Creating a New Competitive Health Insurance Marketplace

Creating a New Competitive Health Insurance Marketplace

In 2014, individuals and employees of small businesses will have access to affordable coverage through a new competitive private health insurance market - the Health Insurance Marketplace, also known as the Affordable Insurance Exchange. The state-based Marketplace will provide individuals and small businesses with a "one-stop shop" to find and compare affordable, quality private health insurance options. The Marketplace will bring new transparency to the health insurance market so that Americans will be able to compare plans based on price, quality, benefits and other important features. By increasing competition between insurance companies and allowing individuals and small businesses to band together to purchase insurance, the Marketplace will help lower costs.

States across the country have received grants to establish a Health Insurance Marketplace - Opens in a new window . Use the map below to learn more about establishment grants in your State:


Health Insurance Exchange Establishment Grants




Health Insurance Marketplace Grants

The Marketplace Establishment grants recognize that States are making progress toward establishing a Marketplace but are doing so at different paces. States can choose when to apply for grant funding based on their needs and planned expenditures. States that are moving ahead on a faster pace can apply for multi-year funding, known as level two establishment grants. States that are making progress in establishing a Marketplace through a step-by-step approach can apply for funding for each project year, known as level one establishment grants.

States may initially apply for either level one or level two establishment grants, based on their progress. State can also choose when during this year to apply for grant funding based on their needs and planned expenditures. States will have multiple opportunities to apply for funding in the years ahead, including opportunities to apply for multiple level one grants as the planning process develops. As indicated in a November 29, 2011 Question and Answer document, CMS intends to award establishment grants through 2014. This process gives States maximum flexibility and ensures that States can move forward on their own timetables as they work to build a Marketplace.

*The Federated States of Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, and Palau did not apply because they were not eligible.

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09/06/2023 05:05 PM