Mississippi Health Insurance Marketplace Grants Awards List

Mississippi Health Insurance Marketplace Grants Awards List

Mississippi has received three grant awards to build its Health Insurance Marketplace. This includes a Planning Grant and two Level One Establishment Grants.

Summaries of Mississippi’s applications for each grant are provided below:


Establishment Grant Level One Application Summary

Administrator: Mississippi Department of Insurance
Award Amount: $20,143,618; $16,895,723.
Award Date: August 12, 2011; January 22, 2014.
Application Due Date: June 30, 2011; November 15, 2013.
Supplement Amount: $4,673,320 (January 15, 2014)

Level of Funding: Level One

Summary: Mississippi will continue its planning for the establishment of a state-operated health benefit Exchange. Mississippi will: conduct an extensive public education and outreach program to inform consumers about access the health insurance through the exchange; continue to coordinate with Medicaid, CHIP and other appropriate programs regarding eligibility determination and other Exchange activities; and provide assistance to individuals and small businesses.

The Mississippi Insurance Department’s (MID) second Level One Establishment Grant will further its development of a Small Employer Health Options Program (SHOP) Marketplace, “One Mississippi™.”  Federal funds will support One Mississippi’s™ SHOP eligibility and enrollment portal for Mississippi’s small employers and their employees’ health insurance options for qualified health plans.

Administrative Supplement Award Amount: $4,673,320 (January 15, 2014)

Summary: Mississippi will use the additional supplemental funds to complete the approved activities related to the development of the Mississippi SHOP-Only Marketplace. Along with the implementation of a Small Business Health Options Program for small businesses in Mississippi, the state will also use the funds to continue approved grant activities focused on consumer education by providing state citizens with information and materials regarding the ACA reforms.

State Planning Grant

Awarded September 30, 2010

Administrator: Mississippi Insurance Department

Amount Awarded: $1,000,000

  • Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the health insurance market in Mississippi, including research to determine the number of uninsured in the State, those potentially eligible for the Exchange, those eligible for Medicaid, or those with employer coverage but not currently enrolled.
  • Utilize the Mississippi Health Insurance Exchange Study Committee as key stakeholders for involvement in the planning for the design and implementation of an Exchange. Additional stakeholders will be identified and asked to participate in the Committee.
  • Determine how the Exchange can work with existing State and Federal programs in order to coordinate eligibility and enrollment with Medicaid, CHIP and other programs.
  • Determine governance, implementation, and operation requirements in order to decide whether to create an Exchange at the State, regional, or federal level.
  • Identify funding requirements and determine resources to operate the Exchange, including fees that will be required, subsidies and tax credits that could be applied, and an accounting system for financial management and reporting.
  • Assess the current technical infrastructure available and determine the required resources needed to develop a web portal and/or call center to meet the increased need for consumer education and participation.
  • Determine the need for additional legislation and/or State regulations.

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09/10/2024 06:11 PM