Award Fee Average MAC Earned Overall

Award Fee Average MAC Earned Overall

What is Measured?

The Award Fee (AF) Program’s purpose is to measure and reward exceptional performance above what is outlined in the Statement of Work including, but not limited to: Provider Customer Service, Appeals, System Security, Medical Review, Debt Management, and Audit and Reopening Quality.

Performance Data 

Fiscal Year Average Percentage of Award Fee Earned Low Median High
2017 74% 0% 77% 100%
2018 78% 43% 79% 95%
2019 71% 54% 69% 85%


Average MAC AF Earned

*All of this data represents a combination of Part A, Part B, and DME MAC data and all contracts are weighted equally.

Trends and Observations

An overall negative trend can be observed from Fiscal Year 2017 – 2019.  Specifically, there has been an overall decrease of three percentage points (4 percent increase) since 2017.  During this time there was a steady increase in the lowest score earned.   CMS conducts regular analysis, addressing requirement conformance issues as warranted and annually calibrating the award fee performance metrics.

Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:06 PM