LCD Reference Article Billing and Coding Article

Billing and Coding: Total Knee Arthroplasty


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Draft Article
Draft Articles are works in progress and not necessarily a reflection of the current billing and coding practices. Revisions to codes are carefully and thoroughly reviewed and are not intended to change the original intent of the LCD.

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Article Information

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Article Title
Billing and Coding: Total Knee Arthroplasty
Article Type
Billing and Coding
Original Effective Date
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CPT codes, descriptions, and other data only are copyright 2024 American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved. Applicable FARS/HHSARS apply.

Fee schedules, relative value units, conversion factors and/or related components are not assigned by the AMA, are not part of CPT, and the AMA is not recommending their use. The AMA does not directly or indirectly practice medicine or dispense medical services. The AMA assumes no liability for data contained or not contained herein.

Current Dental Terminology © 2024 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2024, the American Hospital Association, Chicago, Illinois. Reproduced with permission. No portion of the AHA copyrighted materials contained within this publication may be copied without the express written consent of the AHA. AHA copyrighted materials including the UB‐04 codes and descriptions may not be removed, copied, or utilized within any software, product, service, solution, or derivative work without the written consent of the AHA. If an entity wishes to utilize any AHA materials, please contact the AHA at 312‐893‐6816.

Making copies or utilizing the content of the UB‐04 Manual, including the codes and/or descriptions, for internal purposes, resale and/or to be used in any product or publication; creating any modified or derivative work of the UB‐04 Manual and/or codes and descriptions; and/or making any commercial use of UB‐04 Manual or any portion thereof, including the codes and/or descriptions, is only authorized with an express license from the American Hospital Association. The American Hospital Association (the "AHA") has not reviewed, and is not responsible for, the completeness or accuracy of any information contained in this material, nor was the AHA or any of its affiliates, involved in the preparation of this material, or the analysis of information provided in the material. The views and/or positions presented in the material do not necessarily represent the views of the AHA. CMS and its products and services are not endorsed by the AHA or any of its affiliates.

CMS National Coverage Policy

Title XVIII of the Social Security Act, §1833(e) prohibits Medicare payment for any claim which lacks the necessary information to process the claim.

Article Guidance

Article Text

The following billing and coding guidance is to be used with its associated Local Coverage Determination.

Documentation Requirements

In order to qualify for coverage of both Medicare Part A inpatient services and Part B provider services the medical record must contain documentation that fully supports the medical necessity and justification of the procedure performed and must be made available to Noridian upon request. When the documentation does not meet the criteria for the service(s) rendered or the documentation does not establish the medical necessity for the service(s), such service(s) will be denied as not reasonable and necessary.

A history and physical, discharge summary, physician progress notes and an operative report are typically in the hospital record for the procedures in this LCD. Other relevant information addressing coverage criteria related to the patient’s episode of care prior to the hospitalization, should be included in the hospital record (see below). Failure to include this information in the hospital record may result in denial of coverage for Part A services and trigger a review of the Part B provider claim to determine whether the Part B service rendered was reasonable and necessary.

When the procedure is indicated for advanced joint disease, the following should be documented in the medical record:

• Arthritis of the knee supported by X-ray, MRI or CT. The X-ray, MRI or CT, as medically necessary, should demonstrate and the provider must document one or more of the following:

a) subchondral cysts,
b) subchondral sclerosis,
c) periarticular osteophytes,
d) joint subluxation,
e) the degree of joint space narrowing,
f) avascular necrosis or
g) bone on bone articulations

• Pain or functional disability at the knee. Pain and/or functional disability should be described in context. For example, documented pain that interferes with ADLs (functional disability), or pain that is increased with initiation of activities or pain that increases with weight bearing.

• Unsuccessful conservative therapy (non-surgical medical management) if appropriate. The documentation should demonstrate a history of a reasonable attempt at conservative therapy as appropriate for the patient in his/her current episode of care. For example, documented trial of NSAIDs or contraindication to such therapy and/or documented supervised physical therapy. Documentation should support that ADLs are diminished due to pain and/or disability despite non-surgical medical management.

• For patients with significant conditions or co-morbidities, the risk/benefit of non-cardiac surgery, such as TKF/TKA should be appropriately addressed in the medical record.

Medical record documentation for other TKR/TKA indications outlined in the LCD should include the following, when indicated:

• Supporting evidence (e.g., pathology reports and referral from an Oncologist for a malignancy of the joint or X-ray of a fracture).

• Pain at the knee when indicated as a reason for the procedure (e.g., for revision/replacement TKR/TKA). For example, documented pain that interferes with ADLs (functional disability), pain that is increased with initiation of activities or pain that increases with weight bearing.

• For patients with significant conditions or co-morbidities, the risk/benefit of non-cardiac surgery, such as TKR/TKA should be appropriately addressed in the medical record.

• When infection is the reason for revision TKR/TKA surgery, laboratory and/or pathology reports must be in the medical record and all documentation regarding treatment of the infection and a physician note indicating that it is appropriate to proceed with surgery should be in the medical record as well.

In the instance that the patient is undergoing a bilateral knee replacement, all criteria listed above would apply to the bilateral surgery when indicated. The medical record should also support the medical necessity for performing a bilateral TKR/TKA.

The treating physician must discuss the significant benefit and risks with the patient. In order to meet Medicare’s reasonable and necessary (R&N) threshold for coverage of a procedure, the physician’s documentation for the case should clearly support both the diagnostic criteria for the indication (standard test results and/or clinical findings as applicable) and the medical need (the procedure does not exceed the medical need and is at least as beneficial as existing alternatives & the procedure is furnished with accepted standards of medical practice in a setting appropriate for the patient’s medical needs and condition). Lacking compelling arguments for an exception in the supporting documentation, the hospital and physician services can be denied.

If in certain circumstances the patient does not meet all of the required criteria outlined in the local coverage determination (LCD) for a procedure, but the treating physician feels that the procedure is a covered procedure given the current standards of care, then the documentation must clearly outline the patient’s episode of care that supports the major procedure and must clearly address the reason(s) for coverage. For example, if clinical findings (or lack of) for an indication are not consistent with the LCD criteria, it should be directly addressed in the pre-procedure documentation. For example, if certain conservative measures are not necessary or appropriate for a given patient, it should be directly noted in the pre procedure documentation. The clinical judgment of the treating physician is always a consideration if clearly addressed in the pre procedure record and if consistent with the episode of care for the patient as documented in patient records and claim history.

Review of the medical record must indicate that inpatient hospital care was medically necessary, reasonable, and appropriate for the diagnosis and condition of the beneficiary at any time during the stay. The beneficiary must demonstrate signs and/or symptoms severe enough to warrant the need for medical care and must receive services of such intensity that they can be furnished safely and effectively only on an inpatient basis.

Response To Comments

Number Comment Response

Coding Information

Bill Type Codes

Code Description

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Revenue Codes

Code Description

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CPT/HCPCS Modifiers

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



ICD-10-CM Codes that Support Medical Necessity

Group 1

(1,395 Codes)
Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes
Code Description
C40.21 Malignant neoplasm of long bones of right lower limb
C40.22 Malignant neoplasm of long bones of left lower limb
D16.21 Benign neoplasm of long bones of right lower limb
D16.22 Benign neoplasm of long bones of left lower limb
L40.50 Arthropathic psoriasis, unspecified
L40.52 Psoriatic arthritis mutilans
L40.53 Psoriatic spondylitis
L40.54 Psoriatic juvenile arthropathy
L40.59 Other psoriatic arthropathy
M05.061 Felty's syndrome, right knee
M05.062 Felty's syndrome, left knee
M05.09 Felty's syndrome, multiple sites
M05.461 Rheumatoid myopathy with rheumatoid arthritis of right knee
M05.462 Rheumatoid myopathy with rheumatoid arthritis of left knee
M05.49 Rheumatoid myopathy with rheumatoid arthritis of multiple sites
M05.561 Rheumatoid polyneuropathy with rheumatoid arthritis of right knee
M05.562 Rheumatoid polyneuropathy with rheumatoid arthritis of left knee
M05.59 Rheumatoid polyneuropathy with rheumatoid arthritis of multiple sites
M05.761 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoid factor of right knee without organ or systems involvement
M05.762 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoid factor of left knee without organ or systems involvement
M05.79 Rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoid factor of multiple sites without organ or systems involvement
M05.861 Other rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoid factor of right knee
M05.862 Other rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoid factor of left knee
M05.89 Other rheumatoid arthritis with rheumatoid factor of multiple sites
M06.061 Rheumatoid arthritis without rheumatoid factor, right knee
M06.062 Rheumatoid arthritis without rheumatoid factor, left knee
M06.09 Rheumatoid arthritis without rheumatoid factor, multiple sites
M06.861 Other specified rheumatoid arthritis, right knee
M06.862 Other specified rheumatoid arthritis, left knee
M06.89 Other specified rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sites
M07.661 Enteropathic arthropathies, right knee
M07.662 Enteropathic arthropathies, left knee
M08.061 Unspecified juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, right knee
M08.062 Unspecified juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, left knee
M08.09 Unspecified juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sites
M08.261 Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with systemic onset, right knee
M08.262 Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with systemic onset, left knee
M08.29 Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with systemic onset, multiple sites
M08.3 Juvenile rheumatoid polyarthritis (seronegative)
M08.461 Pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, right knee
M08.462 Pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, left knee
M08.861 Other juvenile arthritis, right knee
M08.862 Other juvenile arthritis, left knee
M08.89 Other juvenile arthritis, multiple sites
M08.961 Juvenile arthritis, unspecified, right knee
M08.962 Juvenile arthritis, unspecified, left knee
M08.99 Juvenile arthritis, unspecified, multiple sites
M12.061 Chronic postrheumatic arthropathy [Jaccoud], right knee
M12.062 Chronic postrheumatic arthropathy [Jaccoud], left knee
M12.09 Chronic postrheumatic arthropathy [Jaccoud], multiple sites
M12.461 Intermittent hydrarthrosis, right knee
M12.462 Intermittent hydrarthrosis, left knee
M12.561 Traumatic arthropathy, right knee
M12.562 Traumatic arthropathy, left knee
M12.861 Other specific arthropathies, not elsewhere classified, right knee
M12.862 Other specific arthropathies, not elsewhere classified, left knee
M13.0 Polyarthritis, unspecified
M13.161 Monoarthritis, not elsewhere classified, right knee
M13.162 Monoarthritis, not elsewhere classified, left knee
M17.0 Bilateral primary osteoarthritis of knee
M17.11 Unilateral primary osteoarthritis, right knee
M17.12 Unilateral primary osteoarthritis, left knee
M17.2 Bilateral post-traumatic osteoarthritis of knee
M17.31 Unilateral post-traumatic osteoarthritis, right knee
M17.32 Unilateral post-traumatic osteoarthritis, left knee
M17.4 Other bilateral secondary osteoarthritis of knee
M17.5 Other unilateral secondary osteoarthritis of knee
M23.51 Chronic instability of knee, right knee
M23.52 Chronic instability of knee, left knee
M24.661 Ankylosis, right knee
M24.662 Ankylosis, left knee
M25.261 Flail joint, right knee
M25.262 Flail joint, left knee
M25.361 Other instability, right knee
M25.362 Other instability, left knee
M25.561 Pain in right knee
M25.562 Pain in left knee
M80.051A Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right femur, initial encounter for fracture
M80.051D Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
M80.051G Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
M80.051K Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
M80.051P Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
M80.051S Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right femur, sequela
M80.052A Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left femur, initial encounter for fracture
M80.052D Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
M80.052G Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
M80.052K Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
M80.052P Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
M80.052S Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left femur, sequela
M80.061A Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right lower leg, initial encounter for fracture
M80.061D Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right lower leg, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
M80.061G Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right lower leg, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
M80.061K Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right lower leg, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
M80.061P Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right lower leg, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
M80.061S Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right lower leg, sequela
M80.062A Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left lower leg, initial encounter for fracture
M80.062D Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left lower leg, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
M80.062G Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left lower leg, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
M80.062K Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left lower leg, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
M80.062P Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left lower leg, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
M80.062S Age-related osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left lower leg, sequela
M80.851A Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right femur, initial encounter for fracture
M80.851D Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
M80.851G Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
M80.851K Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
M80.851P Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
M80.851S Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right femur, sequela
M80.852A Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left femur, initial encounter for fracture
M80.852D Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
M80.852G Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
M80.852K Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
M80.852P Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
M80.852S Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left femur, sequela
M80.861A Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right lower leg, initial encounter for fracture
M80.861D Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right lower leg, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
M80.861G Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right lower leg, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
M80.861K Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right lower leg, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
M80.861P Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right lower leg, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
M80.861S Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, right lower leg, sequela
M80.862A Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left lower leg, initial encounter for fracture
M80.862D Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left lower leg, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
M80.862G Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left lower leg, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
M80.862K Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left lower leg, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
M80.862P Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left lower leg, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
M80.862S Other osteoporosis with current pathological fracture, left lower leg, sequela
M84.351A Stress fracture, right femur, initial encounter for fracture
M84.351D Stress fracture, right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
M84.351G Stress fracture, right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
M84.351K Stress fracture, right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
M84.351P Stress fracture, right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
M84.351S Stress fracture, right femur, sequela
M84.352A Stress fracture, left femur, initial encounter for fracture
M84.352D Stress fracture, left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
M84.352G Stress fracture, left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
M84.352K Stress fracture, left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
M84.352P Stress fracture, left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
M84.352S Stress fracture, left femur, sequela
M84.361A Stress fracture, right tibia, initial encounter for fracture
M84.361D Stress fracture, right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
M84.361G Stress fracture, right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
M84.361K Stress fracture, right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
M84.361P Stress fracture, right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
M84.361S Stress fracture, right tibia, sequela
M84.362A Stress fracture, left tibia, initial encounter for fracture
M84.362D Stress fracture, left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
M84.362G Stress fracture, left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
M84.362K Stress fracture, left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
M84.362P Stress fracture, left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
M84.362S Stress fracture, left tibia, sequela
M84.451A Pathological fracture, right femur, initial encounter for fracture
M84.451D Pathological fracture, right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
M84.451G Pathological fracture, right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
M84.451K Pathological fracture, right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
M84.451P Pathological fracture, right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
M84.451S Pathological fracture, right femur, sequela
M84.452A Pathological fracture, left femur, initial encounter for fracture
M84.452D Pathological fracture, left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
M84.452G Pathological fracture, left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
M84.452K Pathological fracture, left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
M84.452P Pathological fracture, left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
M84.452S Pathological fracture, left femur, sequela
M84.461A Pathological fracture, right tibia, initial encounter for fracture
M84.461D Pathological fracture, right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
M84.461G Pathological fracture, right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
M84.461K Pathological fracture, right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
M84.461P Pathological fracture, right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
M84.461S Pathological fracture, right tibia, sequela
M84.462A Pathological fracture, left tibia, initial encounter for fracture
M84.462D Pathological fracture, left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
M84.462G Pathological fracture, left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
M84.462K Pathological fracture, left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
M84.462P Pathological fracture, left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
M84.462S Pathological fracture, left tibia, sequela
M84.551A Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, right femur, initial encounter for fracture
M84.551D Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
M84.551G Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
M84.551K Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
M84.551P Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
M84.551S Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, right femur, sequela
M84.552A Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, left femur, initial encounter for fracture
M84.552D Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
M84.552G Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
M84.552K Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
M84.552P Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
M84.552S Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, left femur, sequela
M84.561A Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, right tibia, initial encounter for fracture
M84.561D Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
M84.561G Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
M84.561K Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
M84.561P Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
M84.561S Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, right tibia, sequela
M84.562A Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, left tibia, initial encounter for fracture
M84.562D Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
M84.562G Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
M84.562K Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
M84.562P Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
M84.562S Pathological fracture in neoplastic disease, left tibia, sequela
M84.651A Pathological fracture in other disease, right femur, initial encounter for fracture
M84.651D Pathological fracture in other disease, right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
M84.651G Pathological fracture in other disease, right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
M84.651K Pathological fracture in other disease, right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
M84.651P Pathological fracture in other disease, right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
M84.651S Pathological fracture in other disease, right femur, sequela
M84.652A Pathological fracture in other disease, left femur, initial encounter for fracture
M84.652D Pathological fracture in other disease, left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
M84.652G Pathological fracture in other disease, left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
M84.652K Pathological fracture in other disease, left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
M84.652P Pathological fracture in other disease, left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
M84.652S Pathological fracture in other disease, left femur, sequela
M84.661A Pathological fracture in other disease, right tibia, initial encounter for fracture
M84.661D Pathological fracture in other disease, right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
M84.661G Pathological fracture in other disease, right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
M84.661K Pathological fracture in other disease, right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
M84.661P Pathological fracture in other disease, right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
M84.661S Pathological fracture in other disease, right tibia, sequela
M84.662A Pathological fracture in other disease, left tibia, initial encounter for fracture
M84.662D Pathological fracture in other disease, left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
M84.662G Pathological fracture in other disease, left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
M84.662K Pathological fracture in other disease, left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
M84.662P Pathological fracture in other disease, left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
M84.662S Pathological fracture in other disease, left tibia, sequela
M87.051 Idiopathic aseptic necrosis of right femur
M87.052 Idiopathic aseptic necrosis of left femur
M87.061 Idiopathic aseptic necrosis of right tibia
M87.062 Idiopathic aseptic necrosis of left tibia
M87.151 Osteonecrosis due to drugs, right femur
M87.152 Osteonecrosis due to drugs, left femur
M87.251 Osteonecrosis due to previous trauma, right femur
M87.252 Osteonecrosis due to previous trauma, left femur
M87.261 Osteonecrosis due to previous trauma, right tibia
M87.262 Osteonecrosis due to previous trauma, left tibia
M87.351 Other secondary osteonecrosis, right femur
M87.352 Other secondary osteonecrosis, left femur
M87.361 Other secondary osteonecrosis, right tibia
M87.362 Other secondary osteonecrosis, left tibia
M87.851 Other osteonecrosis, right femur
M87.852 Other osteonecrosis, left femur
M87.861 Other osteonecrosis, right tibia
M87.862 Other osteonecrosis, left tibia
M88.851 Osteitis deformans of right thigh
M88.852 Osteitis deformans of left thigh
M88.861 Osteitis deformans of right lower leg
M88.862 Osteitis deformans of left lower leg
M88.89 Osteitis deformans of multiple sites
M90.551 Osteonecrosis in diseases classified elsewhere, right thigh
M90.552 Osteonecrosis in diseases classified elsewhere, left thigh
M90.561 Osteonecrosis in diseases classified elsewhere, right lower leg
M90.562 Osteonecrosis in diseases classified elsewhere, left lower leg
M97.11XA Periprosthetic fracture around internal prosthetic right knee joint, initial encounter
M97.11XD Periprosthetic fracture around internal prosthetic right knee joint, subsequent encounter
M97.11XS Periprosthetic fracture around internal prosthetic right knee joint, sequela
M97.12XA Periprosthetic fracture around internal prosthetic left knee joint, initial encounter
M97.12XD Periprosthetic fracture around internal prosthetic left knee joint, subsequent encounter
M97.12XS Periprosthetic fracture around internal prosthetic left knee joint, sequela
S72.401A Unspecified fracture of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.401B Unspecified fracture of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.401C Unspecified fracture of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.401D Unspecified fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.401E Unspecified fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.401F Unspecified fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.401G Unspecified fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.401H Unspecified fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.401J Unspecified fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.401K Unspecified fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.401M Unspecified fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.401N Unspecified fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.401P Unspecified fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.401Q Unspecified fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.401R Unspecified fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.401S Unspecified fracture of lower end of right femur, sequela
S72.402A Unspecified fracture of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.402B Unspecified fracture of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.402C Unspecified fracture of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.402D Unspecified fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.402E Unspecified fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.402F Unspecified fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.402G Unspecified fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.402H Unspecified fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.402J Unspecified fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.402K Unspecified fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.402M Unspecified fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.402N Unspecified fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.402P Unspecified fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.402Q Unspecified fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.402R Unspecified fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.402S Unspecified fracture of lower end of left femur, sequela
S72.411A Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.411B Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.411C Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.411D Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.411E Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.411F Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.411G Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.411H Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.411J Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.411K Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.411M Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.411N Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.411P Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.411Q Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.411R Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.411S Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, sequela
S72.412A Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.412B Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.412C Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.412D Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.412E Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.412F Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.412G Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.412H Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.412J Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.412K Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.412M Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.412N Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.412P Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.412Q Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.412R Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.412S Displaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, sequela
S72.414A Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.414B Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.414C Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.414D Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.414E Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.414F Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.414G Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.414H Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.414J Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.414K Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.414M Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.414N Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.414P Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.414Q Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.414R Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.414S Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of right femur, sequela
S72.415A Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.415B Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.415C Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.415D Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.415E Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.415F Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.415G Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.415H Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.415J Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.415K Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.415M Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.415N Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.415P Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.415Q Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.415R Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.415S Nondisplaced unspecified condyle fracture of lower end of left femur, sequela
S72.421A Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.421B Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.421C Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.421D Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.421E Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.421F Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.421G Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.421H Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.421J Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.421K Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.421M Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.421N Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.421P Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.421Q Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.421R Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.421S Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, sequela
S72.422A Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.422B Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.422C Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.422D Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.422E Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.422F Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.422G Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.422H Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.422J Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.422K Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.422M Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.422N Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.422P Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.422Q Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.422R Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.422S Displaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, sequela
S72.424A Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.424B Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.424C Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.424D Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.424E Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.424F Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.424G Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.424H Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.424J Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.424K Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.424M Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.424N Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.424P Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.424Q Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.424R Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.424S Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of right femur, sequela
S72.425A Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.425B Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.425C Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.425D Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.425E Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.425F Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.425G Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.425H Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.425J Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.425K Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.425M Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.425N Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.425P Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.425Q Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.425R Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.425S Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of left femur, sequela
S72.431A Displaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.431B Displaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.431C Displaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.431D Displaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.431E Displaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.431F Displaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.431G Displaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.431H Displaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.431J Displaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.431K Displaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.431M Displaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.431N Displaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.431P Displaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.431Q Displaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.431R Displaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.431S Displaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, sequela
S72.432A Displaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.432B Displaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.432C Displaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.432D Displaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.432E Displaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.432F Displaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.432G Displaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.432H Displaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.432J Displaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.432K Displaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.432M Displaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.432N Displaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.432P Displaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.432Q Displaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.432R Displaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.432S Displaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, sequela
S72.434A Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.434B Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.434C Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.434D Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.434E Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.434F Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.434G Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.434H Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.434J Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.434K Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.434M Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.434N Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.434P Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.434Q Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.434R Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.434S Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of right femur, sequela
S72.435A Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.435B Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.435C Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.435D Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.435E Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.435F Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.435G Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.435H Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.435J Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.435K Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.435M Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.435N Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.435P Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.435Q Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.435R Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.435S Nondisplaced fracture of medial condyle of left femur, sequela
S72.441A Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.441B Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.441C Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.441D Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.441E Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.441F Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.441G Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.441H Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.441J Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.441K Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.441M Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.441N Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.441P Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.441Q Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.441R Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.441S Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, sequela
S72.442A Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.442B Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.442C Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.442D Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.442E Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.442F Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.442G Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.442H Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.442J Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.442K Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.442M Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.442N Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.442P Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.442Q Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.442R Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.442S Displaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, sequela
S72.444A Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.444B Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.444C Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.444D Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.444E Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.444F Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.444G Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.444H Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.444J Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.444K Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.444M Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.444N Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.444P Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.444Q Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.444R Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.444S Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of right femur, sequela
S72.445A Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.445B Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.445C Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.445D Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.445E Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.445F Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.445G Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.445H Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.445J Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.445K Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.445M Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.445N Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.445P Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.445Q Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.445R Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.445S Nondisplaced fracture of lower epiphysis (separation) of left femur, sequela
S72.451A Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.451B Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.451C Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.451D Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.451E Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.451F Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.451G Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.451H Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.451J Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.451K Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.451M Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.451N Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.451P Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.451Q Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.451R Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.451S Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, sequela
S72.452A Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.452B Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.452C Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.452D Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.452E Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.452F Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.452G Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.452H Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.452J Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.452K Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.452M Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.452N Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.452P Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.452Q Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.452R Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.452S Displaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, sequela
S72.454A Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.454B Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.454C Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.454D Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.454E Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.454F Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.454G Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.454H Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.454J Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.454K Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.454M Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.454N Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.454P Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.454Q Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.454R Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.454S Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, sequela
S72.455A Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.455B Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.455C Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.455D Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.455E Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.455F Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.455G Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.455H Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.455J Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.455K Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.455M Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.455N Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.455P Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.455Q Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.455R Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.455S Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture without intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, sequela
S72.461A Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.461B Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.461C Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.461D Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.461E Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.461F Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.461G Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.461H Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.461J Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.461K Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.461M Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.461N Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.461P Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.461Q Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.461R Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.461S Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, sequela
S72.462A Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.462B Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.462C Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.462D Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.462E Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.462F Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.462G Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.462H Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.462J Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.462K Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.462M Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.462N Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.462P Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.462Q Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.462R Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.462S Displaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, sequela
S72.464A Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.464B Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.464C Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.464D Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.464E Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.464F Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.464G Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.464H Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.464J Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.464K Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.464M Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.464N Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.464P Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.464Q Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.464R Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.464S Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of right femur, sequela
S72.465A Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.465B Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.465C Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.465D Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.465E Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.465F Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.465G Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.465H Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.465J Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.465K Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.465M Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.465N Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.465P Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.465Q Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.465R Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.465S Nondisplaced supracondylar fracture with intracondylar extension of lower end of left femur, sequela
S72.471A Torus fracture of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.471D Torus fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S72.471G Torus fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S72.471K Torus fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S72.471P Torus fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
S72.471S Torus fracture of lower end of right femur, sequela
S72.472A Torus fracture of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.472D Torus fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S72.472G Torus fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S72.472K Torus fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S72.472P Torus fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
S72.472S Torus fracture of lower end of left femur, sequela
S72.491A Other fracture of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.491B Other fracture of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.491C Other fracture of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.491D Other fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.491E Other fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.491F Other fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.491G Other fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.491H Other fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.491J Other fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.491K Other fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.491M Other fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.491N Other fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.491P Other fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.491Q Other fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.491R Other fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.491S Other fracture of lower end of right femur, sequela
S72.492A Other fracture of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.492B Other fracture of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.492C Other fracture of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.492D Other fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.492E Other fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.492F Other fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.492G Other fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.492H Other fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.492J Other fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.492K Other fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.492M Other fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.492N Other fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.492P Other fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.492Q Other fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.492R Other fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.492S Other fracture of lower end of left femur, sequela
S72.8X1A Other fracture of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.8X1B Other fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.8X1C Other fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.8X1D Other fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.8X1E Other fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.8X1F Other fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.8X1G Other fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.8X1H Other fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.8X1J Other fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.8X1K Other fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.8X1M Other fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.8X1N Other fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.8X1P Other fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.8X1Q Other fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.8X1R Other fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.8X1S Other fracture of right femur, sequela
S72.8X2A Other fracture of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.8X2B Other fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.8X2C Other fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.8X2D Other fracture of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.8X2E Other fracture of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.8X2F Other fracture of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.8X2G Other fracture of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.8X2H Other fracture of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.8X2J Other fracture of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.8X2K Other fracture of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.8X2M Other fracture of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.8X2N Other fracture of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.8X2P Other fracture of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.8X2Q Other fracture of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.8X2R Other fracture of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.8X2S Other fracture of left femur, sequela
S72.91XA Unspecified fracture of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.91XB Unspecified fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.91XC Unspecified fracture of right femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.91XD Unspecified fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.91XE Unspecified fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.91XF Unspecified fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.91XG Unspecified fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.91XH Unspecified fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.91XJ Unspecified fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.91XK Unspecified fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.91XM Unspecified fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.91XN Unspecified fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.91XP Unspecified fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.91XQ Unspecified fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.91XR Unspecified fracture of right femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.91XS Unspecified fracture of right femur, sequela
S72.92XA Unspecified fracture of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S72.92XB Unspecified fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S72.92XC Unspecified fracture of left femur, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S72.92XD Unspecified fracture of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S72.92XE Unspecified fracture of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S72.92XF Unspecified fracture of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S72.92XG Unspecified fracture of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S72.92XH Unspecified fracture of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S72.92XJ Unspecified fracture of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S72.92XK Unspecified fracture of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S72.92XM Unspecified fracture of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S72.92XN Unspecified fracture of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S72.92XP Unspecified fracture of left femur, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S72.92XQ Unspecified fracture of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S72.92XR Unspecified fracture of left femur, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S72.92XS Unspecified fracture of left femur, sequela
S79.101A Unspecified physeal fracture of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S79.101D Unspecified physeal fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S79.101G Unspecified physeal fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S79.101K Unspecified physeal fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S79.101P Unspecified physeal fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
S79.101S Unspecified physeal fracture of lower end of right femur, sequela
S79.102A Unspecified physeal fracture of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S79.102D Unspecified physeal fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S79.102G Unspecified physeal fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S79.102K Unspecified physeal fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S79.102P Unspecified physeal fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
S79.102S Unspecified physeal fracture of lower end of left femur, sequela
S79.191A Other physeal fracture of lower end of right femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S79.191D Other physeal fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S79.191G Other physeal fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S79.191K Other physeal fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S79.191P Other physeal fracture of lower end of right femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
S79.191S Other physeal fracture of lower end of right femur, sequela
S79.192A Other physeal fracture of lower end of left femur, initial encounter for closed fracture
S79.192D Other physeal fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S79.192G Other physeal fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S79.192K Other physeal fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S79.192P Other physeal fracture of lower end of left femur, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
S79.192S Other physeal fracture of lower end of left femur, sequela
S82.101A Unspecified fracture of upper end of right tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.101B Unspecified fracture of upper end of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.101C Unspecified fracture of upper end of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.101D Unspecified fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.101E Unspecified fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.101F Unspecified fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.101G Unspecified fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.101H Unspecified fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.101J Unspecified fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.101K Unspecified fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.101M Unspecified fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.101N Unspecified fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.101P Unspecified fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.101Q Unspecified fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.101R Unspecified fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.101S Unspecified fracture of upper end of right tibia, sequela
S82.102A Unspecified fracture of upper end of left tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.102B Unspecified fracture of upper end of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.102C Unspecified fracture of upper end of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.102D Unspecified fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.102E Unspecified fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.102F Unspecified fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.102G Unspecified fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.102H Unspecified fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.102J Unspecified fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.102K Unspecified fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.102M Unspecified fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.102N Unspecified fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.102P Unspecified fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.102Q Unspecified fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.102R Unspecified fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.102S Unspecified fracture of upper end of left tibia, sequela
S82.161A Torus fracture of upper end of right tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.161D Torus fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S82.161G Torus fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S82.161K Torus fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S82.161P Torus fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
S82.161S Torus fracture of upper end of right tibia, sequela
S82.162A Torus fracture of upper end of left tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.162D Torus fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S82.162G Torus fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S82.162K Torus fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S82.162P Torus fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
S82.162S Torus fracture of upper end of left tibia, sequela
S82.191A Other fracture of upper end of right tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.191B Other fracture of upper end of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.191C Other fracture of upper end of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.191D Other fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.191E Other fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.191F Other fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.191G Other fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.191H Other fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.191J Other fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.191K Other fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.191M Other fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.191N Other fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.191P Other fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.191Q Other fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.191R Other fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.191S Other fracture of upper end of right tibia, sequela
S82.192A Other fracture of upper end of left tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.192B Other fracture of upper end of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.192C Other fracture of upper end of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.192D Other fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.192E Other fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.192F Other fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.192G Other fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.192H Other fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.192J Other fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.192K Other fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.192M Other fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.192N Other fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.192P Other fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.192Q Other fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.192R Other fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.192S Other fracture of upper end of left tibia, sequela
S82.201A Unspecified fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.201B Unspecified fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.201C Unspecified fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.201D Unspecified fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.201E Unspecified fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.201F Unspecified fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.201G Unspecified fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.201H Unspecified fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.201J Unspecified fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.201K Unspecified fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.201M Unspecified fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.201N Unspecified fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.201P Unspecified fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.201Q Unspecified fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.201R Unspecified fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.201S Unspecified fracture of shaft of right tibia, sequela
S82.202A Unspecified fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.202B Unspecified fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.202C Unspecified fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.202D Unspecified fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.202E Unspecified fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.202F Unspecified fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.202G Unspecified fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.202H Unspecified fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.202J Unspecified fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.202K Unspecified fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.202M Unspecified fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.202N Unspecified fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.202P Unspecified fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.202Q Unspecified fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.202R Unspecified fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.202S Unspecified fracture of shaft of left tibia, sequela
S82.221A Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.221B Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.221C Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.221D Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.221E Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.221F Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.221G Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.221H Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.221J Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.221K Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.221M Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.221N Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.221P Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.221Q Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.221R Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.221S Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, sequela
S82.222A Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.222B Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.222C Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.222D Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.222E Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.222F Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.222G Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.222H Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.222J Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.222K Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.222M Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.222N Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.222P Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.222Q Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.222R Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.222S Displaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, sequela
S82.224A Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.224B Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.224C Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.224D Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.224E Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.224F Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.224G Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.224H Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.224J Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.224K Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.224M Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.224N Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.224P Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.224Q Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.224R Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.224S Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of right tibia, sequela
S82.225A Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.225B Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.225C Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.225D Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.225E Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.225F Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.225G Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.225H Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.225J Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.225K Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.225M Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.225N Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.225P Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.225Q Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.225R Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.225S Nondisplaced transverse fracture of shaft of left tibia, sequela
S82.231A Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.231B Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.231C Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.231D Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.231E Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.231F Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.231G Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.231H Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.231J Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.231K Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.231M Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.231N Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.231P Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.231Q Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.231R Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.231S Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, sequela
S82.232A Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.232B Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.232C Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.232D Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.232E Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.232F Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.232G Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.232H Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.232J Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.232K Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.232M Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.232N Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.232P Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.232Q Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.232R Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.232S Displaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, sequela
S82.234A Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.234B Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.234C Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.234D Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.234E Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.234F Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.234G Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.234H Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.234J Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.234K Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.234M Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.234N Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.234P Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.234Q Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.234R Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.234S Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of right tibia, sequela
S82.235A Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.235B Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.235C Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.235D Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.235E Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.235F Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.235G Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.235H Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.235J Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.235K Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.235M Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.235N Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.235P Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.235Q Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.235R Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.235S Nondisplaced oblique fracture of shaft of left tibia, sequela
S82.241A Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.241B Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.241C Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.241D Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.241E Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.241F Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.241G Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.241H Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.241J Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.241K Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.241M Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.241N Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.241P Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.241Q Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.241R Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.241S Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, sequela
S82.242A Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.242B Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.242C Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.242D Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.242E Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.242F Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.242G Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.242H Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.242J Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.242K Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.242M Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.242N Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.242P Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.242Q Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.242R Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.242S Displaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, sequela
S82.244A Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.244B Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.244C Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.244D Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.244E Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.244F Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.244G Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.244H Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.244J Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.244K Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.244M Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.244N Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.244P Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.244Q Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.244R Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.244S Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of right tibia, sequela
S82.245A Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.245B Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.245C Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.245D Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.245E Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.245F Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.245G Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.245H Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.245J Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.245K Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.245M Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.245N Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.245P Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.245Q Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.245R Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.245S Nondisplaced spiral fracture of shaft of left tibia, sequela
S82.251A Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.251B Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.251C Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.251D Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.251E Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.251F Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.251G Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.251H Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.251J Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.251K Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.251M Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.251N Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.251P Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.251Q Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.251R Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.251S Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, sequela
S82.252A Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.252B Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.252C Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.252D Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.252E Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.252F Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.252G Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.252H Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.252J Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.252K Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.252M Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.252N Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.252P Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.252Q Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.252R Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.252S Displaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, sequela
S82.254A Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.254B Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.254C Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.254D Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.254E Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.254F Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.254G Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.254H Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.254J Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.254K Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.254M Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.254N Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.254P Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.254Q Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.254R Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.254S Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of right tibia, sequela
S82.255A Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.255B Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.255C Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.255D Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.255E Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.255F Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.255G Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.255H Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.255J Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.255K Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.255M Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.255N Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.255P Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.255Q Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.255R Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.255S Nondisplaced comminuted fracture of shaft of left tibia, sequela
S82.261A Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.261B Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.261C Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.261D Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.261E Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.261F Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.261G Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.261H Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.261J Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.261K Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.261M Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.261N Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.261P Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.261Q Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.261R Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.261S Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, sequela
S82.262A Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.262B Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.262C Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.262D Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.262E Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.262F Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.262G Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.262H Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.262J Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.262K Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.262M Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.262N Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.262P Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.262Q Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.262R Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.262S Displaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, sequela
S82.264A Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.264B Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.264C Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.264D Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.264E Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.264F Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.264G Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.264H Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.264J Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.264K Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.264M Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.264N Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.264P Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.264Q Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.264R Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.264S Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of right tibia, sequela
S82.265A Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.265B Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.265C Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.265D Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.265E Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.265F Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.265G Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.265H Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.265J Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.265K Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.265M Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.265N Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.265P Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.265Q Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.265R Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.265S Nondisplaced segmental fracture of shaft of left tibia, sequela
S82.291A Other fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.291B Other fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.291C Other fracture of shaft of right tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.291D Other fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.291E Other fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.291F Other fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.291G Other fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.291H Other fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.291J Other fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.291K Other fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.291M Other fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.291N Other fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.291P Other fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.291Q Other fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.291R Other fracture of shaft of right tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.291S Other fracture of shaft of right tibia, sequela
S82.292A Other fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.292B Other fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.292C Other fracture of shaft of left tibia, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.292D Other fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.292E Other fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.292F Other fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.292G Other fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.292H Other fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.292J Other fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.292K Other fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.292M Other fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.292N Other fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.292P Other fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.292Q Other fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.292R Other fracture of shaft of left tibia, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.292S Other fracture of shaft of left tibia, sequela
S82.891A Other fracture of right lower leg, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.891B Other fracture of right lower leg, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.891C Other fracture of right lower leg, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.891D Other fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.891E Other fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.891F Other fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.891G Other fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.891H Other fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.891J Other fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.891K Other fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.891M Other fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.891N Other fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.891P Other fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.891Q Other fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.891R Other fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.891S Other fracture of right lower leg, sequela
S82.892A Other fracture of left lower leg, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.892B Other fracture of left lower leg, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.892C Other fracture of left lower leg, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.892D Other fracture of left lower leg, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.892E Other fracture of left lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.892F Other fracture of left lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.892G Other fracture of left lower leg, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.892H Other fracture of left lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.892J Other fracture of left lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.892K Other fracture of left lower leg, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.892M Other fracture of left lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.892N Other fracture of left lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.892P Other fracture of left lower leg, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.892Q Other fracture of left lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.892R Other fracture of left lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.892S Other fracture of left lower leg, sequela
S82.91XA Unspecified fracture of right lower leg, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.91XB Unspecified fracture of right lower leg, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.91XC Unspecified fracture of right lower leg, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.91XD Unspecified fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.91XE Unspecified fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.91XF Unspecified fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.91XG Unspecified fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.91XH Unspecified fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.91XJ Unspecified fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.91XK Unspecified fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.91XM Unspecified fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.91XN Unspecified fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.91XP Unspecified fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.91XQ Unspecified fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.91XR Unspecified fracture of right lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.91XS Unspecified fracture of right lower leg, sequela
S82.92XA Unspecified fracture of left lower leg, initial encounter for closed fracture
S82.92XB Unspecified fracture of left lower leg, initial encounter for open fracture type I or II
S82.92XC Unspecified fracture of left lower leg, initial encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC
S82.92XD Unspecified fracture of left lower leg, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with routine healing
S82.92XE Unspecified fracture of left lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with routine healing
S82.92XF Unspecified fracture of left lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with routine healing
S82.92XG Unspecified fracture of left lower leg, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with delayed healing
S82.92XH Unspecified fracture of left lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with delayed healing
S82.92XJ Unspecified fracture of left lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with delayed healing
S82.92XK Unspecified fracture of left lower leg, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with nonunion
S82.92XM Unspecified fracture of left lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with nonunion
S82.92XN Unspecified fracture of left lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with nonunion
S82.92XP Unspecified fracture of left lower leg, subsequent encounter for closed fracture with malunion
S82.92XQ Unspecified fracture of left lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type I or II with malunion
S82.92XR Unspecified fracture of left lower leg, subsequent encounter for open fracture type IIIA, IIIB, or IIIC with malunion
S82.92XS Unspecified fracture of left lower leg, sequela
S89.001A Unspecified physeal fracture of upper end of right tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S89.001D Unspecified physeal fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S89.001G Unspecified physeal fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S89.001K Unspecified physeal fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S89.001P Unspecified physeal fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
S89.001S Unspecified physeal fracture of upper end of right tibia, sequela
S89.002A Unspecified physeal fracture of upper end of left tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S89.002D Unspecified physeal fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S89.002G Unspecified physeal fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S89.002K Unspecified physeal fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S89.002P Unspecified physeal fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
S89.002S Unspecified physeal fracture of upper end of left tibia, sequela
S89.091A Other physeal fracture of upper end of right tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S89.091D Other physeal fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S89.091G Other physeal fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S89.091K Other physeal fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S89.091P Other physeal fracture of upper end of right tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
S89.091S Other physeal fracture of upper end of right tibia, sequela
S89.092A Other physeal fracture of upper end of left tibia, initial encounter for closed fracture
S89.092D Other physeal fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S89.092G Other physeal fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S89.092K Other physeal fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S89.092P Other physeal fracture of upper end of left tibia, subsequent encounter for fracture with malunion
S89.092S Other physeal fracture of upper end of left tibia, sequela
T84.012A Broken internal right knee prosthesis, initial encounter
T84.012D Broken internal right knee prosthesis, subsequent encounter
T84.012S Broken internal right knee prosthesis, sequela
T84.013A Broken internal left knee prosthesis, initial encounter
T84.013D Broken internal left knee prosthesis, subsequent encounter
T84.013S Broken internal left knee prosthesis, sequela
T84.022A Instability of internal right knee prosthesis, initial encounter
T84.022D Instability of internal right knee prosthesis, subsequent encounter
T84.022S Instability of internal right knee prosthesis, sequela
T84.023A Instability of internal left knee prosthesis, initial encounter
T84.023D Instability of internal left knee prosthesis, subsequent encounter
T84.023S Instability of internal left knee prosthesis, sequela
T84.032A Mechanical loosening of internal right knee prosthetic joint, initial encounter
T84.032D Mechanical loosening of internal right knee prosthetic joint, subsequent encounter
T84.032S Mechanical loosening of internal right knee prosthetic joint, sequela
T84.033A Mechanical loosening of internal left knee prosthetic joint, initial encounter
T84.033D Mechanical loosening of internal left knee prosthetic joint, subsequent encounter
T84.033S Mechanical loosening of internal left knee prosthetic joint, sequela
T84.052A Periprosthetic osteolysis of internal prosthetic right knee joint, initial encounter
T84.052D Periprosthetic osteolysis of internal prosthetic right knee joint, subsequent encounter
T84.052S Periprosthetic osteolysis of internal prosthetic right knee joint, sequela
T84.053A Periprosthetic osteolysis of internal prosthetic left knee joint, initial encounter
T84.053D Periprosthetic osteolysis of internal prosthetic left knee joint, subsequent encounter
T84.053S Periprosthetic osteolysis of internal prosthetic left knee joint, sequela
T84.062A Wear of articular bearing surface of internal prosthetic right knee joint, initial encounter
T84.062D Wear of articular bearing surface of internal prosthetic right knee joint, subsequent encounter
T84.062S Wear of articular bearing surface of internal prosthetic right knee joint, sequela
T84.063A Wear of articular bearing surface of internal prosthetic left knee joint, initial encounter
T84.063D Wear of articular bearing surface of internal prosthetic left knee joint, subsequent encounter
T84.063S Wear of articular bearing surface of internal prosthetic left knee joint, sequela
T84.092A Other mechanical complication of internal right knee prosthesis, initial encounter
T84.092D Other mechanical complication of internal right knee prosthesis, subsequent encounter
T84.092S Other mechanical complication of internal right knee prosthesis, sequela
T84.093A Other mechanical complication of internal left knee prosthesis, initial encounter
T84.093D Other mechanical complication of internal left knee prosthesis, subsequent encounter
T84.093S Other mechanical complication of internal left knee prosthesis, sequela
T84.53XA Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal right knee prosthesis, initial encounter
T84.53XD Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal right knee prosthesis, subsequent encounter
T84.53XS Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal right knee prosthesis, sequela
T84.54XA Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal left knee prosthesis, initial encounter
T84.54XD Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal left knee prosthesis, subsequent encounter
T84.54XS Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal left knee prosthesis, sequela
Z47.33 Aftercare following explantation of knee joint prosthesis
Z89.521 Acquired absence of right knee
Z89.522 Acquired absence of left knee

ICD-10-CM Codes that DO NOT Support Medical Necessity

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



ICD-10-PCS Codes

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



Additional ICD-10 Information


Bill Type Codes

Contractors may specify Bill Types to help providers identify those Bill Types typically used to report this service. Absence of a Bill Type does not guarantee that the article does not apply to that Bill Type. Complete absence of all Bill Types indicates that coverage is not influenced by Bill Type and the article should be assumed to apply equally to all claims.

Code Description

Please accept the License to see the codes.


Revenue Codes

Contractors may specify Revenue Codes to help providers identify those Revenue Codes typically used to report this service. In most instances Revenue Codes are purely advisory. Unless specified in the article, services reported under other Revenue Codes are equally subject to this coverage determination. Complete absence of all Revenue Codes indicates that coverage is not influenced by Revenue Code and the article should be assumed to apply equally to all Revenue Codes.

Code Description

Please accept the License to see the codes.


Other Coding Information

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



Coding Table Information

Excluded CPT/HCPCS Codes - Table Format
Code Descriptor Generic Name Descriptor Brand Name Exclusion Effective Date Exclusion End Date Reason for Exclusion
Non-Excluded CPT/HCPCS Ended Codes - Table Format
Code Descriptor Generic Name Descriptor Brand Name Exclusion Effective Date Exclusion End Date Reason for Exclusion

Revision History Information

Revision History Date Revision History Number Revision History Explanation
12/01/2019 R1

Updated to indicate this article is an LCD reference Article.


Associated Documents

Medicare BPM Ch 15.50.2 SAD Determinations
Medicare BPM Ch 15.50.2
Related National Coverage Documents
SAD Process URL 1
SAD Process URL 2
Statutory Requirements URLs
Rules and Regulations URLs
CMS Manual Explanations URLs
Other URLs
Public Versions
Updated On Effective Dates Status
11/14/2023 12/01/2019 - N/A Currently in Effect You are here
11/19/2019 12/01/2019 - N/A Superseded View


  • Total knee arthroplasty
  • Total Knee
  • arthroplasty
  • 27445
  • 27447
  • 27486
  • 27487