C00.0 - C00.8
Malignant neoplasm of external upper lip - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of lip
Malignant neoplasm of base of tongue
C02.0 - C02.8
Malignant neoplasm of dorsal surface of tongue - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of tongue
C03.0 - C03.1
Malignant neoplasm of upper gum - Malignant neoplasm of lower gum
C04.0 - C04.8
Malignant neoplasm of anterior floor of mouth - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of floor of mouth
C05.0 - C05.8
Malignant neoplasm of hard palate - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of palate
C06.0 - C06.2
Malignant neoplasm of cheek mucosa - Malignant neoplasm of retromolar area
Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of other parts of mouth
Malignant neoplasm of parotid gland
C08.0 - C08.1
Malignant neoplasm of submandibular gland - Malignant neoplasm of sublingual gland
C09.0 - C09.8
Malignant neoplasm of tonsillar fossa - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of tonsil
C10.0 - C10.8
Malignant neoplasm of vallecula - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of oropharynx
C11.0 - C11.8
Malignant neoplasm of superior wall of nasopharynx - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of nasopharynx
Malignant neoplasm of pyriform sinus
C13.0 - C13.8
Malignant neoplasm of postcricoid region - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of hypopharynx
C14.0 - C14.8
Malignant neoplasm of pharynx, unspecified - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of lip, oral cavity and pharynx
C15.3 - C15.8
Malignant neoplasm of upper third of esophagus - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of esophagus
C16.0 - C16.8
Malignant neoplasm of cardia - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of stomach
C17.0 - C17.8
Malignant neoplasm of duodenum - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of small intestine
C18.0 - C18.8
Malignant neoplasm of cecum - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of colon
Malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction
Malignant neoplasm of rectum
C21.1 - C21.8
Malignant neoplasm of anal canal - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of rectum, anus and anal canal
C22.0 - C22.9
Liver cell carcinoma - Malignant neoplasm of liver, not specified as primary or secondary
Malignant neoplasm of gallbladder
C24.0 - C24.8
Malignant neoplasm of extrahepatic bile duct - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of biliary tract
C25.0 - C25.8
Malignant neoplasm of head of pancreas - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of pancreas
Malignant neoplasm of spleen
C30.0 - C30.1
Malignant neoplasm of nasal cavity - Malignant neoplasm of middle ear
C31.0 - C31.8
Malignant neoplasm of maxillary sinus - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of accessory sinuses
C32.0 - C32.8
Malignant neoplasm of glottis - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of larynx
Malignant neoplasm of trachea
C34.01 - C34.02
Malignant neoplasm of right main bronchus - Malignant neoplasm of left main bronchus
C34.11 - C34.12
Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe, right bronchus or lung - Malignant neoplasm of upper lobe, left bronchus or lung
Malignant neoplasm of middle lobe, bronchus or lung
C34.31 - C34.32
Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe, right bronchus or lung - Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe, left bronchus or lung
C34.81 - C34.82
Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of right bronchus and lung - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of left bronchus and lung
Malignant neoplasm of thymus
C38.0 - C38.2
Malignant neoplasm of heart - Malignant neoplasm of posterior mediastinum
C38.4 - C38.8
Malignant neoplasm of pleura - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of heart, mediastinum and pleura
C40.01 - C40.02
Malignant neoplasm of scapula and long bones of right upper limb - Malignant neoplasm of scapula and long bones of left upper limb
C40.11 - C40.12
Malignant neoplasm of short bones of right upper limb - Malignant neoplasm of short bones of left upper limb
C40.21 - C40.22
Malignant neoplasm of long bones of right lower limb - Malignant neoplasm of long bones of left lower limb
C40.31 - C40.32
Malignant neoplasm of short bones of right lower limb - Malignant neoplasm of short bones of left lower limb
C40.81 - C40.82
Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of bone and articular cartilage of right limb - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of bone and articular cartilage of left limb
C41.0 - C41.4
Malignant neoplasm of bones of skull and face - Malignant neoplasm of pelvic bones, sacrum and coccyx
Malignant melanoma of lip
C43.111 - C43.122
Malignant melanoma of right upper eyelid, including canthus - Malignant melanoma of left lower eyelid, including canthus
C43.21 - C43.22
Malignant melanoma of right ear and external auricular canal - Malignant melanoma of left ear and external auricular canal
C43.31 - C43.39
Malignant melanoma of nose - Malignant melanoma of other parts of face
Malignant melanoma of scalp and neck
C43.51 - C43.59
Malignant melanoma of anal skin - Malignant melanoma of other part of trunk
C43.61 - C43.62
Malignant melanoma of right upper limb, including shoulder - Malignant melanoma of left upper limb, including shoulder
C43.71 - C43.72
Malignant melanoma of right lower limb, including hip - Malignant melanoma of left lower limb, including hip
Malignant melanoma of overlapping sites of skin
Merkel cell carcinoma of lip
C4A.111 - C4A.112
Merkel cell carcinoma of right upper eyelid, including canthus - Merkel cell carcinoma of right lower eyelid, including canthus
C4A.121 - C4A.122
Merkel cell carcinoma of left upper eyelid, including canthus - Merkel cell carcinoma of left lower eyelid, including canthus
C4A.21 - C4A.22
Merkel cell carcinoma of right ear and external auricular canal - Merkel cell carcinoma of left ear and external auricular canal
C4A.31 - C4A.39
Merkel cell carcinoma of nose - Merkel cell carcinoma of other parts of face
Merkel cell carcinoma of scalp and neck
C4A.51 - C4A.59
Merkel cell carcinoma of anal skin - Merkel cell carcinoma of other part of trunk
C4A.61 - C4A.62
Merkel cell carcinoma of right upper limb, including shoulder - Merkel cell carcinoma of left upper limb, including shoulder
C4A.71 - C4A.72
Merkel cell carcinoma of right lower limb, including hip - Merkel cell carcinoma of left lower limb, including hip
Merkel cell carcinoma of overlapping sites
C44.01 - C44.09
Basal cell carcinoma of skin of lip - Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of lip
C44.1121 - C44.1122
Basal cell carcinoma of skin of right upper eyelid, including canthus - Basal cell carcinoma of skin of right lower eyelid, including canthus
C44.1191 - C44.1192
Basal cell carcinoma of skin of left upper eyelid, including canthus - Basal cell carcinoma of skin of left lower eyelid, including canthus
C44.1221 - C44.1222
Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of right upper eyelid, including canthus - Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of right lower eyelid, including canthus
C44.1291 - C44.1292
Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of left upper eyelid, including canthus - Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of left lower eyelid, including canthus
C44.1321 - C44.1322
Sebaceous cell carcinoma of skin of right upper eyelid, including canthus - Sebaceous cell carcinoma of skin of right lower eyelid, including canthus
C44.1391 - C44.1392
Sebaceous cell carcinoma of skin of left upper eyelid, including canthus - Sebaceous cell carcinoma of skin of left lower eyelid, including canthus
C44.1921 - C44.1922
Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of right upper eyelid, including canthus - Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of right lower eyelid, including canthus
C44.1991 - C44.1992
Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of left upper eyelid, including canthus - Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of left lower eyelid, including canthus
C44.212 - C44.219
Basal cell carcinoma of skin of right ear and external auricular canal - Basal cell carcinoma of skin of left ear and external auricular canal
C44.222 - C44.229
Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of right ear and external auricular canal - Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of left ear and external auricular canal
C44.292 - C44.299
Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of right ear and external auricular canal - Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of left ear and external auricular canal
C44.311 - C44.319
Basal cell carcinoma of skin of nose - Basal cell carcinoma of skin of other parts of face
C44.321 - C44.329
Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of nose - Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of other parts of face
C44.391 - C44.399
Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of nose - Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of other parts of face
C44.41 - C44.49
Basal cell carcinoma of skin of scalp and neck - Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of scalp and neck
C44.510 - C44.519
Basal cell carcinoma of anal skin - Basal cell carcinoma of skin of other part of trunk
C44.520 - C44.529
Squamous cell carcinoma of anal skin - Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of other part of trunk
C44.590 - C44.599
Other specified malignant neoplasm of anal skin - Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of other part of trunk
C44.612 - C44.619
Basal cell carcinoma of skin of right upper limb, including shoulder - Basal cell carcinoma of skin of left upper limb, including shoulder
C44.622 - C44.629
Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of right upper limb, including shoulder - Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of left upper limb, including shoulder
C44.692 - C44.699
Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of right upper limb, including shoulder - Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of left upper limb, including shoulder
C44.712 - C44.719
Basal cell carcinoma of skin of right lower limb, including hip - Basal cell carcinoma of skin of left lower limb, including hip
C44.722 - C44.729
Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of right lower limb, including hip - Squamous cell carcinoma of skin of left lower limb, including hip
C44.792 - C44.799
Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of right lower limb, including hip - Other specified malignant neoplasm of skin of left lower limb, including hip
C44.81 - C44.89
Basal cell carcinoma of overlapping sites of skin - Other specified malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of skin
C45.0 - C45.7
Mesothelioma of pleura - Mesothelioma of other sites
C46.0 - C46.4
Kaposi's sarcoma of skin - Kaposi's sarcoma of gastrointestinal sites
C46.51 - C46.52
Kaposi's sarcoma of right lung - Kaposi's sarcoma of left lung
Kaposi's sarcoma of other sites
Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of head, face and neck
C47.11 - C47.12
Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of right upper limb, including shoulder - Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of left upper limb, including shoulder
C47.21 - C47.22
Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of right lower limb, including hip - Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of left lower limb, including hip
C47.3 - C47.8
Malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves of thorax - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system
C48.0 - C48.1
Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum - Malignant neoplasm of specified parts of peritoneum
Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of retroperitoneum and peritoneum
Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of head, face and neck
C49.11 - C49.12
Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of right upper limb, including shoulder - Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of left upper limb, including shoulder
C49.21 - C49.22
Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of right lower limb, including hip - Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of left lower limb, including hip
C49.3 - C49.8
Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of thorax - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of connective and soft tissue
C49.A1 - C49.A9
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor of esophagus - Gastrointestinal stromal tumor of other sites
C50.011 - C50.012
Malignant neoplasm of nipple and areola, right female breast - Malignant neoplasm of nipple and areola, left female breast
C50.021 - C50.022
Malignant neoplasm of nipple and areola, right male breast - Malignant neoplasm of nipple and areola, left male breast
C50.111 - C50.112
Malignant neoplasm of central portion of right female breast - Malignant neoplasm of central portion of left female breast
C50.121 - C50.122
Malignant neoplasm of central portion of right male breast - Malignant neoplasm of central portion of left male breast
C50.211 - C50.212
Malignant neoplasm of upper-inner quadrant of right female breast - Malignant neoplasm of upper-inner quadrant of left female breast
C50.221 - C50.222
Malignant neoplasm of upper-inner quadrant of right male breast - Malignant neoplasm of upper-inner quadrant of left male breast
C50.311 - C50.312
Malignant neoplasm of lower-inner quadrant of right female breast - Malignant neoplasm of lower-inner quadrant of left female breast
C50.321 - C50.322
Malignant neoplasm of lower-inner quadrant of right male breast - Malignant neoplasm of lower-inner quadrant of left male breast
C50.411 - C50.412
Malignant neoplasm of upper-outer quadrant of right female breast - Malignant neoplasm of upper-outer quadrant of left female breast
C50.421 - C50.422
Malignant neoplasm of upper-outer quadrant of right male breast - Malignant neoplasm of upper-outer quadrant of left male breast
C50.511 - C50.512
Malignant neoplasm of lower-outer quadrant of right female breast - Malignant neoplasm of lower-outer quadrant of left female breast
C50.521 - C50.522
Malignant neoplasm of lower-outer quadrant of right male breast - Malignant neoplasm of lower-outer quadrant of left male breast
C50.611 - C50.612
Malignant neoplasm of axillary tail of right female breast - Malignant neoplasm of axillary tail of left female breast
C50.621 - C50.622
Malignant neoplasm of axillary tail of right male breast - Malignant neoplasm of axillary tail of left male breast
C50.811 - C50.812
Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of right female breast - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of left female breast
C50.821 - C50.822
Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of right male breast - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of left male breast
C50.911 - C50.912
Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site of right female breast - Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site of left female breast
C50.921 - C50.922
Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site of right male breast - Malignant neoplasm of unspecified site of left male breast
C51.0 - C51.8
Malignant neoplasm of labium majus - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of vulva
Malignant neoplasm of vagina
C53.0 - C53.8
Malignant neoplasm of endocervix - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of cervix uteri
C54.0 - C54.8
Malignant neoplasm of isthmus uteri - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of corpus uteri
C56.1 - C56.2
Malignant neoplasm of right ovary - Malignant neoplasm of left ovary
C57.01 - C57.02
Malignant neoplasm of right fallopian tube - Malignant neoplasm of left fallopian tube
C57.11 - C57.12
Malignant neoplasm of right broad ligament - Malignant neoplasm of left broad ligament
C57.21 - C57.22
Malignant neoplasm of right round ligament - Malignant neoplasm of left round ligament
Malignant neoplasm of parametrium
C57.7 - C57.8
Malignant neoplasm of other specified female genital organs - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of female genital organs
Malignant neoplasm of placenta
C60.0 - C60.2
Malignant neoplasm of prepuce - Malignant neoplasm of body of penis
Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of penis
Malignant neoplasm of prostate
C62.01 - C62.02
Malignant neoplasm of undescended right testis - Malignant neoplasm of undescended left testis
C62.11 - C62.12
Malignant neoplasm of descended right testis - Malignant neoplasm of descended left testis
C63.01 - C63.02
Malignant neoplasm of right epididymis - Malignant neoplasm of left epididymis
C63.11 - C63.12
Malignant neoplasm of right spermatic cord - Malignant neoplasm of left spermatic cord
Malignant neoplasm of scrotum
C63.7 - C63.8
Malignant neoplasm of other specified male genital organs - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of male genital organs
C64.1 - C64.2
Malignant neoplasm of right kidney, except renal pelvis - Malignant neoplasm of left kidney, except renal pelvis
C65.1 - C65.2
Malignant neoplasm of right renal pelvis - Malignant neoplasm of left renal pelvis
C66.1 - C66.2
Malignant neoplasm of right ureter - Malignant neoplasm of left ureter
C67.0 - C67.8
Malignant neoplasm of trigone of bladder - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of bladder
C68.0 - C68.8
Malignant neoplasm of urethra - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of urinary organs
C69.01 - C69.02
Malignant neoplasm of right conjunctiva - Malignant neoplasm of left conjunctiva
C69.11 - C69.12
Malignant neoplasm of right cornea - Malignant neoplasm of left cornea
C69.21 - C69.22
Malignant neoplasm of right retina - Malignant neoplasm of left retina
C69.31 - C69.32
Malignant neoplasm of right choroid - Malignant neoplasm of left choroid
C69.41 - C69.42
Malignant neoplasm of right ciliary body - Malignant neoplasm of left ciliary body
C69.51 - C69.52
Malignant neoplasm of right lacrimal gland and duct - Malignant neoplasm of left lacrimal gland and duct
C69.61 - C69.62
Malignant neoplasm of right orbit - Malignant neoplasm of left orbit
C69.81 - C69.82
Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of right eye and adnexa - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of left eye and adnexa
C70.0 - C70.1
Malignant neoplasm of cerebral meninges - Malignant neoplasm of spinal meninges
C71.0 - C71.8
Malignant neoplasm of cerebrum, except lobes and ventricles - Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of brain
C72.0 - C72.1
Malignant neoplasm of spinal cord - Malignant neoplasm of cauda equina
C72.21 - C72.22
Malignant neoplasm of right olfactory nerve - Malignant neoplasm of left olfactory nerve
C72.31 - C72.32
Malignant neoplasm of right optic nerve - Malignant neoplasm of left optic nerve
C72.41 - C72.42
Malignant neoplasm of right acoustic nerve - Malignant neoplasm of left acoustic nerve
Malignant neoplasm of other cranial nerves
Malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland
C74.01 - C74.02
Malignant neoplasm of cortex of right adrenal gland - Malignant neoplasm of cortex of left adrenal gland
C74.11 - C74.12
Malignant neoplasm of medulla of right adrenal gland - Malignant neoplasm of medulla of left adrenal gland
C75.0 - C75.8
Malignant neoplasm of parathyroid gland - Malignant neoplasm with pluriglandular involvement, unspecified
C7A.010 - C7A.012
Malignant carcinoid tumor of the duodenum - Malignant carcinoid tumor of the ileum
C7A.020 - C7A.026
Malignant carcinoid tumor of the appendix - Malignant carcinoid tumor of the rectum
C7A.090 - C7A.098
Malignant carcinoid tumor of the bronchus and lung - Malignant carcinoid tumors of other sites
Malignant poorly differentiated neuroendocrine tumors
Other malignant neuroendocrine tumors
C7B.01 - C7B.09
Secondary carcinoid tumors of distant lymph nodes - Secondary carcinoid tumors of other sites
C7B.1 - C7B.8
Secondary Merkel cell carcinoma - Other secondary neuroendocrine tumors
C76.0 - C76.3
Malignant neoplasm of head, face and neck - Malignant neoplasm of pelvis
C76.41 - C76.42
Malignant neoplasm of right upper limb - Malignant neoplasm of left upper limb
C76.51 - C76.52
Malignant neoplasm of right lower limb - Malignant neoplasm of left lower limb
Malignant neoplasm of other specified ill-defined sites
C77.0 - C77.8
Secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes of head, face and neck - Secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes of multiple regions
C78.01 - C78.02
Secondary malignant neoplasm of right lung - Secondary malignant neoplasm of left lung
C78.1 - C78.2
Secondary malignant neoplasm of mediastinum - Secondary malignant neoplasm of pleura
Secondary malignant neoplasm of other respiratory organs
C78.4 - C78.7
Secondary malignant neoplasm of small intestine - Secondary malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile duct
Secondary malignant neoplasm of other digestive organs
C79.01 - C79.02
Secondary malignant neoplasm of right kidney and renal pelvis - Secondary malignant neoplasm of left kidney and renal pelvis
C79.11 - C79.19
Secondary malignant neoplasm of bladder - Secondary malignant neoplasm of other urinary organs
Secondary malignant neoplasm of skin
C79.31 - C79.32
Secondary malignant neoplasm of brain - Secondary malignant neoplasm of cerebral meninges
Secondary malignant neoplasm of other parts of nervous system
C79.51 - C79.52
Secondary malignant neoplasm of bone - Secondary malignant neoplasm of bone marrow
C79.61 - C79.62
Secondary malignant neoplasm of right ovary - Secondary malignant neoplasm of left ovary
C79.71 - C79.72
Secondary malignant neoplasm of right adrenal gland - Secondary malignant neoplasm of left adrenal gland
C79.81 - C79.89
Secondary malignant neoplasm of breast - Secondary malignant neoplasm of other specified sites
C80.0 - C80.2
Disseminated malignant neoplasm, unspecified - Malignant neoplasm associated with transplanted organ
C81.01 - C81.09
Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C81.11 - C81.19
Nodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Nodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C81.21 - C81.29
Mixed cellularity Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Mixed cellularity Hodgkin lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C81.31 - C81.39
Lymphocyte depleted Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Lymphocyte depleted Hodgkin lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C81.41 - C81.49
Lymphocyte-rich Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Lymphocyte-rich Hodgkin lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C81.71 - C81.79
Other Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Other Hodgkin lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C81.91 - C81.99
Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, extranodal and solid organ sites
C82.01 - C82.09
Follicular lymphoma grade I, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Follicular lymphoma grade I, extranodal and solid organ sites
C82.11 - C82.19
Follicular lymphoma grade II, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Follicular lymphoma grade II, extranodal and solid organ sites
C82.21 - C82.29
Follicular lymphoma grade III, unspecified, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Follicular lymphoma grade III, unspecified, extranodal and solid organ sites
C82.31 - C82.39
Follicular lymphoma grade IIIa, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Follicular lymphoma grade IIIa, extranodal and solid organ sites
C82.41 - C82.49
Follicular lymphoma grade IIIb, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Follicular lymphoma grade IIIb, extranodal and solid organ sites
C82.51 - C82.59
Diffuse follicle center lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Diffuse follicle center lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C82.61 - C82.69
Cutaneous follicle center lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Cutaneous follicle center lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C82.81 - C82.89
Other types of follicular lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Other types of follicular lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C82.91 - C82.99
Follicular lymphoma, unspecified, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Follicular lymphoma, unspecified, extranodal and solid organ sites
C83.01 - C83.09
Small cell B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Small cell B-cell lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C83.11 - C83.19
Mantle cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Mantle cell lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C83.31 - C83.39
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C83.51 - C83.59
Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Lymphoblastic (diffuse) lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C83.71 - C83.79
Burkitt lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Burkitt lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C83.81 - C83.89
Other non-follicular lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Other non-follicular lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C83.91 - C83.99
Non-follicular (diffuse) lymphoma, unspecified, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Non-follicular (diffuse) lymphoma, unspecified, extranodal and solid organ sites
C84.01 - C84.09
Mycosis fungoides, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Mycosis fungoides, extranodal and solid organ sites
C84.11 - C84.19
Sezary disease, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Sezary disease, extranodal and solid organ sites
C84.41 - C84.49
Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not elsewhere classified, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not elsewhere classified, extranodal and solid organ sites
C84.61 - C84.69
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-positive, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-positive, extranodal and solid organ sites
C84.71 - C84.79
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-negative, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Anaplastic large cell lymphoma, ALK-negative, extranodal and solid organ sites
C84.A1 - C84.A9
Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, unspecified lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, unspecified, extranodal and solid organ sites
C84.Z1 - C84.Z9
Other mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Other mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, extranodal and solid organ sites
C84.91 - C84.99
Mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, unspecified, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Mature T/NK-cell lymphomas, unspecified, extranodal and solid organ sites
C85.11 - C85.19
Unspecified B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Unspecified B-cell lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C85.21 - C85.29
Mediastinal (thymic) large B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Mediastinal (thymic) large B-cell lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C85.81 - C85.89
Other specified types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Other specified types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
C85.91 - C85.99
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck - Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, unspecified, extranodal and solid organ sites
C86.0 - C86.6
Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type - Primary cutaneous CD30-positive T-cell proliferations
C88.2 - C88.8
Heavy chain disease - Other malignant immunoproliferative diseases
Multiple myeloma not having achieved remission
Multiple myeloma in relapse
Plasma cell leukemia not having achieved remission
Plasma cell leukemia in relapse
Extramedullary plasmacytoma not having achieved remission
Extramedullary plasmacytoma in relapse
Solitary plasmacytoma not having achieved remission
Solitary plasmacytoma in relapse
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia not having achieved remission
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, in relapse
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia of B-cell type not having achieved remission
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia of B-cell type in relapse
Prolymphocytic leukemia of B-cell type not having achieved remission
Prolymphocytic leukemia of B-cell type, in relapse
Hairy cell leukemia not having achieved remission
Hairy cell leukemia, in relapse
Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia (HTLV-1-associated) not having achieved remission
Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia (HTLV-1-associated), in relapse
Prolymphocytic leukemia of T-cell type not having achieved remission
Prolymphocytic leukemia of T-cell type, in relapse
Mature B-cell leukemia Burkitt-type not having achieved remission
Mature B-cell leukemia Burkitt-type, in relapse
Other lymphoid leukemia not having achieved remission
Other lymphoid leukemia, in relapse
Lymphoid leukemia, unspecified not having achieved remission
Lymphoid leukemia, unspecified, in relapse
C96.0 - C96.4
Multifocal and multisystemic (disseminated) Langerhans-cell histiocytosis - Sarcoma of dendritic cells (accessory cells)
Histiocytic sarcoma
Other specified malignant neoplasms of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissue
D00.01 - D00.08
Carcinoma in situ of labial mucosa and vermilion border - Carcinoma in situ of pharynx
D00.1 - D00.2
Carcinoma in situ of esophagus - Carcinoma in situ of stomach
D01.0 - D01.3
Carcinoma in situ of colon - Carcinoma in situ of anus and anal canal
Carcinoma in situ of other parts of intestine
Carcinoma in situ of liver, gallbladder and bile ducts
Carcinoma in situ of other specified digestive organs
D02.0 - D02.1
Carcinoma in situ of larynx - Carcinoma in situ of trachea
D02.21 - D02.22
Carcinoma in situ of right bronchus and lung - Carcinoma in situ of left bronchus and lung
Carcinoma in situ of other parts of respiratory system
Melanoma in situ of lip
D03.111 - D03.112
Melanoma in situ of right upper eyelid, including canthus - Melanoma in situ of right lower eyelid, including canthus
D03.121 - D03.122
Melanoma in situ of left upper eyelid, including canthus - Melanoma in situ of left lower eyelid, including canthus
D03.21 - D03.22
Melanoma in situ of right ear and external auricular canal - Melanoma in situ of left ear and external auricular canal
Melanoma in situ of other parts of face
Melanoma in situ of scalp and neck
D03.51 - D03.59
Melanoma in situ of anal skin - Melanoma in situ of other part of trunk
D03.61 - D03.62
Melanoma in situ of right upper limb, including shoulder - Melanoma in situ of left upper limb, including shoulder
D03.71 - D03.72
Melanoma in situ of right lower limb, including hip - Melanoma in situ of left lower limb, including hip
Melanoma in situ of other sites
Carcinoma in situ of skin of lip
D04.111 - D04.112
Carcinoma in situ of skin of right upper eyelid, including canthus - Carcinoma in situ of skin of right lower eyelid, including canthus
D04.121 - D04.122
Carcinoma in situ of skin of left upper eyelid, including canthus - Carcinoma in situ of skin of left lower eyelid, including canthus
D04.21 - D04.22
Carcinoma in situ of skin of right ear and external auricular canal - Carcinoma in situ of skin of left ear and external auricular canal
Carcinoma in situ of skin of other parts of face
Carcinoma in situ of skin of scalp and neck
Carcinoma in situ of skin of trunk
D04.61 - D04.62
Carcinoma in situ of skin of right upper limb, including shoulder - Carcinoma in situ of skin of left upper limb, including shoulder
D04.71 - D04.72
Carcinoma in situ of skin of right lower limb, including hip - Carcinoma in situ of skin of left lower limb, including hip
Carcinoma in situ of skin of other sites
D05.01 - D05.02
Lobular carcinoma in situ of right breast - Lobular carcinoma in situ of left breast
D05.11 - D05.12
Intraductal carcinoma in situ of right breast - Intraductal carcinoma in situ of left breast
D05.81 - D05.82
Other specified type of carcinoma in situ of right breast - Other specified type of carcinoma in situ of left breast
D05.91 - D05.92
Unspecified type of carcinoma in situ of right breast - Unspecified type of carcinoma in situ of left breast
D06.0 - D06.7
Carcinoma in situ of endocervix - Carcinoma in situ of other parts of cervix
D07.0 - D07.2
Carcinoma in situ of endometrium - Carcinoma in situ of vagina
Carcinoma in situ of other female genital organs
D07.4 - D07.5
Carcinoma in situ of penis - Carcinoma in situ of prostate
D07.61 - D07.69
Carcinoma in situ of scrotum - Carcinoma in situ of other male genital organs
Carcinoma in situ of bladder
Carcinoma in situ of other urinary organs
D09.21 - D09.22
Carcinoma in situ of right eye - Carcinoma in situ of left eye
Carcinoma in situ of thyroid and other endocrine glands
Carcinoma in situ of other specified sites
D37.01 - D37.02
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of lip - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of tongue
D37.030 - D37.039
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of the parotid salivary glands - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of the major salivary glands, unspecified
D37.04 - D37.05
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of the minor salivary glands - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of pharynx
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of other specified sites of the oral cavity
D37.1 - D37.8
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of stomach - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of other specified digestive organs
D38.0 - D38.5
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of larynx - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of other respiratory organs
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of uterus
D39.11 - D39.12
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of right ovary - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of left ovary
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of placenta
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of other specified female genital organs
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of prostate
D40.11 - D40.12
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of right testis - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of left testis
D41.11 - D41.22
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of right renal pelvis - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of left ureter
D41.3 - D41.8
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of urethra - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of other specified urinary organs
D42.0 - D42.1
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of cerebral meninges - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of spinal meninges
D43.0 - D43.8
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of brain, supratentorial - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of other specified parts of central nervous system
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of thyroid gland
D44.11 - D44.12
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of right adrenal gland - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of left adrenal gland
D44.2 - D44.7
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of parathyroid gland - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of aortic body and other paraganglia
D47.01 - D47.09
Cutaneous mastocytosis - Other mast cell neoplasms of uncertain behavior
Other specified neoplasms of uncertain behavior of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissue
D48.0 - D48.5
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of bone and articular cartilage - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of skin
D48.61 - D48.62
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of right breast - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of left breast
Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of other specified sites
D49.0 - D49.4
Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of digestive system - Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of bladder
D49.511 - D49.512
Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of right kidney - Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of left kidney
Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of other genitourinary organ
Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of brain
Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of endocrine glands and other parts of nervous system
Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of retina and choroid
Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of other specified sites
Q85.01 - Q85.09
Neurofibromatosis, type 1 - Other neurofibromatosis