Health Care Innovation Awards: University of Hawaii at Hilo Project Profile
Project Title: "Pharm2Pharm, a formal hospital pharmacist to community pharmacist collaboration"
Geographic Reach: Hawaii
Funding Amount: $14,346,043
Estimated 3-Year Savings: $27,114,939
The University of Hawaii at Hilo has received an award to implement Pharm2Pharm, a care transition and coordination model designed to improve patient safety and reduce medication-related hospitalizations and emergency room visits. This formal hospital pharmacist-to-community pharmacist collaboration (called "pharmacist-to-pharmacist" or "Pharm2Pharm") closes gaps in care as patients transition from hospital to community settings. This model has been implemented in all three rural counties of Hawaii, where physician shortages are particularly severe. The result will be better care transitions, a reduction in adverse events, improved medication adherence, and better-informed, more patient-centered decisions about medication therapies, leading to reduced hospitalizations, readmissions, and emergency room visits and better health care and health for the patients served.