Quality, Safety & Oversight Group - Emergency Preparedness
Quality, Safety & Oversight Group (QSOG) - Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness for Every Emergency

Enable Federal, State, Tribal, Regional, and local governmental agencies, and health care providers to respond to every emergency in a timely, collaborative, organized, and effective manner.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Quality, Safety & Oversight Group (QSOG) has developed this site to provide useful information to CMS Central and Regional Offices, State Survey Agencies (SAs), their State, Tribal, Regional, and local emergency management partners, and health care providers, for developing effective and robust emergency plans and responses.
- Pandemic flu (e.g., H1N1 influenza virus)
- Hurricanes
- Tornados
- Fires
- Earthquakes
- Power outages
- Chemical spills
- Nuclear or biological terrorist attack
- Etc.
This website provides “one-stop shopping” to obtain both mandated and voluntary emergency preparedness information and tools. The website will be updated regularly to provide helpful guidance regarding issues such as:
- Clarifying the roles, responsibilities and actions of CMS and QSOG Offices.
- Clarifying the roles, responsibilities, and actions of SAs.
- Effective emergency planning across all health care provider types to ensure the well-being of vulnerable populations – whether in long-term care, acute care, or community-based facilities – during a disruptive event.