MAC Community

MAC Community

Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) access PS&R data pertaining to their providers via a secure internet connection. MACs have two categories of users: Administrator and End-User.

Administrators have the ability to access both Summary and Detail Report data pertaining to the providers associated to their MAC using PS&R screens.  Administrators also have the ability to approve Detail Report requests from End-Users (Provider and MAC).

End-Users have the ability to access Summary Report data pertaining to the providers associated to their MAC using PS&R screens.  End-Users may request Detail Report data but it must first be approved by their Administrator before it will reach their in-box.


Prior to accessing PS&R, each user must first have an ID and password for CMS' Enterprise Identity Management system (EIDM). Additional information pertaining to EIDM is located on the Overview page.


Any questions pertaining to EIDM should be directed to the EUS Help Desk, also known as External User Services, at 1-866-484-8049 or  Any provider questions pertaining to the PS&R and the data contained within each report should be directed to their MAC.

Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:06 PM