STEP 5: SPARC Post Award

STEP 5: SPARC Post Award

After the task order award is made, debriefs are then provided to offerors that requests a debrief within the allowable timeframe. The requesting offeror is then provided information pertaining to the award decision is given to the offeror. The CO runs the debriefs. FAR section 15.506;

  • Offeror has a five day window after an award is made to request a debrief.
  • An offeror can file a protest with a stay of performance (stop work) within five days of the debrief.
  • An offeror can file a protest without a stay within 10 days after the debrief.
  • If there is a protest, OAGM and the Government Accountability Office (GAO) will provide instructions/guidance on how to resolve.


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Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:11 PM