Hawaii Affordable Insurance Exchange Grants Awards List

Hawaii Affordable Insurance Exchange Grants Awards List

Hawaii has received four grant awards to build its Affordable Insurance Exchange. This includes a Planning Grant, two Level One Establishment Grants, and a Level Two Establishment Grant.

Summaries of Hawaii's applications for each grant are provided below:


Establishment Grant Level Two Application Summary


Administrator: Hawaii Health Connector
Award Amount: $128,086,634
Award Date: April 8, 2013
Application Due Date: February 15, 2013
Level of Funding: Level Two

Summary: Hawaii's Level Two Establishment Grant will allow the Connector to hire staff, develop and execute contracts, and continue to develop a strong infrastructure to assure performance of activities related to the creation and on-going operation of the state-based marketplace/exchange. In addition, the requested funding will be used toward building robust outreach and stakeholder engagement strategies such as implementation of the in-person assister program, a comprehensive and coordinated training program to reach a wide audience, the development and implementation of the Call Center and a variety of other outreach activities.


Establishment Grant Level One Application Summary


Administrator: Hawaii Health Connector

Award Amount: $14,440,144; $61,815,492
Award Date: November 29, 2011; August 23, 2012
Application Due Date: September 30, 2011; June 29, 2012
Level of Funding: Level One

Summary: This Level One funding will establish the Hawaii Health Connector (Connector). The Connector is the Affordable Insurance Exchange for Hawaii enabled by Act 205 (SLH 2011). The Connector will serve individuals and small businesses throughout the State of Hawaii. The Connector will create a web portal that will make federally qualified health plans available to the public and reduce the number of uninsured in Hawaii.

Hawaii will use its second Level One Establishment Grant to: (1) hire new staff to support outreach as well as public education and other consumer assistance tools needed in The Connector; (2) begin the solicitation process to contract for the design and development of the IT architecture and user experience for individuals and small business; and (3) engage a quality assurance organization for assistance with a program management plan.


State Planning Grant


Awarded September 30, 2010

Administrator: Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs

Amount Awarded: $1,000,000

  • Conduct background research on the issues related to developing an Exchange.
  • Involve stakeholders in the planning process.
  • Examine integration of the Exchange with existing programs.
  • Assess resource capabilities.
  • Consider the appropriate governance mechanism.
  • Determine appropriate accounting and reporting guidelines.
  • Determine appropriate technical infrastructure.
  • Research business operations including implementation issues.
  • Examine regulatory and policy aspects.
  • Appoint a task force to discuss the issues concerning implementation of an Exchange and receive and process comments from the public.

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09/10/2024 06:11 PM