Medicare Coverage Document National Benefit Category Analyses View Public Comments

Reconstructive Treatments for Facial Lipodystrophy Syndrome

Public Comments

Commenter Comment Information
Adams, John Date: 02/05/2009

I strongly support coverage for reconstructive treatments for facial lipodystrophy and urge the government to institute this policy. [PHI Redacted]

[PHI Redacted] has been affected by lipodystrophy, but is not in a position to afford the treatments. It is difficult to observe the toll this takes on his confidence and self-esteem and I believe it has led to depression with adverse effects on his physical health. Certainly if there is coverage for the


Adkins, Tom Date: 01/28/2009

The treatment of lipodystrophy by various facial fillers should be approved. There is significant documentation in the community and medically that certain drugs in a HAART HIV cocktail cause lipodystrophy as well as lipoatrophy. The result is physical as well as mental. Breast reconstructions following mastectomy is covered as it enhances the patient''s overall mental health. Without such treatment, the possibility of severe clinical depression which can lead to expensive


Ahumada, Ana Date: 02/09/2009

I think that should be covered,and not considered cometic surgery because of treatment outcomes.They are already fighting to have a life, and this condition also adds to serious depression, and anxiety for people living with this disease.Think in yourself and your love one before you say no to this.

Alexander, Dorian-Gray Title: Citizen Advocate
Date: 02/11/2009

Affordable treatment to repair damage from facial lipoatrophy is greatly needed. I urge careful consideration and support reimbursement for reconstructive treatment.

Several individuals I know suffer with feelings of disfigurement, self-isolation and poor self-esteem due to changes in facial appearance as result of some anti-HIV medication.

Such trreatment is rehabilitative to pyshological health and would assist in those affected to feel complete, productive and healthful.


Andrews, John Date: 02/09/2009

Please cover the cost of this treatment for people with HIV disease and other lipo- atrophy/wasting conditions. [PHI Redacted]

Treatments for other disease-related conditions are covered - this should be too.

Thank you for considering this.

Austin, Allan Date: 02/10/2009

Adding approval of effective treatment procedures to Medicare & insurance coverage protocol would be extreamly benificial for the physical & emotional well being of people living with HIV. Treatments available now, are too expensive for most Patients to avail themselves of with the other expenses related to this disease & the limited income & resourses available to us. [PHI Redacted] This is one of the prime causes of depression for people dealing with long


B, Tom Date: 01/29/2009

Reconstructive treatment for facial lipodystrophy would have a tremendous beneficial effect on the self image of people with facial wasting, thus encouraging them to seek employment and be less prone to depression. If women can have breast reconstructive surgery after having a breast removed people with AIDS should be allowed to have their faces reconstructed.

Bardeguez, MD, MPH, Arlene Organization: HIV Medicine Association
Date: 02/13/2009

Revised Comments re: Coverage for Reconstructive
Treatments for Facial Lipodystrophy Syndrome

Dear Dr. Hambrick:

The HIV Medicine Association (HIVMA) is pleased that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has opened the National Coverage Determination (NCD) process to the question of whether or not Medicare will cover reconstructive treatment of facial lipodystrophy syndrome (LDS). We believe that CMS should cover this as a medically legitimate therapy


Beard, James Title: Retired
Date: 01/31/2009

It is not enough to treat just part of any illness. Seems to me that those "decision makers" would not have to be prodded to do the right thing and treat all aspects of an illness. The research supports that the Lipodystrophy Syndrome experienced by those suffering from HIV is caused either by the disease itself or as a side effect of treatment given. Do the right thing and treat the whole person. Thank you!

Beasley, Joseph Date: 02/05/2009

Customer - 02/04/2009 05:22 PM
Treatment for facial wasting/butt wasting in patients with AIDS/advanced HIV disease should be covered by Medicaide/Medicare. It is crucial and certainly NOT "cosmetic". [PHI Redacted] This is painful both physically and emotionally! Michael in Texas

Benic, Jere Date: 02/06/2009

[PHI Redacted]

Allowing medicaid to pay for treatment for this condition will greatly improve the lives of those afflicted with this medical condition. I can unequivocally state that treatment for lipoatrophy/lipodystrophy is NOT cosmetic, it is a treatment for a medical condition similat to reconstructive surgery for breast cancer. I strongly urge HHS/CMS to authorize medicaid to pay for treatment for lipoatrophy/lipodystrophy. Thank you for your consideration of


Bennette, Sherri Title: N/A
Organization: N/A
Date: 02/12/2009

For once successful, divorced, middle aged women with HIV/AIDS it is hard enough to make friends, let alone meet a person of the opposite sex to date. The odds of ever getting married again are highly unlikely. Add to that the fact that many times they are completely alone, becoming estranged from their families due to the shame of having contracted this dreaded disease. Between the side effects of the meds, the complications of the disease, and the reactions of friends, family, and


Berger MD, Daniel Title: Medical Director; Clinical Associate Professor
Organization: Northstar Healthcare; University of IL at Chicago
Date: 01/27/2009

As a physician, I''ve observed facial lipodystrophy to be associated with depression and anxiety that has required long term treatment. Additionally, patients have become less compliant and adherant to their HIV antiretroviral agents and are thus at risk for resistance to current therapy and can also spread resistant virus. From my experience, after patients have corrective treatment for facial atrophy, they become more stable, improved quality of life, marked less depression and anxiety


Berry, Jeff Title: Director of Publications
Organization: Test Positive Aware Network
Date: 01/30/2009

[PHI Redacted] I am editor of a national HIV publication, Postively Aware, and in my line of work I recieve countless letters and emails from individuals all over the world who suffer from the same condition, many of them unable to even leave their house, look for a job or maintain friendships because of the crippling stigma attached to this condition. Please make these treatments affordable so that [they] can once again become contributing members of society, and not have


Bocchino, Carmella Title: EVP, Clinical Affairs and Strategic Planning
Organization: America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP)
Date: 02/11/2009

February 12, 2009

Steve Phurrough, MD, MPA
Director, Coverage and Analysis Group
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Mail Stop C1-09-06
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850

Dear Dr. Phurrough:

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' (CMS's) proposed national benefit category analysis (NBCA), Reconstructive Treatments for Facial Lipodystrophy Syndrome.


Bongiorno, Anthony Title: Executive Director & Founder
Organization: The Friends of AIDS Foundation
Date: 02/09/2009

I feel strongly that these treatments should be covered. I have worked with hundreds of HIV positive individuals in support groups over the last three years, many of whom have had to deal with facial lipodystrophy. Although this is a condition that casuse facial disfiguration, there is also another issue at stake. One''s right to disclose there HIV status is seriuosly jeopadized, being that having this condition is a dead give away of one''s positive status. It is also my professional


Boone, Jeff Date: 01/29/2009

Reconstructive treatment for Facial Lipodystrophy Syndrome is not about cosmetics or vanity. Walking around in life with a sunken skeletal face covered only by a thin layer of skin hinders not only ones self esteem, but also ones ability to date, find employment, housing, and it is also a known visible sign of having Aids. This condition is caused by the very drugs that help save lives and in some cases manages this deadly disease.[PHI Redacted]

I urge you to


Broussard, Richard Date: 02/04/2009

It is vitally important for Medicare to inlude coverage for treatments of HIV-related facial wasting. The long-term effects of this debilitating condition takes it''s ugly toll each and every day erroding a facial wasting sufferer''s will to live.

Bryer, Lawrence Date: 02/10/2009

As a psychiatrist, I have seen many HIV patients whose facial wasting was severe, disfiguring, and a cause of stigma, depression, agoraphobia and other anxiety disorders. To call such cases cosmetic rather than reconstructive is to misunderstand the severity of what many sufferers of this syndrome experience.The appearance of this disfigurement is such that it affects social relationships and employment potential. For employed individuals, their on-the-job experiences are affected by


Bucher MD, Gary Title: Medical Director
Organization: Radius Health
Date: 02/11/2009

I am a primary care physician that has been active in the care of HIV patients since the mid-80''s and have seen many changes in the treatment of HIV disease. Unfortunately, the use of HAART or just the disease process itself casuses Facial Lipodystrophy Syndrome. This is a debilitating condition causing depression and anxiety, which at times needs to be treated with additional medications at additional cost. HIV/AIDS patients take enough medications without having to treat associated


Butler, Edwin Date: 02/04/2009

I believe that Lipoatrophy Treatment should be covered by Medicare because without these treatments HIV positive people would feel embarrassment, and feelings of worthlessness that they would not feel if they could afford these treatments which would enalbel them to maintain their physical appearance. [PHI Redacted]

Organization: N/A
Date: 02/01/2009


Bybee, Steven Date: 02/05/2009

Yes, it should be covered. An individuals face is the passport to how others perceive them. Depression, anxiety and even suicidal thoughts can accompany facial wasting. If it happens to me, I would want the chance to correct it.

Candelaria, Rey Title: Past president
Organization: AIDS Treatment Activist Coalition
Date: 01/30/2009

These treatments for facial lipodystrophy are not cosmetic but reconstructive in nature. No different than if a cancer patient needed reconstructive surgery after removal of a cancerous tissue. We should not have to continue to have this discussion in 2009. This should have been approved for treatment years ago and I urge you to correct that oversight NOW. Thank you.

Capogna, David Date: 02/04/2009

I''m writing in response to an article in POZ/ Living in NYC, people are more used to seeing walking skeletons on the street. After reading the article, I was brought to tears some of the comment from small-town AIDS survivors. Depression, suicidal thoughts, being homebound from low self-esteem, and the MOST importantly lack of getting any part time work (in this economy!) I''m in agreement with two other comments: Artefill is the only permanent solution for


Carpenter, Michael Date: 02/09/2009

With an HIV/AIDS diagnosis over a number of years, lipodystrophy can be severe and cause disfiguring facial fat loss. The condition can provoke people to stare in public and children point and ask their mothers to explain. Further, it leaves the patient wanting to seclude themselves. Self esteem all but disappears along with any connections to one''s local community and support networks. Treatment of this condition is an extreme financial burden but left untreated the patient is often


cassin, gregg Title: CHAIR
Date: 02/10/2009

Dear CMS ,

Please let me introduce myself. My name is Gregg Cassin [PHI Redacted] I am the chairperson of the national AIDS service organization AIDS, Medicine and Miracles. (Please see the below websites for more information.)

My letter is regarding the issue of the thousands of people dealing with the horrible and disabling condition of lipoatrophy/lipodystrophy. A decade ago California State Assembly Bill AB 1621 was amended (in 1998) to give people


CATHCART, RONALD Title: Staff Physician
Organization: Comprehensive Health Care
Date: 01/30/2009

Lipodystrophy is a term that includes 2 conditions, one - lipoatrophy - caused by medication to treat the human immunodeficency virus infection (HIV), the other - lipohypertrophy - a result of a "return to health", caused by normal or over-nutrition, and not generally associated with any specific medications to treat patients with HIV.

Lipoatrophy causes gross disfigurement of the face by loss of subcutaneous fat. This almost always occurs in those patients who are very adherent to


Chaille, David Title: Facilitator, Peer Advocate
Organization: Pozabilities
Date: 01/27/2009

I have had several friends with facial lipodystrophy due to HIV/AIDS. Treatment for this condition should not be considered cosmetic. Lipodystophy is disfiguring to the point that the patient experiences extreme emotional withdrawal and depression. These emotional side effect often result in poor adherence to medication and an overall decline in health. Treatment should be fully covered by Medicare.

Chicago, Gregory Date: 02/04/2009

I have seen the benifits of these injectables first hand and know the calming effect they have. [PHI Redacted] I hope the decision is made to add this procedure so others can benefit and hopefully the insurance companies will follow so cost will be brought down

Clark, Gary Title: Pharmacist
Organization: Medicine Shoppe
Date: 01/30/2009

I believe it is important for Medicare to cover the expense of the treatment of facial lipoatropy caused by the antivirals that we need to take to control HIV. [PHI Redacted] Now the cost of the treatment is much higher and aid is needed. [PHI Redacted]

Connors, Daniel Date: 02/04/2009

Reconstructive Treatment for Facial Lipodystrophy Syndrome is medically necessary. FDA approved treatment for AIDS causes facial disfigurement to the degree that reconstructive surgery is required to correct it. This is not cosmetic surgery to enhance your appearance or fill a wrinkle. It is the use a larger than normal volume of an FDA approved product to correct the sagging folds and cavernous indentations left behind due to loss of body fat in the face.

I see it as similar to


Cook, Scott Title: Professor of History
Organization: Rhode Island School of Design
Date: 02/04/2009

I feel very strongly that this is NOT a cosmetic but a health procedure just as reconstructive breast post-cancer surgery is. [PHI Redacted] went to Canada (Toronto) in June 2006 to have bio-alcamid injections performed by Dr. Francis [PHI Redacted]. This procedure was not yet FDA approved, or rather the product wasn''t. It still might not be for all I know but sculptra and other products are FDA approved and I believe PMMI is under active


Craig, W. Date: 02/06/2009

It is very important that the government provide financial assistance for individuals who physiologically as well as psychologically suffer as a result of lipoatrophy due to certain medications used for the treatment of HIV/AIDS. Simply having the virus is bad enough, but add to that the side effects of treatments, lipoatrophy being one of them, and the astronomical cost associated with treating the side effects, it''s enough to make a person sink into a deep depression. Many individuals


Cromley, Keith Date: 02/04/2009

[PHI Redacted]

Please support coverage for facial wasting for those who truly need it to keep on working and living in a world that does not always understand. [PHI Redacted]

Cyrille, Marcoli Date: 02/06/2009

I''m a physician and I have interacted with HIV positive individuals both professionally and personally. The social stigma and the emotional toll and burden secondary to facial lipodystrophy could never be overstated. The anxiety, anguish and impact on self esteem are immense. It is imperative to facilitate access to available treatment in order to, amongst other things, reduce the greater risk of suicide associated with facial lipodystrophy. I would urge in the strongest possible terms to


Darrow, Robert Title: Executive Director Emeritus
Organization: The Philadelphia Center
Date: 02/04/2009

[PHI Redacted] We humanely help foreigners with reconstructive surgeries for their severe facial deformities, shouldn''t we help Americans with equally mentally-damaging effects?

DAversa, Jean Date: 02/03/2009

As a nurse working in a Ryan White funded HIV clinic, I have seen many patients who are living longer and healthier lives with HAART. We are all trying hard to diminish the stigma related to this disease. However, many patients suffer with the scarlet letter of this disease - facial lipodystrophy. They are still identifed with "the face of HIV". To make things worse, most of these patients have financial hardships. As such, the average patient is unable to pay for these reconstructive


Davis, Michael Date: 02/07/2009

The importance of treating facial fat loss as a side effect of antiretroviral drugs to control viral replication among the HIV+ population cannot be overstated.

[PHI Redacted] While the metabolic abnormalities associated with long- term drug use are common ([PHI Redacted] developed diabetes from long-term use of the blood thinner, Cummadin, what was new was the severe facial wasting associated with HIV-drug lipid changes. The body no longer burns


DeGroot, Thad Date: 02/04/2009

I believe that persons who have extreme facial fat loss should recieve some assistance from the CMS. [PHI Redacted]

Thank you for your time and all of your help.

Thad T De Groot
San Antonio, TX

DeJesus, Edwin Date: 02/02/2009

Facial lipoatrophy is withput doubt a devastating medication-induced side effect that affect the psychological and physical (clinical) well-been of our patients, affecting adherence and detouring patient of getting the needed treatment; as well as precipitating depression and increasing HIV stigma in our society. This treatment complicatiuons needs to be treated and should be covered by insurance. This is not just a cosmetic issue.

DeShazo, Theo Date: 02/05/2009

The addition of coverage for Lipoatrophy will have a positive impact on individuals with HIV. Lipoatrophy is a devastating component of HIV; it greatly diminishes the quality of life and self esteem of individuals suffering with HIV. I have paid for Sculptra treatments of a close friend for years; it has improved his mental outlook and vastly improved his self esteem. As a taxpayer, I urge passage for coverage of this very important life improvement treatment.

Dixon, Marshall Date: 02/07/2009

This procedue is a must for persons experiencing the lipodystrophy syndrome. Like other health issues, the benefits of this procedure out weigh the cost. Much like we know keeping a person under a care of a doctor to remain healthy is less expensive than the cost of multiple ER visits and hospitilizations, lipodystrophy being covered under insurance outweighs the cost. COVER lipodystrophy and you reduce expense for other healthcare as a result of the untreated lipodystrophy!

DORRIETY, Tim Date: 02/07/2009

[PHI Redacted] I strongly feel that this should be covered. This is not a cosmetic procedure but a procedure to restore what the disease and the harsh treatment regimens have taken away.

This problem is a very serious psychological and physiological issue that unless you are experiencing it then you have no clue as to the debilitation one suffers from this horrible syndrome.

I urge you to understand that this is a serious issue facing HIV/AIDS


Drummond, Inez Date: 02/12/2009

In today''s society where other human being are so judge mental of other people, why wound you want to deny this procedure for facial lipodystrophy treatments and reconstructive surgery!... I strongly feel this treatment and surgery is necessary for a person healing process. People do not need more distress in their lives. Unhappiness, depression and low self esteem goes against a person trying to live a healthy life, whether you have HIV or not. I thought the idea is to provide a person


Egan, Francis Title: Retired
Date: 02/08/2009

At my HMO there is a 6 month waitlist for Lipodystrophy treatment for patients who cannot afford the normal charge. The wait is worth it and patient is scheduled in on Plastic Surgeon "slow " days and just the usual co-pay is charged. 6 month follow-up visits for a tune-up with Sculptra may be required. Often no treatment is necessary. Results not only make the patient look better but also feel better thus minimizing depression and the inevitable non adherence to Rx especially


Emmons, John Title: RN
Date: 02/11/2009

The effects of lipoatrophy are frequently high impact on patient''s lives. Sequelae include major depression, altered self-image and extremely negative reactions from the public and co-workers as these patients look gravely ill. Current treatment regimens to treat facial lipoatropy in particular can often reduce or alleviate depression as well as increase positive reactions from the public and co-workers saving the government large sums of money currently used for counseling,


Finnigan, Dennis Date: 02/11/2009

[PHI Redacted] It''s depressing and sometimes it''s hard to make oneself be seen in public with such disfigurement. Reconstructive therapy of the face would ease the burden tremendously and would help people stricken with HIV or AIDS on a emotional and psychological level to live with the disease to the best of their ability. Please consider permitting and funding this kind of reconstructive therapy.

Fitting, Bruce Date: 02/09/2009

To whom it may concern:

[PHI Redacted]

I know of several people, however, who gave up on their life-saving medications because of the unnatural changes in their appearance. They are all gone now. I also know that additional people have done and are now doing the same thing. They have made choices that I would not have made for myself, but I can understand their motivation.

Treating facial wasting is not simply a matter of cosmetics. For many, it is


Flowers, Patrick Date: 01/29/2009

Absolutely medicare and medicaid should pay for this, this isn''t a cosmetic issue, it''s a life altering,self esteem and relevance issue. Also Physical appearance means a lot in our society, this has to do with quality of life.

Folkman, Michael Date: 01/29/2009

[PHI Redacted] has been diagnosed with HIV Aids since the late 1980s. He has Lipodystrophy Syndrome and has benefited from treatment. Prior to treatment he was extremely self conscience and now does not exhibit the visual symptoms of the syndrome. Fortunately he was covered by government agencies for the cost of the medication (he had to pay the physician for each treatment to date over 10 spanning a multi-year period).

This treatment is as important as the daily


Foote, Greg Title: President
Organization: United Funding Mortgage Corp.
Date: 02/09/2009

I feel that their should definitely be medicare coverage for those with AIDS-related facial wasting pursuing procedures to reduce or eliminate facial wasting.

The rationale is that many people that are afflicted with this sypmptom may be able to perform in normal work life, etc. but are shunned or turned away due to the fact that colleagues may brand them as "sick" or "on death''s door" because of the way they look based upon cause & effects of the disease.

Since this is a


Fortman, John Date: 02/07/2009

Please consider coverage for lipoatrophy for individuals with Aids. Aids is stygmatizing and lipoatrophy is a dead give away to others that a person has Aids.

People just want their faces back. AIDS has gouged out their cheeks and it is obvious to everyone what they are suffering from. The treatment is usually beyond what an average American has to spend on reconstructive procedures.

[PHI Redacted]. People just want their faces back so they can try to lead


foster, ron Date: 02/12/2009

I am writing on behalf of [PHI Redacted].He has been HIV positive for about 15 years or so and has been through more than most people go through in a lifetime.[PHI Redacted] I can see how this affects him in alot of different ways.It is not just something that you see in the mirror every time you look but something you are aware of 24/7,or at least every waking moment.Since his face is getting thinner I have noticed how he doesn''t look at him-self the


Frampton, Larry Date: 01/29/2009

[PHI Redacted] I have seen how de-moralizing Lipodystrophy can be. I strongly urge Medicare to start coverering these treatments. Lipodystophy leads to depression and in some cases suicide in Hiv/Aids patients and the feeling of being a freak. This is very important for medicare to cover these treatments for all around health and well being.

fuqua, chris Date: 02/05/2009

I am very much in favor of having treatment for facial wasting covered by medicare/medicaid. [PHI Redacted]

[PHI Redacted] Most of the people I''ve known that have had to deal with wasting are moderate to low income and do not have the ability to pay for the treatments out of their own pockets. Since it is such a marker of HIV infection it may as well be the new scarlet letter "A" for aids. Leading to all kinds of social and psychological issues


Gadaire, Ronald Organization: former Registered Nurse
Date: 02/12/2009

[PHI Redacted] These drugs and appointments are covered, why not treat the cause and not the secondary symptoms? Studies have demonstrated increase self esteem, energy and self worth after treatment with facial fillers. Common sense.

Garbera, Alexander Date: 02/09/2009

The fact that there is an FDA approved treatment for HIV facial wasting, but the procedures to administer it are not covered my Medicare is unconscionable. There is no doubt in my mind that certain anti HIV/AIDS medications cause lipoatrophy. The condition itself is very depressing and a strong psychological deterrent to adhering to medication regimens. With all the advances in anti-HIV medications, it is a shame that people struggle to rebuild their immune systems only to be scarred


Giga, Noreen Title: Bilingual Outreach Educator
Organization: Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders
Date: 02/12/2009

People living with HIV continue to face privacy violations, stigma and discrimination in their day to day lives. Our AIDS Law Project receives calls from people with HIV-related legal concerns, and we’re aware that people want to protect the disclosure of their HIV status from people they do not trust. Lipodystrophy, however, visibly discloses a person’s HIV status without their consent. We receive a number of calls from people struggling to have treatment for lipodystrophy covered by their


Goldberg, Steve Title: Mr.
Date: 02/04/2009

[PHI Redacted] If a retired/disabled GI can''t receive the medical attention promised, who can expect to be helped?

[PHI Redacted]

Speak up people. This country''s military/Veterans aren''t receiving what they need to reintegrate into our "civil" society without bearing the weight of just too many stigmas. HELP!

goldman, bonnie Title: Editorial Director
Date: 02/10/2009

Just like women can get reconstructive surgery paid for by their public or private insurance providers, so too should HIV-infected people receive coverage for payment to reconstruct their face or body after they take HIV medications that cause disfiguring changes in their face and torso. All these people did was take a medicine to help save their life. As a result they are thankfully alive but now must deal with the stigma that comes with facial disfiguration. Look at the photographs and


grange, donald (donie) Date: 02/10/2009

if you look good you feel better

Hakanen, Dennis Title: volunteer board president
Organization: Southwestern Pennsylvania AIDS PLanning Coalition
Date: 01/30/2009

Persons living with HIV or AIDS are dealing daily with medicatons that, although prolonging their lives, have marked and often extreme side effects among which is facial lipodystrophy syndrome. The appearance of facial lipodystrophy, as a result of depending on life saving medications, adds yet another stress factor into the lives of these individuals. This stress factor is the stigma of living with an HIV infection. Unfortunately, too many of our public are poorly informed about HIV


Hansen, Gregory Organization: Advocate
Date: 02/09/2009

To those in charge of decision-making, especially the ones who are not closely affected by Facial Lipodystrophy Syndrome, Please consider the fact that this horrific disease is not an enhancement to one''s appearance. It is, at best, a procedure that helps one with getting back to what they looked like before, as much as possible. Thus, making this procedure a very neccesary one in the over-all care that all Humans are entitled. Please, before you make your vote, ask yourselves what your


Hardy, Helene Title: HIV Pharmacotherapy Program, Director
Organization: Boston Medical Center
Date: 02/12/2009

As a clinical pharmacist working with HIV-infected patients on a daily basis I am often involved in the management of HIV medication related side-effects. Unfortunately, Facial lipodystrophy is a side effect that most clinicians have been unable to manage despite the FDA approval if a few new therapies. Many of the patients we serve at Boston Medical Center are unable financially to afford such treatment and procedures. It is extremely frustrating as a clinician to know that patients


Hare, Brad Date: 01/31/2009

As a physician who has treated hundreds of HIV-infected persons, it is clear that facial lipoatrophy is a medical condition that arises from a combination of HIV infection, HIV treatment and host factors. It is not a cosmetic condition and its treatment should be covered by Medicare.

Hawkins, Paul Date: 02/04/2009

I support coverage for these reconstructive treatments. I have known individuals with HIV-related facial wasting who have been stigmatized because others assume the facial wasting is a result of abusing illegal drugs. Let''s face it pardon the pun if we do not support facial reconstruction for long-term HIV survivors we are actually discouraging individuals living with HIV from adhering to their antiretroviral therapy. Any public policy that encourages treatment adherence is step forward


Heldt, Derrick Date: 02/04/2009

I am glad to hear the CMS and Medicaid are thinking of covering this for HIV patients. Facial wasting can be a very serious issue for patients. Having a way that can help people feel better about themselves just like is done for someone who has breast cancer and then has reconstructive surgery to help them feel normal aesthetically can help them feel better about themselves.

hewitt, terrence Date: 01/29/2009

Yes. It effects the life of people with facial lipodystrophy. so there should be some sort of coverage.

Hill, Dee Title: Mr.
Date: 02/07/2009

Please! consider covering treatment for facial lipo. There are numerous reasons as to why this should be done, which none of them have to do with vanity or cosmetic reasons. One''s quality of life improves, ex. going back to work, medication adherence, reduction of isolation, removing depression/sucidial thoughts. etc....If the CMS wants some physical proof of what facial lipo syndrome looks like, walk into any HIV or Internal medicine clinic and sit for ten minutes and one will be able to


Hinman, Bryan Date: 02/08/2009

[PHI Redacted] Part of our well being is how we see ourselves not just vainity but for self- esteem. When one can have a touch of surgery to help improve his/her look means a lot and can help with the healing process. It is another form of giving one HOPE. When they look in the mirror and see that their face looks so much better than before it definetly adds to that person''s self esteem.

I hope that CMS will go along with this part of the healing process so that


Hooven, David Date: 01/28/2009

While I know how grateful one is to be alive and be reasonably healthy, having facial wasting can be the unfortunate, result of the bittersweet success of many HIV drugs all of which have side effects.

Sometimes side-effects subside or become tolerable over time which is a blessing. However; facial wasting is one extremely visible side- effect which doesn''t seem to go away or really become more tolerable. When one sees their face in a mirror or reflection, it''s literally like a


Horn, Bruce Date: 02/09/2009

Thank your for allowing this discussion. Yes, Facial Reconstruction should be allowed when caused by Lipodystrophy Syndrome. Just as important, Liposuction needs to be allowed for Lipodystrophy Syndrome Fat Deposits.Usually at the base of the neck and sometimes around the organs. The procedure can be done through full surgery, however the cost is more than 100% of the cost of lyposuction. Why should a person have to pay $10,000.00 or more and spend several days in a hospital for a


Howard, Ken Date: 02/09/2009

PLEASE include coverage for the reconstructive treatment of facial lipoatrophy/lipodystrophy in the treatment of HIV disease.

I am a licensed psychotherapist in California, [PHI Redacted]. I specialize in working with people with HIV. I was the Chair of the Los Angeles County HIV Mental Health Task Force for 10 years, including co-chairing their annual conference. I wrote a mental health column for Art & Understanding, America''s AIDS magazine, for 2 years.


Hudnutt, Randy Date: 01/28/2009

All insurance companies including Medicare need to understand that lipoatrophy and lipodystrophy in HIV patients is devastating. [PHI Redacted]

Illeman, FNP, Mark Title: Family Nurse Practitioner
Organization: Feldman Medical Group
Date: 02/11/2009

As a Nurse Practitioner trained in Dermatology and HIV Medicine who has performed over 450 treatments of facial fillers ie) Sculptra, I can say without question that the psychological benefit of these treatments has changed my patients'' lives. For the first time many of them are getting out of the house and socializing; some are even re-entering the work force!

Since this disfigurement is a known result of the antiviral medications these patients took for years, I feel that


Jean, M Title: Humanitarian-Board of Director
Organization: Doctors of the Globe/Medecins du G;lobe
Date: 02/10/2009

As a health care professional I have too many times witnessed the devastating effect that lipodystrophy can have on an individual with a long term condition such as AIDS. Such effects are often a result of the progression of the disease as well as the very medications the patient is taking to manage the condition and its sequallae.

I personally feel that the injections for lipodystrophy; should be in some respect covered by medicare, if not entirely, in part; of course, some


Jenne, Jeffrey Date: 02/12/2009

Whether it is caused by the underlying medical condition or as a side effect of treatment for that condition, facial lipodystrophy is a condition the patient has no control over and reconstructive treatment should be covered,

johnstone, michael Date: 01/28/2009

[PHI Redacted] It is absolutely clear that the disfiguring effects of facial wasting on on individuals already struggling with health complications and societal pressures, contributes to remarkably poor self esteem. Depression, and in some casessuicide . I know several individuals that have plenty of t cells and no viral load but have skeletal looking facial stucture due to the devastating effects of meds and virus.There is no doubt that it affects many aspects of "normal"


Kerley, David Date: 02/04/2009

Please see

Department of Veterans Affairs VHA DIRECTIVE 2008-003

Veterans Health Administration

January 22, 2008


on page 2 of this directive the following is a policy statement: "3. POLICY: It is VHA policy that eligible veterans with AIFL [antiretroviral-induced facial


King, David Date: 01/29/2009

It''s obvious from various studies that facial lipodystrophy is a side effect of various HIV medications and is in no way superficial or narcissistic cosmetic surgery. It can be horribly disfiguring and can be the cause of significant distress to the person affected. One of the most devastating effects is the depression caused by often blatant social stigmatism and ostracism, and the decline in self-esteem resulting from looking like you’re on death’s door. If a woman with


Kloet, Ingrid Title: Consultant, HIV PRevention Education/Case Manager
Date: 02/04/2009

Yes this needs to be provided and covered in every insurance plan PLWHA''s having.

The treatment for facial wasting is very important for every individual, mentally and from what I know out of experience with friends having done this procedure they feeling much better.

I go for a big YES to include this in every insurance or plan.

Ingrid Kloet
New Mexico

Kotler, Donald Date: 02/07/2009

The changes of the facial lipodystrophy syndrome are, in large part, a side effect of medications used to suppress HIV. At the time when most cases developed, their occurence was unavoidable, as non-toxic medications were not available. Unfortunately, reversal of the changes is slow and incomplete. However, when they occur, they are a source of significant distress, which subtracts from the clinical benefit of treatment. While the problem may disappear in the future, currently affected


Kowal, Paul Title: President
Organization: Kowal & Associates, Inc.
Date: 02/09/2009

[PHI Redacted]

I believe that making these treatments available to those who can not afford them on their own will help people to make progress in the fight against their HIV condition.

Kramme, Patrick Organization: AIDS Treatment Activist Coalition
Date: 01/29/2009

Reconstructive treatment for facial lipodystrophy syndrome as well as excessive dorsocervical fat accumulation (bufflo hump)should be covered by Medicare. These treatment are not "merely cosmetic," rather they alleviate conditions that contribute to isolation, poor self image, poor mental health, and opportunities for gainful employment.

As my plastic surgeon explained to me, facial lipoatrophy in the presence of central adiposity creates a discordant image to which people


Krieter, John Date: 01/29/2009

[PHI Redacted] It is extremely disfiguring and it negatively impacts quality of life. [PHI Redacted] it''s an obvious sign of disease and its progression. [PHI Redacted] It makes compliance of medications more difficult and has caused friends to not go on meds as they would rather die. These should not be considered cosmetic issues and reconstructive treatment should be available in the same way it is available to breast cancer patients.

Kytle, Rayford Title: Writer
Date: 02/04/2009

Lipoatrophy is disfiguring. It causes people to look deathly and frightening, negatively impacting the emotional,social and professional lives of those who have it. It is no less disfiguring than many women feel mastectomies to be, and much more visible. If health insurance covers the cost of reconstructive surgery for mastectomies is is discriminatory for them not to also cover the cost of reconstructive surgery for lipoatrophy.

LaCaze, Dennis Date: 02/11/2009

I believe that the treatment of facial lipodystrophy due to HIV/AIDS should be a covered medical expense under Medicare guidelines. Facial lipodystropy is a reality for many individuals with HIV/AIDS. It can (and does) lead to discrimination in employment (even though medical information is and should be covered under HIPPA). [PHI Redacted] I believe that it should be a covered expense under Medicare.
Thank you
Dennis LaCaze

Land, Bradley Date: 02/15/2009

It is my hope that people making the determination will be mindful and understanding in doing so. [PHI Redacted] I would like people who suffer from lipodystrophy to atleast have the choice to have access to this valuable treatment and it is my hope that it will be approved. Thank-you for your Consideration!!!

Larson, Chuck Date: 02/13/2009

Please cover reconstructive tx for facial lipodystorphy syndrome. This syndrome is very real and has a profound impact on how one is able to relate in/around their environment. ie: work, community, family, friends

Le Clair, Charlie Title: Former Chair ( 2005-2006) AIDS Avocate
Organization: Miami-Dade HIV/AIDS Partnership ( planning Body )
Date: 02/04/2009

I believe all treatment for Aids care should be cover by the government the sooner we get people into care the happier and healthy they will. People must stop using this illness as a barrier. Take good care of yourself and get , back To work you can do it if not, I will highly remind people get involved with they local Planning Body and let your voice be heard. Your silence will be your DEATH!!!! I am getting sick and tired people telling me that they don''t want people know they have



Recontructive treatments for facial lipodystophy syndrone in my opinion should be cover under our governments medicare program. Lets face it, plastic surgury is very exspensive and is noted to be a proceedure that is reserved primarily for the finantialy endowed social class. And,what we look like is important, right? "Face-in-point, these proceedures and treatments are done with the intentions of correcting what is an ideal image of impressions plus expressions''. More so when the canvous


Lemperle, MD, PhD, Gottfried Title: MD, PhD
Organization: Division of Plastic Surgery, University of California, San Diego
Date: 01/27/2009

I am retired plastic surgeon and an expert on dermal fillers. Before the era of injectables, facial lipodystrophy was treated surgically with malar implants or custom made small silicone gel prostheses. Both methods were insufficient because the implants became visible during chewing.

Autologous fat grafting would be the ideal treatment. However, it will take another 2 - 5 years until it will be a reliable methodand can be recommended.

Therefore, the only treatment option


Levy, Grant Date: 02/15/2009

Persons suffering from facial lipodystrophy are unable to put their "best face forward" to the world around them. The "D" class drugs caused this injury to occur. While these medications did save lives, the lives they left behind were left to deal with the disfigurement of ravaged faces. These faces, devoid of the natural fat pads that support the contours of the face appear to be old beyond their years, or horribly shriveled. Misery, heartache and shame are endured daily by these


Lewis, Ray Title: None
Organization: None
Date: 01/27/2009

These treatments should be covered. If one is not living with it they cannot understand what it is like to walk around looking like a freak. The medications probably caused this condition-let the drug companies share in the cost. [PHI Redacted]

Loftus, M.D., Richard Title: Chief Medical Officer
Organization: Health Management Institute, Inc.
Date: 01/27/2009

As an HIV specialist physician treating hundreds of people with HIV and AIDS, there is no question that facial lipoatrophy is a devastating disfigurement produced by a combination of infection with HIV, genetic factors, and, most especially, HIV medications. This is a complication of medical treatment.

As such, Medicare should absolutely cover treatment of this disorder.

Lumia, J Organization: U.S. citizen and taxpayer
Date: 02/13/2009

If anyone would consider this treatment as necessary for a child whether their own or not; then the obviously this treatment should be covered by Medicare & Medicaid. A sickly and skeletal face must be considered a complete detrimental health crisis. How can a sick person maintain a positive outlook with their illness. It is scientifically proven that a positive attitude and body image keeps a sickly person alive longer.

This must be approved and otherwise we are condemning


Lupole, Tricia Title: National Coordinator
Organization: Hepatitis C Movement for Awareness
Date: 02/08/2009

I have personally and professionally witnessed the devastating effects that lipodystrophy syndrome cause patients. Our society should not allow the consequences of an HIV related disease to cause deformity when it can be prevented. Please realize the treatment for facial lipodystrophy syndrome should be administered for prevention of disease.

Luster, Kenn Title: client
Organization: ARRT
Date: 02/07/2009

A lot of the times you can tell if someone has advanced HIV or AIDS just because of looking at their face most people do not have this situation. I don''t believe it is cosmetic when it distorts a persons facial features and makes them look like they are ill with some kind of disease.

Manders, MD, Ernest K. Title: Professor of Surgery
Organization: The University of Pittsburgh
Date: 02/09/2009

Dear Sir/Madame: Thank you for the chance to urge coverage for the treatment of HIV associated lipodystrophy. This condition is documented in our medical literature to be the cause of depression and great unhappiness. Any discussion with patients afflicted with this facial disfigurement will convince the listener of just how negatively it affects the sufferer. Disfigured patients withdraw; they do not work and they do not participate in society. This removes them from our economy and


Markle, Charles Date: 02/05/2009

[PHI Redacted] It''''s very difficult to get by on a fixed income and to pay off these charges for the facial filler. I feel that this is a direct side effect from a medication/illness and that it should be covered. It affects your quality of life to have a freakisly wasted face. [PHI Redacted] I really think that this should be covered by medicare and medicaid. It''''s a matter of human dignity to have your face restored to a somewhat healty, non freakish


Maxwell, Clifton Date: 01/27/2009

Personal health has a very strong connection to ones psyche , it is unrealistic to believe the idea that what one experinces is bsed in labs, when the mirror says something is terribly wrong ! We know how depression can affect ones overall health, then how is this even an issue ?

McCowen, Albert Date: 02/05/2009

[PHI Redacted] it seems imperative that these procedures be covered by Medicaid/ Medicare. The anxiety wasting of the face causes is unmeasurable. I [PHI Redacted] would like to see Medicaid follow the wishes of the p.w.a. on this very important issue. Facial wasting = discrimination. [PHI Redacted] Sincerely, Albert McCowen

McCutcheon, Gerald Date: 02/04/2009

[PHI Redacted] It is not a cosmetic procedure to help relieve this symptom of HIV. It is life-altering. It absolutely should be covered under the guidelines so it can be easily procured at the discretion of the attending physician. All HIV physicians already want this procedure to be recognized as a treatable side effect of either HIV or the HIV medications that patients are required to take.

McIntyre, Joseph Date: 02/12/2009

I feel the treatments for LDS should be covered by Medicare as well as all commercial/managed care insurances in this country. This consideration should not be based on the assumption that these corrective procedures are "cosmetic" but that they are a "quality of life" issue.

The medication a person takes to treat HIV/AIDS was approved by the FDA. They were told the drugs were safe and they have indeed slowed the progression of the disease and prolonged the life of users. However


Merry, Kenneth Date: 02/15/2009

I have never acted on public comments before but this one hits so close to home that I felt I have to. Medications in the fight of HIV/AIDS have come so far in the last 20 years that it has extended the life expectancy of individuals with this disease trememdously. I know many who have this disease and are living otherwise normal and healthy lives. Most I have talked to fear the day when Lipotrophy will begin and then it will significantly change the way they can live their lives. It is


Mest, MD, Douglas Title: Clinical Director
Organization: Blue Pacific Medical Group
Date: 02/01/2009

I have been treating patients for HIV-Associated Facial Lipodystrophy syndrome since 2001. I was the principal investigator of 1 of 2 US trials whose data was used in the approval process of the first FDA approved treatment for this condition. I testified before the FDA advisory panel and it was clear from that meeting that the treatment of this condition was intended to be reconstructive (restorative) rather than cosmetic. It is also my experience and opinion that the treatment of


Mills, Russell Date: 02/10/2009

Facial lipodystrophy has a psychological impact even greater than mastectomy does, since the face is typically seen far more than the breasts are. Is breast reconstruction covered by Medicare? Yes. Facial reconstruction should be covered as well.

Munk, Robert Title: Research Assistant Professor
Organization: University of New Mexico School of Medicine
Date: 01/27/2009

I feel strongly that reconstructive treatments for facial lipodystrophy should be covered. This is a disfiguring condition that cannot be hidden. It is obvious to any onlooker. It causes emotional distress as well as physical problems. Also, it can lead to loss of employment. If breast reconstruction is covered - a condition which is not immediately obvious, and for which there are other solutions - it seems grossly unfair that women and men suffering fom facial lipodystrophy should not


Murphy, Mark Title: Legal Director
Organization: Disability Rights Network of Pennsylvania
Date: 02/09/2009

I am submitting this comment on behalf of the Disability Rights Network of Pennsylvania (DRN). DRN is a statewide, non-profit corporation designated as the federally-mandated organization in Pennsylvania to advance and protect the civil rights of adults and children with disabilities. Among other things, DRN works to ensure that people with disabilities have equal and unhindered access to government services and benefits.

DRN supports Medicare coverage for reconstructive


Nakken, Ron Date: 02/06/2009

I think Dr. Cathcart states it very well and Irepeat his comments here adding that the effectsof Lipoatrophy are disfiguring and contributegreatly to intensifying psychological conditionssuch as depression, anxiety, social phobias andthis can increase isolation which re-intensifiesthe above. This lipoatrophy is directly caused byconscientious adherence to prescribed HIV medicaltreatments recommended and provided by Medicareand Medi-CAL. Covering this treatment may in factresult in SAVINGS


Negado, Caesar Date: 02/06/2009

Two [PHI Redacted] are in great need of reconstructive treatment for FLSyndrome. The process is not cosmetic, as it is replacing what was taken away, and helps the patients self esteem, psychology, and mental ability to face the challenges of their illness. Without it, mental anguish and stress increase, as well the symptoms visibly announce their illness, and exposes them to prejudice, isolation, and mistreatment in their daily lives- especially the workplace.



Newby, Don Date: 02/04/2009

Health care treatment should be as equal as possible. If a woman has breast cancer and medicare pays for reconstrutive surgery because the woman has been disfigured by a disease.

With aids, the same logic is true. One face is disfigured because of HIV or the drugs used to keep that person alive.
A breast is always covered with clothing which allows the woman to mingle with people without everyone knowing she is disfigured. Not so with aids patients. Unless they wear a ski


Nissenbaum, Beverly Organization: HIV Medicine Association
Date: 02/13/2009

Please post. This revises HIV Medicine Comments posted on 2/9/09. February 10, 2009

E.L. Hambrick, MD
Lead Medical Officer

Re: Coverage for Reconstructive Treatments for Facial Lipodystrophy Syndrome

Dear Dr. Hambrick:

The HIV Medicine Association (HIVMA) is pleased that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has opened the National Coverage Determination (NCD) process to the question of whether or


Olivier, Nanell Date: 02/04/2009

This reconstructive treatment should be covered just like breast reconstructive surgery for cancer patients. These treatments help a patient live a more normal life.

Orgain, Peter Title: RN MSN CNL
Date: 01/30/2009

[PHI Redacted] I am a strong advocate for US citizens to have similar coverage. Correcting facial deformity and wasting is not merely a cosmetic treatment, since it impacts how an individual is perceived by others as well as impacting deep- seated self esteem and psychological well being.

Owens, Craig Title: Director
Organization: CFI/
Date: 02/12/2009

YES! WE SHOULD HELP! WE HELP SO MANY OTHERS - WHY WOULD WE NOT HELP THIS TOO? OUr money needs to be spend on US here, at home, before spending it all on other countries.

Paris, Lance Date: 02/12/2009

I would like to thank the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for opening the National Coverage Determination (NCD) process to the question of whether or not Medicare will cover reconstructive treatment of facial lipodystrophy syndrome (LDS). It is essential that CMS should cover this as a medically legitimate therapy for a disfiguring complication of HIV treatment.

Nearly every medical organization that has examined the language of the governing regulation, including


Parks, Dale Date: 02/01/2009

Dear Medicare Admin,

[PHI Redacted] I am writing to first thank you for all you do and have done for my medical coverage. Without YOU I would be in the streets for sure. My love of country, retiring from the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in San Francisco is indeed the light of my life. Of my entire career, and three places I worked for 30+ years (I miss and a great loss to my self esteem and purpose, truly the last place at the VA was absolutely


Perez, Edwin Date: 02/05/2009


Phelps-Munson, Marcus Date: 02/10/2009

I believe the title that you chose to give this issue answers the very question at hand, ÒReconstructive Treatments for Facial Lipodystrophy SyndromeÓ. It is reconstruction of something taken away by disease, not a cosmetic surgery for vanities sake. Facial Lipodystrophy not only effects ones face, it effects your health physically and mentally. It also effects how you are treated by the outside world every day.I strongly believe that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services should


Pierone Jr. M.D., Gerald Title: Executive Director
Organization: AIDS Research & Treatment Center of the Treasure Coast
Date: 01/29/2009

I am an infectious disease physician specializing in the treatment of HIV infection. For the last four years, I have been treating patients with HIV related facial lipoatrophy with facial fillers and have witnessed first-hand the dramatic improvement in quality-of-life that result from this treatment.

Facial lipoatrophy is a known metabolic complication of antiretroviral therapy.This medication related side effect has been clearly linked to decreased quality of life and its


Pope, Jeffrey Title: Advocate
Date: 02/05/2009

[PHI Redacted]

When you look like a living corpse, it is very difficult to continue taking the very medications which cause the condition. Living with this condition becomes very much a nightmarish catch- 22 in which you take the meds to live, but taking the meds makes you want to die. [PHI Redacted]

I pray that the many thousands of Americans living with this condition will receive relief by receiving coverage for treatment. The cost


Poulsen, Lisle Title: Director of Advocacy and Public Policy
Organization: American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Association
Date: 02/13/2009

February 12, 2009

The Honorable Kerry Weems
Acting Administrator
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Department of Health and Human Services
Attention: CMS-1403-FC
P.O. Box 8013
Baltimore, MD 21244-8013

Re: Reconstructive Treatments for Facial Lipodystrophy Syndrome

Dear Acting Administrator Weems:

As President of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Association (ASDSA), a medical specialty organization representing over 5,000


Price, Rebecca Date: 02/05/2009

[PHI Redacted] NOT for cosmetic reasons AT ALL. This is about SELF-ESTEEM, this is about not looking like a skeleton with skin stretched over your bones. Because of the meds, many people are affected, feeling OK about how one looks is KEY to moving the patient off of themselves and enabling them to spend their energies on prevention, adherence and regaining a quality of life that can learned to enjoy once again. [PHI Redacted]

It is NOT just the


Puig, John Title: Outreach and Prevention for Positives Worker
Organization: Hawaii Island HIV/AIDS Foundation
Date: 02/13/2009

[PHI Redacted] I work as the Prevention for Positives worker at my local ASO and have spoken to numerous of clients who have expressed self-esteem issues regarding wasting caused by the medications that they either have taken in the past or are currently still taking. I’ve spoken with a new client earlier this week who has informed me that he did not want to start ARV medications because of the wasting associated with them. Funding by the Federal government and/or


Quinn, Bruce Date: 01/20/2009

From 2004-2008 I was the regional Part B medical director in California. We received occasional claims for repair or restoration of lipofacial dystrophy and I believe on a case by case basic we found them to be primarily within a cosmetic category and therefore unavailable for coverage as medically necessary to a body part''s function. There are a number of parallels to puzzle through.

(A) Facial aging may be disfiguring and cause psychological distress, but procedures like


Reina, Christopher Date: 01/29/2009

I would urge you to support the inclusion of reconstructive treatments for HIV-related facial lipoatrophy with one caveat; physicians who administer these injections MUST be adequately trained. [PHI Redacted] From what I understand, any doctor can administer Sculptra after simply watching a "training video" provided by the manufacturer. There should be tighter regulation of just who would be allowed to perform these treatments.

Rider, Damon Title: Mr.
Date: 02/05/2009

[PHI Redacted] Just to appear "normal" can so easily be taken for granted by those that are unaffected by this grotesque side affect of AIDS. I hope my voice helps make a difference and that in the near future afficted people will have much needed assistance with covering the cost. At present facial fillers only seem to be a real option for he few who can afford it. Sadly enough, happiness comes at a high price.

Riggs, Tom Date: 02/13/2009

Yes, I believe these costs should be covered by Medicare. What is the quality of life for these individuals without such coverage? What other medical costs are incurred as a result of depression and it''s downstream impacts without such coverage? It''s a quality of life concern and from a cost perspective, I think covering this benefit would result in cost avoidance in other areas.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment.

Robbins, Jerry Organization: self
Date: 02/16/2009

I do believe there would be great benefit in having Medicare and medicaid handle the reconstruction of [the] wasting problem as an AIDS side effect. More people would be able to let themselves go out and work possibly.

Jerry Robbins

Robbins, Jerry Organization: none
Date: 02/08/2009

I believe that each person deserves to look as normal as they can. The present system with sculptra works for a year at best. In America you are only allowed to use sculptra as a filler for places on your face and body that need reconstruction from the Hiv virus and the meds [PHI Redacted]

In most cases I have seen it starts disolving away from your face in less than a month.Then you have to go through this process again to get similar results.



Robbins, Jerry Title: Mr. Jerry L Robbins
Organization: Self
Date: 02/04/2009

There are several ways to reconstruct your face by a qualified MD. The PMMA which is only allowed in mexico at the certain time has remarkamble results. Even the price being Higher at first the over all cost would be lower since Sculptra goes away on the face in a year or less. when the Pmma will last for substantially longer. It only makes since to save by paying more at first then the every year injections and cost would in the long run be much more cost effective.

Organization: IDOCF
Date: 01/29/2009

As I Am Board-Certified in Internal Medicine, Infectious Disease, and a specialist in the care of HIV From the American Academy of HIV Medicine approximately 1200 patients with HIV disease. Lipodystrophy of the face, neck, and upper back( Buffalo Hump) is in no way cosmetic. I have at least 6 patients on the verge of Respiratory Obstruction. In Many Cases, is extremely dense adipose tissue that needs to be removed as a large mass. In no way is surgery to correct lipodystrophy in HIV


Rosenzweig, John Date: 01/29/2009

Reconstructive treatments for facial lipoatrophy syndrome should be considered reconstructive in nature and consequently covered by Medicare. Although Medicare reasonably excludes coverage for cosmetic procedures, this exclusion is deemed not to apply to reconstructive procedures such as "surgery in connection with treatment of severe burns or repair of the face following a serious automobile accident, or to surgery for therapeutic purposes which coincidentally also serves some cosmetic


Rowe, Gregory Date: 02/07/2009

As a psychotherapist working in San Francisco I have the opportunity to see the impact of "facial filling" first hand. I do work with a support network of about 400 persons with HIV. Because one of our larger local HMO''s has chosen to cover facial filling in their plans, there is a visible distinction between those who have access to Sculptra and those who don''t (Of course there are those few who can pay several thousand dollars out of pocket to obtain it).

The difference is


Ruben, Ruben Date: 02/07/2009

Lipodystrophy is not only a physical problem, it affects the psyche of its victims. This can translate into psychological issues down the road, hence resulting in a bigger expense.

Think before you act by denying this benefit which can keep a healthy MIND and body.

Sanders, David Date: 02/05/2009

I say all insurances should absolutely cover the costs of Facial Lipodystrophy, especially of the facial area. [PHI Redacted] experienced severe facial wasting due to anti-retroviral therapy. He finally paid to have several rounds of Sculptra at a cost of over $5,000.00 out of pocket which luckily he could afford. He previously refused to even allow his picture to be taken for years. Besides turning you into a sitting duck for te prejudice of individuals out there, it is


Saray, Russell Date: 01/30/2009

Reconstructive Treatments absolutely must be covered by insurers and Medicaid/Medicare. FAcial Lipodystrophy Syndrome is a debilitating side effect of HIV/AIDS. Would you deny reconstructive surgery to women who is living with the aftermath of breast removal due to cancer? I think not. Try telling a women after breast removal that her reconstructive surgery is merely "cosmetic" and therefore is not covered. Wasting syndrome/Facial Lipodystrophy Syndrome as a result of HIV/AIDS is


Sarrias, RN, Eliezer Date: 02/05/2009

As a registered nurse, I believe the treatments for facial wasting should be covered. Facial wasting is often assciated not only with depression but poor medication compliance due to fear of body image distubances relating to this side effect. Patients describe feeling powerless to prevent this from occuring. Fortunatly, there are treatmens but it is unfortunate that most cannot afford to benefit from them.

Savage, Linda Date: 02/05/2009

[PHI Redacted] This effect of the drugs he has to take has been one of the most mentally debilitating for him. He gets very depressed the more and more his face seems to sink in. He would do just about anything to be able to have some type of treatment done that would bring him back to even a semi-normal looking face for him. He is simply crushed every time he looks in the mirror and the more time wears on and the more his face sinks in the worse he gets depressed about


Schurman, Michael Date: 02/04/2009

Sirs: For many with HIV/AIDS, a side effect of these life-saving drugs is lipodystrophy. Being in public is difficult enough with emaciated arms and legs, but with hollowed cheeks, temples and eyes, some look like walking skeletons. [PHI Redacted] Medicare should cover facial restoration procedures.

Schwartz, David Date: 02/13/2009

[PHI Redacted]

The main issue was whether the drugs, particularly Protease Inhibiters were the reason for the lipoatrophy or whether having HIV caused the condition. There is overwhelming evidence that such HIV medicatons do cause fat loss and such fat loss in the face can result in social stigma, rejection, depression, anxiety, and the inability to work in certain professions that require a "normal appearance".

It''s my hope that Medicare incorporates


Schwartz, Jerry Date: 02/04/2009

The HIV medications are known to be the cause of Lipodystrophy Syndrome, as well as the buffalo hump.[PHI Redacted] I think Medicare and Medi-cal should take care of these problems since they are caused from medications keeping us alive. Please change the coverage.

seabaugh, david Date: 02/05/2009

The stigma associated with the Lipodystrophy can be devistating. Especially in small townswhere people have no idea what is going on, you are associated with being a drug addict because of your looks. In more HIV medication familiar areas, you are instantly recognized as having aids. In both cases it only ads severely to the discrimination and unemployability of HIV infected individuals.

Seitz, Jason Date: 02/03/2009

I believe that the costs should be covered because facial lipodystrophy causes discrimination and low self esteem which lead to depression. I have known many people who have suffered from degradation and have even seen anecdotal discrimination occur in the workplace. Facial lipodystrophy increases bigotry and causes many people more shame and public humiliation. This often leads to depression and antisocial behavior which in turn could be acted out sexually. Other people may be put at


Seltenright, Michael Date: 02/05/2009

Facial lipodystrophy for HIV positive individuals is a life changing experience. You are no longer the person you were months prior to the obvious changes and you feel the mark of Cain upon you. Your concern becomes that everyone will know just by looking at you and then you face the discrimination , shunning, possible job lose, or inability to change jobs due to the "mark". If not out to families, then you worry on the lost "chocice" to come out to family as it is now so visible and no


Sessa, Gerard Date: 01/31/2009

People who need facial fillers due to lipodystrophy have endured a terrible stigma for a very long time now. In this day and age we should be very inlightened about the ill effects of previous treatment and not turn our back on those who can''t afford this life altering procedure. [PHI Redacted] It restores your life and dignity and shouldn''t we all be entitled to that. For the many who do not understand the discrimination because of how one looks with a diformity should


Shea, James Date: 02/13/2009

[PHI Redacted] Living with HIV is difficult enough without advertising it with the physical signs of HIV.

Denial of treatment for Lipodystrophy is the equivalent of denying a woman reconstructive surgery after breast cancer. Despite all the information to the contrary out their, people with HIV and particularly facial wasting are discriminated against everyday. Wasting treatments at least allow a person with HIV to go about ones daily life without feeling being


Sherlock, J Nathan Title: Physician
Date: 01/29/2009

Should not be considered cosmetic. The psycological harm done to the patient experiencing the condition greatly affects their ability to function in daily activities because they are acutely aware that their face tells the world that they have HIV or AIDS. The condition is the result of illness and should be treated and covered by medical insurance.

Sidoti, Dennis Date: 02/01/2009

I do feel that the lipodystrophy syndrome is due to Medication and should be covered by medicare and i also would like to point out the the Bufflo hump ( back fat) is also due to long term use of medication and should be covered

Thanks for your time

Singer, Shelley Title: HIV Peer Support and Advocacy
Organization: ThreePozGals
Date: 02/01/2009

[PHI Redacted] It was necessary and should have been covered as reconstruction. Considering how many people forego ARV treatment because of such side effects, thus endangering their very lives, it should be correctly covered for physical, mental and emotional well-being, indeed as a life saving treatment itself. (Then cover reconstruction of the butt and removal of the buffalo hump and [PHI Redacted] )

Slotten, M.D., Ross Organization: Klein and Slotten Medical Associates
Date: 01/28/2009

As a physician caring for patients with HIV/AIDS since 1984, I have an interest in this issue. Facial lipodystrophy syndrome is not a cosmetic problem. It is a medical problem the unfortunate consequence of certain anti-retroviral agents. The patient is severely disfigured, with an appearance not unlike that of a concentration camp prisoner. The cheeks are sunken, the bony structure beneath is visible, the skin is seemingly prematurely aged. The condition is not reversible. Even if a


Smetanka, Stella Title: Clinical Professor
Organization: Health Law Clinic, University of Pittsburgh School of Law
Date: 02/05/2009

CMS should approve a new benefit category for AIDS related lipodystrophy for three reasons:
1. LDS has profound physical, psychological and socially stigmatizing effects;
2. No safe alternative treatments exist to remedy LDS; and
3. Private insurers have recognized the medical necessity for, and are covering, the reconstructive treatment for facial LDS.

The drastic change in facial features, and ultimately mental state, can easily be corrected by safe, effective FDA


Snow, Ross Date: 02/06/2009

[PHI Redacted] Facial wasting identifies you as having HIV and exacerbates the social stigma that the disease has with many in our society. It has been unclear whether the facial wasting is due to the disease or some of the drugs given to treat it or a combination of both.

[PHI Redacted]

I think that treatment for facial wasting ought to be treated as a reconstuctive procedure rather than a cosmetic one. It is a result of the disease and/or the


Solero, Richard Title: Medical Director Infectious Diseases
Organization: Orange County Health Department CHEERS Program
Date: 02/04/2009

I agree that reconstructive Treatments be covered by Medicare and Medicaid but not only for facial lipodystrophy. We have patients with Buffalo humps that will benefit from liposuction and surgical removal and unfortunately because this are considered esthetic procedures patients cannot benefit from this procedures.

Speakman, William Date: 02/04/2009

There is enough data to show a huge impact on quality of life, depression and anxiety, suicidal thoughts and poorer adherence to antiretroviral medication among people with facial wasting. [PHI Redacted] This is not cosmetic. This is not about vanity. This is about breathing new life and hope into those that were less fortunate...

spence, tim Title: High School Teacher
Organization: Jefferson Union School District
Date: 01/31/2009

[PHI Redacted]

i do think it should be covered. lipodistrophy is a very disturbing thing to happen to one''s body. [PHI Redacted]

Tim Spence

Stennett, James Date: 01/27/2009


[PHI Redacted]

People whose appearance has been ruined by HIV will turn to anything that promises them a glimmer of hope to restore their face. [PHI Redacted]. HIV is a large enough burden to deal with health-wise, but the social stigma it brings makes it worse. [PHI Redacted] fortunate enough to be able to afford these costly treatments, but many people are not so lucky. Their finances doom them to a sickly


Stevenson, Erin Title: Retired
Date: 02/07/2009

I certainly support reconstructive Botox for use the in relieving the pain and emotional stress of facial lipodystropy. [PHI Redacted]

Stevenson, Gary Date: 01/29/2009

Please consider changing the policy to require Medicare to pay for facial lipodistrophy injections. This is a very common awful problem and causes much distress and discomfort to many many HIV patients. Common dignity is everyones right [PHI Redacted] Thank you for you consideration..gas

Sturgill, William Date: 02/15/2009

Please consider covering this treatment. When your face looks like you are sick (sucken face) perons''s sick that you are. It is very diffucult to function in todays society. When you are trying to find employment it the first thing that the employer notice''s.

Sullivan, Donnie Date: 02/05/2009

[PHI Redacted] That said, what IS the proper way to deal with facial lipodystrophy? If medicaid, medicare, or other healthcare suppliers for the non-insured are not going to fund reconstructive treatments for facial lipodystrophy, and if these agencies are going to continue to consider these procedures "cosmetic," then I feel that our government has AT LEAST an obligation to discover why facial lipodystrophy occurs and how to treat or prevent it in a non-cosmetic manner.


Swanson, Alan Date: 02/10/2009

To Whom it may concern:
Please help people with Hiv and facial wasting get help to pay for treatment of facial wasting. [PHI Redacted] A person may have hiv but facial wasting makes their lives even that more difficult to cope with.
Sincerely, Alan Swanson

Taylor, Brian Title: RN
Date: 02/10/2009

I have been a nurse (RN) in an HIV clinic for 18 years. I have seen alot. Most importantly I witnessed a dramatic drop in the death rate among my patients when better medications were introduced in 1995. Along with better medications came not only a chance to live, but many times disfiguring side effects. Treatment for facial lipodystrphy syndrome is no more a cosmetic procedure than breast augmentation following a mastectomy. I would not want a client to choose illness and potential


Taylor, Jeff Title: Co-chair
Organization: AIDS Treatment Activists Coalition Drug Development Committee
Date: 01/27/2009

It is crucial that reimbursement be provided for facial reconstruction. Patients suffering from facial wasting lose motivation to comply with therapy putting them at risk for resistance and vastly more expensive treatment options. Depression and other psychosocial issues also further burden the healthcare system, in addition to worsening patient quality of life. Reconstructive surgery is provided without question to mastectomy patients, and the same standard should apply to AIDS


Teixeira, DrPH, Paul Date: 02/05/2009

I want to add on more thought- CMS redacts PHI from these comments due to the HIPAA privacy rule. But people living with facial wasting have no such ability to edit the information conveyed by their facial disfigurement.

Teixeira, DrPH, Paul Title: Research Fellow
Organization: Columbia University Medical Center
Date: 02/05/2009

I believe that lipoatrophy should be considered an HIV-related condition and CMS should cover reconstructive procedures for facial wasting. Providing medications to keep people healthy while denying them access to relatively inexpensive procedures that could have tremendous impact on their mental health and outlook seems not just wrong, but counter productive. I hope CMS will decide in favor of covering these procedures.

Tietz, Daniel Title: Executive Director
Organization: AIDS Community Research Initiative of America
Date: 01/28/2009

I very much support Medicare coverage for reconstructive treatment of facial lipodystrophy syndrome. This is a medication-induced side effect of HIV anti-retroviral treatment that can have a devastating impact on the appearance and self-esteem of those who suffer from the syndrome. Covering reconstructive surgery, therefore, will have a very positive impact on those living with syndrome. Thank you.

Tredway, Steven Date: 02/10/2009

I believe Medicare/Medicaid SHOULD pay for the treatments for facial lipodystrophy in patients living with HIV/AIDS.

When a person living with HIV maintains "good" health, has bloodwork numbers that are excellent, yet is reduced to walking around with hollow, sunken cheeks...."the face of death" as it''s sometimes called, it takes a HUGE mental toll on the person living with HIV/AIDS. Some go into seclusion, some develop social disorders that require psychological treatment such as


Urbanus, Doug Date: 02/04/2009

A friend of mine suffered from severe lipoatrophy of the face. I paid for half the cost of the injection of the filler and the filler itself was donated. Still the cost was $2800 for a condition that was either caused by HIV or the treatment of it. The reconstruction of his face cannot be construed as anything but a medical necessity. If a burn victim has his face damaged, the reconstruction would not be regarded as cosmetic. Neither is the reconstruction in the event of lipoatrophy.

Vaknin, Uri Date: 02/04/2009

Facial Lipodystrophy is a direct result of HIV and HIV medication. It is a medical condition that has adverse effects on those who have it. It makes no sense that it is not covered by insurance. It is similar to breast cancer victims who require plastic and reconstructive surgery after lumpectomies and mastectomies.

Vergel, Nelson Title: Director
Organization: Program for Wellness Restoration- Sponsors of
Date: 02/05/2009

I am [PHI Redacted] the founder of and one of the founding members of the AIDS Treatment Activists Coalition (ATAC). I moderate the largest HIV health online group (pozhealth at, where I get a sense of what the main complaints of patients are around the world. [PHI Redacted]

1-Lipoatrophy- in the form of facial wasting - is a well confirmed medical condition and illness resulting either/and or from both HIV


Vergis, Emanuel Title: Assistant Professor of Medicine
Organization: University of Pittsburgh
Date: 02/09/2009

I strongly believe that reconstructive treatments for facial lipodystrophy should be covered by insurance. I see many individuals with this syndrome in my HIV practice and know quite well the psychological distress that they endure (stigmatization, depression, loss of self-esteem). I''ve also seen some of these patients interrupt their treatments in order to "reverse" their physical appearance which in the long run, leads to deterioration of their health.

Vice, Bobby Date: 02/04/2009

It is definitely a must have. [PHI Redacted] It helps restore your normal appearance, and helps with the stigma, and depression that is caused from the wasting. It is vital for anyone who is HIV positive and has been on HAART for any lengthy period of time. The medications do help prolong lives, they are just now realizing the impact of the side effects. This is one of them that can be treated, just like heart disease.

Vokoun, James Date: 02/04/2009

[PHI Redacted]

What is the point of taking antiretroviral treatments at all when this insane deformity is the end result? The burden of this disfigurement is too much to bear, and far too expensive for those living on disability with AIDS to afford.

I beg the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to approve treatments for Reconstructive Treatments for Facial Lipodystrophy Syndrome. Without this approval, many living with HIV/AIDS will have no


Waldman, Lisa Date: 02/05/2009

I am a mental health professional who has worked with people experiencing facial and other lipodystrophy and I completely support reconstructive treatment coverage from Medicaid and Medicare. [PHI Redacted] The individuals living with this traumatic side effect of the disease and the meds are profoundly impacted. This condition can cause severe depression in people and increase mental health issues and increase liklihood of abusing substances to cope. There is nothing


Walsh, Brian Date: 02/04/2009

Many times, I can walk into a room and know who has HIV by looking at there face. It effects those with facial wasting to withdraw from society. [PHI Redacted] passed away from cancer and not AIDS. He gradually withdrew because of the stigma of hiv and how he looked. It was sad to see this happen and not be able to afford to pay for plastic surger. It would be like asking a breast cancer patient to go topless and not to have reconstrutive surgery.

Wehr, Bob Date: 02/04/2009

Hi, I know of people that are hiv positive and have seen their faces change dramatically for the worse due to Lipodystropy. It seems the fat or normalness leaves from their face and and they start to look sickly or disfigued; their cheeks get hollow and deformed looking. I''ve also noted how it affects the way they feel about themselves. Extreme poor self images develop from feeling "disfigured", verbal abuse by coworkers, peers etc. I believe coverage should be provided for


Wellborn, Susan Title: Nurse Practitioner
Organization: Orange County Center for Special Immunology
Date: 01/31/2009

I have treated HIV+ patients for 12 years and have seen the physical and emotional devastation caused by lipodystrophy. Patient''s wanting to return to work but are unable to because of the physical changes that cause physical disfigurement and embarrasment. Patient''s wanting to be social but isolate because of poor self esteem and patient''s with such large buffalo humps and big bellys that they are unable to hold their head up or walk with stability. These are NOT cosmetic needs -


Wickersham, Ron Date: 02/09/2009

i support the coverage of treatment in this document.

1) the proximate cause of the Syndrome is that the patent followed a doctor''s recommendation for treatment.

2) this was an unknown side effect of one or more drugs that were approved by the FDA and shown to be "safe and effective" for treatment of the medical condition they were prescribed for.

3) therefore there could be no informed consent to the side effect since it was unknown to the maker of the drug, the


Wilder, Bruce Date: 01/28/2009

I am pleased that CMS has opened a benefit category NCD for AIDS-related facial lipodystrophy, and am grateful for the opportunity to provide comments. It is important to remember that AIDS-related lipodystrophy is a systemic disease, and may affect other parts of the body. As an example, individuals have been denied coverage for treatment of marked enlargement and/or deformity of the neck, based on the argument that it is “cosmetic,” even when there has been significant pain and


Williams, Doug Title: Case manager
Organization: City of Long Beach Health Dept.
Date: 02/05/2009

[PHI Redacted]

I am an HIV case manager in a City run clinic and know of clients who have stopped medications and actually died due to the stress and shame that this condition causes

I cannot say enough in support of having this procedure reduced to a reasonable cost and covered by insurance

Thank you for your time
Doug Williams
Woman in Texas, Anonymous Date: 02/05/2009

I personally have spent more than 20 thousand dollars on facial injection treatments. These dollars could have been better spent supporting my family and our economy. The same products that were injected were at a much lower cost prior to FDA approval (Sculptra specifically), if Medicare was to get involved, I believe that the price gouging practice for these treatments as well as others (such as Artefill) would benefit those living with HIV. I know people who won''t take


Yingling, Elizabeth Date: 02/04/2009

I think this is an extremely important procedure that should be covered by Medicare. [PHI Redacted] Insurance and Medicare has no problem with covering Viagra, to boost a man''s self esteem and prevent depression. [PHI Redacted] Please find some compassion and give the same courtesy as someone with ED, which by the way, is not visible to the whole world. [PHI Redacted]

Yue, Alan Title: Board member and client
Organization: Life Foundation, Inc.
Date: 02/04/2009

Aloha awakea!

[PHI Redacted]

I hope that CMS will seriously consider allowing reimbursement for facial reconstructive treatments and procedures. These reconstructive procedures can make a positive impact to mental health and quality of life, much like breast reconstruction procedures after mastectomy.

Please consider my plea to change policy to give countless Americans their faces back.

Thank you for considering my
