Section 508 Exceptions

Section 508 Exceptions

On rare occasions, the CMS Section 508 Program Manager may grant a testing exception for software, systems or applications. The Program Manager may grant an exception for software or systems that fall in one of the following categories:

  • National Security System
  • Software/System acquired by a contractor, or incidental to a contract
  • Back-office equipment
  • Undue Burden for CMS (e.g. - extreme cost)
  • Fundamental alteration

ICT exceptions are only valid for one release.  The CMS Section 508 Program Manager must re-evaluate subsequent releases for additional exceptions.

The CMS Section 508 Component Clearance Officers can provide more information on exceptions. To apply for a Section 508 exception, an Application Owner may submit an exception certification form with a thorough justification to a designated Section 508 Clearance Officer. The Section 508 Clearance Officer will submit it for appropriate reviews and approvals.

For more information about the CMS Section 508 Exceptions process, contact the CMS Section 508 Program Team at

Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:13 PM