HIPAA 5010 COB Claims

HIPAA 5010 COB Claims

Since July 1, 2012, the CMS has been in full production with all Coordination of Benefits Agreement (COBA) trading partners in the ANSI ASC X12 837 version 5010A2 837 institutional claim format and the 837 version 5010A1 837 professional claim format.

COBA trading partners that have questions concerning the elements that will appear in outbound HIPAA 837 version 5010A1 and 5010A2 crossover claim formats should consult the COBA Companion Guide provided in the Downloads section below.

National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) Batch Version D.0

Since July 1, 2012, CMS has been in full production with all COBA trading partners on the NCPDP Version D.0 Batch Standard 1.2 claims format.  COBA trading partners having questions regarding the elements that will appear in the outbound NCPDP Version D.0 Batch 1.2 crossover claim format should consult the NCPDP Batch Version D.0 for COB Claims Companion Guide provided in the Downloads section below.

Page Last Modified:
09/25/2024 03:28 PM