Thank You for Attending The 2014 Contracting with CMS Conference

Thank You for Attending The 2014 Contracting with CMS Conference

The CMS Office of Acquisitions and Grants Management

FY 2014 Contracting with CMS Conference was a Success! – January 31, 2014

We would like to take this time to thank you for your participation, suggestions, and lively discussions during the conference. We would like to give a special thank you to our panel and booth participants.

Small and large business contractors were invited to participate in the 2014 CMS Contracting Conference.

Participants were involved in the following activities:

• Met CMS staff and management and heard our plans and goals for 2014.
• Networked with CMS staff and other contractors.
• Engaged in breakout sessions on various contracting topics.
• Left with details of our Acquisition Plan for FY14.

For more conference information and to review the materials offered at the conference, see the Downloads section for a copy of the conference program booklet, the morning sessions presentations, and breakout sessions presentations.

See CMS Related Links section to see a video of all morning sessions speakers

Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:08 PM