Integrated Care Resource Center Available to All States

Integrated Care Resource Center Available to All States


Resources Available to All States to Coordinate Care for High-Cost, High-Need Beneficiaries

A technical assistance resource center, the Integrated Care Resource Center (ICRC), is available to assist States in delivering coordinated health care services to people dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid. ICRC offers a variety of technical assistance options to help states to develop integrated care programs that coordinate medical, behavioral health, long-term services and supports for dually eligible individuals. This resource provides technical assistance to States at all levels of readiness to better serve beneficiaries, improve quality and reduce costs. CMS has contracted with Mathematica Policy Research to lead ICRC.

Types of Assistance Available to States

Examples of the types of assistance provided by ICRC include:

  • Providing one-on-one technical assistance to states in areas including program design, stakeholder engagement, data sharing and data analysis, contracting with health plans (including new plan requirements from the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (P.L. No. 115-123), Financial Alignment Initiative or other state demonstrations, and health information technology;
  • Creating customized state data profiles, using publicly available data, to help states interpret dually eligible beneficiary demographics, service utilization, spending, and other characteristics.
  • Facilitating sharing of best practices across states;
  • Training opportunities and written resources to build Medicare expertise within state Medicaid agencies; and
  • Developing resources to support states' efforts to coordinate primary, acute, behavioral health, and long-term supports and services for high-need, high-cost individuals, including dually eligible individuals.

Specific resources are available to States interested in participating in the demonstration to test financial models to support care coordination for Medicare-Medicaid enrollees, and states considering alternate models of integration.

More Information

States interested in receiving technical assistance may visit the ICRC website or send ICRC an email. States interested in subscribing to ICRC e-alerts please visit the ICRC e-alerts webpage.

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Page Last Modified:
01/07/2025 09:45 AM