Funding Opportunities

Funding Opportunities

To find the grant solicitation and to apply, go to - Opens in a new window and search by the CFDA number.

Click here for the text of the following award terms that apply to all CCIIO Grant and Cooperative Agreement Awards:

Consumer Support and Information

Consumer Assistance Program Grants


Closing Date – September 10, 2010
Awarded – October 19, 2010

  • April 20, 2012
    Funding Opportunity: Limited Competition for Affordable Care Act Consumer Assistance Program Grants
    Visit - Opens in a new window and search for CFDA number 93.519

Closing Date – May 21, 2012
Award Date – June 20, 2012

  • June 7, 2012
    Funding Opportunity: Affordable Care Act Consumer Assistance Program Grants

Visit - Opens in a new window and search for CFDA number 93.519

Closing Date – July 9, 2012
Target Award Date – August 23, 2012

  • August 13, 2014
    Funding Opportunity Announcement: Limited Competition for Affordable Care Act Consumer Assistance Program Grants
    Visit - Opens in a new window - search for CFDA number 93.519

Closing Date: September 15, 2014
Award Date: September 29, 2014

Health Insurance Marketplaces

Planning and Establishment Grants

Current FOAs:

Closing Date - States have multiple opportunities to apply for funding.

    • Level One Exchange Establishment Application Due Dates: 8/15/2012; 11/15/2012; 12/28/2012; 2/15/2013; 5/15/2013; 8/15/2013; 11/15/2013; 2/14/2014; 5/15/2014; 8/15/2014; 10/15/2014; 11/14/2014
    • Level Two Exchange Establishment Application Due Dates: 8/15/2012; 11/15/2012; 12/28/2012; 2/15/2013; 5/15/2013; 8/15/2013; 11/15/2013; 2/14/2014; 5/15/2014; 8/15/2014; 10/15/2014; 11/14/2014

Previously Released FOAs:

Territory Cooperative Agreements


Early Innovator Grants


State-based Marketplace Modernization Grants

Navigator Grants


Health Insurance Market Reforms

Expanding Access to Women’s Health


State Flexibility to Stabilize the Market

Health Insurance Enforcement and Consumer Protections

Review of Insurance Rates

Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan (CO-OP) Program


Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:23 PM