Medicare Advantage Rates & Statistics

Medicare Advantage Rates & Statistics

Announcements & Documents:

  • Information on payment methodology
  • Advance notices and announcements
  • Studies

Ratebooks & Supporting Data:

  • Payment ratebooks
  • Rate calculation data
  • Fee-for-service actuarial equivalent cost sharing factors
  • Benchmarks
  • Risk adjustment
  • Prescription drug plan base beneficiary premium

Fee-For-Service Expenditure Data by County:

  • Tables for aged, disabled, and ESRD beneficiaries

Downloads (see below):

  • MOOP and cost sharing data
  • Out of network payments

Related Information (see bottom of page):

  • Health plans
  • Prescription drug coverage
  • Medicare Advantage Value-Based Insurance Design Model
  • Actuarial studies
Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:18 PM