20XA Unspecified effects of vibration, initial encounter
T75.20XD Unspecified effects of vibration, subsequent encounter
T75.20XS Unspecified effects of vibration, sequela
T75.21XA Pneumatic hammer syndrome, initial encounter
T75.21XD Pneumatic hammer syndrome, subsequent encounter
T75.21XS Pneumatic hammer syndrome, sequela
T75.22XA Traumatic vasospastic syndrome, initial encounter
T75.22XD Traumatic vasospastic syndrome, subsequent encounter
T75.22XS Traumatic vasospastic syndrome, sequela
T75.23XA Vertigo from infrasound, initial encounter
T75.23XD Vertigo from infrasound, subsequent encounter
T75.23XS Vertigo from infrasound, sequela
T75.29XA Other effects of vibration, initial encounter
T75.29XD Other effects of vibration, subsequent encounter
T75.29XS Other effects of vibration, sequela
T75.4XXA Electrocution, initial encounter
T75.4XXD Electrocution, subsequent encounter
T75.4XXS Electrocution, sequela
T75.81XA Effects of abnormal gravitation [G] forces, initial encounter
T75.81XD Effects of abnormal gravitation [G] forces, subsequent encounter
T75.81XS Effects of abnormal gravitation [G] forces, sequela
T75.82XA Effects of weightlessness, initial encounter
T75.82XD Effects of weightlessness, subsequent encounter
T75.82XS Effects of weightlessness, sequela
T75.89XA Other specified effects of external causes, initial encounter
T75.89XD Other specified effects of external causes, subsequent encounter
T75.89XS Other specified effects of external causes, sequela
T76.01XA Adult neglect or abandonment, suspected, initial encounter
T76.01XD Adult neglect or abandonment, suspected, subsequent encounter
T76.01XS Adult neglect or abandonment, suspected, sequela
T76.02XA Child neglect or abandonment, suspected, initial encounter
T76.02XD Child neglect or abandonment, suspected, subsequent encounter
T76.02XS Child neglect or abandonment, suspected, sequela
T76.11XA Adult physical abuse, suspected, initial encounter
T76.11XD Adult physical abuse, suspected, subsequent encounter
T76.11XS Adult physical abuse, suspected, sequela
T76.12XA Child physical abuse, suspected, initial encounter
T76.12XD Child physical abuse, suspected, subsequent encounter
T76.12XS Child physical abuse, suspected, sequela
T78.00XA Anaphylactic reaction due to unspecified food, initial encounter
T78.00XD Anaphylactic reaction due to unspecified food, subsequent encounter
T78.00XS Anaphylactic reaction due to unspecified food, sequela
T78.01XA Anaphylactic reaction due to peanuts, initial encounter
T78.01XD Anaphylactic reaction due to peanuts, subsequent encounter
T78.01XS Anaphylactic reaction due to peanuts, sequela
T78.02XA Anaphylactic reaction due to shellfish (crustaceans), initial encounter
T78.02XD Anaphylactic reaction due to shellfish (crustaceans), subsequent encounter
T78.02XS Anaphylactic reaction due to shellfish (crustaceans), sequela
T78.03XA Anaphylactic reaction due to other fish, initial encounter
T78.03XD Anaphylactic reaction due to other fish, subsequent encounter
T78.03XS Anaphylactic reaction due to other fish, sequela
T78.04XA Anaphylactic reaction due to fruits and vegetables, initial encounter
T78.04XD Anaphylactic reaction due to fruits and vegetables, subsequent encounter
T78.04XS Anaphylactic reaction due to fruits and vegetables, sequela
T78.05XA Anaphylactic reaction due to tree nuts and seeds, initial encounter
T78.05XD Anaphylactic reaction due to tree nuts and seeds, subsequent encounter
T78.05XS Anaphylactic reaction due to tree nuts and seeds, sequela
T78.06XA Anaphylactic reaction due to food additives, initial encounter
T78.06XD Anaphylactic reaction due to food additives, subsequent encounter
T78.06XS Anaphylactic reaction due to food additives, sequela
T78.07XA Anaphylactic reaction due to milk and dairy products, initial encounter
T78.07XD Anaphylactic reaction due to milk and dairy products, subsequent encounter
T78.07XS Anaphylactic reaction due to milk and dairy products, sequela
T78.08XA Anaphylactic reaction due to eggs, initial encounter
T78.08XD Anaphylactic reaction due to eggs, subsequent encounter
T78.08XS Anaphylactic reaction due to eggs, sequela
T78.09XA Anaphylactic reaction due to other food products, initial encounter
T78.09XD Anaphylactic reaction due to other food products, subsequent encounter
T78.09XS Anaphylactic reaction due to other food products, sequela
T78.1XXA Other adverse food reactions, not elsewhere classified, initial encounter
T78.1XXD Other adverse food reactions, not elsewhere classified, subsequent encounter
T78.1XXS Other adverse food reactions, not elsewhere classified, sequela
T78.2XXA Anaphylactic shock, unspecified, initial encounter
T78.2XXD Anaphylactic shock, unspecified, subsequent encounter
T78.2XXS Anaphylactic shock, unspecified, sequela
T78.3XXA Angioneurotic edema, initial encounter
T78.3XXD Angioneurotic edema, subsequent encounter
T78.3XXS Angioneurotic edema, sequela
T79.0XXA Air embolism (traumatic), initial encounter
T79.0XXD Air embolism (traumatic), subsequent encounter
T79.0XXS Air embolism (traumatic), sequela
T79.1XXA Fat embolism (traumatic), initial encounter
T79.1XXD Fat embolism (traumatic), subsequent encounter
T79.1XXS Fat embolism (traumatic), sequela
T79.2XXA Traumatic secondary and recurrent hemorrhage and seroma, initial encounter
T79.2XXD Traumatic secondary and recurrent hemorrhage and seroma, subsequent encounter
T79.2XXS Traumatic secondary and recurrent hemorrhage and seroma, sequela
T79.4XXA Traumatic shock, initial encounter
T79.4XXD Traumatic shock, subsequent encounter
T79.4XXS Traumatic shock, sequela
T79.8XXA Other early complications of trauma, initial encounter
T79.8XXD Other early complications of trauma, subsequent encounter
T79.8XXS Other early complications of trauma, sequela
T80.0XXA Air embolism following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection, initial encounter
T80.0XXD Air embolism following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection, subsequent encounter
T80.0XXS Air embolism following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection, sequela
T80.1XXA Vascular complications following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection, initial encounter
T80.1XXD Vascular complications following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection, subsequent encounter
T80.1XXS Vascular complications following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection, sequela
T80.211A Bloodstream infection due to central venous catheter, initial encounter
T80.211D Bloodstream infection due to central venous catheter, subsequent encounter
T80.211S Bloodstream infection due to central venous catheter, sequela
T80.212A Local infection due to central venous catheter, initial encounter
T80.212D Local infection due to central venous catheter, subsequent encounter
T80.212S Local infection due to central venous catheter, sequela
T80.218A Other infection due to central venous catheter, initial encounter
T80.218D Other infection due to central venous catheter, subsequent encounter
T80.218S Other infection due to central venous catheter, sequela
T80.219A Unspecified infection due to central venous catheter, initial encounter
T80.219D Unspecified infection due to central venous catheter, subsequent encounter
T80.219S Unspecified infection due to central venous catheter, sequela
T80.22XA Acute infection following transfusion, infusion, or injection of blood and blood products, initial encounter
T80.22XD Acute infection following transfusion, infusion, or injection of blood and blood products, subsequent encounter
T80.22XS Acute infection following transfusion, infusion, or injection of blood and blood products, sequela
T80.29XA Infection following other infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection, initial encounter
T80.29XD Infection following other infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection, subsequent encounter
T80.29XS Infection following other infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection, sequela
T80.30XA ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, unspecified, initial encounter
T80.30XD ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, unspecified, subsequent encounter
T80.30XS ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, unspecified, sequela
T80.310A ABO incompatibility with acute hemolytic transfusion reaction, initial encounter
T80.310D ABO incompatibility with acute hemolytic transfusion reaction, subsequent encounter
T80.310S ABO incompatibility with acute hemolytic transfusion reaction, sequela
T80.311A ABO incompatibility with delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction, initial encounter
T80.311D ABO incompatibility with delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction, subsequent encounter
T80.311S ABO incompatibility with delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction, sequela
T80.319A ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified, initial encounter
T80.319D ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified, subsequent encounter
T80.319S ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified, sequela
T80.39XA Other ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, initial encounter
T80.39XD Other ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, subsequent encounter
T80.39XS Other ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, sequela
T80.40XA Rh incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, unspecified, initial encounter
T80.40XD Rh incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, unspecified, subsequent encounter
T80.40XS Rh incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, unspecified, sequela
T80.410A Rh incompatibility with acute hemolytic transfusion reaction, initial encounter
T80.410D Rh incompatibility with acute hemolytic transfusion reaction, subsequent encounter
T80.410S Rh incompatibility with acute hemolytic transfusion reaction, sequela
T80.411A Rh incompatibility with delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction, initial encounter
T80.411D Rh incompatibility with delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction, subsequent encounter
T80.411S Rh incompatibility with delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction, sequela
T80.419A Rh incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified, initial encounter
T80.419D Rh incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified, subsequent encounter
T80.419S Rh incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified, sequela
T80.49XA Other Rh incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, initial encounter
T80.49XD Other Rh incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, subsequent encounter
T80.49XS Other Rh incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, sequela
T80.A0XA Non-ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, unspecified, initial encounter
T80.A0XD Non-ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, unspecified, subsequent encounter
T80.A0XS Non-ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, unspecified, sequela
T80.A10A Non-ABO incompatibility with acute hemolytic transfusion reaction, initial encounter
T80.A10D Non-ABO incompatibility with acute hemolytic transfusion reaction, subsequent encounter
T80.A10S Non-ABO incompatibility with acute hemolytic transfusion reaction, sequela
T80.A11A Non-ABO incompatibility with delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction, initial encounter
T80.A11D Non-ABO incompatibility with delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction, subsequent encounter
T80.A11S Non-ABO incompatibility with delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction, sequela
T80.A19A Non-ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified, initial encounter
T80.A19D Non-ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified, subsequent encounter
T80.A19S Non-ABO incompatibility with hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified, sequela
T80.A9XA Other non-ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, initial encounter
T80.A9XD Other non-ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, subsequent encounter
T80.A9XS Other non-ABO incompatibility reaction due to transfusion of blood or blood products, sequela
T80.51XA Anaphylactic reaction due to administration of blood and blood products, initial encounter
T80.51XD Anaphylactic reaction due to administration of blood and blood products, subsequent encounter
T80.51XS Anaphylactic reaction due to administration of blood and blood products, sequela
T80.52XA Anaphylactic reaction due to vaccination, initial encounter
T80.52XD Anaphylactic reaction due to vaccination, subsequent encounter
T80.52XS Anaphylactic reaction due to vaccination, sequela
T80.59XA Anaphylactic reaction due to other serum, initial encounter
T80.59XD Anaphylactic reaction due to other serum, subsequent encounter
T80.59XS Anaphylactic reaction due to other serum, sequela
T80.61XA Other serum reaction due to administration of blood and blood products, initial encounter
T80.61XD Other serum reaction due to administration of blood and blood products, subsequent encounter
T80.61XS Other serum reaction due to administration of blood and blood products, sequela
T80.62XA Other serum reaction due to vaccination, initial encounter
T80.62XD Other serum reaction due to vaccination, subsequent encounter
T80.62XS Other serum reaction due to vaccination, sequela
T80.69XA Other serum reaction due to other serum, initial encounter
T80.69XD Other serum reaction due to other serum, subsequent encounter
T80.69XS Other serum reaction due to other serum, sequela
T80.89XA Other complications following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection, initial encounter
T80.89XD Other complications following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection, subsequent encounter
T80.89XS Other complications following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection, sequela
T80.910A Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified incompatibility, initial encounter
T80.910D Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified incompatibility, subsequent encounter
T80.910S Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified incompatibility, sequela
T80.911A Delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified incompatibility, initial encounter
T80.911D Delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified incompatibility, subsequent encounter
T80.911S Delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified incompatibility, sequela
T80.919A Hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified incompatibility, unspecified as acute or delayed, initial encounter
T80.919D Hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified incompatibility, unspecified as acute or delayed, subsequent encounter
T80.919S Hemolytic transfusion reaction, unspecified incompatibility, unspecified as acute or delayed, sequela
T81.10XA Postprocedural shock unspecified, initial encounter
T81.10XD Postprocedural shock unspecified, subsequent encounter
T81.10XS Postprocedural shock unspecified, sequela
T81.11XA Postprocedural cardiogenic shock, initial encounter
T81.11XD Postprocedural cardiogenic shock, subsequent encounter
T81.11XS Postprocedural cardiogenic shock, sequela
T81.12XA Postprocedural septic shock, initial encounter
T81.12XD Postprocedural septic shock, subsequent encounter
T81.12XS Postprocedural septic shock, sequela
T81.19XA Other postprocedural shock, initial encounter
T81.19XD Other postprocedural shock, subsequent encounter
T81.19XS Other postprocedural shock, sequela
T81.40XA Infection following a procedure, unspecified, initial encounter
T81.40XD Infection following a procedure, unspecified, subsequent encounter
T81.40XS Infection following a procedure, unspecified, sequela
T81.41XA Infection following a procedure, superficial incisional surgical site, initial encounter
T81.41XD Infection following a procedure, superficial incisional surgical site, subsequent encounter
T81.41XS Infection following a procedure, superficial incisional surgical site, sequela
T81.42XA Infection following a procedure, deep incisional surgical site, initial encounter
T81.42XD Infection following a procedure, deep incisional surgical site, subsequent encounter
T81.42XS Infection following a procedure, deep incisional surgical site, sequela
T81.43XA Infection following a procedure, organ and space surgical site, initial encounter
T81.43XD Infection following a procedure, organ and space surgical site, subsequent encounter
T81.43XS Infection following a procedure, organ and space surgical site, sequela
T81.44XA Sepsis following a procedure, initial encounter
T81.44XD Sepsis following a procedure, subsequent encounter
T81.44XS Sepsis following a procedure, sequela
T81.49XA Infection following a procedure, other surgical site, initial encounter
T81.49XD Infection following a procedure, other surgical site, subsequent encounter
T81.49XS Infection following a procedure, other surgical site, sequela
T81.500A Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following surgical operation, initial encounter
T81.500D Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following surgical operation, subsequent encounter
T81.500S Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following surgical operation, sequela
T81.501A Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following infusion or transfusion, initial encounter
T81.501D Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following infusion or transfusion, subsequent encounter
T81.501S Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following infusion or transfusion, sequela
T81.502A Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following kidney dialysis, initial encounter
T81.502D Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following kidney dialysis, subsequent encounter
T81.502S Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following kidney dialysis, sequela
T81.503A Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following injection or immunization, initial encounter
T81.503D Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following injection or immunization, subsequent encounter
T81.503S Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following injection or immunization, sequela
T81.504A Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following endoscopic examination, initial encounter
T81.504D Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following endoscopic examination, subsequent encounter
T81.504S Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following endoscopic examination, sequela
T81.505A Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following heart catheterization, initial encounter
T81.505D Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following heart catheterization, subsequent encounter
T81.505S Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following heart catheterization, sequela
T81.506A Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following aspiration, puncture or other catheterization, initial encounter
T81.506D Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following aspiration, puncture or other catheterization, subsequent encounter
T81.506S Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following aspiration, puncture or other catheterization, sequela
T81.507A Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following removal of catheter or packing, initial encounter
T81.507D Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following removal of catheter or packing, subsequent encounter
T81.507S Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following removal of catheter or packing, sequela
T81.508A Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following other procedure, initial encounter
T81.508D Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following other procedure, subsequent encounter
T81.508S Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following other procedure, sequela
T81.509A Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following unspecified procedure, initial encounter
T81.509D Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following unspecified procedure, subsequent encounter
T81.509S Unspecified complication of foreign body accidentally left in body following unspecified procedure, sequela
T81.520A Obstruction due to foreign body accidentally left in body following surgical operation, initial encounter
T81.520D Obstruction due to foreign body accidentally left in body following surgical operation, subsequent encounter
T81.520S Obstruction due to foreign body accidentally left in body following surgical operation, sequela
T81.521A Obstruction due to foreign body accidentally left in body following infusion or transfusion, initial encounter
T81.521D Obstruction due to foreign body accidentally left in body following infusion or transfusion, subsequent encounter
T81.521S Obstruction due to foreign body accidentally left in body following infusion or transfusion, sequela
T81.523A Obstruction due to foreign body accidentally left in body following injection or immunization, initial encounter
T81.523D Obstruction due to foreign body accidentally left in body following injection or immunization, subsequent encounter
T81.523S Obstruction due to foreign body accidentally left in body following injection or immunization, sequela
T81.528A Obstruction due to foreign body accidentally left in body following other procedure, initial encounter
T81.528D Obstruction due to foreign body accidentally left in body following other procedure, subsequent encounter
T81.528S Obstruction due to foreign body accidentally left in body following other procedure, sequela
T81.530A Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following surgical operation, initial encounter
T81.530D Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following surgical operation, subsequent encounter
T81.530S Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following surgical operation, sequela
T81.531A Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following infusion or transfusion, initial encounter
T81.531D Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following infusion or transfusion, subsequent encounter
T81.531S Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following infusion or transfusion, sequela
T81.533A Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following injection or immunization, initial encounter
T81.533D Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following injection or immunization, subsequent encounter
T81.533S Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following injection or immunization, sequela
T81.536A Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following aspiration, puncture or other catheterization, initial encounter
T81.536D Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following aspiration, puncture or other catheterization, subsequent encounter
T81.536S Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following aspiration, puncture or other catheterization, sequela
T81.537A Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following removal of catheter or packing, initial encounter
T81.537D Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following removal of catheter or packing, subsequent encounter
T81.537S Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following removal of catheter or packing, sequela
T81.538A Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following other procedure, initial encounter
T81.538D Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following other procedure, subsequent encounter
T81.538S Perforation due to foreign body accidentally left in body following other procedure, sequela
T81.590A Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following surgical operation, initial encounter
T81.590D Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following surgical operation, subsequent encounter
T81.590S Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following surgical operation, sequela
T81.591A Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following infusion or transfusion, initial encounter
T81.591D Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following infusion or transfusion, subsequent encounter
T81.591S Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following infusion or transfusion, sequela
T81.593A Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following injection or immunization, initial encounter
T81.593D Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following injection or immunization, subsequent encounter
T81.593S Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following injection or immunization, sequela
T81.596A Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following aspiration, puncture or other catheterization, initial encounter
T81.596D Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following aspiration, puncture or other catheterization, subsequent encounter
T81.596S Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following aspiration, puncture or other catheterization, sequela
T81.597A Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following removal of catheter or packing, initial encounter
T81.597D Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following removal of catheter or packing, subsequent encounter
T81.597S Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following removal of catheter or packing, sequela
T81.598A Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following other procedure, initial encounter
T81.598D Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following other procedure, subsequent encounter
T81.598S Other complications of foreign body accidentally left in body following other procedure, sequela
T81.69XA Other acute reaction to foreign substance accidentally left during a procedure, initial encounter
T81.69XD Other acute reaction to foreign substance accidentally left during a procedure, subsequent encounter
T81.69XS Other acute reaction to foreign substance accidentally left during a procedure, sequela
T81.718A Complication of other artery following a procedure, not elsewhere classified, initial encounter
T81.718D Complication of other artery following a procedure, not elsewhere classified, subsequent encounter
T81.718S Complication of other artery following a procedure, not elsewhere classified, sequela
T81.72XA Complication of vein following a procedure, not elsewhere classified, initial encounter
T81.72XD Complication of vein following a procedure, not elsewhere classified, subsequent encounter
T81.72XS Complication of vein following a procedure, not elsewhere classified, sequela
T81.81XA Complication of inhalation therapy, initial encounter
T81.81XD Complication of inhalation therapy, subsequent encounter
T81.81XS Complication of inhalation therapy, sequela
T82.318A Breakdown (mechanical) of other vascular grafts, initial encounter
T82.318D Breakdown (mechanical) of other vascular grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.318S Breakdown (mechanical) of other vascular grafts, sequela
T82.321A Displacement of carotid arterial graft (bypass), initial encounter
T82.321D Displacement of carotid arterial graft (bypass), subsequent encounter
T82.321S Displacement of carotid arterial graft (bypass), sequela
T82.328A Displacement of other vascular grafts, initial encounter
T82.328D Displacement of other vascular grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.328S Displacement of other vascular grafts, sequela
T82.331A Leakage of carotid arterial graft (bypass), initial encounter
T82.331D Leakage of carotid arterial graft (bypass), subsequent encounter
T82.331S Leakage of carotid arterial graft (bypass), sequela
T82.391A Other mechanical complication of carotid arterial graft (bypass), initial encounter
T82.391D Other mechanical complication of carotid arterial graft (bypass), subsequent encounter
T82.391S Other mechanical complication of carotid arterial graft (bypass), sequela
T82.6XXA Infection and inflammatory reaction due to cardiac valve prosthesis, initial encounter
T82.6XXD Infection and inflammatory reaction due to cardiac valve prosthesis, subsequent encounter
T82.6XXS Infection and inflammatory reaction due to cardiac valve prosthesis, sequela
T82.7XXA Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other cardiac and vascular devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
T82.7XXD Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other cardiac and vascular devices, implants and grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.7XXS Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other cardiac and vascular devices, implants and grafts, sequela
T82.817A Embolism due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
T82.817D Embolism due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.817S Embolism due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, sequela
T82.818A Embolism due to vascular prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
T82.818D Embolism due to vascular prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.818S Embolism due to vascular prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, sequela
T82.838A Hemorrhage due to vascular prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
T82.838D Hemorrhage due to vascular prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.838S Hemorrhage due to vascular prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, sequela
T85.01XA Breakdown (mechanical) of ventricular intracranial (communicating) shunt, initial encounter
T85.01XD Breakdown (mechanical) of ventricular intracranial (communicating) shunt, subsequent encounter
T85.01XS Breakdown (mechanical) of ventricular intracranial (communicating) shunt, sequela
T85.02XA Displacement of ventricular intracranial (communicating) shunt, initial encounter
T85.02XD Displacement of ventricular intracranial (communicating) shunt, subsequent encounter
T85.02XS Displacement of ventricular intracranial (communicating) shunt, sequela
T85.03XA Leakage of ventricular intracranial (communicating) shunt, initial encounter
T85.03XD Leakage of ventricular intracranial (communicating) shunt, subsequent encounter
T85.03XS Leakage of ventricular intracranial (communicating) shunt, sequela
T85.09XA Other mechanical complication of ventricular intracranial (communicating) shunt, initial encounter
T85.09XD Other mechanical complication of ventricular intracranial (communicating) shunt, subsequent encounter
T85.09XS Other mechanical complication of ventricular intracranial (communicating) shunt, sequela
T85.110A Breakdown (mechanical) of implanted electronic neurostimulator of brain electrode (lead), initial encounter
T85.110D Breakdown (mechanical) of implanted electronic neurostimulator of brain electrode (lead), subsequent encounter
T85.110S Breakdown (mechanical) of implanted electronic neurostimulator of brain electrode (lead), sequela
T85.120A Displacement of implanted electronic neurostimulator of brain electrode (lead), initial encounter
T85.120D Displacement of implanted electronic neurostimulator of brain electrode (lead), subsequent encounter
T85.120S Displacement of implanted electronic neurostimulator of brain electrode (lead), sequela
T85.190A Other mechanical complication of implanted electronic neurostimulator of brain electrode (lead), initial encounter
T85.190D Other mechanical complication of implanted electronic neurostimulator of brain electrode (lead), subsequent encounter
T85.190S Other mechanical complication of implanted electronic neurostimulator of brain electrode (lead), sequela
Z08 Encounter for follow-up examination after completed treatment for malignant neoplasm
Z09 Encounter for follow-up examination after completed treatment for conditions other than malignant neoplasm
Z45.41 Encounter for adjustment and management of cerebrospinal fluid drainage device
Z85.841 Personal history of malignant neoplasm of brain
Z86.002 Personal history of in-situ neoplasm of other and unspecified genital organs
Z86.003 Personal history of in-situ neoplasm of oral cavity, esophagus and stomach
Z86.004 Personal history of in-situ neoplasm of other and unspecified digestive organs
Z86.005 Personal history of in-situ neoplasm of middle ear and respiratory system
Z86.006 Personal history of melanoma in-situ
Z86.007 Personal history of in-situ neoplasm of skin
Z86.0100 Personal history of colon polyps, unspecified
Z86.0101 Personal history of adenomatous and serrated colon polyps
Z86.0102 Personal history of hyperplastic colon polyps
Z86.0109 Personal history of other colon polyps
Z86.011 Personal history of benign neoplasm of the brain
Z98.2 Presence of cerebrospinal fluid drainage device

ICD-10-CM Codes that DO NOT Support Medical Necessity

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



ICD-10-PCS Codes

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



Additional ICD-10 Information


Bill Type Codes

Contractors may specify Bill Types to help providers identify those Bill Types typically used to report this service. Absence of a Bill Type does not guarantee that the article does not apply to that Bill Type. Complete absence of all Bill Types indicates that coverage is not influenced by Bill Type and the article should be assumed to apply equally to all claims.

Code Description

Please accept the License to see the codes.


Revenue Codes

Contractors may specify Revenue Codes to help providers identify those Revenue Codes typically used to report this service. In most instances Revenue Codes are purely advisory. Unless specified in the article, services reported under other Revenue Codes are equally subject to this coverage determination. Complete absence of all Revenue Codes indicates that coverage is not influenced by Revenue Code and the article should be assumed to apply equally to all Revenue Codes.

Code Description

Please accept the License to see the codes.


Other Coding Information

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



Coding Table Information

Excluded CPT/HCPCS Codes - Table Format
Code Descriptor Generic Name Descriptor Brand Name Exclusion Effective Date Exclusion End Date Reason for Exclusion
Non-Excluded CPT/HCPCS Ended Codes - Table Format
Code Descriptor Generic Name Descriptor Brand Name Exclusion Effective Date Exclusion End Date Reason for Exclusion

Revision History Information

Revision History Date Revision History Number Revision History Explanation
10/01/2024 R14

Under ICD-10-CM Codes that Support Medical Necessity Group 1: Codes deleted C83.39, C86.0, C86.1, C86.2, C86.3, C86.4, C86.5, C86.6, C88.2, C88.3, C88.4, C88.8, C88.9 and G90.8, added C81.0A, C81.1A, C81.2A, C81.3A, C81.4A, C81.7A, C81.9A, C82.0A, C82.1A, C82.2A, C82.3A, C82.4A, C82.5A, C82.6A, C82.8A, C82.9A, C83.0A, C83.1A, C83.390, C83.398, C83.3A, C83.5A, C83.7A, C83.8A, C83.9A, C84.0A, C84.1A, C84.4A, C84.6A, C84.7B, C84.9A, C84.AA, C84.ZA, C85.1A, C85.2A, C85.8A, C85.9A, C86.00, C86.01, C86.10, C86.11, C86.20, C86.21, C86.30, C86.31, C86.40, C86.41, C86.50, C86.51, C86.60, C86.61, C88.40, C88.41, C88.80, C88.81, C88.90, C88.91, G40.841, G40.842, G40.843, G40.844, G90.81, G90.89, G93.45, Q87.86, R41.85, Z86.0100, Z86.0101, Z86.0102 and Z86.0109, and the description was revised for G93.42. This revision is due to the Annual ICD-10-CM Update and will become effective on 10/1/24.

10/01/2023 R13

Under ICD-10-CM Codes that Support Medical Necessity Group 1: Codes added A41.9, I46.9, R65.21, S00.93XA, S00.93XD and S00.93XS.

10/01/2023 R12

Under ICD-10-CM Codes that Support Medical Necessity Group 1: Codes deleted G20 and Q75.0, and added E75.27, E75.28, G20.A1, G20.A2, G20.B1, G20.B2, G20.C, G31.80, G31.86, G37.81, G37.89, G93.42, G93.43, G93.44, Q75.001, Q75.002, Q75.009, Q75.01, Q75.021, Q75.022, Q75.029, Q87.83, Q87.84, Q87.85, R40.2A, T56.821A, T56.821D, T56.821S, T56.822A, T56.822D, T56.822S, T56.823A, T56.823D, T56.823S, T56.824A, T56.824D and T56.824S. This revision is due to the Annual ICD-10-CM Update and will become effective on 10/1/23.

08/15/2023 R11

Under Article Text updated code R51 to R51.9 under #1 and #2. Under ICD-10-CM Codes that Support Medical Necessity Group 1: Codes added H81.11, H81.12, and H81.13. Acronyms were inserted and defined where appropriate in the article.

01/02/2023 R10

Under ICD-10 Codes that Support Medical Necessity Group 1: Codes added R13.10.

10/01/2022 R9

Under ICD-10-CM Codes that Support Medical Necessity Group 1: Codes deleted F01.51, F02.81, F03.91, added F01.511, F01.518, F01.52, F01.53, F01.54, F02.811, F02.818, F02.82, F02.83, F02.84, F01.A0, F01.A11, F01.A18, F01.A2, F01.A3, F01.A4, F01.B0, F01.B11, F01.B18, F01.B2, F01.B3, F01.B4, F01.C0, F01.C11, F01.C18, F01.C2, F01.C3, F01.C4, F02.A0, F02.A11, F02.A18, F02.A2, F02.A3, F02.A4, F02.B0, F02.B11, F02.B18, F02.B2, F02.B3, F02.B4, F02.C0, F02.C11, F02.C18, F02.C2, F02.C3, F02.C4, S06.0XAA, S06.0XAD, S06.0XAS, S06.1XAA, S06.1XAD, S06.1XAS, S06.2XAA, S06.2XAD, S06.2XAS, S06.31AA, S06.31AD, S06.31AS, S06.32AA, S06.32AD, S06.32AS, S06.33AA, S06.33AD, S06.33AS, S06.34AA, S06.34AD, S06.34AS, S06.35AA, S06.35AD, S06.35AS, S06.36AA, S06.36AD, S06.36AS, S06.37AA, S06.37AD, S06.37AS, S06.38AA, S06.38AD, S06.38AS, S06.4XAA, S06.4XAD, S06.4XAS, S06.5XAA, S06.5XAD, S06.5XAS, S06.6XAA, S06.6XAD, S06.6XAS, S06.81AA, S06.81AD, S06.81AS, S06.82AA, S06.82AD, S06.82AS, S06.89AA, S06.89AD, S06.89AS, S06.8A0A, S06.8A0D, S06.8A0S, S06.8A1A, S06.8A1D, S06.8A1S, S06.8A2A, S06.8A2D, S06.8A2S, S06.8A3A, S06.8A3D, S06.8A3S, S06.8A4A, S06.8A4D, S06.8A4S, S06.8A5A, S06.8A5D, S06.8A5S, S06.8A6A, S06.8A6D, S06.8A6S, S06.8A7A, S06.8A8A, S06.8A9A, S06.8A9D, S06.8A9S, S06.8AAA, S06.8AAD, S06.8AAS, and revised descriptions for C84.40, C84.41, C84.42, C84.43, C84.44, C84.45, C84.46, C84.47, C84.48, C84.49, F01.50, F02.80, F03.90 and G31.09. This revision is due to the Annual ICD-10-CM Update and will become effective on 10/1/22.

10/01/2021 R8

Under ICD-10 Codes that Support Medical Necessity Group 1: Codes  added codes C84.7A, E75.244, G44.86, G92.8, S06.A0XA, S06.A0XD, S06.A0XS, S06.A1XA, S06.A1XD, S06.A1XS, T40.711A, T40.711D, T40.711S, T40.712A, T40.712D, T40.712S, T40.713A, T40.713D, T40.713S, T40.715A, T40.715D, T40.715S, T40.721A, T40.721D, T40.721S, T40.722A, T40.722D, T40.722S, T40.723A, T40.723D, T40.723S, T40.725A, T40.725D, T40.725S, deleted codes G92, T40.7X1A, T40.7X1D, T40.7X1S, T40.7X2A, T40.7X2D, T40.7X2S, T40.7X3A, T40.7X3D, T40.7X3S, T40.7X4A, T40.7X4D, T40.7X4S, T40.7X5A, T40.7X5D, T40.7X5S, and revised the description for codes T63.611A, T63.611D, T63.611S, T63.612A, T63.612D, T63.612S, T63.613A, T63.613D, T63.613S, T63.614A, T63.614D and T63.614S. This revision is due to the Annual ICD-10 update and is effective on 10/1/21.

04/01/2021 R7

Under ICD-10 Codes that Support Medical Necessity Group 1: Codes added code S00.83XA.

01/01/2021 R6

Under CPT/HCPCS Codes Group 1: Codes added codes G2187, G2188, G2189, G2190, G2191, G2192, G2193, G2194 and G2195. This revision is due to the Q1 2021 CPT/HCPCS code update and has a retroactive effective date of 1/1/21.

10/01/2020 R5

Under ICD-10 Codes that Support Medical Necessity Group 1: Codes added codes F10.130, F10.131, F10.132, F10.139, F10.930, F10.931, F10.932, F10.939, G40.42, G40.833, G40.834, G96.191, G96.198, G97.83, G97.84, H55.82, G11.10, G11.11, G96.00, G96.01, G96.02, G96.08, G96.09, G96.810, G96.819, R51.9, T40.491A, T40.491D, T40.491S, T40.492A, T40.492D, T40.492S, T40.493A, T40.493D, T40.493S, T40.494A, T40.494D, T40.494S, T40.495A, T40.495D, T40.495S and deleted codes A84.8, G11.1, G96.0, G96.19, R51, T40.4X1A, T40.4X1D, T40.4X1S, T40.4X2A, T40.4X2D, T40.4X2S, T40.4X3A, T40.4X3D, T40.4X3S, T40.4X4A, T40.4X4D, T40.4X4S, T40.4X5A, T40.4X5D, T40.4X5S. The description was revised for code H55.81. This revision is due to the Annual ICD-10 Code Update and is effective on 10/1/20.

12/02/2019 R4

Under ICD-10 Codes that Support Medical Necessity Group 1: Codes added ICD-10 codes S01.81XA, S01.81XD, S01.81XS, S01.82XA, S01.82XD, and S01.82XS.

10/10/2019 R3

This article is being revised in order to adhere to CMS requirements per chapter 13, section 13.5.1 of the Program Integrity Manual, to remove all coding from LCDs and incorporate into related Billing and Coding Articles.

Title XVIII of the Social Security Act, §1833(e) was removed from the CMS National Coverage Policy section of the related CT of the Head L34417 LCD and placed in this article. Under Article Text deleted the subheading Documentation Requirements. Formatting was corrected throughout the article.

10/01/2019 R2

Under Covered ICD-10 Codes Group 1: Codes added ICD-10 codes S02.831S, S02.832A, S02.832B, S02.832D, S02.832G, S02.832K, S02.832S, S02.839A, S02.839B, S02.839D, S02.839G, S02.839K, S02.839S, S02.841A, S02.841B, S02.841D, S02.841G, S02.841K, S02.841S, S02.842A, S02.842B, S02.842D, S02.842G, S02.842K, S02.842S, S02.849A, S02.849B, S02.849D, S02.849G, S02.849K, S02.849S, S02.85XA, S02.85XB, S02.85XD, S02.85XG, S02.85XK, S02.85XS, T50.911A, T50.911D, T50.911S, T50.912A, T50.912D, T50.912S, T50.913A, T50.913D, T50.913S, T50.914A, T50.914D, T50.914S, T50.915A, T50.915D, T50.915S, T50.916A, T50.916D, T50.916S, T67.01XA, T67.01XD, T67.01XS, T67.02XA, T67.02XD, T67.02XS, T67.09XA, T67.09XD, T67.09XS, Z86.002, Z86.003, Z86.004, Z86.005, Z86.006 and Z86.007. Under Covered ICD-10 Codes Group 1: Codes deleted ICD-10 codes H81.41, H81.42, H81.43, T67.0XXA, T67.0XXD and T67.0XXS. Under Covered ICD-10 Codes Group 1: Codes the code descriptions were revised for ICD-10 codes G43.A0, G43.A1, T44.1X6A, T44.1X6D and T44.1X6S. This revision is due to the Annual ICD-10 Code Update and becomes effective on 10/1/2019.

06/06/2019 R1

All coding located in the Coding Information section has been removed from the related CT of the Head L34417 LCD and added to this article.


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