Delaware Rate Review Grants Award List
Cycle I Grant Application Summary
Delaware Grantee: The Delaware Department of Insurance
Award Date: August 16, 2010
Award Amount: $1,000,000
- Improve the Review Process: Delaware currently prospectively reviews all health insurance premium increases. The State will develop new premium filing requirements and improve its ability to review health insurance premiums by adding additional staff to do the reviews.
- Increase Transparency and Accessibility: Delaware currently only discloses premium filings upon request. The State will post premium filings on its website and develop other enhancements including a new rate comparison feature. Additionally, Delaware will host public meetings and hearings on proposed premium increases.
- Develop and Upgrade Technology: Delaware will improve its ability to review health insurance premiums through analytic software and systems enhancement. The State will also include interactive rate comparison feature on its website.
Cycle IV Grant Application Summary
Delaware Grantee: Delaware Department of Insurance
Award Date: September 19, 2014
Total Award: $1,178,976
- Expand Scope of Rate Review: Delaware will develop additional tools for premium rate comparisons, including comparisons of multiple years of Unified Rate Review Template information to enhance the rate review process and provide rate information that will give a better picture of Delaware’s individual and small group markets. Delaware will study the history of rates, enrollment, benefit patterns, actuarial values, and expenses to include compliance for state QHP standards both inside and outside the Marketplace.
- Improve the Quality/Efficiency of Rate Review: Delaware plans to improve the data/information repository capability support for the rate review process by developing a more comprehensive database/repository for collection, analysis, and reporting of critical information about rate review decisions and trends, including the approval and disapproval of proposed rate increases. The database will incorporate detailed information about rates, enrollment, benefit patterns, actuarial values, and expenses for each medical insurer that has enrollees residing in Delaware. Data from new Marketplace QHPs will be included in the research and included in ongoing rate analysis and modeling.
- Enhance Consumer Outreach: Delaware will provide consumers with tools to compare premiums between issuers, costs for specific benefits, and historical trending of costs. Delaware will also improve its current website to allow consumers to find useful information about rate levels and rate increases, and to understand insurance terms and concepts.