LCD Reference Article Billing and Coding Article

Billing and Coding: Psychiatric Partial Hospitalization Programs


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Draft Article
Draft Articles are works in progress and not necessarily a reflection of the current billing and coding practices. Revisions to codes are carefully and thoroughly reviewed and are not intended to change the original intent of the LCD.

Document Note

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Contractor Information

Article Information

General Information

Source Article ID
Article ID
Original ICD-9 Article ID
Not Applicable
Article Title
Billing and Coding: Psychiatric Partial Hospitalization Programs
Article Type
Billing and Coding
Original Effective Date
Revision Effective Date
Revision Ending Date
Retirement Date

CPT codes, descriptions, and other data only are copyright 2024 American Medical Association. All Rights Reserved. Applicable FARS/HHSARS apply.

Fee schedules, relative value units, conversion factors and/or related components are not assigned by the AMA, are not part of CPT, and the AMA is not recommending their use. The AMA does not directly or indirectly practice medicine or dispense medical services. The AMA assumes no liability for data contained or not contained herein.

Current Dental Terminology © 2024 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2024, the American Hospital Association, Chicago, Illinois. Reproduced with permission. No portion of the AHA copyrighted materials contained within this publication may be copied without the express written consent of the AHA. AHA copyrighted materials including the UB‐04 codes and descriptions may not be removed, copied, or utilized within any software, product, service, solution, or derivative work without the written consent of the AHA. If an entity wishes to utilize any AHA materials, please contact the AHA at 312‐893‐6816.

Making copies or utilizing the content of the UB‐04 Manual, including the codes and/or descriptions, for internal purposes, resale and/or to be used in any product or publication; creating any modified or derivative work of the UB‐04 Manual and/or codes and descriptions; and/or making any commercial use of UB‐04 Manual or any portion thereof, including the codes and/or descriptions, is only authorized with an express license from the American Hospital Association. The American Hospital Association (the "AHA") has not reviewed, and is not responsible for, the completeness or accuracy of any information contained in this material, nor was the AHA or any of its affiliates, involved in the preparation of this material, or the analysis of information provided in the material. The views and/or positions presented in the material do not necessarily represent the views of the AHA. CMS and its products and services are not endorsed by the AHA or any of its affiliates.

CMS National Coverage Policy


Article Guidance

Article Text

This article contains coding and other guidelines that complement the Local Coverage Determination (LCD) for Psychiatric Partial Hospitalization Programs.

National Coverage Provisions:

Professional Services Related to Psychiatric Partial Hospitalization:

Note: The following billing requirements also apply to CMHC providers. (See CMS Publication 100-04, Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 4, Section 260.1 [B].)
The professional services listed below when provided in all hospital outpatient departments are separately covered and paid as the professional services of physicians and other practitioners. These professional services are unbundled and these practitioners bill the Medicare Part B carrier directly for the professional services furnished to hospital outpatient partial hospitalization patients. The hospital can also serve as a billing agent for these professionals by billing the Part B carrier on their behalf under their billing number for their professional services. The following direct professional services are unbundled and not paid as partial hospitalization services:

• Physician services that meet the criteria of 42 CFR 415.102, for payment on a fee schedule basis;

• Physician assistant (PA) services as defined in §1861(s)(2)(K)(i) of the Act;

• Nurse practitioner and clinical nurse specialist services, as defined in §1861(s)(2)(K)(ii) of the Act; and

• Clinical psychologist services as defined in §1861(ii) of the Act.

The services of other practitioners (including clinical social workers and occupational therapists), are bundled when furnished to hospital patients, including partial hospitalization patients. The hospital must bill the contractor for such nonphysician practitioner services as partial hospitalization services. [P] ayment for the services [is made] to the hospital.

See CMS Publication 100-04, Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 4, Section 260.1.1[C] for billing requirements for CMHCs.

Patients admitted to a partial hospitalization program must require a minimum of 20 hours per week of therapeutic services, as evidenced by their plan of care.

Coding Information:

Procedure codes may be subject to National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) edits or OPPS packaging edits. Refer to NCCI and OPPS requirements prior to billing Medicare.

For services requiring a referring/ordering physician, the name and NPI of the referring/ordering physician must be reported on the claim.

A claim submitted without a valid ICD-10-CM diagnosis code will be returned to the provider as an incomplete claim under Section 1833(e) of the Social Security Act.

The diagnosis code(s) must best describe the patient's condition for which the service was performed. For diagnostic tests, report the result of the test if known; otherwise the symptoms prompting the performance of the test should be reported.

Documentations Requirements:

The patient's medical record must contain documentation that fully supports the medical necessity for services included within the LCD. (See "Indications and Limitations of Coverage." in LCD) This documentation includes, but is not limited to, relevant medical history, physical examination, and results of pertinent diagnostic tests or procedures.

Upon admission, a certification by the physician (MD/DO) must be made that the patient admitted to the partial hospitalization program would require inpatient psychiatric hospitalization if the partial hospitalization services were not provided and must include an attestation that the services are furnished while the individual is under the care of a physician, and that the services are furnished under an individualized written plan of care.

Recertification must be signed by a physician who is treating the patient and has knowledge of the patient's response to treatment. The first recertification is required as of the 18 th day of partial hospitalization services. Subsequent recertifications are required at intervals established by the provider, but no less frequently than every 30 days [i.e., no less frequently than every 30 days following the first recertification which must be made as of the 18 th day of partial hospitalization services]. The recertification must specify that the patient would otherwise require inpatient psychiatric care in the absence of continued stay in the partial hospitalization program and describe the following:

  • The patient's response to the therapeutic interventions provided by the partial hospitalization program.
  • The patient's psychiatric symptoms that continue to place the patient at risk of hospitalization.
  • Treatment goals for coordination of services to facilitate discharge from the partial hospitalization program.

The initial psychiatric evaluation with medical history and physical examination must be performed and placed in the chart within 48 hours of admission in order to establish medical necessity for partial hospitalization services. If the patient is being discharged from an inpatient psychiatric admission to a partial hospitalization program, the psychiatric evaluation, medical history, and physical examination from that admission with appropriate update is acceptable. In order to support the medical necessity of admission to the partial hospitalization program, the documentation in the initial psychiatric evaluation should include the following items:

  • Patient's chief complaint;
  • Description of acute illness or exacerbation of chronic illness requiring admission;
  • Current medical history, including medications and evidence of failure at or inability to benefit from a less intensive outpatient program;
  • Past psychiatric and medical history;
  • History of substance abuse;
  • Family, vocational and social history, including documentation of an adequate support system to sustain/maintain the patient outside the partial hospitalization program;
  • Mental status examination, including general appearance and behavior, orientation, affect, motor activity, thought content, long and short term memory, estimate of intelligence, capacity for self harm and harm to others, insight, judgment, capacity for activities of daily living (ADLs);
  • Physical examination (if not done within the past 30 days and available for inclusion in the medical record);
  • Formulation of the patient's status, including an assessment of the reasonable expectation that the patient will make timely and significant practical improvement in the presenting acute symptoms as a result of the partial hospitalization program;
  • ICD-10-CM/DSM-IV-TR™ diagnoses, including all five axes of the multiaxial assessment as described in the DSM-IV-TR;
  • Treatment plan, including long and short term goals related to the active treatment of the reason for admission, and types, amount, duration, and frequency of therapy services, including activity therapy, required to address the goals.

A team approach may be used in developing the initial psychiatric evaluation, but the physician (MD/DO) must document the mental status examination, physical examination, formulation, diagnosis, treatment plan, and certification.

Partial hospitalization is active treatment that incorporates an individualized treatment plan, which describes a coordination of services wrapped around the particular needs of the patient, and includes a multidisciplinary team approach to patient care. The treatment plan is established by the physician, in consultation with appropriate staff members, and should be reviewed according to the changing needs of the patient's acute psychiatric illness, but never less than every 31 days. The treatment plan should be reviewed more frequently if the severity of the clinical condition or changes in the clinical condition of the patient (e.g., change of medication) make it reasonable to do so. The long and short-term treatment goals described in the treatment plan are the basis for evaluating the patient's response to treatment. Treatment goals should be designed to measure the response to treatment, for this relationship will be used in determining whether services are medically necessary. The treatment goals should be measurable, functional, time-framed, and directly related to the reason for admission. The treatment plan must include the specific treatments ordered, including reference to psychotropic medication management, the expected timeframes and outcomes for each treatment, and the discharge plan.

Section 1833(e) of the Social Security Act requires services to be documented in order for payment to be made. Therefore, a separate progress note is required for each service rendered (e.g., HCPCS or revenue code billed). The progress note should be written by the team member rendering the service and should include a description of the nature of the treatment service, the patient's status (behavior, verbalizations, mental status) during the course of the service, the patient's response to the therapeutic intervention and its relation to the long or short term goals in the treatment plan. Each progress note should be legible, dated and signed, and include the credentials of the rendering provider. Documentation of group therapy sessions must indicate the name of the group, group type, an indication of the material under discussion, and the patient's response to the treatment encounter.

Response To Comments

Number Comment Response

Coding Information

Bill Type Codes

Code Description

Please accept the License to see the codes.


Revenue Codes

Code Description

Please accept the License to see the codes.



Please accept the License to see the codes.


CPT/HCPCS Modifiers

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



ICD-10-CM Codes that Support Medical Necessity

Group 1

(231 Codes)
Group 1 Paragraph

The correct use of an ICD-10-CM code listed below does not assure coverage of a service. The service must be reasonable and necessary in the specific case and must meet the criteria specified in the related determination.

The codes selected are those codes which appear in the ICD-10-CM and that are defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV-TR).

Group 1 Codes
Code Description
F06.0 Psychotic disorder with hallucinations due to known physiological condition
F06.2 Psychotic disorder with delusions due to known physiological condition
F06.31 Mood disorder due to known physiological condition with depressive features
F06.32 Mood disorder due to known physiological condition with major depressive-like episode
F06.33 Mood disorder due to known physiological condition with manic features
F06.34 Mood disorder due to known physiological condition with mixed features
F06.4 Anxiety disorder due to known physiological condition
F10.14 Alcohol abuse with alcohol-induced mood disorder
F10.151 Alcohol abuse with alcohol-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations
F10.180 Alcohol abuse with alcohol-induced anxiety disorder
F10.181 Alcohol abuse with alcohol-induced sexual dysfunction
F10.188 Alcohol abuse with other alcohol-induced disorder
F10.20 Alcohol dependence, uncomplicated
F10.24 Alcohol dependence with alcohol-induced mood disorder
F10.251 Alcohol dependence with alcohol-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations
F10.280 Alcohol dependence with alcohol-induced anxiety disorder
F10.281 Alcohol dependence with alcohol-induced sexual dysfunction
F10.288 Alcohol dependence with other alcohol-induced disorder
F11.13 Opioid abuse with withdrawal
F11.14 Opioid abuse with opioid-induced mood disorder
F11.150 Opioid abuse with opioid-induced psychotic disorder with delusions
F11.151 Opioid abuse with opioid-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations
F11.181 Opioid abuse with opioid-induced sexual dysfunction
F11.188 Opioid abuse with other opioid-induced disorder
F11.20 Opioid dependence, uncomplicated
F11.222 Opioid dependence with intoxication with perceptual disturbance
F11.24 Opioid dependence with opioid-induced mood disorder
F11.250 Opioid dependence with opioid-induced psychotic disorder with delusions
F11.251 Opioid dependence with opioid-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations
F11.281 Opioid dependence with opioid-induced sexual dysfunction
F11.288 Opioid dependence with other opioid-induced disorder
F12.122 Cannabis abuse with intoxication with perceptual disturbance
F12.13 Cannabis abuse with withdrawal
F12.150 Cannabis abuse with psychotic disorder with delusions
F12.151 Cannabis abuse with psychotic disorder with hallucinations
F12.180 Cannabis abuse with cannabis-induced anxiety disorder
F12.188 Cannabis abuse with other cannabis-induced disorder
F12.222 Cannabis dependence with intoxication with perceptual disturbance
F12.250 Cannabis dependence with psychotic disorder with delusions
F12.251 Cannabis dependence with psychotic disorder with hallucinations
F12.280 Cannabis dependence with cannabis-induced anxiety disorder
F12.288 Cannabis dependence with other cannabis-induced disorder
F13.130 Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse with withdrawal, uncomplicated
F13.131 Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse with withdrawal delirium
F13.132 Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse with withdrawal with perceptual disturbance
F13.139 Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse with withdrawal, unspecified
F13.14 Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced mood disorder
F13.150 Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder with delusions
F13.151 Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations
F13.180 Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced anxiety disorder
F13.181 Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced sexual dysfunction
F13.188 Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse with other sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced disorder
F13.20 Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence, uncomplicated
F13.24 Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced mood disorder
F13.250 Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder with delusions
F13.251 Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations
F13.280 Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced anxiety disorder
F13.281 Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence with sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced sexual dysfunction
F13.288 Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic dependence with other sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic-induced disorder
F14.122 Cocaine abuse with intoxication with perceptual disturbance
F14.13 Cocaine abuse, unspecified with withdrawal
F14.14 Cocaine abuse with cocaine-induced mood disorder
F14.150 Cocaine abuse with cocaine-induced psychotic disorder with delusions
F14.151 Cocaine abuse with cocaine-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations
F14.180 Cocaine abuse with cocaine-induced anxiety disorder
F14.181 Cocaine abuse with cocaine-induced sexual dysfunction
F14.188 Cocaine abuse with other cocaine-induced disorder
F14.20 Cocaine dependence, uncomplicated
F14.222 Cocaine dependence with intoxication with perceptual disturbance
F14.24 Cocaine dependence with cocaine-induced mood disorder
F14.250 Cocaine dependence with cocaine-induced psychotic disorder with delusions
F14.251 Cocaine dependence with cocaine-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations
F14.280 Cocaine dependence with cocaine-induced anxiety disorder
F14.281 Cocaine dependence with cocaine-induced sexual dysfunction
F14.288 Cocaine dependence with other cocaine-induced disorder
F14.93 Cocaine use, unspecified with withdrawal
F15.122 Other stimulant abuse with intoxication with perceptual disturbance
F15.13 Other stimulant abuse with withdrawal
F15.14 Other stimulant abuse with stimulant-induced mood disorder
F15.150 Other stimulant abuse with stimulant-induced psychotic disorder with delusions
F15.151 Other stimulant abuse with stimulant-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations
F15.180 Other stimulant abuse with stimulant-induced anxiety disorder
F15.181 Other stimulant abuse with stimulant-induced sexual dysfunction
F15.188 Other stimulant abuse with other stimulant-induced disorder
F15.20 Other stimulant dependence, uncomplicated
F15.222 Other stimulant dependence with intoxication with perceptual disturbance
F15.24 Other stimulant dependence with stimulant-induced mood disorder
F15.250 Other stimulant dependence with stimulant-induced psychotic disorder with delusions
F15.251 Other stimulant dependence with stimulant-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations
F15.280 Other stimulant dependence with stimulant-induced anxiety disorder
F15.281 Other stimulant dependence with stimulant-induced sexual dysfunction
F15.288 Other stimulant dependence with other stimulant-induced disorder
F16.122 Hallucinogen abuse with intoxication with perceptual disturbance
F16.14 Hallucinogen abuse with hallucinogen-induced mood disorder
F16.150 Hallucinogen abuse with hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder with delusions
F16.151 Hallucinogen abuse with hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations
F16.180 Hallucinogen abuse with hallucinogen-induced anxiety disorder
F16.183 Hallucinogen abuse with hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (flashbacks)
F16.188 Hallucinogen abuse with other hallucinogen-induced disorder
F16.24 Hallucinogen dependence with hallucinogen-induced mood disorder
F16.250 Hallucinogen dependence with hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder with delusions
F16.251 Hallucinogen dependence with hallucinogen-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations
F16.280 Hallucinogen dependence with hallucinogen-induced anxiety disorder
F16.283 Hallucinogen dependence with hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (flashbacks)
F16.288 Hallucinogen dependence with other hallucinogen-induced disorder
F17.218 Nicotine dependence, cigarettes, with other nicotine-induced disorders
F17.228 Nicotine dependence, chewing tobacco, with other nicotine-induced disorders
F17.298 Nicotine dependence, other tobacco product, with other nicotine-induced disorders
F18.14 Inhalant abuse with inhalant-induced mood disorder
F18.150 Inhalant abuse with inhalant-induced psychotic disorder with delusions
F18.151 Inhalant abuse with inhalant-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations
F18.180 Inhalant abuse with inhalant-induced anxiety disorder
F18.188 Inhalant abuse with other inhalant-induced disorder
F18.24 Inhalant dependence with inhalant-induced mood disorder
F18.250 Inhalant dependence with inhalant-induced psychotic disorder with delusions
F18.251 Inhalant dependence with inhalant-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations
F18.280 Inhalant dependence with inhalant-induced anxiety disorder
F18.288 Inhalant dependence with other inhalant-induced disorder
F19.122 Other psychoactive substance abuse with intoxication with perceptual disturbances
F19.130 Other psychoactive substance abuse with withdrawal, uncomplicated
F19.131 Other psychoactive substance abuse with withdrawal delirium
F19.132 Other psychoactive substance abuse with withdrawal with perceptual disturbance
F19.14 Other psychoactive substance abuse with psychoactive substance-induced mood disorder
F19.150 Other psychoactive substance abuse with psychoactive substance-induced psychotic disorder with delusions
F19.151 Other psychoactive substance abuse with psychoactive substance-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations
F19.180 Other psychoactive substance abuse with psychoactive substance-induced anxiety disorder
F19.181 Other psychoactive substance abuse with psychoactive substance-induced sexual dysfunction
F19.188 Other psychoactive substance abuse with other psychoactive substance-induced disorder
F19.20 Other psychoactive substance dependence, uncomplicated
F19.222 Other psychoactive substance dependence with intoxication with perceptual disturbance
F19.24 Other psychoactive substance dependence with psychoactive substance-induced mood disorder
F19.250 Other psychoactive substance dependence with psychoactive substance-induced psychotic disorder with delusions
F19.251 Other psychoactive substance dependence with psychoactive substance-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations
F19.280 Other psychoactive substance dependence with psychoactive substance-induced anxiety disorder
F19.281 Other psychoactive substance dependence with psychoactive substance-induced sexual dysfunction
F19.288 Other psychoactive substance dependence with other psychoactive substance-induced disorder
F20.0 Paranoid schizophrenia
F20.1 Disorganized schizophrenia
F20.2 Catatonic schizophrenia
F20.3 Undifferentiated schizophrenia
F20.81 Schizophreniform disorder
F22 Delusional disorders
F23 Brief psychotic disorder
F24 Shared psychotic disorder
F25.0 Schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type
F25.1 Schizoaffective disorder, depressive type
F25.8 Other schizoaffective disorders
F28 Other psychotic disorder not due to a substance or known physiological condition
F30.11 Manic episode without psychotic symptoms, mild
F30.12 Manic episode without psychotic symptoms, moderate
F30.13 Manic episode, severe, without psychotic symptoms
F30.2 Manic episode, severe with psychotic symptoms
F30.3 Manic episode in partial remission
F31.11 Bipolar disorder, current episode manic without psychotic features, mild
F31.12 Bipolar disorder, current episode manic without psychotic features, moderate
F31.13 Bipolar disorder, current episode manic without psychotic features, severe
F31.2 Bipolar disorder, current episode manic severe with psychotic features
F31.31 Bipolar disorder, current episode depressed, mild
F31.32 Bipolar disorder, current episode depressed, moderate
F31.4 Bipolar disorder, current episode depressed, severe, without psychotic features
F31.5 Bipolar disorder, current episode depressed, severe, with psychotic features
F31.61 Bipolar disorder, current episode mixed, mild
F31.62 Bipolar disorder, current episode mixed, moderate
F31.63 Bipolar disorder, current episode mixed, severe, without psychotic features
F31.64 Bipolar disorder, current episode mixed, severe, with psychotic features
F31.71 Bipolar disorder, in partial remission, most recent episode hypomanic
F31.72 Bipolar disorder, in full remission, most recent episode hypomanic
F31.73 Bipolar disorder, in partial remission, most recent episode manic
F31.75 Bipolar disorder, in partial remission, most recent episode depressed
F31.77 Bipolar disorder, in partial remission, most recent episode mixed
F31.81 Bipolar II disorder
F32.0 Major depressive disorder, single episode, mild
F32.1 Major depressive disorder, single episode, moderate
F32.2 Major depressive disorder, single episode, severe without psychotic features
F32.3 Major depressive disorder, single episode, severe with psychotic features
F32.4 Major depressive disorder, single episode, in partial remission
F32.81 Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
F32.89 Other specified depressive episodes
F33.0 Major depressive disorder, recurrent, mild
F33.1 Major depressive disorder, recurrent, moderate
F33.2 Major depressive disorder, recurrent severe without psychotic features
F33.3 Major depressive disorder, recurrent, severe with psychotic symptoms
F33.41 Major depressive disorder, recurrent, in partial remission
F34.81 Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
F34.89 Other specified persistent mood disorders
F40.01 Agoraphobia with panic disorder
F42.2 Mixed obsessional thoughts and acts
F42.3 Hoarding disorder
F42.4 Excoriation (skin-picking) disorder
F42.8 Other obsessive-compulsive disorder
F42.9 Obsessive-compulsive disorder, unspecified
F43.0 Acute stress reaction
F50.010 Anorexia nervosa, restricting type, mild
F50.011 Anorexia nervosa, restricting type, moderate
F50.012 Anorexia nervosa, restricting type, severe
F50.013 Anorexia nervosa, restricting type, extreme
F50.014 Anorexia nervosa, restricting type, in remission
F50.019 Anorexia nervosa, restricting type, unspecified
F50.020 Anorexia nervosa, binge eating/purging type, mild
F50.021 Anorexia nervosa, binge eating/purging type, moderate
F50.022 Anorexia nervosa, binge eating/purging type, severe
F50.023 Anorexia nervosa, binge eating/purging type, extreme
F50.024 Anorexia nervosa, binge eating/purging type, in remission
F50.029 Anorexia nervosa, binge eating/purging type, unspecified
F50.20 Bulimia nervosa, unspecified
F50.21 Bulimia nervosa, mild
F50.810 Binge eating disorder, mild
F50.811 Binge eating disorder, moderate
F50.812 Binge eating disorder, severe
F50.813 Binge eating disorder, extreme
F50.814 Binge eating disorder, in remission
F50.819 Binge eating disorder, unspecified
F50.83 Pica in adults
F50.84 Rumination disorder in adults
F50.89 Other specified eating disorder
F53.0 Postpartum depression
F53.1 Puerperal psychosis
F60.3 Borderline personality disorder
F64.0 Transsexualism
F80.82 Social pragmatic communication disorder
F91.1 Conduct disorder, childhood-onset type
F91.2 Conduct disorder, adolescent-onset type
F91.3 Oppositional defiant disorder
F93.8 Other childhood emotional disorders
F94.0 Selective mutism
F94.1 Reactive attachment disorder of childhood
F94.2 Disinhibited attachment disorder of childhood
F98.8 Other specified behavioral and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence
R45.850 Homicidal ideations
R45.851 Suicidal ideations
R45.88 Nonsuicidal self-harm

ICD-10-CM Codes that DO NOT Support Medical Necessity

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



ICD-10-PCS Codes

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



Additional ICD-10 Information


Bill Type Codes

Contractors may specify Bill Types to help providers identify those Bill Types typically used to report this service. Absence of a Bill Type does not guarantee that the article does not apply to that Bill Type. Complete absence of all Bill Types indicates that coverage is not influenced by Bill Type and the article should be assumed to apply equally to all claims.

Code Description

Please accept the License to see the codes.


Revenue Codes

Contractors may specify Revenue Codes to help providers identify those Revenue Codes typically used to report this service. In most instances Revenue Codes are purely advisory. Unless specified in the article, services reported under other Revenue Codes are equally subject to this coverage determination. Complete absence of all Revenue Codes indicates that coverage is not influenced by Revenue Code and the article should be assumed to apply equally to all Revenue Codes.

Code Description

Please accept the License to see the codes.


Other Coding Information

Group 1

Group 1 Paragraph


Group 1 Codes



Coding Table Information

Excluded CPT/HCPCS Codes - Table Format
Code Descriptor Generic Name Descriptor Brand Name Exclusion Effective Date Exclusion End Date Reason for Exclusion
Non-Excluded CPT/HCPCS Ended Codes - Table Format
Code Descriptor Generic Name Descriptor Brand Name Exclusion Effective Date Exclusion End Date Reason for Exclusion

Revision History Information

Revision History Date Revision History Number Revision History Explanation
10/01/2024 R7

The 10/1/2024 update (R6) added codes F50.83 (Purging disorder) and F50.84 (Night Eating Syndrome) to Group 1, and deleted code F50.81 from the list of ICD-10-CM Codes that Support Medical Necessity Group 1, though these changes were not mentioned in the revision history note. On 10/8/2024, code F50.82 was removed from Group 1 due to its inadvertent addition.

10/01/2024 R6

Due to the annual ICD-10-CM update, code F50.01, F50.02, F50.2 and F50.81 were deleted from Group 1. New codes F50.010, F50.011, F50.012, F50.013, F50.014, F50.019, F50.020, F50.021, F50.022, F50.023, F50.024, F50.029, F50.20, F50.21, F50.810, F50.811, F50.812, F50.813, F50.814, F50.819 were added to Group 1. Effective for services rendered on or after 10/1/2024.

01/01/2024 R5

Due to annual CPT/HCPCS Updates, the following HCPCS codes had descriptor changes: G0129, G0176-G0177, G0410-G0411.

10/01/2021 R4

Updated to indicate the article is an LCD Reference Article

10/01/2021 R3

Article text under National Coverage Provisions, concerning billing by physician assistants (PA) has been updated to comply with regulations allowing PAs to bill Medicare directly.

10/01/2021 R2

Based on the annual ICD-10 updates for 2022, R45.88 was added to ICD-10 Codes that Support Medical Necessity, Group 1.

Based on review of the article, F30.8 has been deleted from ICD-10 Codes that Support Medical Necessity, Group 1.

10/01/2020 R1

Based on the annual ICD-10 updates for 2021, the following codes were added to ICD-10 Codes that Support Medical Necessity, Group 1: F11.13, F12.13, F13.130, F13.131, F13.132, F13.139, F14.13, F14.93, F15.13, F19.130, F19.131 and F19.132.


Associated Documents

Medicare BPM Ch 15.50.2 SAD Determinations
Medicare BPM Ch 15.50.2
Related Local Coverage Documents
L33626 - Psychiatric Partial Hospitalization Programs
Related National Coverage Documents
SAD Process URL 1
SAD Process URL 2
Statutory Requirements URLs
Rules and Regulations URLs
CMS Manual Explanations URLs
Other URLs
Public Versions
Updated On Effective Dates Status
12/19/2024 10/01/2024 - N/A Currently in Effect You are here
09/20/2024 10/01/2024 - N/A Superseded View
12/20/2023 01/01/2024 - 09/30/2024 Superseded View
Some older versions have been archived. Please visit the MCD Archive Site to retrieve them.
