National Coverage Analysis (NCA) View Public Comments

Screening for Lung Cancer with Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT)

Public Comments

Commenter Comment Information
Horn, Marcia Title: President and CEO
Organization: ICAN, International Cancer Advocacy Network
Date: 12/17/2021

Re: National Coverage Analysis (NCA) for Screening for Lung Cancer with Low-Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT) (CAG-00439R)

Thank you for the opportunity to submit comments on the National Coverage Analysis (NCA) for screening for lung cancer with Low-Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT) referenced above.

Our reasoning is laid out more extensively below, and we wish to associate ourselves with the excellent request on March 9, 2021 by the GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer, the


Dowling, Linda Title: Lung Cancer Screening Consultant/Advocate
Date: 12/17/2021

Thank you for providing the opportunity to comment on the expanded CMS lung cancer screening (LCS) guidelines. The following comments are from eighteen Upper Midwest Lung Cancer Screening Consortium (UMLCSC) members - a collaborative group of those working closely with LCS.

Our group includes administrators, navigators, providers and radiologists. The majority of the UMLCSC are located in Illinois, eastern Wisconsin, northwest Indiana, but it also includes representatives from


Zeldes, Nina Organization: National Center for Health Research
Date: 12/17/2021

We are writing to express our views on Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) proposed decision memo on the national coverage determination regarding screening for lung cancer with low dose computed tomography (LDCT).

The National Center for Health Research (NCHR) is a nonprofit think tank that conducts, analyzes, and scrutinizes research on a range of health issues, with particular focus on which prevention strategies and treatments are most effective for which patients


Toll, Benjamin Title: Memo Comment on CMS LDCT Policy
Organization: Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco
Date: 12/17/2021

December 17, 2021

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Department of Health and Human Services
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21244

Submitted to:

RE: Docket No. CAG-00439R, Screening for Lung Cancer with Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT)

Dear CMS Memo Review Committee:

I am writing to you in my capacity as the President of the Society for Research on Nicotine and


Santiago, Kristen Title: Senior Director of Public Policy Initiatives.
Organization: LUNGevity Foundation
Date: 12/17/2021

On behalf of LUNGevity Foundation, please find the below comments in response to the Medicare Proposed National Coverage Decision (CAG-00439R): Screening for Lung Cancer with Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT).
Thank you.

December 17, 2021


Tamara Syrek Jensen, JD
Director, Coverage & Analysis Group
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21244

Medicare Proposed National


BORZYCH, PATRICIA Title: concerned citizen
Date: 12/17/2021

I have [PHI Redacted] in this age category and I am specifically worried about guidance for shared decision making for all age groups including theirs.

This new CMS guidance for lung cancer removes the statement that SDM must include benefits and harms of screening, follow up diagnostic testing, over -diagnosis, false positive rate and total radiation exposure.

I am confused why you are considering removing these?

Bloomquist, Christine Title: Vice President, Corporate Affairs, North America
Organization: AstraZeneca
Date: 12/17/2021

Dear Ms. Syrek Jensen:

AstraZeneca appreciates the opportunity to provide comment to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on its proposed decision memorandum (“proposed decision memo”) on “Screening for Lung Cancer with Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT)” (CAG-00439R).

AstraZeneca is a global, science-led biopharmaceutical company that focuses on the discovery, development and commercialization of prescription medicines in Oncology, Rare Diseases and


McGlothlin, Anita Title: Director, Economics and Health Policy
Organization: GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer
Date: 12/17/2021

December 16, 2021

Tamara Syrek Jensen, JD, Director
Joseph Chin, MD, Deputy Director
Attn: Coverage and Analysis Group
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21244

Electronically Submitted:

Re: Public Comment on the Proposed NCD for Screening for Lung Cancer with Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT) CAG-00439R

Dear Ms. Jensen and Dr.


Steinhardt, Jody Title: Administrative Director, Lung Screening Program
Organization: Maimonides Medical Center
Date: 12/17/2021

I. Delete the annual screening eligibility criterion that discontinues screening once an individual turns 78 years old.

We recommend CMS remove the upper age cutoff of >77, as decisions to discontinue screening should be individualized and based on the overall health status of the patient. This is also recommended in the National Comprehensive Care Network (NCCN) lung cancer screening guideline.4 The one size fits all approach for lung cancer screening and upper age limit is


Esmailizadeh, Vadi Title: Manager, Worldwide Government Affairs & Policy
Organization: Johnson & Johnson
Date: 12/17/2021

Dear Ms. Kimberly Long,

Johnson & Johnson ("J&J") is pleased to submit comments on the referenced National Coverage Analysis (NCA).

J&J is the world’s most comprehensive and broadly-based healthcare company, delivering products and services for the consumer, pharmaceutical, and medical devices and diagnostics markets. For more than 135 years, we have supplied the world’s healthcare systems with a broad range of products and have led the way in innovation, beginning


Lally, Ann Title: Lung Cancer Screening Program Manager
Organization: Rush University System for Health
Date: 12/17/2021

Rush University System for Health (RUSH) is comprised of Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, IL, Rush Oak Park Hospital in Oak Park, IL and Rush Copley Medical Center in Aurora, IL. Rush University Medical Center and Rush Oak Park Hospital have been designated as centers for excellence for lung cancer screening by the Lung Cancer Alliance (now Go2 Foundation) since 2016. RUSH has completed over 3,600 lung screens since the program’s inception.

As a part of our commitment


Smith, Robert Title: Senior Vice President, Cancer Screening
Organization: American Cancer Society
Date: 12/17/2021

Tamara Syrek Jensen, J.D.
Director, Coverage & Analysis Group
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
7500 Security Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21244

Re: Comments on Proposed Decision Memo for Screening for Lung Cancer with Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT) (CAG-00439R)

Dear Ms. Jensen:

The American Cancer Society (ACS) and American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) welcome the opportunity to respond to the Proposed


West, Trent Title: Lung Screening Manager
Organization: Saint Luke's Health System
Date: 12/17/2021

I have worked with the low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) screening program since 2015. I would ask you to please consider the following changes in the program.

  1. Please lower the screening age to 50 years and the smoking history to 20 pack-years for the Medicare population. I have had to turn people away who had significant risk. Please mirror the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines. We have found cancers in this group.
  2. Consider raising the


Curet, MD, FACS, Myriam Title: Executive Vice President & Chief Medical Officer
Organization: Intuitive Surgical
Date: 12/17/2021

Dear Administrator Brooks-LaSure:

Intuitive appreciates the opportunity to submit comments on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services proposed decision memo, expanding beneficiary eligibility and access to low dose CT (LDCT) scans for lung cancer screening. Intuitive, the manufacturer of the da Vinci robotic-assisted surgical system and Ion Endoluminal system, was founded with the goal of developing minimally invasive robotic-assisted technologies that help healthcare


Bach, MD, Peter B. Title: Chief Medical Officer
Organization: Delfi Diagnostics
Date: 12/17/2021

To: The Coverage and Analysis Group
December 17, 2021

Re: CAG-00439R - Screening for Lung Cancer with Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT)

I write in support of the expanded eligibility criteria for LDCT screening as the agency has proposed, but on several fronts I would recommend caution against changing other elements of the established criteria.

Retain the Registry requirement

CMS should keep in place the lung cancer screening registry,


Hope, Patrick Title: Executive Director
Organization: MITA
Date: 12/17/2021

December 17, 2021

Tamara Syrek Jensen, JD
Coverage and Analysis Group
Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Re: Reconsideration—Proposed National Coverage Determination for Lung Cancer Screening with Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT)

Dear Ms. Syrek Jensen:

As the premier trade association representing the manufacturers of medical imaging equipment, radiopharmaceuticals, contrast media, and focused


Kolosky, Jack Title: Executive Director
Organization: Alliance of Dedicated Cancer Centers
Date: 12/17/2021

December 17, 2021

Tamara Syrek Jensen, JD
Director, Coverage and Analysis Group
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21244

Re: Reconsideration—Proposed National Coverage Determination for Lung Cancer Screening with Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT)

Dear Ms. Syrek Jensen,

On behalf of the Alliance of Dedicated Cancer Centers (“ADCC”), I am pleased to submit comments on


Karam, Maher Title: Professor
Organization: Association for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence (ATTUD)
Date: 12/16/2021

December 16, 2021

On behalf of the Association for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence (ATTUD), we would like to provide comments regarding the CMS proposed decision for Lung Cancer Screening (LCS).

ATTUD is the leading organization of clinicians involved in treating patients for tobacco use disorder, with over 500 members. Given the national prevalence along with the frequent and deleterious health effects of tobacco product use, predominantly from smoking


Slaton, Susan Title: Director, Policy and Reimbursement
Organization: Medtronic
Date: 12/16/2021

December 16, 2021


Tamara Syrek Jensen, JD
Director, Coverage & Analysis Group (CAG)
Center for Clinical Standards and Quality
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21244

Re: Medicare Proposed Decision Memo (CAG-00439R): Screening for Lung Cancer with Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT)

Dear Ms. Jensen,

Medtronic appreciates the opportunity to


Slone, Andrea Title: Manager, Clinical & Advocacy Programs, KHC
Organization: Kentucky Health Collaborative (KHC) and Kentucky LEADS Collaborative
Date: 12/16/2021

Dear CMS Review Panel,

As a collective group of healthcare providers and professionals, the Kentucky Health Collaborative (KHC), and lung cancer screening clinician-researchers, the Kentucky LEADS Collaborative, appreciate that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is accepting public comment regarding the recent proposed recommendation for the National Coverage Determination (NCD) regarding low dose computed tomography (LDCT) Lung Cancer Screening (LCS).


Strovers, Kacey Title: Lung Cancer Screening and Imaging Coordinator
Organization: MercyOne Des Moines
Date: 12/16/2021

I would like to take the opportunity to commend CMS for lowering the age to begin LCS screening from 55 to 50 and reducing pack years from 30 to 20 years as both will begin to address disparities seen with lung cancer. I would definitely like to encourage CMS to consider removing the upper age cap of 77. Regardless of smoking history, I feel putting an age limit on this LCS criteria, continues to enhance the stigma for patients with tobacco smoking history. Please allow the ordering


Reid, Mary Title: Chief, Cancer Screening & Survivorship
Organization: Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Date: 12/16/2021

To whom it may concern:

On behalf of Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, an institution solely focused on treating patients with cancer, I am pleased to submit comments on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed National Coverage Decision regarding “Screening for Lung Cancer with Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT)” as covered by Medicare. As you well know, early detection of lung cancer significantly prolongs and saves lives. While Roswell Park is


Bailey, Linda Title: President and CEO
Organization: North American Quitline Consortium
Date: 12/16/2021

To whom it may concern:

As President and CEO of the North American Quitline Consortium (NAQC), I would like to thank CMS for excellent analysis and decision-making on the proposal for Lung Cancer Screening requirements. The required elements are based on sound science as well as practicality.

While NAQC agrees that smoking cessation counseling can and should take place within the context of a shared decision-making visit between healthcare provider and patient, we feel


Acton, Dana Title: Director of Science Policy and Legislative Affairs
Organization: American Association for Cancer Research
Date: 12/16/2021

December 16, 2021

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Department of Health and Human Services
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21244

Submitted to:

RE: Docket No. CAG-00439R, Screening for Lung Cancer with Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT)

To Whom It May Concern:

On behalf of the American Association for Cancer Research’s (AACR) more than 49,000 laboratory researchers,


Sayre, Maggie Title: CEO/Executive Director
Organization: Association for Quality Imaging
Date: 12/16/2021

December 16, 2021

By Overnight and Electronic Submission

Tamara Syrek Jensen, JD, Director
Joseph Chin, MD, MS, Deputy Director
Attn: Coverage and Analysis Group
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Mail Stop: S3-02-01
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21244

Re: Public Comment on Proposed New National Coverage Determination on Screening for Lung Cancer with Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT) – CAG-00439R

Dear Ms. Jensen


Henson, Amanda Title: Proposed Decision Memo: Screening for Lung Cancer
Organization: Baptist Health
Date: 12/16/2021

Dear CMS Review Panel,

As a hospital system with eight of our nine hospitals operating in Kentucky, the state with the highest lung cancer incidence, Baptist Health Systems (BHS) Inc. is deeply invested in lung cancer screening. We appreciate the opportunity to respond to the recent proposed recommendation for the National Coverage Determination (NCD) on the expansion of low dose computed tomography (LDCT) Lung Cancer Screening (LCS).

Baptist Health Systems supports


Wimmer, Harold Title: National President and CEO
Organization: American Lung Association
Date: 12/16/2021

December 16, 2021

The Honorable Chiquita Brooks-LaSure
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21244

Re: Reconsideration—Proposed National Coverage Determination for Lung Cancer Screening with Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT) (CAG-00439R)

Dear Administrator Brooks-LaSure:

Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on


Wood, Douglas Title: Chair, NCCN Lung Cancer Screening Guidelines
Organization: National Comprehensive Cancer Network
Date: 12/16/2021

December 16, 2021

Tamara Syrek Jensen, JD
Coverage and Analysis Group
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
7500 Security Blvd
Baltimore MD 21244

RE: CMS Proposed Decision Memo for Screening for Lung Cancer with Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT) (CAG-00439R)

Dear Ms. Syrek Jensen:

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®) is pleased to comment on the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services


Shelley, Donna Title: Professor
Organization: National Cancer Institute SCALE Collaborative
Date: 12/15/2021

December 15, 2021

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Department of Health and Human Services
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21244

Submitted to:

RE: Docket No. CAG-00439R, Screening for Lung Cancer with Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT)

To Whom It May Concern:

On behalf of the Smoking Cessation at Lung Examination (SCALE) Collaboration, an initiative


Gross, Cary Title: Professor of Medicine
Organization: Yale School of Medicine
Date: 12/15/2021
I have been researching the risks and benefits of cancer screening for over 10 years. We have consistently found that information is frequently not presented in a clear manner to patients, rendering informed decision-making challenging. As such, I am greatly concerned that CMS is considering a "one-two punch" of expanding clinical eligibility for lung cancer screening, while at the same time relaxing the requirements for informed decision making. Specifically, the new "simplification" of SDM


Tammemagi, Martin Carl Title: Professor Emeritus / Scientific Lead
Organization: Brock University / Ontario Health-Cancer Care Ontario
Date: 12/14/2021

Dec 14, 2021

Dear Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services Committee Members,
Regarding (CAG-00439R)

We would like to make the CMS LDCT Lung Screening Assessment Committee aware of our recently published article in Lancet Oncology on the results of the International Lung Screening Trial (ILST). (A copy of the article is attached along with an accompanying editorial, if the CMS website allows.) The article is:

USPSTF2013 versus PLCOm2012 lung cancer screening


Haynes, Jeffrey Title: Radiation Oncology Physician
Organization: Rochester Regional Health
Date: 12/14/2021
On a weekly basis, our hospital cancer center devotes a great deal of resources to trying to salvage advanced and often incurable lung cancers in smokers and former smokers in their late 70s and early 80s. I believe expanding lung cancer screening to age 80 could reduce this burden of death and disease in our community and reduce demand for hospitalization and lung cancer treatment services as well.
Ji, Robin Organization: UCSF
Date: 12/10/2021

We appreciate the opportunity to provide comments on the reconsideration of the national coverage determination regarding screening for lung cancer with low dose computed tomography (LDCT).

We strongly urge CMS to reconsider multiple provisions focused on Counseling and Shared Decision-Making in its Proposed Decision Memo.

First, CMS states, “Professional societies and provider groups have noted that providers have gained considerable experience and expertise and believe


Grannis, Frederic W. Title: MD Retired Clinical Professor of Thoracic Surgery
Organization: City of Hope National Medical Center
Date: 12/10/2021

Comment on a Proposed Decision Memorandum:
Screening for Lung Cancer with Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT)
Frederic W. Grannis Jr. MD
Long Beach, CA

It is time long past due for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to review and revise its restrictive eligibility criteria as well as its experimental requirements for shared decision making (SDM), use of decision aids (DA) and electronic data entry in CT lung cancer screening (LCS). The


Jackson, Susan Title: Clinical Coordinator/Lung Cancer Screening Program
Organization: Rochester Regional Health
Date: 12/10/2021
As a provider who works with lung cancer screening patients on a daily basis as well as reviewing results and outcomes, there is a need to have a SDMV prior to initial scans. Furthermore, the upper age limit should not be determined by anyone other than the clinician ordering the scan for obvious reasons. Please do not put an upper age requirement, as it limits our abilities to screen those who need it the most!
Myers, Ronald Title: Professor and Director
Organization: Thomas Jefferson University and the Lung Cancer Learning Community
Date: 12/09/2021
Regarding the requirement, it is important to state that decision aids used in shared decision making about lung cancer screening should provide patient education about the pros and cons of screening and the assess patient preference related to screening.
Singh, Gauravjit Title: Medical Director
Organization: St. Joseph's Cancer Institute
Date: 12/08/2021
I fully support the lowering of age requirement and lowering the smoking history requirement to meet eligibility for lung cancer screening. The aforementioned changes align with USPSTF data.
Robinson, Mironda Title: Ambulatory Imaging Director
Organization: Duke Health
Date: 12/08/2021
We appreciate the opportunity to provide comments as Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) reconsiders their national coverage decision for Lung Cancer Screening with Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT). We respectfully encourage CMS to allow independent diagnostic testing facilities (IDTF’s) to perform lung cancer screening with LDCT. IDTF sites can benefit appropriate patients in multiple ways by providing potentially lower cost of care services, ease of access, and


Manss, Virginia Title: Chief Nursing Officer
Organization: Community Medical Centers
Date: 12/07/2021
I am fully in support of CMS aligning with the USPSTF to lower the age requirement for smokers to age 50 and decrease the smoking history to 20 pack years for eligibility for LDCT to screen for lung cancer. In caring for the underserved patients in Central California, this will help to diagnose lung cancer earlier in this vulnerable population.
Levinson, Jenifer Title: Vice President, Global HEMA
Organization: Boston Scientific
Date: 12/07/2021

December 7, 2021


Tamara Syrek Jensen, JD
Director, Coverage & Analysis Group
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21244

Medicare Proposed National Coverage Decision (CAG-00439R): Screening for Lung Cancer with Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT)

Dear Ms. Jensen:

Boston Scientific Corporation appreciates the opportunity to provide


Lerner, Laurie Title: MD
Organization: Rochester Regional Health
Date: 12/06/2021
Please consider changing the age criterial from 50-77 to 50 -80 to align with USPSTF recommendations and the age criterial adopted by most insurance providers to date. Current proposed age criteria of 50-77 will create unnecessary confusion between CMS and private insurers and leave a grey zone from 77-80.
Kanaan, Samer Title: Chair Cancer Committee and Director Lung Cancer
Organization: Leonard Cancer Institute Mission Hospital
Date: 12/05/2021
After reviewing the updated guidelines issued, I personally am in full support of the changes as is the Leonard Cancer Institute. We strongly believe that expanding patients who are eligible will save lives. Thank you.
Samer Kanaan MD FACS FCCP
Boh, Trish Title: Executive Assistant
Organization: St. Elizabeth Healthcare
Date: 12/05/2021

Dear CMS Review Panel,

The proposed decision memo is excellent news, and the efforts behind this and the evidence-based considerations for expanded lung cancer screening are commendable. In Kentucky, we feel significantly impacted as we are clear outliers in the battle against lung cancer and smoking-related disease, ranking an uncontested last place with a lung cancer incidence of 89.4 per 100,000 population, 55% higher than the national average.



Whitten, Richard Title: Contractor Medical Director
Organization: Noridian Healthcare Solutions, LLC
Date: 11/28/2021
Nice improvements generally, thank you!
The DRAFT as currently written includes the beneficiary/patient requirement: "Counseling on the importance of adherence to annual lung cancer LDCT screening, impact of comorbidities and ability or willingness to undergo diagnosis and treatment."
This would be improved by changing "or willingness" to "and willingness" as it is both illogical and wasteful to perform the study if it is known beforehand the beneficiary is unwilling.
Thank you


Skambis, Kathleen Title: Mrs.
Organization: Skambis & Skambis, P.A.
Date: 11/22/2021

[PHI Redacted] Since then, I have been advocating for better research, better screening, more effective treatment, and more awareness that lung cancer is a crisis in the US. I urge you to adopt the proposed update to the policy re. Medicare coverage for lung cancer screening.

Catching lung cancer early yields cures—cures. Screening for lung cancer with the current criteria AND, better yet, the expanded proposed criteria, is PROVEN to catch lung cancer far


Knight, Debra Title: RN, Lung Navigator
Organization: Phoebe Putney
Date: 11/18/2021

When will the new criteria for lung cancer screen of 50-77 yrs of age and 20 pack yrs go into effect? Last I heard insurance, including Medicare and Medicaid would start covering this new criteria 1/1/23.

Logan, Elizabeth Title: APRN
Organization: Health First Cancer Institute
Date: 11/18/2021

Thank you for considering the expansion of guidelines per USPSTF recommendations. I see, however, that your proposal does not include patients aged 78-80. This is an unfortunate choice. As the GO2 foundation, ACR, and The Society of Thoracic Surgeons stated in their Requestor letter dated March 9, 2021, "It is well-established that the medical appropriateness of lung cancer screening and therapy is subject to physiologic status, comorbidities, and the ability to undergo treatment. CMS


Begley, Audra Title: OP Coding Manager
Organization: Community Health Network
Date: 11/18/2021
Please consider adding the ICD 10 diagnosis codes of smoking in remission
Glenn, Sarah Date: 11/17/2021
I believe that long time exposure to second hand smoke must be considered as meeting criteria for LDCT. There is documented proof that second had smoke exposure is a contributor to lung cancer as stated in
This should meet the criteria necessary to indicate a LDCT scan is beneficial.