National Coverage Analysis (NCA) View Public Comments

Liver Transplantation for Malignancies

Public Comments

Commenter Comment Information
Hills, Teri Title: Regulatory/Reimbursement Manager
Organization: Mayo Clinic
Date: 04/27/2012

April 27, 2012

Tamara Syrek Jensen, JD
Deputy Director, Coverage and Analysis Group
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850

Re: Proposed Decision Memo for Liver Transplantation for Malignancies (CAG-0091R)

Dear Ms Jensen:

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Proposed Decision Memo for Liver Transplantation for Malignancies (CAG-0091R). The proposal expands


Heimbach, Julie Title: surgical director, Liver transplantation
Organization: Mayo Clinic
Date: 04/27/2012

April 26, 2012

Tamara Syrek Jensen, JD
Deputy Director, Coverage and Analysis Group
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850

Re: Proposed Decision Memo for Liver Transplantation for Malignancies (CAG-0091R)

Dear Ms Jensen:

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Proposed Decision Memo for Liver Transplantation for Malignancies (CAG-0091R). I will restrict my


Cathcart, Sherrie Title: Executive Director
Organization: American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases
Date: 04/27/2012

Members of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases are appreciative of the step forward that the CMS has given by modifying the liver transplantation NCD (see 260.1 of the Medicare NCD Manual)to remove the non-coverage for extrahepatic unresectable cholangiocarcinoma. However, we are still concerned about leaving this decision at the discretion of Medicare Administrative Contractors acting within their respective jurisdictions.
Cholangiocdarcinoma affects up to 4,000


Brett, Tybe Title: Of Counsel
Organization: Stember, Feinstein, Doyle, Payne & Kravec, LLC
Date: 04/26/2012

I represent [PHI Redacted] in DAB Board Docket No. A-11-98 [PHI Redacted]. I understand that our statement is part of the record in this NCD reconsideration.

In response to the concern expressed in the cholangiocarcinoma portion of the proposed decision memo, regarding uncertainty as to whether the Mayo Clinic and University of Nebraska results can be acheived elsewhere, I would like to note that on April 2, 2012, a multi-center study “Efficacy


Safer, Ricky Title: President
Organization: PSC Partners Seeking a Cure
Date: 04/22/2012

April 23, 2012

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing on behalf of PSC Partners Seeking a Cure, a 501(c)3 foundation dedicated to providing education, awareness, and research for primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), a progressive bile duct disease that has no treatment other than liver transplantation. We have members in every state of the nation and throughout the world. We are the first point of access for newly diagnosed PSC patients who desperately seek support. We at
