SUPERSEDED LCD Reference Article Billing and Coding Article

Billing and Coding: Transthoracic Echocardiography (TTE)


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Draft Article
Draft Articles are works in progress and not necessarily a reflection of the current billing and coding practices. Revisions to codes are carefully and thoroughly reviewed and are not intended to change the original intent of the LCD.
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Original ICD-9 Article ID
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Article Title
Billing and Coding: Transthoracic Echocardiography (TTE)
Article Type
Billing and Coding
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CPT codes, descriptions, and other data only are copyright 2024 American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved. Applicable FARS/HHSARS apply.

Fee schedules, relative value units, conversion factors and/or related components are not assigned by the AMA, are not part of CPT, and the AMA is not recommending their use. The AMA does not directly or indirectly practice medicine or dispense medical services. The AMA assumes no liability for data contained or not contained herein.

Current Dental Terminology © 2024 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2024, the American Hospital Association, Chicago, Illinois. Reproduced with permission. No portion of the AHA copyrighted materials contained within this publication may be copied without the express written consent of the AHA. AHA copyrighted materials including the UB‐04 codes and descriptions may not be removed, copied, or utilized within any software, product, service, solution, or derivative work without the written consent of the AHA. If an entity wishes to utilize any AHA materials, please contact the AHA at 312‐893‐6816.

Making copies or utilizing the content of the UB‐04 Manual, including the codes and/or descriptions, for internal purposes, resale and/or to be used in any product or publication; creating any modified or derivative work of the UB‐04 Manual and/or codes and descriptions; and/or making any commercial use of UB‐04 Manual or any portion thereof, including the codes and/or descriptions, is only authorized with an express license from the American Hospital Association. The American Hospital Association (the "AHA") has not reviewed, and is not responsible for, the completeness or accuracy of any information contained in this material, nor was the AHA or any of its affiliates, involved in the preparation of this material, or the analysis of information provided in the material. The views and/or positions presented in the material do not necessarily represent the views of the AHA. CMS and its products and services are not endorsed by the AHA or any of its affiliates.

CMS National Coverage Policy


Article Guidance

Article Text

This article contains coding and other guidelines that complement the Local Coverage Determination (LCD) for Transthoracic Echocardiography (TTE).

Coding Information:

Procedure codes may be subject to National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) edits or OPPS packaging edits. Refer to NCCI and OPPS requirements prior to billing Medicare.

For services requiring a referring/ordering physician, the name and NPI of the referring/ordering physician must be reported on the claim.

A claim submitted without a valid ICD-10-CM diagnosis code will be returned to the provider as an incomplete claim under Section 1833(e) of the Social Security Act.

The diagnosis code(s) must best describe the patient's condition for which the service was performed. For diagnostic tests, report the result of the test if known; otherwise the symptoms prompting the performance of the test should be reported.

Documentation Requirements:

The patient's medical record must contain documentation that fully supports the medical necessity for services included within the LCD. (See "Indications and Limitations of Coverage.") This documentation includes, but is not limited to, relevant medical history, physical examination, and results of pertinent diagnostic tests or procedures, as well as reasons for repeat testing.

Each service requires a formal written report with interpretation. This report should be kept on file with copies of image documentation (paper or tape) for review if requested. All appropriate measurements should be included in the report.

At a minimum, a complete study should contain M mode and/or 2D measurements of LV end diastolic diameter, LV end systolic diameter, LV wall thickness, left atrial diameter, aortic valve excursion and a qualitative description of the LV function, whenever possible given any technical limitations in a particular case. Individual echocardiographic laboratories (providers) may choose valid substitutes for these parameters such as LV volumes, ejection fraction and mass measurements.

A Doppler interrogation should state the modes used and should give both qualitative and quantitative information.

Claims for contrast echocardiography services must be supported by documentation that conventional studies were inconclusive and there was a need for the contrast enhancement.

The medical record should clearly document the reasons for performing multiple tests, as well as prior data which has been reviewed. If specific prior test results were requested and not received, necessitating repeat or additional testing, then this should also be noted in the records.

In the case of disease processes that could preclude the performance of exercise stress testing, the medical documentation should clearly describe why the patient cannot perform exercise stress testing. The documentation must include (but is not limited to) history and physical exam findings demonstrating that the patient could not reasonably be expected to perform exercise stress testing.

Documentation of the qualifications of personnel performing tests, as described in the Indications section of the LCD, should be available on request.

In those instances in which repeat tests were denied, the physician must document a good faith effort was made to identify them and to request copies of them from previous providers, in order for NGS to consider reimbursement for such tests on appeal.

Documentation must be available to Medicare upon request.

Utilization Guidelines:

Repeat echocardiographic studies should be guided by the clinical status of the patient. The frequency of services is guided by the circumstances outlined in the Indications and Limitations section of the attached LCD. Repeat studies are appropriate to monitor changes in cardiac structure or function when there are changes in the clinical status of the patient, or when disease progression is otherwise suspected.

Services performed in the Emergency Room and other emergency services are excluded from any frequency limitations on coverage for repeat testing. While Emergency Room services would be identified on the claim by the place of service code (23), emergency services provided at other sites would require post-pay review of the documentation provided in the medical record.

In those instances in which repeat tests were denied and a physician has documented a good faith effort to identify them and to request copies of them from previous providers, then NGS could reimburse such tests on appeal.

Response To Comments

Number Comment Response

Coding Information

Bill Type Codes

Code Description

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Revenue Codes

Code Description

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CPT/HCPCS Modifiers

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



ICD-10-CM Codes that Support Medical Necessity

Group 1

(1,365 Codes)
Group 1 Paragraph

The use of an ICD-10-CM code listed below does not assure coverage of a service. The service must be reasonable and necessary in the specific case and must meet the criteria specified in the attached determination.

Applicable to codes 93306, 93307, 93308, C8923, C8924, C8929 (coverage criteria and diagnosis restrictions apply to both the base codes [listed above] and related add-on codes):

When reporting ICD-10 codes for pre-operative services, a secondary diagnosis for mitral valve prolapse is also required.

Report ICD-10 code Z01.818 when the test is performed as a baseline study before chemotherapy.

Report ICD-10-CM code Z51.81 for subsequent monitoring while the patient is receiving chemotherapy.

Report ICD-10-CM code Z08 for testing when chemotherapy is completed.

Group 1 Codes
Code Description
A18.84 Tuberculosis of heart
A36.81 Diphtheritic cardiomyopathy
A39.53 Meningococcal pericarditis
A40.0 Sepsis due to streptococcus, group A
A40.1 Sepsis due to streptococcus, group B
A40.3 Sepsis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae
A40.8 Other streptococcal sepsis
A40.9 Streptococcal sepsis, unspecified
A41.01 Sepsis due to Methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus
A41.02 Sepsis due to Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus
A41.1 Sepsis due to other specified staphylococcus
A41.2 Sepsis due to unspecified staphylococcus
A41.3 Sepsis due to Hemophilus influenzae
A41.4 Sepsis due to anaerobes
A41.50 Gram-negative sepsis, unspecified
A41.51 Sepsis due to Escherichia coli [E. coli]
A41.52 Sepsis due to Pseudomonas
A41.53 Sepsis due to Serratia
A41.54 Sepsis due to Acinetobacter baumannii
A41.59 Other Gram-negative sepsis
A41.81 Sepsis due to Enterococcus
A41.89 Other specified sepsis
A41.9 Sepsis, unspecified organism
A42.7 Actinomycotic sepsis
A52.01 Syphilitic aneurysm of aorta
A52.02 Syphilitic aortitis
A52.03 Syphilitic endocarditis
A52.06 Other syphilitic heart involvement
A54.83 Gonococcal heart infection
A69.20 Lyme disease, unspecified
A69.21 Meningitis due to Lyme disease
A69.22 Other neurologic disorders in Lyme disease
A69.23 Arthritis due to Lyme disease
A69.29 Other conditions associated with Lyme disease
B33.20 Viral carditis, unspecified
B33.21 Viral endocarditis
B33.22 Viral myocarditis
B33.23 Viral pericarditis
B37.6 Candidal endocarditis
B57.0 Acute Chagas' disease with heart involvement
B57.2 Chagas' disease (chronic) with heart involvement
B58.81 Toxoplasma myocarditis
C38.0 Malignant neoplasm of heart
C45.2 Mesothelioma of pericardium
C79.89 Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites
C79.9 Secondary malignant neoplasm of unspecified site
D15.1 Benign neoplasm of heart
D48.7 Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of other specified sites
D49.89 Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of other specified sites
D86.0 Sarcoidosis of lung
D86.1 Sarcoidosis of lymph nodes
D86.2 Sarcoidosis of lung with sarcoidosis of lymph nodes
D86.3 Sarcoidosis of skin
D86.81 Sarcoid meningitis
D86.82 Multiple cranial nerve palsies in sarcoidosis
D86.83 Sarcoid iridocyclitis
D86.84 Sarcoid pyelonephritis
D86.85 Sarcoid myocarditis
D86.86 Sarcoid arthropathy
D86.87 Sarcoid myositis
D86.89 Sarcoidosis of other sites
D86.9 Sarcoidosis, unspecified
E03.5 Myxedema coma
E83.10 Disorder of iron metabolism, unspecified
E83.110 Hereditary hemochromatosis
E83.111 Hemochromatosis due to repeated red blood cell transfusions
E83.118 Other hemochromatosis
E83.119 Hemochromatosis, unspecified
E83.19 Other disorders of iron metabolism
E85.0 Non-neuropathic heredofamilial amyloidosis
E85.1 Neuropathic heredofamilial amyloidosis
E85.2 Heredofamilial amyloidosis, unspecified
E85.3 Secondary systemic amyloidosis
E85.4 Organ-limited amyloidosis
E85.81 Light chain (AL) amyloidosis
E85.82 Wild-type transthyretin-related (ATTR) amyloidosis
E85.89 Other amyloidosis
E85.9 Amyloidosis, unspecified
G06.0 Intracranial abscess and granuloma
G06.1 Intraspinal abscess and granuloma
G45.0 Vertebro-basilar artery syndrome
G45.1 Carotid artery syndrome (hemispheric)
G45.2 Multiple and bilateral precerebral artery syndromes
G45.3 Amaurosis fugax
G45.8 Other transient cerebral ischemic attacks and related syndromes
G45.9 Transient cerebral ischemic attack, unspecified
G46.0 Middle cerebral artery syndrome
G46.1 Anterior cerebral artery syndrome
G46.2 Posterior cerebral artery syndrome
G47.30 Sleep apnea, unspecified
G47.31 Primary central sleep apnea
G47.33 Obstructive sleep apnea (adult) (pediatric)
H34.00 Transient retinal artery occlusion, unspecified eye
H34.01 Transient retinal artery occlusion, right eye
H34.02 Transient retinal artery occlusion, left eye
H34.03 Transient retinal artery occlusion, bilateral
I01.0 Acute rheumatic pericarditis
I01.1 Acute rheumatic endocarditis
I01.2 Acute rheumatic myocarditis
I01.8 Other acute rheumatic heart disease
I01.9 Acute rheumatic heart disease, unspecified
I02.0 Rheumatic chorea with heart involvement
I02.9 Rheumatic chorea without heart involvement
I05.0 Rheumatic mitral stenosis
I05.1 Rheumatic mitral insufficiency
I05.2 Rheumatic mitral stenosis with insufficiency
I05.8 Other rheumatic mitral valve diseases
I05.9 Rheumatic mitral valve disease, unspecified
I06.0 Rheumatic aortic stenosis
I06.1 Rheumatic aortic insufficiency
I06.2 Rheumatic aortic stenosis with insufficiency
I06.8 Other rheumatic aortic valve diseases
I06.9 Rheumatic aortic valve disease, unspecified
I07.0 Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis
I07.1 Rheumatic tricuspid insufficiency
I07.2 Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and insufficiency
I07.8 Other rheumatic tricuspid valve diseases
I07.9 Rheumatic tricuspid valve disease, unspecified
I08.0 Rheumatic disorders of both mitral and aortic valves
I08.1 Rheumatic disorders of both mitral and tricuspid valves
I08.2 Rheumatic disorders of both aortic and tricuspid valves
I08.3 Combined rheumatic disorders of mitral, aortic and tricuspid valves
I08.8 Other rheumatic multiple valve diseases
I08.9 Rheumatic multiple valve disease, unspecified
I09.0 Rheumatic myocarditis
I09.1 Rheumatic diseases of endocardium, valve unspecified
I09.2 Chronic rheumatic pericarditis
I09.81 Rheumatic heart failure
I09.89 Other specified rheumatic heart diseases
I10 Essential (primary) hypertension
I11.0 Hypertensive heart disease with heart failure
I11.9 Hypertensive heart disease without heart failure
I12.0 Hypertensive chronic kidney disease with stage 5 chronic kidney disease or end stage renal disease
I12.9 Hypertensive chronic kidney disease with stage 1 through stage 4 chronic kidney disease, or unspecified chronic kidney disease
I13.0 Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease with heart failure and stage 1 through stage 4 chronic kidney disease, or unspecified chronic kidney disease
I13.10 Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease without heart failure, with stage 1 through stage 4 chronic kidney disease, or unspecified chronic kidney disease
I13.11 Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease without heart failure, with stage 5 chronic kidney disease, or end stage renal disease
I13.2 Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease with heart failure and with stage 5 chronic kidney disease, or end stage renal disease
I15.0 Renovascular hypertension
I15.1 Hypertension secondary to other renal disorders
I16.0 Hypertensive urgency
I16.1 Hypertensive emergency
I16.9 Hypertensive crisis, unspecified
I20.0 Unstable angina
I20.1 Angina pectoris with documented spasm
I20.81 Angina pectoris with coronary microvascular dysfunction
I20.89 Other forms of angina pectoris
I20.9 Angina pectoris, unspecified
I21.01 ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction involving left main coronary artery
I21.02 ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction involving left anterior descending coronary artery
I21.09 ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction involving other coronary artery of anterior wall
I21.11 ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction involving right coronary artery
I21.19 ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction involving other coronary artery of inferior wall
I21.21 ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction involving left circumflex coronary artery
I21.29 ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction involving other sites
I21.3 ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction of unspecified site
I21.4 Non-ST elevation (NSTEMI) myocardial infarction
I21.9 Acute myocardial infarction, unspecified
I21.A1 Myocardial infarction type 2
I21.A9 Other myocardial infarction type
I21.B Myocardial infarction with coronary microvascular dysfunction
I22.0 Subsequent ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction of anterior wall
I22.1 Subsequent ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction of inferior wall
I22.2 Subsequent non-ST elevation (NSTEMI) myocardial infarction
I22.8 Subsequent ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction of other sites
I22.9 Subsequent ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction of unspecified site
I23.0 Hemopericardium as current complication following acute myocardial infarction
I23.1 Atrial septal defect as current complication following acute myocardial infarction
I23.2 Ventricular septal defect as current complication following acute myocardial infarction
I23.3 Rupture of cardiac wall without hemopericardium as current complication following acute myocardial infarction
I23.4 Rupture of chordae tendineae as current complication following acute myocardial infarction
I23.5 Rupture of papillary muscle as current complication following acute myocardial infarction
I23.6 Thrombosis of atrium, auricular appendage, and ventricle as current complications following acute myocardial infarction
I23.7 Postinfarction angina
I23.8 Other current complications following acute myocardial infarction
I24.0 Acute coronary thrombosis not resulting in myocardial infarction
I24.1 Dressler's syndrome
I24.81 Acute coronary microvascular dysfunction
I24.89 Other forms of acute ischemic heart disease
I24.9 Acute ischemic heart disease, unspecified
I25.10 Atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery without angina pectoris
I25.110 Atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery with unstable angina pectoris
I25.111 Atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery with angina pectoris with documented spasm
I25.118 Atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery with other forms of angina pectoris
I25.119 Atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery with unspecified angina pectoris
I25.2 Old myocardial infarction
I25.3 Aneurysm of heart
I25.41 Coronary artery aneurysm
I25.42 Coronary artery dissection
I25.5 Ischemic cardiomyopathy
I25.6 Silent myocardial ischemia
I25.700 Atherosclerosis of coronary artery bypass graft(s), unspecified, with unstable angina pectoris
I25.701 Atherosclerosis of coronary artery bypass graft(s), unspecified, with angina pectoris with documented spasm
I25.708 Atherosclerosis of coronary artery bypass graft(s), unspecified, with other forms of angina pectoris
I25.709 Atherosclerosis of coronary artery bypass graft(s), unspecified, with unspecified angina pectoris
I25.710 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein coronary artery bypass graft(s) with unstable angina pectoris
I25.711 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein coronary artery bypass graft(s) with angina pectoris with documented spasm
I25.718 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein coronary artery bypass graft(s) with other forms of angina pectoris
I25.719 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein coronary artery bypass graft(s) with unspecified angina pectoris
I25.720 Atherosclerosis of autologous artery coronary artery bypass graft(s) with unstable angina pectoris
I25.721 Atherosclerosis of autologous artery coronary artery bypass graft(s) with angina pectoris with documented spasm
I25.728 Atherosclerosis of autologous artery coronary artery bypass graft(s) with other forms of angina pectoris
I25.729 Atherosclerosis of autologous artery coronary artery bypass graft(s) with unspecified angina pectoris
I25.730 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological coronary artery bypass graft(s) with unstable angina pectoris
I25.731 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological coronary artery bypass graft(s) with angina pectoris with documented spasm
I25.738 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological coronary artery bypass graft(s) with other forms of angina pectoris
I25.739 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological coronary artery bypass graft(s) with unspecified angina pectoris
I25.750 Atherosclerosis of native coronary artery of transplanted heart with unstable angina
I25.751 Atherosclerosis of native coronary artery of transplanted heart with angina pectoris with documented spasm
I25.758 Atherosclerosis of native coronary artery of transplanted heart with other forms of angina pectoris
I25.759 Atherosclerosis of native coronary artery of transplanted heart with unspecified angina pectoris
I25.760 Atherosclerosis of bypass graft of coronary artery of transplanted heart with unstable angina
I25.761 Atherosclerosis of bypass graft of coronary artery of transplanted heart with angina pectoris with documented spasm
I25.768 Atherosclerosis of bypass graft of coronary artery of transplanted heart with other forms of angina pectoris
I25.769 Atherosclerosis of bypass graft of coronary artery of transplanted heart with unspecified angina pectoris
I25.790 Atherosclerosis of other coronary artery bypass graft(s) with unstable angina pectoris
I25.791 Atherosclerosis of other coronary artery bypass graft(s) with angina pectoris with documented spasm
I25.798 Atherosclerosis of other coronary artery bypass graft(s) with other forms of angina pectoris
I25.799 Atherosclerosis of other coronary artery bypass graft(s) with unspecified angina pectoris
I25.810 Atherosclerosis of coronary artery bypass graft(s) without angina pectoris
I25.811 Atherosclerosis of native coronary artery of transplanted heart without angina pectoris
I25.812 Atherosclerosis of bypass graft of coronary artery of transplanted heart without angina pectoris
I25.82 Chronic total occlusion of coronary artery
I25.89 Other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease
I25.9 Chronic ischemic heart disease, unspecified
I26.01 Septic pulmonary embolism with acute cor pulmonale
I26.02 Saddle embolus of pulmonary artery with acute cor pulmonale
I26.09 Other pulmonary embolism with acute cor pulmonale
I26.90 Septic pulmonary embolism without acute cor pulmonale
I26.92 Saddle embolus of pulmonary artery without acute cor pulmonale
I26.93 Single subsegmental pulmonary embolism without acute cor pulmonale
I26.94 Multiple subsegmental pulmonary emboli without acute cor pulmonale
I26.99 Other pulmonary embolism without acute cor pulmonale
I27.0 Primary pulmonary hypertension
I27.1 Kyphoscoliotic heart disease
I27.20 Pulmonary hypertension, unspecified
I27.21 Secondary pulmonary arterial hypertension
I27.22 Pulmonary hypertension due to left heart disease
I27.23 Pulmonary hypertension due to lung diseases and hypoxia
I27.24 Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension
I27.29 Other secondary pulmonary hypertension
I27.82 Chronic pulmonary embolism
I27.83 Eisenmenger's syndrome
I27.89 Other specified pulmonary heart diseases
I28.0 Arteriovenous fistula of pulmonary vessels
I28.1 Aneurysm of pulmonary artery
I30.0 Acute nonspecific idiopathic pericarditis
I30.1 Infective pericarditis
I30.8 Other forms of acute pericarditis
I30.9 Acute pericarditis, unspecified
I31.0 Chronic adhesive pericarditis
I31.1 Chronic constrictive pericarditis
I31.2 Hemopericardium, not elsewhere classified
I31.31 Malignant pericardial effusion in diseases classified elsewhere
I31.39 Other pericardial effusion (noninflammatory)
I31.4 Cardiac tamponade
I31.8 Other specified diseases of pericardium
I31.9 Disease of pericardium, unspecified
I32 Pericarditis in diseases classified elsewhere
I33.0 Acute and subacute infective endocarditis
I33.9 Acute and subacute endocarditis, unspecified
I34.0 Nonrheumatic mitral (valve) insufficiency
I34.1 Nonrheumatic mitral (valve) prolapse
I34.2 Nonrheumatic mitral (valve) stenosis
I34.81 Nonrheumatic mitral (valve) annulus calcification
I34.89 Other nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders
I34.9 Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorder, unspecified
I35.0 Nonrheumatic aortic (valve) stenosis
I35.1 Nonrheumatic aortic (valve) insufficiency
I35.2 Nonrheumatic aortic (valve) stenosis with insufficiency
I35.8 Other nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders
I35.9 Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorder, unspecified
I36.0 Nonrheumatic tricuspid (valve) stenosis
I36.1 Nonrheumatic tricuspid (valve) insufficiency
I36.2 Nonrheumatic tricuspid (valve) stenosis with insufficiency
I36.8 Other nonrheumatic tricuspid valve disorders
I36.9 Nonrheumatic tricuspid valve disorder, unspecified
I37.0 Nonrheumatic pulmonary valve stenosis
I37.1 Nonrheumatic pulmonary valve insufficiency
I37.2 Nonrheumatic pulmonary valve stenosis with insufficiency
I37.8 Other nonrheumatic pulmonary valve disorders
I37.9 Nonrheumatic pulmonary valve disorder, unspecified
I38 Endocarditis, valve unspecified
I39 Endocarditis and heart valve disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
I40.0 Infective myocarditis
I40.1 Isolated myocarditis
I40.8 Other acute myocarditis
I40.9 Acute myocarditis, unspecified
I41 Myocarditis in diseases classified elsewhere
I42.0 Dilated cardiomyopathy
I42.1 Obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
I42.2 Other hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
I42.3 Endomyocardial (eosinophilic) disease
I42.4 Endocardial fibroelastosis
I42.5 Other restrictive cardiomyopathy
I42.6 Alcoholic cardiomyopathy
I42.7 Cardiomyopathy due to drug and external agent
I42.8 Other cardiomyopathies
I42.9 Cardiomyopathy, unspecified
I43 Cardiomyopathy in diseases classified elsewhere
I44.1 Atrioventricular block, second degree
I44.2 Atrioventricular block, complete
I44.30 Unspecified atrioventricular block
I44.39 Other atrioventricular block
I44.7 Left bundle-branch block, unspecified
I45.2 Bifascicular block
I45.3 Trifascicular block
I45.4 Nonspecific intraventricular block
I45.5 Other specified heart block
I45.6 Pre-excitation syndrome
I45.9 Conduction disorder, unspecified
I46.2 Cardiac arrest due to underlying cardiac condition
I46.8 Cardiac arrest due to other underlying condition
I46.9 Cardiac arrest, cause unspecified
I47.0 Re-entry ventricular arrhythmia
I47.10 Supraventricular tachycardia, unspecified
I47.11 Inappropriate sinus tachycardia, so stated
I47.19 Other supraventricular tachycardia
I47.20 Ventricular tachycardia, unspecified
I47.21 Torsades de pointes
I47.29 Other ventricular tachycardia
I47.9 Paroxysmal tachycardia, unspecified
I48.0 Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
I48.11 Longstanding persistent atrial fibrillation
I48.19 Other persistent atrial fibrillation
I48.20 Chronic atrial fibrillation, unspecified
I48.21 Permanent atrial fibrillation
I48.3 Typical atrial flutter
I48.4 Atypical atrial flutter
I48.91 Unspecified atrial fibrillation
I48.92 Unspecified atrial flutter
I49.01 Ventricular fibrillation
I49.02 Ventricular flutter
I49.1 Atrial premature depolarization
I49.2 Junctional premature depolarization
I49.3 Ventricular premature depolarization
I49.40 Unspecified premature depolarization
I49.49 Other premature depolarization
I49.8 Other specified cardiac arrhythmias
I50.1 Left ventricular failure, unspecified
I50.20 Unspecified systolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.21 Acute systolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.22 Chronic systolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.23 Acute on chronic systolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.30 Unspecified diastolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.31 Acute diastolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.32 Chronic diastolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.33 Acute on chronic diastolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.40 Unspecified combined systolic (congestive) and diastolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.41 Acute combined systolic (congestive) and diastolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.42 Chronic combined systolic (congestive) and diastolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.43 Acute on chronic combined systolic (congestive) and diastolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.810 Right heart failure, unspecified
I50.811 Acute right heart failure
I50.812 Chronic right heart failure
I50.813 Acute on chronic right heart failure
I50.814 Right heart failure due to left heart failure
I50.82 Biventricular heart failure
I50.83 High output heart failure
I50.84 End stage heart failure
I50.89 Other heart failure
I50.9 Heart failure, unspecified
I51.0 Cardiac septal defect, acquired
I51.1 Rupture of chordae tendineae, not elsewhere classified
I51.2 Rupture of papillary muscle, not elsewhere classified
I51.3 Intracardiac thrombosis, not elsewhere classified
I51.4 Myocarditis, unspecified
I51.5 Myocardial degeneration
I51.7 Cardiomegaly
I51.81 Takotsubo syndrome
I51.89 Other ill-defined heart diseases
I51.9 Heart disease, unspecified
I52 Other heart disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
I60.00 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from unspecified carotid siphon and bifurcation
I60.01 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from right carotid siphon and bifurcation
I60.02 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from left carotid siphon and bifurcation
I60.10 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from unspecified middle cerebral artery
I60.11 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from right middle cerebral artery
I60.12 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from left middle cerebral artery
I60.2 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from anterior communicating artery
I60.30 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from unspecified posterior communicating artery
I60.31 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from right posterior communicating artery
I60.32 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from left posterior communicating artery
I60.4 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from basilar artery
I60.50 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from unspecified vertebral artery
I60.51 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from right vertebral artery
I60.52 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from left vertebral artery
I60.6 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from other intracranial arteries
I60.7 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from unspecified intracranial artery
I60.8 Other nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage
I60.9 Nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage, unspecified
I63.013 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of bilateral vertebral arteries
I63.113 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of bilateral vertebral arteries
I63.133 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of bilateral carotid arteries
I63.213 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of bilateral vertebral arteries
I63.233 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of bilateral carotid arteries
I63.30 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of unspecified cerebral artery
I63.311 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of right middle cerebral artery
I63.312 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of left middle cerebral artery
I63.313 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of bilateral middle cerebral arteries
I63.319 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of unspecified middle cerebral artery
I63.321 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of right anterior cerebral artery
I63.322 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of left anterior cerebral artery
I63.323 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of bilateral anterior cerebral arteries
I63.329 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of unspecified anterior cerebral artery
I63.331 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of right posterior cerebral artery
I63.332 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of left posterior cerebral artery
I63.333 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of bilateral posterior cerebral arteries
I63.339 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of unspecified posterior cerebral artery
I63.341 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of right cerebellar artery
I63.342 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of left cerebellar artery
I63.343 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of bilateral cerebellar arteries
I63.349 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of unspecified cerebellar artery
I63.39 Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of other cerebral artery
I63.40 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of unspecified cerebral artery
I63.411 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of right middle cerebral artery
I63.412 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of left middle cerebral artery
I63.413 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of bilateral middle cerebral arteries
I63.419 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of unspecified middle cerebral artery
I63.421 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of right anterior cerebral artery
I63.422 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of left anterior cerebral artery
I63.423 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of bilateral anterior cerebral arteries
I63.429 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of unspecified anterior cerebral artery
I63.431 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of right posterior cerebral artery
I63.432 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of left posterior cerebral artery
I63.433 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of bilateral posterior cerebral arteries
I63.439 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of unspecified posterior cerebral artery
I63.441 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of right cerebellar artery
I63.442 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of left cerebellar artery
I63.443 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of bilateral cerebellar arteries
I63.449 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of unspecified cerebellar artery
I63.49 Cerebral infarction due to embolism of other cerebral artery
I63.50 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of unspecified cerebral artery
I63.511 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of right middle cerebral artery
I63.512 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of left middle cerebral artery
I63.513 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of bilateral middle cerebral arteries
I63.519 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of unspecified middle cerebral artery
I63.521 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of right anterior cerebral artery
I63.522 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of left anterior cerebral artery
I63.523 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of bilateral anterior cerebral arteries
I63.529 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of unspecified anterior cerebral artery
I63.531 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of right posterior cerebral artery
I63.532 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of left posterior cerebral artery
I63.533 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of bilateral posterior cerebral arteries
I63.539 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of unspecified posterior cerebral artery
I63.541 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of right cerebellar artery
I63.542 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of left cerebellar artery
I63.543 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of bilateral cerebellar arteries
I63.549 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of unspecified cerebellar artery
I63.59 Cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of other cerebral artery
I63.6 Cerebral infarction due to cerebral venous thrombosis, nonpyogenic
I63.81 Other cerebral infarction due to occlusion or stenosis of small artery
I63.89 Other cerebral infarction
I63.9 Cerebral infarction, unspecified
I66.01 Occlusion and stenosis of right middle cerebral artery
I66.02 Occlusion and stenosis of left middle cerebral artery
I66.03 Occlusion and stenosis of bilateral middle cerebral arteries
I66.09 Occlusion and stenosis of unspecified middle cerebral artery
I66.11 Occlusion and stenosis of right anterior cerebral artery
I66.12 Occlusion and stenosis of left anterior cerebral artery
I66.13 Occlusion and stenosis of bilateral anterior cerebral arteries
I66.19 Occlusion and stenosis of unspecified anterior cerebral artery
I66.21 Occlusion and stenosis of right posterior cerebral artery
I66.22 Occlusion and stenosis of left posterior cerebral artery
I66.23 Occlusion and stenosis of bilateral posterior cerebral arteries
I66.29 Occlusion and stenosis of unspecified posterior cerebral artery
I66.3 Occlusion and stenosis of cerebellar arteries
I66.8 Occlusion and stenosis of other cerebral arteries
I66.9 Occlusion and stenosis of unspecified cerebral artery
I67.841 Reversible cerebrovascular vasoconstriction syndrome
I67.848 Other cerebrovascular vasospasm and vasoconstriction
I67.89 Other cerebrovascular disease
I70.0 Atherosclerosis of aorta
I71.00 Dissection of unspecified site of aorta
I71.010 Dissection of ascending aorta
I71.011 Dissection of aortic arch
I71.012 Dissection of descending thoracic aorta
I71.019 Dissection of thoracic aorta, unspecified
I71.02 Dissection of abdominal aorta
I71.03 Dissection of thoracoabdominal aorta
I71.10 Thoracic aortic aneurysm, ruptured, unspecified
I71.11 Aneurysm of the ascending aorta, ruptured
I71.12 Aneurysm of the aortic arch, ruptured
I71.13 Aneurysm of the descending thoracic aorta, ruptured
I71.20 Thoracic aortic aneurysm, without rupture, unspecified
I71.21 Aneurysm of the ascending aorta, without rupture
I71.22 Aneurysm of the aortic arch, without rupture
I71.23 Aneurysm of the descending thoracic aorta, without rupture
I71.30 Abdominal aortic aneurysm, ruptured, unspecified
I71.31 Pararenal abdominal aortic aneurysm, ruptured
I71.32 Juxtarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm, ruptured
I71.33 Infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm, ruptured
I71.40 Abdominal aortic aneurysm, without rupture, unspecified
I71.41 Pararenal abdominal aortic aneurysm, without rupture
I71.42 Juxtarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm, without rupture
I71.43 Infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm, without rupture
I71.50 Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm, ruptured, unspecified
I71.51 Supraceliac aneurysm of the thoracoabdominal aorta, ruptured
I71.52 Paravisceral aneurysm of the thoracoabdominal aorta, ruptured
I71.60 Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm, without rupture, unspecified
I71.61 Supraceliac aneurysm of the thoracoabdominal aorta, without rupture
I71.62 Paravisceral aneurysm of the thoracoabdominal aorta, without rupture
I71.8 Aortic aneurysm of unspecified site, ruptured
I71.9 Aortic aneurysm of unspecified site, without rupture
I74.11 Embolism and thrombosis of thoracic aorta
I74.2 Embolism and thrombosis of arteries of the upper extremities
I74.3 Embolism and thrombosis of arteries of the lower extremities
I74.4 Embolism and thrombosis of arteries of extremities, unspecified
I74.5 Embolism and thrombosis of iliac artery
I74.8 Embolism and thrombosis of other arteries
I74.9 Embolism and thrombosis of unspecified artery
I76 Septic arterial embolism
I77.810 Thoracic aortic ectasia
I77.82 Antineutrophilic cytoplasmic antibody [ANCA] vasculitis
I79.0 Aneurysm of aorta in diseases classified elsewhere
I95.1 Orthostatic hypotension
I95.2 Hypotension due to drugs
I95.81 Postprocedural hypotension
I95.89 Other hypotension
I95.9 Hypotension, unspecified
I97.0 Postcardiotomy syndrome
I97.110 Postprocedural cardiac insufficiency following cardiac surgery
I97.111 Postprocedural cardiac insufficiency following other surgery
I97.120 Postprocedural cardiac arrest following cardiac surgery
I97.121 Postprocedural cardiac arrest following other surgery
I97.130 Postprocedural heart failure following cardiac surgery
I97.131 Postprocedural heart failure following other surgery
I97.190 Other postprocedural cardiac functional disturbances following cardiac surgery
I97.191 Other postprocedural cardiac functional disturbances following other surgery
I97.710 Intraoperative cardiac arrest during cardiac surgery
I97.711 Intraoperative cardiac arrest during other surgery
I97.790 Other intraoperative cardiac functional disturbances during cardiac surgery
I97.791 Other intraoperative cardiac functional disturbances during other surgery
I97.88 Other intraoperative complications of the circulatory system, not elsewhere classified
I97.89 Other postprocedural complications and disorders of the circulatory system, not elsewhere classified
J80 Acute respiratory distress syndrome
J81.0 Acute pulmonary edema
J95.1 Acute pulmonary insufficiency following thoracic surgery
J95.2 Acute pulmonary insufficiency following nonthoracic surgery
J95.3 Chronic pulmonary insufficiency following surgery
J95.821 Acute postprocedural respiratory failure
J95.822 Acute and chronic postprocedural respiratory failure
J95.84 Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI)
J96.00 Acute respiratory failure, unspecified whether with hypoxia or hypercapnia
J96.01 Acute respiratory failure with hypoxia
J96.02 Acute respiratory failure with hypercapnia
J96.20 Acute and chronic respiratory failure, unspecified whether with hypoxia or hypercapnia
J96.21 Acute and chronic respiratory failure with hypoxia
J96.22 Acute and chronic respiratory failure with hypercapnia
K68.11 Postprocedural retroperitoneal abscess
K68.2 Retroperitoneal fibrosis
K68.3 Retroperitoneal hematoma
M30.3 Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome [Kawasaki]
M31.4 Aortic arch syndrome [Takayasu]
M32.0 Drug-induced systemic lupus erythematosus
M32.10 Systemic lupus erythematosus, organ or system involvement unspecified
M32.11 Endocarditis in systemic lupus erythematosus
M32.12 Pericarditis in systemic lupus erythematosus
M32.13 Lung involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus
M32.14 Glomerular disease in systemic lupus erythematosus
M32.15 Tubulo-interstitial nephropathy in systemic lupus erythematosus
M32.19 Other organ or system involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus
M32.8 Other forms of systemic lupus erythematosus
M32.9 Systemic lupus erythematosus, unspecified
N26.2 Page kidney
N98.0 Infection associated with artificial insemination
O90.3 Peripartum cardiomyopathy
O90.89 Other complications of the puerperium, not elsewhere classified
Q20.0 Common arterial trunk
Q20.2 Double outlet left ventricle
Q20.3 Discordant ventriculoarterial connection
Q20.5 Discordant atrioventricular connection
Q20.8 Other congenital malformations of cardiac chambers and connections
Q21.0 Ventricular septal defect
Q21.10 Atrial septal defect, unspecified
Q21.11 Secundum atrial septal defect
Q21.12 Patent foramen ovale
Q21.13 Coronary sinus atrial septal defect
Q21.14 Superior sinus venosus atrial septal defect
Q21.15 Inferior sinus venosus atrial septal defect
Q21.16 Sinus venosus atrial septal defect, unspecified
Q21.19 Other specified atrial septal defect
Q21.20 Atrioventricular septal defect, unspecified as to partial or complete
Q21.21 Partial atrioventricular septal defect
Q21.22 Transitional atrioventricular septal defect
Q21.23 Complete atrioventricular septal defect
Q21.3 Tetralogy of Fallot
Q21.9 Congenital malformation of cardiac septum, unspecified
Q22.1 Congenital pulmonary valve stenosis
Q22.2 Congenital pulmonary valve insufficiency
Q22.3 Other congenital malformations of pulmonary valve
Q22.4 Congenital tricuspid stenosis
Q22.5 Ebstein's anomaly
Q22.6 Hypoplastic right heart syndrome
Q22.8 Other congenital malformations of tricuspid valve
Q22.9 Congenital malformation of tricuspid valve, unspecified
Q23.0 Congenital stenosis of aortic valve
Q23.1 Congenital insufficiency of aortic valve
Q23.2 Congenital mitral stenosis
Q23.3 Congenital mitral insufficiency
Q23.8 Other congenital malformations of aortic and mitral valves
Q23.9 Congenital malformation of aortic and mitral valves, unspecified
Q24.0 Dextrocardia
Q24.1 Levocardia
Q24.2 Cor triatriatum
Q24.3 Pulmonary infundibular stenosis
Q24.4 Congenital subaortic stenosis
Q24.5 Malformation of coronary vessels
Q24.6 Congenital heart block
Q24.8 Other specified congenital malformations of heart
Q25.0 Patent ductus arteriosus
Q25.1 Coarctation of aorta
Q25.21 Interruption of aortic arch
Q25.29 Other atresia of aorta
Q25.3 Supravalvular aortic stenosis
Q25.40 - Q25.49 Congenital malformation of aorta unspecified - Other congenital malformations of aorta
Q25.5 Atresia of pulmonary artery
Q25.6 Stenosis of pulmonary artery
Q25.71 Coarctation of pulmonary artery
Q25.72 Congenital pulmonary arteriovenous malformation
Q25.79 Other congenital malformations of pulmonary artery
Q25.8 Other congenital malformations of other great arteries
Q25.9 Congenital malformation of great arteries, unspecified
Q26.0 Congenital stenosis of vena cava
Q26.1 Persistent left superior vena cava
Q26.2 Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection
Q26.3 Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection
Q26.4 Anomalous pulmonary venous connection, unspecified
Q26.8 Other congenital malformations of great veins
Q26.9 Congenital malformation of great vein, unspecified
Q27.9 Congenital malformation of peripheral vascular system, unspecified
Q28.2 Arteriovenous malformation of cerebral vessels
Q28.3 Other malformations of cerebral vessels
Q28.9 Congenital malformation of circulatory system, unspecified
Q33.2 Sequestration of lung
Q33.3 Agenesis of lung
Q33.6 Congenital hypoplasia and dysplasia of lung
Q40.1 Congenital hiatus hernia
Q67.6 Pectus excavatum
Q67.7 Pectus carinatum
Q87.40 Marfan syndrome, unspecified
Q87.410 Marfan syndrome with aortic dilation
Q87.418 Marfan syndrome with other cardiovascular manifestations
Q87.42 Marfan syndrome with ocular manifestations
Q87.43 Marfan syndrome with skeletal manifestation
Q89.01 Asplenia (congenital)
Q89.09 Congenital malformations of spleen
Q89.3 Situs inversus
Q89.9 Congenital malformation, unspecified
Q90.0 Trisomy 21, nonmosaicism (meiotic nondisjunction)
Q90.1 Trisomy 21, mosaicism (mitotic nondisjunction)
Q90.2 Trisomy 21, translocation
Q90.9 Down syndrome, unspecified
Q96.0 Karyotype 45, X
Q96.1 Karyotype 46, X iso (Xq)
Q96.2 Karyotype 46, X with abnormal sex chromosome, except iso (Xq)
Q96.3 Mosaicism, 45, X/46, XX or XY
Q96.4 Mosaicism, 45, X/other cell line(s) with abnormal sex chromosome
Q96.8 Other variants of Turner's syndrome
Q96.9 Turner's syndrome, unspecified
R00.0 Tachycardia, unspecified
R00.2 Palpitations
R00.8 Other abnormalities of heart beat
R00.9 Unspecified abnormalities of heart beat
R01.0 Benign and innocent cardiac murmurs
R01.1 Cardiac murmur, unspecified
R01.2 Other cardiac sounds
R06.00 Dyspnea, unspecified
R06.02 Shortness of breath
R06.03 Acute respiratory distress
R06.09 Other forms of dyspnea
R06.2 Wheezing
R06.3 Periodic breathing
R06.81 Apnea, not elsewhere classified
R06.82 Tachypnea, not elsewhere classified
R06.83 Snoring
R06.89 Other abnormalities of breathing
R07.2 Precordial pain
R07.82 Intercostal pain
R07.89 Other chest pain
R07.9 Chest pain, unspecified
R09.2 Respiratory arrest
R22.2 Localized swelling, mass and lump, trunk
R23.0 Cyanosis
R40.20 Unspecified coma
R40.2110 Coma scale, eyes open, never, unspecified time
R40.2111 Coma scale, eyes open, never, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2112 Coma scale, eyes open, never, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2113 Coma scale, eyes open, never, at hospital admission
R40.2114 Coma scale, eyes open, never, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2120 Coma scale, eyes open, to pain, unspecified time
R40.2121 Coma scale, eyes open, to pain, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2122 Coma scale, eyes open, to pain, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2123 Coma scale, eyes open, to pain, at hospital admission
R40.2124 Coma scale, eyes open, to pain, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2210 Coma scale, best verbal response, none, unspecified time
R40.2211 Coma scale, best verbal response, none, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2212 Coma scale, best verbal response, none, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2213 Coma scale, best verbal response, none, at hospital admission
R40.2214 Coma scale, best verbal response, none, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2220 Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words, unspecified time
R40.2221 Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2222 Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2223 Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words, at hospital admission
R40.2224 Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2310 Coma scale, best motor response, none, unspecified time
R40.2311 Coma scale, best motor response, none, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2312 Coma scale, best motor response, none, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2313 Coma scale, best motor response, none, at hospital admission
R40.2314 Coma scale, best motor response, none, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2320 Coma scale, best motor response, extension, unspecified time
R40.2321 Coma scale, best motor response, extension, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2322 Coma scale, best motor response, extension, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2323 Coma scale, best motor response, extension, at hospital admission
R40.2324 Coma scale, best motor response, extension, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2340 Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal, unspecified time
R40.2341 Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2342 Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2343 Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal, at hospital admission
R40.2344 Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2A Nontraumatic coma due to underlying condition
R40.4 Transient alteration of awareness
R47.01 Aphasia
R50.2 Drug induced fever
R50.81 Fever presenting with conditions classified elsewhere
R50.82 Postprocedural fever
R50.9 Fever, unspecified
R55 Syncope and collapse
R57.0 Cardiogenic shock
R57.1 Hypovolemic shock
R57.8 Other shock
R57.9 Shock, unspecified
R60.0 Localized edema
R60.1 Generalized edema
R60.9 Edema, unspecified
R65.21 Severe sepsis with septic shock
R68.89 Other general symptoms and signs
R78.81 Bacteremia
R94.31 Abnormal electrocardiogram [ECG] [EKG]
S22.5XXA Flail chest, initial encounter for closed fracture
S22.5XXB Flail chest, initial encounter for open fracture
S22.5XXG Flail chest, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S22.5XXK Flail chest, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S22.5XXS Flail chest, sequela
S25.00XA Unspecified injury of thoracic aorta, initial encounter
S25.00XD Unspecified injury of thoracic aorta, subsequent encounter
S25.00XS Unspecified injury of thoracic aorta, sequela
S25.01XA Minor laceration of thoracic aorta, initial encounter
S25.01XD Minor laceration of thoracic aorta, subsequent encounter
S25.01XS Minor laceration of thoracic aorta, sequela
S25.02XA Major laceration of thoracic aorta, initial encounter
S25.02XD Major laceration of thoracic aorta, subsequent encounter
S25.02XS Major laceration of thoracic aorta, sequela
S25.09XA Other specified injury of thoracic aorta, initial encounter
S25.09XD Other specified injury of thoracic aorta, subsequent encounter
S25.09XS Other specified injury of thoracic aorta, sequela
S25.20XA Unspecified injury of superior vena cava, initial encounter
S25.20XD Unspecified injury of superior vena cava, subsequent encounter
S25.20XS Unspecified injury of superior vena cava, sequela
S25.21XA Minor laceration of superior vena cava, initial encounter
S25.21XD Minor laceration of superior vena cava, subsequent encounter
S25.21XS Minor laceration of superior vena cava, sequela
S25.22XA Major laceration of superior vena cava, initial encounter
S25.22XD Major laceration of superior vena cava, subsequent encounter
S25.22XS Major laceration of superior vena cava, sequela
S25.29XA Other specified injury of superior vena cava, initial encounter
S25.29XD Other specified injury of superior vena cava, subsequent encounter
S25.29XS Other specified injury of superior vena cava, sequela
S25.401A Unspecified injury of right pulmonary blood vessels, initial encounter
S25.401D Unspecified injury of right pulmonary blood vessels, subsequent encounter
S25.401S Unspecified injury of right pulmonary blood vessels, sequela
S25.402A Unspecified injury of left pulmonary blood vessels, initial encounter
S25.402D Unspecified injury of left pulmonary blood vessels, subsequent encounter
S25.402S Unspecified injury of left pulmonary blood vessels, sequela
S25.409A Unspecified injury of unspecified pulmonary blood vessels, initial encounter
S25.409D Unspecified injury of unspecified pulmonary blood vessels, subsequent encounter
S25.409S Unspecified injury of unspecified pulmonary blood vessels, sequela
S25.411A Minor laceration of right pulmonary blood vessels, initial encounter
S25.411D Minor laceration of right pulmonary blood vessels, subsequent encounter
S25.411S Minor laceration of right pulmonary blood vessels, sequela
S25.412A Minor laceration of left pulmonary blood vessels, initial encounter
S25.412D Minor laceration of left pulmonary blood vessels, subsequent encounter
S25.412S Minor laceration of left pulmonary blood vessels, sequela
S25.419A Minor laceration of unspecified pulmonary blood vessels, initial encounter
S25.419D Minor laceration of unspecified pulmonary blood vessels, subsequent encounter
S25.419S Minor laceration of unspecified pulmonary blood vessels, sequela
S25.421A Major laceration of right pulmonary blood vessels, initial encounter
S25.421D Major laceration of right pulmonary blood vessels, subsequent encounter
S25.421S Major laceration of right pulmonary blood vessels, sequela
S25.422A Major laceration of left pulmonary blood vessels, initial encounter
S25.422D Major laceration of left pulmonary blood vessels, subsequent encounter
S25.422S Major laceration of left pulmonary blood vessels, sequela
S25.429A Major laceration of unspecified pulmonary blood vessels, initial encounter
S25.429D Major laceration of unspecified pulmonary blood vessels, subsequent encounter
S25.429S Major laceration of unspecified pulmonary blood vessels, sequela
S25.491A Other specified injury of right pulmonary blood vessels, initial encounter
S25.491D Other specified injury of right pulmonary blood vessels, subsequent encounter
S25.491S Other specified injury of right pulmonary blood vessels, sequela
S25.492A Other specified injury of left pulmonary blood vessels, initial encounter
S25.492D Other specified injury of left pulmonary blood vessels, subsequent encounter
S25.492S Other specified injury of left pulmonary blood vessels, sequela
S25.499A Other specified injury of unspecified pulmonary blood vessels, initial encounter
S25.499D Other specified injury of unspecified pulmonary blood vessels, subsequent encounter
S25.499S Other specified injury of unspecified pulmonary blood vessels, sequela
S26.00XA Unspecified injury of heart with hemopericardium, initial encounter
S26.00XD Unspecified injury of heart with hemopericardium, subsequent encounter
S26.00XS Unspecified injury of heart with hemopericardium, sequela
S26.01XA Contusion of heart with hemopericardium, initial encounter
S26.01XD Contusion of heart with hemopericardium, subsequent encounter
S26.01XS Contusion of heart with hemopericardium, sequela
S26.020A Mild laceration of heart with hemopericardium, initial encounter
S26.020D Mild laceration of heart with hemopericardium, subsequent encounter
S26.020S Mild laceration of heart with hemopericardium, sequela
S26.021A Moderate laceration of heart with hemopericardium, initial encounter
S26.021D Moderate laceration of heart with hemopericardium, subsequent encounter
S26.021S Moderate laceration of heart with hemopericardium, sequela
S26.022A Major laceration of heart with hemopericardium, initial encounter
S26.022D Major laceration of heart with hemopericardium, subsequent encounter
S26.022S Major laceration of heart with hemopericardium, sequela
S26.09XA Other injury of heart with hemopericardium, initial encounter
S26.09XD Other injury of heart with hemopericardium, subsequent encounter
S26.09XS Other injury of heart with hemopericardium, sequela
S26.10XA Unspecified injury of heart without hemopericardium, initial encounter
S26.10XD Unspecified injury of heart without hemopericardium, subsequent encounter
S26.10XS Unspecified injury of heart without hemopericardium, sequela
S26.11XA Contusion of heart without hemopericardium, initial encounter
S26.11XD Contusion of heart without hemopericardium, subsequent encounter
S26.11XS Contusion of heart without hemopericardium, sequela
S26.12XA Laceration of heart without hemopericardium, initial encounter
S26.12XD Laceration of heart without hemopericardium, subsequent encounter
S26.12XS Laceration of heart without hemopericardium, sequela
S26.19XA Other injury of heart without hemopericardium, initial encounter
S26.19XD Other injury of heart without hemopericardium, subsequent encounter
S26.19XS Other injury of heart without hemopericardium, sequela
S26.90XA Unspecified injury of heart, unspecified with or without hemopericardium, initial encounter
S26.90XD Unspecified injury of heart, unspecified with or without hemopericardium, subsequent encounter
S26.90XS Unspecified injury of heart, unspecified with or without hemopericardium, sequela
S26.91XA Contusion of heart, unspecified with or without hemopericardium, initial encounter
S26.91XD Contusion of heart, unspecified with or without hemopericardium, subsequent encounter
S26.91XS Contusion of heart, unspecified with or without hemopericardium, sequela
S26.92XA Laceration of heart, unspecified with or without hemopericardium, initial encounter
S26.92XD Laceration of heart, unspecified with or without hemopericardium, subsequent encounter
S26.92XS Laceration of heart, unspecified with or without hemopericardium, sequela
S26.99XA Other injury of heart, unspecified with or without hemopericardium, initial encounter
S26.99XD Other injury of heart, unspecified with or without hemopericardium, subsequent encounter
S26.99XS Other injury of heart, unspecified with or without hemopericardium, sequela
S29.001A Unspecified injury of muscle and tendon of front wall of thorax, initial encounter
S29.001D Unspecified injury of muscle and tendon of front wall of thorax, subsequent encounter
S29.001S Unspecified injury of muscle and tendon of front wall of thorax, sequela
S29.002A Unspecified injury of muscle and tendon of back wall of thorax, initial encounter
S29.002D Unspecified injury of muscle and tendon of back wall of thorax, subsequent encounter
S29.002S Unspecified injury of muscle and tendon of back wall of thorax, sequela
S29.009A Unspecified injury of muscle and tendon of unspecified wall of thorax, initial encounter
S29.009D Unspecified injury of muscle and tendon of unspecified wall of thorax, subsequent encounter
S29.009S Unspecified injury of muscle and tendon of unspecified wall of thorax, sequela
S29.091A Other injury of muscle and tendon of front wall of thorax, initial encounter
S29.091D Other injury of muscle and tendon of front wall of thorax, subsequent encounter
S29.091S Other injury of muscle and tendon of front wall of thorax, sequela
S29.092A Other injury of muscle and tendon of back wall of thorax, initial encounter
S29.092D Other injury of muscle and tendon of back wall of thorax, subsequent encounter
S29.092S Other injury of muscle and tendon of back wall of thorax, sequela
S29.099A Other injury of muscle and tendon of unspecified wall of thorax, initial encounter
S29.099D Other injury of muscle and tendon of unspecified wall of thorax, subsequent encounter
S29.099S Other injury of muscle and tendon of unspecified wall of thorax, sequela
S29.8XXA Other specified injuries of thorax, initial encounter
S29.8XXD Other specified injuries of thorax, subsequent encounter
S29.8XXS Other specified injuries of thorax, sequela
S29.9XXA Unspecified injury of thorax, initial encounter
S29.9XXD Unspecified injury of thorax, subsequent encounter
S29.9XXS Unspecified injury of thorax, sequela
T41.0X5A Adverse effect of inhaled anesthetics, initial encounter
T41.0X5D Adverse effect of inhaled anesthetics, subsequent encounter
T41.0X5S Adverse effect of inhaled anesthetics, sequela
T41.1X5A Adverse effect of intravenous anesthetics, initial encounter
T41.1X5D Adverse effect of intravenous anesthetics, subsequent encounter
T41.1X5S Adverse effect of intravenous anesthetics, sequela
T41.205A Adverse effect of unspecified general anesthetics, initial encounter
T41.205D Adverse effect of unspecified general anesthetics, subsequent encounter
T41.205S Adverse effect of unspecified general anesthetics, sequela
T41.295A Adverse effect of other general anesthetics, initial encounter
T41.295D Adverse effect of other general anesthetics, subsequent encounter
T41.295S Adverse effect of other general anesthetics, sequela
T41.3X5A Adverse effect of local anesthetics, initial encounter
T41.3X5D Adverse effect of local anesthetics, subsequent encounter
T41.3X5S Adverse effect of local anesthetics, sequela
T41.45XA Adverse effect of unspecified anesthetic, initial encounter
T41.45XD Adverse effect of unspecified anesthetic, subsequent encounter
T41.45XS Adverse effect of unspecified anesthetic, sequela
T45.1X1A Poisoning by antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T45.1X1D Poisoning by antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T45.1X1S Poisoning by antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T45.1X4A Poisoning by antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, undetermined, initial encounter
T45.1X4D Poisoning by antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T45.1X4S Poisoning by antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, undetermined, sequela
T45.1X5A Adverse effect of antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, initial encounter
T45.1X5D Adverse effect of antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, subsequent encounter
T45.1X5S Adverse effect of antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs, sequela
T46.904A Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, undetermined, initial encounter
T46.904D Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T46.904S Poisoning by unspecified agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system, undetermined, sequela
T50.905A Adverse effect of unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, initial encounter
T50.905D Adverse effect of unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, subsequent encounter
T50.905S Adverse effect of unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances, sequela
T51.3X1A Toxic effect of fusel oil, accidental (unintentional), initial encounter
T51.3X1D Toxic effect of fusel oil, accidental (unintentional), subsequent encounter
T51.3X1S Toxic effect of fusel oil, accidental (unintentional), sequela
T51.3X2A Toxic effect of fusel oil, intentional self-harm, initial encounter
T51.3X2D Toxic effect of fusel oil, intentional self-harm, subsequent encounter
T51.3X2S Toxic effect of fusel oil, intentional self-harm, sequela
T51.3X3A Toxic effect of fusel oil, assault, initial encounter
T51.3X3D Toxic effect of fusel oil, assault, subsequent encounter
T51.3X3S Toxic effect of fusel oil, assault, sequela
T51.3X4A Toxic effect of fusel oil, undetermined, initial encounter
T51.3X4D Toxic effect of fusel oil, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T51.3X4S Toxic effect of fusel oil, undetermined, sequela
T58.94XA Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from unspecified source, undetermined, initial encounter
T58.94XD Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from unspecified source, undetermined, subsequent encounter
T58.94XS Toxic effect of carbon monoxide from unspecified source, undetermined, sequela
T66.XXXA Radiation sickness, unspecified, initial encounter
T66.XXXD Radiation sickness, unspecified, subsequent encounter
T66.XXXS Radiation sickness, unspecified, sequela
T75.00XA Unspecified effects of lightning, initial encounter
T75.00XD Unspecified effects of lightning, subsequent encounter
T75.00XS Unspecified effects of lightning, sequela
T75.01XA Shock due to being struck by lightning, initial encounter
T75.01XD Shock due to being struck by lightning, subsequent encounter
T75.01XS Shock due to being struck by lightning, sequela
T75.09XA Other effects of lightning, initial encounter
T75.09XD Other effects of lightning, subsequent encounter
T75.09XS Other effects of lightning, sequela
T75.4XXA Electrocution, initial encounter
T75.4XXD Electrocution, subsequent encounter
T75.4XXS Electrocution, sequela
T79.0XXA Air embolism (traumatic), initial encounter
T79.0XXD Air embolism (traumatic), subsequent encounter
T79.0XXS Air embolism (traumatic), sequela
T79.1XXA Fat embolism (traumatic), initial encounter
T79.1XXD Fat embolism (traumatic), subsequent encounter
T79.1XXS Fat embolism (traumatic), sequela
T79.4XXA Traumatic shock, initial encounter
T79.4XXD Traumatic shock, subsequent encounter
T79.4XXS Traumatic shock, sequela
T80.0XXA Air embolism following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection, initial encounter
T80.0XXD Air embolism following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection, subsequent encounter
T80.0XXS Air embolism following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection, sequela
T80.211A Bloodstream infection due to central venous catheter, initial encounter
T80.211D Bloodstream infection due to central venous catheter, subsequent encounter
T80.211S Bloodstream infection due to central venous catheter, sequela
T80.212A Local infection due to central venous catheter, initial encounter
T80.212D Local infection due to central venous catheter, subsequent encounter
T80.212S Local infection due to central venous catheter, sequela
T80.218A Other infection due to central venous catheter, initial encounter
T80.218D Other infection due to central venous catheter, subsequent encounter
T80.218S Other infection due to central venous catheter, sequela
T80.219A Unspecified infection due to central venous catheter, initial encounter
T80.219D Unspecified infection due to central venous catheter, subsequent encounter
T80.219S Unspecified infection due to central venous catheter, sequela
T80.22XA Acute infection following transfusion, infusion, or injection of blood and blood products, initial encounter
T80.22XD Acute infection following transfusion, infusion, or injection of blood and blood products, subsequent encounter
T80.22XS Acute infection following transfusion, infusion, or injection of blood and blood products, sequela
T80.29XA Infection following other infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection, initial encounter
T80.29XD Infection following other infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection, subsequent encounter
T80.29XS Infection following other infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection, sequela
T80.51XA Anaphylactic reaction due to administration of blood and blood products, initial encounter
T80.51XD Anaphylactic reaction due to administration of blood and blood products, subsequent encounter
T80.51XS Anaphylactic reaction due to administration of blood and blood products, sequela
T80.52XA Anaphylactic reaction due to vaccination, initial encounter
T80.52XD Anaphylactic reaction due to vaccination, subsequent encounter
T80.52XS Anaphylactic reaction due to vaccination, sequela
T80.59XA Anaphylactic reaction due to other serum, initial encounter
T80.59XD Anaphylactic reaction due to other serum, subsequent encounter
T80.59XS Anaphylactic reaction due to other serum, sequela
T81.10XA Postprocedural shock unspecified, initial encounter
T81.10XD Postprocedural shock unspecified, subsequent encounter
T81.10XS Postprocedural shock unspecified, sequela
T81.11XA Postprocedural cardiogenic shock, initial encounter
T81.11XD Postprocedural cardiogenic shock, subsequent encounter
T81.11XS Postprocedural cardiogenic shock, sequela
T81.12XA Postprocedural septic shock, initial encounter
T81.12XD Postprocedural septic shock, subsequent encounter
T81.12XS Postprocedural septic shock, sequela
T81.19XA Other postprocedural shock, initial encounter
T81.19XD Other postprocedural shock, subsequent encounter
T81.19XS Other postprocedural shock, sequela
T81.40XA Infection following a procedure, unspecified, initial encounter
T81.40XD Infection following a procedure, unspecified, subsequent encounter
T81.40XS Infection following a procedure, unspecified, sequela
T81.41XA Infection following a procedure, superficial incisional surgical site, initial encounter
T81.41XD Infection following a procedure, superficial incisional surgical site, subsequent encounter
T81.41XS Infection following a procedure, superficial incisional surgical site, sequela
T81.42XA Infection following a procedure, deep incisional surgical site, initial encounter
T81.42XD Infection following a procedure, deep incisional surgical site, subsequent encounter
T81.42XS Infection following a procedure, deep incisional surgical site, sequela
T81.43XA Infection following a procedure, organ and space surgical site, initial encounter
T81.43XD Infection following a procedure, organ and space surgical site, subsequent encounter
T81.43XS Infection following a procedure, organ and space surgical site, sequela
T81.44XA Sepsis following a procedure, initial encounter
T81.44XD Sepsis following a procedure, subsequent encounter
T81.44XS Sepsis following a procedure, sequela
T81.718A Complication of other artery following a procedure, not elsewhere classified, initial encounter
T81.718D Complication of other artery following a procedure, not elsewhere classified, subsequent encounter
T81.718S Complication of other artery following a procedure, not elsewhere classified, sequela
T81.719A Complication of unspecified artery following a procedure, not elsewhere classified, initial encounter
T81.719D Complication of unspecified artery following a procedure, not elsewhere classified, subsequent encounter
T81.719S Complication of unspecified artery following a procedure, not elsewhere classified, sequela
T81.72XA Complication of vein following a procedure, not elsewhere classified, initial encounter
T81.72XD Complication of vein following a procedure, not elsewhere classified, subsequent encounter
T81.72XS Complication of vein following a procedure, not elsewhere classified, sequela
T82.01XA Breakdown (mechanical) of heart valve prosthesis, initial encounter
T82.01XD Breakdown (mechanical) of heart valve prosthesis, subsequent encounter
T82.01XS Breakdown (mechanical) of heart valve prosthesis, sequela
T82.02XA Displacement of heart valve prosthesis, initial encounter
T82.02XD Displacement of heart valve prosthesis, subsequent encounter
T82.02XS Displacement of heart valve prosthesis, sequela
T82.03XA Leakage of heart valve prosthesis, initial encounter
T82.03XD Leakage of heart valve prosthesis, subsequent encounter
T82.03XS Leakage of heart valve prosthesis, sequela
T82.09XA Other mechanical complication of heart valve prosthesis, initial encounter
T82.09XD Other mechanical complication of heart valve prosthesis, subsequent encounter
T82.09XS Other mechanical complication of heart valve prosthesis, sequela
T82.110A Breakdown (mechanical) of cardiac electrode, initial encounter
T82.110D Breakdown (mechanical) of cardiac electrode, subsequent encounter
T82.110S Breakdown (mechanical) of cardiac electrode, sequela
T82.111A Breakdown (mechanical) of cardiac pulse generator (battery), initial encounter
T82.111D Breakdown (mechanical) of cardiac pulse generator (battery), subsequent encounter
T82.111S Breakdown (mechanical) of cardiac pulse generator (battery), sequela
T82.118A Breakdown (mechanical) of other cardiac electronic device, initial encounter
T82.118D Breakdown (mechanical) of other cardiac electronic device, subsequent encounter
T82.118S Breakdown (mechanical) of other cardiac electronic device, sequela
T82.119A Breakdown (mechanical) of unspecified cardiac electronic device, initial encounter
T82.119D Breakdown (mechanical) of unspecified cardiac electronic device, subsequent encounter
T82.119S Breakdown (mechanical) of unspecified cardiac electronic device, sequela
T82.120A Displacement of cardiac electrode, initial encounter
T82.120D Displacement of cardiac electrode, subsequent encounter
T82.120S Displacement of cardiac electrode, sequela
T82.121A Displacement of cardiac pulse generator (battery), initial encounter
T82.121D Displacement of cardiac pulse generator (battery), subsequent encounter
T82.121S Displacement of cardiac pulse generator (battery), sequela
T82.128A Displacement of other cardiac electronic device, initial encounter
T82.128D Displacement of other cardiac electronic device, subsequent encounter
T82.128S Displacement of other cardiac electronic device, sequela
T82.129A Displacement of unspecified cardiac electronic device, initial encounter
T82.129D Displacement of unspecified cardiac electronic device, subsequent encounter
T82.129S Displacement of unspecified cardiac electronic device, sequela
T82.190A Other mechanical complication of cardiac electrode, initial encounter
T82.190D Other mechanical complication of cardiac electrode, subsequent encounter
T82.190S Other mechanical complication of cardiac electrode, sequela
T82.191A Other mechanical complication of cardiac pulse generator (battery), initial encounter
T82.191D Other mechanical complication of cardiac pulse generator (battery), subsequent encounter
T82.191S Other mechanical complication of cardiac pulse generator (battery), sequela
T82.198A Other mechanical complication of other cardiac electronic device, initial encounter
T82.198D Other mechanical complication of other cardiac electronic device, subsequent encounter
T82.198S Other mechanical complication of other cardiac electronic device, sequela
T82.199A Other mechanical complication of unspecified cardiac device, initial encounter
T82.199D Other mechanical complication of unspecified cardiac device, subsequent encounter
T82.199S Other mechanical complication of unspecified cardiac device, sequela
T82.211A Breakdown (mechanical) of coronary artery bypass graft, initial encounter
T82.211D Breakdown (mechanical) of coronary artery bypass graft, subsequent encounter
T82.211S Breakdown (mechanical) of coronary artery bypass graft, sequela
T82.212A Displacement of coronary artery bypass graft, initial encounter
T82.212D Displacement of coronary artery bypass graft, subsequent encounter
T82.212S Displacement of coronary artery bypass graft, sequela
T82.213A Leakage of coronary artery bypass graft, initial encounter
T82.213D Leakage of coronary artery bypass graft, subsequent encounter
T82.213S Leakage of coronary artery bypass graft, sequela
T82.218A Other mechanical complication of coronary artery bypass graft, initial encounter
T82.218D Other mechanical complication of coronary artery bypass graft, subsequent encounter
T82.218S Other mechanical complication of coronary artery bypass graft, sequela
T82.221A Breakdown (mechanical) of biological heart valve graft, initial encounter
T82.221D Breakdown (mechanical) of biological heart valve graft, subsequent encounter
T82.221S Breakdown (mechanical) of biological heart valve graft, sequela
T82.222A Displacement of biological heart valve graft, initial encounter
T82.222D Displacement of biological heart valve graft, subsequent encounter
T82.222S Displacement of biological heart valve graft, sequela
T82.223A Leakage of biological heart valve graft, initial encounter
T82.223D Leakage of biological heart valve graft, subsequent encounter
T82.223S Leakage of biological heart valve graft, sequela
T82.228A Other mechanical complication of biological heart valve graft, initial encounter
T82.228D Other mechanical complication of biological heart valve graft, subsequent encounter
T82.228S Other mechanical complication of biological heart valve graft, sequela
T82.310A Breakdown (mechanical) of aortic (bifurcation) graft (replacement), initial encounter
T82.310D Breakdown (mechanical) of aortic (bifurcation) graft (replacement), subsequent encounter
T82.310S Breakdown (mechanical) of aortic (bifurcation) graft (replacement), sequela
T82.311A Breakdown (mechanical) of carotid arterial graft (bypass), initial encounter
T82.311D Breakdown (mechanical) of carotid arterial graft (bypass), subsequent encounter
T82.311S Breakdown (mechanical) of carotid arterial graft (bypass), sequela
T82.312A Breakdown (mechanical) of femoral arterial graft (bypass), initial encounter
T82.312D Breakdown (mechanical) of femoral arterial graft (bypass), subsequent encounter
T82.312S Breakdown (mechanical) of femoral arterial graft (bypass), sequela
T82.318A Breakdown (mechanical) of other vascular grafts, initial encounter
T82.318D Breakdown (mechanical) of other vascular grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.318S Breakdown (mechanical) of other vascular grafts, sequela
T82.319A Breakdown (mechanical) of unspecified vascular grafts, initial encounter
T82.319D Breakdown (mechanical) of unspecified vascular grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.319S Breakdown (mechanical) of unspecified vascular grafts, sequela
T82.320A Displacement of aortic (bifurcation) graft (replacement), initial encounter
T82.320D Displacement of aortic (bifurcation) graft (replacement), subsequent encounter
T82.320S Displacement of aortic (bifurcation) graft (replacement), sequela
T82.321A Displacement of carotid arterial graft (bypass), initial encounter
T82.321D Displacement of carotid arterial graft (bypass), subsequent encounter
T82.321S Displacement of carotid arterial graft (bypass), sequela
T82.322A Displacement of femoral arterial graft (bypass), initial encounter
T82.322D Displacement of femoral arterial graft (bypass), subsequent encounter
T82.322S Displacement of femoral arterial graft (bypass), sequela
T82.328A Displacement of other vascular grafts, initial encounter
T82.328D Displacement of other vascular grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.328S Displacement of other vascular grafts, sequela
T82.329A Displacement of unspecified vascular grafts, initial encounter
T82.329D Displacement of unspecified vascular grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.329S Displacement of unspecified vascular grafts, sequela
T82.330A Leakage of aortic (bifurcation) graft (replacement), initial encounter
T82.330D Leakage of aortic (bifurcation) graft (replacement), subsequent encounter
T82.330S Leakage of aortic (bifurcation) graft (replacement), sequela
T82.331A Leakage of carotid arterial graft (bypass), initial encounter
T82.331D Leakage of carotid arterial graft (bypass), subsequent encounter
T82.331S Leakage of carotid arterial graft (bypass), sequela
T82.332A Leakage of femoral arterial graft (bypass), initial encounter
T82.332D Leakage of femoral arterial graft (bypass), subsequent encounter
T82.332S Leakage of femoral arterial graft (bypass), sequela
T82.338A Leakage of other vascular grafts, initial encounter
T82.338D Leakage of other vascular grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.338S Leakage of other vascular grafts, sequela
T82.339A Leakage of unspecified vascular graft, initial encounter
T82.339D Leakage of unspecified vascular graft, subsequent encounter
T82.339S Leakage of unspecified vascular graft, sequela
T82.390A Other mechanical complication of aortic (bifurcation) graft (replacement), initial encounter
T82.390D Other mechanical complication of aortic (bifurcation) graft (replacement), subsequent encounter
T82.390S Other mechanical complication of aortic (bifurcation) graft (replacement), sequela
T82.391A Other mechanical complication of carotid arterial graft (bypass), initial encounter
T82.391D Other mechanical complication of carotid arterial graft (bypass), subsequent encounter
T82.391S Other mechanical complication of carotid arterial graft (bypass), sequela
T82.392A Other mechanical complication of femoral arterial graft (bypass), initial encounter
T82.392D Other mechanical complication of femoral arterial graft (bypass), subsequent encounter
T82.392S Other mechanical complication of femoral arterial graft (bypass), sequela
T82.398A Other mechanical complication of other vascular grafts, initial encounter
T82.398D Other mechanical complication of other vascular grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.398S Other mechanical complication of other vascular grafts, sequela
T82.399A Other mechanical complication of unspecified vascular grafts, initial encounter
T82.399D Other mechanical complication of unspecified vascular grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.399S Other mechanical complication of unspecified vascular grafts, sequela
T82.41XA Breakdown (mechanical) of vascular dialysis catheter, initial encounter
T82.41XD Breakdown (mechanical) of vascular dialysis catheter, subsequent encounter
T82.41XS Breakdown (mechanical) of vascular dialysis catheter, sequela
T82.42XA Displacement of vascular dialysis catheter, initial encounter
T82.42XD Displacement of vascular dialysis catheter, subsequent encounter
T82.42XS Displacement of vascular dialysis catheter, sequela
T82.43XA Leakage of vascular dialysis catheter, initial encounter
T82.43XD Leakage of vascular dialysis catheter, subsequent encounter
T82.43XS Leakage of vascular dialysis catheter, sequela
T82.49XA Other complication of vascular dialysis catheter, initial encounter
T82.49XD Other complication of vascular dialysis catheter, subsequent encounter
T82.49XS Other complication of vascular dialysis catheter, sequela
T82.510A Breakdown (mechanical) of surgically created arteriovenous fistula, initial encounter
T82.510D Breakdown (mechanical) of surgically created arteriovenous fistula, subsequent encounter
T82.510S Breakdown (mechanical) of surgically created arteriovenous fistula, sequela
T82.511A Breakdown (mechanical) of surgically created arteriovenous shunt, initial encounter
T82.511D Breakdown (mechanical) of surgically created arteriovenous shunt, subsequent encounter
T82.511S Breakdown (mechanical) of surgically created arteriovenous shunt, sequela
T82.512A Breakdown (mechanical) of artificial heart, initial encounter
T82.512D Breakdown (mechanical) of artificial heart, subsequent encounter
T82.512S Breakdown (mechanical) of artificial heart, sequela
T82.513A Breakdown (mechanical) of balloon (counterpulsation) device, initial encounter
T82.513D Breakdown (mechanical) of balloon (counterpulsation) device, subsequent encounter
T82.513S Breakdown (mechanical) of balloon (counterpulsation) device, sequela
T82.514A Breakdown (mechanical) of infusion catheter, initial encounter
T82.514D Breakdown (mechanical) of infusion catheter, subsequent encounter
T82.514S Breakdown (mechanical) of infusion catheter, sequela
T82.515A Breakdown (mechanical) of umbrella device, initial encounter
T82.515D Breakdown (mechanical) of umbrella device, subsequent encounter
T82.515S Breakdown (mechanical) of umbrella device, sequela
T82.518A Breakdown (mechanical) of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82.518D Breakdown (mechanical) of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, subsequent encounter
T82.518S Breakdown (mechanical) of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, sequela
T82.519A Breakdown (mechanical) of unspecified cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82.519D Breakdown (mechanical) of unspecified cardiac and vascular devices and implants, subsequent encounter
T82.519S Breakdown (mechanical) of unspecified cardiac and vascular devices and implants, sequela
T82.520A Displacement of surgically created arteriovenous fistula, initial encounter
T82.520D Displacement of surgically created arteriovenous fistula, subsequent encounter
T82.520S Displacement of surgically created arteriovenous fistula, sequela
T82.521A Displacement of surgically created arteriovenous shunt, initial encounter
T82.521D Displacement of surgically created arteriovenous shunt, subsequent encounter
T82.521S Displacement of surgically created arteriovenous shunt, sequela
T82.522A Displacement of artificial heart, initial encounter
T82.522D Displacement of artificial heart, subsequent encounter
T82.522S Displacement of artificial heart, sequela
T82.523A Displacement of balloon (counterpulsation) device, initial encounter
T82.523D Displacement of balloon (counterpulsation) device, subsequent encounter
T82.523S Displacement of balloon (counterpulsation) device, sequela
T82.524A Displacement of infusion catheter, initial encounter
T82.524D Displacement of infusion catheter, subsequent encounter
T82.524S Displacement of infusion catheter, sequela
T82.525A Displacement of umbrella device, initial encounter
T82.525D Displacement of umbrella device, subsequent encounter
T82.525S Displacement of umbrella device, sequela
T82.528A Displacement of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82.528D Displacement of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, subsequent encounter
T82.528S Displacement of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, sequela
T82.529A Displacement of unspecified cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82.529D Displacement of unspecified cardiac and vascular devices and implants, subsequent encounter
T82.529S Displacement of unspecified cardiac and vascular devices and implants, sequela
T82.530A Leakage of surgically created arteriovenous fistula, initial encounter
T82.530D Leakage of surgically created arteriovenous fistula, subsequent encounter
T82.530S Leakage of surgically created arteriovenous fistula, sequela
T82.531A Leakage of surgically created arteriovenous shunt, initial encounter
T82.531D Leakage of surgically created arteriovenous shunt, subsequent encounter
T82.531S Leakage of surgically created arteriovenous shunt, sequela
T82.532A Leakage of artificial heart, initial encounter
T82.532D Leakage of artificial heart, subsequent encounter
T82.532S Leakage of artificial heart, sequela
T82.533A Leakage of balloon (counterpulsation) device, initial encounter
T82.533D Leakage of balloon (counterpulsation) device, subsequent encounter
T82.533S Leakage of balloon (counterpulsation) device, sequela
T82.534A Leakage of infusion catheter, initial encounter
T82.534D Leakage of infusion catheter, subsequent encounter
T82.534S Leakage of infusion catheter, sequela
T82.535A Leakage of umbrella device, initial encounter
T82.535D Leakage of umbrella device, subsequent encounter
T82.535S Leakage of umbrella device, sequela
T82.538A Leakage of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82.538D Leakage of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, subsequent encounter
T82.538S Leakage of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, sequela
T82.539A Leakage of unspecified cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82.539D Leakage of unspecified cardiac and vascular devices and implants, subsequent encounter
T82.539S Leakage of unspecified cardiac and vascular devices and implants, sequela
T82.590A Other mechanical complication of surgically created arteriovenous fistula, initial encounter
T82.590D Other mechanical complication of surgically created arteriovenous fistula, subsequent encounter
T82.590S Other mechanical complication of surgically created arteriovenous fistula, sequela
T82.591A Other mechanical complication of surgically created arteriovenous shunt, initial encounter
T82.591D Other mechanical complication of surgically created arteriovenous shunt, subsequent encounter
T82.591S Other mechanical complication of surgically created arteriovenous shunt, sequela
T82.592A Other mechanical complication of artificial heart, initial encounter
T82.592D Other mechanical complication of artificial heart, subsequent encounter
T82.592S Other mechanical complication of artificial heart, sequela
T82.593A Other mechanical complication of balloon (counterpulsation) device, initial encounter
T82.593D Other mechanical complication of balloon (counterpulsation) device, subsequent encounter
T82.593S Other mechanical complication of balloon (counterpulsation) device, sequela
T82.594A Other mechanical complication of infusion catheter, initial encounter
T82.594D Other mechanical complication of infusion catheter, subsequent encounter
T82.594S Other mechanical complication of infusion catheter, sequela
T82.595A Other mechanical complication of umbrella device, initial encounter
T82.595D Other mechanical complication of umbrella device, subsequent encounter
T82.595S Other mechanical complication of umbrella device, sequela
T82.598A Other mechanical complication of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82.598D Other mechanical complication of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, subsequent encounter
T82.598S Other mechanical complication of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, sequela
T82.599A Other mechanical complication of unspecified cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82.599D Other mechanical complication of unspecified cardiac and vascular devices and implants, subsequent encounter
T82.599S Other mechanical complication of unspecified cardiac and vascular devices and implants, sequela
T82.6XXA Infection and inflammatory reaction due to cardiac valve prosthesis, initial encounter
T82.6XXD Infection and inflammatory reaction due to cardiac valve prosthesis, subsequent encounter
T82.6XXS Infection and inflammatory reaction due to cardiac valve prosthesis, sequela
T82.7XXA Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other cardiac and vascular devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
T82.7XXD Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other cardiac and vascular devices, implants and grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.7XXS Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other cardiac and vascular devices, implants and grafts, sequela
T82.817A Embolism due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
T82.817D Embolism due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.817S Embolism due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, sequela
T82.827A Fibrosis due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
T82.827D Fibrosis due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.827S Fibrosis due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, sequela
T82.837A Hemorrhage due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
T82.837D Hemorrhage due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.837S Hemorrhage due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, sequela
T82.847A Pain due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
T82.847D Pain due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.847S Pain due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, sequela
T82.855A - T82.855S Stenosis of coronary artery stent, initial encounter - Stenosis of coronary artery stent, sequela
T82.856A - T82.856S Stenosis of peripheral vascular stent, initial encounter - Stenosis of peripheral vascular stent, sequela
T82.857A Stenosis of other cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
T82.857D Stenosis of other cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.857S Stenosis of other cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, sequela
T82.867A Thrombosis due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
T82.867D Thrombosis due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.867S Thrombosis due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, sequela
T82.897A Other specified complication of cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
T82.897D Other specified complication of cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.897S Other specified complication of cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, sequela
T82.9XXA Unspecified complication of cardiac and vascular prosthetic device, implant and graft, initial encounter
T82.9XXD Unspecified complication of cardiac and vascular prosthetic device, implant and graft, subsequent encounter
T82.9XXS Unspecified complication of cardiac and vascular prosthetic device, implant and graft, sequela
T84.50XA Infection and inflammatory reaction due to unspecified internal joint prosthesis, initial encounter
T84.50XD Infection and inflammatory reaction due to unspecified internal joint prosthesis, subsequent encounter
T84.50XS Infection and inflammatory reaction due to unspecified internal joint prosthesis, sequela
T84.51XA Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal right hip prosthesis, initial encounter
T84.51XD Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal right hip prosthesis, subsequent encounter
T84.51XS Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal right hip prosthesis, sequela
T84.52XA Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal left hip prosthesis, initial encounter
T84.52XD Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal left hip prosthesis, subsequent encounter
T84.52XS Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal left hip prosthesis, sequela
T84.53XA Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal right knee prosthesis, initial encounter
T84.53XD Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal right knee prosthesis, subsequent encounter
T84.53XS Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal right knee prosthesis, sequela
T84.54XA Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal left knee prosthesis, initial encounter
T84.54XD Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal left knee prosthesis, subsequent encounter
T84.54XS Infection and inflammatory reaction due to internal left knee prosthesis, sequela
T84.59XA Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other internal joint prosthesis, initial encounter
T84.59XD Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other internal joint prosthesis, subsequent encounter
T84.59XS Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other internal joint prosthesis, sequela
T85.79XA Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other internal prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
T85.79XD Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other internal prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, subsequent encounter
T85.79XS Infection and inflammatory reaction due to other internal prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, sequela
T86.20 Unspecified complication of heart transplant
T86.21 Heart transplant rejection
T86.22 Heart transplant failure
T86.23 Heart transplant infection
T86.290 Cardiac allograft vasculopathy
T86.298 Other complications of heart transplant
T86.30 Unspecified complication of heart-lung transplant
T86.31 Heart-lung transplant rejection
T86.32 Heart-lung transplant failure
T86.33 Heart-lung transplant infection
T86.39 Other complications of heart-lung transplant
T88.0XXA Infection following immunization, initial encounter
T88.0XXD Infection following immunization, subsequent encounter
T88.0XXS Infection following immunization, sequela
T88.59XA Other complications of anesthesia, initial encounter
T88.59XD Other complications of anesthesia, subsequent encounter
T88.59XS Other complications of anesthesia, sequela
Z01.30 Encounter for examination of blood pressure without abnormal findings
Z01.31 Encounter for examination of blood pressure with abnormal findings
Z01.810 Encounter for preprocedural cardiovascular examination
Z01.818 Encounter for other preprocedural examination
Z01.89 Encounter for other specified special examinations
Z08 Encounter for follow-up examination after completed treatment for malignant neoplasm
Z09 Encounter for follow-up examination after completed treatment for conditions other than malignant neoplasm
Z12.11 Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of colon
Z13.6 Encounter for screening for cardiovascular disorders
Z48.21 Encounter for aftercare following heart transplant
Z48.22 Encounter for aftercare following kidney transplant
Z48.23 Encounter for aftercare following liver transplant
Z48.24 Encounter for aftercare following lung transplant
Z48.280 Encounter for aftercare following heart-lung transplant
Z48.288 Encounter for aftercare following multiple organ transplant
Z48.290 Encounter for aftercare following bone marrow transplant
Z48.298 Encounter for aftercare following other organ transplant
Z51.11 Encounter for antineoplastic chemotherapy
Z51.81 Encounter for therapeutic drug level monitoring
Z52.89 Donor of other specified organs or tissues
Z79.3 Long term (current) use of hormonal contraceptives
Z79.891 Long term (current) use of opiate analgesic
Z79.899 Other long term (current) drug therapy
Z86.73 Personal history of transient ischemic attack (TIA), and cerebral infarction without residual deficits
Z86.74 Personal history of sudden cardiac arrest
Z94.1 Heart transplant status
Z94.2 Lung transplant status
Z94.3 Heart and lungs transplant status
Z95.2 Presence of prosthetic heart valve
Z95.3 Presence of xenogenic heart valve
Z95.4 Presence of other heart-valve replacement
Z95.811 Presence of heart assist device
Z95.812 Presence of fully implantable artificial heart
Z98.890 Other specified postprocedural states

Group 2

(153 Codes)
Group 2 Paragraph

Applicable to codes 93303, 93304, C8921, C8922 (coverage criteria and diagnosis restrictions apply to both the base codes [listed above] and related add-on codes).

(When reporting add-on CPT codes 93319, 93320, 93321 and 93325, the same ICD-10-CM code should be used as that used for the base code to which it is attached):


Group 2 Codes
Code Description
D82.1 Di George's syndrome
P22.8 Other respiratory distress of newborn
P22.9 Respiratory distress of newborn, unspecified
P28.30 Primary sleep apnea of newborn, unspecified
P28.31 Primary central sleep apnea of newborn
P28.32 Primary obstructive sleep apnea of newborn
P28.33 Primary mixed sleep apnea of newborn
P28.39 Other primary sleep apnea of newborn
P28.40 Unspecified apnea of newborn
P28.41 Central neonatal apnea of newborn
P28.42 Obstructive apnea of newborn
P28.43 Mixed neonatal apnea of newborn
P28.49 Other apnea of newborn
P28.89 Other specified respiratory conditions of newborn
P29.0 Neonatal cardiac failure
P29.11 Neonatal tachycardia
P29.12 Neonatal bradycardia
P29.2 Neonatal hypertension
P29.30 Pulmonary hypertension of newborn
P29.38 Other persistent fetal circulation
P29.4 Transient myocardial ischemia in newborn
P29.89 Other cardiovascular disorders originating in the perinatal period
P29.9 Cardiovascular disorder originating in the perinatal period, unspecified
P94.1 Congenital hypertonia
P94.2 Congenital hypotonia
P94.8 Other disorders of muscle tone of newborn
P94.9 Disorder of muscle tone of newborn, unspecified
P96.0 Congenital renal failure
P96.3 Wide cranial sutures of newborn
P96.5 Complication to newborn due to (fetal) intrauterine procedure
P96.89 Other specified conditions originating in the perinatal period
Q20.0 Common arterial trunk
Q20.1 Double outlet right ventricle
Q20.2 Double outlet left ventricle
Q20.3 Discordant ventriculoarterial connection
Q20.4 Double inlet ventricle
Q20.5 Discordant atrioventricular connection
Q20.6 Isomerism of atrial appendages
Q20.8 Other congenital malformations of cardiac chambers and connections
Q20.9 Congenital malformation of cardiac chambers and connections, unspecified
Q21.0 Ventricular septal defect
Q21.10 Atrial septal defect, unspecified
Q21.11 Secundum atrial septal defect
Q21.12 Patent foramen ovale
Q21.13 Coronary sinus atrial septal defect
Q21.14 Superior sinus venosus atrial septal defect
Q21.15 Inferior sinus venosus atrial septal defect
Q21.16 Sinus venosus atrial septal defect, unspecified
Q21.19 Other specified atrial septal defect
Q21.20 Atrioventricular septal defect, unspecified as to partial or complete
Q21.21 Partial atrioventricular septal defect
Q21.22 Transitional atrioventricular septal defect
Q21.23 Complete atrioventricular septal defect
Q21.3 Tetralogy of Fallot
Q21.4 Aortopulmonary septal defect
Q21.8 Other congenital malformations of cardiac septa
Q21.9 Congenital malformation of cardiac septum, unspecified
Q22.0 Pulmonary valve atresia
Q22.1 Congenital pulmonary valve stenosis
Q22.2 Congenital pulmonary valve insufficiency
Q22.3 Other congenital malformations of pulmonary valve
Q22.4 Congenital tricuspid stenosis
Q22.5 Ebstein's anomaly
Q22.6 Hypoplastic right heart syndrome
Q22.8 Other congenital malformations of tricuspid valve
Q22.9 Congenital malformation of tricuspid valve, unspecified
Q23.0 Congenital stenosis of aortic valve
Q23.1 Congenital insufficiency of aortic valve
Q23.2 Congenital mitral stenosis
Q23.3 Congenital mitral insufficiency
Q23.4 Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Q23.8 Other congenital malformations of aortic and mitral valves
Q23.9 Congenital malformation of aortic and mitral valves, unspecified
Q24.0 Dextrocardia
Q24.1 Levocardia
Q24.2 Cor triatriatum
Q24.3 Pulmonary infundibular stenosis
Q24.4 Congenital subaortic stenosis
Q24.5 Malformation of coronary vessels
Q24.6 Congenital heart block
Q24.8 Other specified congenital malformations of heart
Q24.9 Congenital malformation of heart, unspecified
Q25.0 Patent ductus arteriosus
Q25.1 Coarctation of aorta
Q25.21 Interruption of aortic arch
Q25.29 Other atresia of aorta
Q25.3 Supravalvular aortic stenosis
Q25.40 - Q25.49 Congenital malformation of aorta unspecified - Other congenital malformations of aorta
Q25.5 Atresia of pulmonary artery
Q25.6 Stenosis of pulmonary artery
Q25.71 Coarctation of pulmonary artery
Q25.72 Congenital pulmonary arteriovenous malformation
Q25.79 Other congenital malformations of pulmonary artery
Q25.8 Other congenital malformations of other great arteries
Q25.9 Congenital malformation of great arteries, unspecified
Q26.0 Congenital stenosis of vena cava
Q26.1 Persistent left superior vena cava
Q26.2 Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection
Q26.3 Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection
Q26.4 Anomalous pulmonary venous connection, unspecified
Q26.8 Other congenital malformations of great veins
Q26.9 Congenital malformation of great vein, unspecified
Q27.0 Congenital absence and hypoplasia of umbilical artery
Q27.9 Congenital malformation of peripheral vascular system, unspecified
Q28.2 Arteriovenous malformation of cerebral vessels
Q28.3 Other malformations of cerebral vessels
Q28.9 Congenital malformation of circulatory system, unspecified
Q30.0 Choanal atresia
Q33.2 Sequestration of lung
Q33.3 Agenesis of lung
Q33.6 Congenital hypoplasia and dysplasia of lung
Q40.1 Congenital hiatus hernia
Q67.6 Pectus excavatum
Q67.7 Pectus carinatum
Q87.40 Marfan syndrome, unspecified
Q87.410 Marfan syndrome with aortic dilation
Q87.418 Marfan syndrome with other cardiovascular manifestations
Q87.42 Marfan syndrome with ocular manifestations
Q87.43 Marfan syndrome with skeletal manifestation
Q89.01 Asplenia (congenital)
Q89.09 Congenital malformations of spleen
Q89.3 Situs inversus
Q89.7 Multiple congenital malformations, not elsewhere classified
Q89.9 Congenital malformation, unspecified
Q90.0 Trisomy 21, nonmosaicism (meiotic nondisjunction)
Q90.1 Trisomy 21, mosaicism (mitotic nondisjunction)
Q90.2 Trisomy 21, translocation
Q90.9 Down syndrome, unspecified
Q91.0 Trisomy 18, nonmosaicism (meiotic nondisjunction)
Q91.1 Trisomy 18, mosaicism (mitotic nondisjunction)
Q91.2 Trisomy 18, translocation
Q91.3 Trisomy 18, unspecified
Q91.4 Trisomy 13, nonmosaicism (meiotic nondisjunction)
Q91.5 Trisomy 13, mosaicism (mitotic nondisjunction)
Q91.6 Trisomy 13, translocation
Q91.7 Trisomy 13, unspecified
Q96.0 Karyotype 45, X
Q96.1 Karyotype 46, X iso (Xq)
Q96.2 Karyotype 46, X with abnormal sex chromosome, except iso (Xq)
Q96.3 Mosaicism, 45, X/46, XX or XY
Q96.4 Mosaicism, 45, X/other cell line(s) with abnormal sex chromosome
Q96.8 Other variants of Turner's syndrome
Q96.9 Turner's syndrome, unspecified
R78.81 Bacteremia

Group 3

(343 Codes)
Group 3 Paragraph

Applicable to codes 93350, 93351, 93352, C8928, C8930 (coverage criteria and diagnosis restrictions apply to both the base codes [listed above] and related add-on codes):

Group 3 Codes
Code Description
A18.84 Tuberculosis of heart
I05.1 Rheumatic mitral insufficiency
I05.8 Other rheumatic mitral valve diseases
I06.0 Rheumatic aortic stenosis
I06.1 Rheumatic aortic insufficiency
I06.2 Rheumatic aortic stenosis with insufficiency
I08.0 Rheumatic disorders of both mitral and aortic valves
I08.2 Rheumatic disorders of both aortic and tricuspid valves
I08.8 Other rheumatic multiple valve diseases
I10 Essential (primary) hypertension
I20.0 Unstable angina
I20.1 Angina pectoris with documented spasm
I20.81 Angina pectoris with coronary microvascular dysfunction
I20.89 Other forms of angina pectoris
I20.9 Angina pectoris, unspecified
I21.09 ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction involving other coronary artery of anterior wall
I21.11 ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction involving right coronary artery
I21.19 ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction involving other coronary artery of inferior wall
I21.29 ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction involving other sites
I21.4 Non-ST elevation (NSTEMI) myocardial infarction
I21.9 Acute myocardial infarction, unspecified
I21.A1 Myocardial infarction type 2
I21.A9 Other myocardial infarction type
I21.B Myocardial infarction with coronary microvascular dysfunction
I24.0 Acute coronary thrombosis not resulting in myocardial infarction
I24.1 Dressler's syndrome
I24.81 Acute coronary microvascular dysfunction
I24.89 Other forms of acute ischemic heart disease
I24.9 Acute ischemic heart disease, unspecified
I25.10 Atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery without angina pectoris
I25.110 Atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery with unstable angina pectoris
I25.111 Atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery with angina pectoris with documented spasm
I25.118 Atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery with other forms of angina pectoris
I25.119 Atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery with unspecified angina pectoris
I25.2 Old myocardial infarction
I25.3 Aneurysm of heart
I25.41 Coronary artery aneurysm
I25.42 Coronary artery dissection
I25.5 Ischemic cardiomyopathy
I25.6 Silent myocardial ischemia
I25.700 Atherosclerosis of coronary artery bypass graft(s), unspecified, with unstable angina pectoris
I25.701 Atherosclerosis of coronary artery bypass graft(s), unspecified, with angina pectoris with documented spasm
I25.708 Atherosclerosis of coronary artery bypass graft(s), unspecified, with other forms of angina pectoris
I25.709 Atherosclerosis of coronary artery bypass graft(s), unspecified, with unspecified angina pectoris
I25.710 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein coronary artery bypass graft(s) with unstable angina pectoris
I25.711 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein coronary artery bypass graft(s) with angina pectoris with documented spasm
I25.718 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein coronary artery bypass graft(s) with other forms of angina pectoris
I25.719 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein coronary artery bypass graft(s) with unspecified angina pectoris
I25.720 Atherosclerosis of autologous artery coronary artery bypass graft(s) with unstable angina pectoris
I25.721 Atherosclerosis of autologous artery coronary artery bypass graft(s) with angina pectoris with documented spasm
I25.728 Atherosclerosis of autologous artery coronary artery bypass graft(s) with other forms of angina pectoris
I25.729 Atherosclerosis of autologous artery coronary artery bypass graft(s) with unspecified angina pectoris
I25.730 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological coronary artery bypass graft(s) with unstable angina pectoris
I25.731 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological coronary artery bypass graft(s) with angina pectoris with documented spasm
I25.738 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological coronary artery bypass graft(s) with other forms of angina pectoris
I25.739 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological coronary artery bypass graft(s) with unspecified angina pectoris
I25.750 Atherosclerosis of native coronary artery of transplanted heart with unstable angina
I25.751 Atherosclerosis of native coronary artery of transplanted heart with angina pectoris with documented spasm
I25.758 Atherosclerosis of native coronary artery of transplanted heart with other forms of angina pectoris
I25.759 Atherosclerosis of native coronary artery of transplanted heart with unspecified angina pectoris
I25.760 Atherosclerosis of bypass graft of coronary artery of transplanted heart with unstable angina
I25.761 Atherosclerosis of bypass graft of coronary artery of transplanted heart with angina pectoris with documented spasm
I25.768 Atherosclerosis of bypass graft of coronary artery of transplanted heart with other forms of angina pectoris
I25.769 Atherosclerosis of bypass graft of coronary artery of transplanted heart with unspecified angina pectoris
I25.790 Atherosclerosis of other coronary artery bypass graft(s) with unstable angina pectoris
I25.791 Atherosclerosis of other coronary artery bypass graft(s) with angina pectoris with documented spasm
I25.798 Atherosclerosis of other coronary artery bypass graft(s) with other forms of angina pectoris
I25.799 Atherosclerosis of other coronary artery bypass graft(s) with unspecified angina pectoris
I25.810 Atherosclerosis of coronary artery bypass graft(s) without angina pectoris
I25.811 Atherosclerosis of native coronary artery of transplanted heart without angina pectoris
I25.812 Atherosclerosis of bypass graft of coronary artery of transplanted heart without angina pectoris
I25.82 Chronic total occlusion of coronary artery
I25.89 Other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease
I25.9 Chronic ischemic heart disease, unspecified
I34.0 Nonrheumatic mitral (valve) insufficiency
I34.1 Nonrheumatic mitral (valve) prolapse
I34.2 Nonrheumatic mitral (valve) stenosis
I34.81 Nonrheumatic mitral (valve) annulus calcification
I34.89 Other nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders
I34.9 Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorder, unspecified
I35.0 Nonrheumatic aortic (valve) stenosis
I35.1 Nonrheumatic aortic (valve) insufficiency
I35.2 Nonrheumatic aortic (valve) stenosis with insufficiency
I35.8 Other nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders
I35.9 Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorder, unspecified
I42.0 Dilated cardiomyopathy
I42.1 Obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
I42.2 Other hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
I42.4 Endocardial fibroelastosis
I42.5 Other restrictive cardiomyopathy
I42.6 Alcoholic cardiomyopathy
I42.7 Cardiomyopathy due to drug and external agent
I42.8 Other cardiomyopathies
I42.9 Cardiomyopathy, unspecified
I43 Cardiomyopathy in diseases classified elsewhere
I44.4 Left anterior fascicular block
I44.5 Left posterior fascicular block
I44.60 Unspecified fascicular block
I44.69 Other fascicular block
I44.7 Left bundle-branch block, unspecified
I45.0 Right fascicular block
I45.10 Unspecified right bundle-branch block
I45.19 Other right bundle-branch block
I48.91 Unspecified atrial fibrillation
I50.1 Left ventricular failure, unspecified
I50.20 Unspecified systolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.21 Acute systolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.22 Chronic systolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.23 Acute on chronic systolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.30 Unspecified diastolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.31 Acute diastolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.32 Chronic diastolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.33 Acute on chronic diastolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.40 Unspecified combined systolic (congestive) and diastolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.41 Acute combined systolic (congestive) and diastolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.42 Chronic combined systolic (congestive) and diastolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.43 Acute on chronic combined systolic (congestive) and diastolic (congestive) heart failure
I50.810 Right heart failure, unspecified
I50.811 Acute right heart failure
I50.812 Chronic right heart failure
I50.813 Acute on chronic right heart failure
I50.814 Right heart failure due to left heart failure
I50.82 Biventricular heart failure
I50.83 High output heart failure
I50.84 End stage heart failure
I50.89 Other heart failure
I50.9 Heart failure, unspecified
I51.7 Cardiomegaly
I97.0 Postcardiotomy syndrome
I97.110 Postprocedural cardiac insufficiency following cardiac surgery
I97.111 Postprocedural cardiac insufficiency following other surgery
I97.120 Postprocedural cardiac arrest following cardiac surgery
I97.121 Postprocedural cardiac arrest following other surgery
I97.130 Postprocedural heart failure following cardiac surgery
I97.131 Postprocedural heart failure following other surgery
I97.190 Other postprocedural cardiac functional disturbances following cardiac surgery
I97.191 Other postprocedural cardiac functional disturbances following other surgery
R00.2 Palpitations
R06.00 Dyspnea, unspecified
R06.01 Orthopnea
R06.02 Shortness of breath
R06.03 Acute respiratory distress
R06.09 Other forms of dyspnea
R06.83 Snoring
R06.89 Other abnormalities of breathing
R07.2 Precordial pain
R07.82 Intercostal pain
R07.89 Other chest pain
R07.9 Chest pain, unspecified
R55 Syncope and collapse
R94.31 Abnormal electrocardiogram [ECG] [EKG]
T82.310A Breakdown (mechanical) of aortic (bifurcation) graft (replacement), initial encounter
T82.310D Breakdown (mechanical) of aortic (bifurcation) graft (replacement), subsequent encounter
T82.310S Breakdown (mechanical) of aortic (bifurcation) graft (replacement), sequela
T82.311A Breakdown (mechanical) of carotid arterial graft (bypass), initial encounter
T82.311D Breakdown (mechanical) of carotid arterial graft (bypass), subsequent encounter
T82.311S Breakdown (mechanical) of carotid arterial graft (bypass), sequela
T82.312A Breakdown (mechanical) of femoral arterial graft (bypass), initial encounter
T82.312D Breakdown (mechanical) of femoral arterial graft (bypass), subsequent encounter
T82.312S Breakdown (mechanical) of femoral arterial graft (bypass), sequela
T82.318A Breakdown (mechanical) of other vascular grafts, initial encounter
T82.318D Breakdown (mechanical) of other vascular grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.318S Breakdown (mechanical) of other vascular grafts, sequela
T82.319A Breakdown (mechanical) of unspecified vascular grafts, initial encounter
T82.319D Breakdown (mechanical) of unspecified vascular grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.319S Breakdown (mechanical) of unspecified vascular grafts, sequela
T82.320A Displacement of aortic (bifurcation) graft (replacement), initial encounter
T82.320D Displacement of aortic (bifurcation) graft (replacement), subsequent encounter
T82.320S Displacement of aortic (bifurcation) graft (replacement), sequela
T82.321A Displacement of carotid arterial graft (bypass), initial encounter
T82.321D Displacement of carotid arterial graft (bypass), subsequent encounter
T82.321S Displacement of carotid arterial graft (bypass), sequela
T82.322A Displacement of femoral arterial graft (bypass), initial encounter
T82.322D Displacement of femoral arterial graft (bypass), subsequent encounter
T82.322S Displacement of femoral arterial graft (bypass), sequela
T82.328A Displacement of other vascular grafts, initial encounter
T82.328D Displacement of other vascular grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.328S Displacement of other vascular grafts, sequela
T82.329A Displacement of unspecified vascular grafts, initial encounter
T82.329D Displacement of unspecified vascular grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.329S Displacement of unspecified vascular grafts, sequela
T82.330A Leakage of aortic (bifurcation) graft (replacement), initial encounter
T82.330D Leakage of aortic (bifurcation) graft (replacement), subsequent encounter
T82.330S Leakage of aortic (bifurcation) graft (replacement), sequela
T82.331A Leakage of carotid arterial graft (bypass), initial encounter
T82.331D Leakage of carotid arterial graft (bypass), subsequent encounter
T82.331S Leakage of carotid arterial graft (bypass), sequela
T82.332A Leakage of femoral arterial graft (bypass), initial encounter
T82.332D Leakage of femoral arterial graft (bypass), subsequent encounter
T82.332S Leakage of femoral arterial graft (bypass), sequela
T82.338A Leakage of other vascular grafts, initial encounter
T82.338D Leakage of other vascular grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.338S Leakage of other vascular grafts, sequela
T82.339A Leakage of unspecified vascular graft, initial encounter
T82.339D Leakage of unspecified vascular graft, subsequent encounter
T82.339S Leakage of unspecified vascular graft, sequela
T82.390A Other mechanical complication of aortic (bifurcation) graft (replacement), initial encounter
T82.390D Other mechanical complication of aortic (bifurcation) graft (replacement), subsequent encounter
T82.390S Other mechanical complication of aortic (bifurcation) graft (replacement), sequela
T82.391A Other mechanical complication of carotid arterial graft (bypass), initial encounter
T82.391D Other mechanical complication of carotid arterial graft (bypass), subsequent encounter
T82.391S Other mechanical complication of carotid arterial graft (bypass), sequela
T82.392A Other mechanical complication of femoral arterial graft (bypass), initial encounter
T82.392D Other mechanical complication of femoral arterial graft (bypass), subsequent encounter
T82.392S Other mechanical complication of femoral arterial graft (bypass), sequela
T82.398A Other mechanical complication of other vascular grafts, initial encounter
T82.398D Other mechanical complication of other vascular grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.398S Other mechanical complication of other vascular grafts, sequela
T82.399A Other mechanical complication of unspecified vascular grafts, initial encounter
T82.399D Other mechanical complication of unspecified vascular grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.399S Other mechanical complication of unspecified vascular grafts, sequela
T82.41XA Breakdown (mechanical) of vascular dialysis catheter, initial encounter
T82.41XD Breakdown (mechanical) of vascular dialysis catheter, subsequent encounter
T82.41XS Breakdown (mechanical) of vascular dialysis catheter, sequela
T82.42XA Displacement of vascular dialysis catheter, initial encounter
T82.42XD Displacement of vascular dialysis catheter, subsequent encounter
T82.42XS Displacement of vascular dialysis catheter, sequela
T82.43XA Leakage of vascular dialysis catheter, initial encounter
T82.43XD Leakage of vascular dialysis catheter, subsequent encounter
T82.43XS Leakage of vascular dialysis catheter, sequela
T82.49XA Other complication of vascular dialysis catheter, initial encounter
T82.49XD Other complication of vascular dialysis catheter, subsequent encounter
T82.49XS Other complication of vascular dialysis catheter, sequela
T82.510A Breakdown (mechanical) of surgically created arteriovenous fistula, initial encounter
T82.510D Breakdown (mechanical) of surgically created arteriovenous fistula, subsequent encounter
T82.510S Breakdown (mechanical) of surgically created arteriovenous fistula, sequela
T82.511A Breakdown (mechanical) of surgically created arteriovenous shunt, initial encounter
T82.511D Breakdown (mechanical) of surgically created arteriovenous shunt, subsequent encounter
T82.511S Breakdown (mechanical) of surgically created arteriovenous shunt, sequela
T82.513A Breakdown (mechanical) of balloon (counterpulsation) device, initial encounter
T82.513D Breakdown (mechanical) of balloon (counterpulsation) device, subsequent encounter
T82.513S Breakdown (mechanical) of balloon (counterpulsation) device, sequela
T82.514A Breakdown (mechanical) of infusion catheter, initial encounter
T82.514D Breakdown (mechanical) of infusion catheter, subsequent encounter
T82.514S Breakdown (mechanical) of infusion catheter, sequela
T82.515A Breakdown (mechanical) of umbrella device, initial encounter
T82.515D Breakdown (mechanical) of umbrella device, subsequent encounter
T82.515S Breakdown (mechanical) of umbrella device, sequela
T82.518A Breakdown (mechanical) of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82.518D Breakdown (mechanical) of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, subsequent encounter
T82.518S Breakdown (mechanical) of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, sequela
T82.520A Displacement of surgically created arteriovenous fistula, initial encounter
T82.520D Displacement of surgically created arteriovenous fistula, subsequent encounter
T82.520S Displacement of surgically created arteriovenous fistula, sequela
T82.521A Displacement of surgically created arteriovenous shunt, initial encounter
T82.521D Displacement of surgically created arteriovenous shunt, subsequent encounter
T82.521S Displacement of surgically created arteriovenous shunt, sequela
T82.523A Displacement of balloon (counterpulsation) device, initial encounter
T82.523D Displacement of balloon (counterpulsation) device, subsequent encounter
T82.523S Displacement of balloon (counterpulsation) device, sequela
T82.524A Displacement of infusion catheter, initial encounter
T82.524D Displacement of infusion catheter, subsequent encounter
T82.524S Displacement of infusion catheter, sequela
T82.525A Displacement of umbrella device, initial encounter
T82.525D Displacement of umbrella device, subsequent encounter
T82.525S Displacement of umbrella device, sequela
T82.528A Displacement of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82.528D Displacement of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, subsequent encounter
T82.528S Displacement of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, sequela
T82.529A Displacement of unspecified cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82.529D Displacement of unspecified cardiac and vascular devices and implants, subsequent encounter
T82.529S Displacement of unspecified cardiac and vascular devices and implants, sequela
T82.530A Leakage of surgically created arteriovenous fistula, initial encounter
T82.530D Leakage of surgically created arteriovenous fistula, subsequent encounter
T82.530S Leakage of surgically created arteriovenous fistula, sequela
T82.531A Leakage of surgically created arteriovenous shunt, initial encounter
T82.531D Leakage of surgically created arteriovenous shunt, subsequent encounter
T82.531S Leakage of surgically created arteriovenous shunt, sequela
T82.533A Leakage of balloon (counterpulsation) device, initial encounter
T82.533D Leakage of balloon (counterpulsation) device, subsequent encounter
T82.533S Leakage of balloon (counterpulsation) device, sequela
T82.534A Leakage of infusion catheter, initial encounter
T82.534D Leakage of infusion catheter, subsequent encounter
T82.534S Leakage of infusion catheter, sequela
T82.535A Leakage of umbrella device, initial encounter
T82.535D Leakage of umbrella device, subsequent encounter
T82.535S Leakage of umbrella device, sequela
T82.538A Leakage of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82.538D Leakage of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, subsequent encounter
T82.538S Leakage of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, sequela
T82.590A Other mechanical complication of surgically created arteriovenous fistula, initial encounter
T82.590D Other mechanical complication of surgically created arteriovenous fistula, subsequent encounter
T82.590S Other mechanical complication of surgically created arteriovenous fistula, sequela
T82.591A Other mechanical complication of surgically created arteriovenous shunt, initial encounter
T82.591D Other mechanical complication of surgically created arteriovenous shunt, subsequent encounter
T82.591S Other mechanical complication of surgically created arteriovenous shunt, sequela
T82.593A Other mechanical complication of balloon (counterpulsation) device, initial encounter
T82.593D Other mechanical complication of balloon (counterpulsation) device, subsequent encounter
T82.593S Other mechanical complication of balloon (counterpulsation) device, sequela
T82.594A Other mechanical complication of infusion catheter, initial encounter
T82.594D Other mechanical complication of infusion catheter, subsequent encounter
T82.594S Other mechanical complication of infusion catheter, sequela
T82.595A Other mechanical complication of umbrella device, initial encounter
T82.595D Other mechanical complication of umbrella device, subsequent encounter
T82.595S Other mechanical complication of umbrella device, sequela
T82.598A Other mechanical complication of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, initial encounter
T82.598D Other mechanical complication of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, subsequent encounter
T82.598S Other mechanical complication of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants, sequela
T82.817A Embolism due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
T82.817D Embolism due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.817S Embolism due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, sequela
T82.827A Fibrosis due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
T82.827D Fibrosis due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.827S Fibrosis due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, sequela
T82.837A Hemorrhage due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
T82.837D Hemorrhage due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.837S Hemorrhage due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, sequela
T82.847A Pain due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
T82.847D Pain due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.847S Pain due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, sequela
T82.855A - T82.855S Stenosis of coronary artery stent, initial encounter - Stenosis of coronary artery stent, sequela
T82.856A - T82.856S Stenosis of peripheral vascular stent, initial encounter - Stenosis of peripheral vascular stent, sequela
T82.857A Stenosis of other cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
T82.857D Stenosis of other cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.857S Stenosis of other cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, sequela
T82.867A Thrombosis due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
T82.867D Thrombosis due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.867S Thrombosis due to cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, sequela
T82.897A Other specified complication of cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, initial encounter
T82.897D Other specified complication of cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, subsequent encounter
T82.897S Other specified complication of cardiac prosthetic devices, implants and grafts, sequela
T82.9XXA Unspecified complication of cardiac and vascular prosthetic device, implant and graft, initial encounter
T82.9XXD Unspecified complication of cardiac and vascular prosthetic device, implant and graft, subsequent encounter
T82.9XXS Unspecified complication of cardiac and vascular prosthetic device, implant and graft, sequela
T86.20 Unspecified complication of heart transplant
T86.21 Heart transplant rejection
T86.22 Heart transplant failure
T86.23 Heart transplant infection
T86.290 Cardiac allograft vasculopathy
T86.298 Other complications of heart transplant
T86.30 Unspecified complication of heart-lung transplant
T86.31 Heart-lung transplant rejection
T86.32 Heart-lung transplant failure
T86.33 Heart-lung transplant infection
T86.39 Other complications of heart-lung transplant
Z01.810 Encounter for preprocedural cardiovascular examination
Z79.3 Long term (current) use of hormonal contraceptives
Z79.891 Long term (current) use of opiate analgesic
Z79.899 Other long term (current) drug therapy

Group 4

(24 Codes)
Group 4 Paragraph

The following diagnoses are covered for CPT codes 76376 and 76377 when performed for 3-D imaging following CPT codes 93303, 93304, 93306, 93307, or 93308:

ICD-10 codes I08.1, I08.3, I08.9, I34.0, I34.1, I34.8, and I34.9 are payable when billed with CPT codes 93306, 93307, or 93308 only.

ICD-10 code Q23.4 is payable when billed with CPT codes 93303, 93304 only.

Group 4 Codes
Code Description
I05.0 Rheumatic mitral stenosis
I05.1 Rheumatic mitral insufficiency
I05.2 Rheumatic mitral stenosis with insufficiency
I05.8 Other rheumatic mitral valve diseases
I05.9 Rheumatic mitral valve disease, unspecified
I08.0 Rheumatic disorders of both mitral and aortic valves
I08.1 Rheumatic disorders of both mitral and tricuspid valves
I08.3 Combined rheumatic disorders of mitral, aortic and tricuspid valves
I08.8 Other rheumatic multiple valve diseases
I08.9 Rheumatic multiple valve disease, unspecified
I23.4 Rupture of chordae tendineae as current complication following acute myocardial infarction
I23.5 Rupture of papillary muscle as current complication following acute myocardial infarction
I33.0 Acute and subacute infective endocarditis
I34.0 Nonrheumatic mitral (valve) insufficiency
I34.1 Nonrheumatic mitral (valve) prolapse
I34.81 Nonrheumatic mitral (valve) annulus calcification
I34.89 Other nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders
I34.9 Nonrheumatic mitral valve disorder, unspecified
I39 Endocarditis and heart valve disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
I51.1 Rupture of chordae tendineae, not elsewhere classified
I51.2 Rupture of papillary muscle, not elsewhere classified
Q23.2 Congenital mitral stenosis
Q23.3 Congenital mitral insufficiency
Q23.4 Hypoplastic left heart syndrome

ICD-10-CM Codes that DO NOT Support Medical Necessity

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



ICD-10-PCS Codes

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



Additional ICD-10 Information


Bill Type Codes

Contractors may specify Bill Types to help providers identify those Bill Types typically used to report this service. Absence of a Bill Type does not guarantee that the article does not apply to that Bill Type. Complete absence of all Bill Types indicates that coverage is not influenced by Bill Type and the article should be assumed to apply equally to all claims.

Code Description

Please accept the License to see the codes.


Revenue Codes

Contractors may specify Revenue Codes to help providers identify those Revenue Codes typically used to report this service. In most instances Revenue Codes are purely advisory. Unless specified in the article, services reported under other Revenue Codes are equally subject to this coverage determination. Complete absence of all Revenue Codes indicates that coverage is not influenced by Revenue Code and the article should be assumed to apply equally to all Revenue Codes.

Code Description

Please accept the License to see the codes.


Other Coding Information

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



Coding Table Information

Excluded CPT/HCPCS Codes - Table Format
Code Descriptor Generic Name Descriptor Brand Name Exclusion Effective Date Exclusion End Date Reason for Exclusion
Non-Excluded CPT/HCPCS Ended Codes - Table Format
Code Descriptor Generic Name Descriptor Brand Name Exclusion Effective Date Exclusion End Date Reason for Exclusion

Revision History Information

Revision History Date Revision History Number Revision History Explanation
03/21/2024 R9

Added the following ICD-10-CM codes to Group1- ICD-10-CM Codes that Support Medical Necessity section: I26.90, I26.93, I26.94, effective for services rendered on or after 3/21/2024.


10/01/2023 R8

Revision history for 10/1/2023 omitted ICD-10 code I21.B from additions for groups 1 and 3.

Updated to indicate the article is an LCD reference article.

10/01/2023 R7

Due to the annual ICD-10 updates for 2024, the following coding has been revised:

  • ICD-10 code 120.8 has been deleted and codes I20.81 and I20.89 were added to groups 1 and 3.
  • ICD-10 code I24.8 has been deleted and codes I24.81 and I24.89 were added to groups 1 and 3.
  • ICD-10 code I47.1 has been deleted and codes I47.10, I47.11 and I47.19 were added to group 1.
  • ICD-10 codes A41.54, K68.2, K68.3 and R40.2A were added to group 1.
  • For the following ICD-10 codes, descriptions were changed in the in the Covered ICD-10 Codes field:
    I71.51 descriptor was changed in Group 1
    I71.52 descriptor was changed in Group 1
    I71.61 descriptor was changed in Group 1
    I71.62 descriptor was changed in Group 1
    Q87.40 descriptor was changed in Group 1
    Q87.410 descriptor was changed in Group 1
    Q87.418 descriptor was changed in Group 1
    Q87.42 descriptor was changed in Group 1
    Q87.43 descriptor was changed in Group 1
    Q87.40 descriptor was changed in Group 2
    Q87.410 descriptor was changed in Group 2
    Q87.418 descriptor was changed in Group 2
    Q87.42 descriptor was changed in Group 2
    Q87.43 descriptor was changed in Group 2
10/01/2022 R6

ICD-10 codes I71.02 and I71.03 were added to Group 1 diagnoses after being omitted from the previous article version.

10/01/2022 R5

Due to the annual ICD-10 updates for 2023, these coding changes have been made:

For group 1, ICD-10 code I31.3 is deleted and replaced by I31.31 and I31.39;

ICD-10 code I34.8 is deleted and replaced by I34.81 and I34.89;

ICD-10 code I47.2 is deleted and replaced by I47.20, I47.21 and I47.29;

ICD-10 code I71.01 is deleted and replaced by I71.010, I71.011, I71.012, and I71.019;

ICD-10 code I71.1 is deleted and replaced by I71.10, I71.11, I71.12, and I71.13;

ICD-10 code I71.2 is deleted and replaced by I71.20, I71.21, I71.22 and I71.23;

ICD-10 code I71.5 is deleted and replaced by I71.50, I71. 51, and I71.52;

ICD-10 code I71.6 is deleted and replaced by I71.60, I71.61, and I71.62;

ICD-10 code Q21.1 is deleted and replaced by Q21.10, Q21.11, Q21.12, Q21.13, Q21.14, Q21.15, Q21.16 and Q21.19;  

ICD-10 code Q21.2 is deleted and replaced by Q21.20, Q21.21, Q21.22 and Q21.23;

ICD-10 code I77.82 was added.

For group 2, ICD-10 code P28.3 is deleted and replaced by P28.30, P28.31, P28.32, P28.33 and P28.39;

ICD-10 code P28.4 is deleted and replaced by P28.40, P28.41, P28.42, P28.43 and P28.49;

ICD-10 code Q21.1 is deleted and replaced by Q21.10, Q21.11, Q21.12, Q21.13, Q21.14, Q21.15, Q21.16 and Q21.19;

ICD-10 code Q21.2 is deleted and replaced by Q21.20, Q21.21, Q21.22 and Q21.23.

For groups 3 and 4, ICD-10 code I34.8 is deleted and replaced by I34.81 and I34.89.

01/01/2022 R4

Due to the 2022 annual CPT updates, CPT code 93319 has been added to the list of codes, guidelines, and to group 2 ICD-10 covered diagnoses.

03/19/2020 R3

Article revised to add ICD-10 codes I12.0, I12.9, I13.10 and I13.11 to Group 1. As a result of these additions, Group 3 became redundant and has been deleted. Groups 4 and 5 have been renumbered to Group 3 and 4.

10/01/2019 R2

Article revised for annual ICD-10 updates for 2020. ICD-10 codes I48.11, I48.19, I48.20, and I48.21 have replaced deleted codes I48.1 and I48.2 in Group 1.

Reference to CPT code 75571 was deleted.

The article was converted to the new Billing and Coding Article type.

Bill types and Revenue codes have been removed from this article. Guidance on these codes is available in the Bill type and Revenue code sections.

08/01/2019 R1

Reinstated coding instructions for Group 1 ICD-10 codes that were omitted from the previous version of the article.


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Updated On Effective Dates Status
12/19/2024 01/01/2025 - N/A Currently in Effect View
09/17/2024 10/01/2024 - 12/31/2024 Superseded View
03/07/2024 03/21/2024 - 09/30/2024 Superseded You are here
11/20/2023 10/01/2023 - 03/20/2024 Superseded View
09/21/2023 10/01/2023 - N/A Superseded View
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