2005 Part B Carrier Summary Data File

2005 Part B Carrier Summary Data File

Year                                                                2005

NOTE: Data files beginning with calendar year 2005 are now available as downloads. The download format is CSV (Comma Separated Values): A data format in which each piece of data is separated by a comma. This is a popular format for transferring data from one application to another, because most database and spreadsheet systems are able to import and export comma-delimited data. CSV files can be opened by the majority of spreadsheet and database programs available. If opened in Excel, column widths will have to be adjusted. 

Please be advised that these files contain material that is copyrighted by the American Medical Association. Before you download the files you must read, agree to, and abide by the provisions of the copyright statement via the "AMA Click Agreement".

Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:08 PM