Coding Analysis for Labs (CAL) Tracking Sheet

Thyroid Testing (Inclusion of ICD-9-CM Code 733.02 for Idiopathic Osteoporosis)



The current National Coverage Determination (NCD) for Thyroid Testing includes, “symptoms of the nervous and musculoskeletel system” as a covered indication for the test.  It has been brought to our attention that the list of covered diagnoses for this test does not include ICD-9-CM code 733.02, idiopathic osteoporosis.  It appears that code 733.02 may flow from the narrative covered indications for thyroid tests under the muscoloskeletal symptoms indication.  We will be reviewing this code more carefully with the benefit of public comment to make a determination.

National Coverage Determinations

Benefit Category

Diagnostic Laboratory Tests

Requestor Information

Requestor Name Requestor Letter
Richard J. Fairley, MD, MPH, Dubuque Internal Medicine, Dubuque, Iowa N/A

Important Dates

Formal Request Accepted and Review Initiated
Expected CAL Completion Date
Public Comment Period
09/27/2004 - 10/27/2004
Proposed Decision Memo Due Date
Proposed Decision Memo Released
Proposed Decision Memo Public Comment Period
Decision Memo Released


Lead Analysts
Jackie Sheridan-Moore
Karen Daily
Lead Medical Officers
James Rollins, MD

Medicare Benefit Category Determination Date

Actions Taken

September 23, 2004

Accepted Coding Analysis for Laboratory (CAL) issue and posted notice and request for comments to the Internet.

November 23, 2004

Posted final decision memorandum to Internet.