HIPAA Administrative Simplification Resources and FAQs

What is Administrative Simplification?
It’s the idea that the health care industry can reduce burden and lower costs by standardizing how business is done. Administrative Simplification requirements, part of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, govern how providers, health plans, and clearinghouses must conduct electronic, administrative transactions and set standards for transmitting electronic health information.

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Who We Are
The National Standards Group (NSG) within the Office of Healthcare Experience and Interoperability (OHEI), administers HIPAA Administrative Simplification requirements related to the format and content of electronic, administrative health care transactions, such as claims and payment. The responsibility for administering HIPAA Administrative Simplification provisions related to privacy and security has been delegated to the Office for Civil Rights (OCR).

What We Do
NSG uses recommendations from the industry to develop and enforce regulations that adopt standards, operating rules, unique
identifiers, and code sets, that all covered entities must follow when conducting administrative health care transactions, called HIPAA Standard Transactions.

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Jump to: HIPAA and Administrative | Transactions | Enforcement | Subregulatory Guidance

Administrative Simplification Resources Toolkit (ZIP)
This toolkit features key Administrative Simplification resources, along with a table of contents outlining the information they contain. Read More (ZIP)

Administrative Simplification Enforcement and Testing
Tool (ASETT) Demonstration Video
This demonstration video walks users through how to register for
ASETT, how to use it to file complaints against HIPAA covered entities
for noncompliance with Administrative Simplification standards for
electronic health care transactions, and how to test their electronic
health care transactions, as well as their trading partners' transactions
for potential noncompliance.Read More (Video)

Enforcement Data First Quarter of 2024 (PDF)
This report provides statistics on HIPAA complaint types submitted via ASETT by covered entities, violations based on the type of transaction, and resolution time frames.Read More (PDF)

NSG oversees, statutes and regulations, and how requirements are adopted and updated.
Basic Fact Sheets
Health Care Attachments Proposed Rule
F6 Proposed Rule

NSG enforces Administrative Simplification standards by: Responding to complaints about noncompliance and conducting proactive compliance reviews.
Filing a Complaint and Testing Compliance
Compliance Review Program
HIPAA Enforcement Statistics

Is a line of tools designed to help HIPAA covered entities, their partners, and the health care community comply with statutory and regulatory requirements for standards for electronic health care transactions and operating rules.
Guidance Letters
Frequently Asked Questions
Information Bulletins

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