State Profiles

State Profiles

Overview & Data Sources

Promising practices implemented at State Survey Agencies (SAs) across the nation are featured in the series of issue briefs posted here.  A uniform set of statistical and other information about each featured agency and its home state can be accessed in the state profiles in this section.

The state profiles are intended to give an understanding of the environment the featured SAs are functioning in, including factors that may influence or help shape how the SAs implement certain practices.

Data presented in the state profiles come from multiple sources.  Agency staff provided the information noted below, unless otherwise noted on the state's profile.  The information was obtained from agency management staff in 2005 or 2006, and may change over time.

  • Number of Nursing Homes, Home Health Agencies, Hospitals, ICF/MR Facilities, Assisted Living Facilities, and Hospices
  • Number of Nursing Home Survey Staff, Home Health Survey Staff, Hospital Survey Staff, ICF/MR Survey Staff, Hospice Survey Staff, Administrative Support Staff, and Managers
  • Surveyors Unionized

The sources for other data in the state profiles are listed in the Related Links Outside CMS section below. 

See the zip file listed in the Downloads section below for a profile on the states included in the Promising Practices issue briefs.

Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:04 PM