

This section contains an archive of other information, data, and events that, while no longer current, may be of value to consumers, health care providers, surveyors, regional office staff, researchers and others.  

Topics found here relate to home health survey and certification activities archived annually.

The following archived files are available in the Downloads section below:

  • 2004 Training
  • OASIS-C 2009
  • HHA seeking Medicare certification
  • Errata Sheet
  • OASIS-C Version 2.00 Data Specifications in PDF Format
  • OASIS-C Version 2.00 Data Specifications in Excel Format
  • OASIS-C Version 2.00 Data Specifications in Access Format
  • OASIS-C Version 2.00 Data Specifications in Logical HTML Format
  • OASIS-C Version 2.00 Data Specifications in Submission HTML Format
  • OASIS Crosswalk in PDF Format
Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:04 PM