Medicaid State Drug Utilization LDS

Medicaid State Drug Utilization LDS

Section 1927 of the Social Security Act requires each State Medicaid agency to report quarterly prescription drug utilization information to drug manufacturers and to CMS. The State Drug Utilization Limited Data Set contains the statutorily required fee-for-service and Managed Care prescription drug utilization data that State Medicaid agencies must report to drug manufacturers and to CMS on a quarterly basis. CMS will make the State Drug Utilization Data available on an annual basis after the 4th quarter data has been received and processed by CMS.  Generally this occurs in April of each year. Therefore, requesters should be able to obtain the previous calendar year’s State Drug Utilization Data by May of the following year (i.e., the 2021 State Drug Utilization Data will be available by May 2022). CMS will make updated data available on an annual basis (based on the schedule described above) and will maintain a rolling five years of State Drug Utilization Data available on this site.


For file cost and availability, please see the LDS Worksheet (ZIP).

To browse the record layout, see the Downloads section below.

Please follow the instructions on the DUA - Limited Data Sets page.

Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:13 PM