News Alert Dec 13, 2022

Members of New Federal Advisory Committee Named to Help Improve Ground Ambulance Disclosure and Billing Practices for Consumers

Today, the Biden-Harris Administration announced the names of those selected to join the Ground Ambulance and Patient Billing (GAPB) Advisory Committee. This action is one more step the Administration is taking in its efforts to protect consumers. Committee recommendations are expected to help inform policy changes that will improve the disclosure of charges and fees for ground ambulance services, better inform consumers of insurance options for such services, prevent balance billing to consumers, and evaluate the feasibility of implementing proposals for legislation and enforcement at the state and federal levels.

In November 2021, the Administration created the new federal advisory committee, as mandated through the No Surprises Act, to provide recommendations to the Secretaries of Health and Human Services (HHS), Labor, and of the Treasury on ways to protect consumers from balance billing when using ground ambulance services.

The GAPB Advisory Committee members include:

  • Asbel Montes — Committee Chairperson; Additional representative determined necessary and appropriate by the Secretaries.
  • Rogelyn McLean — Secretary of Health and Human Services’ designee
  • Thomas West — Secretary of the Treasury’s designee
  • Ali Khawar — Secretary of Labor’s designee
  • Gamunu Wijetunge — Department of Transportation – National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
  • Suzanne Prentiss — State insurance regulators
  • Adam Beck — Health insurance providers
  • Patricia Kelmar — Consumer advocacy groups
  • Gary Wingrove — Patient advocacy groups
  • Ayobami Ogunsola — State and local governments
  • Dr. Ritu Sahni — Physician specializing in emergency, trauma, cardiac, or stroke
  • Peter Lawrence — State Emergency Medical Services officials
  • Shawn Baird — Emergency medical technicians, paramedics, and other emergency medical services personnel
  • Regina Godette-Crawford — Representative of various segments of the ground ambulance industry
  • Rhonda Holden — Representative of various segments of the ground ambulance industry
  • Edward Van Horne — Representative of various segments of the ground ambulance industry
  • Loren Adler — Additional Representative determined necessary and appropriate by the Secretaries

The committee will meet at least twice during 2023, and its final report is due not later than 180 days after the initial meeting. The committee’s first public meeting is tentatively scheduled for January 17 and 18. Information about member selection and the public meeting are available in the Federal Register Notice here. You may also visit the GABP website for updates.
