


Two IRIS software programs are available for teaching hospital and provider community use.

They are IRISV3 and IRISEDV3.

These programs are used by teaching hospitals and provider community for collecting and reporting information on resident training in hospital and non-hospital settings.

The use of this software is limited to “non-commercial” applications; these applications may not be used for purposes of sales, product line, endorsement or profit.  Users may copy and distribute them as long as they are not sold or modified in any way for profit.

CMS Disclaimer

While CMS makes every effort to maintain the integrity of this software, CMS cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of data used by teaching hospitals and provider community for representing the output of this software.

Description of IRISV3 Program

(Version 3.1 Issued June 3, 1999 With February 2014 Updates to Medical School and Residency Type Code Files)

This data entry/import program is used by providers to create an IRIS diskette/CD with two files (master and assignment) in dBASE file format.  Providers have a choice of keying in resident data or importing master and assignment files that were created outside of the IRISV3 program or were previously created by IRISV3.  An IRIS diskette/CD is created for each provider cost reporting period, and a copy of the IRIS diskette/CD that has passed all edits in the IRISEDV3 program is mailed to the provider's servicing Part A Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) at the same time the provider's Medicare cost report is due.

Description of IRISEDV3 Program

(Version 1.1 Issued October 2003 With February 2014 Updates to Medical School and Residency Type Code Files)

This edit only program is used by providers and their servicing MACs to ensure that files on IRIS diskettes/CDs (those produced by IRISV3 or those created with outside software) pass all IRIS system edits.  Errors that are revealed by IRISEDV3 for inaccurate or incomplete resident data cannot be corrected in IRISEDV3. Providers have the sole responsibility for correcting these errors in the IRIS diskette/CD files, and these errors must be corrected outside of the IRISEDV3 program.

Providers are to run this program again on these corrected files to ensure that their IRIS diskettes/CDs pass all IRIS system edits.  MACs likewise may use IRISEDV3 or their cost report vendor’s edit only program on their copies of IRIS diskettes/CDs from providers to also ensure that these diskettes/CDs pass all IRIS system edits.

Instructions for Downloading the IRIS Software Files

This section contains three numbered paragraphs.  The first paragraph concerns providers with installed IRISV3 programs.  The second paragraph concerns providers with installed IRISEDV3 programs.  The third paragraph concerns providers that do not have installed IRIS programs on their personal computer (PC), or have IRIS programs that need replacement.

1. If you installed the IRISV3 program in one or more folders on your PC, you may download a portion of the IRISV3 program with updated files only into these folders.  Click on the IRISV3 update program file installation link for Download IRISV3 Update (Ver. 3.1) Now.  These files will not affect existing data in the master and assignment files.  In addition, you may download a file copy of the updated IRISV3 Operating Instructions (February 2014) on your PC by clicking on the file installation link for Download Updated IRISV3 Operating Instructions Now, and a file copy of the updated IRISV3 program and operating instructions (February 2014) by clicking on the file installation link for Download Read Me IRISV3 Now.

2. Likewise, if you installed the IRISEDV3 program in a folder on your PC, you may download a portion of the IRISEDV3 program with updated files only.  Click on the IRISEDV3 update program file installation link for Download IRISEDV3 Update (Ver. 3.1) Now.  These files will not affect existing data in the master and assignment files.  In addition, you may download a file copy of the updated Excerpts from IRISV3 Operating Instructions (February 2014) on your PC by clicking on the file installation link for Download Updated Excerpts from IRISV3 Operating Instructions Now, and a file copy of the updated IRISEDV3 program and operating instructions (February 2014) by clicking on the file installation link for Download Read Me IRISEDV3 Now.

3. Otherwise, click on the applicable Read Me file* (Download Read Me IRISV3 or Download Read Me IRISEDV3) for downloading IRIS program file installation and operating instructions before clicking on the IRIS program file installation link for Download IRISV3 (Ver. 3.1) Now or Download IRISEDV3 (Ver. 1.1) Now.

*- The Read Me files on this web page are available only in Adobe Acrobat - Portable Document Format . To view PDF files, you must have the Adobe Acrobat X or Reader X (Version 10 or later version) installed on your PC.  If you do not have it on your PC, please go to Adobe's Reader website for downloading the Reader now.


Download IRISV3 Update (Ver. 3.1) Now (ZIP)

This zipped file contains two files of updated medical school codes, two files of updated residency type codes, and one file of the updated IRISV3 Operating Instructions (February 2014).  Copy the five files into each established folder with the IRISV3 program.  Be sure to replace existing files with these new files.

(File Name: irv3wfup.zip; File Type: zip; File Size: 531 KB)

Download Updated IRISV3 Operating Instructions Now (PDF)

This file contains a copy of the updated IRISV3 Operating Instructions (February 2014).

(File Name: irv3dfuc.pdf; File Type: pdf; File Size: 563 KB)

Download IRISEDV3 Update (Ver. 3.1) Now (ZIP)

This zipped file contains two files of updated medical school codes, two files of updated residency type codes, and one file of the updated Excerpts from IRISV3 Operating Instructions (February 2014).  Copy the five files into the established folder with the IRISEDV3 program.  Be sure to replace existing files with these new files.

(File Name: edv3wfup.zip; File Type: zip; File Size: 314 KB)

Download Updated Excerpts from IRISV3 Operating Instructions Now (PDF)

This file contains a copy of the updated Excerpts from IRISV3 Operating Instructions (February 2014).

(File Name: iredv3s7.pdf; File Type: pdf; File Size: 327 KB)

Download Read Me IRISV3 Now (PDF)

This file contains IRISV3 program installation and operating instructions.  Read these instructions first before downloading the IRISV3 program.

(File Name: rfudirv3.pdf; File Type: pdf; File Size: 87 KB)

Download IRISV3 (Ver. 3.1) Now (ZIP)

IRISV3 is a data entry/import program used by teaching hospitals for capturing resident data. It creates an IRIS diskette/CD with two output files (master and assignment).

(File Name: irv3wfud.zip; File Type: zip; File Size: 1.79 MB)

Download Read Me IRISEDV3 Now (PDF)

This file contains IRISEDV3 program installation and operating instructions.  Read these instructions first before downloading the IRISEDV3 program.

(File Name: rfudedv3.pdf; File Type: pdf; File Size: 124 KB)

Download IRISEDV3 (Ver. 1.1) Now (ZIP)

IRISEDV3 is a data edit program used by teaching hospitals and MACs.  It edits the files on IRIS diskettes/CDs for incomplete or inaccurate data.

(File Name: edv3wfud.zip; File Type: zip; File Size: 1.51 MB)

Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:08 PM