Resources for Beneficiaries

Image Depicting a Beneficiary
Resources for Beneficiaries

We have developed a variety of educational resources that will help beneficiaries better understand Medicaid. For more information, please visit and your state’s Medicaid website.

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These one-page infographics are suitable for displaying on bulletin boards, in waiting areas, and other locations that beneficiaries regularly visit.

Topical Resources

Important subjects in program integrity that often cause confusion for beneficiaries.

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Beneficiary Card Sharing Risks

Medicaid fraud, waste, and abuse can result when bad actors obtain beneficiaries’ Medicaid cards or numbers - even if the beneficiary did not intend it. This toolkit educates beneficiaries about the risks and negative consequences of sharing such information with others.

Other Topics

These resources are specifically targeted to beneficiaries. You can find provider-focused resources on these same topics on the Provider Toolkits page.

Page Last Modified:
09/06/2023 04:51 PM