Volunteer at the MII


Volunteer as an Instructor or Subject Matter Expert

The MII relies on volunteers to help with our courses and overall training mission. State Medicaid personnel may volunteer in a number of capacities including serving on a course work group, presenting lectures, serving on multi-state and federal-state panels, facilitating breakout sessions, delivering distance learning presentations, and developing classroom practical exercises/hypotheticals.

While the MII must seek approval from Program Integrity Directors to formally invite state Medicaid personnel to serve as an instructor, you may volunteer to help us expand our potential instructor pool of individuals who are willing to support our training mission.

If you are interested in helping, please let us know by emailing us at MIIResource@cms.hhs.gov. Please include your:

  • Full name
  • Job title
  • Email address
  • Work telephone number

Also include the topic area(s) in which you would be interested in teaching or sharing expertise and how you would like to contribute. (For example: "Managed Care: I have 5 years' experience, and I would be willing to instruct on encounter data and auditing MCO plans as well as serve on a course working group.")

As opportunities arise, the MII will attempt to match knowledge, skills, and experience with the variety of tasks needed to support our training mission.

Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:01 PM